OpenAM Command Line Tools agentadmin — manage OpenAM policy agent installation Synopsis agentadmin {options} Description This command manages OpenAM policy agent installations. The agentadmin command requires a Java runtime environment. Options The following options are supported. --install Installs a new Agent instance. Usage: agentadmin --install [--useResponse | --saveResponse file-name] --useResponse Use this option to install in silent mode by specifying all the responses in a response specified by file-name. When this option is used the installer runs in non-interactive mode. --saveResponse Use this option to save all the supplied responses to a response file specified by file-name. --custom-install Installs a new Agent instance Usage: agentadmin --custom-install [--useResponse | --saveResponse file-name] --useResponse Use this option to install in silent mode by specifying all the responses in a response specified by file-name. When this option is used the installer runs in non-interactive mode. --saveResponse Use this option to save all the supplied responses to a response file specified by file-name. --acceptLicense Auto-accepts the software license agreement. If this option is present on the command line with the --install or --custom-install option, the license agreement prompt is suppressed and the agent install continues. To view the license agreement, open <server-root>/legal-notices/license.txt. --uninstall Uninstalls an existing Agent instance. Usage: agentadmin --uninstall [--useResponse | --saveResponse file-name] --useResponse Use this option to install in silent mode by specifying all the responses in a response specified by file-name. When this option is used the installer runs in non-interactive mode. --saveResponse Use this option to save all the supplied responses to a response file specified by file-name. --version Displays the version information. --uninstallAll Uninstalls all the agent instances. --migrate Migrate agent to newer version --listAgents Displays details of all the configured agents. --agentInfo Displays details of the agent corresponding to the specified agent-id. Example: agentadmin --agentInfo agent_001 --encrypt Encrypts a given string. Usage: agentadmin --encrypt agent-instance password-file agent-instance Agent instance identifier. The encryption functionality requires the use of agent instance specific encryption key present in its configuration file. password-file File containing the password to encrypt. --getEncryptKey Generates an agent encryption key. Examples The following example installs an Apache HTTP Server 2.2 interactively, where Apache HTTP Server has been installed under /path/to/apache22. $ ./agentadmin --install --acceptLicense ... ----------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF YOUR RESPONSES ----------------------------------------------- Apache Server Config Directory : /path/to/apache22/conf OpenSSO server URL : Agent URL : Agent Profile name : Apache Web Agent Agent Profile Password file name : /tmp/pwd.txt ... SUMMARY OF AGENT INSTALLATION ----------------------------- Agent instance name: Agent_001 Agent Bootstrap file location: /path/to/web_agents/apache22_agent/Agent_001/config/ Agent Configuration Tag file location /path/to/web_agents/apache22_agent/Agent_001/config/ Agent Audit directory location: /path/to/web_agents/apache22_agent/Agent_001/logs/audit Agent Debug directory location: /path/to/web_agents/apache22_agent/Agent_001/logs/debug Install log file location: /path/to/web_agents/apache22_agent/installer-logs/audit/install.log ... ampassword — change passwords for the OpenAM Administrator Synopsis ampassword {options} Description This command allows you to change passwords held in the configuration store, and to encrypt passwords. Options The following options are supported. -a | --admin [ -o | --old old-password-file -n | --new new-password-file ] Change the password for amAdmin from the value stored in old-password-file to the value stored in new-password-file. -p | --proxy [ -o | --old old-password-file -n | --new new-password-file ] Change the password for the proxy administrator from the value stored in old-password-file to the value stored in new-password-file. The proxy administrator password is shown encrypted in the output from ssoadm get-svrcfg-xml. -e | --encrypt [ password-file ] Display the password value provided encrypted with the key generated during OpenAM installation. -h | --help Display the usage message. Examples The following