Configuring Cross-Domain Single Sign-On

This chapter shows you how to configure cross-domain single sign-on (CDSSO). When you have multiple domains in a single organization, CDSSO lets your OpenAM servers in one domain work with policy agents from other domains. Cross-domain single sign-on provides a safe mechanism for managing access across multiple, different domains that you control. CDSSO lets OpenAM authenticate users redirected by policy agents in other DNS domains.

CDSSO is an OpenAM-specific capability. For single sign-on across multiple organizations or when integrating with other access management software, use OpenAM’s federation capabilities. CDSSO requires stateful OpenAM sessions. Be sure that OpenAM is configured for stateful sessions—the default configuration—before attempting to use CDSSO.

Single sign-on depends on cookies to store session information. Yet for security reasons, browsers do not let a web site in one domain to get access to a cookie from another domain. With CDSSO, the policy agents work around this by negotiating with OpenAM to allow access.

The Java EE policy agent allows CDSSO by using a mechanism to write the SSO token from OpenAM authentication to a cookie with the domain the host where the agent runs. The following sequence diagram illustrates this mechanism.

cdsso jee sequence

Whereas the Java EE policy agent has an endpoint specifically to handle the cookie domain translation, the web policy agent handles the request directly as shown in the following sequence diagram.

cdsso web sequence

This chapter includes the following procedures:

The federation mechanism associated with SAML v2.0 can be used as an alternative to CDSSO for both Web and Java EE policy agents. While using SAML v2.0 adds complexity, it supports attribute mapping, which may be useful when the two domains are associated with data stores that use different attribute names. For details, see "Using Policy Agents With Standalone Mode".

To Enable CDSSO For a Java EE Policy Agent
  1. In the OpenAM console, browse to Realms > Realm Name > Agents > J2EE > Agent Name > SSO.

  2. Scroll down and enable Cross Domain SSO.

  3. Check that the CDSSO Redirect URI is set.

    Depending on where you deployed your Java EE agent application, the default is something like /agentapp/sunwCDSSORedirectURI.

  4. Set the list of URLs for CDSSO Servlet URL to the Cross Domain Controller Servlet URLs of the servers the agent accesses, such as

    If the agent accesses OpenAM through a load balancer, use the load balancer URLs, such as

  5. Leave the CDSSO Clock Skew set to 0.

    Make sure instead that the clocks on the servers where you run OpenAM and policy agents are synchronized.

  6. Set the list of URLs for CDSSO Trusted ID Provider to the Cross Domain Controller Servlet URLs of the OpenAM servers the agent accesses, such

    This list should include one CDC Servlet URL for every OpenAM server the agent might access. You do not need to include site or load balancer URLs.

  7. (Optional) To protect the SSO token from network snooping, you can select CDSSO Secure Enable to mark the SSO token cookie as secure.

    If you select this, then the SSO token cookie can only be sent over a secure connection (HTTPS).

  8. Add the domains involved in CDSSO in the CDSSO Domain List.

  9. If necessary, update the Agent Root URL for CDSSO list on the Global tab page.

    If the policy agent is on a server with virtual host names, add the virtual host URLs to the list.

    If the policy agent is behind a load balancer, add the load balancer URL to the list.

  10. Save your work.

To Enable CDSSO For a Web Policy Agent
  1. In the OpenAM console, browse to Realms > Realm Name > Agents > Web > Agent Name > SSO.

  2. Enable Cross Domain SSO.

  3. Set the list of URLs for CDSSO Servlet URL to the Cross Domain Controller Servlet URLs of the servers the agent accesses, such as

    If the agent accesses OpenAM through a load balancer, use the load balancer URLs, such as

  4. Add the domains involved in CDSSO in the Cookies Domain List.

  5. If necessary, update the Agent Root URL for CDSSO list on the Global tab page.

    If the policy agent is on a server with virtual host names, add the virtual host URLs to the list.

    If the policy agent is behind a load balancer, add the load balancer URL to the list.

  6. Save your work.

To Indicate Progress During CDSSO Login

The default self-submitting form page that OpenAM presents to users contains hidden fields, but is otherwise blank. If you want to show users that the operation is in progress, then customize the necessary JSP.

  1. Edit a copy of the file config/federation/default/cdclogin.jsp to add a clue that SSO is in progress, such as an image.

    You can find this file where you deployed OpenAM, such as /path/to/tomcat/webapps/openam/config/federation/default/cdclogin.jsp.

    When you add an image or other presentation element, make sure that you retain the form and JavaScript as is.

  2. Unpack OpenAM-15.1.3.war, and replace the file with your modified version.

    Also include any images you reference in the page.

  3. Pack up your custom version of OpenAM, and then deploy it in your web container.

To Access the CDSSO Authentication Login

When a client makes an access request to some protected resource in a cross domain single sign-on deployment, the policy agent redirects the client to the Cross Domain Controller Servlet (CDCServlet) URL. The CDCServlet determines that the client needs to be authenticated and proxies the request through to an authentication interface, which typically is at /UI/Login:

If your application requires access to a specific URL, you can use the loginURI parameter to do so.

  1. For example, you can access the previous authentication UI URL as follows:
  2. If you have another authentication UI deployed at /openam/customLoginURI, you can access this URL at:

    In this case, you must also add the custom login URI to the whitelist that is specified by using the org.forgerock.openam.cdc.validLoginURIs property.

    1. In the OpenAM console, navigate to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced.

    2. Set the value of the org.forgerock.openam.cdc.validLoginURIs property to /UI/Login,/customLoginURI.

    3. Save your work.

    For more information about this property, see "Advanced" in the Reference.