Log Files and Messages This chapter gives information about the different log files and messages for OpenAM’s classic Logging Service, which is based on the Java SDK. OpenAM 13.0.0 introduces a new Audit Logging Service, which is an audit logging framework common across all Open Identity Platform products. Both logging services are available in OpenAM 15.1.3, but the classic Logging Service will be deprecated in a future release. Log Files This section describes the different OpenAM log files. Audit Log Files This chapter describes OpenAM audit log files: Audit logs record information about OpenAM events. You can adjust the amount of detail in the administrative logs under Configuration > System > Logging. amAuthentication.access Contains log data for when users log into and out of OpenAM, including failed authentications amAuthentication.error Contains log data about errors encountered when users login and out of OpenAM amConsole.access Contains data about actions run as the administrator in the console, including changes to realms and policies amConsole.error Contains data on errors encountered during administrator sessions amPasswordReset.access Contains data about password resets amPolicy.access Contains data about authorization actions permitted by policies, including policy creation, removal, or modification amPolicy.error Contains data on errors encountered during actions related to the policy amPolicyDelegation.access Contains data about actions as part of the policy delegation, including any changes to the delegation amRemotePolicy.access Contains data about policies accessed remotely amRest.access Contains data about access to REST endpoints amRest.authz Contains data about authorizations to access REST endpoints amSSO.access Contains data about user sessions, including times of access, session time outs, session creation, and session termination for stateful sessions; contains data about session creation and session termination for stateless sessions CoreToken.access Contains data about actions run against the core token CoreToken.error Contains data on errors encountered regarding the core token COT.access Contains data about the circle of trust COT.error Contains data on errors encountered for the circle of trust Entitlement.access Contains data about entitlement actions or changes IDFF.access Contains data about federation actions, including the creation of authentication domains or the hosted providers IDFF.error Contains data on errors encountered during federation actions Liberty.access Contains data about actions run for the federation Liberty schema Liberty.error Contains data on errors encountered for the federation Liberty schema OAuth2Provider.access Contains data about actions for the OAuth 2.0 provider OAuth2Provider.error Contains data about errors encountered by the OAuth 2.0 provider SAML2.access Contains data about SAML 2 actions, including changes to assertions, artifacts, response, and requests SAML2.error Contains data about errors encountered during SAML 2 actions SAML.access Contains data about SAML actions, including changes to assertions, artifacts, response, and requests SAML.error Contains data about errors encountered during SAML actions ssoadm.access Contains data about actions completed for SSO as admin WebServicesSecurity.access Contains data about activity for Web Services Security WebServicesSecurity.error Contains data on errors encountered by Web Services Security WSFederation.access Contains data about activity for WS Federation, including changes and access information WSFederation.error Contains data on errors encountered during WS Federation Debug Log Files Debug log files provide information to help troubleshoot OpenAM problems. The number of messages that OpenAM logs to the debug log files varies depends on the debug logging level. The default debug logging level is Error. With other logging levels, such as Warning and Message, OpenAM logs many more debug log messages and creates many more debug log files than it does by default. When configured with the Message logging level, OpenAM can produce more than a hundred debug log files. Use the debug log file names to determine the type of troubleshooting information in each file. For example, the OpenAM command-line interface logs debug messages to the amCLI debug file. The OpenAM OAuth2 provider logs debug messages to the OAuth2Provider debug file. The OpenAM Naming Service logs messages to the amNaming debug file. For information about configuring the location and verbosity of debug log files, see the section on Debug Logging in the Administration Guide in the OpenAM Administration Guide. Log Messages This section describes OpenAM log messages. OpenAM logs the following COT messages. INVALID_COT_NAME ID: COT-1 Level: INFO Description: Invalid circle of trust name. Data: Realm or organization name, Circle of Trust Name Triggers: Accessing the circle of trust. Actions: Check the name and retry accessing the circle of trust. CONFIG_ERROR_MODIFY_COT_DESCRIPTOR ID: COT-2 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error modifying the circle of trust. Data: Error message, Name of the circle of trust, Realm or organization name Triggers: Modifying the circle of trust. Actions: Check COT debug , fmCOT, for more detailed error message. CONFIG_ERROR_GET_ALL_COT_DESCRIPTOR ID: COT-3 Level: INFO Description: Error retreiving all circle of trusts. Data: Error message, Realm or organization name Triggers: Getting all circle of trust. Actions: Check configuration; check debug for more detailed error message. NO_COT_NAME_CREATE_COT_DESCRIPTOR ID: COT-4 Level: INFO Description: Invalid name , error creating the circle of trust. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Creating the circle of trust. Actions: Check the name to create circle of trust descriptor. COT_EXISTS_CREATE_COT_DESCRIPTOR ID: COT-5 Level: INFO Description: Circle of Trust exists. Data: Name of the circle of trust, Realm or organization name Triggers: Creating the circle of trust. Actions: Create Circle of Trust with a unique name. INVALID_COT_TYPE ID: COT-6 Level: INFO Description: Circle of Trust Type is invalid Data: Realm or organization name, Circle of Trust Type Triggers: Creating the circle of trust. Actions: The values for Circle of Trust type are IDFF , SAML2. Create Circle of Trust using either of these values. CONFIG_ERROR_CREATE_COT_DESCRIPTOR ID: COT-7 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while creating circle of trust. Data: Error message, Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Create circle of trust. Actions: Check the fmCOT debug file for detailed errors. COT_DESCRIPTOR_CREATED ID: COT-8 Level: INFO Description: Circle of trust created. Data: Name of the circle of trust, Realm or organization name Triggers: Creating the circle of trust. NULL_COT_NAME_ADD_COT_DESCRIPTOR ID: COT-9 Level: INFO Description: Circle of Trust name is null, error adding to circle of trust. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Adding to the circle of trust. Actions: Check the name of the circle of trust. NULL_ENTITYID_ADD_COT_DESCRIPTOR ID: COT-10 Level: INFO Description: Entity Identifier is null , cannot add entity to circle of trust Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Adding to the circle of trust. Actions: Check the value of entity id. CONFIG_ERROR_ADD_COT_MEMBER ID: COT-11 Level: INFO Description: Error adding entity to the circle of trust. Data: Error message, Name of the circle of trust, Entity Id, Realm or organization name Triggers: Adding entity to circle of trust. Actions: Check COT debug for more detailed error message. NO_COT_NAME_REMOVE_COT_MEMBER ID: COT-12 Level: INFO Description: Null circle of trust name. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Removing member from the circle of trust. Actions: Check the name of the circle of trust. NULL_ENTITYID_REMOVE_COT_MEMBER ID: COT-13 Level: INFO Description: Null entity identifier. Data: Name of the circle of trust, Realm or organization name Triggers: Removing member from the circle of trust. Actions: Check the value of the entity identifier. CONFIG_ERROR_REMOVE_COT_MEMBER ID: COT-14 Level: INFO Description: Error while removing entity from the circle of trust. Data: Error message, Name of the circle of trust, Entity Id, Realm or organization name Triggers: Removing entity identifier from the circle of trust. Actions: Check COT debug for more detailed error message. NULL_COT_NAME_LIST_COT ID: COT-15 Level: INFO Description: Null circle of trust name. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Listing entities in Circle of Trust Actions: Check the name of the circle of trust. CONFIG_ERROR_LIST_COT_MEMBER ID: COT-16 Level: INFO Description: Error listing providers in the circle of trust. Data: Error message, Name of the circle of trust, Realm or organization name Triggers: Listing providers in the circle of trust. Actions: Check COT debug for more detailed error message. CONFIG_ERROR_DELETE_COT_DESCRIPTOR ID: COT-17 Level: INFO Description: Error while deleting the circle of trust. Data: Error message, Name of the circle of trust, Realm or organization name Triggers: Deleting the circle of trust. Actions: Check COT debug for more detailed error message. INVALID_NAME_ERROR_DELETE_COT_DESCRIPTOR ID: COT-18 Level: INFO Description: Invalid name, cannot delete circle of trust. Data: Circle of Trust Name, Realm or organization name Triggers: Deleting the circle of trust. Actions: Check the circle of trust name and retry deletion. HAS_ENTITIES_DELETE_COT_DESCRIPTOR ID: COT-19 Level: INFO Description: Cannot delete circle of trust which has entities. Data: Circle of Trust Name, Realm or organization name Triggers: Deleting the circle of trust. Actions: Remove all entities from the circle of trust and retry deletion. INVALID_COT_TYPE_DELETE_COT_DESCRIPTOR ID: COT-20 Level: INFO Description: Invalid type cannot delete circle of trust. Data: Realm or organization name, Circle of Trust Name, Circle of Trust Type Triggers: Deleting the circle of trust. Actions: Specify correct Circle of Trust type and retry delete. COT_DESCRIPTOR_DELETED ID: COT-21 Level: INFO Description: Circle of trust deleted. Data: Name of the circle of trust, Realm or organization name Triggers: Deleting the circle of trust. COT_FROM_CACHE ID: COT-22 Level: FINE Description: Retrieved the circle of trust from cache. Data: Name of the circle of trust, Realm or organization name Triggers: Retreived the circle of trust from cache. CONFIG_ERROR_GET_COT_DESCRIPTOR ID: COT-23 Level: INFO Description: Error while getting the circle of trust from data store. Data: Error message, Name of the circle of trust, Realm or organization name Triggers: Retreiving the circle of trust Actions: Check configuration; check debug for more detailed error message. CONFIG_ERROR_RETREIVE_COT ID: COT-24 Level: INFO Description: Error determining an entity is in a circle of trust. Data: Error message, Name of the circle of trust, ID of an entity, Realm or organization name Triggers: Determining an entity is in a circle of trust. Actions: Check debug for more detailed error message. COT_DESCRIPTOR_RETRIEVED ID: COT-25 Level: INFO Description: Retrieved the circle of trust descriptor. Data: Name of the circle of trust, Realm or organization name Triggers: Retrieving the circle of trust under a realm. OpenAM logs the following IDFF messages. WRITE_ACCOUNT_FED_INFO ID: IDFF-14 Level: INFO Description: Write Account Federation Info Data: user DN, federation info key, federation info value Triggers: Acccount Federation Info with key was added to user REMOVE_ACCOUNT_FED_INFO ID: IDFF-15 Level: INFO Description: Remove Account Federation Info Data: user DN, provider id, existing federation info key Triggers: Account federation info with key and provider ID was removed from user CREATE_ASSERTION ID: IDFF-16 Level: FINER Description: Create Assertion Data: assertion id or string Triggers: Assertion Created LOGOUT_REQUEST_PROCESSING_FAILED ID: IDFF-18 Level: INFO Description: Logout Request processing failed. Data: message Triggers: Logout Request processing failed TERMINATION_REQUEST_PROCESSING_FAILED ID: IDFF-19 Level: INFO Description: Termination request processing failed Data: message Triggers: Termination request processing failed FAILED_SOAP_URL_END_POINT_CREATION ID: IDFF-20 Level: INFO Description: Failed in creating SOAP URL End point. Data: soap end point url Triggers: Failed in creating SOAP URL End point MISMATCH_AUTH_TYPE_AND_PROTOCOL ID: IDFF-21 Level: INFO Description: Mismatched AuthType and the protocol (based on SOAPUrl). Data: protocol, authentication type Triggers: AuthType and the protocol (based on SOAPUrl) do not match. WRONG_AUTH_TYPE ID: IDFF-22 Level: INFO Description: Wrong Authentication type Data: authentication type Triggers: Wrong Authentication type SOAP_RECEIVER_URL ID: IDFF-23 Level: FINER Description: SAML SOAP Receiver URL Data: soap url Triggers: SAML SOAP Receiver URL INVALID_SOAP_RESPONSE ID: IDFF-24 Level: INFO Description: SOAP Response is Invalid Data: message Triggers: SOAP Response is Invalid. INVALID_ASSERTION ID: IDFF-25 Level: INFO Description: Assertion is invalid Data: message Triggers: This Assertion is invalid SINGLE_SIGNON_FAILED ID: IDFF-26 Level: INFO Description: Single SignOn Failed Data: message Triggers: Single SignOn Failed ACCESS_GRANTED_REDIRECT_TO ID: IDFF-27 Level: INFO Description: Redirect to URL after granting access. Data: redirect url Triggers: Redirecting to URL after granting access. MISSING_AUTHN_RESPONSE ID: IDFF-28 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Response is missing Data: message Triggers: Authentication Response not found ACCOUNT_FEDERATION_FAILED ID: IDFF-29 Level: INFO Description: Account Federation Failed Data: message Triggers: Account Federation Failed FAILED_SSO_TOKEN_GENERATION ID: IDFF-30 Level: INFO Description: SSOToken Generation Failed Data: message Triggers: Failed to generate SSOToken INVALID_AUTHN_RESPONSE ID: IDFF-31 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Response is invalid Data: invalid authentication response Triggers: Authentication Response is invalid AUTHN_REQUEST_PROCESSING_FAILED ID: IDFF-32 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Request processing failed Data: message Triggers: Authentication Request processing failed. SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_FAILED ID: IDFF-33 Level: INFO Description: Signature Verification Failed. Data: message Triggers: Signature Verification Failed. CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE ID: IDFF-34 Level: INFO Description: Created SAML Response Data: sending saml response to remote server’s IP address, saml response or response ID and InResponseTo ID Triggers: Created SAML Response REDIRECT_TO ID: IDFF-35 Level: FINER Description: Redirect URL Data: redirect url Triggers: Redirect to : COMMON_DOMAIN_META_DATA_NOT_FOUND ID: IDFF-36 Level: INFO Description: Common Domain Service Information not found Data: message Triggers: Common Domain Service Information not found. PROVIDER_NOT_TRUSTED ID: IDFF-37 Level: INFO Description: Provider is not trusted Data: provider id Triggers: Provider is not trusted. INVALID_AUTHN_REQUEST ID: IDFF-38 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Request is invalid Data: message Triggers: Authentication Request is invalid USER_ACCOUNT_FEDERATION_INFO_NOT_FOUND ID: IDFF-39 Level: INFO Description: Account Federation Information not found for user Data: user name Triggers: Account Federation Information not found for user : USER_NOT_FOUND ID: IDFF-40 Level: INFO Description: User not found. Data: user name Triggers: User not found. LOGOUT_PROFILE_NOT_SUPPORTED ID: IDFF-41 Level: INFO Description: Logout profile not supported. Data: logout profile Triggers: Logout profile not supported. Actions: Verify metadata is correct. LOGOUT_SUCCESS ID: IDFF-42 Level: INFO Description: Logout is successful. Data: user name Triggers: Logout is successful. LOGOUT_REDIRECT_FAILED ID: IDFF-43 Level: INFO Description: Logout failed to redirect due to incorrect URL. Data: message Triggers: Logout failed to redirect due to incorrect URL. LOGOUT_FAILED_REQUEST_IMPROPER ID: IDFF-44 Level: INFO Description: Logout request not formed properly. Data: user name Triggers: Logout request not formed properly. LOGOUT_FAILED_INVALID_HANDLER ID: IDFF-45 Level: INFO Description: Failed to get Pre/Logout handler. Data: logout url Triggers: Failed to get Pre/Logout handler. LOGOUT_FAILED ID: IDFF-46 Level: INFO Description: Single logout failed. Data: user name Triggers: Single logout failed. REGISTRATION_FAILED_SP_NAME_IDENTIFIER ID: IDFF-47 Level: INFO Description: Failed to create SPProvidedNameIdentifier. Data: message Triggers: Failed to create SPProvidedNameIdentifier. INVALID_SIGNATURE ID: IDFF-48 Level: INFO Description: Invalid Signature. Data: message Triggers: Invalid Signature. TERMINATION_FAILED ID: IDFF-49 Level: INFO Description: Federation Termination failed. Data: user name Triggers: Federation Termination failed. Cannot update account. TERMINATION_SUCCESS ID: IDFF-50 Level: INFO Description: Federation Termination succeeded. Data: userDN Triggers: Federation Termination succeeded. User account updated. INVALID_RESPONSE ID: IDFF-51 Level: INFO Description: Response is Invalid Data: saml response Triggers: SAML Response is Invalid. INVALID_PROVIDER ID: IDFF-52 Level: INFO Description: Invalid Provider Registration. Data: provider id, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: Invalid Provider. ERROR_GET_IDFF_META_INSTANCE ID: IDFF-61 Level: INFO Description: Error getting Configuration instance. Data: message Triggers: Trying to initialize IDFF Metadata configuration. Actions: Check if the Data Repository has the IDFFMetaData Service. If it is not present then it wil need to be loading using the FM Administration command. Check the Administration Guide on how to load services. NULL_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: IDFF-62 Level: INFO Description: EntityDescriptor is null. Data: message Triggers: Trying to create EntityDescriptor. Actions: Pass a valid non-null EntityDescriptorElement object to the IDFFMetaManager:createEntityDescriptor method. NULL_ENTITY_ID ID: IDFF-63 Level: INFO Description: Entity Identifier in the EntityDescriptor is null. Data: message Triggers: Trying to create, modify, retrieve or delete EntityDescriptor or extended Entity Config. Actions: The EntityDescriptor Element passed should have the Entity Identifier , this is the "providerID" attribute in the IDFF MetaData schema. CREATE_ENTITY_SUCCEEDED ID: IDFF-64 Level: INFO Description: Creating of Entity Descriptor succeeded. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: EntityDescriptor is stored in the data repository. CREATE_ENTITY_FAILED ID: IDFF-65 Level: INFO Description: Storing of IDFF Meta Data in the repository failed. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: Trying to create EntityDescriptor. Actions: Check the IDFF Meta Data Debug "libIDFFMeta" for specific errors. Check if the data repository exists and is accessible. Check if the IDFF Meta Data Service exists in the data repository. UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION ID: IDFF-66 Level: INFO Description: Unsupported operation. Data: message Triggers: Trying to create, modify or delete EntityDescriptor or extended EntityConfig. Actions: Check the System Configuration Implementation to find out how IDFF Meta Data can be stored in the repository. INVALID_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: IDFF-67 Level: INFO Description: The EntityDescriptor object is not valid. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: Trying to retrieve or modify EntityDescriptor. Actions: Check the EntityDescriptor Element is valid and follows the IDFF Standard Meta Data Schema Description. GET_ENTITY_FAILED ID: IDFF-68 Level: INFO Description: Retrieval of Entity Configuration failed. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: EntityDescriptor is retrieved. Actions: Check if the entity identifier is correct. GET_ENTITY_SUCCEEDED ID: IDFF-69 Level: INFO Description: Retrieval of Entity Descriptor succeeded. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: Entity Configuration is returned to the requester. SET_ENTITY_FAILED ID: IDFF-70 Level: INFO Description: Storing of Entity Configuration failed. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: Trying to modify IDFF Standard Meta data. Actions: Check if the entity identifier is correct.; Check if the data repository exists and is accessible. SET_ENTITY_SUCCEEDED ID: IDFF-71 Level: INFO Description: Modifying Entity Descriptor succeeded. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: Entity Descriptor is modified in the data repository. DELETE_ENTITY_SUCCEEDED ID: IDFF-72 Level: INFO Description: Deleting of IDFF Standard Meta Data succeeded. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: IDFF Standard Meta data for the entity is deleted in the data repository. DELETE_ENTITY_FAILED ID: IDFF-73 Level: INFO Description: Deleting of Standard Metadata for entity identifier failed. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: Trying to delete IDFF Standard Meta data for the entity. Actions: Check if the entity identifier is correct.; Check if the data repository exists and is accessible NULL_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: IDFF-74 Level: INFO Description: Extended Entity Configuration is null. Data: message Triggers: Trying to create IDFF extended Meta data. Actions: Check the validity of the extended entity configuration. ENTITY_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND ID: IDFF-75 Level: INFO Description: Entity Configuration could not be found. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: Trying to create IDFF extended Meta data. Actions: Check the validity of the entity configuration. ENTITY_CONFIG_EXISTS ID: IDFF-76 Level: INFO Description: Creation of Extended Entity Configuration failed since it already exists. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: Trying to create IDFF extended Meta data. Actions: Cannot create entity configuration if it already exists. If new attributes are to be set in the extended entity configuration then use the setConfiguration method or delete the existing entity configuration and then try create again. GET_ENTITY_CONFIG_FAILED ID: IDFF-77 Level: INFO Description: Failed to get entity configuration. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: Trying to retrieve IDFF extended Meta data. Actions: Check the IDFF Meta Data Debug "libIDFFMeta" for specific errors. GET_ENTITY_CONFIG_SUCCEEDED ID: IDFF-78 Level: INFO Description: Retrieval of Entity Configuration succeeded. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: Entity Configuration is retrieved from the data repository SET_ENTITY_CONFIG_SUCCEEDED ID: IDFF-79 Level: INFO Description: Extended Entity Configuration was modified. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: Extended Entity Configuration is modified in the data repository SET_ENTITY_CONFIG_FAILED ID: IDFF-80 Level: INFO Description: Failed to modify Extended Entity Configuration. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: Extended Entity Configuration is modified in the data repository Actions: Check the IDFF Meta Data Debug "libIDFFMeta" for specific errors. CREATE_ENTITY_CONFIG_SUCCEEDED ID: IDFF-81 Level: INFO Description: Extended Entity Configuration was created. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: Extended Entity Configuration is stored in the data repository CREATE_ENTITY_CONFIG_FAILED ID: IDFF-82 Level: INFO Description: Storing of IDFF Extended Configuration in the repository failed. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: Trying to create Extended Entity Configuration. Actions: Check the IDFF Meta Data Debug "libIDFFMeta" for specific errors.; Check if the data repository exists and is accessible.; Check if the IDFF Meta Data Service exists in the data repository. INVALID_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: IDFF-83 Level: INFO Description: The Extended Entity Configuration is invalid. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: Trying to create, modify or retrieve Extended Entity Configuration. Actions: Check the Extended Entity Configuration is valid and retry creating the entity config. GET_ALL_ENTITIES_SUCCEEDED ID: IDFF-84 Level: INFO Description: Retrieve all Entity Descriptors succeeded. Data: message Triggers: Retrieve all Entity Descriptors GET_ALL_ENTITIES_FAILED ID: IDFF-85 Level: INFO Description: Failed to get all Entity Descriptors. Data: message Triggers: Retrieve all Entity Descriptors Actions: Check the IDFF Meta Data Debug "libIDFFMeta" for specific errors.; Check if the data repository exists and is accessible.; Check if the IDFF Meta Data Service exists in the data repository. GET_ENTITY_NAMES_SUCCEEDED ID: IDFF-86 Level: INFO Description: Retrieve names of all Entities. Data: message Triggers: Retrieve names of all Entities. GET_ENTITY_NAMES_FAILED ID: IDFF-87 Level: INFO Description: Failed to get names for all Entities. Data: message Triggers: Retrieving names of all Entities. Actions: Check the IDFF Meta Data Debug "libIDFFMeta" for specific errors.; Check if the data repository exists and is accessible.; Check if the IDFF Meta Data Service exists in the data repository. GET_HOSTED_ENTITIES_SUCCEEDED ID: IDFF-88 Level: INFO Description: Retrieve all hosted Entities succeeded. Data: message Triggers: Retrieving all hosted Entities. GET_HOSTED_ENTITIES_FAILED ID: IDFF-89 Level: INFO Description: Failed to get all hosted Entities. Data: message Triggers: Retrieving all hosted Entities. Actions: Check the IDFF Meta Data Debug "libIDFFMeta" for specific errors.; Check if the data repository exists and is accessible.; Check if the IDFF Meta Data Service exists in the data repository. GET_REMOTE_ENTITIES_SUCCEEDED ID: IDFF-90 Level: INFO Description: Retrieval of all remote Entities succeeded. Data: message Triggers: Retrieve all remote Entities. GET_REMOTE_ENTITIES_FAILED ID: IDFF-91 Level: INFO Description: Failed to get all remote Entities. Data: message Triggers: Retrieving all remote Entities. Actions: Check the IDFF Meta Data Debug "libIDFFMeta" for specific errors.; Check if the data repository exists and is accessible.; Check if the IDFF Meta Data Service exists in the data repository. GET_HOSTED_SERVICE_PROVIDERS_SUCCEEDED ID: IDFF-92 Level: INFO Description: Retrieval of all hosted services providers succeeded. Data: message Triggers: Retrieving all hosted services providers. GET_REMOTE_SERVICE_PROVIDERS_SUCCEEDED ID: IDFF-93 Level: INFO Description: Retrieval of all remote services providers succeeded. Data: message Triggers: Retrieve all remote services providers. GET_HOSTED_IDENTITY_PROVIDERS_SUCCEEDED ID: IDFF-94 Level: INFO Description: Retrieval of all hosted identity providers succeeded. Data: message Triggers: Retrieve all hosted identity providers. GET_REMOTE_IDENTITY_PROVIDERS_SUCCEEDED ID: IDFF-95 Level: INFO Description: Retrieval of all remote identity providers succeeded. Data: message Triggers: Retrieve all remote identity providers. IS_AFFILIATE_MEMBER_SUCCEEDED ID: IDFF-96 Level: INFO Description: Checking Affiliation member succeeded. Data: Entity ID, Affiliation ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: Checks if the provider is a member of the Affiliation. NO_ENTITY_CONFIG_TO_DELETE ID: IDFF-97 Level: INFO Description: No entity configuration to delete. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: Delete Entity Configuration. Actions: Check the entityID to make sure the Entity Configuration does exist. DELETE_ENTITY_CONFIG_FAILED ID: IDFF-98 Level: INFO Description: Failed to delete entity configuration. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: Delete Entity Configuration. Actions: Check the IDFF Meta Data Debug "libIDFFMeta" for specific errors.; Check if the data repository exists and is accessible.; Check if the IDFF Meta Data Service exists in the data repository. DELETE_ENTITY_CONFIG_SUCCEEDED ID: IDFF-99 Level: INFO Description: Entity configuration deleted successfully. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: Delete Entity Configuration. ENTITY_DOES_NOT_EXISTS ID: IDFF-100 Level: INFO Description: Entity does not exist. Data: Entity ID, Realm or Organization Name Triggers: Delete Entity Descriptor. Actions: Check to make sure you have the right entity ID.; Check if the data repository exists and is accessible.; Check if the IDFF Meta Data Service exists in the data repository. CREATE_AUTHN_RESPONSE ID: IDFF-101 Level: INFO Description: Created Authn Response Data: saml response or response ID and InResponseTo ID Triggers: Created SAML Response SENT_AUTHN_RESPONSE ID: IDFF-102 Level: INFO Description: Sent Authn Response Data: Service provider’s assertion consumer service URL, response ID and InResponseTo ID Triggers: Sent Authn Response OpenAM logs the following LIBERTY messages. AS_Abort ID: LIBERTY-1 Level: INFO Description: Unable to process SASL Request Data: message id, authentication mechanism, authorization id, advisory authentication id Triggers: Unable to process SASL Request. AS_OK ID: LIBERTY-2 Level: INFO Description: SASL Response Ok Data: message id, authentication mechanism, authorization id, advisory authentication id Triggers: SASL Response Ok. AS_Continue ID: LIBERTY-3 Level: INFO Description: Return SASL Authenticaton Response Data: message id, authentication mechanism, authorization id, advisory authentication id Triggers: Returned SASL Response , continue Authentication. DS_Lookup_Failure ID: LIBERTY-4 Level: INFO Description: User not found in Data store Data: user name Triggers: User not found in Data store DS_Lookup_Success ID: LIBERTY-5 Level: INFO Description: User found in Data Store Data: user name Triggers: User found in Data Store DS_Update_Failure ID: LIBERTY-6 Level: INFO Description: Cannot locate user from resourceID Data: resourceID Triggers: Cannot locate user from resourceID DS_Update_Success ID: LIBERTY-7 Level: INFO Description: Successfully updated user profile Data: user name Triggers: Successfully updated user profile PP_Query_Failure ID: LIBERTY-8 Level: INFO Description: UnAuthorized. Failed to Query Personal Profile Service Data: resource id Triggers: Failed to Query Personal Profile Service PP_Interaction_Failure ID: LIBERTY-9 Level: INFO Description: Interaction Failed Data: resource id Triggers: Interaction with Personal Profile Service Failed PP_Query_Success ID: LIBERTY-10 Level: INFO Description: Successfully queried PP Service Data: resource id Triggers: Personal Profile Service Query Succeeded PP_Modify_Failure ID: LIBERTY-11 Level: INFO Description: Modify Failure Data: resource id Triggers: Failed to modify Personal Profile Service PP_Modify_Success ID: LIBERTY-12 Level: INFO Description: Modify Success Data: resource id Triggers: Personal Profile Service Successfully modified. PP_Interaction_Success ID: LIBERTY-13 Level: INFO Description: Interaction Successful Data: successful interaction message Triggers: Successful interaction with Personal Profile Service IS_Sending_Message ID: LIBERTY-14 Level: INFO Description: Sending Message Data: request message id Triggers: Sending SOAP Request Message to WSP. IS_Returning_Response_Message ID: LIBERTY-15 Level: INFO Description: Returning Response Message Data: response message id, request message id Triggers: Returning Response Message for SOAP Request. IS_Resending_Message ID: LIBERTY-16 Level: INFO Description: Resending Message Data: message id Triggers: Resending SOAP Request Message to WSP IS_Redirected_User_Agent ID: LIBERTY-17 Level: INFO Description: Interaction manager redirecting user agent to interaction service Data: request message id Triggers: Interaction manager redirecting user agent to interaction service IS_Returning_Response_Element ID: LIBERTY-18 Level: INFO Description: Interaction manager returning response element Data: message id, reference message id, cache entry status Triggers: Interaction manager returning response element IS_Presented_Query_To_User_Agent ID: LIBERTY-19 Level: INFO Description: Interaction query presented to user agent Data: message id Triggers: Interaction query presented to user agent IS_Collected_Response_From_User_Agent ID: LIBERTY-20 Level: INFO Description: User agent responded to interaction query Data: message id Triggers: User agent responded to interaction query IS_Redirected_User_Agent_Back ID: LIBERTY-21 Level: INFO Description: User agent redirected back to SP Data: message id Triggers: User agent redirected back to SP WS_Success ID: LIBERTY-22 Level: INFO Description: Webservices Success Data: message id, handler key Triggers: Webservices success. WS_Failure ID: LIBERTY-23 Level: INFO Description: Webservices Failure Data: error message Triggers: Webservices Failure. OpenAM logs the following SAML2 messages. INVALID_SP ID: SAML2-1 Level: INFO Description: Invalid Service Provider Identifier Data: Service Provider Entity Identifier Triggers: Invalid Service Provider,cannot process request Actions: Check the Service Provider Name. INVALID_IDP ID: SAML2-2 Level: INFO Description: Invalid Identity Provider Identifier Data: Identity Provider Entity Identifier Triggers: Invalid Identity Provider,cannot process request Actions: Check the Identity Provider Name. SP_METADATA_ERROR ID: SAML2-3 Level: INFO Description: Unable to retreive Service Provider Metadata. Data: Service Provider Entity Identifier Triggers: Cannot retrieve Service Provider Metadata Actions: Check the Data Store is accessible .; Check the Realm name.; Check the Service Provider Entity Identifier. IDP_METADATA_ERROR ID: SAML2-4 Level: INFO Description: Unable to retrieve Identity Provider Metadata. Data: Identity Provider Entity Identifier Triggers: Cannot retreive Identity Provider Metadata Actions: Check the Data Store is accessible .; Check the Realm name.; Check the Identity Provider Entity Identifier. SSO_NOT_FOUND ID: SAML2-5 Level: INFO Description: Unable to retrieve SingleSignOnService URL. Data: Identity Provider Entity Identifier Triggers: Error retreiving SingleSignOnService URL. Actions: Check the Data Store is accessible .; Check the Realm name.; Check the Identity Provider Entity Identifier. REDIRECT_TO_SP ID: SAML2-6 Level: INFO Description: Redirecting to SingleSignOnService Data: SingleSignOnService URL Triggers: Sending Authentication Request by redirecting to Single SignOn Service URL. RESPONSE_NOT_FOUND_FROM_CACHE ID: SAML2-7 Level: INFO Description: Unable to retrieve Response using Response ID after local login. Data: Response ID Triggers: Response doesn’t exist in the SP cache. Actions: Check the SP cache clean up interval configuration. MISSING_ARTIFACT ID: SAML2-8 Level: INFO Description: Unable to retrieve Artifact from HTTP Request. Triggers: SAMLart is missing from HTTP Request Actions: Check with sender.; Check web container server log. RECEIVED_ARTIFACT ID: SAML2-9 Level: INFO Description: Received Artifact from HTTP Request. Data: Artifact value Triggers: Received Artifact from HTTP Request in the process of Single Sign On using Artifact Profile. IDP_NOT_FOUND ID: SAML2-10 Level: INFO Description: Unable to find Identity Provider Entity ID based on the SourceID in Artifact. Data: Artifact value, Realm or organization name Triggers: No matching Identity Provider Entity ID found in meta data configuration. Actions: Check if Identity Provider’s meta data is loaded. IDP_META_NOT_FOUND ID: SAML2-11 Level: INFO Description: Unable to load Identity Provider’s meta data. Data: Realm or organization name, Identity Provider Entity ID Triggers: Unable to load Identity Provider’s meta data. Actions: Check Identity Provider Entity ID.; Check Realm or organization name.; Check if the identity provider’s meta is loaded. ARTIFACT_RESOLUTION_URL_NOT_FOUND ID: SAML2-12 Level: INFO Description: Unable to find Identity Provider’s Artifact resolution service URL. Data: Identity Provider Entity ID Triggers: Artifact resolution service URL is not defined in Identity Provider’s metadata. Actions: Check Identity Provider’s meta data. CANNOT_CREATE_ARTIFACT_RESOLVE ID: SAML2-13 Level: INFO Description: Unable to create ArtifactResolve. Data: Hosted Service Provider Entity ID, Artifact value Triggers: Error when creating ArtifactResolve instance. Actions: Check implementation of ArtifactResolve. CANNOT_GET_SOAP_RESPONSE ID: SAML2-14 Level: INFO Description: Unable to obtain response from SOAP communication with Identity Provider’s artifact resolution service. Data: Hosted Service Provider Entity ID, Identity Provider’s Artifact Resolution Service URL Triggers: Error in SOAP communication. Actions: Check Identity Provider’s Artifact Resolution Service URL.; Check SOAP message authentication requirements for Identity Provider’s Artifact Resolution Service. GOT_RESPONSE_FROM_ARTIFACT ID: SAML2-15 Level: INFO Description: Obtained response using artifact profile. Data: Hosted Service Provider Entity ID, Remote Identity Provider Entity ID, Artifact value, Response xml String if the log level was set to LL_FINE at run time Triggers: Single Sign On using Artifact Profile. SOAP_ERROR ID: SAML2-16 Level: INFO Description: Unable to obtain Artifact Response due to SOAP error. Data: Identity Provider Entity ID Triggers: Error in SOAP communication. Actions: Check configuration for Identity Provider SOAP_FAULT ID: SAML2-17 Level: INFO Description: Received SOAP Fault instead of Artifact Response. Data: Identity Provider Entity ID Triggers: Error in Identity Provider’s Artifact Resolution. Actions: Check Identity Provider; Check debug file for detailed fault info. TOO_MANY_ARTIFACT_RESPONSE ID: SAML2-18 Level: INFO Description: Received too many Artifact Response. Data: Identity Provider Entity ID Triggers: Identity Provider sent more than one Artifact Response in SOAPMessage. Actions: Check Identity Provider CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_ARTIFACT_RESPONSE ID: SAML2-19 Level: INFO Description: Unable to instantiate Artifact Response. Data: Identity Provider Entity ID Triggers: Error while instantiating Artifact Response. Actions: Check Identity Provider; Check debug message for detailed error. MISSING_ARTIFACT_RESPONSE ID: SAML2-20 Level: INFO Description: Unable to obtain Artifact Response from SOAP message. Data: Identity Provider Entity ID Triggers: No ArtifactResponse is included in SOAPMessage. Actions: Check Identity Provider ARTIFACT_RESPONSE_INVALID_SIGNATURE ID: SAML2-21 Level: INFO Description: Unable to verify signature on Artifact Response. Data: Identity Provider Entity ID Triggers: Error while trying to verify signature on ArtifactResponse. Actions: Check configuration for Identity Provider; Check debug file for detailed info ARTIFACT_RESPONSE_INVALID_INRESPONSETO ID: SAML2-22 Level: INFO Description: Invalid InResponseTo attribute in Artifact Response. Data: Identity Provider Entity ID Triggers: InResponseTo attribute in Artifact Response is missing or doesn’t match with Artifact Resolve ID. Actions: Check with Identity Provider ARTIFACT_RESPONSE_INVALID_ISSUER ID: SAML2-23 Level: INFO Description: Invalid Issuer in Artifact Response. Data: Identity Provider Entity ID Triggers: Issuer in Artifact Response is missing or doesn’t match with Identity Provider Entity ID. Actions: Check with Identity Provider ARTIFACT_RESPONSE_INVALID_STATUS_CODE ID: SAML2-24 Level: INFO Description: Invalid status code in Artifact Response. Data: Identity Provider Entity ID, Status code if the log level was set to LL_FINE at runtime Triggers: Status in Artifact Response is missing or status code is not Success. Actions: Check with Identity Provider CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_RESPONSE_ARTIFACT ID: SAML2-25 Level: INFO Description: Unable to instantiate Respones from Artifact Response. Data: Identity Provider Entity ID Triggers: Error occurred while instantiating Response. Actions: Check debug file for detailed error. MISSING_SAML_RESPONSE_FROM_POST ID: SAML2-26 Level: INFO Description: SAML Response is missing from http post. Triggers: Parameter SAMLResponse is missing from http POST. CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_RESPONSE_POST ID: SAML2-27 Level: INFO Description: Unable to instantiate Response from POST. Triggers: Error occurred while instantiating Response. Actions: Check debug file for more info CANNOT_DECODE_RESPONSE ID: SAML2-28 Level: INFO Description: Unable to decode Response. Triggers: Error occurred while decoding Response. Actions: Check debug file for more info GOT_RESPONSE_FROM_POST ID: SAML2-29 Level: INFO Description: Obtained response using POST profile. Data: Response xml String if the log level was set to LL_FINE at runtime Triggers: Single Sign On using POST Profile. FED_INFO_WRITTEN ID: SAML2-30 Level: INFO Description: Written federation info. Data: Username, NameIDInfo value string if the log level was set to LL_FINE at runtime Triggers: Federation is done. REDIRECT_TO_IDP ID: SAML2-31 Level: INFO Description: Redirect request to IDP. Data: redirection url Triggers: Single logout. NO_ACS_URL ID: SAML2-32 Level: INFO Description: Unable to find Assertion Consumer Service URL. Data: meta alias Triggers: Single Sign On. NO_RETURN_BINDING ID: SAML2-33 Level: INFO Description: Unable to find return binding. Data: meta alias Triggers: Single Sign On. POST_TO_TARGET_FAILED ID: SAML2-34 Level: INFO Description: Unable to post the response to target. Data: Assertion Consumer Service URL Triggers: Single Sign On with POST binding. CANNOT_CREATE_ARTIFACT ID: SAML2-35 Level: INFO Description: Unable to create an artifact. Data: IDP entity ID Triggers: Single Sign On with Artifact binding. RECEIVED_AUTHN_REQUEST ID: SAML2-36 Level: INFO Description: Received AuthnRequest. Data: SP entity ID, IDP meta alias, authnRequest xml string Triggers: Single Sign On. POST_RESPONSE ID: SAML2-37 Level: INFO Description: Post response to SP. Data: SP entity ID, IDP meta alias, response xml string Triggers: Single Sign On with POST binding. SEND_ARTIFACT ID: SAML2-38 Level: INFO Description: Send an artifact to SP. Data: IDP entity ID, IDP realm, redirect URL Triggers: Single Sign On with Artifact binding. INVALID_SOAP_MESSAGE ID: SAML2-39 Level: INFO Description: Encounter invalid SOAP message in IDP. Data: IDP entity ID Triggers: Single Sign On with Artifact binding. ARTIFACT_RESPONSE ID: SAML2-40 Level: INFO Description: The artifact response being sent to SP. Data: IDP entity ID, artifact string, artifact response Triggers: Single Sign On with Artifact binding. GOT_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: SAML2-41 Level: FINE Description: Entity descriptor obtained. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Obtain entity descriptor. INVALID_REALM_GET_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: SAML2-42 Level: INFO Description: Invaid realm while getting entity descriptor. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Obtain entity descriptor. Actions: Check the Realm name. GOT_INVALID_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: SAML2-43 Level: INFO Description: Obtained invalid entity descriptor. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Obtain entity descriptor. Actions: Delete invalid entity descriptor and import it again. CONFIG_ERROR_GET_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: SAML2-44 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while getting entity descriptor. Data: Error message, Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Obtain entity descriptor. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. NO_ENTITY_ID_SET_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: SAML2-45 Level: INFO Description: No entity ID while setting entity descriptor. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Set entity descriptor. Actions: Set entity ID in entity descriptor. INVALID_REALM_SET_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: SAML2-46 Level: INFO Description: Invaid realm while setting entity descriptor. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Set entity descriptor. Actions: Check the Realm name. NO_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR_SET_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: SAML2-47 Level: INFO Description: Entity descriptor doesn’t exist while setting entity descriptor. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Set entity descriptor. Actions: Create entity descriptor before set. SET_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: SAML2-48 Level: INFO Description: Entity descriptor was set. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Set entity descriptor. CONFIG_ERROR_SET_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: SAML2-49 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while setting entity descriptor. Data: Error message, Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Set entity descriptor. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. SET_INVALID_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: SAML2-50 Level: INFO Description: Invalid entity descriptor to set. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Set entity descriptor. Actions: Check entity descriptor if it follows the schema. NO_ENTITY_ID_CREATE_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: SAML2-51 Level: INFO Description: No entity ID while creating entity descriptor. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity descriptor. Actions: Set entity ID in entity descriptor. INVALID_REALM_CREATE_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: SAML2-52 Level: INFO Description: Invaid realm while creating entity descriptor. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity descriptor. Actions: Check the Realm name. ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR_EXISTS ID: SAML2-53 Level: INFO Description: Entity descriptor exists while creating entity descriptor. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity descriptor. Actions: Delete existing entity descriptor first. ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR_CREATED ID: SAML2-54 Level: INFO Description: Entity descriptor was created. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity descriptor. CONFIG_ERROR_CREATE_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: SAML2-55 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while creating entity descriptor. Data: Error message, Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity descriptor. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. CREATE_INVALID_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: SAML2-56 Level: INFO Description: Invalid entity descriptor to create. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity descriptor. Actions: Check entity descriptor if it follows the schema. INVALID_REALM_DELETE_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: SAML2-57 Level: INFO Description: Invaid realm while deleting entity descriptor. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Delete entity descriptor. Actions: Check the Realm name. NO_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR_DELETE_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: SAML2-58 Level: INFO Description: Entity descriptor doesn’t exist while deleting entity descriptor. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Delete entity descriptor. ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR_DELETED ID: SAML2-59 Level: INFO Description: Entity descriptor was deleted. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Delete entity descriptor. CONFIG_ERROR_DELETE_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: SAML2-60 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while deleting entity descriptor. Data: Error message, Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Delete entity descriptor. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. GOT_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: SAML2-61 Level: FINE Description: Entity config obtained. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Obtain entity config. INVALID_REALM_GET_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: SAML2-62 Level: INFO Description: Invaid realm while getting entity config. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Obtain entity config. Actions: Check the Realm name. GOT_INVALID_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: SAML2-63 Level: INFO Description: Obtained invalid entity config. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Obtain entity config. Actions: Delete invalid entity config and import it again. CONFIG_ERROR_GET_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: SAML2-64 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while getting entity config. Data: Error message, Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Obtain entity config. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. NO_ENTITY_ID_SET_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: SAML2-65 Level: INFO Description: No entity ID while setting entity config. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Set entity config. Actions: Set entity ID in entity config. INVALID_REALM_SET_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: SAML2-66 Level: INFO Description: Invaid realm while setting entity config. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Set entity config. Actions: Check the Realm name. NO_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR_SET_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: SAML2-67 Level: INFO Description: Entity config doesn’t exist while setting entity config. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Set entity config. Actions: Create entity descriptor before set entity config. SET_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: SAML2-68 Level: INFO Description: Entity config was set. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Set entity config. CONFIG_ERROR_SET_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: SAML2-69 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while setting entity config. Data: Error message, Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Set entity config. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. SET_INVALID_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: SAML2-70 Level: INFO Description: Invalid entity config to set. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Set entity config. Actions: Check entity config if it follows the schema. NO_ENTITY_ID_CREATE_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: SAML2-71 Level: INFO Description: No entity ID while creating entity config. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity config. Actions: Set entity ID in entity config. INVALID_REALM_CREATE_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: SAML2-72 Level: INFO Description: Invaid realm while creating entity config. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity config. Actions: Check the Realm name. NO_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR_CREATE_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: SAML2-73 Level: INFO Description: Entity config doesn’t exist while creating entity config. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity config. Actions: Create entity descriptor before create entity config. ENTITY_CONFIG_EXISTS ID: SAML2-74 Level: INFO Description: Entity config exists while creating entity config. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity config. Actions: Delete existing entity config first. ENTITY_CONFIG_CREATED ID: SAML2-75 Level: INFO Description: Entity config was created. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity config. CONFIG_ERROR_CREATE_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: SAML2-76 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while creating entity config. Data: Error message, Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity config. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. CREATE_INVALID_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: SAML2-77 Level: INFO Description: Invalid entity config to create. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity config. Actions: Check entity config if it follows the schema. INVALID_REALM_DELETE_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: SAML2-78 Level: INFO Description: Invaid realm while deleting entity config. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Delete entity config. Actions: Check the Realm name. NO_ENTITY_CONFIG_DELETE_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: SAML2-79 Level: INFO Description: Entity config doesn’t exist while deleting entity config. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Delete entity config. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. ENTITY_CONFIG_DELETED ID: SAML2-80 Level: INFO Description: Entity config was deleted. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Delete entity config. CONFIG_ERROR_DELETE_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: SAML2-81 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while deleting entity config. Data: Error message, Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Delete entity config. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. INVALID_REALM_GET_ALL_HOSTED_ENTITIES ID: SAML2-82 Level: INFO Description: Invaid realm while getting all hosted entities. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Get all hosted entities. Actions: Check the Realm name. CONFIG_ERROR_GET_ALL_HOSTED_ENTITIES ID: SAML2-83 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while getting all hosted entities. Data: Error message, Realm or organization name Triggers: Get all hosted entities. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. GOT_ALL_HOSTED_ENTITIES ID: SAML2-84 Level: FINE Description: Obtained all hosted entities. Data: Error message, Realm or organization name Triggers: Get all hosted entities. INVALID_REALM_GET_ALL_REMOTE_ENTITIES ID: SAML2-85 Level: INFO Description: Invaid realm while getting all remote entities. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Get all remote entities. Actions: Check the Realm name. CONFIG_ERROR_GET_ALL_REMOTE_ENTITIES ID: SAML2-86 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while getting all remote entities. Data: Error message, Realm or organization name Triggers: Get all remote entities. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. GOT_ALL_REMOTE_ENTITIES ID: SAML2-87 Level: FINE Description: Obtained all remote entities. Data: Error message, Realm or organization name Triggers: Get all remote entities. INVALID_INRESPONSETO_RESPONSE ID: SAML2-88 Level: INFO Description: InResponseTo attribute in Response is invalid. Data: Response ID Triggers: Service Provider received a Response for Single Sign On. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. INVALID_ISSUER_RESPONSE ID: SAML2-89 Level: INFO Description: Issuer in Response is invalid. Data: Hosted Entity ID, Name of Realm or organization, Response ID Triggers: Issuer in Response is not configured or not trusted by the hosted provider Actions: Check configuration. WRONG_STATUS_CODE ID: SAML2-90 Level: INFO Description: Status code in Response was not Success. Data: Response ID, Status code (if log level is set to LL_FINE) Triggers: Service provider received a Response with wrong Status code. Most likely an error occurred at Identity Provider. Actions: Check the status code. Contact Identity Provider if needed. ASSERTION_NOT_ENCRYPTED ID: SAML2-91 Level: INFO Description: Assertion in Response was not encrypted. Data: Response ID Triggers: Service provider requested the assertion in Response to be encrypted, but it received a Response with unencrypted assertion(s). Actions: Check configuration. Notify Identity Provider regarding the requirement. MISSING_ASSERTION ID: SAML2-92 Level: INFO Description: Response had no Assertion. Data: Response ID Triggers: Service provider received a Response for Single Sign On, but the response contained no Assertion. Actions: Check error code of the Response. Notify Identity Provider if needed. INVALID_ISSUER_ASSERTION ID: SAML2-93 Level: INFO Description: Issuer in Assertion is not valid. Data: Assertion ID Triggers: Issuer in Assertion for single sign on was not configured at service provider, or not trusted by the service provider. Actions: Check configuration MISMATCH_ISSUER_ASSERTION ID: SAML2-94 Level: INFO Description: Issuer in Assertion didn’t match the Issuer in Response or other Assertions in the Response. Data: Assertion ID Triggers: Service provider received Response which had mismatch Issuer inside the Assertion it contained. Actions: Check debug message INVALID_SIGNATURE_ASSERTION ID: SAML2-95 Level: INFO Description: Assertion is not signed or signature is not valid. Data: Assertion ID Triggers: Service provider requested the Assertion to be signed but the assertion received was not; or the signature on the Assertion received was not valid. Actions: Check configuration; check debug for more detailed error message. MISSING_SUBJECT_COMFIRMATION_DATA ID: SAML2-96 Level: INFO Description: SubjectConfirmationData had no Subject. Data: Assertion ID Triggers: Service provider received an Assertion whose SubjectConfirmationData had no Subject. Actions: Check debug for the Assertion received. Contact Identity Provider if needed. MISSING_RECIPIENT ID: SAML2-97 Level: INFO Description: SubjectConfirmationData had no Recipient. Data: Assertion ID Triggers: Service provider received an Assertion whose SubjectConfirmationData had no Recipient. Actions: Check debug for the Assertion received. Contact Identity Provider if needed. WRONG_RECIPIENT ID: SAML2-98 Level: INFO Description: Service Provider is not the intended recipient. Data: Assertion ID Triggers: Service provider received an Assertion. But the provider is not the intended recipient of the Assertion. Actions: Check debug for the Assertion received. Check meta data. Contact Identity Provider if needed. INVALID_TIME_SUBJECT_CONFIRMATION_DATA ID: SAML2-99 Level: INFO Description: Time in SubjectConfirmationData of the Assertion is invalid. Data: Assertion ID Triggers: The assertion service provider received had expired timewise. Actions: Synchronize the time between service provider and identity provider. Increase the time skew attribute for the service provider in its entity config. CONTAINED_NOT_BEFORE ID: SAML2-100 Level: INFO Description: SubjectConfirmationData of the Assertion had NotBefore. Data: Assertion ID Triggers: The assertion service provider received had NotBefore. Actions: Check debug for the Assertion received. Contact identity provider if needed. WRONG_INRESPONSETO_ASSERTION ID: SAML2-101 Level: INFO Description: Assertion contained wrong InResponseTo attribute. Data: Assertion ID Triggers: InResponseTo in Assertion is different from the one in Response. Or Assertion didn’t contain InResponseTo, but Response did. Actions: Check debug for the Assertion received. Contact identity provider if needed. MISSING_CONDITIONS ID: SAML2-102 Level: INFO Description: Assertion contained no Conditions. Data: Assertion ID Triggers: Conditions is missing from the Single Sign On Assertion. Actions: Check debug for the Assertion received. Contact identity provider if needed. MISSING_AUDIENCE_RESTRICTION ID: SAML2-103 Level: INFO Description: Assertion contained no AudienceRestriction. Data: Assertion ID Triggers: AudienceRestriction is missing from the Single Sign On Assertion. Actions: Check debug for the Assertion received. Contact identity provider if needed. WRONG_AUDIENCE ID: SAML2-104 Level: INFO Description: Assertion contained wrong Audience. Data: Assertion ID Triggers: This service provider was not the intended audience of the single sign on assertion. Actions: Check debug for the Assertion received. Check meta data. Contact identity provider if needed. FOUND_AUTHN_ASSERTION ID: SAML2-105 Level: INFO Description: Found authentication assertion in the Response. Data: Assertion ID, Subject if the log level was set to LL_FINE, SesionIndex if any Triggers: Both the Response and Assertion(s) inside the Response are valid. INVALID_SSOTOKEN ID: SAML2-106 Level: INFO Description: Invalid SSOToken found in Request. Data: SSOToken value Triggers: Initiate Single Logout without SSOToken. MISSING_ENTITY ID: SAML2-107 Level: INFO Description: No entity ID is specified in Request. Data: EntityID value Triggers: Initiate Request without EntityID. Actions: Specify EntityID parameter in request URL. MISSING_META_ALIAS ID: SAML2-108 Level: INFO Description: No metaAlias is specified in Request. Data: MetaAlias value Triggers: Initiate Request without metaAlias. Actions: Specify metaAlias parameter in request URL. REDIRECT_TO_AUTH ID: SAML2-109 Level: INFO Description: Redirect request to authentication page. Data: URL to Authentication page Triggers: Initiate Request without SSOToken. CANNOT_DECODE_REQUEST ID: SAML2-110 Level: INFO Description: Can not decode URL encoded Query parameter. Data: URL encoded Query parameter Triggers: Initiate to decode incorrectly URL encoded Query parameter. CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_MNI_RESPONSE ID: SAML2-111 Level: INFO Description: Can not instantiate MNI Response with input xml. Data: Input XML string for MNI Response Triggers: Initiate parse MNI Response with incorrect XML string. CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_MNI_REQUEST ID: SAML2-112 Level: INFO Description: Can not instantiate MNI Request with input XML. Data: Input XML string for MNI Request Triggers: Initiate parse MNI Request with incorrect XML string. CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_SLO_RESPONSE ID: SAML2-113 Level: INFO Description: Can not instantiate SLO Response with input XML. Data: Input XML string for SLO Response Triggers: Initiate parse SLO Response with incorrect XML string. CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_SLO_REQUEST ID: SAML2-114 Level: INFO Description: Can not instantiate SLO Request with input XML. Data: Input XML string for SLO Request Triggers: Initiate parse SLO Request with incorrect XML string. MNI_REQUEST_INVALID_SIGNATURE ID: SAML2-115 Level: INFO Description: Can not varify signature in MNI Request. Data: MNI Request with signature Triggers: Sinature in MNI Request is incorrect. MNI_RESPONSE_INVALID_SIGNATURE ID: SAML2-116 Level: INFO Description: Can not valify signature in MNI Response. Data: MNI Response with signature Triggers: Sinature in MNI Response is incorrect. SLO_REQUEST_INVALID_SIGNATURE ID: SAML2-117 Level: INFO Description: Can not valify signature in SLO Request. Data: SLO Request with signature Triggers: Sinature in SLO Request is incorrect. SLO_RESPONSE_INVALID_SIGNATURE ID: SAML2-118 Level: INFO Description: Can not valify signature in SLO Response. Data: SLO Response with signature Triggers: Sinature in SLO Response is incorrect. NAMEID_INVALID_ENCRYPTION ID: SAML2-119 Level: INFO Description: Can not decrypt EncryptedID. Data: Exception message Triggers: Decrypt the incorrectly encrypted EncryptedID. INVALID_MNI_RESPONSE ID: SAML2-120 Level: INFO Description: MNI Response has error status. Data: Status message Triggers: Requested MNI Request caused problem. INVALID_SLO_RESPONSE ID: SAML2-121 Level: INFO Description: SLO Response has error status. Data: Status message Triggers: Requested SLO Request caused problem. MISSING_ENTITY_ROLE ID: SAML2-122 Level: INFO Description: Entity Role is not specified in the request. Data: Entity Role value Triggers: Initiate request without Role value. Actions: Specify Entity Role parameter in the request. INVALID_ISSUER_REQUEST ID: SAML2-123 Level: INFO Description: Issuer in Request is invalid. Data: Hosted Entity ID, Name of Realm or organization, Request ID Triggers: Issuer in Request is not configured or not trusted by the hosted provider Actions: Check configuration. INVALID_REALM_GET_ALL_ENTITIES ID: SAML2-124 Level: INFO Description: Invaid realm while getting all entities. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Get all entities. Actions: Check the Realm name. CONFIG_ERROR_GET_ALL_ENTITIES ID: SAML2-125 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while getting all entities. Data: Error message, Realm or organization name Triggers: Get all entities. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. GOT_ALL_ENTITIES ID: SAML2-126 Level: FINE Description: Obtained all entities. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Get all entities. INVALID_PEP_ID ID: SAML2-127 Level: INFO Description: Invalid Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) Identifier. Data: PEP Identifier Triggers: Cannot retrieve PEP Metadata Actions: Provide valid PEP Identifier and retry. INVALID_PDP_ID ID: SAML2-128 Level: INFO Description: Invalid Policy Decision Point (PDP) Identifier. Data: PDP Identifier Triggers: Cannot retrieve PDP Metadata Actions: Provide valid PDP Identifier and retry. NULL_PDP_SIGN_CERT_ALIAS ID: SAML2-129 Level: INFO Description: Certificate Alias is null, cannot sign the message. Data: The realm from which the metadata was retreived., Entity Identifier for the Policy Decision Point. Triggers: Cannot sign the message. Actions: Check the entity’s metadata to verify the certificate alias is correct. NULL_PEP_SIGN_CERT_ALIAS ID: SAML2-130 Level: INFO Description: Certificate Alias is null,cannot retreive the certificate. Data: The realm from which the metadata was retreived., Entity Identifier for the Policy Enforcement Point. Triggers: Cannot validate the signature in the request message. Actions: Check the entity’s metadata to verify the certificate alias is correct. INVALID_SIGNATURE_QUERY ID: SAML2-131 Level: INFO Description: Invalid Signature in Query Request. Data: The realm from which the metadata was retreived., Entity Identifier for the Policy Decision Point., Cert Alias used to retrieve certificate from keystore. Triggers: Cannot process the request, server will send back error to the Requester. Actions: Check the entity’s metadata to verify the certificate alias is correct.; Check the certificate in the keystore for its existance and validity. INVALID_ISSUER_IN_PEP_REQUEST ID: SAML2-132 Level: INFO Description: Issuer in Request is invalid. Data: Name of Realm or organization, Identity of the Issuer, Hosted Entity Identifier Triggers: Issuer in Request is not configured or not trusted by the hosted provider therefore Query will fail. Actions: Check the hosted entity configuration attribute cotlist to make sure the issuer identifier is in the list. PEP_METADATA_ERROR ID: SAML2-133 Level: INFO Description: Unable to retreive Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) Metadata. Data: PEP Provider Entity Identifier Triggers: Cannot retrieve PEP Provider Metadata Actions: Check the Data Store is accessible .; Check the PEP Provider Entity Identifier. PDP_METADATA_ERROR ID: SAML2-134 Level: INFO Description: Unable to retrieve Policy Decision Point (PDP) Metadata. Data: PDP Provider Entity Identifier Triggers: Cannot retreive PDP Provider Metadata Actions: Check the Data Store is accessible .; Check the PDP Provider Entity Identifier. ASSERTION_FROM_PDP_NOT_ENCRYPTED ID: SAML2-135 Level: INFO Description: Assertion in Response not encrypted. Data: Identity of the Issuer, Response ID Triggers: Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) Provider requested the assertion in Response to be encrypted, but it received a Response with unencrypted assertion(s). Actions: Check PEP metadata published to the PDP. Notify Policy Decision Point (PDP) Provider regarding the requirement. MISSING_ASSERTION_IN_PDP_RESPONSE ID: SAML2-136 Level: INFO Description: Response has no Assertion. Data: Identity of Issuer, Response ID Triggers: Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) Provider received a Response with no Assertion. Actions: Check error code of the Response. Notify Policy Decision Point (PDP) Provider to check for errors or possible misconfiguration. INVALID_ISSUER_IN_ASSERTION_FROM_PDP ID: SAML2-137 Level: INFO Description: Issuer in Assertion is not valid. Data: Assertion Issuer, Assertion ID Triggers: Issuer in Assertion was not configured at Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) provider, or not trusted by the PEP provider. Actions: Check the configuration. MISMATCH_ISSUER_IN_ASSERTION_FROM_PDP ID: SAML2-138 Level: INFO Description: Issuer in Assertion doesn’t match the Issuer in Response. Data: Issuer Identifier in the Resposnse, Issuer Identity in the Assertion Triggers: Error condition, Response will not be accepted. Actions: Check the Policy Decision Point instance to debug the cause of the problem. INVALID_SIGNATURE_ASSERTION_FROM_PDP ID: SAML2-139 Level: INFO Description: Assertion is not signed or signature is not valid. Data: Issuer Identity in the Assertion, Assertion ID Triggers: Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) provider requested the Assertion to be signed but the assertion received was not; or the signature on the Assertion received was not valid. Actions: Check PEP metadata configuration.; Check debug for more detailed error message. REQUEST_MESSAGE ID: SAML2-140 Level: FINE Description: Request message from Query Requester Data: policy decision point entity descriptor, SAMLv2 Query Request Message Triggers: SAMLv2 SOAP Query VALID_SIGNATURE_QUERY ID: SAML2-141 Level: INFO Description: Valid Signature in Query Request. Data: The realm from which the metadata was retreived., Entity Identifier for the Policy Decision Point., Cert Alias used to retrieve certificate from keystore. Triggers: The Request will be processed. SUCCESS_FED_SSO ID: SAML2-142 Level: INFO Description: Successful federation/Single Sign On. Data: user id, NameID value Triggers: Successful federation/Single Sign On. SAE_IDP_SUCCESS ID: SAML2-143 Level: INFO Description: SAE_IDP succeeded. Data: SAE attributes Triggers: SAE_IDP succeeded. SAE_IDP_ERROR ID: SAML2-144 Level: INFO Description: SAE_IDP failed. Data: Error message, SAE attributes Triggers: SAE_IDP failed. SAE_IDP_ERROR_NODATA ID: SAML2-145 Level: INFO Description: SAE_IDP invoked without attributes. Data: Error message Triggers: SAE_IDP invoked without attributes. Actions: Add SAE attributes to request. SAE_IDP_AUTH ID: SAML2-146 Level: INFO Description: SAE_IDP delegated to Auth. Data: SAE attributes Triggers: SAE_IDP invoked but no user session. SAE_SP_SUCCESS ID: SAML2-147 Level: INFO Description: SAE_SP succeeded. Data: SAE attributes Triggers: SAE_SP succeeded. SAE_SP_ERROR ID: SAML2-148 Level: INFO Description: SAE_SP failed. Data: Error message Triggers: SAE_SP failed. SEND_ECP_RESPONSE ID: SAML2-149 Level: INFO Description: Send a response to ECP. Data: Identity Provider Entity Identifier, Realm or organization name, Assertion Consumer Service URL, SOAP message string if the log level was set to LL_FINE at run time Triggers: Received AuthnRequest. SEND_ECP_RESPONSE_FAILED ID: SAML2-150 Level: INFO Description: Unable to send a response to ECP. Data: Identity Provider Entity Identifier, Realm or organization name, Assertion Consumer Service URL Triggers: Send a response to ECP. CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_SOAP_MESSAGE_ECP ID: SAML2-151 Level: INFO Description: Unable to instantiate a SOAP message sent from ECP. Data: Service Provider Entity Identifier Triggers: Received a response from ECP. RECEIVE_SOAP_FAULT_ECP ID: SAML2-152 Level: INFO Description: Received a SOAP fault from ECP. Data: Service Provider Entity Identifier Triggers: Received a response from ECP. CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_SOAP_MESSAGE_ECP ID: SAML2-153 Level: INFO Description: Unable to instantiate a SAML Response sent from ECP. Data: Service Provider Entity Identifier Triggers: Received a response from ECP. ECP_ASSERTION_NOT_SIGNED ID: SAML2-154 Level: INFO Description: Assertion received from ECP is not signed. Data: Identity Provider Entity Identifier Triggers: Received a response from ECP. ECP_ASSERTION_INVALID_SIGNATURE ID: SAML2-155 Level: INFO Description: Assertion received from ECP has invalid signature. Data: Identity Provider Entity Identifier Triggers: Assertion signature verification. RECEIVED_AUTHN_REQUEST_ECP ID: SAML2-156 Level: INFO Description: Received AuthnRequest from ECP. Data: Service Provider Entity Identifier, IDP meta alias, authnRequest xml string Triggers: Single Sign On. RECEIVED_HTTP_REQUEST_ECP ID: SAML2-157 Level: INFO Description: Received HTTP request from ECP. Data: Service Provider Entity Identifier, Realm or organization name Triggers: ECP accessed SP Resource. SEND_ECP_PAOS_REQUEST ID: SAML2-158 Level: INFO Description: Send a PAOS request to ECP. Data: Service Provider Entity Identifier, Realm or organization name, SOAP message string if the log level was set to LL_FINE at run time Triggers: Received HTTP request from ECP. SEND_ECP_PAOS_REQUEST_FAILED ID: SAML2-159 Level: INFO Description: Unable to send a PAOS request to ECP. Data: Service Provider Entity Identifier, Realm or organization name Triggers: Send a PAOS request to ECP. SUCCESS_FED_TERMINATION ID: SAML2-160 Level: INFO Description: Federation termination succeeded. Data: user id Triggers: Federation termination succeeded. SUCCESS_NEW_NAMEID ID: SAML2-161 Level: INFO Description: New name identifier succeeded. Data: user id Triggers: New name identifier succeeded. UNKNOWN_PRINCIPAL ID: SAML2-162 Level: INFO Description: Unknown princial in manage name ID request. Data: Manage Name ID request XML Triggers: Unable to find old name id in the management name id request. UNABLE_TO_TERMINATE ID: SAML2-163 Level: INFO Description: Unable to terminate federation. Data: user id Triggers: Unable to terminate federation. POST_RESPONSE_INVALID_SIGNATURE ID: SAML2-164 Level: INFO Description: Unable to verify signature in Single Sign-On Response using POST binding. Data: Identity Provider Entity ID Triggers: Error while trying to verify signature in Response. Actions: Check Identity Provider metadata; Check debug file for detailed info BINDING_NOT_SUPPORTED ID: SAML2-165 Level: INFO Description: Binding is not supported. Data: Provider Entity ID, Name of binding that is not supported Triggers: Hosted provider received data from unsupported binding endpoint. Actions: Check Provider metadata; Check debug file for detailed info SP_SSO_FAILED ID: SAML2-166 Level: INFO Description: Single Sign-On Failed at Service Provider. Data: Hosted Service Provider Entity ID, Error message, Response received from IDP if the log level was set to LL_FINE at run time Triggers: Single Sign On failed Actions: Check debug file for detailed info INVALID_REALM_FOR_SESSION ID: SAML2-167 Level: INFO Description: Invalid realm for the user trying to get an assertion from the IdP. Data: Realm of the authenticated user, Realm where the IdP is defined, Entity Id of the SP, IP Address of the requester, SAML2 Authentication Request Triggers: Single Sign On failed Actions: Check debug file for detailed info DATE_CONDITION_NOT_MET ID: SAML2-168 Level: INFO Description: Assertion NotBefore or NotOnOrAfter condition not met. Data: Assertion ID Triggers: The NotBefore or NotOnOrAfter condition of the single sign on assertion was not met. Actions: Check debug for the Assertion received. Check assertion clock skew. Contact identity provider if needed. OpenAM logs the following SAML messages. ASSERTION_CREATED ID: SAML-1 Level: INFO Description: New assertion created Data: message id, Assertion ID or Assertion if log level is LL_FINER Triggers: Browser Artifact Profile; Browser POST Profile; Create Assertion Artifact; Authentication Query; Attribute Query; Authorization Decision Query ASSERTION_ARTIFACT_CREATED ID: SAML-2 Level: INFO Description: New assertion artifact created Data: message id, Assertion Artifact, ID of the Assertion corresponding to the Artifact Triggers: Browser Artifact Profile; Creating Assertion Artifact ASSERTION_ARTIFACT_REMOVED ID: SAML-3 Level: FINE Description: Assertion artifact removed from map Data: message id, Assertion Artifact Triggers: SAML Artifact Query; Assertion artifact expires ASSERTION_REMOVED ID: SAML-4 Level: FINE Description: Assertion removed from map Data: message id, Assertion ID Triggers: SAML Artifact Query; Assertion expires ASSERTION_ARTIFACT_VERIFIED ID: SAML-5 Level: INFO Description: Access right by assertion artifact verified Data: message id, Assertion Artifact Triggers: SAML Artifact Query AUTH_PROTOCOL_MISMATCH ID: SAML-6 Level: INFO Description: Authentication type configured and the actual SOAP protocol do not match. Data: message id Triggers: SAML SOAP Query Actions: Login to console, go to Federation, then SAML, edit the Trusted Partners Configuration, check the selected Authentication Type field, make sure it matches the protocol specified in SOAP URL field. INVALID_AUTH_TYPE ID: SAML-7 Level: INFO Description: Invalid authentication type Data: message id Triggers: SAML SOAP Query Actions: Login to console, go to Federation, then SAML, edit the Trusted Partners Configuration, select one of the values for Authentication Type field, then save. SOAP_RECEIVER_URL ID: SAML-8 Level: FINE Description: Remote SOAP receiver URL Data: message id, SOAP Receiver URL Triggers: SAML SOAP Query NO_ASSERTION_IN_RESPONSE ID: SAML-9 Level: INFO Description: No assertion present in saml response Data: message id, SAML Response Triggers: SAML Artifact Query Actions: Contact remote partner on what’s wrong MISMATCHED_ASSERTION_AND_ARTIFACT ID: SAML-10 Level: INFO Description: Number of assertions in SAML response does not equal to number of artifacts in SAML request. Data: message id, SAML Response Triggers: SAML Artifact Query Actions: Contact remote partner on what’s wrong ARTIFACT_TO_SEND ID: SAML-11 Level: INFO Description: Artifact to be sent to remote partner Data: message id, SAML Artifact Triggers: SAML Artifact Query WRONG_SOAP_URL ID: SAML-12 Level: INFO Description: Wrong SOAP URL in trusted partner configuration Data: message id Triggers: SAML Artifact Query Actions: Login to console, go to Federation, then SAML, edit the Trusted Partners Configuration, enter value for SOAP URL field, then save. SAML_ARTIFACT_QUERY ID: SAML-13 Level: FINE Description: SAML Artifact Query SOAP request Data: message id, SAML Artifact Query message Triggers: SAML Artifact Query NO_REPLY_FROM_SOAP_RECEIVER ID: SAML-14 Level: INFO Description: No reply from remote SAML SOAP Receiver Data: message id Triggers: SAML Artifact Query Actions: Check remote partner on what’s wrong REPLIED_SOAP_MESSAGE ID: SAML-15 Level: FINE Description: SAML Artifact Query response Data: message id, SAML Artifact Query response message Triggers: SAML Artifact Query NULL_SAML_RESPONSE ID: SAML-16 Level: INFO Description: No SAML response inside SOAP response Data: message id Triggers: SAML Artifact Query Actions: Check remote partner on what’s wrong INVALID_RESPONSE_SIGNATURE ID: SAML-17 Level: INFO Description: XML signature for SAML response is not valid Data: message id Triggers: SAML Artifact Query Actions: Check remote partner on what’s wrong on XML digital signature ERROR_RESPONSE_STATUS ID: SAML-18 Level: INFO Description: Error in getting SAML response status code Data: message id Triggers: SAML Artifact Query Actions: Check remote partner on what’s wrong on response status code MISSING_TARGET ID: SAML-19 Level: INFO Description: TARGET parameter is missing from the request Data: message id Triggers: SAML Artifact Profile; SAML POST Profile Actions: Add "TARGET=target_url" as query parameter in the request REDIRECT_TO_URL ID: SAML-20 Level: INFO Description: Redirection URL in SAML artifact source site Data: message id, target, redirection URL, SAML response message in case of POST profile and log level is LL_FINER Triggers: SAML Artifact Profile source; SAML POST Profile source TARGET_FORBIDDEN ID: SAML-21 Level: INFO Description: The specified target site is forbidden Data: message id, target URL Triggers: SAML Artifact Profile source; SAML POST Profile source Actions: TARGET URL specified in the request is not handled by any trusted partner, check your TARGET url, make sure it matches one of the Target URL configured in trusted partner sites FAILED_TO_CREATE_SSO_TOKEN ID: SAML-22 Level: INFO Description: Failed to create single-sign-on token Data: message id Triggers: SAML Artifact Profile destination; SAML POST Profile destination Actions: Authentication component failed to create SSO token, please check authentication log and debug for more details ACCESS_GRANTED ID: SAML-23 Level: INFO Description: Single sign on successful, access to target is granted Data: message id, Response message in case of POST profile and log levele is LL_FINER or higher Triggers: SAML Artifact Profile destination; SAML POST Profile destination NULL_PARAMETER ID: SAML-24 Level: INFO Description: Null servlet request or response Data: message id Triggers: SAML Artifact Profile; SAML POST Profile Actions: Check web container error log for details MISSING_RESPONSE ID: SAML-25 Level: INFO Description: Missing SAML response in POST body Data: message id Triggers: SAML POST Profile destination Actions: Check with remote SAML partner to see why SAML response object is missing from HTTP POST body RESPONSE_MESSAGE_ERROR ID: SAML-26 Level: INFO Description: Error in response message Data: message id Triggers: SAML POST Profile destination Actions: Unable to convert encoded POST body attribute to SAML Response object, check with remote SAML partner to see if there is any error in the SAML response create, for example, encoding error, invalid response sub-element etc. INVALID_RESPONSE ID: SAML-27 Level: INFO Description: Response is not valid Data: message id Triggers: SAML POST Profile destination Actions: recipient attribute in SAML response does not match this site’s POST profile URL; Response status code is not success SOAP_MESSAGE_FACTORY_ERROR ID: SAML-28 Level: INFO Description: Failed to get an instance of the message factory Data: message id Triggers: SAML SOAP Receiver init Actions: Check your SOAP factory property (javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory) to make sure it is using a valid SOAP factory implementation UNTRUSTED_SITE ID: SAML-29 Level: INFO Description: Received Request from an untrusted site Data: message id, Remote site Hostname or IP Address Triggers: SAML SOAP Queries Actions: Login to console, go to Federation, then SAML service, edit the Trusted Partners Configuration, check the Host List field, make sure remote host/IP is one the values. In case of SSL with client auth, make sure Host List contains the client certificate alias of the remote site. INVALID_REQUEST ID: SAML-30 Level: INFO Description: Invalid request from remote partner site Data: message id and request hostname/IP address, return response Triggers: SAML SOAP Queries Actions: Check with administrator of remote partner site SOAP_REQUEST_MESSAGE ID: SAML-31 Level: FINE Description: Request message from partner site Data: message id and request hostname/IP address, request xml Triggers: SAML SOAP Queries BUILD_RESPONSE_ERROR ID: SAML-32 Level: INFO Description: Failed to build response due to internal server error Data: message id Triggers: SAML SOAP Queries Actions: Check debug message to see why it is failing, for example, cannot create response status, major/minor version error, etc. SENDING_RESPONSE ID: SAML-33 Level: INFO Description: Sending SAML response to partner site Data: message id, SAML response or response id Triggers: SAML SOAP Queries SOAP_FAULT_ERROR ID: SAML-34 Level: INFO Description: Failed to build SOAP fault response body Data: message id Triggers: SAML SOAP Queries Actions: Check debug message to see why it is failing, for example, unable to create SOAP fault, etc. OpenAM logs the following WSFederation messages. INVALID_SIGNATURE_ASSERTION ID: WSFederation-1 Level: INFO Description: Assertion is not signed or signature is not valid. Data: Assertion or assertion ID, Realm or organization name, Assertion issuer Triggers: Service provider requested the Assertion to be signed but the assertion received was not; or the signature on the Assertion received was not valid. Actions: Check configuration; check debug for more detailed error message. MISSING_CONDITIONS_NOT_ON_OR_AFTER ID: WSFederation-2 Level: INFO Description: Assertion conditions are missing notOnOrAfter attribute. Data: Assertion or assertion ID Triggers: The Conditions element of the assertion is missing its notOnOrAfter attribute. Actions: Check the assertion. Contact Identity Provider if needed. ASSERTION_EXPIRED ID: WSFederation-3 Level: INFO Description: Assertion has expired. Data: Assertion or assertion ID, Assertion notOnOrAfter time, Time skew in seconds, Current time Triggers: The current time is after the assertion’s notOnOrAfter time plus the time skew. Actions: Synchronize server clocks. Contact Identity Provider if needed. MISSING_CONDITIONS_NOT_BEFORE ID: WSFederation-4 Level: INFO Description: Assertion conditions are missing notBefore attribute. Data: Assertion or assertion ID Triggers: The Conditions element of the assertion is missing its notBefore attribute. Actions: Check the assertion. Contact Identity Provider if needed. ASSERTION_NOT_YET_VALID ID: WSFederation-5 Level: INFO Description: Assertion not yet valid. Data: Assertion or assertion ID, Assertion notBefore time, Time skew in seconds, Current time Triggers: The current time is before the assertion’s notBefore time minus the time skew. Actions: Synchronize server clocks. Contact Identity Provider if needed. MISSING_WRESULT ID: WSFederation-6 Level: INFO Description: WS-Federation response is missing wresult. Data: WS-Federation response Triggers: The WS-Federation response is missing its wresult parameter. Actions: Check the response. Contact Identity Provider if needed. MISSING_WCTX ID: WSFederation-7 Level: INFO Description: WS-Federation response is missing wctx. Data: WS-Federation response Triggers: The WS-Federation response is missing its wctx parameter. Actions: Check the response. Contact Identity Provider if needed. INVALID_WRESULT ID: WSFederation-8 Level: INFO Description: WS-Federation response is invalid. Data: WS-Federation response Triggers: The WS-Federation response is not a valid RequestSecurityTokenResponse element. Actions: Check the response. Contact Identity Provider if needed. CONFIG_ERROR_GET_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: WSFederation-9 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while getting entity config. Data: Error message, MetaAlias, Realm or organization name Triggers: Obtain entity config. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. CANT_FIND_SP_ACCOUNT_MAPPER ID: WSFederation-10 Level: INFO Description: Can’t find SP Account Mapper. Data: Error message, Account mapper class name Triggers: Cannot get class object for SP account mapper class. Actions: Check the configuration. Ensure that SP account mapper class name is correct and that the account mapper class is on the classpath. CANT_CREATE_SP_ACCOUNT_MAPPER ID: WSFederation-11 Level: INFO Description: Can’t create SP Account Mapper. Data: Error message, Account mapper class name Triggers: Cannot create SP account mapper object. Actions: Check the configuration. Ensure that SP account mapper class name is correct and that the account mapper class is on the classpath. CANT_CREATE_SESSION ID: WSFederation-12 Level: INFO Description: Can’t create session for user. Data: Error message, Realm or organization name, User name, Auth level Triggers: Cannot create session for user. Actions: Check the configuration. Ensure that SP account mapper is finding a user in the local store. SSO_SUCCESSFUL ID: WSFederation-13 Level: INFO Description: Single sign-on completed successfully. Data: wctx, Assertion or assertion ID, Realm or organization name, User ID, Authentication Level, Target URL Triggers: Successful WS-Federation RP Signin Response. UNTRUSTED_ISSUER ID: WSFederation-14 Level: INFO Description: Assertion issuer is not trusted by this service provider. Data: Assertion or assertion ID, Realm or organization name, Service provider ID, Target URL Triggers: Cannot create session for user. Actions: Check the configuration. Ensure that SP account mapper is finding a user in the local store. MISSING_SUBJECT ID: WSFederation-15 Level: INFO Description: Assertion does not contain a subject element. Data: Assertion or assertion ID Triggers: Assertion does not contain a subject element. Actions: Check the assertion. Contact Identity Provider if needed. GOT_FEDERATION ID: WSFederation-16 Level: FINE Description: Federation obtained. Data: Federation ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Obtain federation. GOT_INVALID_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: WSFederation-17 Level: INFO Description: Obtained invalid entity descriptor. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Obtain entity descriptor. Actions: Delete invalid entity descriptor and import it again. CONFIG_ERROR_GET_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: WSFederation-18 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while getting entity descriptor. Data: Error message, Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Obtain entity descriptor. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. SET_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: WSFederation-19 Level: INFO Description: Entity descriptor was set. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Set entity descriptor. CONFIG_ERROR_SET_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: WSFederation-20 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while setting entity descriptor. Data: Error message, Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Set entity descriptor. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. SET_INVALID_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: WSFederation-21 Level: INFO Description: Invalid entity descriptor to set. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Set entity descriptor. Actions: Check entity descriptor if it follows the schema. ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR_CREATED ID: WSFederation-22 Level: INFO Description: Entity descriptor was created. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity descriptor. CONFIG_ERROR_CREATE_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: WSFederation-23 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while creating entity descriptor. Data: Error message, Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity descriptor. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. CREATE_INVALID_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: WSFederation-24 Level: INFO Description: Invalid entity descriptor to create. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity descriptor. Actions: Check entity descriptor if it follows the schema. ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR_DELETED ID: WSFederation-25 Level: INFO Description: Entity descriptor was deleted. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Delete entity descriptor. CONFIG_ERROR_DELETE_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: WSFederation-26 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while deleting entity descriptor. Data: Error message, Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Delete entity descriptor. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. GOT_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: WSFederation-27 Level: FINE Description: Entity config obtained. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Obtain entity config. GOT_INVALID_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: WSFederation-28 Level: INFO Description: Obtained invalid entity config. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Obtain entity config. Actions: Delete invalid entity config and import it again. CONFIG_ERROR_GET_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: WSFederation-29 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while getting entity config. Data: Error message, Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Obtain entity config. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. NO_ENTITY_ID_SET_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: WSFederation-30 Level: INFO Description: No entity ID while setting entity config. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Set entity config. Actions: Set entity ID in entity config. SET_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: WSFederation-31 Level: INFO Description: Entity config was set. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Set entity config. CONFIG_ERROR_SET_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: WSFederation-32 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while setting entity config. Data: Error message, Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Set entity config. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. SET_INVALID_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: WSFederation-33 Level: INFO Description: Invalid entity config to set. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Set entity config. Actions: Check entity config if it follows the schema. NO_ENTITY_ID_CREATE_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: WSFederation-34 Level: INFO Description: No entity ID while creating entity config. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity config. Actions: Set entity ID in entity config. NO_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR_CREATE_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: WSFederation-35 Level: INFO Description: Entity config doesn’t exist while creating entity config. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity config. Actions: Create entity descriptor before create entity config. ENTITY_CONFIG_EXISTS ID: WSFederation-36 Level: INFO Description: Entity config exists while creating entity config. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity config. Actions: Delete existing entity config first. ENTITY_CONFIG_CREATED ID: WSFederation-37 Level: INFO Description: Entity config was created. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity config. CONFIG_ERROR_CREATE_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: WSFederation-38 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while creating entity config. Data: Error message, Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity config. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. CREATE_INVALID_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: WSFederation-39 Level: INFO Description: Invalid entity config to create. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Create entity config. Actions: Check entity config if it follows the schema. NO_ENTITY_CONFIG_DELETE_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: WSFederation-40 Level: INFO Description: Entity config doesn’t exist while deleting entity config. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Delete entity config. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. ENTITY_CONFIG_DELETED ID: WSFederation-41 Level: INFO Description: Entity config was deleted. Data: Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Delete entity config. CONFIG_ERROR_DELETE_ENTITY_CONFIG ID: WSFederation-42 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while deleting entity config. Data: Error message, Entity ID, Realm or organization name Triggers: Delete entity config. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. CONFIG_ERROR_GET_ALL_HOSTED_ENTITIES ID: WSFederation-43 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while getting all hosted entities. Data: Error message, Realm or organization name Triggers: Get all hosted entities. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. GOT_ALL_HOSTED_ENTITIES ID: WSFederation-44 Level: FINE Description: Obtained all hosted entities. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Get all hosted entities. CONFIG_ERROR_GET_ALL_REMOTE_ENTITIES ID: WSFederation-45 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while getting all remote entities. Data: Error message, Realm or organization name Triggers: Get all remote entities. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. GOT_ALL_REMOTE_ENTITIES ID: WSFederation-46 Level: FINE Description: Obtained all remote entities. Data: Error message, Realm or organization name Triggers: Get all remote entities. CONFIG_ERROR_GET_ALL_ENTITIES ID: WSFederation-47 Level: INFO Description: Configuration error while getting all entities. Data: Error message, Realm or organization name Triggers: Get all entities. Actions: Check debug message for detailed error. GOT_ALL_ENTITIES ID: WSFederation-48 Level: FINE Description: Obtained all entities. Data: Realm or organization name Triggers: Get all entities. ASSERTION_CREATED ID: WSFederation-49 Level: INFO Description: Assertion created successfully. Data: Assertion or assertion ID Triggers: Creation of WS-Federation IdP Signin Response. NO_ACS_URL ID: WSFederation-50 Level: INFO Description: Could not find an Assertion Consumer Service URL. Data: Realm or organization name, Service provider ID, Reply URL Triggers: No ACS URL in configuration.; ACS URL provided in request not found in configuration. Actions: Check configuration for service provider. SLO_SUCCESSFUL ID: WSFederation-51 Level: INFO Description: Single logout completed successfully. Data: Reply URL Triggers: Successful single logout. OpenAM logs the following WebServicesSecurity messages. UNSUPPORTED_TOKEN_TYPE ID: WebServicesSecurity-1 Level: INFO Description: Unsupported Token Type sent to STS for Security Token creation. Data: Token Type sent by client to STS Triggers: Invalid or unsupported token type sent by client to STS. Actions: Check the Token Type sent by client to STS. CREATED_SAML11_ASSERTION ID: WebServicesSecurity-2 Level: INFO Description: Successfully created SAML 1.1 assertion by STS. Data: Assertion ID, Issuer of this SAML assertion, Service Provider for which this Assertion is created or applies to, Confirmation Method, Token Type, Key Type Triggers: Valid parameters sent by client to STS to create SAML assetion. CREATED_SAML20_ASSERTION ID: WebServicesSecurity-3 Level: INFO Description: Successfully created SAML 2.0 assertion by STS. Data: Assertion ID, Issuer of this SAML assertion, Service Provider for which this Assertion is created or applies to, Confirmation Method, Token Type, Key Type Triggers: Valid parameters sent by client to STS to create SAML assetion. ERROR_SIGNING_SAML_ASSERTION ID: WebServicesSecurity-4 Level: INFO Description: Error during signing SAML assertion by STS. Data: Actual Error message Triggers: Problem in STS’s Certificate or Private key. Actions: Check the certificate of STS.; Check the Private Key of STS. ERROR_CREATING_SAML11_ASSERTION ID: WebServicesSecurity-5 Level: INFO Description: Error during creation of SAML 1.1 Assertion by STS. Data: Actual Error message Triggers: Invalid parameters sent to create SAML 1.1 Assertion. Actions: Check all the parameters sent to create SAML 1.1 Assertion. ERROR_CREATING_SAML20_ASSERTION ID: WebServicesSecurity-6 Level: INFO Description: Error during creation of SAML 2.0 Assertion by STS. Data: Actual Error message Triggers: Invalid parameters sent to create SAML 2.0 Assertion. Actions: Check all the parameters sent to create SAML 2.0 Assertion. IDENTITY_SUBJECT_NAME ID: WebServicesSecurity-7 Level: INFO Description: Security token being created for this Identity. Data: Subject or Identity of the token ATTR_MAP_FOR_SP ID: WebServicesSecurity-8 Level: INFO Description: Security token being created with this Attribute Map for Service Provider. Data: Attribute Map required by Service Provider Triggers: Service Provider needs Attributes to be populated in Security token. SUCCESS_VALIDATE_REQUEST ID: WebServicesSecurity-9 Level: INFO Description: Successfully validated the incoming SOAP request. Data: Provider name to identify the STS service or WSP profile, Security Mechanism or authentication token sent by client REQUEST_TO_BE_VALIDATED ID: WebServicesSecurity-10 Level: FINE Description: Incoming SOAP request to be validated. Data: Complete SOAP request RESPONSE_TO_BE_SECURED ID: WebServicesSecurity-11 Level: FINE Description: Outgoing SOAP response to be secured. Data: Complete SOAP response SUCCESS_SECURE_RESPONSE ID: WebServicesSecurity-12 Level: INFO Description: Successfully secured the outgoing SOAP response. Data: Provider name to identify the STS service or WSP profile REQUEST_TO_BE_SECURED ID: WebServicesSecurity-13 Level: FINE Description: Outgoing SOAP request to be secured. Data: Complete SOAP request SUCCESS_SECURE_REQUEST ID: WebServicesSecurity-14 Level: INFO Description: Successfully secured the outgoing SOAP request. Data: Provider name to identify the STS client or WSC profile, Security Mechanism or authentication token sent by client RESPONSE_TO_BE_VALIDATED ID: WebServicesSecurity-15 Level: FINE Description: Incoming SOAP response to be validated. Data: Complete SOAP response SUCCESS_VALIDATE_RESPONSE ID: WebServicesSecurity-16 Level: INFO Description: Successfully validated the incoming SOAP response. Data: Provider name to identify the STS client or WSC profile AUTHENTICATION_FAILED ID: WebServicesSecurity-17 Level: INFO Description: Authentication of the incoming SOAP request failed at server or WSP. Data: Security Mechanism or Security token sent by client Triggers: Invalid Security Mechanism or Security token sent by client. Actions: Check Security Mechanism or Security token sent by client. ERROR_PARSING_SOAP_HEADERS ID: WebServicesSecurity-18 Level: INFO Description: Error in parsing SOAP headers from incoming SOAP request. Data: Actual error message Triggers: Client has sent incorrect SOAP headers. Actions: Check SOAP headers. ERROR_ADDING_SECURITY_HEADER ID: WebServicesSecurity-19 Level: INFO Description: Error in adding Security header in outgoing SOAP request. Data: Actual error message Triggers: Error in adding namespaces or creating Security Header element. Actions: Check namespaces and Secuirty Header. SIGNATURE_VALIDATION_FAILED ID: WebServicesSecurity-20 Level: INFO Description: Signature validation failed in incoming SOAP request / response. Data: Actual error message Triggers: Error in signing request / response by client / server. Actions: Check keystore and certificate used for signing. UNABLE_TO_SIGN ID: WebServicesSecurity-21 Level: INFO Description: Unable to sign SOAP request or response. Data: Actual error message Triggers: Error in retrieving certificate from the keystore. Actions: Check keystore configuration and certificate used for signing.; Check debug file for detailed info. UNABLE_TO_ENCRYPT ID: WebServicesSecurity-22 Level: INFO Description: Unable to encrypt SOAP request or response. Data: Actual error message Triggers: Error in retrieving certificate from the keystore. Actions: Check keystore configuration and certificate used for encryption.; Check debug file for detailed info. UNABLE_TO_DECRYPT ID: WebServicesSecurity-23 Level: INFO Description: Unable to decrypt SOAP request or response. Data: Actual error message Triggers: Error in retrieving certificate from the keystore. Actions: Check keystore configuration and certificate used for decryption.; Check debug file for detailed info. SUCCESS_RETRIEVING_TOKEN_FROM_STS ID: WebServicesSecurity-24 Level: INFO Description: Successfully retrieved Security Token from STS service. Data: Web Service Provider end point for which Security Token being generated, Security Token Service end point to which STS client talks to, Security Token Service MEX end point address, End user credential (if "null" then the Identity of the generated Security token is Web Service Client, else it is owned by Authenticated End user), Key Type, Token Type Triggers: All the required input data parameters are correct. ERROR_RETRIEVING_TOKEN_FROM_STS ID: WebServicesSecurity-25 Level: INFO Description: Error in retrieving Security Token from STS service. Data: Actual error message Triggers: Some or more required input data parameters are not correct. Actions: Check all the required input data parameters.; Check debug file for detailed error. ERROR_RETRIEVING_TOKEN_FROM_STS ID: WebServicesSecurity-26 Level: SEVERE Description: Error in retrieving Security Token from STS service. Data: Actual error message Triggers: Some or more required input data parameters are not correct. Actions: Check all the required input data parameters.; Check debug file for detailed error. ERROR_CREATING_SAML11_ASSERTION ID: WebServicesSecurity-27 Level: SEVERE Description: Error during creation of SAML 1.1 Assertion by STS. Data: Actual Error message Triggers: Invalid parameters sent to create SAML 1.1 Assertion. Actions: Check all the parameters sent to create SAML 1.1 Assertion.; Check debug file for detailed error. ERROR_CREATING_SAML20_ASSERTION ID: WebServicesSecurity-28 Level: SEVERE Description: Error during creation of SAML 2.0 Assertion by STS. Data: Actual Error message Triggers: Invalid parameters sent to create SAML 2.0 Assertion. Actions: Check all the parameters sent to create SAML 2.0 Assertion.; Check debug file for detailed error. OpenAM logs the following AUTHENTICATION messages. LOGIN_SUCCESS ID: AUTHENTICATION-100 Level: INFO Description: Authentication is Successful Data: message, no session Triggers: User authenticated with valid credentials LOGIN_SUCCESS_USER ID: AUTHENTICATION-101 Level: INFO Description: User based authentication is successful Data: message, authentication type, user name, no session Triggers: User authenticated with valid credentials LOGIN_SUCCESS_ROLE ID: AUTHENTICATION-102 Level: INFO Description: Role based authentication is successful Data: message, authentication type, role name, no session Triggers: User belonging to role authenticated with valid credentials LOGIN_SUCCESS_SERVICE ID: AUTHENTICATION-103 Level: INFO Description: Service based authentication is successful Data: message, authentication type, service name, no session Triggers: User authenticated with valid credentials to a configured service under realm LOGIN_SUCCESS_LEVEL ID: AUTHENTICATION-104 Level: INFO Description: Authentication level based authentication is successful Data: message, authentication type, authentication level value, no session Triggers: User authenticated with valid credentials to one or more authentication modules having authentication level value greater than or equal to specified authentication level LOGIN_SUCCESS_MODULE_INSTANCE ID: AUTHENTICATION-105 Level: INFO Description: Module based authentication is successful Data: message, authentication type, module name, no session Triggers: User authenticated with valid credentials to authentication module under realm LOGIN_FAILED ID: AUTHENTICATION-200 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message Triggers: Incorrect/invalid credentials presented; User locked out/not active Actions: Enter correct/valid credentials to required authentication module LOGIN_FAILED_INVALIDPASSWORD ID: AUTHENTICATION-201 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message Triggers: Invalid credentials entered. Actions: Enter the correct password. LOGIN_FAILED_NOCONFIG ID: AUTHENTICATION-202 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message Triggers: Named Configuration (Auth Chain) does not exist. Actions: Create and configure a named config for this org. LOGIN_FAILED_NOUSERPROFILE ID: AUTHENTICATION-203 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message Triggers: No user profile found for this user. Actions: User does not exist in the datastore plugin configured and hence configure the datastore plugin for this realm/org correctly. LOGIN_FAILED_USERINACTIVE ID: AUTHENTICATION-204 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message Triggers: This user is not active. Actions: Activate the user. LOGIN_FAILED_LOCKEDOUT ID: AUTHENTICATION-205 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message Triggers: Max number of failure attempts exceeded. User is Locked out. Actions: Contact system administrator. LOGIN_FAILED_ACCOUNTEXPIRED ID: AUTHENTICATION-206 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message Triggers: User account has expired. Actions: Contact system administrator. LOGIN_FAILED_LOGINTIMEOUT ID: AUTHENTICATION-207 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message Triggers: Login timed out. Actions: Try to login again. LOGIN_FAILED_MODULEDENIED ID: AUTHENTICATION-208 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message Triggers: Authentication module is denied. Actions: Configure this module or use some other module. LOGIN_FAILED_MAXSESSIONREACHED ID: AUTHENTICATION-209 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message Triggers: Limit for maximum number of allowed session has been reached. Actions: Logout of a session or increase the limit. LOGIN_FAILED_INVALIDDOMAIN ID: AUTHENTICATION-210 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message Triggers: Org/Realm does not exists. Actions: Use a valid Org/Realm. LOGIN_FAILED_ORGINACTIVE ID: AUTHENTICATION-211 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message Triggers: Org/Realm is not active. Actions: Activate the Org/Realm. LOGIN_FAILED_SESSIONCREATEERROR ID: AUTHENTICATION-212 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message Triggers: Cannot create a session. Actions: Ensure that session service is configured and maxsession is not reached. LOGIN_FAILED_USER ID: AUTHENTICATION-213 Level: INFO Description: User based authentication failed Data: error message, authentication type, user name Triggers: No authentication configuration (chain of one or more authentication modules) configured for user; Incorrect/invalid credentials presented; User locked out/not active Actions: Configure authentication configuration (chain of one or more authentication modules) for user; Enter correct/valid credentials to required authentication module LOGIN_FAILED_USER_INVALIDPASSWORD ID: AUTHENTICATION-214 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, user name Triggers: User based Auth. Invalid credentials entered. Actions: Enter the correct password. LOGIN_FAILED_USER_NOCONFIG ID: AUTHENTICATION-215 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, user name Triggers: Named Configuration (Auth Chain) does not exist for this user Actions: Create and configure a named config for this user LOGIN_FAILED_USER_NOUSERPROFILE ID: AUTHENTICATION-216 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, user name Triggers: User based Auth. No user profile found for this user. Actions: User does not exist in the datastore plugin configured and hence configure the datastore plugin for this realm/org correctly. LOGIN_FAILED_USER_USERINACTIVE ID: AUTHENTICATION-217 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, user name Triggers: User based Auth. This user is not active. Actions: Activate the user. LOGIN_FAILED_USER_LOCKEDOUT ID: AUTHENTICATION-218 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, user name Triggers: User based Auth. Max number of failure attempts exceeded. User is Locked out. Actions: Contact system administrator. LOGIN_FAILED_USER_ACCOUNTEXPIRED ID: AUTHENTICATION-219 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, user name Triggers: User based Auth. User account has expired. Actions: Contact system administrator. LOGIN_FAILED_USER_LOGINTIMEOUT ID: AUTHENTICATION-220 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, user name Triggers: User based Auth. Login timed out. Actions: Try to login again. LOGIN_FAILED_USER_MODULEDENIED ID: AUTHENTICATION-221 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, user name Triggers: User based Auth. Authentication module is denied. Actions: Configure this module or use some other module. LOGIN_FAILED_USER_MAXSESSIONREACHED ID: AUTHENTICATION-222 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, user name Triggers: User based auth. Limit for maximum number of allowed session has been reached. Actions: Logout of a session or increase the limit. LOGIN_FAILED_USER_INVALIDDOMAIN ID: AUTHENTICATION-223 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, user name Triggers: User based auth. Org/Realm does not exists. Actions: Use a valid Org/Realm. LOGIN_FAILED_USER_ORGINACTIVE ID: AUTHENTICATION-224 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, user name Triggers: User based auth. Org/Realm is not active. Actions: Activate the Org/Realm. LOGIN_FAILED_USER_SESSIONCREATEERROR ID: AUTHENTICATION-225 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, user name Triggers: User based auth. Cannot create a session. Actions: Ensure that session service is configured and maxsession is not reached. LOGIN_FAILED_ROLE ID: AUTHENTICATION-226 Level: INFO Description: Role based authentication failed Data: error message, authentication type, role name Triggers: No authentication configuration (chain of one or more authentication modules) configured for role; Incorrect/invalid credentials presented; User does not belong to this role; User locked out/not active Actions: Configure authentication configuration (chain of one or more authentication modules) for role; Enter correct/valid credentials to required authentication module; Assign this role to the authenticating user LOGIN_FAILED_ROLE_INVALIDPASSWORD ID: AUTHENTICATION-227 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, role name Triggers: Role based Auth. Invalid credentials entered. Actions: Enter the correct password. LOGIN_FAILED_ROLE_NOCONFIG ID: AUTHENTICATION-228 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, role name Triggers: Named Configuration (Auth Chain) does not exist for this role. Actions: Create and configure a named config for this role. LOGIN_FAILED_ROLE_NOUSERPROFILE ID: AUTHENTICATION-229 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, role name Triggers: Role based Auth. No user profile found for this user. Actions: User does not exist in the datastore plugin configured and hence configure the datastore plugin for this realm/org correctly. LOGIN_FAILED_ROLE_USERINACTIVE ID: AUTHENTICATION-230 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, role name Triggers: Role based Auth. This user is not active. Actions: Activate the user. LOGIN_FAILED_ROLE_LOCKEDOUT ID: AUTHENTICATION-231 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, role name Triggers: Role based Auth. Max number of failure attempts exceeded. User is Locked out. Actions: Contact system administrator. LOGIN_FAILED_ROLE_ACCOUNTEXPIRED ID: AUTHENTICATION-232 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, role name Triggers: Role based Auth. User account has expired. Actions: Contact system administrator. LOGIN_FAILED_ROLE_LOGINTIMEOUT ID: AUTHENTICATION-233 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, role name Triggers: Role based Auth. Login timed out. Actions: Try to login again. LOGIN_FAILED_ROLE_MODULEDENIED ID: AUTHENTICATION-234 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, role name Triggers: Role based Auth. Authentication module is denied. Actions: Configure this module or use some other module. LOGIN_FAILED_ROLE_MAXSESSIONREACHED ID: AUTHENTICATION-235 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, role name Triggers: Role based auth. Limit for maximum number of allowed session has been reached. Actions: Logout of a session or increase the limit. LOGIN_FAILED_ROLE_INVALIDDOMAIN ID: AUTHENTICATION-236 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, role name Triggers: Role based auth. Org/Realm does not exists. Actions: Use a valid Org/Realm. LOGIN_FAILED_ROLE_ORGINACTIVE ID: AUTHENTICATION-237 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, role name Triggers: Role based auth. Org/Realm is not active. Actions: Activate the Org/Realm. LOGIN_FAILED_ROLE_SESSIONCREATEERROR ID: AUTHENTICATION-238 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, role name Triggers: Role based auth. Cannot create a session. Actions: Ensure that session service is configured and maxsession is not reached. LOGIN_FAILED_ROLE_USERNOTFOUND ID: AUTHENTICATION-239 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, role name Triggers: Role based auth. User does not belong to this role. Actions: Add the user to this role. LOGIN_FAILED_SERVICE ID: AUTHENTICATION-240 Level: INFO Description: Service based authentication failed Data: error message, authentication type, service name Triggers: No authentication configuration (chain of one or more authentication modules) configured for service; Incorrect/invalid credentials presented; User locked out/not active Actions: Configure authentication configuration (chain of one or more authentication modules) for service; Enter correct/valid credentials to required authentication module LOGIN_FAILED_SERVICE_INVALIDPASSWORD ID: AUTHENTICATION-241 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, service name Triggers: Service based Auth. Invalid credentials entered. Actions: Enter the correct password. LOGIN_FAILED_SERVICE_NOCONFIG ID: AUTHENTICATION-242 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, service name Triggers: Named Configuration (Auth Chain) does not exist with this service name. Actions: Create and configure a named config. LOGIN_FAILED_SERVICE_NOUSERPROFILE ID: AUTHENTICATION-243 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, service name Triggers: Service based Auth. No user profile found for this user. Actions: User does not exist in the datastore plugin configured and hence configure the datastore plugin for this realm/org correctly. LOGIN_FAILED_SERVICE_USERINACTIVE ID: AUTHENTICATION-244 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, service name Triggers: Service based Auth. This user is not active. Actions: Activate the user. LOGIN_FAILED_SERVICE_LOCKEDOUT ID: AUTHENTICATION-245 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, service name Triggers: Service based Auth. Max number of failure attempts exceeded. User is Locked out. Actions: Contact system administrator. LOGIN_FAILED_SERVICE_ACCOUNTEXPIRED ID: AUTHENTICATION-246 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, service name Triggers: Service based Auth. User account has expired. Actions: Contact system administrator. LOGIN_FAILED_SERVICE_LOGINTIMEOUT ID: AUTHENTICATION-247 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, service name Triggers: Service based Auth. Login timed out. Actions: Try to login again. LOGIN_FAILED_SERVICE_MODULEDENIED ID: AUTHENTICATION-248 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, service name Triggers: Service based Auth. Authentication module is denied. Actions: Configure this module or use some other module. LOGIN_FAILED_SERVICE_NOSERVICE ID: AUTHENTICATION-249 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, service name Triggers: Service based Auth. Service does not exist. Actions: Please use only valid Service. LOGIN_FAILED_SERVICE_MAXSESSIONREACHED ID: AUTHENTICATION-250 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, service name Triggers: Service based auth. Limit for maximum number of allowed session has been reached. Actions: Logout of a session or increase the limit. LOGIN_FAILED_SERVICE_INVALIDDOMAIN ID: AUTHENTICATION-251 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, service name Triggers: Service based auth. Org/Realm does not exists. Actions: Use a valid Org/Realm. LOGIN_FAILED_SERVICE_ORGINACTIVE ID: AUTHENTICATION-252 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, service name Triggers: Service based auth. Org/Realm is not active. Actions: Activate the Org/Realm. LOGIN_FAILED_SERVICE_SESSIONCREATEERROR ID: AUTHENTICATION-253 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, service name Triggers: Service based auth. Cannot create a session. Actions: Ensure that session service is configured and maxsession is not reached. LOGIN_FAILED_LEVEL ID: AUTHENTICATION-254 Level: INFO Description: Authentication level based authentication failed Data: error message, authentication type, authentication level value Triggers: There are no authentication module(s) having authentication level value greater than or equal to specified authentication level; Incorrect/invalid credentials presented to one or more authentication modules having authentication level greater than or equal to specified authentication level; User locked out/not active Actions: Configure one or more authentication modules having authentication level value greater than or equal to required authentication level; Enter correct/valid credentials to one or more authentication modules having authentication level greater than or equal to specified authentication level LOGIN_FAILED_LEVEL_INVALIDPASSWORD ID: AUTHENTICATION-255 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, authentication level value Triggers: Level based Auth. Invalid credentials entered. Actions: Enter the correct password. LOGIN_FAILED_LEVEL_NOCONFIG ID: AUTHENTICATION-256 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, authentication level value Triggers: Level based Auth. No Auth Configuration available. Actions: Create an auth configuration. LOGIN_FAILED_LEVEL_NOUSERPROFILE ID: AUTHENTICATION-257 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, authentication level value Triggers: Level based Auth. No user profile found for this user. Actions: User does not exist in the datastore plugin configured and hence configure the datastore plugin for this realm/org correctly. LOGIN_FAILED_LEVEL_USERINACTIVE ID: AUTHENTICATION-258 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, authentication level value Triggers: Level based Auth. This user is not active. Actions: Activate the user. LOGIN_FAILED_LEVEL_LOCKEDOUT ID: AUTHENTICATION-259 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, authentication level value Triggers: Level based Auth. Max number of failure attempts exceeded. User is Locked out. Actions: Contact system administrator. LOGIN_FAILED_LEVEL_ACCOUNTEXPIRED ID: AUTHENTICATION-260 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, authentication level value Triggers: Level based Auth. User account has expired. Actions: Contact system administrator. LOGIN_FAILED_LEVEL_LOGINTIMEOUT ID: AUTHENTICATION-261 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, authentication level value Triggers: Level based Auth. Login timed out. Actions: Try to login again. LOGIN_FAILED_LEVEL_MODULEDENIED ID: AUTHENTICATION-262 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, authentication level value Triggers: Level based Auth. Authentication module is denied. Actions: Configure this module or use some other module. LOGIN_FAILED_LEVEL_INCORRECTLEVEL ID: AUTHENTICATION-263 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, authentication level value Triggers: Level based Auth. Invalid Authg Level. Actions: Please specify valid auth level. LOGIN_FAILED_LEVEL_MAXSESSIONREACHED ID: AUTHENTICATION-264 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, authentication level value Triggers: Level based auth. Limit for maximum number of allowed session has been reached. Actions: Logout of a session or increase the limit. LOGIN_FAILED_LEVEL_INVALIDDOMAIN ID: AUTHENTICATION-265 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, authentication level value Triggers: Level based auth. Org/Realm does not exists. Actions: Use a valid Org/Realm. LOGIN_FAILED_LEVEL_ORGINACTIVE ID: AUTHENTICATION-266 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, authentication level value Triggers: Level based auth. Org/Realm is not active. Actions: Activate the Org/Realm. LOGIN_FAILED_LEVEL_SESSIONCREATEERROR ID: AUTHENTICATION-267 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, authentication level value Triggers: Level based auth. Cannot create a session. Actions: Ensure that session service is configured and maxsession is not reached. LOGIN_FAILED_MODULE_INSTANCE ID: AUTHENTICATION-268 Level: INFO Description: Module based authentication failed Data: error message, authentication type, module name Triggers: Module is not registered/configured under realm; Incorrect/invalid credentials presented; User locked out/not active Actions: Register/configure authentication module under realm; Enter correct/valid credentials to authentication module LOGIN_FAILED_MODULE_INSTANCE_INVALIDPASSWORD ID: AUTHENTICATION-269 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, module name Triggers: Module based Auth. Invalid credentials entered. Actions: Enter the correct password. LOGIN_FAILED_MODULE_INSTANCE_NOUSERPROFILE ID: AUTHENTICATION-270 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, module name Triggers: Module based Auth. No user profile found for this user. Actions: User does not exist in the datastore plugin configured and hence configure the datastore plugin for this realm/org correctly. LOGIN_FAILED_MODULE_INSTANCE_USERINACTIVE ID: AUTHENTICATION-271 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, module name Triggers: Module based Auth. This user is not active. Actions: Activate the user. LOGIN_FAILED_MODULE_INSTANCE_LOCKEDOUT ID: AUTHENTICATION-272 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, module name Triggers: Module based Auth. Max number of failure attempts exceeded. User is Locked out. Actions: Contact system administrator. LOGIN_FAILED_MODULE_INSTANCE_ACCOUNTEXPIRED ID: AUTHENTICATION-273 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, module name Triggers: Module based Auth. User account has expired. Actions: Contact system administrator. LOGIN_FAILED_MODULE_INSTANCE_LOGINTIMEOUT ID: AUTHENTICATION-274 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, module name Triggers: Module based Auth. Login timed out. Actions: Try to login again. LOGIN_FAILED_MODULE_INSTANCE_MODULEDENIED ID: AUTHENTICATION-275 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, module name Triggers: Module based Auth. Authentication module is denied. Actions: Configure this module or use some other module. LOGIN_FAILED_MODULE_INSTANCE_MAXSESSIONREACHED ID: AUTHENTICATION-276 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, module name Triggers: Module based auth. Limit for maximum number of allowed session has been reached. Actions: Logout of a session or increase the limit. LOGIN_FAILED_MODULE_INSTANCE_INVALIDDOMAIN ID: AUTHENTICATION-277 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, module name Triggers: Module based auth. Org/Realm does not exists. Actions: Use a valid Org/Realm. LOGIN_FAILED_MODULE_INSTANCE_ORGINACTIVE ID: AUTHENTICATION-278 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, module name Triggers: Module based auth. Org/Realm is not active. Actions: Activate the Org/Realm. LOGIN_FAILED_MODULE_INSTANCE_SESSIONCREATEERROR ID: AUTHENTICATION-279 Level: INFO Description: Authentication Failed Data: error message, authentication type, module name Triggers: Module based auth. Cannot create a session. Actions: Ensure that session service is configured and maxsession is not reached. LOGOUT ID: AUTHENTICATION-300 Level: INFO Description: User logout is Successful Data: message Triggers: User logged out LOGOUT_USER ID: AUTHENTICATION-301 Level: INFO Description: User logout is successful from user based authentication Data: message, authentication type, user name Triggers: User logged out LOGOUT_ROLE ID: AUTHENTICATION-302 Level: INFO Description: User logout is successful from role based authentication Data: message, authentication type, role name Triggers: User belonging to this role logged out LOGOUT_SERVICE ID: AUTHENTICATION-303 Level: INFO Description: User logout is successful from service based authentication Data: message, authentication type, service name Triggers: User logged out of a configured service under realm LOGOUT_LEVEL ID: AUTHENTICATION-304 Level: INFO Description: User logout is successful from authentication level based authentication Data: message, authentication type, authentication level value Triggers: User logged out of one or more authentication modules having authentication level value greater than or equal to specified authentication level LOGOUT_MODULE_INSTANCE ID: AUTHENTICATION-305 Level: INFO Description: User logout is successful from module based authentication Data: message, authentication type, module name Triggers: User logged out of authentication module under realm CHANGE_USER_PASSWORD_FAILED ID: AUTHENTICATION-306 Level: INFO Description: Change user password failed Data: error message Triggers: Change user password in authentication screen due to directory server password policy. Actions: Enter password which meets directory server password policy CHANGE_USER_PASSWORD_SUCCEEDED ID: AUTHENTICATION-307 Level: INFO Description: Changing user password succeeded Data: message Triggers: Change user password in authentication screen due to directory server password policy. CREATE_USER_PROFILE_FAILED ID: AUTHENTICATION-308 Level: INFO Description: Create user password failed Data: error message, user name Triggers: Create new user in Membership module Actions: Make sure password entered meets directory server password policy OpenAM logs the following AMCLI messages. ATTEMPT_LOGIN ID: AMCLI-1 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to login to execute the commandline. Data: user ID Triggers: Run the Commandline tool. SUCCEED_LOGIN ID: AMCLI-2 Level: INFO Description: Login to execute the commandline. Data: user ID Triggers: Run the Commandline tool. FAILED_LOGIN ID: AMCLI-3 Level: INFO Description: Failed to login. Data: user ID, error message Triggers: Run the Commandline tool. Actions: Check your user ID and password.; Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_LOAD_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-20 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to load schema to data store. Data: XML file name Triggers: Load Schema through Commandline interface. SUCCESS_LOAD_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-21 Level: INFO Description: Schema is loaded to data store. Data: XML file name Triggers: Load Schema through Commandline interface. FAILED_LOAD_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-22 Level: SEVERE Description: Schema is not loaded to data store. Data: XML file name, error message Triggers: Load Schema through Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_SERVICE ID: AMCLI-30 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete service from data store. Data: service name Triggers: Delete Service through Commandline interface. SUCCESS_DELETE_SERVICE ID: AMCLI-31 Level: INFO Description: Deleted service from data store. Data: service name Triggers: Delete Service through Commandline interface. FAILED_DELETE_SERVICE ID: AMCLI-32 Level: SEVERE Description: Schema is not loaded to data store. Data: service name, error message Triggers: Delete Service Schema through Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_ADD_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-40 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to attribute schema to an existing service. Data: service name, schema type, XML file name Triggers: Add attribute schema through Commandline interface. SUCCESS_ADD_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-41 Level: INFO Description: Added attribute schema to existing service. Data: service name, schema type, XML file name Triggers: Add attribute schema through Commandline interface. FAILED_ADD_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-42 Level: SEVERE Description: Attribute schema is not added to existing service. Data: service name, schema type, XML file name, error message Triggers: Add attribute schema through Commandline interface. Actions: Check the service name, schema type and XML file.; Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_ADD_RESOURCE_BUNDLE ID: AMCLI-50 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to add resource bundle to data store. Data: resource bundle name, file name, locale Triggers: Add Resource Bundle through Commandline interface. SUCCEED_ADD_RESOURCE_BUNDLE ID: AMCLI-51 Level: INFO Description: Resource bundle is added to data store. Data: resource bundle name, file name, locale Triggers: Add Resource Bundle through Commandline interface. FAILED_ADD_RESOURCE_BUNDLE ID: AMCLI-52 Level: SEVERE Description: Failed to add resource bundle to data store. Data: resource bundle name, file name, locale, error message Triggers: SDK for adding resource bundle failed. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_RESOURCE_BUNDLE ID: AMCLI-60 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get resource bundle from data store. Data: resource bundle name, locale Triggers: Get Resource Bundle through Commandline interface. SUCCEED_GET_RESOURCE_BUNDLE ID: AMCLI-61 Level: INFO Description: Resource bundle retrieved from data store. Data: resource bundle name, locale Triggers: Get Resource Bundle through Commandline interface. FAILED_GET_RESOURCE_BUNDLE ID: AMCLI-62 Level: SEVERE Description: Failed to get resource bundle from data store. Data: resource bundle name, locale, error message Triggers: SDK for getting resource bundle failed. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_RESOURCE_BUNDLE ID: AMCLI-70 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete resource bundle from data store. Data: resource bundle name, locale Triggers: Delete Resource Bundle through Commandline interface. SUCCEED_DELETE_RESOURCE_BUNDLE ID: AMCLI-71 Level: INFO Description: Resource bundle deleted from data store. Data: resource bundle name, locale Triggers: Delete Resource Bundle through Commandline interface. FAILED_DELETE_RESOURCE_BUNDLE ID: AMCLI-72 Level: SEVERE Description: Failed to delete resource bundle from data store. Data: resource bundle name, locale, error message Triggers: SDK for deleting resource bundle failed. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SESSION_DESTROY ID: AMCLI-100 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to destroy Session destroyed Data: name of user Triggers: Administrator invalidates session via Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SESSION_DESTROY ID: AMCLI-101 Level: INFO Description: Session destroyed Data: name of user Triggers: Administrator invalidates session via Commandline interface. FAILED_SESSION_DESTROY ID: AMCLI-102 Level: SEVERE Description: Failed to destroy session Data: name of user, error message Triggers: Session cannot be destroyed. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_MIGRATION_ENTRY ID: AMCLI-1000 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to migration organization to realm/ Data: distinguished name of organization Triggers: Migration Commandline interface. SUCCEED_MIGRATION_ENTRY ID: AMCLI-1001 Level: INFO Description: Migration completed. Data: distinguished name of organization Triggers: Migration Commandline interface. ATTEMPT_DELETE_REALM ID: AMCLI-2000 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete realm/ Data: name of realm, recursive Triggers: Delete realm command through Commandline interface. SUCCEED_DELETE_REALM ID: AMCLI-2001 Level: INFO Description: Realm deleted. Data: name of realm, recursive Triggers: Delete realm command through Commandline interface. FAILED_DELETE_REALM ID: AMCLI-2002 Level: INFO Description: Failed to delete realm. Data: name of realm, recursive, error message Triggers: Delete realm command through Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_REALM ID: AMCLI-2010 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create realm/ Data: name of realm Triggers: Create realm command through Commandline interface. SUCCEED_CREATE_REALM ID: AMCLI-2011 Level: INFO Description: Realm created. Data: name of realm Triggers: Create realm command through Commandline interface. FAILED_CREATE_REALM ID: AMCLI-2012 Level: INFO Description: Failed to create realm. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Create realm command through Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SEARCH_REALM ID: AMCLI-3020 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to search for realms by name. Data: name of realm, search pattern, recursive Triggers: Search realms command through Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SEARCH_REALM ID: AMCLI-3021 Level: INFO Description: Completed searching for realms. Data: name of realm, search pattern, recursive Triggers: Search realms command through Commandline interface. FAILED_SEARCH_REALM ID: AMCLI-3022 Level: INFO Description: Search for realms failed. Data: name of realm, search pattern, recursive, error message Triggers: Search realms command through Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_ASSIGNABLE_SERVICES_OF_REALM ID: AMCLI-2020 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get assignable services of realm. Data: name of realm Triggers: Execute get assignable services of realm Commandline interface. SUCCEED_GET_ASSIGNABLE_SERVICES_OF_REALM ID: AMCLI-2021 Level: INFO Description: Assignable services command is serviced. Data: name of realm Triggers: Execute get assignable services of realm Commandline interface. FAILED_GET_ASSIGNABLE_SERVICES_OF_REALM ID: AMCLI-2022 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get assignable services of realm. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Execute get assignable services of realm Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_ASSIGNED_SERVICES_OF_REALM ID: AMCLI-2030 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get services assigned to a realm. Data: name of realm, include mandatory services Triggers: Execute get services assigned to realm Commandline interface. SUCCEED_GET_ASSIGNED_SERVICES_OF_REALM ID: AMCLI-2031 Level: INFO Description: Assignable services command is serviced. Data: name of realm, include mandatory services Triggers: Execute get services assigned to realm Commandline interface. FAILED_GET_ASSIGNED_SERVICES_OF_REALM ID: AMCLI-2032 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get services assigned to realm. Data: name of realm, include mandatory services, error message Triggers: Execute get services assigned to realm Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_ASSIGN_SERVICE_TO_REALM ID: AMCLI-2040 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to assign service to a realm. Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Execute assign service to realm Commandline interface. SUCCEED_ASSIGN_SERVICE_TO_REALM ID: AMCLI-2041 Level: INFO Description: Service is assigned to realm. Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Execute assign service to realm Commandline interface. FAILED_ASSIGN_SERVICE_TO_REALM ID: AMCLI-2042 Level: INFO Description: Unable to assign service to realm. Data: name of realm, name of service, error message Triggers: Execute assign service to realm Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_UNASSIGN_SERVICE_FROM_REALM ID: AMCLI-2050 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to unassign service from a realm. Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Execute unassign service from realm Commandline interface. SUCCEED_UNASSIGN_SERVICE_FROM_REALM ID: AMCLI-2051 Level: INFO Description: Service is unassigned from realm. Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Execute unassign service from realm Commandline interface. FAILED_UNASSIGN_SERVICE_FROM_REALM ID: AMCLI-2052 Level: INFO Description: Unable to unassign service from realm. Data: name of realm, name of service, error message Triggers: Execute unassign service from realm Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_REALM_SERVICE_ATTR_VALUES ID: AMCLI-2060 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get service attribute values from a realm. Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Execute get service attribute values from realm Commandline interface. SUCCEED_GET_REALM_SERVICE_ATTR_VALUES ID: AMCLI-2061 Level: INFO Description: Service attribute values of realm is returneed. Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Execute get service attribute values from realm Commandline interface. FAILED_GET_REALM_SERVICE_ATTR_VALUES ID: AMCLI-2062 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get service attribute values of realm. Data: name of realm, name of service, error message Triggers: Execute get service attribute values from realm Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_REMOVE_REALM_ATTRIBUTE ID: AMCLI-2070 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove attribute from a realm. Data: name of realm, name of service, name of attribute Triggers: Execute remove attribute from realm Commandline interface. SUCCEED_REMOVE_REALM_ATTRIBUTE ID: AMCLI-2071 Level: INFO Description: Attribute of realm is removed. Data: name of realm, name of service, name of attribute Triggers: Execute remove attribute from realm Commandline interface. FAILED_REMOVE_REALM_ATTRIBUTE ID: AMCLI-2072 Level: INFO Description: Unable to remove attribute from realm. Data: name of realm, name of service, name of attribute, error message Triggers: Execute remove attribute from realm Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_SERVICE_REALM ID: AMCLI-2080 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify service of realm. Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Execute modify service of realm Commandline interface. SUCCEED_MODIFY_SERVICE_REALM ID: AMCLI-2081 Level: INFO Description: Attribute of realm is modified. Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Execute modify service of realm Commandline interface. FAILED_MODIFY_SERVICE_REALM ID: AMCLI-2082 Level: INFO Description: Unable to modify service of realm. Data: name of realm, name of service, error message Triggers: Execute modify service of realm Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_ADD_ATTR_VALUES_REALM ID: AMCLI-2090 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to add attribute value to realm. Data: name of realm, name of service, name of attribute Triggers: Execute add attribute values to realm Commandline interface. SUCCEED_ADD_ATTR_VALUES_REALM ID: AMCLI-2091 Level: INFO Description: Attribute values is added to realm. Data: name of realm, name of service, name of attribute Triggers: Execute add attribute values to realm Commandline interface. FAILED_ADD_ATTR_VALUES_REALM ID: AMCLI-2092 Level: INFO Description: Unable to add attribute values to realm. Data: name of realm, name of service, name of attribute, error message Triggers: Execute add attribute values to realm Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_ATTR_VALUES_REALM ID: AMCLI-2100 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set attribute value to realm. Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Execute set attribute values to realm Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SET_ATTR_VALUES_REALM ID: AMCLI-2101 Level: INFO Description: Attribute values is set to realm. Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Execute set attribute values to realm Commandline interface. FAILED_SET_ATTR_VALUES_REALM ID: AMCLI-2102 Level: INFO Description: Unable to set attribute values to realm. Data: name of realm, name of service, error message Triggers: Execute set attribute values to realm Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_REMOVE_SCHEMA_ATTR_DEFAULTS ID: AMCLI-2110 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove schema attribute defaults. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute Triggers: Execute remove schema attribute defaults Commandline interface. SUCCEED_REMOVE_SCHEMA_ATTR_DEFAULTS ID: AMCLI-2111 Level: INFO Description: Schema attribute defaults is removed. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute Triggers: Execute remove schema attribute defaults Commandline interface. FAILED_REMOVE_SCHEMA_ATTR_DEFAULTS ID: AMCLI-2112 Level: INFO Description: Unable to remove schema attribute defaults. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute, error message Triggers: Execute remove schema attribute defaults Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_ADD_SCHEMA_ATTR_DEFAULTS ID: AMCLI-2120 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to add schema attribute defaults. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute Triggers: Execute add schema attribute defaults Commandline interface. SUCCEED_ADD_SCHEMA_ATTR_DEFAULTS ID: AMCLI-2121 Level: INFO Description: Schema attribute defaults is added. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute Triggers: Execute add schema attribute defaults Commandline interface. FAILED_ADD_SCHEMA_ATTR_DEFAULTS ID: AMCLI-2122 Level: INFO Description: Unable to add schema attribute defaults. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute, error message Triggers: Execute add schema attribute defaults Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_SCHEMA_ATTR_DEFAULTS ID: AMCLI-2130 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get schema attribute defaults. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema Triggers: Execute get schema attribute defaults Commandline interface. SUCCEED_GET_SCHEMA_ATTR_DEFAULTS ID: AMCLI-2131 Level: INFO Description: Schema attribute defaults is returned. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema Triggers: Execute get schema attribute defaults Commandline interface. FAILED_GET_SCHEMA_ATTR_DEFAULTS ID: AMCLI-2132 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get schema attribute defaults. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, error message Triggers: Execute get schema attribute defaults Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_SCHEMA_ATTR_DEFAULTS ID: AMCLI-2140 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set schema attribute defaults. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema Triggers: Execute set schema attribute defaults Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SET_SCHEMA_ATTR_DEFAULTS ID: AMCLI-2141 Level: INFO Description: Schema attribute defaults is set. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema Triggers: Execute set schema attribute defaults Commandline interface. FAILED_SET_SCHEMA_ATTR_DEFAULTS ID: AMCLI-2142 Level: INFO Description: Unable to set schema attribute defaults. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, error message Triggers: Execute set schema attribute defaults Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_ADD_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_CHOICE_VALUES ID: AMCLI-2150 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to add choice value to attribute schema. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema Triggers: Execute add attribute schema choice values Commandline interface. SUCCEED_ADD_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_CHOICE_VALUES ID: AMCLI-2151 Level: INFO Description: Choice values are added. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema Triggers: Execute add attribute schema choice values Commandline interface. FAILED_ADD_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_CHOICE_VALUES ID: AMCLI-2152 Level: INFO Description: Unable to add choice value to attribute schema. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, error message Triggers: Execute add attribute schema choice values Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_CHOICE_VALUES ID: AMCLI-2155 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get choice value to attribute schema. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema Triggers: Execute get attribute schema choice values Commandline interface. SUCCEED_GET_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_CHOICE_VALUES ID: AMCLI-2156 Level: INFO Description: Choice values are listed. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema Triggers: Execute get attribute schema choice values Commandline interface. FAILED_GET_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_CHOICE_VALUES ID: AMCLI-2157 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get choice value to attribute schema. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, error message Triggers: Execute get attribute schema choice values Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_CHOICE_VALUE ID: AMCLI-2160 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove choice value from attribute schema. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema Triggers: Execute remove attribute schema choice values Commandline interface. SUCCEED_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_CHOICE_VALUE ID: AMCLI-2161 Level: INFO Description: Choice value is removed. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema Triggers: Execute remove attribute schema choice values Commandline interface. FAILED_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_CHOICE_VALUE ID: AMCLI-2162 Level: INFO Description: Unable to remove choice value to attribute schema. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, error message Triggers: Execute remove attribute schema choice values Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_TYPE ID: AMCLI-2170 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify attribute schema type. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, attribute schema type Triggers: Execute modify attribute schema type Commandline interface. SUCCEED_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_TYPE ID: AMCLI-2171 Level: INFO Description: Attribute schema type is modified. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, attribute schema type Triggers: Execute modify attribute schema type Commandline interface. FAILED_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_TYPE ID: AMCLI-2172 Level: INFO Description: Unable to modify attribute schema type. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, attribute schema type, error message Triggers: Execute modify attribute schema type Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_UI_TYPE ID: AMCLI-2180 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify attribute schema UI type. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, attribute schema UI type Triggers: Execute modify attribute schema UI type Commandline interface. SUCCEED_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_UI_TYPE ID: AMCLI-2181 Level: INFO Description: Attribute schema UI type is modified. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, attribute schema UI type Triggers: Execute modify attribute schema UI type Commandline interface. FAILED_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_UI_TYPE ID: AMCLI-2182 Level: INFO Description: Unable to modify attribute schema UI type. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, attribute schema UI type, error message Triggers: Execute modify attribute schema UI type Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_SYNTAX ID: AMCLI-2190 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify attribute schema syntax. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, attribute schema syntax Triggers: Execute modify attribute schema syntax Commandline interface. SUCCEED_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_SYNTAX ID: AMCLI-2191 Level: INFO Description: Attribute schema syntax is modified. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, attribute schema syntax Triggers: Execute modify attribute schema syntax Commandline interface. FAILED_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_SYNTAX ID: AMCLI-2192 Level: INFO Description: Unable to modify attribute schema syntax. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, attribute schema syntax, error message Triggers: Execute modify attribute schema syntax Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_I18N_KEY ID: AMCLI-2200 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify attribute schema i18n Key. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, attribute schema i18n Key Triggers: Execute modify attribute schema i18n Key Commandline interface. SUCCEED_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_I18N_KEY ID: AMCLI-2201 Level: INFO Description: Attribute schema i18n Key is modified. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, attribute schema i18n Key Triggers: Execute modify attribute schema i18n Key Commandline interface. FAILED_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_I18N_KEY ID: AMCLI-2202 Level: INFO Description: Unable to modify attribute schema i18n Key. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, attribute schema i18n Key, error message Triggers: Execute modify attribute schema i18n Key Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_PROPERTIES_VIEW_BEAN_URL ID: AMCLI-2210 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify attribute schema properties view bean URL. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, attribute schema properties view bean URL Triggers: Execute modify attribute schema properties view bean URL Commandline interface. SUCCEED_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_PROPERTIES_VIEW_BEAN_URL ID: AMCLI-2211 Level: INFO Description: Attribute schema properties view bean URL is modified. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, attribute schema properties view bean URL Triggers: Execute modify attribute schema properties view bean URL Commandline interface. FAILED_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_PROPERTIES_VIEW_BEAN_URL ID: AMCLI-2212 Level: INFO Description: Unable to modify attribute schema properties view bean URL. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, attribute schema properties view bean URL, error message Triggers: Execute modify attribute schema properties view bean URL Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_ANY ID: AMCLI-2220 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify attribute schema any value. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, attribute schema any Triggers: Execute modify attribute schema any Commandline interface. SUCCEED_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_ANY ID: AMCLI-2221 Level: INFO Description: Attribute schema any value is modified. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, attribute schema any Triggers: Execute modify attribute schema any Commandline interface. FAILED_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_ANY ID: AMCLI-2222 Level: INFO Description: Unable to modify attribute schema any value. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, attribute schema any, error message Triggers: Execute modify attribute schema any Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_DEFAULT_VALUE ID: AMCLI-2230 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove attribute schema default value. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, default value to be removed Triggers: Execute remove attribute schema default values Commandline interface. SUCCEED_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_DEFAULT_VALUE ID: AMCLI-2231 Level: INFO Description: Attribute schema default value is removed. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, default value to be removed Triggers: Execute remove attribute schema default values Commandline interface. FAILED_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_DEFAULT_VALUE ID: AMCLI-2232 Level: INFO Description: Unable to remove attribute schema default value. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, default value to be removed, error message Triggers: Execute remove attribute schema default values Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_VALIDATOR ID: AMCLI-2240 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set attribute schema validator. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, validator Triggers: Execute set attribute schema validator Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SET_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_VALIDATOR ID: AMCLI-2241 Level: INFO Description: Attribute schema validator is set. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, validator Triggers: Execute set attribute schema validator Commandline interface. FAILED_SET_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_VALIDATOR ID: AMCLI-2242 Level: INFO Description: Unable to set attribute schema validator. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, validator, error message Triggers: Execute set attribute schema validator Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_START_RANGE ID: AMCLI-2250 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set attribute schema start range. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, start range Triggers: Execute set attribute schema start range Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SET_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_START_RANGE ID: AMCLI-2251 Level: INFO Description: Attribute schema start range is set. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, start range Triggers: Execute set attribute schema start range Commandline interface. FAILED_SET_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_START_RANGE ID: AMCLI-2252 Level: INFO Description: Unable to set attribute schema start range. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, start range, error message Triggers: Execute set attribute schema start range Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_END_RANGE ID: AMCLI-2250 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set attribute schema end range. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, end range Triggers: Execute set attribute schema end range Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SET_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_END_RANGE ID: AMCLI-2251 Level: INFO Description: Attribute schema end range is set. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, end range Triggers: Execute set attribute schema end range Commandline interface. FAILED_SET_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_END_RANGE ID: AMCLI-2252 Level: INFO Description: Unable to set attribute schema end range. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, end range, error message Triggers: Execute set attribute schema end range Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_SERVICE_SCHEMA_I18N_KEY ID: AMCLI-2260 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set service schema i18n key. Data: name of service, i18n key Triggers: Execute set service schema i18n key Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SET_SERVICE_SCHEMA_I18N_KEY ID: AMCLI-2261 Level: INFO Description: Service schema i18n key is set. Data: name of service, i18n key Triggers: Execute set service schema i18n key Commandline interface. FAILED_SET_SERVICE_SCHEMA_I18N_KEY ID: AMCLI-2262 Level: INFO Description: Unable to set service schema i18n key. Data: name of service, i18n key, error message Triggers: Execute set service schema i18n key Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_SERVICE_SCHEMA_PROPERTIES_VIEW_BEAN_URL ID: AMCLI-2270 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set service schema properties view bean URL. Data: name of service, properties view bean URL Triggers: Execute set service schema properties view bean URL Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SET_SERVICE_SCHEMA_PROPERTIES_VIEW_BEAN_URL ID: AMCLI-2271 Level: INFO Description: Service schema properties view bean URL is set. Data: name of service, properties view bean URL Triggers: Execute set service schema properties view bean URL Commandline interface. FAILED_SET_SERVICE_SCHEMA_PROPERTIES_VIEW_BEAN_URL ID: AMCLI-2272 Level: INFO Description: Unable to set service schema properties view bean URL. Data: name of service, properties view bean URL, error message Triggers: Execute set service schema properties view bean URL Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_SERVICE_REVISION_NUMBER ID: AMCLI-2280 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set service revision number. Data: name of service, revision number Triggers: Execute set service revision number Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SET_SERVICE_REVISION_NUMBER ID: AMCLI-2281 Level: INFO Description: Service revision number is set. Data: name of service, revision number Triggers: Execute set service revision number Commandline interface. FAILED_SET_SERVICE_REVISION_NUMBER ID: AMCLI-2282 Level: INFO Description: Unable to set service revision number. Data: name of service, revision number, error message Triggers: Execute set service revision number Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_SERVICE_REVISION_NUMBER ID: AMCLI-2290 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get service revision number. Data: name of service Triggers: Execute get service revision number Commandline interface. SUCCEED_GET_SERVICE_REVISION_NUMBER ID: AMCLI-2291 Level: INFO Description: Service revision number is returned. Data: name of service Triggers: Execute get service revision number Commandline interface. FAILED_GET_SERVICE_REVISION_NUMBER ID: AMCLI-2292 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get service revision number. Data: name of service, error message Triggers: Execute get service revision number Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-2300 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove attribute schema. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema Triggers: Execute remove attribute schema Commandline interface. SUCCEED_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-2301 Level: INFO Description: Attribute schema is removed. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema Triggers: Execute remove attribute schema Commandline interface. FAILED_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-2302 Level: INFO Description: Unable to remove attribute schema. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, error message Triggers: Execute remove attribute schema Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_ADD_SUB_CONFIGURATION ID: AMCLI-2310 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to add sub configuration. Data: name of sub configuration, name of service Triggers: Execute add sub configuration Commandline interface. SUCCEED_ADD_SUB_CONFIGURATION ID: AMCLI-2311 Level: INFO Description: Sub configuration is added. Data: name of sub configuration, name of service Triggers: Execute add sub configuration Commandline interface. FAILED_ADD_SUB_CONFIGURATION ID: AMCLI-2312 Level: INFO Description: Unable to add sub configuration. Data: name of sub configuration, name of service, error message Triggers: Execute add sub configuration Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_ADD_SUB_CONFIGURATION_TO_REALM ID: AMCLI-2320 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to add sub configuration to realm. Data: name of realm, name of sub configuration, name of service Triggers: Execute add sub configuration Commandline interface. SUCCEED_ADD_SUB_CONFIGURATION_TO_REALM ID: AMCLI-2321 Level: INFO Description: Sub configuration is added to realm. Data: name of realm, name of sub configuration, name of service Triggers: Execute add sub configuration Commandline interface. FAILED_ADD_SUB_CONFIGURATION_TO_REALM ID: AMCLI-2322 Level: INFO Description: Unable to add sub configuration. Data: name of realm, name of sub configuration, name of service, error message Triggers: Execute add sub configuration Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_SUB_CONFIGURATION ID: AMCLI-2330 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete sub configuration. Data: name of sub configuration, name of service Triggers: Execute delete sub configuration Commandline interface. SUCCEED_DELETE_SUB_CONFIGURATION ID: AMCLI-2331 Level: INFO Description: Sub configuration is deleted. Data: name of sub configuration, name of service Triggers: Execute delete sub configuration Commandline interface. FAILED_ADELETE_SUB_CONFIGURATION ID: AMCLI-2332 Level: INFO Description: Unable to delete sub configuration. Data: name of sub configuration, name of service, error message Triggers: Execute delete sub configuration Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_SUB_CONFIGURATION_TO_REALM ID: AMCLI-2340 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete sub configuration from realm. Data: name of realm, name of sub configuration, name of service Triggers: Execute delete sub configuration Commandline interface. SUCCEED_DELETE_SUB_CONFIGURATION_TO_REALM ID: AMCLI-2341 Level: INFO Description: Sub configuration is deleted from realm. Data: name of realm, name of sub configuration, name of service Triggers: Execute delete sub configuration Commandline interface. FAILED_DELETE_SUB_CONFIGURATIONT_TO_REALM ID: AMCLI-2342 Level: INFO Description: Unable to delete sub configuration. Data: name of realm, name of sub configuration, name of service, error message Triggers: Execute delete sub configuration Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_ADD_SUB_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-2350 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to add sub schema. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema Triggers: Execute add sub schema Commandline interface. SUCCEED_ADD_SUB_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-2351 Level: INFO Description: Sub schema is added. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema Triggers: Execute add sub schema Commandline interface. FAILED_ADD_SUB_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-2352 Level: INFO Description: Unable to add sub schema. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, error message Triggers: Execute add sub schema configurations Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_REMOVE_SUB_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-2360 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove sub schema. Data: name of service, schema type, name of parent sub schema, name of sub schema Triggers: Execute remove sub schema Commandline interface. SUCCEED_REMOVE_SUB_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-2361 Level: INFO Description: Sub schema is removed. Data: name of service, schema type, name of parent sub schema, name of sub schema Triggers: Execute remove sub schema Commandline interface. FAILED_REMOVE_SUB_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-2362 Level: INFO Description: Unable to remove sub schema. Data: name of service, schema type, name of parent sub schema, name of sub schema, error message Triggers: Execute remove sub schema configurations Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_INHERITANCE_SUB_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-2370 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify inheritance of sub schema. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema Triggers: Execute modify inheritance of sub schema Commandline interface. SUCCEED_MODIFY_INHERITANCE_SUB_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-2371 Level: INFO Description: Sub schema is modified. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema Triggers: Execute modify inheritance of sub schema Commandline interface. FAILED_MODIFY_INHERITANCE_SUB_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-2372 Level: INFO Description: Unable to modify sub schema. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, error message Triggers: Execute modify inheritance of sub schema configurations Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_SUB_CONFIGURATION ID: AMCLI-2380 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify sub configuration. Data: name of sub configuration, name of service Triggers: Execute modify sub configuration Commandline interface. SUCCEED_MODIFY_SUB_CONFIGURATION ID: AMCLI-2381 Level: INFO Description: Sub configuration is modified. Data: name of sub configuration, name of service Triggers: Execute modify sub configuration Commandline interface. FAILED_MODIFY_SUB_CONFIGURATION ID: AMCLI-2382 Level: INFO Description: Unable to modify sub configuration. Data: name of sub configuration, name of service, error message Triggers: Execute modify sub configuration Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_SUB_CONFIGURATION ID: AMCLI-2383 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to retrieve sub configuration. Data: name of sub configuration, name of service Triggers: Execute get sub configuration Commandline interface. SUCCEED_GET_SUB_CONFIGURATION ID: AMCLI-2384 Level: INFO Description: Sub configuration is retrieved. Data: name of sub configuration, name of service Triggers: Execute get sub configuration Commandline interface. FAILED_GET_SUB_CONFIGURATION ID: AMCLI-2385 Level: INFO Description: Unable to retrieve sub configuration. Data: name of sub configuration, name of service, error message Triggers: Execute get sub configuration Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_SUB_CONFIGURATION_IN_REALM ID: AMCLI-2390 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify sub configuration in realm. Data: name of realm, name of sub configuration, name of service Triggers: Execute modify sub configuration Commandline interface. SUCCEED_MODIFY_SUB_CONFIGURATION_IN_REALM ID: AMCLI-2391 Level: INFO Description: Sub configuration is modified. Data: name of realm, name of sub configuration, name of service Triggers: Execute modify sub configuration Commandline interface. FAILED_MODIFY_SUB_CONFIGURATION_IN_REALM ID: AMCLI-2392 Level: INFO Description: Unable to modify sub configuration in realm. Data: name of realm, name of sub configuration, name of service, error message Triggers: Execute modify sub configuration Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_SUB_CONFIGURATION_IN_REALM ID: AMCLI-2393 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to retrieve sub configuration in realm. Data: name of realm, name of sub configuration, name of service Triggers: Execute get sub configuration Commandline interface. SUCCEED_GET_SUB_CONFIGURATION_IN_REALM ID: AMCLI-2394 Level: INFO Description: Sub configuration is retrieved. Data: name of realm, name of sub configuration, name of service Triggers: Execute get sub configuration Commandline interface. FAILED_GET_SUB_CONFIGURATION_IN_REALM ID: AMCLI-2395 Level: INFO Description: Unable to retrieve sub configuration in realm. Data: name of realm, name of sub configuration, name of service, error message Triggers: Execute get sub configuration Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_ADD_PLUGIN_INTERFACE ID: AMCLI-2400 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to add Plug-in interface to service. Data: name of service, name of plugin Triggers: Execute add Plug-in interface Commandline interface. SUCCEED_ADD_PLUGIN_INTERFACE ID: AMCLI-2401 Level: INFO Description: Plug-in interface is added. Data: name of service, name of plugin Triggers: Execute add Plug-in interface Commandline interface. FAILED_ADD_PLUGIN_INTERFACE ID: AMCLI-2402 Level: INFO Description: Unable to add Plug-in interface to service. Data: name of service, name of plugin, error message Triggers: Execute add Plug-in interface Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_PLUGIN_SCHEMA_PROP_VIEWBEAN_URL ID: AMCLI-2410 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set Plug-in schema’s properties view bean. Data: name of service, name of plugin Triggers: Execute set Plug-in schema’s properties view bean Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SET_PLUGIN_SCHEMA_PROP_VIEWBEAN_URL ID: AMCLI-2411 Level: INFO Description: Plug-in schema’s properties view bean is set. Data: name of service, name of plugin Triggers: Execute set Plug-in schema’s properties view bean Commandline interface. FAILED_SET_PLUGIN_SCHEMA_PROP_VIEWBEAN_URL ID: AMCLI-2412 Level: INFO Description: Unable to set Plug-in schema’s properties view bean. Data: name of service, name of plugin, error message Triggers: Execute set Plug-in schema’s properties view bean Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_POLICY_IN_REALM ID: AMCLI-2420 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create policies under realm. Data: name of realm Triggers: Execute create policies under realm Commandline interface. SUCCEED_CREATE_POLICY_IN_REALM ID: AMCLI-2421 Level: INFO Description: Policies are created. Data: name of realm Triggers: Execute create policies under realm Commandline interface. FAILED_CREATE_POLICY_IN_REALM ID: AMCLI-2422 Level: INFO Description: Unable to create policies under realm. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Execute create policies under realm Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_POLICY_IN_REALM ID: AMCLI-2430 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete policy in realm. Data: name of realm, name of policy Triggers: Execute delete policy in realm Commandline interface. SUCCEED_DELETE_POLICY_IN_REALM ID: AMCLI-2431 Level: INFO Description: Policy is deleted. Data: name of realm, name of policy Triggers: Execute delete policy in realm Commandline interface. FAILED_DELETE_POLICY_IN_REALM ID: AMCLI-2432 Level: INFO Description: Unable to delete policy under realm. Data: name of realm, name of policy, error message Triggers: Execute delete policy under realm Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_TO_GET_POLICY_NAMES_IN_REALM ID: AMCLI-2433 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get policy names in realm. Data: name of realm Triggers: Execute get policy names in realm Commandline interface. GOT_POLICY_NAMES_IN_REALM ID: AMCLI-2434 Level: INFO Description: Got policy names in realm. Data: name of realm Triggers: Execute get policy names in realm Commandline interface. FAILED_GET_POLICY_NAMES_IN_REALM ID: AMCLI-2435 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get policy names in realm. Data: name of realm Triggers: Execute get policy names in realm Commandline interface. ATTEMPT_GET_POLICY_IN_REALM ID: AMCLI-2440 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get policy definition in realm. Data: name of realm, name of policy Triggers: Execute get policy definition in realm Commandline interface. SUCCEED_GET_POLICY_IN_REALM ID: AMCLI-2441 Level: INFO Description: Policy definition is returned. Data: name of realm, name of policy Triggers: Execute get policy definition in realm Commandline interface. FAILED_GET_POLICY_IN_REALM ID: AMCLI-2442 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get policy definition under realm. Data: name of realm, name of policy, error message Triggers: Execute get policy definition under realm Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_IDENTITY ID: AMCLI-2450 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create an identity in realm. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity Triggers: Execute create identity in realm Commandline interface. SUCCEED_CREATE_IDENTITY ID: AMCLI-2451 Level: INFO Description: Identity is created. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity Triggers: Execute create identity in realm Commandline interface. FAILED_CREATE_IDENTITY ID: AMCLI-2452 Level: INFO Description: Unable to create identity in realm. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity, error message Triggers: Execute create identity in realm Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_IDENTITY ID: AMCLI-2460 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete an identity in realm. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity Triggers: Execute delete identity in realm Commandline interface. SUCCEED_DELETE_IDENTITY ID: AMCLI-2461 Level: INFO Description: Identity is deleted. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity Triggers: Execute delete identity in realm Commandline interface. FAILED_DELETE_IDENTITY ID: AMCLI-2462 Level: INFO Description: Unable to delete identity in realm. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity, error message Triggers: Execute delete identity in realm Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SEARCH_IDENTITIES ID: AMCLI-2470 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to search identities in realm. Data: name of realm, identity type, search pattern Triggers: Execute search identities in realm Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SEARCH_IDENTITIES ID: AMCLI-2471 Level: INFO Description: Search Result is returned. Data: name of realm, identity type, search pattern Triggers: Execute search identities in realm Commandline interface. FAILED_SEARCH_IDENTITIES ID: AMCLI-2472 Level: INFO Description: Unable to search identities in realm. Data: name of realm, identity type, search pattern, error message Triggers: Execute search identities in realm Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_ALLOWED_OPS ID: AMCLI-2480 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get the allowed operation of an identity type in realm. Data: name of realm, identity type Triggers: Execute get the allowed operation of an identity type in realm Commandline interface. SUCCEED_GET_ALLOWED_OPS ID: AMCLI-2481 Level: INFO Description: Allowed operations are returned. Data: name of realm, identity type Triggers: Execute get the allowed operation of an identity type in realm Commandline interface. FAILED_GET_ALLOWED_OPS ID: AMCLI-2482 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get the allowed operation of an identity type in realm. Data: name of realm, identity type, error message Triggers: Execute get the allowed operation of an identity type in realm Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_SUPPORTED_IDTYPES ID: AMCLI-2490 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get the supported identity type in realm. Data: name of realm Triggers: Execute get the supported identity type in realm Commandline interface. SUCCEED_GET_SUPPORTED_IDTYPES ID: AMCLI-2491 Level: INFO Description: Allowed identity types are returned. Data: name of realm Triggers: Execute get the supported identity type in realm Commandline interface. FAILED_GET_SUPPORTED_IDTYPES ID: AMCLI-2492 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get the supported identity type in realm. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Execute get the supported identity type in realm Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_ASSIGNABLE_SERVICES ID: AMCLI-2500 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get the assignable services of an identity. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity Triggers: Execute get the assignable services of an identity Commandline interface. SUCCEED_GET_ASSIGNABLE_SERVICES ID: AMCLI-2501 Level: INFO Description: Assignable services are returned. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity Triggers: Execute get the assignable services of an identity Commandline interface. FAILED_GET_ASSIGNABLE_SERVICES ID: AMCLI-2502 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get the assignable services of an identity. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, error message Triggers: Execute get the assignable services of an identity Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_ASSIGNED_SERVICES ID: AMCLI-2510 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get the assigned services of an identity. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity Triggers: Execute get the assigned services of an identity Commandline interface. SUCCEED_GET_ASSIGNED_SERVICES ID: AMCLI-2511 Level: INFO Description: Assigned services are returned. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity Triggers: Execute get the assigned services of an identity Commandline interface. FAILED_GET_ASSIGNED_SERVICES ID: AMCLI-2512 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get the assigned services of an identity. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, error message Triggers: Execute get the assigned services of an identity Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_IDREPO_GET_SERVICE_ATTRIBUTES ID: AMCLI-2520 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get service attribute values of an identity. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, name of service Triggers: Execute get the service attribute values of an identity Commandline interface. SUCCEED_IDREPO_GET_SERVICE_ATTRIBUTES ID: AMCLI-2521 Level: INFO Description: Service attribute values are returned. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, name of service Triggers: Execute get the service attribute values of an identity Commandline interface. FAILED_IDREPO_GET_SERVICE_ATTRIBUTES ID: AMCLI-2522 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get the service attribute values of an identity. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, name of service, error message Triggers: Execute get the service attribute values of an identity Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_IDREPO_GET_ATTRIBUTES ID: AMCLI-2530 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get attribute values of an identity. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity Triggers: Execute get the attribute values of an identity Commandline interface. SUCCEED_IDREPO_GET_ATTRIBUTES ID: AMCLI-2531 Level: INFO Description: Attribute values are returned. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity Triggers: Execute get the attribute values of an identity Commandline interface. FAILED_IDREPO_GET_ATTRIBUTES ID: AMCLI-2532 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get the attribute values of an identity. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, error message Triggers: Execute get the attribute values of an identity Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_IDREPO_GET_MEMBERSHIPS ID: AMCLI-2540 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get memberships of an identity. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, name of membership identity type Triggers: Execute get the memberships of an identity Commandline interface. SUCCEED_IDREPO_GET_MEMBERSHIPS ID: AMCLI-2541 Level: INFO Description: Memberships are returned. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, name of membership identity type Triggers: Execute get the memberships of an identity Commandline interface. FAILED_IDREPO_GET_MEMBERSHIPS ID: AMCLI-2542 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get the memberships of an identity. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, name of membership identity type, error message Triggers: Execute get the memberships of an identity Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_IDREPO_GET_MEMBERS ID: AMCLI-2550 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get members of an identity. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, name of membership identity type Triggers: Execute get the members of an identity Commandline interface. SUCCEED_IDREPO_GET_MEMBERS ID: AMCLI-2551 Level: INFO Description: Members are returned. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, name of membership identity type Triggers: Execute get the members of an identity Commandline interface. FAILED_IDREPO_GET_MEMBERS ID: AMCLI-2552 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get the members of an identity. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, name of membership identity type, error message Triggers: Execute get the members of an identity Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_IDREPO_IS_MEMBER ID: AMCLI-2560 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to determine if an identity is a member of another identity. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, name of member identity type, name of member identity Triggers: Execute determine if an identity is a member of another identity Commandline interface. SUCCEED_IDREPO_IS_MEMBER ID: AMCLI-2561 Level: INFO Description: Membership is determined. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, name of member identity type, name of member identity Triggers: Execute determine if an identity is a member of another identity Commandline interface. FAILED_IDREPO_IS_MEMBER ID: AMCLI-2562 Level: INFO Description: Unable to determine the membership of an identity of another. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, name of member identity type, name of member identity, error message Triggers: Execute determine if an identity is a member of another identity Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_IDREPO_IS_ACTIVE ID: AMCLI-2570 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to determine if an identity is active. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity Triggers: Execute determine if an identity is active Commandline interface. SUCCEED_IDREPO_IS_ACTIVE ID: AMCLI-2571 Level: INFO Description: Active status of identity is determined. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity Triggers: Execute determine if an identity is active Commandline interface. FAILED_IDREPO_IS_ACTIVE ID: AMCLI-2572 Level: INFO Description: Unable to determine if an identity is active. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, error message Triggers: Execute determine if an identity is a active Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_IDREPO_ADD_MEMBER ID: AMCLI-2580 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to make an identity a member of another identity. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, name of member identity type, name of member identity Triggers: Execute make an identity a member of another identity Commandline interface. SUCCEED_IDREPO_ADD_MEMBER ID: AMCLI-2581 Level: INFO Description: Membership is set. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, name of member identity type, name of member identity Triggers: Execute make an identity a member of another identity Commandline interface. FAILED_IDREPO_ADD_MEMBER ID: AMCLI-2582 Level: INFO Description: Unable to add member of an identity to another. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, name of member identity type, name of member identity, error message Triggers: Execute make an identity a member of another identity Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_IDREPO_REMOVE_MEMBER ID: AMCLI-2590 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove membership an identity from another identity. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, name of member identity type, name of member identity Triggers: Execute remove membership an identity from another identity Commandline interface. SUCCEED_IDREPO_REMOVE_MEMBER ID: AMCLI-2591 Level: INFO Description: Membership is removed. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, name of member identity type, name of member identity Triggers: Execute remove membership an identity from another identity Commandline interface. FAILED_IDREPO_REMOVE_MEMBER ID: AMCLI-2592 Level: INFO Description: Unable to remove membership of an identity. Data: name of realm, name of identity type, name of identity, name of member identity type, name of member identity, error message Triggers: Execute remove membership an identity from another identity Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_IDREPO_ASSIGN_SERVICE ID: AMCLI-2600 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to assign service to an identity. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity, name of service Triggers: Execute assign service to an identity Commandline interface. SUCCEED_IDREPO_ASSIGN_SERVICE ID: AMCLI-2601 Level: INFO Description: Service is assigned to an identity. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity, name of service Triggers: Execute assign service to an identity Commandline interface. FAILED_IDREPO_ASSIGN_SERVICE ID: AMCLI-2602 Level: INFO Description: Unable to assign service to an identity. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity, name of service, error message Triggers: Execute assign service to an identity Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_IDREPO_UNASSIGN_SERVICE ID: AMCLI-2610 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to unassign service from an identity. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity, name of service Triggers: Execute unassign service from an identity Commandline interface. SUCCEED_IDREPO_UNASSIGN_SERVICE ID: AMCLI-2611 Level: INFO Description: Service is unassigned from an identity. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity, name of service Triggers: Execute unassign service from an identity Commandline interface. FAILED_IDREPO_UNASSIGN_SERVICE ID: AMCLI-2612 Level: INFO Description: Unable to unassign service to an identity. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity, name of service, error message Triggers: Execute unassign service from an identity Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_IDREPO_MODIFY_SERVICE ID: AMCLI-2620 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify service attribute values of an identity. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity, name of service Triggers: Execute modify service attribute values of an identity Commandline interface. SUCCEED_IDREPO_MODIFY_SERVICE ID: AMCLI-2621 Level: INFO Description: Service attribute values are modified. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity, name of service Triggers: Execute modify service attribute values of an identity Commandline interface. FAILED_IDREPO_MODIFY_SERVICE ID: AMCLI-2622 Level: INFO Description: Unable to modify service attribute values of an identity. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity, name of service, error message Triggers: Execute modify service attribute values of an identity Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_IDREPO_SET_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: AMCLI-2630 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set attribute values of an identity. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity Triggers: Execute set attribute values of an identity Commandline interface. SUCCEED_IDREPO_SET_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: AMCLI-2631 Level: INFO Description: Attribute values are modified. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity Triggers: Execute set attribute values of an identity Commandline interface. FAILED_IDREPO_SET_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: AMCLI-2632 Level: INFO Description: Unable to set attribute values of an identity. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity, error message Triggers: Execute set attribute values of an identity Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_IDREPO_GET_PRIVILEGES ID: AMCLI-2640 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get privileges of an identity. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity Triggers: Execute get privileges of an identity Commandline interface. SUCCEED_IDREPO_GET_PRIVILEGES ID: AMCLI-2641 Level: INFO Description: Privileges are returned. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity Triggers: Execute get privileges of an identity Commandline interface. FAILED_IDREPO_GET_PRIVILEGES ID: AMCLI-2642 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get privileges of an identity. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity, error message Triggers: Execute get privileges of an identity Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_IDREPO_ADD_PRIVILEGES ID: AMCLI-2650 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to add privileges to an identity. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity Triggers: Execute add privileges to an identity Commandline interface. SUCCEED_IDREPO_ADD_PRIVILEGES ID: AMCLI-2651 Level: INFO Description: Privileges are added. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity Triggers: Execute add privileges to an identity Commandline interface. FAILED_IDREPO_ADD_PRIVILEGES ID: AMCLI-2652 Level: INFO Description: Unable to add privileges to an identity. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity, error message Triggers: Execute add privileges to an identity Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_IDREPO_REMOVE_PRIVILEGES ID: AMCLI-2660 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove privileges from an identity. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity Triggers: Execute remove privileges from an identity Commandline interface. SUCCEED_IDREPO_REMOVE_PRIVILEGES ID: AMCLI-2661 Level: INFO Description: Privileges are removed. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity Triggers: Execute remove privileges from an identity Commandline interface. FAILED_IDREPO_REMOVE_PRIVILEGES ID: AMCLI-2662 Level: INFO Description: Unable to remove privileges from an identity. Data: name of realm, identity type, name of identity, error message Triggers: Execute remove privileges from an identity Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_BOOLEAN_VALUES ID: AMCLI-2670 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set boolean values to attribute schema. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema Triggers: Execute set attribute schema boolean values Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SET_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_BOOLEAN_VALUES ID: AMCLI-2671 Level: INFO Description: Boolean values are set. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema Triggers: Execute set attribute schema boolean values Commandline interface. FAILED_SET_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_BOOLEAN_VALUES ID: AMCLI-2672 Level: INFO Description: Unable to set boolean values to attribute schema. Data: name of service, schema type, name of sub schema, name of attribute schema, error message Triggers: Execute set attribute schema boolean values Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_LIST_AUTH_INSTANCES ID: AMCLI-2680 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to list authentication instances. Data: name of realm Triggers: Execute list authentication instances Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_LIST_AUTH_INSTANCES ID: AMCLI-2681 Level: INFO Description: List authentication instances succeeded. Data: name of realm Triggers: Execute list authentication instances Commandline interface. FAILED_LIST_AUTH_INSTANCES ID: AMCLI-2682 Level: INFO Description: Failed to list authentication instances. Data: name of realm Triggers: Execute list authentication instances Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: AMCLI-2690 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create authentication instance. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance, type of authentication instance Triggers: Execute create authentication instance Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_CREATE_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: AMCLI-2691 Level: INFO Description: Authentication instance created. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance, type of authentication instance Triggers: Execute create authentication instance Commandline interface. FAILED_CREATE_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: AMCLI-2692 Level: INFO Description: Failed to create authentication instance. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance, type of authentication instance Triggers: Execute create authentication instance Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_AUTH_INSTANCES ID: AMCLI-2700 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete authentication instances. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instances Triggers: Execute delete authentication instance Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_DELETE_AUTH_INSTANCES ID: AMCLI-2701 Level: INFO Description: Authentication instances are deleted. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instances Triggers: Execute delete authentication instances Commandline interface. FAILED_DELETE_AUTH_INSTANCES ID: AMCLI-2702 Level: INFO Description: Failed to delete authentication instance. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instances Triggers: Execute delete authentication instances Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_UPDATE_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: AMCLI-2710 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to update authentication instance. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance Triggers: Execute update authentication instance Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_UPDATE_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: AMCLI-2711 Level: INFO Description: Authentication instance is updated. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance Triggers: Execute update authentication instance Commandline interface. FAILED_UPDATE_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: AMCLI-2712 Level: INFO Description: Failed to update authentication instance. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance Triggers: Execute update authentication instance Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: AMCLI-2710 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get authentication instance. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance Triggers: Execute get authentication instance Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_GET_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: AMCLI-2711 Level: INFO Description: Authentication instance profile is displayed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance Triggers: Execute get authentication instance Commandline interface. FAILED_GET_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: AMCLI-2712 Level: INFO Description: Failed to get authentication instance. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance Triggers: Execute get authentication instance Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_LIST_AUTH_CONFIGURATIONS ID: AMCLI-2720 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to list authentication configurations. Data: name of realm Triggers: Execute list authentication configurations Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_LIST_AUTH_CONFIGURATIONS ID: AMCLI-2721 Level: INFO Description: List authentication configurations succeeded. Data: name of realm Triggers: Execute list authentication configurations Commandline interface. FAILED_LIST_AUTH_CONFIGURATIONS ID: AMCLI-2722 Level: INFO Description: Failed to list authentication configurations. Data: name of realm Triggers: Execute list authentication configurations Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_AUTH_CONFIGURATION ID: AMCLI-2730 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create authentication configuration. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration Triggers: Execute create authentication configuration Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_CREATE_AUTH_CONFIGURATION ID: AMCLI-2731 Level: INFO Description: Authentication configuration created. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration Triggers: Execute create authentication configuration Commandline interface. FAILED_CREATE_AUTH_CONFIGURATION ID: AMCLI-2732 Level: INFO Description: Failed to create authentication configuration. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration Triggers: Execute create authentication configuration Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_AUTH_CONFIGURATIONS ID: AMCLI-2740 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete authentication configurations. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configurations Triggers: Execute delete authentication configurations Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_DELETE_AUTH_CONFIGURATIONS ID: AMCLI-2741 Level: INFO Description: Authentication configurations are deleted. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configurations Triggers: Execute delete authentication configurations Commandline interface. FAILED_DELETE_AUTH_CONFIGURATIONS ID: AMCLI-2742 Level: INFO Description: Failed to delete authentication instance. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configurations Triggers: Execute delete authentication configurations Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_AUTH_CONFIG_ENTRIES ID: AMCLI-2750 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get authentication configuration entries. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration Triggers: Execute get authentication configuration entries Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_GET_AUTH_CONFIG_ENTRIES ID: AMCLI-2751 Level: INFO Description: Authentication instance configuration entries are displayed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration Triggers: Execute get authentication configuration entries Commandline interface. FAILED_GET_AUTH_CONFIG_ENTRIES ID: AMCLI-2752 Level: INFO Description: Failed to get authentication configuration entries. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration Triggers: Execute get authentication configuration entries Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_AUTH_CONFIG_ENTRIES ID: AMCLI-2760 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set authentication configuration entries. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration Triggers: Execute set authentication configuration entries Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_SET_AUTH_CONFIG_ENTRIES ID: AMCLI-2761 Level: INFO Description: Authentication instance configuration entries are displayed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration Triggers: Execute set authentication configuration entries Commandline interface. FAILED_SET_AUTH_CONFIG_ENTRIES ID: AMCLI-2762 Level: INFO Description: Failed to set authentication configuration entries. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration Triggers: Execute set authentication configuration entries Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_LIST_DATASTORES ID: AMCLI-2770 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to list datastores. Data: name of realm Triggers: Execute list datastores Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_LIST_DATASTORES ID: AMCLI-2771 Level: INFO Description: List datastores succeeded. Data: name of realm Triggers: Execute list datastores Commandline interface. FAILED_LIST_DATASTORES ID: AMCLI-2772 Level: INFO Description: Failed to list datastores. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Execute list datastores Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_DATASTORE ID: AMCLI-2780 Level: INFO Description: Attemp to create datastore. Data: name of realm, name of datastore, type of datastore Triggers: Execute create datastore Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_CREATE_DATASTORE ID: AMCLI-2781 Level: INFO Description: Create datastore succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of datastore, type of datastore Triggers: Execute create datastore Commandline interface. FAILED_CREATE_DATASTORE ID: AMCLI-2782 Level: INFO Description: Failed to create datastore. Data: name of realm, name of datastore, type of datastore Triggers: Execute create datastore Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_DATASTORES ID: AMCLI-2790 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete datastores. Data: name of realm, names of datastore Triggers: Execute delete datastores Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_DELETE_DATASTORES ID: AMCLI-2791 Level: INFO Description: Delete datastores succeeded. Data: name of realm, names of datastore Triggers: Execute delete datastores Commandline interface. FAILED_DELETE_DATASTORES ID: AMCLI-2792 Level: INFO Description: Failed to delete datastores. Data: name of realm, names of datastore Triggers: Execute delete datastore Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_UPDATE_DATASTORE ID: AMCLI-2800 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to update datastore profile. Data: name of realm, name of datastore Triggers: Execute update datastore Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_UPDATE_DATASTORE ID: AMCLI-2801 Level: INFO Description: Update datastore succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of datastore Triggers: Execute update datastore Commandline interface. FAILED_UPDATE_DATASTORE ID: AMCLI-2802 Level: INFO Description: Failed to update datastore. Data: name of realm, name of datastore, error message Triggers: Execute update datastore Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_IMPORT_SM_CONFIG_DATA ID: AMCLI-2900 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to import service management configuration data. Data: name of file Triggers: Execute export configuration data Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_IMPORT_SM_CONFIG_DATA ID: AMCLI-2901 Level: INFO Description: Import service management configuration data succeeded. Data: name of file Triggers: Execute export configuration data Commandline interface. FAILED_IMPORT_SM_CONFIG_DATA ID: AMCLI-2902 Level: INFO Description: Failed to import service management configuration data. Data: name of file, error message Triggers: Execute export configuration data Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_EXPORT_SM_CONFIG_DATA ID: AMCLI-3000 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to export service management configuration data. Data: name of file Triggers: Execute export configuration data Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_IMPORT_SM_CONFIG_DATA ID: AMCLI-3001 Level: INFO Description: Export service management configuration data succeeded. Data: name of file Triggers: Execute export configuration data Commandline interface. FAILED_EXPORT_SM_CONFIG_DATA ID: AMCLI-3002 Level: INFO Description: Failed to export service management configuration data. Data: name of file, error message Triggers: Execute export configuration data Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_SERVERCONFIG_XML ID: AMCLI-3010 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create server configuration xml. Data: name of file Triggers: Execute create server configuration xml Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_CREATE_SERVERCONFIG_XML ID: AMCLI-3011 Level: INFO Description: Create server configuration xml succeeded. Data: name of file Triggers: Execute create server configuration xml Commandline interface. FAILED_CREATE_SERVERCONFIG_XML ID: AMCLI-3012 Level: INFO Description: Failed to create server configuration xml. Data: name of file, error message Triggers: Execute create server configuration xml Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_REALM_REMOVE_SERVICE_ATTR_VALUES ID: AMCLI-3020 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove service attribute values of realm. Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Execute remove service attribute values of realm Commandline interface. SUCCEED_REALM_REMOVE_SERVICE_ATTR_VALUES ID: AMCLI-3021 Level: INFO Description: Service attribute values of realm are removed. Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Execute remove service attribute values of realm Commandline interface. FAILED_REALM_REMOVE_SERVICE_ATTR_VALUES ID: AMCLI-3022 Level: INFO Description: Unable to remove service attribute values of realm. Data: name of realm, name of service, error message Triggers: Execute remove service attribute values of realm Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_REALM_ADD_SERVICE_ATTR_VALUES ID: AMCLI-3030 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to add service attribute values of realm. Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Execute add service attribute values of realm Commandline interface. SUCCEED_REALM_ADD_SERVICE_ATTR_VALUES ID: AMCLI-3031 Level: INFO Description: Service attribute values of realm are added. Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Execute add service attribute values of realm Commandline interface. FAILED_REALM_ADD_SERVICE_ATTR_VALUES ID: AMCLI-3032 Level: INFO Description: Unable to add service attribute values of realm. Data: name of realm, name of service, error message Triggers: Execute add service attribute values of realm Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_LIST_SERVER_CONFIG ID: AMCLI-3040 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to list server configuration. Data: name of server Triggers: Execute list server configuration Commandline interface. SUCCEED_LIST_SERVER_CONFIG ID: AMCLI-3041 Level: INFO Description: Server configuration is displayed. Data: name of server Triggers: Execute list server configuration Commandline interface. FAILED_LIST_SERVER_CONFIG ID: AMCLI-3042 Level: INFO Description: Unable to list server configuration. Data: name of server, error message Triggers: Execute list server configuration Commandline interface. Actions: Check if servername is correct.; Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_UPDATE_SERVER_CONFIG ID: AMCLI-3050 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to update server configuration. Data: name of server Triggers: Execute update server configuration Commandline interface. SUCCEED_UPDATE_SERVER_CONFIG ID: AMCLI-3051 Level: INFO Description: Server configuration is updated. Data: name of server Triggers: Execute update server configuration Commandline interface. FAILED_UPDATE_SERVER_CONFIG ID: AMCLI-3052 Level: INFO Description: Unable to update server configuration. Data: name of server, error message Triggers: Execute update server configuration Commandline interface. Actions: Check if servername is correct.; Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_REMOVE_SERVER_CONFIG ID: AMCLI-3060 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove server configuration. Data: name of server Triggers: Execute remove server configuration Commandline interface. SUCCEED_REMOVE_SERVER_CONFIG ID: AMCLI-3061 Level: INFO Description: Server configuration is removed. Data: name of server Triggers: Execute remove server configuration Commandline interface. FAILED_REMOVE_SERVER_CONFIG ID: AMCLI-3062 Level: INFO Description: Remove server configuration. Data: name of server, error message Triggers: Execute remove server configuration Commandline interface. Actions: Check if servername is correct.; Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_SERVER ID: AMCLI-3070 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create server. Data: name of server Triggers: Execute create server Commandline interface. SUCCEED_CREATE_SERVER ID: AMCLI-3071 Level: INFO Description: Server is created. Data: name of server Triggers: Execute create server Commandline interface. FAILED_CREATE_SERVER ID: AMCLI-3072 Level: INFO Description: Unable to create server. Data: name of server, error message Triggers: Execute create server Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_SERVER ID: AMCLI-3080 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete server. Data: name of server Triggers: Execute delete server Commandline interface. SUCCEED_DELETE_SERVER ID: AMCLI-3081 Level: INFO Description: Server is deleted. Data: name of server Triggers: Execute delete server Commandline interface. FAILED_DELETE_SERVER ID: AMCLI-3082 Level: INFO Description: Unable to delete server. Data: name of server, error message Triggers: Execute delete server Commandline interface. Actions: Check the name of the server.; Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_LIST_SERVERS ID: AMCLI-3090 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to list servers. Triggers: Execute list servers Commandline interface. SUCCEED_LIST_SERVERS ID: AMCLI-3091 Level: INFO Description: Servers are displayed. Triggers: Execute list servers Commandline interface. FAILED_LIST_SERVERS ID: AMCLI-3092 Level: INFO Description: Unable to list servers. Data: error message Triggers: Execute list servers Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_SITE ID: AMCLI-3100 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create site. Data: name of site, primary URL of site Triggers: Execute create site Commandline interface. SUCCEED_CREATE_SITE ID: AMCLI-3101 Level: INFO Description: Site is created. Data: name of site, primary URL of site Triggers: Execute create site Commandline interface. FAILED_CREATE_SITE ID: AMCLI-3102 Level: INFO Description: Unable to create site. Data: name of site, primary URL of site, error message Triggers: Execute create site Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_LIST_SITES ID: AMCLI-3110 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to list sites. Triggers: Execute list sites Commandline interface. SUCCEED_LIST_SITES ID: AMCLI-3111 Level: INFO Description: Sites are displayed. Triggers: Execute list sites Commandline interface. FAILED_LIST_SITES ID: AMCLI-3112 Level: INFO Description: Unable to list sites. Data: error message Triggers: Execute list sites Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SHOW_SITE_MEMBERS ID: AMCLI-3120 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to show site members. Data: name of site Triggers: Execute show site members Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SHOW_SITE_MEMBERS ID: AMCLI-3121 Level: INFO Description: Site members are displayed. Data: name of site Triggers: Execute show site members Commandline interface. FAILED_SHOW_SITE_MEMBERS ID: AMCLI-3122 Level: INFO Description: Unable to show site members. Data: name of site, error message Triggers: Execute show site members Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_ADD_SITE_MEMBERS ID: AMCLI-3130 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to add members to site. Data: name of site Triggers: Execute add members to site Commandline interface. SUCCEED_ADD_SITE_MEMBERS ID: AMCLI-3131 Level: INFO Description: Members are added to site. Data: name of site Triggers: Execute add members to site Commandline interface. FAILED_ADD_SITE_MEMBERS ID: AMCLI-3132 Level: INFO Description: Unable to add members to site. Data: name of site, error message Triggers: Execute add members to site Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_REMOVE_SITE_MEMBERS ID: AMCLI-3140 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove members from site. Data: name of site Triggers: Execute remove members from site Commandline interface. SUCCEED_REMOVE_SITE_MEMBERS ID: AMCLI-3141 Level: INFO Description: Members are removed from site. Data: name of site Triggers: Execute remove members from site Commandline interface. FAILED_REMOVE_SITE_MEMBERS ID: AMCLI-3142 Level: INFO Description: Unable to remove members from site. Data: name of site, error message Triggers: Execute remove members from site Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_SITE ID: AMCLI-3150 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete site. Data: name of site Triggers: Execute delete site Commandline interface. SUCCEED_DELETE_SITE ID: AMCLI-3151 Level: INFO Description: Site is deleted. Data: name of site Triggers: Execute delete site Commandline interface. FAILED_DELETE_SITE ID: AMCLI-3152 Level: INFO Description: Unable to delete members from site. Data: name of site, error message Triggers: Execute delete site Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_SITE_PRIMARY_URL ID: AMCLI-3160 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set site primary URL. Data: name of site, primary URL of site Triggers: Execute set site primary URL Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SET_SITE_PRIMARY_URL ID: AMCLI-3161 Level: INFO Description: Site primary URL is set. Data: name of site, primary URL of site Triggers: Execute set site primary URL Commandline interface. FAILED_SET_SITE_PRIMARY_URL ID: AMCLI-3162 Level: INFO Description: Unable to set site primary URL. Data: name of site, primary URL of site, error message Triggers: Execute set site primary URL Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SHOW_SITE ID: AMCLI-3170 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to show site profile. Data: name of site Triggers: Execute show site profile Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SHOW_SITE ID: AMCLI-3171 Level: INFO Description: Site profile is displayed. Data: name of site Triggers: Execute show site profile Commandline interface. FAILED_SHOW_SITE ID: AMCLI-3172 Level: INFO Description: Unable to show site profile. Data: name of site, error message Triggers: Execute show site profile Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_SITE_FAILOVER_URLS ID: AMCLI-3180 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set site failover URLs. Data: name of site Triggers: Execute set site failover URLs Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SET_SITE_FAILOVER_URLS ID: AMCLI-3181 Level: INFO Description: Site failover URLs are set. Data: name of site Triggers: Execute set site failover URLs Commandline interface. FAILED_SET_SITE_FAILOVER_URLS ID: AMCLI-3182 Level: INFO Description: Unable to set site failover URLs. Data: name of site, error message Triggers: Execute set site failover URLs Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_ADD_SITE_FAILOVER_URLS ID: AMCLI-3190 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to add site failover URLs. Data: name of site Triggers: Execute add site failover URLs Commandline interface. SUCCEED_ADD_SITE_FAILOVER_URLS ID: AMCLI-3191 Level: INFO Description: Site failover URLs are added. Data: name of site Triggers: Execute add site failover URLs Commandline interface. FAILED_ADD_SITE_FAILOVER_URLS ID: AMCLI-3192 Level: INFO Description: Unable to add site failover URLs. Data: name of site, error message Triggers: Execute add site failover URLs Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_REMOVE_SITE_FAILOVER_URLS ID: AMCLI-3200 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove site failover URLs. Data: name of site Triggers: Execute remove site failover URLs Commandline interface. SUCCEED_REMOVE_SITE_FAILOVER_URLS ID: AMCLI-3201 Level: INFO Description: Site failover URLs are removed. Data: name of site Triggers: Execute remove site failover URLs Commandline interface. FAILED_REMOVE_SITE_FAILOVER_URLS ID: AMCLI-3202 Level: INFO Description: Unable to remove site failover URLs. Data: name of site, error message Triggers: Execute remove site failover URLs Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_CLONE_SERVER ID: AMCLI-3210 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to clone server. Data: name of server, name of cloned server Triggers: Execute clone server Commandline interface. SUCCEED_CLONE_SERVER ID: AMCLI-3211 Level: INFO Description: Server is cloned. Data: name of server, name of cloned server Triggers: Execute clone server Commandline interface. FAILED_CLONE_SERVER ID: AMCLI-3212 Level: INFO Description: Unable to clone server. Data: name of server, name of cloned server, error message Triggers: Execute clone server Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_EXPORT_SERVER ID: AMCLI-3220 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to export server. Data: name of server Triggers: Execute export server Commandline interface. SUCCEED_EXPORT_SERVER ID: AMCLI-3221 Level: INFO Description: Server is cloned. Data: name of server Triggers: Execute export server Commandline interface. FAILED_EXPORT_SERVER ID: AMCLI-3222 Level: INFO Description: Unable to export server. Data: name of server, error message Triggers: Execute export server Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_IMPORT_SERVER ID: AMCLI-3230 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to import server configuration. Data: name of server Triggers: Execute import server configuration Commandline interface. SUCCEED_IMPORT_SERVER ID: AMCLI-3231 Level: INFO Description: Server configuration is imported. Data: name of server Triggers: Execute import server configuration Commandline interface. FAILED_IMPORT_SERVER ID: AMCLI-3232 Level: INFO Description: Unable to import server configuration. Data: name of server, error message Triggers: Execute import server configuration Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_SUPPORTED_DATA_TYPES ID: AMCLI-5000 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get the supported data types. Triggers: Execute get the supported data type Commandline interface. SUCCEED_GET_SUPPORTED_DATA_TYPES ID: AMCLI-5001 Level: INFO Description: The supported data types are retrieved. Triggers: Execute add service attribute values Commandline interface. FAILED_GET_SUPPORTED_DATA_TYPES ID: AMCLI-5002 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get the supported data types. Data: error message Triggers: Execute get the supported data types Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_AGENT ID: AMCLI-4000 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create an agent. Data: realm, agent type, name of agent Triggers: Execute create agent Commandline interface. SUCCEED_CREATE_AGENT ID: AMCLI-4001 Level: INFO Description: Agent is created. Data: realm, agent type, name of agent Triggers: Execute create agent Commandline interface. FAILED_CREATE_AGENT ID: AMCLI-4002 Level: INFO Description: Unable to create agent. Data: realm, agent type, name of agent, error message Triggers: Execute create agent Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_AGENTS ID: AMCLI-4010 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete agents. Data: name of realm, name of agents Triggers: Execute delete agents Commandline interface. SUCCEED_DELETE_AGENTS ID: AMCLI-4011 Level: INFO Description: Agents are deleted. Data: name of realm, name of agents Triggers: Execute delete agents Commandline interface. FAILED_DELETE_AGENTS ID: AMCLI-4012 Level: INFO Description: Unable to delete agents. Data: name of realm, name of agents, error message Triggers: Execute delete agents Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_UPDATE_AGENT ID: AMCLI-4020 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set attribute values of an agent. Data: name of realm, name of agent Triggers: Execute update agent Commandline interface. SUCCEED_UPDATE_AGENT ID: AMCLI-4021 Level: INFO Description: Agent profile is modified. Data: name of realm, name of agent Triggers: Execute update agent Commandline interface. FAILED_UPDATE_AGENT ID: AMCLI-4022 Level: INFO Description: Unable to update an agent. Data: name of realm, name of agent, error message Triggers: Execute update agent Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_LIST_AGENTS ID: AMCLI-4030 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to list agents. Data: name of realm, agent type, search pattern Triggers: Execute list agents Commandline interface. SUCCEED_LIST_AGENTS ID: AMCLI-4031 Level: INFO Description: Search Result is returned. Data: name of realm, agent type, search pattern Triggers: Execute list agents Commandline interface. FAILED_LIST_AGENTS ID: AMCLI-4032 Level: INFO Description: Unable to list agents. Data: name of realm, agent type, search pattern, error message Triggers: Execute list agents Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SHOW_AGENT ID: AMCLI-4040 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get attribute values of an agent. Data: name of realm, name of agent Triggers: Execute get the attribute values of an agent Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SHOW_AGENT ID: AMCLI-4041 Level: INFO Description: Attribute values are returned. Data: name of realm, name of agent Triggers: Execute get the attribute values of an agent Commandline interface. FAILED_SHOW_AGENT ID: AMCLI-4042 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get the attribute values of an agent. Data: name of realm, name of agent, error message Triggers: Execute get the attribute values of an agent Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_AGENT_GROUP ID: AMCLI-4050 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create an agent group. Data: realm, agent type, name of agent group Triggers: Execute create agent group Commandline interface. SUCCEED_CREATE_AGENT_GROUP ID: AMCLI-4051 Level: INFO Description: Agent group is created. Data: realm, agent type, name of agent group Triggers: Execute create agent group Commandline interface. FAILED_CREATE_AGENT_GROUP ID: AMCLI-4052 Level: INFO Description: Unable to create agent group. Data: realm, agent type, name of agent group, error message Triggers: Execute create agent group Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_AGENT_GROUPS ID: AMCLI-4060 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete agent groups. Data: name of realm, name of agent groups Triggers: Execute delete agent groups Commandline interface. SUCCEED_DELETE_AGENT_GROUPS ID: AMCLI-4061 Level: INFO Description: Agent groups are deleted. Data: name of realm, name of agent groups Triggers: Execute delete agent groups Commandline interface. FAILED_DELETE_AGENT_GROUPS ID: AMCLI-4062 Level: INFO Description: Unable to delete agent groups. Data: name of realm, name of agent groups, error message Triggers: Execute delete agent groups Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_LIST_AGENT_GROUPS ID: AMCLI-4070 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to list agent groups. Data: name of realm, agent type, search pattern Triggers: Execute list agent groups Commandline interface. SUCCEED_LIST_AGENT_GROUPS ID: AMCLI-4071 Level: INFO Description: Search Result is returned. Data: name of realm, agent type, search pattern Triggers: Execute list agent groups Commandline interface. FAILED_LIST_AGENT_GROUPS ID: AMCLI-4072 Level: INFO Description: Unable to list agent groups. Data: name of realm, agent type, search pattern, error message Triggers: Execute list agent groups Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_ADD_AGENT_TO_GROUP ID: AMCLI-4080 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to add agent to group. Data: name of realm, name of agent group, name of agent Triggers: Execute add agents to group Commandline interface. SUCCEED_ADD_AGENT_TO_GROUP ID: AMCLI-4081 Level: INFO Description: Agent is added to group. Data: name of realm, name of agent group, name of agent Triggers: Execute add agent to group Commandline interface. FAILED_ADD_AGENT_TO_GROUP ID: AMCLI-4082 Level: INFO Description: Unable to add agent to group. Data: name of realm, name of agent group, name of agent, error message Triggers: Execute add agent to group Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_REMOVE_AGENT_FROM_GROUP ID: AMCLI-4090 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove agent from group. Data: name of realm, name of agent group, name of agent Triggers: Execute remove agent from group Commandline interface. SUCCEED_REMOVE_AGENT_FROM_GROUP ID: AMCLI-4091 Level: INFO Description: Agent is removed to group. Data: name of realm, name of agent group, name of agent Triggers: Execute remove agent from group Commandline interface. FAILED_REMOVE_AGENT_FROM_GROUP ID: AMCLI-4092 Level: INFO Description: Unable to remove agent from group. Data: name of realm, name of agent group, name of agent, error message Triggers: Execute remove agent from group Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_AGENT_PWD ID: AMCLI-4100 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set agent password. Data: realm, name of agent Triggers: Execute set agent password Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SET_AGENT_PWD ID: AMCLI-4101 Level: INFO Description: Agent password is modified. Data: realm, name of agent Triggers: Execute set agent password Commandline interface. FAILED_SET_AGENT_PWD ID: AMCLI-4102 Level: INFO Description: Unable to set agent password. Data: realm, name of agent, error message Triggers: Execute set agent password Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SHOW_AGENT_GROUP ID: AMCLI-4110 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get attribute values of an agent group. Data: name of realm, name of agent group Triggers: Execute get the attribute values of an agent group Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SHOW_AGENT_GROUP ID: AMCLI-4111 Level: INFO Description: Attribute values are returned. Data: name of realm, name of agent group Triggers: Execute get the attribute values of an agent group Commandline interface. FAILED_SHOW_AGENT_GROUP ID: AMCLI-4112 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get the attribute values of an agent group. Data: name of realm, name of agent group, error message Triggers: Execute get the attribute values of an agent group Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_UPDATE_AGENT_GROUP ID: AMCLI-4120 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set attribute values of an agent group. Data: name of realm, name of agent group Triggers: Execute update agent group Commandline interface. SUCCEED_UPDATE_AGENT_GROUP ID: AMCLI-4121 Level: INFO Description: Agent group profile is modified. Data: name of realm, name of agent group Triggers: Execute update agent group Commandline interface. FAILED_UPDATE_AGENT_GROUP ID: AMCLI-4122 Level: INFO Description: Unable to update an agent. Data: name of realm, name of agent group, error message Triggers: Execute update agent group Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SHOW_AGENT_TYPES ID: AMCLI-4130 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to show supported agent types. Triggers: Execute show supported agent types Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SHOW_AGENT_TYPES ID: AMCLI-4131 Level: INFO Description: Supported agent types is displayed. Triggers: Execute show supported agent types Commandline interface. FAILED_SHOW_AGENT_TYPES ID: AMCLI-4132 Level: INFO Description: Unable to show supported agent types. Data: error message Triggers: Execute show supported agent types Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SHOW_AGENT_GROUP_MEMBERS ID: AMCLI-4140 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to show agent group members. Data: name of realm, name of agent group Triggers: Execute show agent group members Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SHOW_AGENT_GROUP_MEMBERS ID: AMCLI-4141 Level: INFO Description: Agent group’s members are displayed. Data: name of realm, name of agent group Triggers: Execute show agent group members Commandline interface. FAILED_SHOW_AGENT_GROUP_MEMBERS ID: AMCLI-4142 Level: INFO Description: Unable to show agent group members. Data: name of realm, name of agent group, error message Triggers: Execute show agent group members Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_LIST_AGENT_MEMBERSHIP ID: AMCLI-4150 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to show agent’s membership. Data: name of realm, name of agent Triggers: Execute show agent’s membership Commandline interface. SUCCEED_LIST_AGENT_MEMBERSHIP ID: AMCLI-4151 Level: INFO Description: Agent’s membership are displayed. Data: name of realm, name of agent Triggers: Execute show agent’s membership Commandline interface. FAILED_LIST_AGENT_MEMBERSHIP ID: AMCLI-4152 Level: INFO Description: Unable to show agent’s membership. Data: name of realm, name of agent, error message Triggers: Execute show agent’s membership Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_REGISTER_AUTH_MODULE ID: AMCLI-4500 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to register authentication module. Data: name of service Triggers: Execute register authentication module Commandline interface. SUCCEED_REGISTER_AUTH_MODULE ID: AMCLI-4501 Level: INFO Description: Authentication module is registered. Data: name of service Triggers: Execute register authentication module Commandline interface. FAILED_REGISTER_AUTH_MODULE ID: AMCLI-4502 Level: INFO Description: Unable to register authentication module. Data: name of service, error message Triggers: Execute register authentication module Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_UNREGISTER_AUTH_MODULE ID: AMCLI-4510 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to unregister authentication module. Data: name of service Triggers: Execute unregister authentication module Commandline interface. SUCCEED_UNREGISTER_AUTH_MODULE ID: AMCLI-4511 Level: INFO Description: Authentication module is unregistered. Data: name of service Triggers: Execute unregister authentication module Commandline interface. FAILED_UNREGISTER_AUTH_MODULE ID: AMCLI-4512 Level: INFO Description: Unable to unregister authentication module. Data: name of service, error message Triggers: Execute unregister authentication module Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODULES ID: AMCLI-4515 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get supported authentication modules in the system. Triggers: Execute get supported authentication modules in the system Commandline interface. SUCCEED_GET_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODULES ID: AMCLI-4516 Level: INFO Description: Supported authentication modules in the system are displayed. Triggers: Execute get supported authentication modules in the system module Commandline interface. FAILED_GET_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODULES ID: AMCLI-4517 Level: INFO Description: Failed to get supported authentication modules in the system. Data: error message Triggers: Execute get supported authentication modules in the system Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_REMOVE_AGENT_PROPERTIES ID: AMCLI-4520 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove property values of an agent. Data: name of realm, name of agent, property names Triggers: Execute remove property values of an agent Commandline interface. SUCCEED_REMOVE_AGENT_PROPERTIES ID: AMCLI-4521 Level: INFO Description: Property values are removed. Data: name of realm, name of agent, property names Triggers: Execute remove property values of an agent Commandline interface. FAILED_REMOVE_AGENT_PROPERTIES ID: AMCLI-4522 Level: INFO Description: Unable to remove property values of an agent. Data: name of realm, name of agent, property names, error message Triggers: Execute remove property values of an agent Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_SERVER_CONFIG_XML ID: AMCLI-4600 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get server configuration XML. Data: name of server Triggers: Execute get server configuration XML Commandline interface. SUCCEED_GET_SERVER_CONFIG_XML ID: AMCLI-4601 Level: INFO Description: Server configuration XML is displayed. Data: name of server Triggers: Execute get server configuration XML Commandline interface. FAILED_GET_SERVER_CONFIG_XML ID: AMCLI-4602 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get server configuration XML. Data: name of server, error message Triggers: Execute get server configuration XML Commandline interface. Actions: Check if servername is correct.; Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_SERVER_CONFIG_XML ID: AMCLI-4610 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set server configuration XML. Data: name of server Triggers: Execute set server configuration XML Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SET_SERVER_CONFIG_XML ID: AMCLI-4611 Level: INFO Description: Server configuration XML is set. Data: name of server Triggers: Execute set server configuration XML Commandline interface. FAILED_SET_SERVER_CONFIG_XML ID: AMCLI-4612 Level: INFO Description: Unable to set server configuration XML. Data: name of server, error message Triggers: Execute set server configuration XML Commandline interface. Actions: Check if servername is correct.; Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_LIST_DATASTORE_TYPES ID: AMCLI-4700 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to list supported datastore types. Triggers: Execute list supported datastore types Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_LIST_DATASTORE_TYPES ID: AMCLI-4701 Level: INFO Description: List supported datastore types succeeded. Triggers: Execute list supported datastore types Commandline interface. FAILED_LIST_DATASTORE_TYPES ID: AMCLI-4702 Level: INFO Description: Failed to list supported datastore types. Data: error message Triggers: Execute list supported datastore types Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_ADD_AUTH_CONFIG_ENTRY ID: AMCLI-4800 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to add authentication configuration entry. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration, name of module Triggers: Execute add authentication configuration entry Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_ADD_AUTH_CONFIG_ENTRY ID: AMCLI-4801 Level: INFO Description: Authentication instance configuration entry is created. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration, name of module Triggers: Execute add authentication configuration entry Commandline interface. FAILED_ADD_AUTH_CONFIG_ENTRY ID: AMCLI-4802 Level: INFO Description: Failed to add authentication configuration entry. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration, name of module, error message Triggers: Execute add authentication configuration entry Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SHOW_DATASTORE ID: AMCLI-5000 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to show datastore profile. Data: name of realm, name of datastore Triggers: Execute show datastore Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_SHOW_DATASTORE ID: AMCLI-5001 Level: INFO Description: Show datastore succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of datastore Triggers: Execute show datastore Commandline interface. FAILED_SHOW_DATASTORE ID: AMCLI-5002 Level: INFO Description: Failed to show datastore profile. Data: name of realm, name of datastore, error message Triggers: Execute show datastore Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_ADD_AMSDK_PLUGIN ID: AMCLI-5100 Level: INFO Description: Add AMSDK IdRepo Plugin. Data: name of datastore name Triggers: Execute add AMSDK IdRepo Plugin Commandline interface. SUCCEED_ADD_AMSDK_PLUGIN ID: AMCLI-5101 Level: INFO Description: AMSDK plugin is added. Data: name of datastore name Triggers: Execute add AMSDK IdRepo Plugin Commandline interface. FAILED_ADD_AMSDK_PLUGIN ID: AMCLI-5102 Level: INFO Description: Failed to add AMSDK IdRepo Plugin. Data: name of datastore name, error message Triggers: Execute add AMSDK IdRepo Plugin Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_SVC_ATTR_VALUES_REALM ID: AMCLI-5200 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set attribute value to a service that is assigned to a realm. Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Execute set attribute values a service that is assigned to a to realm Commandline interface. SUCCEED_SET_SVC_ATTR_VALUES_REALM ID: AMCLI-5201 Level: INFO Description: Attribute values is set to a service that is assigned to a realm. Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Execute set attribute values to a service that is assigned to a realm Commandline interface. FAILED_SET_SVC_ATTR_VALUES_REALM ID: AMCLI-5202 Level: INFO Description: Unable to set attribute values to a service that is assigned to a realm. Data: name of realm, name of service, error message Triggers: Execute set attribute values to a service that is assigned to a realm Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_EMBEDDED_STATUS ID: AMCLI-5103 Level: INFO Description: Get Embedded Status. Data: port number of embedded store Triggers: Execute Embedded Status Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_EMBEDDED_STATUS ID: AMCLI-5104 Level: INFO Description: Embedded Status Successful. Data: port number of embedded store Triggers: Execute Embedded Status Commandline interface. FAILED_EMBEDDED_STATUS ID: AMCLI-5105 Level: INFO Description: Failed to get embedded status. Data: port number of embedded store, error message Triggers: Execute Embedded Status Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_ADD_COT_MEMBER ID: AMCLI-5106 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to add a member to a Circle of Trust. Data: realm, entity ID, circle of trust, protocol specification Triggers: Execute add a member to a Circle of Trust Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_ADD_COT_MEMBER ID: AMCLI-5107 Level: INFO Description: Adding a member to a Circle of Trust succeeded. Data: realm, entity ID, circle of trust, protocol specification Triggers: Execute add a member to a Circle of Trust Commandline interface. FAILED_ADD_COT_MEMBER ID: AMCLI-5108 Level: INFO Description: Failed to add a member to a circle of trust. Data: realm, entity ID, circle of trust, protocol specification, error message Triggers: Execute add a member to a Circle of Trust Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_DO_BULK_FEDERATION ID: AMCLI-5109 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to do bulk federation. Data: metaAlias for local provider, Remote entity Id, File name of local to remote user Id mapping, Name of file that will be created by this sub command, protocol specification Triggers: Execute Do Bulk Federation Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_DO_BULK_FEDERATION ID: AMCLI-5110 Level: INFO Description: Bulk Federation succeeded. Data: metaAlias for local provider, Remote entity Id, File name of local to remote user Id mapping, Name of file that will be created by this sub command, protocol specification Triggers: Execute Do Bulk Federation Commandline interface. FAILED_DO_BULK_FEDERATION ID: AMCLI-5111 Level: INFO Description: Failed to do bulk federation. Data: metaAlias for local provider, Remote entity Id, File name of local to remote user Id mapping, Name of file that will be created by this sub command, protocol specification, error message Triggers: Execute Do Bulk Federation Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_COT ID: AMCLI-5112 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create Circle of Trust. Data: Realm, Circle of Trust, Trusted Providers, Prefix URL for idp discovery reader and writer URL Triggers: Execute Create Circle of Trust Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_CREATE_COT ID: AMCLI-5113 Level: INFO Description: Creating Circle of Trust succeeded. Data: Realm, Circle of Trust, Trusted Providers, Prefix URL for idp discovery reader and writer URL Triggers: Execute Create Circle of Trust Commandline interface. FAILED_CREATE_COT ID: AMCLI-5114 Level: INFO Description: Failed to create Circle of Trust. Data: Realm, Circle of Trust, Trusted Providers, Prefix URL for idp discovery reader and writer URL, error message Triggers: Execute Create Circle of Trust Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_METADATA_TEMPL ID: AMCLI-5115 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create metadata template. Data: Entity ID, file name for the standard metadata to be created, file name for the extended metadata to be created, metaAlias for hosted identity provider to be created, metaAlias for hosted service provider to be created, metaAlias for hosted attribute authority to be created, metaAlias for hosted attribute query provider to be created, metaAlias for hosted authentication authority to be created, metaAlias for policy decision point to be created, metaAlias for policy enforcement point to be created, metaAlias for hosted affiliation, protocol specification Triggers: Execute Create MetaData Template Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_CREATE_METADATA_TEMPL ID: AMCLI-5116 Level: INFO Description: Creating MetaData Template succeeded. Data: Entity ID, file name for the standard metadata to be created, file name for the extended metadata to be created, metaAlias for hosted identity provider to be created, metaAlias for hosted service provider to be created, metaAlias for hosted attribute authority to be created, metaAlias for hosted attribute query provider to be created, metaAlias for hosted authentication authority to be created, metaAlias for policy decision point to be created, metaAlias for policy enforcement point to be created, metaAlias for hosted affiliation, protocol specification Triggers: Execute Create MetaData Template Commandline interface. FAILED_CREATE_METADATA_TEMPL ID: AMCLI-5117 Level: INFO Description: Failed to create metaData template. Data: Entity ID, protocol specification, error message Triggers: Execute Create MetaData Template Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_COT ID: AMCLI-5118 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete Circle of Trust. Data: Realm, Circle of Trust Triggers: Execute Delete Circle of Trust Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_DELETE_COT ID: AMCLI-5119 Level: INFO Description: Deleting Circle of Trust succeeded. Data: Realm, Circle of Trust Triggers: Execute Delete Circle of Trust Commandline interface. FAILED_DELETE_COT ID: AMCLI-5120 Level: INFO Description: Failed to delete Circle of Trust. Data: Realm, Circle of Trust, error message Triggers: Execute Delete Circle of Trust Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_ENTITY ID: AMCLI-5121 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete metadata. Data: Realm, Entity ID, protocol specification Triggers: Execute Delete Metadata Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_DELETE_ENTITY ID: AMCLI-5122 Level: INFO Description: Deleting Metadata succeeded. Data: Realm, Entity ID, protocol specification Triggers: Execute Delete Metadata Commandline interface. FAILED_DELETE_ENTITY ID: AMCLI-5123 Level: INFO Description: Failed to delete metadata. Data: Realm, Entity ID, protocol specification, error message Triggers: Execute Delete Metadata Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_EXPORT_ENTITY ID: AMCLI-5124 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to export entity. Data: Realm, Entity ID, Name of file to save the standard metadata XML, Name of file to save the extended metadata XML, protocol specification Triggers: Execute export entity Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_EXPORT_ENTITY ID: AMCLI-5125 Level: INFO Description: Exporting entity succeeded. Data: Realm, Entity ID, Name of file to save the standard metadata XML, Name of file to save the extended metadata XML, protocol specification Triggers: Execute export entity Commandline interface. FAILED_EXPORT_ENTITY ID: AMCLI-5126 Level: INFO Description: Failed to export entity. Data: Realm, Entity ID, Name of file to save the standard metadata XML, Name of file to save the extended metadata XML, protocol specification, error message Triggers: Execute export entity Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_IMPORT_BULK_FED_DATA ID: AMCLI-5127 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to import bulk federation data. Data: metaAlias for local provider, File name of bulk federation data which is generated by this command, protocol specification Triggers: Execute import bulk federation data Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_IMPORT_BULK_FED_DATA ID: AMCLI-5128 Level: INFO Description: Importing bulk federation data succeeded. Data: metaAlias for local provider, File name of bulk federation data which is generated by this command, protocol specification Triggers: Execute import bulk federation data Commandline interface. FAILED_IMPORT_BULK_FED_DATA ID: AMCLI-5129 Level: INFO Description: Failed to import bulk federation data. Data: metaAlias for local provider, File name of bulk federation data which is generated by this command, protocol specification, error message Triggers: Execute import bulk federation data Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_IMPORT_ENTITY ID: AMCLI-5130 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to import entity. Data: Realm where entity resides, file name for the standard metadata to be imported, file name for the extended entity configuration to be imported, name of the Circle of Trust this entity belongs, protocol specification Triggers: Execute import entity Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_IMPORT_ENTITY ID: AMCLI-5131 Level: INFO Description: Importing entity succeeded. Data: Realm where entity resides, file name for the standard metadata to be imported, file name for the extended entity configuration to be imported, name of the Circle of Trust this entity belongs, protocol specification Triggers: Execute import entity Commandline interface. FAILED_IMPORT_ENTITY ID: AMCLI-5132 Level: INFO Description: Failed to import entity. Data: Realm where entity resides, file name for the standard metadata to be imported, file name for the extended entity configuration to be imported, name of the Circle of Trust this entity belongs, protocol specification, error message Triggers: Execute import entity Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_LIST_COT_MEMBERS ID: AMCLI-5133 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to list members in a circle of trust. Data: Realm, Circle of trust, protocol specification Triggers: Execute list members in a circle of trust Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_LIST_COT_MEMBERS ID: AMCLI-5134 Level: INFO Description: Listing members in a circle of trust succeeded. Data: Realm, Circle of trust, protocol specification Triggers: Execute list members in a circle of trust Commandline interface. FAILED_LIST_COT_MEMBERS ID: AMCLI-5135 Level: INFO Description: Failed to list members in a circle of trust. Data: Realm, Circle of trust, protocol specification, error message Triggers: Execute list members in a circle of trust Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_LIST_COTS ID: AMCLI-5136 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to list circles of trust. Data: realm Triggers: Execute list circles of trust Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_LIST_COTS ID: AMCLI-5137 Level: INFO Description: Listing circles of trust succeeded. Data: realm Triggers: Execute list circles of trust Commandline interface. FAILED_LIST_COTS ID: AMCLI-5138 Level: INFO Description: Failed to list circles of trust. Data: realm, error message Triggers: Execute list circles of trust Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_LIST_ENTITIES ID: AMCLI-5139 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to list entities under a realm. Data: realm, protocol specification Triggers: Execute list entities under a realm Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_LIST_ENTITIES ID: AMCLI-5140 Level: INFO Description: Listing entities under a realm succeeded. Data: realm, protocol specification Triggers: Execute list entities under a realm Commandline interface. FAILED_LIST_ENTITIES ID: AMCLI-5141 Level: INFO Description: Failed to list entities under a realm. Data: realm, protocol specification, error message Triggers: Execute list entities under a realm Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_REMOVE_COT_MEMBER ID: AMCLI-5142 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove a member from a circle of trust. Data: Realm where circle of trust resides, Circle of trust, Entity ID, protocol specification Triggers: Execute remove a member from a circle of trust Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_REMOVE_COT_MEMBER ID: AMCLI-5143 Level: INFO Description: Removing a member from a circle of trust successful. Data: Realm where circle of trust resides, Circle of trust, Entity ID, protocol specification Triggers: Execute remove a member from a circle of trust Commandline interface. FAILED_REMOVE_COT_MEMBER ID: AMCLI-5144 Level: INFO Description: Failed to remove a member from a circle of trust. Data: Realm where circle of trust resides, Circle of trust, Entity ID, protocol specification, error message Triggers: Execute remove a member from a circle of trust Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_UPDATE_ENTITY_KEYINFO ID: AMCLI-5145 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to update XML signing and encryption key information in hosted entity metadata. Data: Realm, Entity ID, Service provider signing certificate alias, Identity provider signing certificate alias, Service provider encryption certificate alias, Identity provider encryption certificate alias, protocol specification Triggers: Execute Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_UPDATE_ENTITY_KEYINFO ID: AMCLI-5146 Level: INFO Description: Updating XML signing and encryption key information in hosted entity metadata succeeded. Data: Realm, Entity ID, Service provider signing certificate alias, Identity provider signing certificate alias, Service provider encryption certificate alias, Identity provider encryption certificate alias Triggers: Execute update XML signing and encryption key information in hosted entity metadata Commandline interface. FAILED_UPDATE_ENTITY_KEYINFO ID: AMCLI-5147 Level: INFO Description: Failed to update XML signing and encryption key information in hosted entity metadata. Data: Realm, Entity ID, Service provider signing certificate alias, Identity provider signing certificate alias, Service provider encryption certificate alias, Identity provider encryption certificate alias, error message Triggers: Execute update XML signing and encryption key information in hosted entity metadata Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_APPLICATION ID: AMCLI-5500 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create application. Data: Realm, Application name Triggers: Execute create application Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_CREATE_APPLICATION ID: AMCLI-5501 Level: INFO Description: Create application succeeded. Data: Realm, Application name Triggers: Execute create application Commandline interface. FAILED_CREATE_APPLICATION ID: AMCLI-5502 Level: INFO Description: Failed to create application. Data: Realm, Application name, error message Triggers: Execute create application Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_LIST_APPLICATIONS ID: AMCLI-5510 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to list applications in a realm. Data: Realm Triggers: Execute list applications Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_LIST_APPLICATIONS ID: AMCLI-5511 Level: INFO Description: List applications in a realm succeeded. Data: Realm Triggers: Execute list applications Commandline interface. FAILED_LIST_APPLICATIONS ID: AMCLI-5512 Level: INFO Description: Failed to list applications. Data: Realm, error message Triggers: Execute list applications Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_LIST_APPLICATION_TYPES ID: AMCLI-5520 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to list application types. Triggers: Execute list application types Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_LIST_APPLICATION_TYPES ID: AMCLI-5521 Level: INFO Description: List application types succeeded. Triggers: Execute list application types Commandline interface. FAILED_LIST_APPLICATION_TYPES ID: AMCLI-5522 Level: INFO Description: Failed to list application types. Data: error message Triggers: Execute list application types Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SHOW_APPLICATION ID: AMCLI-5530 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to show application attributes. Data: Realm, Application Name Triggers: Execute show application Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_SHOW_APPLICATION ID: AMCLI-5531 Level: INFO Description: Attributes of application is displayed succeeded. Data: Realm, Application Name Triggers: Execute show application Commandline interface. FAILED_SHOW_APPLICATION ID: AMCLI-5532 Level: INFO Description: Failed to show application attributes. Data: Realm, Application Name, error message Triggers: Execute show application Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_APPLICATION ID: AMCLI-5540 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set application attributes. Data: Realm, Application Name Triggers: Execute set application attributes Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_SET_APPLICATION ID: AMCLI-5541 Level: INFO Description: Attributes of application is modified succeeded. Data: Realm, Application Name Triggers: Execute set application attributes Commandline interface. FAILED_SET_APPLICATION ID: AMCLI-5542 Level: INFO Description: Failed to set application attributes. Data: Realm, Application Name, error message Triggers: Execute set application attributes Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_APPLICATIONS ID: AMCLI-5550 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete applications. Data: Realm Triggers: Execute delete applications Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_DELETE_APPLICATIONS ID: AMCLI-5551 Level: INFO Description: Application are deleted. Data: Realm Triggers: Execute delete applications Commandline interface. FAILED_DELETE_APPLICATIONS ID: AMCLI-5552 Level: INFO Description: Failed to delete applications. Data: Realm, error message Triggers: Execute delete applications Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SHOW_APPLICATION_TYPE ID: AMCLI-5553 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to show application type details. Data: Application Type name Triggers: Execute show application type Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_SHOW_APPLICATION_TYPE ID: AMCLI-5554 Level: INFO Description: Show application