example encrypts the password contained within a text file. Create a text file, for example $HOME/.pwd.txt, containing the password string on a single line. Encrypt the password by using the ampassword command: $ ampassword -e $HOME/.pwd.txt AQICkZs3qy5QUCXir9tebIEEZYGFXI2lCC4B amverifyarchive — check OpenAM log archives for tampering Synopsis amverifyarchive {options} Description This command checks log archive integrity. Options The following options are required. -l logName Verify log files of the specified type. To specify an individual log rather than a type, provide the entire log file name. -p path Path to log files to verify. -u userName User who can read log files. -w password Password of the user who can read log files. Examples The following example checks the amConsole logs. $ amverifyarchive \ -l amConsole \ -p $HOME/openam/openam/log -u amadmin \ -w password configurator.jar — install or upgrade OpenAM using a configuration file Synopsis configurator.jar {options} Description This executable .jar file, openam-configurator-tool-13.5.2.jar, lets you perform silent installation, configuring a deployed OpenAM server by applying settings from a configuration file. Options The following options are supported. -f | --file configuration-file Configure a deployed OpenAM web application archive using the specified configuration file. Installation and upgrade configuration files are described in the sections below. --acceptLicense Auto-accept the software license agreement and suppress the display of the licence acceptance screen to the user. If the configuration file contains the ACCEPT_LICENSES property, it will have precedence over the command-line option. -? | --help Display the usage message. Installation Configuration File Base your configuration on the sampleconfiguration file delivered with OpenAM, and using the hints in this section, or the comments included in the file. .Server Properties These properties pertain to the OpenAM server instance. SERVER_URL URL to the web container where you want OpenAM to run, such as DEPLOYMENT_URI URI where you want to deploy OpenAM on the web container, such as /openam BASE_DIR Configuration directory where OpenAM stores files and embedded configuration directory servers, such as $HOME/openam locale The user locale, such as en_GB PLATFORM_LOCALE The locale of the OpenAM server, such as en_US AM_ENC_KEY The password encryption key, which must be the same on all servers in a multi-server installation, such as O6QWwHPO4os+zEz3Nqn/2daAYWyiFE32. If left blank, installing OpenAM generates a random password encryption key that you can view in the OpenAM console under Deployment > Servers > Server Name > Security. ADMIN_PWD Password of the OpenAM administrator user amadmin, which must be at least 8 characters in length and must match that of other servers in a multiserver deployment AMLDAPUSERPASSWD Password of the default policy agent UrlAccessAgent, which must be at least 8 characters in length and must not be the same as the value of ADMIN_PWD COOKIE_DOMAIN Name of the trusted DNS domain OpenAM returns to a browser when it grants a session ID to a user. By default, it is set to the full URL that was used to access the configurator, such as ACCEPT_LICENSES Optional boolean property that can be set to always auto-accept the software license agreement and suppress the display of the license acceptance screen to the user. A value of true auto-accepts the license; any other value will be assumed to equal false, resulting in the presentation of the license. Default value is false. This property takes precedence over the --acceptLicense option, which can also be passed in to the application with the openam-configurator-tool-13.5.2.jar file. Configuration Store Properties These properties pertain to the directory server where OpenAM stores its configuration. DATA_STORE Type of the configuration data store. The value embedded means set up OpenAM with an embedded, OpenDJ based configuration store. The value dirServer means an external directory server, such as OpenDJ, or Sun Java System Directory Server. If you set this to dirServer, and the configuration store contains the configuration of other OpenAM servers, then the server is added to the existing multiserver installation. DIRECTORY_SSL To use LDAP without SSL, set this to SIMPLE. To use LDAP with SSL, set this to SSL. DIRECTORY_SERVER Fully qualified domain name of the configuration store directory server host, such as DIRECTORY_PORT LDAP or LDAPS port