Securing OpenAM

This chapter identifies best practices for securing your OpenAM deployment.

Avoiding Obvious Defaults

OpenAM includes default settings to make it easier for you to evaluate the software. Avoid these default settings in production deployments:

  • When connecting to LDAP, bind with a specific administrative account rather than a root DN account, if possible.

  • Change the default iPlanetDirectoryPro cookie name both in OpenAM ( and in your policy agent profiles (

  • When installing OpenAM, do not use /openam or /opensso as the deployment URI.

  • Create an administrator in the Top Level Realm with a different ID than the default amadmin.

  • Create specific administrator users to track better who makes configuration changes.

  • Remove the demo user account. For example, if you configure the embedded OpenDJ directory server as a configuration and CTS store, the default demo user account gets created during the installation process. You should remove the user using the OpenAM console under Realms > Top Level Realm > Subjects > User.

  • Set the list of Valid goto URL Resources. By default, OpenAM redirects the user to the URL specified in the goto and gotoOnFail query string parameters supplied to the authentication interface in the login URL.

    To increase security against possible phishing attacks through open redirect, you can specify a list of valid URL resources against which OpenAM validates these URLs. OpenAM only redirects a user if the goto and gotoOnFail URL matches any of the resources specified in this setting. If no setting is present, it is assumed that the goto or gotoOnFail URL is valid.

    To set the Valid goto URL Resources, use the OpenAM console, and navigate to Realms > Realm Name > Services. Click Add a Service, select Validation Service, and add one or more valid goto URLs, and then click Create.

    When setting valid goto URLs, you can use the "" wildcard, where "" matches all characters except "?". For more specific patterns, use resource names with wildcards as described in the procedure, "Configuring Valid goto URL Resources".

  • Disable module based authentication for all OpenAM realms. Module based authentication lets users authenticate using the module=module-name login parameter. To disable module based authentication for a realm, select the realm in the OpenAM console, then select Authentication > Settings > Security and clear the Module Based Authentication check box.

Protecting Network Access

Anytime users interact with a web service, there are risks. With OpenAM, you can reduce those risks by limiting what is exposed through the firewall using the following strategy:

  • Use a reverse proxy in front of OpenAM to allow access only to the necessary URLs. A reverse proxy exposes only those endpoints needed for an application. For example, if you need to expose the OAuth2/OpenID Connect endpoints and REST interface, then you should implement a reverse proxy.

    The following figure shows the recommended architecture with a reverse proxy.

securing openam rp
  • Leave ssoadm.jsp disabled in production. (Advanced property: ssoadm.disabled=true).

  • If possible in your deployment, control access to OpenAM console by network address, such that administrators can only connect from well-known systems and networks.

  • Restrict access to URIs that you do not use, and prevent internal endpoints, such as /sessionservice from being reachable over the Internet.

    For a full list of endpoints, see "Service Endpoints" in the Reference.

Securing OpenAM Administration

Create realms for your organization(s) and separate administrative users from end users. For instructions, see "Configuring Realms".

  • To direct relevant users to the correct realms, you can then either:

    • Use the realm=realm-name query string parameter.

    • Create fully qualified domain name DNS aliases for the realms.

  • When customizing config/auth/default*/Login.jsp, make sure that you do not introduce any security vulnerabilities, such as cross-site scripting due to unvalidated input.

  • Create a policy agent profile for each policy agent. See "Configuring Policy Agent Profiles" for instructions.

Securing Communications

Keep communications secure by using encryption, properly configured cookies, and request and response signatures:

  • Protect network traffic by using HTTPS and LDAPS where possible.

  • When using HTTPS, use secure cookies, which are transmitted only over secured connections.

    To configure OpenAM server to use secure cookies, in the OpenAM console, navigate to Configure > Server Defaults > Security. On the Cookie tab, select Secure Cookie, and then click Save Changes.

    HttpOnly cookies are meant to be transmitted only over HTTP and HTTPS, and not through non-HTTP methods, such as JavaScript functions.

    If you are using the classic UI, you can configure the OpenAM server to use HttpOnly cookies by navigating to Configure > Server Defaults > Advanced, and setting the com.sun.identity.cookie.httponly property’s value to true. Save your changes. Note that the XUI does not currently support HttpOnly cookies.