type details succeded. Data: Application Type name Triggers: Execute show application type Commandline interface. ATTEMPT_DELETE_APPLICATION_TYPES ID: AMCLI-5555 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete application types. Data: Application Type names Triggers: Execute delete application types Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_DELETE_APPLICATION_TYPES ID: AMCLI-5556 Level: INFO Description: Delete application types succeeded. Data: Application Type names Triggers: Execute delete application types Commandline interface. FAILED_DELETE_APPLICATION_TYPES ID: AMCLI-5557 Level: INFO Description: Delete application types failed. Data: Application Type names, error message Triggers: Execute delete application types Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_APPLICATION_TYPE ID: AMCLI-5558 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create application type. Data: Application Type name Triggers: Execute create application type Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_CREATE_APPLICATION_TYPE ID: AMCLI-5559 Level: INFO Description: Create application type succeeded. Data: Application Type name Triggers: Execute create application type Commandline interface. FAILED_CREATE_APPLICATION_TYPE ID: AMCLI-5560 Level: INFO Description: Failed to create application type. Data: Application Type name, error message Triggers: Execute create application type Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SHOW_ENTITLEMENT_SVC ID: AMCLI-5600 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to show entitlement service configuration. Triggers: Execute show entitlement service configuration Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_SHOW_ENTITLEMENT_SVC ID: AMCLI-5601 Level: INFO Description: Entitlement service configuration is displayed. Triggers: Execute show entitlement service configuration Commandline interface. FAILED_SHOW_ENTITLEMENT_SVC ID: AMCLI-5602 Level: INFO Description: Failed to display entitlement service configuration. Data: error message Triggers: Execute show entitlement service configuration Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_ENTITLEMENT_SVC ID: AMCLI-5610 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify entitlement service configuration. Triggers: Execute set entitlement service configuration Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_MODIFY_ENTITLEMENT_SVC ID: AMCLI-5611 Level: INFO Description: Entitlement service configuration is modified. Triggers: Execute set entitlement service configuration Commandline interface. FAILED_MODIFY_ENTITLEMENT_SVC ID: AMCLI-5612 Level: INFO Description: Failed to modify entitlement service configuration. Data: error message Triggers: Execute set entitlement service configuration Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_APPLICATION_PRIVILEGE ID: AMCLI-6010 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create application privilege. Data: realm, application privilege name Triggers: Execute create application privilege Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_CREATE_APPLICATION_PRIVILEGE ID: AMCLI-6011 Level: INFO Description: Application privilege is created. Data: realm, application privilege name Triggers: Execute create application privilege Commandline interface. FAILED_CREATE_APPLICATION_PRIVILEGE ID: AMCLI-6012 Level: INFO Description: Failed to create application privilege. Data: realm, application privilege name, error message Triggers: Execute create application privilege Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_APPLICATION_PRIVILEGE ID: AMCLI-6020 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete application privilege. Data: realm, application privilege name Triggers: Execute delete application privilege Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_DELETE_APPLICATION_PRIVILEGE ID: AMCLI-6021 Level: INFO Description: Application privilege is deleted. Data: realm, application privilege name Triggers: Execute delete application privilege Commandline interface. FAILED_DELETE_APPLICATION_PRIVILEGE ID: AMCLI-6022 Level: INFO Description: Failed to delete application privilege. Data: realm, application privilege name, error message Triggers: Execute delete application privilege Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_SHOW_APPLICATION_PRIVILEGE ID: AMCLI-6020 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to show application privilege. Data: realm, application privilege name Triggers: Execute show application privilege Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_SHOW_APPLICATION_PRIVILEGE ID: AMCLI-6021 Level: INFO Description: Application privilege is displayed. Data: realm, application privilege name Triggers: Execute show application privilege Commandline interface. FAILED_SHOW_APPLICATION_PRIVILEGE ID: AMCLI-6022 Level: INFO Description: Failed to show application privilege. Data: realm, application privilege name, error message Triggers: Execute show application privilege Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_LIST_APPLICATION_PRIVILEGES ID: AMCLI-6030 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to list application privileges in a realm. Data: realm Triggers: Execute list application privileges Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_LIST_APPLICATION_PRIVILEGES ID: AMCLI-6031 Level: INFO Description: Application privileges are displayed. Data: realm Triggers: Execute list application privileges Commandline interface. FAILED_LIST_APPLICATION_PRIVILEGES ID: AMCLI-6032 Level: INFO Description: Failed to list application privileges. Data: realm, error message Triggers: Execute list application privileges Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_UPDATE_APPLICATION_PRIVILEGE ID: AMCLI-6040 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to update application privilege. Data: realm, application privilege name Triggers: Execute update application privilege Commandline interface. SUCCEEDED_UPDATE_APPLICATION_PRIVILEGE ID: AMCLI-6041 Level: INFO Description: Application privilege is updated. Data: realm, application privilege name Triggers: Execute update application privilege Commandline interface. FAILED_UPDATE_APPLICATION_PRIVILEGE ID: AMCLI-6042 Level: INFO Description: Failed to update application privilege. Data: realm, application privilege name, error message Triggers: Execute update application privileges Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_ADD_PLUGIN_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-6043 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to add Plug-in schema. Data: name of service, name of interface, name of plugin, name of i18n key, name of i18n name, name of class Triggers: Execute add Plug-in schema Commandline interface. SUCCEED_ADD_PLUGIN_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-6044 Level: INFO Description: Added Plug-in schema. Data: name of service, name of plugin Triggers: Execute add Plug-in schema Commandline interface. FAILED_ADD_PLUGIN_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-6045 Level: INFO Description: Failed to add Plug-in schema. Data: name of service, name of plugin, error message Triggers: Execute add Plug-in schema Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_REMOVE_PLUGIN_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-6046 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove Plug-in schema. Data: name of service, name of interface, name of plugin, name of i18n key, name of i18n name, name of class Triggers: Execute remove Plug-in schema Commandline interface. SUCCEED_REMOVE_PLUGIN_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-6047 Level: INFO Description: Removed Plug-in schema. Data: name of service, name of plugin Triggers: Execute remove Plug-in schema Commandline interface. FAILED_REMOVE_PLUGIN_SCHEMA ID: AMCLI-6048 Level: INFO Description: Failed to remove Plug-in schema. Data: name of service, name of plugin, error message Triggers: Execute remove Plug-in schema Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. SUCCEED_SET_SITE_ID ID: AMCLI-6049 Level: INFO Description: Site ID is set. Data: name of site, id of site Triggers: Execute set site ID Commandline interface. FAILED_SET_SITE_ID ID: AMCLI-6050 Level: INFO Description: Unable to set site ID. Data: name of site, site ID, error message Triggers: Execute set site ID Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. FAILED_START_RECORD ID: AMCLI-6051 Level: INFO Description: Unable to start the record. Data: Server name, Json record, error message Triggers: Execute start record Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. FAILED_STATUS_RECORD ID: AMCLI-6052 Level: INFO Description: Unable to get the status of the recording Data: Server name, error message Triggers: Execute status record Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. FAILED_STOP_RECORD ID: AMCLI-6054 Level: INFO Description: Recording can’t be stopped Data: Server name, error message Triggers: Execute stop record Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. SUCCESS_START_RECORD ID: AMCLI-6055 Level: INFO Description: Start recording Data: Server name, Json record, Json result Triggers: Execute start record Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. SUCCESS_STATUS_RECORD ID: AMCLI-6056 Level: INFO Description: Get the status of the record with success Data: Server name, Json result Triggers: Execute status record Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. SUCCESS_STOP_RECORD ID: AMCLI-6057 Level: INFO Description: Stop recording Data: Server name, Json result Triggers: Execute stop record Commandline interface. Actions: Look under debug file for more information. ATTEMPT_STOP_RECORD ID: AMCLI-6058 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to stop recording. Data: Server name Triggers: Stop recording OpenAM. ATTEMPT_STATUS_RECORD ID: AMCLI-6059 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get the status of the recording. Data: Server name Triggers: Get the status of the current record. ATTEMPT_START_RECORD ID: AMCLI-6060 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to start recording. Data: Server name, Json record, Json result Triggers: Start record. RESOURCE_READ_FAILED ID: AMCLI-6100 Level: INFO Description: Failed to read resource. Data: Resource Id, Resource type, Http code Triggers: Attempting to read resource to determine whether to create or update. RESOURCE_UPDATE_SUCCESS ID: AMCLI-6101 Level: INFO Description: Successfully updated resource. Data: Resource Id, Resource type Triggers: Attempting to update an existing resource. RESOURCE_UPDATE_FAILED ID: AMCLI-6102 Level: INFO Description: Failed to update resource. Data: Resource Id, Resource type, Http code Triggers: Attempting to update an existing resource. RESOURCE_CREATE_SUCCESS ID: AMCLI-6103 Level: INFO Description: Successfully created resource. Data: Resource Id, Resource type Triggers: Attempting to create a new resource. RESOURCE_CREATE_FAILED ID: AMCLI-6104 Level: INFO Description: Failed to create resource. Data: Resource Id, Resource type, Http code Triggers: Attempting to create a new resource. POLICY_EXPORT_SUCCESS ID: AMCLI-6105 Level: INFO Description: Successfully exported policy model resources. Data: Realm, Exported File Triggers: Executes export resource Commandline interface. OpenAM logs the following CONSOLE messages. ATTEMPT_IDENTITY_CREATION ID: CONSOLE-1 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create Identity Data: identity name, identity type, realm name Triggers: Click on create button in Realm Creation Page. IDENTITY_CREATED ID: CONSOLE-2 Level: INFO Description: Creation of Identity succeeded. Data: identity name, identity type, realm name Triggers: Click on create button in Realm Creation Page. SSO_EXCEPTION_IDENTITY_CREATION ID: CONSOLE-3 Level: SEVERE Description: Creation of Identity failed Data: identity name, identity type, realm name, error message Triggers: Unable to create an identity under a realm. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. IDM_EXCEPTION_IDENTITY_CREATION ID: CONSOLE-4 Level: SEVERE Description: Creation of Identity failed Data: identity name, identity type, realm name, error message Triggers: Unable to create an identity under a realm due to data store error. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_SEARCH_IDENTITY ID: CONSOLE-11 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to search for Identities Data: base realm, identity type, search pattern, search size limit, search time limit Triggers: Click on Search button in identity search view. SUCCEED_SEARCH_IDENTITY ID: CONSOLE-12 Level: INFO Description: Searching for Identities succeeded Data: base realm, identity type, search pattern, search size limit, search time limit Triggers: Click on Search button in identity search view. SSO_EXCEPTION_SEARCH_IDENTITY ID: CONSOLE-13 Level: SEVERE Description: Searching for identities failed Data: identity name, identity type, realm name, error message Triggers: Unable to perform search operation on identities under a realm. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. IDM_EXCEPTION_SEARCH_IDENTITY ID: CONSOLE-14 Level: SEVERE Description: Searching for identities failed Data: identity name, identity type, realm name, error message Triggers: Unable to perform search operation on identities under a realm due to data store error. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_READ_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE ID: CONSOLE-21 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to read attribute values of an identity Data: identity name, name of attributes Triggers: View identity profile view. SUCCEED_READ_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE ID: CONSOLE-22 Level: INFO Description: Reading of attribute values of an identity succeeded Data: identity name, name of attributes Triggers: View identity profile view. SSO_EXCEPTION_READ_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE ID: CONSOLE-23 Level: SEVERE Description: Reading of attribute values of an identity failed Data: identity name, name of attributes, error message Triggers: Unable to read attribute values of an identity. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. IDM_EXCEPTION_READ_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE ID: CONSOLE-24 Level: SEVERE Description: Reading of attribute values of an identity failed Data: identity name, name of attributes, error message Triggers: Unable to read attribute values of an identity due to data store error. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_READ_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE ID: CONSOLE-25 Level: SEVERE Description: Reading of attribute values of an identity failed Data: identity name, name of attributes, error message Triggers: Unable to read attribute values of an identity due to exception service manager API. Actions: Look under service manage log for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE ID: CONSOLE-31 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify attribute values of an identity Data: identity name, name of attributes Triggers: Click on Save button in identity profile view. SUCCEED_MODIFY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE ID: CONSOLE-32 Level: INFO Description: Modification of attribute values of an identity succeeded Data: identity name, name of attributes Triggers: Click on Save button in identity profile view. SSO_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE ID: CONSOLE-33 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of attribute values of an identity failed Data: identity name, name of attributes, error message Triggers: Unable to modify attribute values of an identity. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. IDM_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE ID: CONSOLE-34 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of attribute values of an identity failed Data: identity name, name of attributes, error message Triggers: Unable to modify attribute values of an identity due to data store error. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_IDENTITY ID: CONSOLE-41 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete identities Data: realm name, name of identities to be deleted Triggers: Click on Delete button in identity search view. SUCCEED_DELETE_IDENTITY ID: CONSOLE-42 Level: INFO Description: Deletion of identities succeeded Data: realm name, name of identities to be deleted Triggers: Click on Delete button in identity search view. SSO_EXCEPTION_DELETE_IDENTITY ID: CONSOLE-43 Level: SEVERE Description: Deletion of identities failed Data: realm name, name of identities to be deleted, error message Triggers: Unable to delete identities. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. IDM_EXCEPTION_DELETE_IDENTITY ID: CONSOLE-44 Level: SEVERE Description: Deletion of identities failed Data: realm name, name of identities to be deleted, error message Triggers: Unable to delete identities due to data store error. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_READ_IDENTITY_MEMBERSHIP ID: CONSOLE-51 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to read identity’s memberships information Data: name of identity, membership identity type Triggers: View membership page of an identity. SUCCEED_READ_IDENTITY_MEMBERSHIP ID: CONSOLE-52 Level: INFO Description: Reading of identity’s memberships information succeeded Data: name of identity, membership identity type Triggers: View membership page of an identity. SSO_EXCEPTION_READ_IDENTITY_MEMBERSHIP ID: CONSOLE-53 Level: SEVERE Description: Reading of identity’s memberships information failed. Data: name of identity, membership identity type, error message Triggers: Unable to read identity’s memberships information. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. IDM_EXCEPTION_READ_IDENTITY_MEMBERSHIP ID: CONSOLE-54 Level: SEVERE Description: Reading of identity’s memberships information failed. Data: name of identity, membership identity type, error message Triggers: Unable to read identity’s memberships information due to data store error. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_READ_IDENTITY_MEMBER ID: CONSOLE-61 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to read identity’s members information Data: name of identity, members identity type Triggers: View members page of an identity. SUCCEED_READ_IDENTITY_MEMBER ID: CONSOLE-62 Level: INFO Description: Reading of identity’s members information succeeded Data: name of identity, members identity type Triggers: View members page of an identity. SSO_EXCEPTION_READ_IDENTITY_MEMBER ID: CONSOLE-63 Level: SEVERE Description: Reading of identity’s members information failed. Data: name of identity, member identity type, error message Triggers: Unable to read identity’s members information. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. IDM_EXCEPTION_READ_IDENTITY_MEMBER ID: CONSOLE-64 Level: SEVERE Description: Reading of identity’s members information failed. Data: name of identity, member identity type, error message Triggers: Unable to read identity’s members information due to data store error. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_ADD_IDENTITY_MEMBER ID: CONSOLE-71 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to add member to an identity Data: name of identity, name of identity to be added. Triggers: Select members to be added to an identity. SUCCEED_ADD_IDENTITY_MEMBER ID: CONSOLE-72 Level: INFO Description: Addition of member to an identity succeeded Data: name of identity, name of identity added. Triggers: Select members to be added to an identity. SSO_EXCEPTION_ADD_IDENTITY_MEMBER ID: CONSOLE-73 Level: SEVERE Description: Addition of member to an identity failed. Data: name of identity, name of identity to be added., error message Triggers: Unable to add member to an identity. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. IDM_EXCEPTION_ADD_IDENTITY_MEMBER ID: CONSOLE-74 Level: SEVERE Description: Addition of member to an identity failed. Data: name of identity, name of identity to be added., error message Triggers: Unable to add member to an identity due to data store error. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_REMOVE_IDENTITY_MEMBER ID: CONSOLE-81 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove member from an identity Data: name of identity, name of identity to be removed. Triggers: Select members to be removed from an identity. SUCCEED_REMOVE_IDENTITY_MEMBER ID: CONSOLE-82 Level: INFO Description: Removal of member from an identity succeeded Data: name of identity, name of identity removed. Triggers: Select members to be removed from an identity. SSO_EXCEPTION_REMOVE_IDENTITY_MEMBER ID: CONSOLE-83 Level: SEVERE Description: Removal of member to an identity failed. Data: name of identity, name of identity to be removed., error message Triggers: Unable to remove member from an identity. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. IDM_EXCEPTION_REMOVE_IDENTITY_MEMBER ID: CONSOLE-84 Level: SEVERE Description: Removal of member from an identity failed. Data: name of identity, name of identity to be removed., error message Triggers: Unable to remove member to an identity due to data store error. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_READ_IDENTITY_ASSIGNED_SERVICE ID: CONSOLE-91 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to read assigned service names of an identity Data: name of identity Triggers: Click on Add button in service assignment view of an identity. SUCCEED_READ_IDENTITY_ASSIGNED_SERVICE ID: CONSOLE-92 Level: INFO Description: Reading assigned service names of an identity succeeded Data: name of identity Triggers: Click on Add button in service assignment view of an identity. SSO_EXCEPTION_READ_IDENTITY_ASSIGNED_SERVICE ID: CONSOLE-93 Level: SEVERE Description: Reading assigned service names of an identity failed. Data: name of identity, error message Triggers: Unable to read assigned service names of an identity. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. IDM_EXCEPTION_READ_IDENTITY_ASSIGNED_SERVICE ID: CONSOLE-94 Level: SEVERE Description: Reading assigned service names of an identity failed. Data: name of identity, error message Triggers: Unable to read assigned service names of an identity due to data store error. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_READ_IDENTITY_ASSIGNABLE_SERVICE ID: CONSOLE-101 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to read assignable service names of an identity Data: name of identity Triggers: View the services page of an identity. SUCCEED_READ_IDENTITY_ASSIGNABLE_SERVICE ID: CONSOLE-102 Level: INFO Description: Reading assignable service names of an identity succeeded Data: name of identity Triggers: View the services page of an identity. SSO_EXCEPTION_READ_IDENTITY_ASSIGNABLE_SERVICE ID: CONSOLE-103 Level: SEVERE Description: Reading assignable service names of an identity failed. Data: name of identity, error message Triggers: Unable to read assignable service names of an identity. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. IDM_EXCEPTION_READ_IDENTITY_ASSIGNABLE_SERVICE ID: CONSOLE-104 Level: SEVERE Description: Reading assignable service names of an identity failed. Data: name of identity, error message Triggers: Unable to read assignable service names of an identity due to data store error. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_IDENTITY_ASSIGN_SERVICE ID: CONSOLE-111 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to assign a service to an identity Data: name of identity, name of service Triggers: Click Add button of service view of an identity. SUCCEED_IDENTITY_ASSIGN_SERVICE ID: CONSOLE-112 Level: INFO Description: Assignment of service to an identity succeeded Data: name of identity, name of service Triggers: Click Add button of service view of an identity. SSO_EXCEPTION_IDENTITY_ASSIGN_SERVICE ID: CONSOLE-113 Level: SEVERE Description: Assignment of service to an identity failed. Data: name of identity, name of service, error message Triggers: Unable to assign service to an identity. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. IDM_EXCEPTION_IDENTITY_ASSIGN_SERVICE ID: CONSOLE-114 Level: SEVERE Description: Assignment of service to an identity failed. Data: name of identity, name of service, error message Triggers: Unable to assign service to an identity due to data store error. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_IDENTITY_UNASSIGN_SERVICE ID: CONSOLE-121 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to unassign a service from an identity Data: name of identity, name of service Triggers: Click Remove button in service view of an identity. SUCCEED_IDENTITY_UNASSIGN_SERVICE ID: CONSOLE-122 Level: INFO Description: Unassignment of service to an identity succeeded Data: name of identity, name of service Triggers: Click Remove button in service view of an identity. SSO_EXCEPTION_IDENTITY_UNASSIGN_SERVICE ID: CONSOLE-123 Level: SEVERE Description: Unassignment of service from an identity failed. Data: name of identity, name of service, error message Triggers: Unable to unassign service from an identity. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. IDM_EXCEPTION_IDENTITY_UNASSIGN_SERVICE ID: CONSOLE-124 Level: SEVERE Description: Unassignment of service from an identity failed. Data: name of identity, name of service, error message Triggers: Unable to unassign service from an identity due to data store error. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_IDENTITY_READ_SERVICE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-131 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to read service attribute values of an identity Data: name of identity, name of service Triggers: View service profile view of an identity. SUCCEED_IDENTITY_READ_SERVICE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-132 Level: INFO Description: Reading of service attribute values of an identity succeeded Data: name of identity, name of service Triggers: View service profile view of an identity. SSO_EXCEPTION_IDENTITY_READ_SERVICE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-133 Level: SEVERE Description: Reading of service attribute values of an identity failed. Data: name of identity, name of service, error message Triggers: Unable to read service attribute values of an identity. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation Actions: Look under data store log for more information. IDM_EXCEPTION_IDENTITY_READ_SERVICE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-134 Level: SEVERE Description: Reading of service attribute values of an identity failed. Data: name of identity, name of service, error message Triggers: Unable to read service attribute values of an identity due to data store error. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_IDENTITY_WRITE_SERVICE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-141 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to write service attribute values to an identity Data: name of identity, name of service Triggers: Click on Save button in service profile view of an identity. SUCCEED_IDENTITY_WRITE_SERVICE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-142 Level: INFO Description: Writing of service attribute values to an identity succeeded Data: name of identity, name of service Triggers: Click on Save button in service profile view of an identity. SSO_EXCEPTION_IDENTITY_WRITE_SERVICE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-143 Level: SEVERE Description: Writing of service attribute values to an identity failed. Data: name of identity, name of service, error message Triggers: Unable to write service attribute values to an identity. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. IDM_EXCEPTION_IDENTITY_WRITE_SERVICE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-144 Level: SEVERE Description: Writing of service attribute values to an identity failed. Data: name of identity, name of service, error message Triggers: Unable to write service attribute values to an identity due to data store error. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_READ_ALL_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-201 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to read all global service default attribute values Data: name of service Triggers: View global configuration view of a service. SUCCEED_READ_ALL_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-202 Level: INFO Description: Reading of all global service default attribute values succeeded Data: name of service Triggers: View global configuration view of a service. ATTEMPT_READ_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-203 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to read global service default attribute values Data: name of service, name of attribute Triggers: View global configuration view of a service. SUCCEED_READ_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-204 Level: INFO Description: Reading of global service default attribute values succeeded Data: name of service, name of attribute Triggers: View global configuration view of a service. FAILED_READ_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-205 Level: INFO Description: Reading of global service default attribute values failed Data: name of service, name of attribute Triggers: View global configuration view of a service. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_WRITE_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-211 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to write global service default attribute values Data: name of service, name of attribute Triggers: Click on Save button in global configuration view of a service. SUCCEED_WRITE_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-212 Level: INFO Description: Writing of global service default attribute values succeeded Data: name of service, name of attribute Triggers: Click on Save button in global configuration view of a service. SSO_EXCEPTION_WRITE_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-213 Level: SEVERE Description: Writing of global service default attribute values failed. Data: name of service, name of attribute, error message Triggers: Unable to write global service default attribute values. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_WRITE_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-214 Level: SEVERE Description: Writing of global service default attribute values failed. Data: name of service, name of attribute, error message Triggers: Unable to write service default attribute values due to service management error. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_READ_GLOBAL_SUB_CONFIGURATION_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-221 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get sub configuration names Data: name of service, name of base global sub configuration Triggers: View a global service view of which its service has sub schema. SUCCEED_READ_GLOBAL_SUB_CONFIGURATION_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-222 Level: INFO Description: Reading of global sub configuration names succeeded Data: name of service, name of base global sub configuration Triggers: View a global service view of which its service has sub schema. SSO_EXCEPTION_READ_GLOBAL_SUB_CONFIGURATION_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-223 Level: SEVERE Description: Reading of global sub configuration names failed. Data: name of service, name of base global sub configuration, error message Triggers: Unable to get global sub configuration names. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_READ_GLOBAL_SUB_CONFIGURATION_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-224 Level: SEVERE Description: Reading of global sub configuration names failed. Data: name of service, name of base global sub configuration, error message Triggers: Unable to get global sub configuration names due to service management error. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_GLOBAL_SUB_CONFIGURATION ID: CONSOLE-231 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete sub configuration Data: name of service, name of base global sub configuration, name of sub configuration to be deleted Triggers: Click on delete selected button in global service profile view. SUCCEED_DELETE_GLOBAL_SUB_CONFIGURATION ID: CONSOLE-232 Level: INFO Description: Deletion of sub configuration succeeded Data: name of service, name of base global sub configuration, name of sub configuration to be deleted Triggers: Click on delete selected button in global service profile view. SSO_EXCEPTION_DELETE_GLOBAL_SUB_CONFIGURATION ID: CONSOLE-233 Level: SEVERE Description: Deletion of sub configuration failed. Data: name of service, name of base global sub configuration, name of sub configuration to be deleted, error message Triggers: Unable to delete sub configuration. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_DELETE_GLOBAL_SUB_CONFIGURATION ID: CONSOLE-234 Level: SEVERE Description: Deletion of sub configuration failed. Data: name of service, name of base global sub configuration, name of sub configuration to be deleted, error message Triggers: Unable to delete sub configuration due to service management error. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_GLOBAL_SUB_CONFIGURATION ID: CONSOLE-241 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create sub configuration Data: name of service, name of base global sub configuration, name of sub configuration to be created, name of sub schema to be created Triggers: Click on add button in create sub configuration view. SUCCEED_CREATE_GLOBAL_SUB_CONFIGURATION ID: CONSOLE-242 Level: INFO Description: Creation of sub configuration succeeded Data: name of service, name of base global sub configuration, name of sub configuration to be created, name of sub schema to be created Triggers: Click on add button in create sub configuration view. SSO_EXCEPTION_CREATE_GLOBAL_SUB_CONFIGURATION ID: CONSOLE-243 Level: SEVERE Description: Creation of sub configuration failed. Data: name of service, name of base global sub configuration, name of sub configuration to be created, name of sub schema to be created, error message Triggers: Unable to create sub configuration. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_CREATE_GLOBAL_SUB_CONFIGURATION ID: CONSOLE-244 Level: SEVERE Description: Creation of sub configuration failed. Data: name of service, name of base global sub configuration, name of sub configuration to be created, name of sub schema to be created, error message Triggers: Unable to create sub configuration due to service management error. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SUCCEED_READ_GLOBAL_SUB_CONFIGURATION_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-251 Level: INFO Description: Reading of sub configuration’s attribute values succeeded Data: name of service, name of sub configuration Triggers: View sub configuration profile view. ATTEMPT_WRITE_GLOBAL_SUB_CONFIGURATION_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-261 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to write sub configuration’s attribute values Data: name of service, name of sub configuration Triggers: Click on save button in sub configuration profile view. SUCCEED_WRITE_GLOBAL_SUB_CONFIGURATION_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-262 Level: INFO Description: Writing of sub configuration’s attribute values succeeded Data: name of service, name of sub configuration Triggers: Click on save button in sub configuration profile view. SSO_EXCEPTION_WRITE_GLOBAL_SUB_CONFIGURATION_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-263 Level: SEVERE Description: Writing of sub configuration’s attribute value failed. Data: name of service, name of sub configuration, error message Triggers: Unable to write sub configuration’s attribute values. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_WRITE_GLOBAL_SUB_CONFIGURATION_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-264 Level: SEVERE Description: Writing of sub configuration’s attribute value failed. Data: name of service, name of sub configuration, error message Triggers: Unable to write sub configuration’s attribute value due to service management error. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_POLICY_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-301 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get policy names under a realm. Data: name of realm Triggers: View policy main page. SUCCEED_GET_POLICY_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-302 Level: INFO Description: Getting policy names under a realm succeeded Data: name of realm Triggers: View policy main page. SSO_EXCEPTION_GET_POLICY_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-303 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting policy names under a realm failed. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Unable to get policy names under a realm. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under policy log for more information. POLICY_EXCEPTION_GET_POLICY_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-304 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting policy names under a realm failed. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Unable to get policy names under a realm due to policy SDK related errors. Actions: Look under policy log for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_POLICY ID: CONSOLE-311 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create policy under a realm. Data: name of realm, name of policy Triggers: Click on New button in policy creation page. SUCCEED_CREATE_POLICY ID: CONSOLE-312 Level: INFO Description: Creation of policy succeeded Data: name of realm, name of policy Triggers: Click on New button in policy creation page. SSO_EXCEPTION_CREATE_POLICY ID: CONSOLE-313 Level: SEVERE Description: Creation of policy failed. Data: name of realm, name of policy, error message Triggers: Unable to create policy under a realm. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under policy log for more information. POLICY_EXCEPTION_CREATE_POLICY ID: CONSOLE-314 Level: SEVERE Description: Creation of policy failed. Data: name of realm, name of policy, error message Triggers: Unable to create policy under a realm due to policy SDK related errors. Actions: Look under policy log for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_POLICY ID: CONSOLE-321 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify policy. Data: name of realm, name of policy Triggers: Click on Save button in policy profile page. SUCCEED_MODIFY_POLICY ID: CONSOLE-322 Level: INFO Description: Modification of policy succeeded Data: name of realm, name of policy Triggers: Click on Save button in policy profile page. SSO_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_POLICY ID: CONSOLE-323 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of policy failed. Data: name of realm, name of policy, error message Triggers: Unable to modify policy under a realm. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under policy log for more information. POLICY_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_POLICY ID: CONSOLE-324 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of policy failed. Data: name of realm, name of policy, error message Triggers: Unable to modify policy due to policy SDK related errors. Actions: Look under policy log for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_POLICY ID: CONSOLE-331 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete policy. Data: name of realm, names of policies Triggers: Click on Delete button in policy main page. SUCCEED_DELETE_POLICY ID: CONSOLE-332 Level: INFO Description: Deletion of policy succeeded Data: name of realm, name of policies Triggers: Click on Delete button in policy main page. SSO_EXCEPTION_DELETE_POLICY ID: CONSOLE-333 Level: SEVERE Description: Deletion of policy failed. Data: name of realm, name of policies, error message Triggers: Unable to delete policy. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under policy log for more information. POLICY_EXCEPTION_DELETE_POLICY ID: CONSOLE-334 Level: SEVERE Description: Deletion of policy failed. Data: name of realm, name of policies, error message Triggers: Unable to delete policy due to policy SDK related errors. Actions: Look under policy log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_REALM_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-401 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get realm names Data: name of parent realm Triggers: View realm main page. SUCCEED_GET_REALM_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-402 Level: INFO Description: Getting realm names succeeded. Data: name of parent realm Triggers: View realm main page. SMS_EXCEPTION_GET_REALM_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-403 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting realm names failed. Data: name of parent realm, error message Triggers: Unable to get realm names due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_REALM ID: CONSOLE-411 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create realm Data: name of parent realm, name of new realm Triggers: Click on New button in create realm page. SUCCEED_CREATE_REALM ID: CONSOLE-412 Level: INFO Description: Creation of realm succeeded. Data: name of parent realm, name of new realm Triggers: Click on New button in create realm page. SMS_EXCEPTION_CREATE_REALM ID: CONSOLE-413 Level: SEVERE Description: Creation of realm failed. Data: name of parent realm, name of new realm, error message Triggers: Unable to create new realm due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_REALM ID: CONSOLE-421 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete realm Data: name of parent realm, name of realm to delete Triggers: Click on Delete button in realm main page. SUCCEED_DELETE_REALM ID: CONSOLE-422 Level: INFO Description: Deletion of realm succeeded. Data: name of parent realm, name of realm to delete Triggers: Click on Delete button in realm main page. SMS_EXCEPTION_DELETE_REALM ID: CONSOLE-423 Level: SEVERE Description: Deletion of realm failed. Data: name of parent realm, name of realm to delete, error message Triggers: Unable to delete realm due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_ATTR_VALUES_OF_REALM ID: CONSOLE-431 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get attribute values of realm Data: name of realm Triggers: View realm profile page. SUCCEED_GET_ATTR_VALUES_OF_REALM ID: CONSOLE-432 Level: INFO Description: Getting attribute values of realm succeeded. Data: name of realm Triggers: View realm profile page. SMS_EXCEPTION_GET_ATTR_VALUES_OF_REALM ID: CONSOLE-433 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting attribute values of realm failed. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Unable to get attribute values of realm due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_ATTR_VALUES_OF_REALM ID: CONSOLE-441 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify realm’s profile Data: name of realm Triggers: Click on Save button in realm profile page. SUCCEED_SET_ATTR_VALUES_OF_REALM ID: CONSOLE-442 Level: INFO Description: Modification of realm’s profile succeeded. Data: name of realm Triggers: Click on Save button in realm profile page. SMS_EXCEPTION_SET_ATTR_VALUES_OF_REALM ID: CONSOLE-443 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of realm’s profile failed. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Unable to modify realm’s profile due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_DELEGATION_SUBJECTS ID: CONSOLE-501 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get delegation subjects under a realm Data: name of realm, search pattern Triggers: View delegation main page. SUCCEED_GET_DELEGATION_SUBJECTS ID: CONSOLE-502 Level: INFO Description: Getting delegation subjects under a realm succeeded. Data: name of realm, search pattern Triggers: View delegation main page. SSO_EXCEPTION_GET_DELEGATION_SUBJECTS ID: CONSOLE-503 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting delegation subjects under a realm failed. Data: name of realm, search pattern, error message Triggers: Unable to get delegation subjects. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under delegation management log for more information. DELEGATION_EXCEPTION_GET_DELEGATION_SUBJECTS ID: CONSOLE-504 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting delegation subjects under a realm failed. Data: name of realm, search pattern, error message Triggers: Unable to get delegation subjects due to delegation management SDK related errors. Actions: Look under delegation management log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_PRIVILEGES_OF_DELEGATION_SUBJECT ID: CONSOLE-511 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get privileges of delegation subject Data: name of realm, ID of delegation subject Triggers: View delegation subject profile page. SUCCEED_GET_PRIVILEGES_OF_DELEGATION_SUBJECT ID: CONSOLE-512 Level: INFO Description: Getting privileges of delegation subject succeeded. Data: name of realm, ID of delegation subject Triggers: View delegation subject profile page. SSO_EXCEPTION_GET_PRIVILEGES_OF_DELEGATION_SUBJECT ID: CONSOLE-513 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting privileges of delegation subject failed. Data: name of realm, ID of delegation subject, error message Triggers: Unable to get privileges of delegation subject. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under delegation management log for more information. DELEGATION_EXCEPTION_GET_PRIVILEGES_OF_DELEGATION_SUBJECT ID: CONSOLE-514 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting privileges of delegation subject failed. Data: name of realm, ID of delegation subject, error message Triggers: Unable to get privileges of delegation subject due to delegation management SDK related errors. Actions: Look under delegation management log for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_DELEGATION_PRIVILEGE ID: CONSOLE-521 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify delegation privilege Data: name of realm, ID of delegation privilege, ID of subject Triggers: Click on Save button in delegation subject profile page. SUCCEED_MODIFY_DELEGATION_PRIVILEGE ID: CONSOLE-522 Level: INFO Description: Modification of delegation privilege succeeded. Data: name of realm, ID of delegation privilege, ID of subject Triggers: Click on Save button in delegation subject profile page. SSO_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_DELEGATION_PRIVILEGE ID: CONSOLE-523 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of delegation privilege failed. Data: name of realm, ID of delegation privilege, ID of subject, error message Triggers: Unable to modify delegation privilege. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under delegation management log for more information. DELEGATION_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_DELEGATION_PRIVILEGE ID: CONSOLE-524 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of delegation privilege failed. Data: name of realm, ID of delegation privilege, ID of subject, error message Triggers: Unable to modify delegation privilege due to delegation management SDK related errors. Actions: Look under delegation management log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_ID_REPO_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-601 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get data store names Data: name of realm Triggers: View data store main page. SUCCEED_GET_ID_REPO_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-602 Level: INFO Description: Getting data store names succeeded. Data: name of realm Triggers: View data store main page. SSO_EXCEPTION_GET_ID_REPO_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-603 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting data store names failed. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Unable to get data store names. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_GET_ID_REPO_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-604 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting data store names failed. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Unable to get data store names due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_ATTR_VALUES_ID_REPO ID: CONSOLE-611 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get attribute values of identity repository Data: name of realm, name of identity repository Triggers: View data store profile page. SUCCEED_GET_ATTR_VALUES_ID_REPO ID: CONSOLE-612 Level: INFO Description: Getting attribute values of data store succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of identity repository Triggers: View data store profile page. SSO_EXCEPTION_GET_ATTR_VALUES_ID_REPO ID: CONSOLE-613 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting attribute values of data store failed. Data: name of realm, name of identity repository, error message Triggers: Unable to get attribute values of identity repository. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_GET_ATTR_VALUES_ID_REPO ID: CONSOLE-614 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting attribute values of data store failed. Data: name of realm, name of identity repository, error message Triggers: Unable to get attribute values of data store due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_ID_REPO ID: CONSOLE-621 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create identity repository Data: name of realm, name of identity repository, type of identity repository Triggers: Click on New button in data store creation page. SUCCEED_CREATE_ID_REPO ID: CONSOLE-622 Level: INFO Description: Creation of data store succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of identity repository, type of identity repository Triggers: Click on New button in data store creation page. SSO_EXCEPTION_CREATE_ID_REPO ID: CONSOLE-623 Level: SEVERE Description: Creation of data store failed. Data: name of realm, name of identity repository, type of identity repository, error message Triggers: Unable to create identity repository. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_CREATE_ID_REPO ID: CONSOLE-624 Level: SEVERE Description: Creation data store failed. Data: name of realm, name of identity repository, type of identity repository, error message Triggers: Unable to create data store due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_ID_REPO ID: CONSOLE-631 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete identity repository Data: name of realm, name of identity repository Triggers: Click on Delete button in data store main page. SUCCEED_DELETE_ID_REPO ID: CONSOLE-632 Level: INFO Description: Deletion of data store succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of identity repository Triggers: Click on Delete button in data store main page. SSO_EXCEPTION_DELETE_ID_REPO ID: CONSOLE-633 Level: SEVERE Description: Deletion of data store failed. Data: name of realm, name of identity repository, error message Triggers: Unable to delete identity repository. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_DELETE_ID_REPO ID: CONSOLE-634 Level: SEVERE Description: Deletion data store failed. Data: name of realm, name of identity repository, error message Triggers: Unable to delete data store due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_ID_REPO ID: CONSOLE-641 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify identity repository Data: name of realm, name of identity repository Triggers: Click on Save button in data store profile page. SUCCEED_MODIFY_ID_REPO ID: CONSOLE-642 Level: INFO Description: Modification of data store succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of identity repository Triggers: Click on Save button in data store profile page. SSO_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_ID_REPO ID: CONSOLE-643 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of data store failed. Data: name of realm, name of identity repository, error message Triggers: Unable to modify identity repository. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_ID_REPO ID: CONSOLE-644 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification data store failed. Data: name of realm, name of identity repository, error message Triggers: Unable to modify data store due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_ASSIGNED_SERVICE_OF_REALM ID: CONSOLE-701 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get assigned services of realm Data: name of realm Triggers: View realm’s service main page. SUCCEED_GET_ASSIGNED_SERVICE_OF_REALM ID: CONSOLE-702 Level: INFO Description: Getting assigned services of realm succeeded. Data: name of realm Triggers: View realm’s service main page. CONFIGURATION_EXCEPTION_GET_ASSIGNED_SERVICE_OF_REALM ID: CONSOLE-703 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting assigned services of realm failed. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Unable to get assigned services of realm due authentication configuration exception. Actions: Look under authentication log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_GET_ASSIGNED_SERVICE_OF_REALM ID: CONSOLE-704 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting assigned services of realm failed. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Unable to get assigned services of realm due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. IDREPO_EXCEPTION_GET_ASSIGNED_SERVICE_OF_REALM ID: CONSOLE-705 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting assigned services of realm failed. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Unable to get assigned services of realm due to data store SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SSO_EXCEPTION_GET_ASSIGNED_SERVICE_OF_REALM ID: CONSOLE-706 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting assigned services of realm failed. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Unable to get assigned services of realm. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_ASSIGNABLE_SERVICE_OF_REALM ID: CONSOLE-711 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get assignable services of realm Data: name of realm Triggers: View realm’s service main page. SUCCEED_GET_ASSIGNABLE_SERVICE_OF_REALM ID: CONSOLE-712 Level: INFO Description: Getting assignable services of realm succeeded. Data: name of realm Triggers: View realm’s service main page. CONFIGURATION_EXCEPTION_GET_ASSIGNABLE_SERVICE_OF_REALM ID: CONSOLE-713 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting assignable services of realm failed. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Unable to get assignable services of realm due authentication configuration exception. Actions: Look under authentication log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_GET_ASSIGNABLE_SERVICE_OF_REALM ID: CONSOLE-714 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting assignable services of realm failed. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Unable to get assignable services of realm due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. IDREPO_EXCEPTION_GET_ASSIGNABLE_SERVICE_OF_REALM ID: CONSOLE-715 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting assignable services of realm failed. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Unable to get assignable services of realm due to ID Repository management SDK exception. Actions: Look under ID Repository management log for more information. SSO_EXCEPTION_GET_ASSIGNABLE_SERVICE_OF_REALM ID: CONSOLE-716 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting assignable services of realm failed. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Unable to get assignable services of realm. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_UNASSIGN_SERVICE_FROM_REALM ID: CONSOLE-721 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to unassign service from realm Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Click on Unassign button in realm’s service page. SUCCEED_UNASSIGN_SERVICE_FROM_REALM ID: CONSOLE-722 Level: INFO Description: Unassign service from realm succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Click on Unassign button in realm’s service page. SMS_EXCEPTION_UNASSIGN_SERVICE_FROM_REALM ID: CONSOLE-723 Level: SEVERE Description: Unassign service from realm failed. Data: name of realm, name of service, error message Triggers: Unable to unassign service from realm due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SSO_EXCEPTION_UNASSIGN_SERVICE_FROM_REALM ID: CONSOLE-725 Level: SEVERE Description: Unassign service from realm failed. Data: name of realm, name of service, error message Triggers: Unable to unassign service from realm. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store management log for more information. IDREPO_EXCEPTION_UNASSIGN_SERVICE_FROM_REALM ID: CONSOLE-724 Level: SEVERE Description: Unassign service from realm failed. Data: name of realm, name of service, error message Triggers: Unable to unassign service from realm due to data store management SDK exception. Actions: Look under data store management log for more information. ATTEMPT_ASSIGN_SERVICE_TO_REALM ID: CONSOLE-731 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to assign service to realm Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Click on assign button in realm’s service page. SUCCEED_ASSIGN_SERVICE_TO_REALM ID: CONSOLE-732 Level: INFO Description: Assignment of service to realm succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Click on assign button in realm’s service page. SMS_EXCEPTION_ASSIGN_SERVICE_TO_REALM ID: CONSOLE-733 Level: SEVERE Description: Assignment of service to realm failed. Data: name of realm, name of service, error message Triggers: Unable to assign service to realm due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SSO_EXCEPTION_ASSIGN_SERVICE_TO_REALM ID: CONSOLE-734 Level: SEVERE Description: Assignment of service to realm failed. Data: name of realm, name of service, error message Triggers: Unable to assign service to realm. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. IDREPO_EXCEPTION_ASSIGN_SERVICE_TO_REALM ID: CONSOLE-735 Level: SEVERE Description: Assignment of service to realm failed. Data: name of realm, name of service, error message Triggers: Unable to assign service to realm due to data store SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_ATTR_VALUE_OF_SERVICE_UNDER_REALM ID: CONSOLE-741 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get attribute values of service in realm Data: name of realm, name of service, name of attribute schema Triggers: View realm’s service profile page. SUCCEED_GET_ATTR_VALUE_OF_SERVICE_UNDER_REALM ID: CONSOLE-742 Level: INFO Description: Getting of attribute values of service under realm succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of service, name of attribute schema Triggers: View realm’s service profile page. SMS_EXCEPTION_GET_ATTR_VALUE_OF_SERVICE_UNDER_REALM ID: CONSOLE-743 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting of attribute values of service under realm failed. Data: name of realm, name of service, name of attribute schema, error message Triggers: Unable to get attribute values of service due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. IDREPO_EXCEPTION_GET_ATTR_VALUE_OF_SERVICE_UNDER_REALM ID: CONSOLE-744 Level: INFO Description: Getting of attribute values of service under realm failed. Data: name of realm, name of service, name of attribute schema, error message Triggers: Unable to get attribute values of service due to data store SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SSO_EXCEPTION_GET_ATTR_VALUE_OF_SERVICE_UNDER_REALM ID: CONSOLE-745 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting of attribute values of service under realm failed. Data: name of realm, name of service, name of attribute schema, error message Triggers: Unable to get attribute values of service. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_SERVICE_UNDER_REALM ID: CONSOLE-751 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify attribute values of service in realm Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Click on Save button in realm’s service profile page. SUCCEED_MODIFY_SERVICE_UNDER_REALM ID: CONSOLE-752 Level: INFO Description: Modification of attribute values of service under realm succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of service Triggers: Click on Save button in realm’s service profile page. SMS_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_SERVICE_UNDER_REALM ID: CONSOLE-753 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of attribute values of service under realm failed. Data: name of realm, name of service, error message Triggers: Unable to modify attribute values of service due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. IDREPO_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_SERVICE_UNDER_REALM ID: CONSOLE-754 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of attribute values of service under realm failed. Data: name of realm, name of service, error message Triggers: Unable to modify attribute values of service due to data store error. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. SSO_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_SERVICE_UNDER_REALM ID: CONSOLE-755 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of attribute values of service under realm failed. Data: name of realm, name of service, error message Triggers: Unable to modify attribute values of service. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_AUTH_TYPE ID: CONSOLE-801 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get authentication type Data: server instance name Triggers: View authentication profile page. SUCCEED_GET_AUTH_TYPE ID: CONSOLE-802 Level: INFO Description: Getting of authentication type succeeded. Data: server instance name Triggers: View authentication profile page. SMS_EXCEPTION_GET_AUTH_TYPE ID: CONSOLE-803 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting of authentication type failed. Data: error message Triggers: Unable to get authentication type due to authentication configuration SDK exception. Actions: Look under authentication management log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: CONSOLE-811 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get authentication instances under a realm Data: name of realm Triggers: View authentication profile page. SUCCEED_GET_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: CONSOLE-812 Level: INFO Description: Getting of authentication instances under a realm succeeded. Data: name of realm Triggers: View authentication profile page. AUTH_CONFIG_EXCEPTION_GET_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: CONSOLE-813 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting of authentication instances under a realm failed. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Unable to get authentication instance due to authentication configuration SDK exception. Actions: Look under authentication management log for more information. ATTEMPT_REMOVE_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: CONSOLE-821 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove authentication instances under a realm Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance Triggers: View authentication profile page. SUCCEED_REMOVE_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: CONSOLE-822 Level: INFO Description: Removal of authentication instances under a realm succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance Triggers: View authentication profile page. AUTH_CONFIG_EXCEPTION_REMOVE_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: CONSOLE-823 Level: SEVERE Description: Removal of authentication instances under a realm failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance, error message Triggers: Unable to remove authentication instance due to authentication configuration SDK exception. Actions: Look under authentication management log for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: CONSOLE-831 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create authentication instance under a realm Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance, type of authentication instance Triggers: Click on New button in authentication creation page. SUCCEED_CREATE_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: CONSOLE-832 Level: INFO Description: Creation of authentication instance under a realm succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance, type of authentication instance Triggers: Click on New button in authentication creation page. AUTH_CONFIG_EXCEPTION_CREATE_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: CONSOLE-833 Level: SEVERE Description: Creation of authentication instance under a realm failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance, type of authentication instance, error message Triggers: Unable to create authentication instance due to authentication configuration exception. Actions: Look under authentication configuration log for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: CONSOLE-841 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify authentication instance Data: name of realm, name of authentication service Triggers: Click on Save button in authentication profile page. SUCCEED_MODIFY_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: CONSOLE-842 Level: INFO Description: Modification of authentication instance succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of authentication service Triggers: Click on Save button in authentication profile page. SMS_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: CONSOLE-843 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of authentication instance failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication service, error message Triggers: Unable to modify authentication instance due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service anagement log for more information. SSO_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_AUTH_INSTANCE ID: CONSOLE-844 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of authentication instance failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication service, error message Triggers: Unable to modify authentication instance. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_AUTH_INSTANCE_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-851 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get authentication instance profile Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance Triggers: View authentication instance profile page. SUCCEED_GET_AUTH_INSTANCE_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-852 Level: INFO Description: Getting of authentication instance profile succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance Triggers: View authentication instance profile page. AUTH_CONFIGURATION_EXCEPTION_GET_AUTH_INSTANCE_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-853 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting of authentication instance profile failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance, error message Triggers: Unable to get authentication instance profile due to authentication configuration SDK exception. Actions: Look under authentication management log for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_AUTH_INSTANCE_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-861 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify authentication instance profile Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance Triggers: Click on Save button in authentication instance profile page. SUCCEED_MODIFY_AUTH_INSTANCE_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-862 Level: INFO Description: Modification of authentication instance profile succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance Triggers: Click on Save button in authentication instance profile page. AUTH_CONFIGURATION_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_AUTH_INSTANCE_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-863 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of authentication instance profile failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance, error message Triggers: Unable to modify authentication instance profile due to authentication configuration SDK exception. Actions: Look under authentication management log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_AUTH_INSTANCE_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-864 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of authentication instance profile failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance, error message Triggers: Unable to modify authentication instance profile due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SSO_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_AUTH_INSTANCE_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-865 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of authentication instance profile failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication instance, error message Triggers: Unable to modify authentication instance profile. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_AUTH_PROFILE_IN_REALM ID: CONSOLE-871 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get authentication profile under a realm Data: name of realm Triggers: View authentication profile under a realm page. SUCCEED_GET_AUTH_PROFILE_IN_REALM ID: CONSOLE-872 Level: INFO Description: Getting authentication profile under a realm succeeded. Data: name of realm Triggers: View authentication profile under a realm page. SMS_CONFIGURATION_EXCEPTION_GET_AUTH_PROFILE_IN_REALM ID: CONSOLE-873 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting authentication profile under a realm failed. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Unable to get authentication profile under a realm due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_AUTH_CONFIG_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-881 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get authentication configuration profile Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration Triggers: View authentication configuration profile page. SUCCEED_GET_AUTH_CONFIG_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-882 Level: INFO Description: Getting authentication configuration profile succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration Triggers: View authentication configuration profile page. SSO_EXCEPTION_GET_AUTH_CONFIG_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-883 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting authentication configuration profile failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration, error message Triggers: Unable to get authentication configuration profile. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_GET_AUTH_CONFIG_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-884 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting authentication configuration profile failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration, error message Triggers: Unable to get authentication configuration profile due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. AUTH_CONFIGURATION_EXCEPTION_GET_AUTH_CONFIG_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-885 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting authentication configuration profile failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration, error message Triggers: Unable to get authentication configuration profile due to authentication configuration SDK exception. Actions: Look under authentication configuration log for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_AUTH_CONFIG_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-891 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify authentication configuration profile Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration Triggers: Click on Save button in authentication configuration profile page. SUCCEED_MODIFY_AUTH_CONFIG_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-892 Level: INFO Description: Modification of authentication configuration profile succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration Triggers: Click on Save button in authentication configuration profile page. SSO_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_AUTH_CONFIG_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-893 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of authentication configuration profile failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration, error message Triggers: Unable to modify authentication configuration profile. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_AUTH_CONFIG_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-894 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of authentication configuration profile failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration, error message Triggers: Unable to modify authentication configuration profile due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. AUTH_CONFIGURATION_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_AUTH_CONFIG_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-895 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of authentication configuration profile failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration, error message Triggers: Unable to modify authentication configuration profile due to authentication configuration SDK exception. Actions: Look under authentication configuration log for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_AUTH_CONFIG ID: CONSOLE-901 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create authentication configuration Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration Triggers: Click on New button in authentication configuration creation page. SUCCEED_CREATE_AUTH_CONFIG ID: CONSOLE-902 Level: INFO Description: Creation of authentication configuration succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration Triggers: Click on New button in authentication configuration creation page. SSO_EXCEPTION_CREATE_AUTH_CONFIG ID: CONSOLE-903 Level: SEVERE Description: Creation of authentication configuration failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration, error message Triggers: Unable to create authentication configuration. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_CREATE_AUTH_CONFIG ID: CONSOLE-904 Level: SEVERE Description: Creation of authentication configuration failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration, error message Triggers: Unable to create authentication configuration due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. AUTH_CONFIGURATION_EXCEPTION_CREATE_AUTH_CONFIG ID: CONSOLE-905 Level: SEVERE Description: Creation of authentication configuration failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication configuration, error message Triggers: Unable to create authentication configuration due to authentication configuration SDK exception. Actions: Look under authentication configuration log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: CONSOLE-1001 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get entity descriptor names. Data: search pattern Triggers: View entity descriptor main page. SUCCEED_GET_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: CONSOLE-1002 Level: INFO Description: Getting entity descriptor names succeeded Data: search pattern Triggers: View entity descriptor main page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_GET_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: CONSOLE-1003 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting entity descriptor names failed. Data: search pattern, error message Triggers: Unable to get entity descriptor names due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: CONSOLE-1011 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create entity descriptor. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: Click on New button in entity descriptor creation page. SUCCEED_CREATE_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: CONSOLE-1012 Level: INFO Description: Creation entity descriptor succeeded Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: Click on New button in entity descriptor creation page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_CREATE_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: CONSOLE-1013 Level: SEVERE Description: Creation entity descriptor failed. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type, error message Triggers: Unable to create entity descriptor due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_ENTITY_DESCRIPTORS ID: CONSOLE-1021 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete entity descriptors. Data: descriptor names Triggers: Click on Delete button in entity descriptor main page. SUCCEED_DELETE_ENTITY_DESCRIPTORS ID: CONSOLE-1022 Level: INFO Description: Deletion entity descriptors succeeded Data: descriptor names Triggers: Click on Delete button in entity descriptor main page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_DELETE_ENTITY_DESCRIPTORS ID: CONSOLE-1023 Level: SEVERE Description: Deletion entity descriptors failed. Data: descriptor names, error message Triggers: Unable to delete entity descriptors due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_AFFILIATE_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-1031 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get attribute values of an affiliate entity descriptor. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol Triggers: View affiliate entity descriptor profile page. SUCCEED_GET_AFFILIATE_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-1032 Level: INFO Description: Getting of attribute values of an affiliate entity descriptor succeeded. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol Triggers: View affiliate entity descriptor profile page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_GET_AFFILIATE_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-1033 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting of attribute values of an affiliate entity descriptor failed. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, error message Triggers: Unable to get attribute value of an affiliate entity descriptor due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_AFFILIATE_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: CONSOLE-1041 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify an affiliate entity descriptor. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol Triggers: Click on Save button of affiliate entity descriptor profile page. SUCCEED_MODIFY_AFFILIATE_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: CONSOLE-1042 Level: INFO Description: Modification of an affiliate entity descriptor succeeded. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol Triggers: Click on Save button of affiliate entity descriptor profile page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_AFFILIATE_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: CONSOLE-1043 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of an affiliate entity descriptor failed. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, error message Triggers: Unable to modify an affiliate entity descriptor due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_AFFILIATE_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: CONSOLE-1044 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of an affiliate entity descriptor failed. Data: descriptor name, error message Triggers: Unable to modify an affiliate entity descriptor due to incorrect number format of one or more attribute values. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-1051 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get attribute values of an entity descriptor. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: View entity descriptor profile page. SUCCEED_GET_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-1052 Level: INFO Description: Getting attribute values of entity descriptor succeeded. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: View entity descriptor profile page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_GET_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-1053 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting attribute values of entity descriptor failed. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type, error message Triggers: Unable to get attribute values of entity descriptor due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: CONSOLE-1061 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify entity descriptor. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: Click on Save button in entity descriptor profile page. SUCCEED_MODIFY_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: CONSOLE-1062 Level: INFO Description: Modification of entity descriptor succeeded. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: Click on Save button in entity descriptor profile page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR ID: CONSOLE-1063 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of entity descriptor failed. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type, error message Triggers: Unable to modify entity descriptor due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_AUTH_DOMAINS ID: CONSOLE-1101 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get authentication domain names. Data: search pattern Triggers: View authentication domain main page. SUCCEED_GET_AUTH_DOMAINS ID: CONSOLE-1102 Level: INFO Description: Getting authentication domain names succeeded. Data: search pattern Triggers: View authentication domain main page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_GET_AUTH_DOMAINS ID: CONSOLE-1103 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting authentication domain names failed. Data: name of realm, error message Triggers: Unable to get authentication domain names due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_AUTH_DOMAIN ID: CONSOLE-1111 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create authentication domain Data: name of authentication domain Triggers: Click on New button in authentication domain creation page. SUCCEED_CREATE_AUTH_DOMAIN ID: CONSOLE-1112 Level: INFO Description: Creation authentication domain succeeded. Data: name of authentication domain Triggers: Click on New button in authentication domain creation page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_CREATE_AUTH_DOMAIN ID: CONSOLE-1113 Level: SEVERE Description: Creation authentication domain failed. Data: name of authentication domain, error message Triggers: Unable to create authentication domain due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_AUTH_DOMAINS ID: CONSOLE-1121 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete authentication domains Data: name of realm, name of authentication domains Triggers: Click on Delete button in authentication domain main page. SUCCEED_DELETE_AUTH_DOMAIN ID: CONSOLE-1122 Level: INFO Description: Deletion authentication domain succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of authentication domains Triggers: Click on Delete button in authentication domain main page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_DELETE_AUTH_DOMAIN ID: CONSOLE-1123 Level: SEVERE Description: Deletion authentication domain failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication domains, error message Triggers: Unable to delete authentication domain due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_AUTH_DOMAIN_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-1131 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get authentication domain’s attribute values Data: name of realm, name of authentication domain Triggers: View authentication domain profile page. SUCCEED_GET_AUTH_DOMAIN_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-1132 Level: INFO Description: Getting attribute values of authentication domain succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of authentication domain Triggers: View authentication domain profile page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_GET_AUTH_DOMAIN_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-1133 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting attribute values of authentication domain failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication domains, error message Triggers: Unable to get attribute values of authentication domain due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_AUTH_DOMAIN ID: CONSOLE-1141 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify authentication domain Data: name of realm, name of authentication domain Triggers: Click on Save button in authentication domain profile page. SUCCEED_MODIFY_AUTH_DOMAIN ID: CONSOLE-1142 Level: INFO Description: Modification authentication domain succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of authentication domain Triggers: Click on Save button in authentication domain profile page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_AUTH_DOMAIN ID: CONSOLE-1143 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification authentication domain failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication domain, error message Triggers: Unable to modify authentication domain due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_ALL_PROVIDER_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-1151 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get all provider names Data: realm name Triggers: View authentication domain profile page. SUCCEED_GET_ALL_PROVIDER_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-1152 Level: INFO Description: Getting all provider names succeeded. Data: realm name Triggers: View authentication domain profile page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_GET_ALL_PROVIDER_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-1153 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting all provider names failed. Data: error message Triggers: Unable to get all provider names due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_PROVIDER_NAMES_UNDER_AUTH_DOMAIN ID: CONSOLE-1161 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get provider names under a authentication domain Data: name of realm, name of authentication domain Triggers: View authentication domain profile page. SUCCEED_GET_PROVIDER_NAMES_UNDER_AUTH_DOMAIN ID: CONSOLE-1162 Level: INFO Description: Getting provider names under authentication domain succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of authentication domain Triggers: View authentication domain profile page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_GET_PROVIDER_NAMES_UNDER_AUTH_DOMAIN ID: CONSOLE-1163 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting provider names under authentication domain failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication domain, error message Triggers: Unable to get provider names under authentication domain due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_ADD_PROVIDERS_TO_AUTH_DOMAIN ID: CONSOLE-1171 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to add providers to an authentication domain Data: name of realm, name of authentication domain, name of providers Triggers: Click on Save button in provider assignment page. SUCCEED_ADD_PROVIDERS_TO_AUTH_DOMAIN ID: CONSOLE-1172 Level: INFO Description: Addition of provider to an authentication domain succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of authentication domain, name of providers Triggers: Click on Save button in provider assignment page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_ADD_PROVIDERS_TO_AUTH_DOMAIN ID: CONSOLE-1173 Level: SEVERE Description: Addition of provider to an authentication domain failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication domain, name of providers, error message Triggers: Unable to add provider to authentication domain due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_REMOVE_PROVIDERS_FROM_AUTH_DOMAIN ID: CONSOLE-1181 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove providers from authentication domain Data: name of realm, name of authentication domain, name of providers Triggers: Click on Save button in provider assignment page. SUCCEED_REMOVE_PROVIDERS_FROM_AUTH_DOMAIN ID: CONSOLE-1182 Level: INFO Description: Deletion of providers from authentication domain succeeded. Data: name of realm, name of authentication domain, name of providers Triggers: Click on Save button in provider assignment page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_REMOVE_PROVIDERS_FROM_AUTH_DOMAIN ID: CONSOLE-1183 Level: SEVERE Description: Deletion of provider from authentication domain failed. Data: name of realm, name of authentication domain, name of providers, error message Triggers: Unable to remove provider from authentication domain due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_PROVIDER ID: CONSOLE-1301 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create provider Data: name of provider, role of provider, type of provider Triggers: Click on Save button in provider assignment page. SUCCEED_CREATE_PROVIDER ID: CONSOLE-1302 Level: INFO Description: Creation of providers succeeded. Data: name of provider, role of provider, type of provider Triggers: Click on Save button in provider assignment page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_CREATE_PROVIDER ID: CONSOLE-1303 Level: SEVERE Description: Creation of provider failed. Data: name of provider, role of provider, type of provider, error message Triggers: Unable to create provider due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_CREATE_PROVIDER ID: CONSOLE-1304 Level: SEVERE Description: Creation of provider failed. Data: name of provider, role of provider, type of provider, error message Triggers: Unable to create provider due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. INVOCATION_TARGET_EXCEPTION_CREATE_PROVIDER ID: CONSOLE-1305 Level: SEVERE Description: Creation of provider failed. Data: name of provider, role of provider, type of provider, error message Triggers: Unable to create provider because Administration Console cannot find the appropriate methods to set values for this provider. Actions: This is a web application error. Please contact Sun Support for assistant. ATTEMPT_GET_PROVIDER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-1311 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get attribute values for provider Data: name of provider, role of provider, type of provider Triggers: View provider profile page. SUCCEED_GET_PROVIDER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-1312 Level: INFO Description: Getting attribute values of providers succeeded. Data: name of provider, role of provider, type of provider Triggers: View provider profile page. ATTEMPT_GET_HANDLER_TO_PROVIDER ID: CONSOLE-1321 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get handler to provider Data: name of provider, role of provider Triggers: View provider profile page. SUCCEED_GET_HANDLER_TO_PROVIDER ID: CONSOLE-1322 Level: INFO Description: Getting handler to provider succeeded. Data: name of provider, role of provider Triggers: View provider profile page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_GET_HANDLER_TO_PROVIDER ID: CONSOLE-1323 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting handler to provider failed. Data: name of provider, role of provider, error message Triggers: Unable to get handler to provider due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_PROVIDER ID: CONSOLE-1331 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify provider Data: name of provider, role of provider Triggers: Click on Save button in provider profile page. SUCCEED_MODIFY_PROVIDER ID: CONSOLE-1332 Level: INFO Description: Modification of provider succeeded. Data: name of provider, role of provider Triggers: Click on Save button in provider profile page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_PROVIDER ID: CONSOLE-1333 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of provider failed. Data: name of provider, role of provider, error message Triggers: Unable to modify provider due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. INVOCATION_TARGET_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_PROVIDER ID: CONSOLE-1334 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of provider failed. Data: name of provider, role of provider, error message Triggers: Unable to modify provider because Administration Console cannot find the appropriate methods to set values for this provider. Actions: This is a web application error. Please contact Sun Support for assistant. ATTEMPT_DELETE_PROVIDER ID: CONSOLE-1341 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete provider Data: name of provider, role of provider Triggers: Click on delete provider button in provider profile page. SUCCEED_DELETE_PROVIDER ID: CONSOLE-1342 Level: INFO Description: Deletion of provider succeeded. Data: name of provider, role of provider Triggers: Click on delete provider button in provider profile page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_DELETE_PROVIDER ID: CONSOLE-1343 Level: SEVERE Description: Deletion of provider failed. Data: name of provider, role of provider, error message Triggers: Unable to delete provider due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_PROSPECTIVE_TRUSTED_PROVIDER ID: CONSOLE-1351 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get prospective trusted provider Data: name of provider, role of provider Triggers: View add trusted provider page. SUCCEED_GET_PROSPECTIVE_TRUSTED_PROVIDER ID: CONSOLE-1352 Level: INFO Description: Getting of prospective trusted provider succeeded. Data: name of provider, role of provider Triggers: View add trusted provider page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_GET_PROSPECTIVE_TRUSTED_PROVIDER ID: CONSOLE-1353 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting of prospective trusted provider failed. Data: name of provider, role of provider, error message Triggers: Unable to get prospective trusted provider due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_ATTR_VALUE_SCHEMA_TYPE ID: CONSOLE-2001 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get attribute values of schema type of a service schema Data: name of service, name of schema type, name of attribute schemas Triggers: View service profile page. SUCCEED_GET_ATTR_VALUE_SCHEMA_TYPE ID: CONSOLE-2002 Level: INFO Description: Getting attribute values of schema type of a service schema succeeded. Data: name of service, name of schema type, name of attribute schemas Triggers: View service profile page. SSO_EXCEPTION_GET_ATTR_VALUE_SCHEMA_TYPE ID: CONSOLE-2003 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting attribute values of schema type of a service schema failed. Data: name of service, name of schema type, name of attribute schemas, error message Triggers: Unable to get attribute values of schema type of a service schema. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_GET_ATTR_VALUE_SCHEMA_TYPE ID: CONSOLE-2004 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting attribute values of schema type of a service schema failed. Data: name of service, name of schema type, name of attribute schemas, error message Triggers: Unable to get attribute values of schema type of a service schema due to service management SDK related errors. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. NO_SCHEMA_GET_ATTR_VALUE_SCHEMA_TYPE ID: CONSOLE-2005 Level: INFO Description: Getting attribute values of schema type of a service schema failed. Data: name of service, name of schema type, name of attribute schemas Triggers: View service profile page. Actions: Need no action on this event. Console attempts to get a schema from a service but schema does not exist. ATTEMPT_GET_ATTR_VALUE_ATR_SCHEMA_SCHEMA_TYPE ID: CONSOLE-2011 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get attribute values of attribute schema of a schema type of a service schema Data: name of service, name of schema type, name of attribute schemas Triggers: View service profile page. SUCCEED_GET_ATTR_VALUE_ATR_SCHEMA_SCHEMA_TYPE ID: CONSOLE-2012 Level: INFO Description: Getting attribute values of attribute schema of a schema type of a service schema succeeded. Data: name of service, name of schema type, name of attribute schemas Triggers: View service profile page. SSO_EXCEPTION_GET_ATTR_VALUE_ATR_SCHEMA_SCHEMA_TYPE ID: CONSOLE-2013 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting attribute values of attribute schema of a schema type of a service schema failed. Data: name of service, name of schema type, name of attribute schemas, error message Triggers: Unable to get attribute values of schema type of a service schema. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_GET_ATTR_VALUE_ATR_SCHEMA_SCHEMA_TYPE ID: CONSOLE-2014 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting attribute values of attribute schema of a schema type of a service schema failed. Data: name of service, name of schema type, name of attribute schemas, error message Triggers: Unable to get attribute values of schema type of a service schema due to service management SDK related errors. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_ATTR_VALUE_ATR_SCHEMA_SCHEMA_TYPE ID: CONSOLE-2021 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify attribute values of attribute schema of a schema type of a service schema Data: name of service, name of schema type, name of attribute schemas Triggers: Click on Save button in service profile page. SUCCEED_SET_ATTR_VALUE_ATR_SCHEMA_SCHEMA_TYPE ID: CONSOLE-2022 Level: INFO Description: Modification attribute values of attribute schema of a schema type of a service schema succeeded. Data: name of service, name of schema type, name of attribute schemas Triggers: Click on Save button in service profile page. SSO_EXCEPTION_SET_ATTR_VALUE_ATR_SCHEMA_SCHEMA_TYPE ID: CONSOLE-2023 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification attribute values of attribute schema of a schema type of a service schema failed. Data: name of service, name of schema type, name of attribute schemas, error message Triggers: Unable to modify attribute values of schema type of a service schema. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_SET_ATTR_VALUE_ATR_SCHEMA_SCHEMA_TYPE ID: CONSOLE-2024 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification attribute values of attribute schema of a schema type of a service schema failed. Data: name of service, name of schema type, name of attribute schemas, error message Triggers: Unable to modify attribute values of schema type of a service schema due to service management SDK related errors. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_CLIENT_DETECTION_GET_DEVICE_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-2501 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get device names of client detection service Data: name of profile, name of style, search pattern Triggers: View client profile page. SUCCEED_CLIENT_DETECTION_GET_DEVICE_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-2502 Level: INFO Description: Getting device names of client detection service succeeded. Data: name of profile, name of style, search pattern Triggers: View client profile page. ATTEMPT_CLIENT_DETECTION_DELETE_CLIENT ID: CONSOLE-2511 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete client in client detection service Data: type of client Triggers: Click on client type delete hyperlink page. SUCCEED_CLIENT_DETECTION_DELETE_CLIENT ID: CONSOLE-2512 Level: INFO Description: Deletion of client in client detection service succeeded. Data: type of client Triggers: Click on client type delete hyperlink page. CLIENT_SDK_EXCEPTION_CLIENT_DETECTION_DELETE_CLIENT ID: CONSOLE-2513 Level: SEVERE Description: Deletion of client in client detection service failed. Data: type of client, error message Triggers: Unable to delete client due to client detection SDK related errors. Actions: Look under client detection management log for more information. ATTEMPT_CLIENT_DETECTION_CREATE_CLIENT ID: CONSOLE-2521 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create client in client detection service Data: type of client Triggers: Click on New button in Client Creation Page. SUCCEED_CLIENT_DETECTION_CREATE_CLIENT ID: CONSOLE-2522 Level: INFO Description: Creation of client in client detection service succeeded. Data: type of client Triggers: Click on New button in Client Creation Page. CLIENT_SDK_EXCEPTION_CLIENT_DETECTION_CREATE_CLIENT ID: CONSOLE-2523 Level: SEVERE Description: Creation of client in client detection service failed. Data: type of client, error message Triggers: Unable to create client due to client detection SDK related errors. Actions: Look under client detection management log for more information. INVALID_CLIENT_TYPE_CLIENT_DETECTION_CREATE_CLIENT ID: CONSOLE-2524 Level: INFO Description: Creation of client in client detection service failed. Data: type of client, error message Triggers: Unable to create client because client type is invalid. Actions: Check the client type again before creation. ATTEMPT_CLIENT_DETECTION_GET_CLIENT_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-2531 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get client profile in client detection service Data: type of client, classification Triggers: View client profile page. SUCCEED_CLIENT_DETECTION_GET_CLIENT_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-2532 Level: INFO Description: Getting of client profile in client detection service succeeded. Data: type of client, classification Triggers: View client profile page. ATTEMPT_CLIENT_DETECTION_MODIFY_CLIENT_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-2541 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify client profile in client detection service Data: type of client Triggers: Click on Save button client profile page. SUCCEED_CLIENT_DETECTION_MODIFY_CLIENT_PROFILE ID: CONSOLE-2542 Level: INFO Description: Modification of client profile in client detection service succeeded. Data: type of client Triggers: Click on Save button client profile page. CLIENT_SDK_EXCEPTION_CLIENT_DETECTION_CREATE_CLIENT ID: CONSOLE-2543 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of client profile in client detection service failed. Data: type of client, error message Triggers: Unable to modify client profile due to client detection SDK related errors. Actions: Look under client detection management log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_CURRENT_SESSIONS ID: CONSOLE-3001 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get current sessions Data: name of server, search pattern Triggers: View session main page. SUCCEED_GET_CURRENT_SESSIONS ID: CONSOLE-3002 Level: INFO Description: Getting of current sessions succeeded. Data: name of server, search pattern Triggers: View session main page. SESSION_EXCEPTION_GET_CURRENT_SESSIONS ID: CONSOLE-3003 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting of current sessions failed. Data: name of server, name of realm, error message Triggers: Unable to get current sessions due to session SDK exception. Actions: Look under session management log for more information. ATTEMPT_INVALIDATE_SESSIONS ID: CONSOLE-3011 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to invalidate session Data: name of server, ID of session Triggers: Click on Invalidate button in session main page. SUCCEED_INVALIDATE_SESSIONS ID: CONSOLE-3012 Level: INFO Description: Invalidation of session succeeded. Data: name of server, ID of session Triggers: Click on Invalidate button in session main page. SESSION_EXCEPTION_INVALIDATE_SESSIONS ID: CONSOLE-3013 Level: SEVERE Description: Invalidation of session failed. Data: name of server, ID of session, error message Triggers: Unable to invalidate session due to session SDK exception. Actions: Look under session management log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_SITE_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-12001 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get site names Data: server instance name Triggers: View site and server management page. SUCCEED_GET_SITE_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-12002 Level: INFO Description: Site names are returned. Data: server instance name Triggers: View site and server management page. SSO_EXCEPTION_GET_SITE_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-12003 Level: SEVERE Description: Get site names. Data: error message Triggers: Unable to get site names. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under access management SDK log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_GET_SITE_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-12004 Level: SEVERE Description: Get site names. Data: error message Triggers: Unable to get site names due the SMS API error. Actions: Look under service management SDK log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_SITE_PRIMARY_URL ID: CONSOLE-12011 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get primary URL of site. Data: Site Name Triggers: View site profile page. SUCCEED_GET_SITE_PRIMARY_URL ID: CONSOLE-12012 Level: INFO Description: Primary URL of site is returned. Data: Site Name Triggers: View site profile page. SSO_EXCEPTION_GET_SITE_PRIMARY_URL ID: CONSOLE-12013 Level: SEVERE Description: Get primary URL of site. Data: Site Name, error message Triggers: Unable to get primary URL of site. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under access management SDK log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_GET_SITE_PRIMARY_URL ID: CONSOLE-12014 Level: SEVERE Description: Get primary URL of site. Data: Site Name, error message Triggers: Unable to get primary URL of site due the SMS API error. Actions: Look under service management SDK log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_SITE_FAILOVER_URLS ID: CONSOLE-12021 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get failover URLs of site. Data: Site Name Triggers: View site profile page. SUCCEED_GET_SITE_FAILOVER_URLS ID: CONSOLE-12022 Level: INFO Description: Failover URLs of site is returned. Data: Site Name Triggers: View site profile page. SSO_EXCEPTION_GET_SITE_FAILOVER_URLS ID: CONSOLE-12023 Level: SEVERE Description: Get failover URLs of site. Data: Site Name, error message Triggers: Unable to get failover URLs of site. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under access management SDK log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_GET_SITE_FAILOVER_URLS ID: CONSOLE-12024 Level: SEVERE Description: Get failover URLs of site. Data: Site Name, error message Triggers: Unable to get failover URLs of site due the SMS API error. Actions: Look under service management SDK log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_SITE_MEMBERS ID: CONSOLE-12031 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get members of site. Data: Site Name Triggers: View site profile page. SUCCEED_GET_SITE_MEMBERS ID: CONSOLE-12032 Level: INFO Description: Members of site is returned. Data: Site Name Triggers: View site profile page. SSO_EXCEPTION_GET_SITE_MEMBERS ID: CONSOLE-12033 Level: SEVERE Description: Get members of site. Data: Site Name, error message Triggers: Unable to get members of site. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under access management SDK log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_GET_SITE_MEMBERS ID: CONSOLE-12034 Level: SEVERE Description: Get members of site. Data: Site Name, error message Triggers: Unable to get members of site due the SMS API error. Actions: Look under service management SDK log for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_SITE ID: CONSOLE-12041 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create site. Data: Site Name Triggers: View create site page. SUCCEED_CREATE_SITE ID: CONSOLE-12042 Level: INFO Description: Site is created. Data: Site Name Triggers: Click on create button on creation page. SSO_EXCEPTION_CREATE_SITE ID: CONSOLE-12043 Level: SEVERE Description: Create site. Data: Site Name, error message Triggers: Unable to create site. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under access management SDK log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_CREATE_SITE ID: CONSOLE-12044 Level: SEVERE Description: Create site. Data: Site Name, error message Triggers: Unable to create site due the SMS API error. Actions: Look under service management SDK log for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_SERVER ID: CONSOLE-12051 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create server. Data: Server Name Triggers: View create server page. SUCCEED_CREATE_SERVER ID: CONSOLE-12052 Level: INFO Description: Server is created. Data: Server Name Triggers: Click on create button on creation page. SSO_EXCEPTION_CREATE_SERVER ID: CONSOLE-12053 Level: SEVERE Description: Create server. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to create server. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under access management SDK log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_CREATE_SERVER ID: CONSOLE-12054 Level: SEVERE Description: Create server. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to create server due the SMS API error. Actions: Look under service management SDK log for more information. CONFIGURATION_EXCEPTION_CREATE_SERVER ID: CONSOLE-12055 Level: SEVERE Description: Create server. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to create server due the incorrect data format error. Actions: Look under console log for more information. IO_EXCEPTION_CREATE_SERVER ID: CONSOLE-12056 Level: SEVERE Description: Create server. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to create server due the incorrect data format error. Actions: Look under console log for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_SITE ID: CONSOLE-12061 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete site. Data: Site Name Triggers: Click on delete site button. SUCCEED_DELETE_SITE ID: CONSOLE-12062 Level: INFO Description: Site is deleted. Data: Site Name Triggers: Click on delete button. SSO_EXCEPTION_DELETE_SITE ID: CONSOLE-12063 Level: SEVERE Description: Delete site. Data: Site Name, error message Triggers: Unable to delete site. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under access management SDK log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_DELETE_SITE ID: CONSOLE-12064 Level: SEVERE Description: Delete site. Data: Site Name, error message Triggers: Unable to delete site due the SMS API error. Actions: Look under service management SDK log for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_SITE ID: CONSOLE-12071 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify site. Data: Site Name Triggers: Click on OK button in site profile page. SUCCEED_MODIFY_SITE ID: CONSOLE-12072 Level: INFO Description: Site is nodified. Data: Site Name Triggers: Click on OK button in site profile page. SSO_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_SITE ID: CONSOLE-12073 Level: SEVERE Description: Modify site. Data: Site Name, error message Triggers: Unable to modify site. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under access management SDK log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_SITE ID: CONSOLE-12074 Level: SEVERE Description: Modify site. Data: Site Name, error message Triggers: Unable to modify site due the SMS API error. Actions: Look under service management SDK log for more information. CONFIGURATION_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_SITE ID: CONSOLE-12075 Level: SEVERE Description: Modify site. Data: Site Name, error message Triggers: Unable to modify site due the incorrect data format. Actions: Look under console log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_SERVER_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-12081 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get server names. Data: server instance name Triggers: View site and server management page. SUCCEED_GET_SERVER_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-12082 Level: INFO Description: Server names are returned. Data: server instance name Triggers: View site and server management page. SSO_EXCEPTION_GET_SERVER_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-12083 Level: SEVERE Description: Get server name. Data: error message Triggers: Unable to get server names. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under access management SDK log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_GET_SERVER_NAMES ID: CONSOLE-12084 Level: SEVERE Description: Get server name. Data: error message Triggers: Unable to get server names due the SMS API error. Actions: Look under service management SDK log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_SERVER_SITE ID: CONSOLE-12091 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get server’s site. Data: Server Name Triggers: View server profile page. SUCCEED_GET_SERVER_SITE ID: CONSOLE-12092 Level: INFO Description: Server’s site name is returned. Data: Server Name Triggers: View server profile page. SSO_EXCEPTION_GET_SERVER_SITE ID: CONSOLE-12093 Level: SEVERE Description: Get server’s site name. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to get server’s site. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under access management SDK log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_GET_SERVER_SITE ID: CONSOLE-12094 Level: SEVERE Description: Get server’s site name. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to get server’s site due the SMS API error. Actions: Look under service management SDK log for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_SERVER ID: CONSOLE-12101 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete server. Data: Server Name Triggers: Click on delete button in server management page. SUCCEED_DELETE_SERVER ID: CONSOLE-12102 Level: INFO Description: Server is delete. Data: Server Name Triggers: Click on delete button in server management page. SSO_EXCEPTION_DELETE_SERVER ID: CONSOLE-12103 Level: SEVERE Description: Delete server. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to delete server. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under access management SDK log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_DELETE_SERVER ID: CONSOLE-12104 Level: SEVERE Description: Delete server. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to delete server due the SMS API error. Actions: Look under service management SDK log for more information. ATTEMPT_CLONE_SERVER ID: CONSOLE-12201 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to clone server. Data: Server Name, Cloned Server Name Triggers: Click on clone button in server management page. SUCCEED_CLONE_SERVER ID: CONSOLE-12202 Level: INFO Description: Server is cloned. Data: Server Name, Cloned Server Name Triggers: Click on clone button in server management page. SSO_EXCEPTION_CLONE_SERVER ID: CONSOLE-12203 Level: SEVERE Description: clone server. Data: Server Name, Cloned Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to clone server. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under access management SDK log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_CLONE_SERVER ID: CONSOLE-12204 Level: SEVERE Description: clone server. Data: Server Name, Cloned Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to clone server due the SMS API error. Actions: Look under service management SDK log for more information. CONFIGURATION_EXCEPTION_CLONE_SERVER ID: CONSOLE-12205 Level: SEVERE Description: clone server. Data: Server Name, Cloned Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to clone server due the data format error. Actions: Look under console log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_SERVER_CONFIG ID: CONSOLE-12211 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get server’s configuration. Data: Server Name Triggers: View server profile page. SUCCEED_GET_SERVER_CONFIG ID: CONSOLE-12212 Level: INFO Description: Server’s configuration is returned. Data: Server Name Triggers: View server profile page. SSO_EXCEPTION_GET_SERVER_CONFIG ID: CONSOLE-12213 Level: SEVERE Description: Get server’s configuration. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to get server’s configuration. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under access management SDK log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_GET_SERVER_CONFIG ID: CONSOLE-12214 Level: SEVERE Description: Get server’s configuration. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to get server’s configuration due the SMS API error. Actions: Look under service management SDK log for more information. IO_EXCEPTION_GET_SERVER_CONFIG ID: CONSOLE-12215 Level: SEVERE Description: get server’s configuration. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to get server’s configuration due the data parsing error. Actions: Look under console log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_SERVER_DEFAULT_CONFIG ID: CONSOLE-12221 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get server default configuration. Data: server instance name Triggers: View server profile page. SUCCEED_GET_SERVER_DEFAULT_CONFIG ID: CONSOLE-12222 Level: INFO Description: Server default configuration is returned. Data: server instance name Triggers: View server profile page. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_SERVER ID: CONSOLE-12231 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify server. Data: Server Name Triggers: Click on OK button in server profile page. SUCCEED_MODIFY_SERVER ID: CONSOLE-12232 Level: INFO Description: Server is modified. Data: Server Name Triggers: Click on OK button in server profile page. SSO_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_SERVER ID: CONSOLE-12233 Level: SEVERE Description: modify server. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to modify server. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under access management SDK log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_SERVER ID: CONSOLE-12234 Level: SEVERE Description: modify server. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to modify server due the SMS API error. Actions: Look under service management SDK log for more information. IO_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_SERVER ID: CONSOLE-12235 Level: SEVERE Description: modify server. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to modify server due the data parsing error. Actions: Look under console log for more information. CONFIGURATION_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_SERVER ID: CONSOLE-12236 Level: SEVERE Description: modify server. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to modify server due the incorrect data format error. Actions: Look under console log for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_SERVER_INHERITANCE ID: CONSOLE-12241 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify server’s inheritance. Data: Server Name Triggers: Click on OK button in server inheritance setting page. SUCCEED_MODIFY_SERVER_INHERITANCE ID: CONSOLE-12242 Level: INFO Description: Server’s inheritance setting is modified. Data: Server Name Triggers: Click on OK button in server inheritance setting page. SSO_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_SERVER_INHERITANCE ID: CONSOLE-12243 Level: SEVERE Description: Modify server’s inheritance. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to modify server’s inheritance. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under access management SDK log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_SERVER_INHERITANCE ID: CONSOLE-12244 Level: SEVERE Description: Modify server’s inheritance. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to modify server’s inheritance due the SMS API error. Actions: Look under service management SDK log for more information. IO_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_SERVER_INHERITANCE ID: CONSOLE-12245 Level: SEVERE Description: modify server’s inheritance. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to modify server’s inheritance due the data parsing error. Actions: Look under console log for more information. CONFIGURATION_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_SERVER_INHERITANCE ID: CONSOLE-12246 Level: SEVERE Description: modify server’s inheritance. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to modify server’s inheritance due the incorrect data format error. Actions: Look under console log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_SERVER_CONFIG_XML ID: CONSOLE-12251 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get server’s configuration XML. Data: Server Name Triggers: View server’s server configuration XML profile page. SUCCEED_GET_SERVER_CONFIG_XML ID: CONSOLE-12252 Level: INFO Description: Server’s configuration XML is returned. Data: Server Name Triggers: View server’s server configuration XML profile page. SSO_EXCEPTION_GET_SERVER_CONFIG_XML ID: CONSOLE-12253 Level: SEVERE Description: Get server’s configuration XML. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to get server’s configuration XML. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under access management SDK log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_GET_SERVER_CONFIG_XML ID: CONSOLE-12254 Level: SEVERE Description: sGget server’s configuration XML. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to get server’s configuration XML due the SMS API error. Actions: Look under service management SDK log for more information. GENERIC_EXCEPTION_GET_SERVER_CONFIG_XML ID: CONSOLE-12255 Level: SEVERE Description: sGget server’s configuration XML. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to get server’s configuration XML due the data parsing error. Actions: Look under console log for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_SERVER_CONFIG_XML ID: CONSOLE-12261 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set server’s configuration XML. Data: Server Name Triggers: Click on OK button in server’s server configuration XML profile page. SUCCEED_SET_SERVER_CONFIG_XML ID: CONSOLE-12262 Level: INFO Description: Server’s configuration XML is modified. Data: Server Name Triggers: Click on OK button in server’s server configuration XML profile page. SSO_EXCEPTION_SET_SERVER_CONFIG_XML ID: CONSOLE-12263 Level: SEVERE Description: set server’s configuration XML. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to set server’s configuration XML. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under access management SDK log for more information. SMS_EXCEPTION_SET_SERVER_CONFIG_XML ID: CONSOLE-12264 Level: SEVERE Description: sGset server’s configuration XML. Data: Server Name, error message Triggers: Unable to set server’s configuration XML due the SMS API error. Actions: Look under service management SDK log for more information. ATTEMPT_SEARCH_AGENT ID: CONSOLE-13001 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to search for agents Data: base realm, agent type, search pattern, search size limit, search time limit Triggers: Click on Search button in agent search view. SUCCEED_SEARCH_AGENT ID: CONSOLE-13002 Level: INFO Description: Searching for agents succeeded Data: base realm, agent type, search pattern, search size limit, search time limit Triggers: Click on Search button in agent search view. EXCEPTION_SEARCH_AGENT ID: CONSOLE-13003 Level: SEVERE Description: Searching for agents failed Data: base realm, agent type, search pattern, search size limit, search time limit, error message Triggers: Unable to perform search operation on agents under a realm. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_AGENT ID: CONSOLE-13011 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete agents Data: base realm, agent names Triggers: Click on Delete button in agent home page. SUCCEED_DELETE_AGENT ID: CONSOLE-13012 Level: INFO Description: Agents are deleted Data: base realm, agent names Triggers: Click on Delete button in agent home page. EXCEPTION_DELETE_AGENT ID: CONSOLE-13013 Level: SEVERE Description: Deletion of agents failed Data: base realm, agent names, error message Triggers: Unable to perform delete operation on agents under a realm. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_SEARCH_AGENT_GROUP ID: CONSOLE-13021 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to search for agent groups Data: base realm, agent type, search pattern, search size limit, search time limit Triggers: Click on Search button in agent search view. SUCCEED_SEARCH_AGENT_GROUP ID: CONSOLE-13022 Level: INFO Description: Searching for agent groups succeeded Data: base realm, agent type, search pattern, search size limit, search time limit Triggers: Click on Search button in agent search view. EXCEPTION_SEARCH_AGENT_GROUP ID: CONSOLE-13023 Level: SEVERE Description: Searching for agent groups failed Data: base realm, agent type, search pattern, search size limit, search time limit, error message Triggers: Unable to perform search operation on agent groups under a realm. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_DELETE_AGENT_GROUP ID: CONSOLE-13031 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to delete agent groups Data: base realm, agent group names Triggers: Click on Delete button in agent home page. SUCCEED_DELETE_AGENT_GROUP ID: CONSOLE-13032 Level: INFO Description: Agent groups are deleted Data: base realm, agent group names Triggers: Click on Delete button in agent home page. EXCEPTION_DELETE_AGENT_GROUP ID: CONSOLE-13033 Level: SEVERE Description: Deletion of agent groups failed Data: base realm, agent group names, error message Triggers: Unable to perform delete operation on agents under a realm. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_AGENT ID: CONSOLE-13041 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create agent Data: base realm, agent name, agent type Triggers: Click on New button in agent home page. SUCCEED_CREATE_AGENT ID: CONSOLE-13042 Level: INFO Description: Agent is created Data: base realm, agent name, agent type Triggers: Click on New button in agent home page. EXCEPTION_CREATE_AGENT ID: CONSOLE-13043 Level: SEVERE Description: Creation of agent failed Data: base realm, agent name, agent type, error message Triggers: Unable to perform create agent. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_CREATE_AGENT_GROUP ID: CONSOLE-13051 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to create agent group Data: base realm, agent group name, agent type Triggers: Click on New button in agent home page. SUCCEED_CREATE_AGENT_GROUP ID: CONSOLE-13052 Level: INFO Description: Agent group is created Data: base realm, agent group name, agent type Triggers: Click on New button in agent home page. EXCEPTION_CREATE_AGENT_GROUP ID: CONSOLE-13053 Level: SEVERE Description: Creation of agent group failed Data: base realm, agent group name, agent type, error message Triggers: Unable to perform create agent group. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_AGENT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13061 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get agent attribute values Data: agent universal Id Triggers: Visit agent profile page. SUCCEED_GET_AGENT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13062 Level: INFO Description: Agent attribute values is retrieved. Data: agent universal Id Triggers: Visit agent profile page. EXCEPTION_GET_AGENT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13063 Level: SEVERE Description: Unable to get agent attribute values Data: agent universal Id, error message Triggers: Unable to perform get agent attribute values. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_AGENT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE ID: CONSOLE-13071 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set agent attribute values Data: agent universal Id Triggers: Click on save button in agent profile page. SUCCEED_SET_AGENT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE ID: CONSOLE-13072 Level: INFO Description: Agent attribute values set successfully Data: agent universal Id Triggers: Click on save button in agent profile page. EXCEPTION_SET_AGENT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE ID: CONSOLE-13073 Level: SEVERE Description: Unable to set agent attribute values Data: agent universal Id, error message Triggers: Unable to perform set agent attribute values. It may be the single sign on token of the user has expired; or the user does not have permission to perform this operation. Actions: Look under data store log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_ATTR_VALUES_OF_SESSION_HA_PROPERTIES ID: CONSOLE-13074 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to read session HA properties Data: name of attribute Triggers: Click on Save button in session profile page. SUCCEED_GET_ATTR_VALUES_OF_SESSION_HA_PROPERTIES ID: CONSOLE-13075 Level: INFO Description: Read Access of session HA properties succeeded. Data: name of attribute Triggers: Click on Save button in session profile page. SMS_EXCEPTION_GET_ATTR_VALUES_OF_SESSION_HA_PROPERTIES ID: CONSOLE-13076 Level: SEVERE Description: Read Access of session HA properties failed. Data: name of attribute, error message Triggers: Unable to modify session HA properties due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_SET_ATTR_VALUES_OF_SESSION_HA_PROPERTIES ID: CONSOLE-13077 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify session HA properties Data: name of attribute Triggers: Click on Save button in session profile page. SUCCEED_SET_ATTR_VALUES_OF_SESSION_HA_PROPERTIES ID: CONSOLE-13078 Level: INFO Description: Modification of session HA properties succeeded. Data: name of attribute Triggers: Click on Save button in session profile page. SMS_EXCEPTION_SET_ATTR_VALUES_OF_SESSION_HA_PROPERTIES ID: CONSOLE-13079 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of session HA properties failed. Data: name of attribute, error message Triggers: Unable to modify session HA properties due to service management SDK exception. Actions: Look under service management log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_AFFILIATION_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13101 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get attribute values of an affiliation. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: View SAMLv2 Affiliate page. SUCCEED_GET_AFFILIATION_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13102 Level: INFO Description: Getting attribute values of affiliation succeeded. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: View SAMLv2 Affiliate page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_GET_AFFILIATION_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13103 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting attribute values of affiliation failed. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type, error message Triggers: Unable to get attribute values of affiliation due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_AFFILIATION_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13111 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify affiliation. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: Click on Save button in SAMLv2 Affiliate page. SUCCEED_MODIFY_AFFILIATION_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13112 Level: INFO Description: Modification of affiliation succeeded. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: Click on Save button in SAMLv2 Affiliate page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_AFFILIATION_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13113 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of affiliation failed. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type, error message Triggers: Unable to modify affiliation due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_ATTR_AUTH_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13121 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get attribute values of an attribute authority. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: View SAMLv2 AttrAuthority page. SUCCEED_GET_ATTR_AUTH_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13122 Level: INFO Description: Getting attribute values of attribute authority succeeded. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: View SAMLv2 AttrAuthority page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_GET_ATTR_AUTH_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13123 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting attribute values of attribute authority failed. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type, error message Triggers: Unable to get attribute values of attribute authority due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_ATTR_AUTH_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13131 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify attribute authority. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: Click on Save button in SAMLv2 AttrAuthority page. SUCCEED_MODIFY_ATTR_AUTH_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13132 Level: INFO Description: Modification of attribute authority succeeded. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: Click on Save button in SAMLv2 AttrAuthority page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_ATTR_AUTH_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13133 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of attribute authority failed. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type, error message Triggers: Unable to modify attribute authority due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_ATTR_QUERY_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13141 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get attribute values of an attribute query. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: View SAMLv2 AttrQuery page. SUCCEED_GET_ATTR_QUERY_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13142 Level: INFO Description: Getting attribute values of attribute query succeeded. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: View SAMLv2 AttrQuery page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_GET_ATTR_QUERY_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13143 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting attribute values of attribute query failed. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type, error message Triggers: Unable to get attribute values of attribute query due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_ATTR_QUERY_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13151 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify attribute query. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: Click on Save button in SAMLv2 AttrQuery page. SUCCEED_MODIFY_ATTR_QUERY_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13152 Level: INFO Description: Modification of attribute query succeeded. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: Click on Save button in SAMLv2 AttrQuery page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_ATTR_QUERY_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13153 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of attribute query failed. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type, error message Triggers: Unable to modify attribute query due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_AUTHN_AUTH_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13161 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get attribute values of an authn authority. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: View SAMLv2 AuthnAuthority page. SUCCEED_GET_AUTHN_AUTH_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13162 Level: INFO Description: Getting attribute values of authn authority succeeded. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: View SAMLv2 AuthnAuthority page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_GET_AUTHN_AUTH_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13163 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting attribute values of authn authority failed. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type, error message Triggers: Unable to get attribute values of authn authority due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_MODIFY_AUTHN_AUTH_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13171 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to modify authn authority. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: Click on Save button in SAMLv2 AuthnAuthority page. SUCCEED_MODIFY_AUTHN_AUTH_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13172 Level: INFO Description: Modification of authn authority succeeded. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: Click on Save button in SAMLv2 AuthnAuthority page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_MODIFY_AUTHN_AUTH_ATTR_VALUES ID: CONSOLE-13173 Level: SEVERE Description: Modification of authn authority failed. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type, error message Triggers: Unable to modify authn authority due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. ATTEMPT_GET_METAALIAS ID: CONSOLE-13181 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to get a meta alias. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: View SAMLv2 IDP Services page. SUCCEED_GET_METAALIAS ID: CONSOLE-13182 Level: INFO Description: Getting meta alias succeeded. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type Triggers: View SAMLv2 IDP Services page. FEDERATION_EXCEPTION_GET_METAALIAS ID: CONSOLE-13183 Level: SEVERE Description: Getting meta alias failed. Data: descriptor realm, descriptor name, descriptor protocol, descriptor type, error message Triggers: Unable to get meta alias due to federation SDK related errors. Actions: Look under federation log for more information. OpenAM logs the following CORETOKEN messages. TOKEN_CREATE_SUCCESS ID: CORETOKEN-1 Level: INFO Description: Creating a token succeeded Data: token type, token subject, token attribute names Triggers: Create token TOKEN_READ_SUCCESS ID: CORETOKEN-2 Level: INFO Description: Retrieving a token succeeded Data: token type, token subject Triggers: Read token TOKEN_UPDATE_SUCCESS ID: CORETOKEN-3 Level: INFO Description: Updating a token succeeded Data: names of attributes updated Triggers: Update token TOKEN_SEARCH_SUCCESS ID: CORETOKEN-4 Level: INFO Description: Searching tokens succeeded Data: query, number of entries returned Triggers: Search token TOKEN_DELETE_SUCCESS ID: CORETOKEN-5 Level: INFO Description: Removing a token succeeded Triggers: Delete token EXPIRED_TOKEN_DELETE_SUCCESS ID: CORETOKEN-6 Level: INFO Description: Removing an expired token succeeded Triggers: Token expired UNABLE_TO_CREATE_TOKEN ID: CORETOKEN-7 Level: INFO Description: Creating a token failed Data: error message, token type, token subject, token attribute names Triggers: Create token UNABLE_TO_READ_TOKEN ID: CORETOKEN-8 Level: INFO Description: Retrieving a token failed Data: error message Triggers: Read token UNABLE_TO_UPDATE_TOKEN ID: CORETOKEN-9 Level: INFO Description: Updating a token failed Data: error message Triggers: Update token UNABLE_TO_SEARCH_TOKEN ID: CORETOKEN-10 Level: INFO Description: Searching tokens failed Data: query, error message Triggers: Search Token UNABLE_TO_DELETE_TOKEN ID: CORETOKEN-11 Level: INFO Description: Removing a token failed Data: error message Triggers: Delete token OpenAM logs the following ENTITLEMENT messages. ATTEMPT_ADD_PRIVILEGE ID: ENTITLEMENT-1 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to add privilege. Data: realm, privilege name Triggers: Add privilege API is called. SUCCEEDED_ADD_PRIVILEGE ID: ENTITLEMENT-2 Level: INFO Description: Privilege is added. Data: realm, privilege name Triggers: Add privilege API is called. FAILED_ADD_PRIVILEGE ID: ENTITLEMENT-3 Level: INFO Description: Failed to add privilege. Data: realm, privilege name, error message Triggers: Add privilege API is called. Actions: Privilege might already exists.; Administrator might not have the permission to add privilege. ATTEMPT_ADD_REFERRAL ID: ENTITLEMENT-11 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to add referral privilege. Data: realm, privilege name Triggers: Add referral privilege API is called. SUCCEEDED_ADD_REFERRAL ID: ENTITLEMENT-12 Level: INFO Description: Referral Privilege is added. Data: realm, privilege name Triggers: Add referral privilege API is called. FAILED_ADD_REFERRAL ID: ENTITLEMENT-13 Level: INFO Description: Failed to add referral privilege. Data: realm, privilege name, error message Triggers: Add referral privilege API is called. Actions: Privilege might already exists.; Administrator might not have the permission to add referral privilege. ATTEMPT_REMOVE_PRIVILEGE ID: ENTITLEMENT-21 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove privilege. Data: realm, privilege name Triggers: Remove privilege API is called. SUCCEEDED_REMOVE_PRIVILEGE ID: ENTITLEMENT-22 Level: INFO Description: Privilege is removed. Data: realm, privilege name Triggers: Removed privilege API is called. FAILED_REMOVE_PRIVILEGE ID: ENTITLEMENT-23 Level: INFO Description: Failed to removed privilege. Data: realm, privilege name, error message Triggers: Removed privilege API is called. Actions: Administrator might not have the permission to remove privilege. ATTEMPT_REMOVE_REFERRAL ID: ENTITLEMENT-31 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove referral privilege. Data: realm, privilege name Triggers: Remove referral privilege API is called. SUCCEEDED_REMOVE_REFERRAL ID: ENTITLEMENT-32 Level: INFO Description: Referral privilege is removed. Data: realm, privilege name Triggers: Removed referral privilege API is called. FAILED_REMOVE_REFERRAL ID: ENTITLEMENT-33 Level: INFO Description: Failed to removed referral privilege. Data: realm, privilege name, error message Triggers: Removed referral privilege API is called. Actions: Administrator might not have the permission to remove privilege. ATTEMPT_SAVE_APPLICATION ID: ENTITLEMENT-101 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to save application. Data: realm, application name Triggers: Save application API is called. SUCCEEDED_SAVE_APPLICATION ID: ENTITLEMENT-102 Level: INFO Description: Application is saved. Data: realm, application name Triggers: Save application API is called. FAILED_SAVE_APPLICATION ID: ENTITLEMENT-103 Level: INFO Description: Failed to save application. Data: realm, application name, error message Triggers: Save application API is called. Actions: Administrator might not have the permission to save application. ATTEMPT_REMOVE_APPLICATION ID: ENTITLEMENT-111 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove application. Data: realm, application name Triggers: Remove application API is called. SUCCEEDED_REMOVE_APPLICATION ID: ENTITLEMENT-112 Level: INFO Description: Application is removed. Data: realm, application name Triggers: Remove application API is called. FAILED_REMOVE_APPLICATION ID: ENTITLEMENT-113 Level: INFO Description: Failed to remove application. Data: realm, application name, error message Triggers: Remove application API is called. Actions: Administrator might not have the permission to remove application. ATTEMPT_SAVE_RESOURCE_TYPE ID: ENTITLEMENT-40 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to save resource type. Data: realm, resource type name Triggers: Save resource type API is called. SUCCEEDED_SAVE_RESOURCE_TYPE ID: ENTITLEMENT-41 Level: INFO Description: Resource type is saved. Data: realm, resource type name Triggers: Save resource type API is called. FAILED_SAVE_RESOURCE_TYPE ID: ENTITLEMENT-42 Level: INFO Description: Failed to save resource type. Data: realm, resource type name, error message Triggers: Save resource type API is called. Actions: Administrator might not have the permission to save resource type. ATTEMPT_REMOVE_RESOURCE_TYPE ID: ENTITLEMENT-43 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to remove resource type. Data: realm, resource type name Triggers: Remove resource type API is called. SUCCEEDED_REMOVE_RESOURCE_TYPE ID: ENTITLEMENT-44 Level: INFO Description: Resource type is removed. Data: realm, resource type name Triggers: Remove resource type API is called. FAILED_REMOVE_RESOURCE_TYPE ID: ENTITLEMENT-45 Level: INFO Description: Failed to remove resource type. Data: realm, resource type name, error message Triggers: Remove resource type API is called. Actions: Administrator might not have the permission to remove resource type. OpenAM logs the following LOG messages. LOG_START_NEW_LOGGER ID: LOG-1 Level: INFO Description: Logging Started - New Logger Data: current location Triggers: Logging started by getting a new Logger. LOG_END ID: LOG-2 Level: INFO Description: Logging Terminated - Server Stopped Data: current location Triggers: Logging terminated by server shutdown. LOG_START_CONFIG ID: LOG-3 Level: INFO Description: Logging Started - Configuration Change Data: old location, new location, old backend, new backend, old security status, new security status, old status, new status, old level, new level Triggers: Logging started after logging configuration change. LOG_END_CONFIG ID: LOG-4 Level: INFO Description: Logging Terminated - Configuration Change Data: old location, new location, old backend, new backend, old security status, new security status, old status, new status, old level, new level Triggers: Logging terminated by logging configuration change. OpenAM logs the following OAuth2Provider messages. CREATED_TOKEN ID: OAuth2Provider-1 Level: INFO Description: Created an oauth 2.0 token Data: message, token info Triggers: Created a new oauth 2.0 token DELETED_TOKEN ID: OAuth2Provider-2 Level: INFO Description: Deleted an oauth 2.0 token Data: message, token info Triggers: Deleted an oauth 2.0 token FAILED_CREATE_TOKEN ID: OAuth2Provider-3 Level: INFO Description: Failed to creating an oauth 2.0 token Data: message, token info Triggers: Failed creating an oauth 2.0 token FAILED_DELETE_TOKEN ID: OAuth2Provider-4 Level: INFO Description: Failed deleting an oauth 2.0 token Data: message, token info Triggers: Failed deleting an oauth 2.0 token CREATED_REFRESH_TOKEN ID: OAuth2Provider-5 Level: INFO Description: Created an oauth 2.0 refresh token Data: message, token info Triggers: Created an oauth 2.0 refresh token FAILED_CREATE_REFRESH_TOKEN ID: OAuth2Provider-6 Level: INFO Description: Failed creating an oauth 2.0 refresh token Data: message, token info Triggers: Failed creating an oauth 2.0 refresh token CREATED_AUTHORIZATION_CODE ID: OAuth2Provider-7 Level: INFO Description: Created an oauth 2.0 authorization code Data: message, token info Triggers: Created an oauth 2.0 authorization code refresh token FAILED_CREATE_AUTHORIZATION_CODE ID: OAuth2Provider-8 Level: INFO Description: Failed creating an oauth 2.0 authorization code Data: message, token info Triggers: Failed creating an oauth 2.0 authorization code FAILED_UPDATE_AUTHORIZATION_CODE ID: OAuth2Provider-9 Level: INFO Description: Failed updating an oauth 2.0 authorization code Data: message, token info Triggers: Failed updating an oauth 2.0 authorization code CREATED_CLIENT ID: OAuth2Provider-11 Level: INFO Description: Created an oauth 2.0 Client Data: message, token info Triggers: Created a new oauth 2.0 client DELETED_CLIENT ID: OAuth2Provider-12 Level: INFO Description: Deleted an oauth 2.0 client Data: message, token info Triggers: Deleted an oauth 2.0 client FAILED_CREATE_CLIENT ID: OAuth2Provider-13 Level: INFO Description: Failed to creating an oauth 2.0 client Triggers: Failed creating an oauth 2.0 client FAILED_DELETE_CLIENT ID: OAuth2Provider-14 Level: INFO Description: Failed deleting an oauth 2.0 client Triggers: Failed deleting an oauth 2.0 client AUTHENTICATED_CLIENT ID: OAuth2Provider-15 Level: INFO Description: Authenticated an oauth 2.0 client Data: client id Triggers: Authenticated an oauth 2.0 client FAILED_AUTHENTICATE_CLIENT ID: OAuth2Provider-16 Level: INFO Description: Failed authenticating an oauth 2.0 client Data: client id Triggers: Failed authenticating an oauth 2.0 client UPDATED_AUTHORIZATION_CODE ID: OAuth2Provider-17 Level: INFO Description: Updated an OAuth2 authorization code Data: message, token info Triggers: Updated an OAuth2 authorization code OpenAM logs the following POLICY messages. POLICY_EVALUATION ID: POLICY-1 Level: INFO Description: Evaluating policy succeeded Data: policy name, realm name, service type name, resource name, action names, policy decision Triggers: Evaluating policy. PROTECTED_RESOURCES ID: POLICY-2 Level: INFO Description: Getting protected policy resources succeeded Data: principal name, resource name, protecting policies Triggers: Getting protected policy resources. POLICY_CREATE_SUCCESS ID: POLICY-3 Level: INFO Description: Creating policy in a realm succeeded Data: policy name, realm name Triggers: Creating policy in a realm. POLICY_MODIFY_SUCCESS ID: POLICY-4 Level: INFO Description: Modifying policy in a realm succeeded Data: policy name, realm name Triggers: Modifying policy in a realm. POLICY_REMOVE_SUCCESS ID: POLICY-5 Level: INFO Description: Removing policy from a realm succeeded Data: policy name, realm name Triggers: Removing policy from a realm. POLICY_ALREADY_EXISTS_IN_REALM ID: POLICY-6 Level: INFO Description: Policy already exists in the realm Data: policy name, realm name Triggers: Creating policy in the realm. UNABLE_TO_ADD_POLICY ID: POLICY-7 Level: INFO Description: Creating policy in a realm failed Data: policy name, realm name Triggers: Creating policy in a realm. Actions: Check if the user has privilege to create a policy in the realm. UNABLE_TO_REPLACE_POLICY ID: POLICY-8 Level: INFO Description: Replacing policy in a realm failed Data: policy name, realm name Triggers: Replacing policy in a realm. Actions: Check if the user has privilege to replace a policy in the realm. DID_NOT_REPLACE_POLICY ID: POLICY-81 Level: INFO Description: Did not replace policy - A diifferent policy with the new name already exists in the realm Data: new policy name, realm name Triggers: Replacing policy in a realm UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_POLICY ID: POLICY-9 Level: INFO Description: Removing policy from a realm failed Data: policy name, realm name Triggers: Removing policy from a realm. Actions: Check if the user has privilege to remove a policy from the realm. PROXIED_POLICY_EVALUATION ID: POLICY-10 Level: INFO Description: Computing policy decision by an administrator succeeded Data: admin name, principal name, resource name, policy decision Triggers: Computing policy decision by an administrator. PROXIED_POLICY_EVALUATION_IGNORING_SUBJECTS ID: POLICY-11 Level: INFO Description: Computing policy decision by an administrator ignoring subjects succeeded Data: admin name, resource name, policy decision Triggers: Computing policy decision by an administrator ignoring subjects. OpenAM logs the following Rest messages. ATTEMPT_ACCESS ID: Rest-1 Level: INFO Description: Attempted to access a REST resource. Data: resource, operation Triggers: Attempting to access a REST resource. ACCESS_GRANT ID: Rest-2 Level: INFO Description: Access granted to a REST resource. Data: resource, operation, authzModule Triggers: Access was granted to the requested resource. ACCESS_DENY ID: Rest-3 Level: INFO Description: Access denied to a REST resource. Data: resource, operation, authzModule Triggers: Access was denied to the requested resource. OpenAM logs the following SESSION messages. SESSION_CREATED ID: SESSION-1 Level: INFO Description: Session is Created Data: User ID Triggers: User is authenticated. SESSION_IDLE_TIMED_OUT ID: SESSION-2 Level: INFO Description: Session has idle timedout Data: User ID Triggers: User session idle for long time. SESSION_MAX_TIMEOUT ID: SESSION-3 Level: INFO Description: Session has Expired Data: User ID Triggers: User session has reached its maximun time limit. SESSION_LOGOUT ID: SESSION-4 Level: INFO Description: User has Logged out Data: User ID Triggers: User has logged out of the system. SESSION_REACTIVATION ID: SESSION-5 Level: INFO Description: Session is Reactivated Data: User ID Triggers: User session state is active. SESSION_DESTROYED ID: SESSION-6 Level: INFO Description: Session is Destroyed Data: User ID Triggers: User session is destroyed and cannot be referenced. SESSION_PROPERTY_CHANGED ID: SESSION-7 Level: INFO Description: Session’s property is changed. Data: User ID Triggers: User changed session’s unprotected property. SESSION_UNKNOWN_EVENT ID: SESSION-8 Level: INFO Description: Session received Unknown Event Data: User ID Triggers: Unknown session event SESSION_PROTECTED_PROPERTY_ERROR ID: SESSION-9 Level: INFO Description: Attempt to set protected property Data: User ID Triggers: Attempt to set protected property SESSION_QUOTA_EXHAUSTED ID: SESSION-10 Level: INFO Description: User’s session quota has been exhausted. Data: User ID Triggers: Session quota exhausted SESSION_DATABASE_UNAVAILABLE ID: SESSION-11 Level: INFO Description: Session database used for session failover and session constraint is not available. Data: User ID Triggers: Unable to reach the session database. SESSION_DATABASE_BACK_ONLINE ID: SESSION-12 Level: INFO Description: Session database is back online. Data: User ID Triggers: Session database is back online.. SESSION_MAX_LIMIT_REACHED ID: SESSION-13 Level: INFO Description: The total number of valid sessions hosted on the AM server has reached the max limit. Data: User ID Triggers: Session max limit reached. Core Token Service (CTS) Object Identifiers OpenAM Web Policy Agent User’s Guide