number for the configuration store directory server, such as 389 or 636 DIRECTORY_ADMIN_PORT Administration port number for the configuration store directory server, such as 4444 DIRECTORY_JMX_PORT Java Management eXtension port number, such as 1689, used with the OpenDJ embedded configuration store ROOT_SUFFIX Root suffix distinguished name (DN) for the configuration store, such as o=openam DS_DIRMGRDN Distinguished name of the directory manager of the configuration store, such as cn=Directory Manager DS_DIRMGRPASSWD Password for the directory manager of the configuration store User Data Store Properties These properties pertain to the directory server where OpenAM stores user profiles. If you do not include these properties, or you leave these properties commented out, then OpenAM uses the same directory server as it uses for the configuration store. USERSTORE_TYPE The type of directory server used. Valid values include the following. LDAPv3ForOpenDS: ForgeRock 0penDJ or Sun OpenDS LDAPv3ForAD: Active Directory with host and port settings LDAPv3ForADDC: Active Directory with a Domain Name setting LDAPv3ForADAM: Active Directory Application Mode LDAPv3ForODSEE: Sun Java System Directory Server LDAPv3ForTivoli: IBM Tivoli Directory Server USERSTORE_SSL To use LDAP without SSL, set this to SIMPLE. To use LDAP with SSL, set this to SSL. USERSTORE_DOMAINNAME If USERSTORE_TYPE is LDAPv3ForADDC, you set this to the Active Directory Domain Name, such as, and then set only the USERSTORE_SSL, USERSTORE_MGRDN, and USERSTORE_PASSWD additional parameters. This lets Active Directory use DNS to retrieve service locations. Otherwise, do not use. USERSTORE_HOST Fully qualified domain name of the user data store directory server, such as USERSTORE_PORT Port number of the user data store. Default for LDAP is 389, and for LDAP over SSL is 636. USERSTORE_SUFFIX Root suffix distinguished name for the user data in the directory, such as dc=example,dc=com USERSTORE_MGRDN Distinguished name of the directory manager of the user data store, such as cn=Directory Manager USERSTORE_PASSWD Password for the directory manager of the user data store Site Properties These properties pertain when you configure multiple OpenAM servers in a site deployment, where a load balancer spreads request across multiple servers. Use the DS_EMB_REPL* and existingserverid properties only for the second and subsequent servers in a site configuration. LB_SITE_NAME The name of the OpenAM site LB_PRIMARY_URL The load balancer URL for the site, such as LB_SESSION_HA_SFO Whether to enable session persistence and failover for the site. Default: false DS_EMB_REPL_FLAG Enable use of the embedded configuration store by setting this parameter to embReplFlag, only if the DATA_STORE parameter is set to embedded. Use the other DS_EMB_REPL* parameters in this section to set up configuration store data replication. DS_EMB_REPL_REPLPORT1 Replication port number for the new OpenAM server you are installing, such as 58989 DS_EMB_REPL_HOST2 Host name of an existing OpenAM server housing the configuration store directory server with which to replicate, such as DS_EMB_REPL_ADMINPORT2 Administration port number for the configuration store directory server used by the existing OpenAM server, such as 4444 DS_EMB_REPL_REPLPORT2 Replication port number for the configuration store directory server used by the existing OpenAM server, such as 50899 existingserverid Full URL of the existing OpenAM server, such as Upgrade Configuration File Base your configuration on the sampleconfiguration file delivered with OpenAM, and using the hints in this section, or the comments included in the file. .Upgrade Properties SERVER_URL URL to the web container where OpenAM runs, such as DEPLOYMENT_URI URI where OpenAM is deployed on the web container, such as /openam ACCEPT_LICENSES Optional boolean property that can be set to always auto-accept the software license agreement and suppress displaying the license acceptance screen to the user. A value of true auto-accepts the license; any other value will be assumed to equal false, resulting in the presentation of the license. Default value is false. This property takes precedence over the --acceptLicense option, which can also be passed in to the application with the openam-configurator-tool-13.5.2.jar file. Examples The following example shows a configuration file to install a server with an external user data store. # Server properties, AM_ENC_KEY="" means generate random key