Managing Scripts

This chapter shows you how to manage scripts used for client-side and server-side scripted authentication, custom policy conditions, and handling OpenID Connect claims using the OpenAM console and the ssoadm command.

For information on managing scripts by using the OpenAM REST API, see "RESTful Script Management" in the Developer’s Guide. For information on configuring Scripting Service settings, see "Scripting" in the Reference.

Managing Scripts With the OpenAM Console

The following procedures describe how to create, modify, and delete scripts using the OpenAM console:

To Create Scripts by Using the OpenAM Console
  1. Log in to the console as an OpenAM administrator, for example, amadmin.

  2. Navigate to Realms > Realm Name > Scripts.

  3. Click New Script.

    The New Script page appears:

    new script
  4. Specify a name for the script.

  5. Select the type of script from the Script Type drop-down list.

  6. Click Create.

    The Script Name page appears:

    script editor
  7. Enter values on the Script Name page as follows:

    1. Enter a description of the script.

    2. Choose the script language, either JavaScript or Groovy. Note that not every script type supports both languages.

    3. Enter the source code in the Script field.

      On supported browsers, you can click Upload, navigate to the script file, and then click Open to upload the contents to the Script field.

    4. Click Validate to check for compilation errors in the script.

      Correct any compilation errors, and revalidate the script until all errors have been fixed.

    5. Save your changes.

To Modify Scripts by Using the OpenAM Console
  1. Log in to the console as an OpenAM administrator, for example, amadmin.

  2. Navigate to Realms > Realm Name > Scripts.

  3. Select the script you want to modify from the list of scripts.

    The Script Name page appears.

  4. Modify values on the Script Name page as needed. Note that if you change the Script Type, existing code in the script is replaced.

  5. If you modified the code in the script, click Validate to check for compilation errors.

    Correct any compilation errors, and revalidate the script until all errors have been fixed.

  6. Save your changes.

To Delete Scripts by Using the OpenAM Console
  1. Log in to the console as an OpenAM administrator, for example, amadmin.

  2. Navigate to Realms > Realm Name > Scripts.

  3. Choose one or more scripts to delete by activating the checkboxes in the relevant rows. Note that you can only delete user-created scripts—you cannot delete the global sample scripts provided with OpenAM.

  4. Click Delete.

Managing Scripts With the ssoadm Command

Use the ssoadm command’s create-sub-cfg, get-sub-cfg, and delete-sub-cfg subcommands to manage OpenAM scripts.

Create an OpenAM script as follows:

  1. Create a script configuration file as follows:

  2. Run the ssoadm create-sub-cfg command. The --datafile argument references the script configuration file you created in the previous step:

    $ ssoadm \
    create-sub-cfg \
    --realm /myRealm \
    --adminid amadmin \
    --password-file /tmp/pwd.txt \
    --servicename ScriptingService \
    --subconfigname scriptConfigurations/scriptConfiguration \
    --subconfigid myScript \
    --datafile /path/to/myScriptConfigurationFile
    Sub Configuration scriptConfigurations/scriptConfiguration was added to realm /myRealm

To list the properties of a script, run the ssoadm get-sub-cfg command:

$ ssoadm \
get-sub-cfg \
--realm /myRealm \
--adminid amadmin \
--password-file /tmp/pwd.txt \
--servicename ScriptingService \
--subconfigname scriptConfigurations/myScript
script=...Script output follows...

To delete a script, run the ssoadm delete-sub-cfg command:

$ ssoadm \
delete-sub-cfg \
--realm /myRealm \
--adminid amadmin \
--password-file /tmp/pwd.txt \
--servicename ScriptingService \
--subconfigname scriptConfigurations/myScript
Sub Configuration scriptConfigurations/myScript was deleted from realm /myRealm