  • Where possible, use subdomain cookies, and control subdomains in a specific DNS master.

  • Use cookie hijacking protection with restricted tokens, where each policy agent uses different SSO tokens for the same user. See "To Protect Against Cookie Hijacking" for instructions.

  • Use your own key, not the test key provided with OpenAM, to sign:

    • SAML 2.0 authentication requests, authentication responses, and single logout requests

    • XUI authentication IDs

  • When using SAML v2.0, if the other entities in your circle of trust can handle encryption, then use encryption in addition to signing requests and responses.

Administering the amadmin Account

The built-in amadmin account cannot be disabled, deleted, or renamed, since it is hard-coded in the source code of several files.

If you want a user to have administration rights in OpenAM other than amadmin, delegate realm administration privileges to the new user. For more information about delegating realm administration privileges, see "Delegating Realm Administration Privileges".

Changing the amadmin User’s Password

In this section you will find procedures to change the password of the top-level administrator amadmin, when:

To Change the amadmin User’s Password: External Configuration Store

If OpenAM is configured to use an external configuration store, perform the following steps to change the amadmin user’s password:

  1. Log in to the OpenAM console as the administrator, amadmin.

  2. Navigate to Realms > Top Level Realm > Subjects, and then click amAdmin.

  3. On the Edit User page, select Edit next to Password.

  4. On the Change Password page, enter the new password in the New Password field.

  5. Click OK to save your changes.

    If your deployment has multiple OpenAM servers, the new password replicates across all servers.

To Change the amadmin User’s Password: Embedded Configuration Store

If OpenAM is configured to use the embedded OpenDJ instance for the configuration store, you must change the passwords of the following two users in the embedded OpenDJ accounts to match the new amadmin password: You must change these two passwords in the embedded OpenDJ instance regardless of whether you use an external or embedded data store.

  • The cn=Directory Manager user, created during installation.

  • The global administrator, created in OpenDJ by OpenAM after a second OpenAM server has been added to the deployment.

Some functionality might not work if the OpenDJ directory manager, OpenAM administrator amadmin, and OpenDJ global administrator passwords are not identical. For example, adding new servers to the deployment.

To change the OpenAM amadmin, OpenDJ directory manager, and OpenDJ global administrator passwords and the required bindings, perform the following steps:

  1. Back up your deployment as described in "Backing Up and Restoring OpenAM Configurations".

  2. Log in to the OpenAM console as the administrator, amadmin.

  3. Navigate to Realms > Top Level Realm > Subjects, and then click amAdmin.

  4. On the Edit User page, select Edit next to Password.

  5. On the Change Password page, enter the new password in the New Password field.

  6. Click OK to save your changes.

    If your deployment has multiple OpenAM servers, the new password replicates across all servers.

  7. OpenAM binds to the embedded OpenDJ server using the cn=Directory Manager account. Change the cn=Directory Manager account’s bind password in the OpenAM configuration as follows:

    1. Change the password for the configuration store binding:

      1. Navigate to Deployment > Servers > Server Name > Directory Configuration.

      2. Enter the new bind password, which is the new amadmin password, and save your changes.

        Make this change for each of your OpenAM servers.

    2. (Optional) If you use the embedded OpenDJ instance as a data store, change the following bind passwords:

      1. Navigate to Realms > Realm Name > Data Stores > embedded:

        1. Enter the new bind password, which is the new amadmin password, and save your changes.

          Make this change in every OpenAM realm that uses the embedded OpenDJ as a data store.

      2. Navigate to Realms > Realm Name > Services > Policy Configuration:

        1. Enter the new bind password, which is the new amadmin password, and save your changes.

          Make this change in every OpenAM realm that uses the embedded OpenDJ as a data store.

      3. Navigate to Realms > Realm Name > Authentication > Modules, and select LDAP:

        1. Enter the new bind password, which is the new amadmin password, and save your changes.

          Make this change in every OpenAM realm that uses the embedded OpenDJ as a data store.

  8. To change the cn=Directory Manager and the global administrator passwords in the embedded OpenDJ, see Resetting Administrator Passwords in the OpenDJ Administration Guide.