SERVER_URL= DEPLOYMENT_URI=/openam BASE_DIR=$HOME/openam locale=en_US PLATFORM_LOCALE=en_US AM_ENC_KEY= ADMIN_PWD=change3me AMLDAPUSERPASSWD=secret12 ACCEPT_LICENSES=true # Embedded configuration data store DATA_STORE=embedded DIRECTORY_SSL=SIMPLE DIRECTORY_PORT=50389 DIRECTORY_ADMIN_PORT=4444 DIRECTORY_JMX_PORT=1689 ROOT_SUFFIX=o=openam DS_DIRMGRDN=cn=Directory Manager DS_DIRMGRPASSWD=chang3me # External OpenDJ based user data store USERSTORE_TYPE=LDAPv3ForOpenDS USERSTORE_SSL=SIMPLE USERSTORE_PORT=389 USERSTORE_SUFFIX=dc=example,dc=com USERSTORE_MGRDN=cn=Directory Manager USERSTORE_PASSWD=secret12 # Uncomment to specify the site for the first server in a site configuration #LB_SITE_NAME=lb #LB_PRIMARY_URL= The following example shows a configuration file to install the second server in a site configuration. # Server properties, AM_ENC_KEY from first server SERVER_URL= DEPLOYMENT_URI=/openam BASE_DIR=$HOME/openam locale=en_US PLATFORM_LOCALE=en_US AM_ENC_KEY=O6QWwHPO4os+zEz3Nqn/2daAYWyiFE32 ADMIN_PWD=change3me AMLDAPUSERPASSWD=secret12 ACCEPT_LICENSES=true # Embedded configuration data store DATA_STORE=embedded DIRECTORY_SSL=SIMPLE DIRECTORY_PORT=50389 DIRECTORY_ADMIN_PORT=4444 DIRECTORY_JMX_PORT=1689 ROOT_SUFFIX=o=openam DS_DIRMGRDN=cn=Directory Manager DS_DIRMGRPASSWD=chang3me # External OpenDJ based user data store USERSTORE_TYPE=LDAPv3ForOpenDS USERSTORE_SSL=SIMPLE USERSTORE_PORT=389 USERSTORE_SUFFIX=dc=example,dc=com USERSTORE_MGRDN=cn=Directory Manager USERSTORE_PASSWD=secret12 # Site properties LB_SITE_NAME=lb LB_PRIMARY_URL= DS_EMB_REPL_FLAG=embReplFlag DS_EMB_REPL_REPLPORT1=58989 DS_EMB_REPL_ADMINPORT2=4444 DS_EMB_REPL_REPLPORT2=50889 existingserverid= The following example shows a configuration file to upgrade an OpenAM server. SERVER_URL= DEPLOYMENT_URI=/openam ACCEPT_LICENSES=true The following example uses a configuration file with the --acceptLicense option on the command line. $ java \ -jar openam-configurator-tool-13.5.2.jar \ -f config.file \ --acceptLicense upgrade.jar — upgrade OpenAM using a configuration file Synopsis upgrade.jar {options} Description This executable jar file, openam-upgrade-tool-13.5.2.jar, lets you perform a silent upgrade on a deployed OpenAM server by applying settings from a configuration file or using arguments. This capability allows you to include the upgrade.jar from a command line or in an upgrade script. Options The following options are supported. -f | --file configuration-file Upgrade a deployed OpenAM web application archive using the specified configuration file. Upgrade configuration files are described in the sections below. Also, you can specify the system properties on the command line, instead of using the configuration file. See Example 2 below. --acceptLicense Auto-accept the software license agreement and suppress the display of the licence acceptance screen to the user. If the configuration file contains the ACCEPT_LICENSES property, it will have precedence over the command-line option. -? | --help Display the usage message. Upgrade Configuration File Base your configuration on the sampleupgrade file delivered with OpenAM, and using the hints in this section, or the comments included in the file. .Upgrade Properties SERVER_URL URL to the web container where OpenAM runs, such as DEPLOYMENT_URI URI where OpenAM is deployed on the web container, such as /openam. ACCEPT_LICENSES Optional boolean property that can be set to always auto-accept the software license agreement and suppress displaying the license acceptance screen to the user. A value of true auto-accepts the license; any other value will be assumed to equal false, resulting in the presentation of the license. Default value is false. This property takes precedence over the --acceptLicense option, which can also be passed in to the application with the openam-upgrade-tool-13.5.2.jar file. Examples The following example shows a configuration file and the commands to upgrade a server using the upgrade.jar. The configuration file is saved as /tmp/upgrade.txt. SERVER_URL= DEPLOYMENT_URI=/openam ACCEPT_LICENSES=true $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar ~/openam/tools/openam-upgrade-tool-13.5.2.jar \ -f /tmp/upgrade.txt The following example shows how to specify system properties with the upgrade.jar. SERVER_URL= DEPLOYMENT_URI=/openam ACCEPT_LICENSES=true $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar ~/openam/tools/openam-upgrade-tool-13.5.2.jar \ -DSERVER_URL= -DDEPLOYMENT_URI=/openam The following