Migrating Legacy Servers Rather than upgrade legacy servers (running OpenSSO or Sun Access Manager, or an OpenAM version that is no longer supported), you instead manually migrate from your existing deployment to a new deployment. For complex legacy deployments, Open Identity Platform Community Approved Vendors can assist you in the migration process. To Upgrade A Legacy Deployment Prepare your customized OpenAM server .war file. Prepare a new deployment, installing servers from the new, customized .war file, starting with the instructions in "Installing OpenAM Core Services" in the Installation Guide. After installation, configure the new servers in the same way as the old servers, adapting as necessary. You can use the ssoadm do-batch command to apply multiple changes with one command. Validate that the new service is performing as expected. Redirect client application traffic from the old deployment to the new deployment. Upgrading OpenAM Servers Upgrading OpenAM Components