Installing OpenAM Tools OpenAM tools are found in .zip files where you unpacked the archive of the entire package, such as ~/Downloads/openam. A list and description of these files follows. Administration tools: ampassword, ssoadm, and amverifyarchive See "To Set Up Administration Tools". Configuration and upgrade tools, alternatives to using the GUI configuration wizard See "To Set Up Configuration Tools". To Set Up Administration Tools Verify that OpenAM is installed and running before proceeding. Verify that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set properly: $ echo $JAVA_HOME /path/to/jdk Create a file system directory to unpack the tools: $ mkdir -p /path/to/openam-tools/admin Unpack the tools: $ cd /path/to/openam-tools/admin $ unzip ~/Downloads/openam/SSOAdminTools-{openam-version}.zip Add --acceptLicense to the java command at the end of the setup or setup.bat script if you want to auto-accept the license agreement and suppress the license acceptance screen to the user: $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -D"load.config=yes" \ -D"help.print=$help_print" \ -D"path.AMConfig=$path_AMConfig" \ -D"path.debug=$path_debug" \ -D"path.log=$path_log" \ -cp "$CLASSPATH" \ --acceptLicense (Optional) If you use IBM Java, add -D"amCryptoDescriptor.provider=IBMJCE" and -D"amKeyGenDescriptor.provider=IBMJCE" options to the setup or setup.bat script before you install the tools. The options should be set for the java command at the end of the script: $ tail setup CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH:resources" $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -D"load.config=yes" \ -D"help.print=$help_print" \ -D"path.AMConfig=$path_AMConfig" \ -D"path.debug=$path_debug" \ -D"path.log=$path_log" \ -D"amCryptoDescriptor.provider=IBMJCE" \ -D"amKeyGenDescriptor.provider=IBMJCE" \ -cp "$CLASSPATH" \ Run the setup utility (setup.bat on Windows), providing paths to the directories where OpenAM configuration files are located, and where debug and log information will be located: $ ./setup Path to config files of OpenAM server [/home/user/openam]: Debug Directory [/path/to/openam-tools/admin/debug]: Log Directory [/path/to/openam-tools/admin/log]: The scripts are properly setup under directory: /path/to/openam-tools/admin/openam Debug directory is /path/to/openam-tools/admin/debug. Log directory is /path/to/openam-tools/admin/log. The version of this is: version and date The version of your server instance is: OpenAM version and date After setup, the tools are located under a directory named after the instance of OpenAM: $ ls openam/bin/ ampassword amverifyarchive ssoadm On Windows, these files are .bat scripts. (Optional) If your web container uses a self-signed certificate as described in "To Set Up OpenAM With HTTPS and Self-Signed Certificates" in the Administration Guide, then the ssoadm command will not trust the certificate when connecting to OpenAM over HTTPS, or when OpenAM connects to the configuration store over LDAPS. To allow the ssoadm command to trust the certificate, add the -D"" option to the ssoadm or ssoadm.bat script before using the script. The option should be set before the call to com.sun.identity.cli.CommandManager at the end of the script: $ tail -2 /path/to/openam-tools/admin/openam/bin/ssoadm -D"" \ com.sun.identity.cli.CommandManager "$@" In non-production environments, you can configure the ssoadm command to trust all server certificates. For more information, see Q. How do I configure ssoadm to trust all certificates? in the ForgeRock Knowledge Base. (Optional) If you use IBM Java, add -D"amCryptoDescriptor.provider=IBMJCE" and -D"amKeyGenDescriptor.provider=IBMJCE" options to the ssoadm or ssoadm.bat script before using the script. The options should be set before the call to com.sun.identity.cli.CommandManager at the end of the script: $ tail -3 /path/to/openam-tools/admin/openam/bin/ssoadm -D"amCryptoDescriptor.provider=IBMJCE" \ -D"amKeyGenDescriptor.provider=IBMJCE" \ com.sun.identity.cli.CommandManager "$@" Check that the ssoadm command works properly: Create a text file, for example $HOME/.pwd.txt, containing the OpenAM administrative user’s password string in cleartext on a single line. Make the text file read-only: $ chmod 400 $HOME/.pwd.txt Run the ssoadm command to list the configured servers: $ cd /path/to/openam-tools/admin/openam/bin/ $ ./ssoadm list-servers -u amadmin -f $HOME/.pwd.txt If desired, enable the ssoadm.jsp page as described in "OpenAM ssoadm.jsp" in the Administration Guide. You can run most (but not all) of the ssoadm subcommands from the ssoadm.jsp page in OpenAM after the page has been enabled. If you have deployed OpenAM in a site configuration, edit the ssoadm (ssoadm.bat on Windows) script to map the site URL to the OpenAM server URL. To do this, set the system property as a java