example shows the use of the --acceptLicense option with the upgrade.jar. SERVER_URL= DEPLOYMENT_URI=/openam $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar ~/openam/tools/openam-upgrade-tool-13.5.2.jar \ -DSERVER_URL= -DDEPLOYMENT_URI=/openam \ --acceptLicense ssoadm — configure OpenAM core services Synopsis ssoadm [subcommand] [options] Description The ssoadm command provides a rich command-line interface for configuring OpenAM core services. Also see the Installation Guide procedure, To Set Up Administration Tools in the Installation Guide for instructions on setting up the ssoadm command. Global Options The following global options are supported. --debug, -d Run in debug mode. Results sent to the debug file. --help, -? Print usage. This command can also be used with subcommands as in ssoadm subcommand --help. --information, -O Print basic information about the tool. --locale, -l Name of the locale to display the results. --nolog, -O Disable audit logging. --verbose, -v Run in verbose mode. Results sent to standard output. --version, -V Print the version of this tool. JVM Properties for ssoadm You can specifically set the authentication module or chain for administrator logins using two JVM settings. These settings provide more control to select the exact authentication mechanisms to be used when ssoadm authenticates administrators in the top-level realm. To set these properties, manually edit the following two JVM settings in the ssoadm or ssoadm.bat script. org.forgerock.openam.ssoadm.auth.indexType Specifies the module or chain-based authentication in the top level realm. If the property is set, OpenAM uses only that authentication mechanism. org.forgerock.openam.ssoadm.auth.indexName Specifies the actual name of the authentication module/chain as controlled by the indexType setting. For example, if the indexType is set to module_instance and indexName is set to LDAP, then ssoadm authenticates using only the LDAP authentication module. Subcommands: By Category This section lists subcommands by category. The subsequent section lists subcommands in alphabetical order with a short description. See ssoadm subcommand --help for detailed options. Agent Configuration add-agent-to-grp agent-remove-props create-agent create-agent-grp delete-agent-grps delete-agents list-agent-grp-members list-agent-grps list-agents remove-agent-from-grp show-agent show-agent-grp show-agent-membership show-agent-types update-agent update-agent-grp Authentication Service Management add-auth-cfg-entr create-auth-cfg create-auth-instance delete-auth-cfgs delete-auth-instances get-auth-cfg-entr get-auth-instance list-auth-cfgs list-auth-instances register-auth-module unregister-auth-module update-auth-cfg-entr update-auth-cfg-props update-auth-instance Data Store Management add-amsdk-idrepo-plugin create-datastore delete-datastores list-datastore-types list-datastores show-datastore update-datastore Entitlements add-app-priv create-appl create-appl-type create-xacml delete-appl-types delete-appls delete-xacml list-appl-types list-appls list-xacml set-appl set-entitlement-conf show-app-priv show-appl show-entitlement-conf update-app-priv update-app-priv-resources update-app-priv-subjects Federation Management add-cot-member create-cot create-metadata-templ delete-cot delete-entity do-bulk-federation export-entity import-bulk-fed-data import-entity list-cot-members list-cots list-entities remove-cot-member update-entity-keyinfo Identity Management add-member add-privileges add-svc-identity create-identity delete-identities get-identity get-identity-svcs list-identities list-identity-assignable-svcs remove-member remove-privileges remove-svc-identity set-identity-attrs set-identity-svc-attrs show-identity-ops show-identity-svc-attrs show-identity-types show-members show-memberships show-privileges Policy Management create-policies delete-policies list-policies update-policies Realm Management add-svc-attrs add-svc-realm create-realm delete-realm delete-realm-attr get-realm get-realm-svc-attrs list-realm-assignable-svcs list-realms remove-svc-attrs remove-svc-realm set-realm-attrs set-svc-attrs set-realm-svc-attrs show-auth-modules show-data-types show-realm-svcs Server Configuration add-site-members add-site-sec-urls clone-server create-server create-site delete-server delete-site export-server get-svrcfg-xml import-server list-server-cfg list-servers list-sites remove-server-cfg remove-site-members remove-site-sec-urls set-site-pri-url set-site-sec-urls