Command-Line Tool Reference agentadmin — manage OpenAM web policy agent installation Synopsis agentadmin {options} Description This command manages OpenAM policy agent installations. Options The following options are supported: --i Perform an interactive install of a new agent instance. Usage: agentadmin --i For more information, see: Installing Apache Web Policy Agents Installing IIS Web Policy Agents --s Perform a silent, non-interactive install of a new agent instance. Usage: agentadmin --s web-server-config-file openam-url agent-url realm agent-profile-name agent-profile-password [--changeOwner] [--acceptLicense] [--forceInstall] web-server-config-file When installing in Apache HTTP Server, enter the full path to the Apache HTTP server configuration file. The installer modifies this file to include the web policy agent configuration and module. When installing in Microsoft IIS, enter the ID number of the IIS site in which to install the web policy agent. To list the available sites in an IIS server and the relevant ID numbers, run agentadmin.exe --n. openam-url Enter the full URL of the OpenAM instance that the web policy agents will use. Ensure the deployment URI is specified. Example: agent-url Enter the full URL of the server on which the agent is running. Example: realm Enter the OpenAM realm containing the agent profile. agent-profile-name Enter the name of the agent profile in OpenAM. agent-profile-password Enter the full path to the agent profile password file. --changeOwner Use this option to change the ownership of the created directories to be the same user and group as specified in the Apache HTTP Server configuration, or the user that is running the selected IIS site. --acceptLicense When you run certain commands, you will be prompted to read and accept the software license agreement. You can suppress the license agreement prompt by including the optional --acceptLicence parameter. Specifying this options indicates that you have read and accepted the terms stated in the license. To view the license agreement, open /path/to/web_agents/agent_type/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. --forceInstall Add this option to proceed with a silent installation even if it cannot connect to the specified OpenAM server during installation, rather than exiting. For more information, see: Installing Apache Web Policy Agents Silently Installing IIS Web Policy Agents Silently --n List the sites available in an IIS server. Example: c:\web_agents\iis_agent\bin> agentadmin.exe --n IIS Server Site configuration: Number of Sites: 2 id: 1 name: "DEFAULT WEB SITE" id: 2 name: "CUSTOMERPORTAL" --l List existing configured agent instances. Usage: agentadmin --l Example: $ ./agentadmin --l OpenAM Web Agent configuration instances: id: agent_1 configuration: /opt/web_agents/apache24_agent/bin/../instances/agent_1 server/site: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf id: agent_2 configuration: /opt/web_agents/apache24_agent/bin/../instances/agent_2 server/site: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf id: agent_3 configuration: /opt/web_agents/apache24_agent/bin/../instances/agent_3 server/site: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf --r Remove an existing agent instance. Usage: agentadmin --r agent-instance agent-instance The ID of the web policy agent configuration instance to remove. Respond yes when prompted to confirm removal. For more information, see: Removing Apache Web Policy Agents Managing IIS Web Policy Agents --k Generate a new signing key. Usage: agentadmin --k Examples: UNIX: $ cd /web_agents/apache24_agent/bin/ $ ./agentadmin --k Encryption key value: YWM0OThlMTQtMzMxOS05Nw== Windows: C:\> cd web_agents\apache24_agent\bin C:\web_agents\apache24_agent\bin> agentadmin --k Encryption key value: YWM0OThlMTQtMzMxOS05Nw== For more information, see Encryption Properties. --p Use a generated encryption key to encrypt a new password. Usage: agentadmin --p encryption-key password encryption-key An encryption key, generated by the agentadmin --k command. password The password to encrypt. Examples: UNIX: $ ./agentadmin --p "YWM0OThlMTQtMzMxOS05Nw==" "newpassword" Encrypted password value: 07bJOSeM/G8ydO4= Windows: C:\web_agents\apache24_agent\bin> agentadmin --p "YWM0OThlMTQtMzMxOS05Nw==" "newpassword" Encrypted password value: 07bJOSeM/G8ydO4= For more information, see Encryption Properties. --v Display agentadmin build and version information. Troubleshooting User’s Guide