command option in the script. The option takes the following form: -D"[, other-lb-url=openam-url ...]" The property maps each lb-url key to an openam-url value, where lb-url is the URL to a site load balancer, and openam-url is the URL to the OpenAM server against which you set up the ssoadm command. The ssoadm command is dependent on the OpenAM server against which you set it up, so always map site load balancer URLs to that server’s openam-url. For example, if your site is behind, and the OpenAM server against which you set up the ssoadm command is at, then add the following property to the java command (all on one line without spaces): -D"" Repeat this step for each OpenAM server in your site configuration. You can install all your instances of ssoadm on the same host, but in each case the command should manage only one OpenAM server. To Set Up Configuration Tools Verify the JAVA_HOME environment variable is properly set. $ echo $JAVA_HOME /path/to/jdk Create a file system directory to unpack the tools. $ mkdir -p /path/to/openam-tools/config Unpack the tools from where you unzipped OpenAM. $ cd /path/to/openam-tools/config $ unzip ~/Downloads/openam/ Archive: ~/Downloads/openam/ creating: legal-notices/ inflating: legal-notices/LICENSE.DOM-software.html inflating: legal-notices/NOTICE.resolver.txt inflating: legal-notices/LICENSE.DOM-documentation.html ... (more output) ... extracting: lib/xml-apis-2.11.0.jar extracting: openam-configurator-tool-15.1.3.jar extracting: lib/servlet-api-2.5.jar Configure OpenAM server in a silent mode by using the openam-configurator-tool-15.1.3.jar tool after you deploy the .war file. OpenAM server must be deployed and running, but not configured yet, when you use the tool. The openam-configurator-tool-15.1.3.jar relies on a properties file to specify the configuration for the OpenAM server. The following example shows the equivalent of a default configuration, which installs OpenAM to run as HTTP. If you want implement HTTPS, see the next step. $ cp sampleconfiguration $ vi $ $ grep -v "^#" | grep -v "^$" SERVER_URL= DEPLOYMENT_URI=/openam BASE_DIR=/home/openam/openam locale=en_US PLATFORM_LOCALE=en_US AM_ENC_KEY= ADMIN_PWD=password AMLDAPUSERPASSWD=secret12 ACCEPT_LICENSES=true DATA_STORE=embedded DIRECTORY_SSL=SIMPLE DIRECTORY_PORT=50389 DIRECTORY_ADMIN_PORT=4444 DIRECTORY_JMX_PORT=1689 ROOT_SUFFIX=dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org DS_DIRMGRDN=cn=Directory Manager DS_DIRMGRPASSWD=password When the OpenAM server .war file is deployed and running, you can configure it by using the tool with the properties file. $ java -jar openam-configurator-tool-{openam-version}.jar --file Checking license acceptance...License terms accepted. Checking configuration directory /home/openam/openam....Success. Installing OpenAM configuration store...Success RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1... Extracting OpenDJ, please wait...Complete Running OpenDJ setupSetup command: --cli --adminConnectorPort 4444 --baseDN dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org --rootUserDN cn=Directory Manager --ldapPort 50389 --skipPortCheck --rootUserPassword xxxxxxx --jmxPort 1689 --no-prompt --doNotStart --hostname ... ...Success Installing OpenAM configuration store in /home/openam/openam/... ...Success. Creating OpenAM suffixImport+task+ ... ...Success Tag swapping schema files....Success. Loading Schema opendj_config_schema.ldif...Success. ... ...Success. Reinitializing system properties....Done Registering service dashboardService.xml...Success. ... Configuring system....Done Configuring server instance....Done Creating demo user....Done Creating Web Service Security Agents....Done Setting up monitoring authentication file. Configuration complete! To configure HTTPS, you create a properties file and include the SERVER_URL property with the HTTPS URL and set the DIRECTORY_SSL to SIMPLE as follows: $ cp sampleconfiguration $ vi $ $ grep -v "^#" | grep -v "^$" SERVER_URL= DEPLOYMENT_URI=/openam BASE_DIR=/home/openam/openam locale=en_US PLATFORM_LOCALE=en_US AM_ENC_KEY= ADMIN_PWD=password AMLDAPUSERPASSWD=secret12 ACCEPT_LICENSES=true DATA_STORE=embedded DIRECTORY_SSL=SIMPLE DIRECTORY_PORT=50389 DIRECTORY_ADMIN_PORT=4444 DIRECTORY_JMX_PORT=1689 ROOT_SUFFIX=dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org DS_DIRMGRDN=cn=Directory Manager DS_DIRMGRPASSWD=password Then, when the OpenAM .war file is deployed and the server is running, configure the server to use HTTPS using the openam-configurator-tool-15.1.3.jar tool with the properties file as follows. java '' \ -jar openam-configurator-tool-15.1.3.jar \ --file For additional information about the command-line tool, see the reference documentation for configurator.jar(1) in the Reference. Installing OpenAM Core Services Installation Considerations for Multiple Servers