set-svrcfg-xml show-site show-site-members update-server-cfg Service Management To translate settings applied in OpenAM console to service attributes for use with ssoadm, login to the OpenAM console as as amadmin and access the services page, such as add-attr-defs add-attrs add-plugin-interface add-sub-schema create-sub-cfg create-svc create-svrcfg-xml delete-attr delete-sub-cfg delete-svc export-svc-cfg get-attr-defs get-revision-number get-sub-cfg import-svc-cfg remove-attr-choicevals remove-attr-defs remove-sub-schema set-attr-any set-attr-bool-values set-attr-choicevals set-attr-defs set-attr-end-range set-attr-i18n-key set-attr-start-range set-attr-syntax set-attr-type set-attr-ui-type set-attr-validator set-attr-view-bean-url set-inheritance set-plugin-viewbean-url set-revision-number set-sub-cfg set-svc-i18n-key set-svc-view-bean-url update-svc Other add-res-bundle do-batch do-migration70 list-res-bundle list-sessions remove-res-bundle Subcommands: Alphabetical Order The following subcommands are supported. See also ssoadm subcommand --help. ssoadm add-agent-to-grp Add agents to a agent group. Usage: ssoadm add-agent-to-grp --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --agentgroupname, -b Name of agent group. --agentnames, -s Names of agents. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm add-amsdk-idrepo-plugin Create AMSDK IdRepo Plug-in Usage: ssoadm add-amsdk-idrepo-plugin --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --basedn, -b Directory Server base distinguished name. --bind-password-file, -m File that contains password of bind password. --binddn, -e Directory Server bind distinguished name. --directory-servers, -s directory servers <protocol>://<hostname>:<port>. Can have multiple entries. --dsame-password-file, -x File that contains password of the dsameuser --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --puser-password-file, -p File that contains password of the puser [--org, -o] Organization objects naming attribute (defaults to 'o') [--user, -a] User objects naming attribute (defaults to 'uid') ssoadm add-app-priv Add a policy set privilege to delegate resources of a given policy set. Usage: ssoadm add-app-priv --options [--global-options] .Options --actions, -a Possible values are READ, MODIFY, DELEGATE, ALL --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --application, -t Policy set name --name, -m Name for the this delegation --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Realm name --subjects, -s Subject name --subjecttype, -b Possible values are User or Group [--description, -p] Description for the this delegation. [--resources, -r] Resources to delegate, All resources in the policy set will be delegated if this option is absent. ssoadm add-attr-defs Add default attribute values in schema. Usage: ssoadm add-attr-defs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --schematype, -t Type of schema. --servicename, -s Name of service. [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values e.g. homeaddress=here. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values data. [--subschemaname, -c] Name of sub schema. ssoadm add-attrs Add attribute schema to an existing service. Usage: ssoadm add-attrs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --attributeschemafile, -F XML file containing attribute schema definition. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --schematype, -t Schema Type. --servicename, -s Service Name. [--subschemaname, -c] Name of sub schema. ssoadm add-auth-cfg-entr Add authentication configuration entry Usage: ssoadm add-auth-cfg-entr --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --criteria, -c Criteria for this entry. Possible values are REQUIRED, OPTIONAL, SUFFICIENT, REQUISITE --modulename, -o Module Name. --name, -m Name of authentication configuration. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--options, -t] Options for this entry. [--position, -p] Position where the new entry is to be added. This is option is not set, entry shall be added to the end of the list. If value of this option is 0, it will be inserted to the front of the list. If value is greater of the length of the list, entry shall be added to the end of the list. ssoadm add-cot-member Add a member to a circle of trust. Usage: ssoadm add-cot-member --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --cot, -t Circle of Trust --entityid, -y Entity ID --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--realm, -e] Realm where circle of trust resides [--spec, -c] Specify metadata specification, either wsfed, idff or saml2, defaults to saml2 ssoadm add-member Add an identity as member of another identity Usage: ssoadm add-member --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --idname, -i Name of identity. --idtype, -t Type of Identity --memberidname, -m Name of identity that is member. --memberidtype, -y Type of Identity of member such as User, Role and Group. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm add-plugin-interface Add Plug-in interface to service. Usage: ssoadm add-plugin-interface --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --i18nkey, -k Plug-in I18n Key. --interfacename, -i Name of interface. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --pluginname, -g Name of Plug-in. --servicename, -s Name of service. ssoadm add-plugin-schema Add Plug-in schema to service. Usage: ssoadm add-plugin-schema --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --classname, -c Name of the Plugin Schema class implementation --i18nkey, -k Plug-in I18n Key. --i18nname, -n Plug-in I18n Name. --interfacename, -i Name of interface. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --pluginname, -g Name of Plug-in. --servicename, -s Name of service. ssoadm add-privileges Add privileges to an identity. To add a privilege to all authenticated users, use the "All Authenticated Users" idname with "role" idtype. Usage: ssoadm add-privileges --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --idname, -i Name of identity. --idtype, -t Type of Identity such as Role and Group. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --privileges, -g Name of privileges to be added. Privilege names are AgentAdmin, ApplicationModifyAccess, ApplicationReadAccess, ApplicationTypesReadAccess, ConditionTypesReadAccess, DecisionCombinersReadAccess, EntitlementRestAccess, FederationAdmin, LogAdmin, LogRead, LogWrite, PolicyAdmin, PrivilegeRestAccess, PrivilegeRestReadAccess, RealmAdmin, RealmReadAccess, ResourceTypeModifyAccess, ResourceTypeReadAccess, SubjectAttributesReadAccess, and SubjectTypesReadAccess. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm add-res-bundle Add resource bundle to data store. Usage: ssoadm add-res-bundle --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --bundlefilename, -B Resource bundle physical file name. --bundlename, -b Resource Bundle Name. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--bundlelocale, -o] Locale of the resource bundle. ssoadm add-site-members Add members to a site. Usage: ssoadm add-site-members --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --servernames, -e Server names, e.g. --sitename, -s Site name, e.g. mysite ssoadm add-site-sec-urls Add Site Secondary URLs. Usage: ssoadm add-site-sec-urls --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --secondaryurls, -a Secondary URLs --sitename, -s Site name, e.g. mysite ssoadm add-sub-schema Add sub schema. Usage: ssoadm add-sub-schema --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --filename, -F Name of file that contains the schema --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --schematype, -t Type of schema. --servicename, -s Name of service. ssoadm add-svc-attrs Add service attribute values in a realm. Long content for an attribute can be supplied in a file by appending '-file' to the attribute name, and giving the filename as the value. Usage: ssoadm add-svc-attrs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. --servicename, -s Name of service. [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values to be added e.g. homeaddress=here. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values to be added. ssoadm add-svc-identity Add Service to an identity Usage: ssoadm add-svc-identity --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --idname, -i Name of identity. --idtype, -t Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. --servicename, -s Name of service. [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values e.g. homeaddress=here. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values data. ssoadm add-svc-realm Add service to a realm. Long content for an attribute can be supplied in a file by appending '-file' to the attribute name, and giving the filename as the value. Usage: ssoadm add-svc-realm --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. --servicename, -s Service Name. [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values e.g. homeaddress=here. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values data. ssoadm agent-remove-props Remove agent’s properties. Usage: ssoadm agent-remove-props --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --agentname, -b Name of agent. --attributenames, -a properties name(s). --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm clone-server Clone a server instance. Usage: ssoadm clone-server --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --cloneservername, -o Clone server name --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --servername, -s Server name ssoadm create-agent Create a new agent configuration. Usage: ssoadm create-agent --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --agentname, -b Name of agent. --agenttype, -t Type of agent. Possible values: J2EEAgent, WebAgent, 2.2_Agent, SharedAgent, OAuth2Client --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--agenturl, -g] Agent URL. e.g. http://www.agent.example:8080/agent. WebAgent does not take URL with path. e.g. http://www.agent.example:8080. This option is valid only for J2EEAgent and WebAgent agent types, and is required when the agent type is J2EEAgent or WebAgent. [--attributevalues, -a] Properties e.g. sunIdentityServerDeviceKeyValue= [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains properties. [--serverurl, -s] Server URL. e.g. This option is valid only for J2EEAgent and WebAgent agent types, and is required when the agent type is J2EEAgent or WebAgent. ssoadm create-agent-grp Create a new agent group. Usage: ssoadm create-agent-grp --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --agentgroupname, -b Name of agent group. --agenttype, -t Type of agent group. e.g. J2EEAgent, WebAgent --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--attributevalues, -a] Properties e.g. homeaddress=here. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains properties. [--serverurl, -s] Server URL. e.g. This option is valid for J2EEAgent and WebAgent. ssoadm create-appl Create policy set. Usage: ssoadm create-appl --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --applicationtype, -t Application type name --name, -m Policy set name --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Realm name [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values e.g. applicationType=iPlanetAMWebAgentService. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values data. Mandatory attributes are resources, subjects, conditions and entitlementCombiner. Optional ones are actions, searchIndexImpl, saveIndexImpl, resourceComparator, subjectAttributeNames. ssoadm create-appl-type Create application type. Usage: ssoadm create-appl-type --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --name, -m Application Type name --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--attributevalues, -a] Application Type attribute values e.g. actions=enabled=true. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute type values data. Mandatory attributes are actions, searchIndexImpl and saveIndexImpl. Optional are resourceComparator. ssoadm create-auth-cfg Create authentication configuration Usage: ssoadm create-auth-cfg --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --name, -m Name of authentication configuration. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm create-auth-instance Create authentication module instance Usage: ssoadm create-auth-instance --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --authtype, -t Type of authentication module instance. Possible values include AD, Adaptive, Anonymous, Cert, DataStore, DeviceIdMatch, DeviceIdSave, Federation, HOTP, HTTPBasic, JDBC, LDAP, Membership, MSISDN, OATH, OAuth, OpenIdConnect, PersistentCookie, RADIUS, SAE, Scripted, WindowsDesktopSSO, NT, and WSSAuthModule. --name, -m Name of authentication module instance. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm create-cot Create circle of trust. Usage: ssoadm create-cot --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --cot, -t Circle of Trust --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--prefix, -p] Prefix URL for idp discovery reader and writer URL. [--realm, -e] Realm where circle of trust resides [--trustedproviders, -k] Trusted Providers ssoadm create-datastore Create data store under a realm Usage: ssoadm create-datastore --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --datatype, -t Type of datastore. Use the list-datastore-types subcommand to get a list of supported datastore types. --name, -m Name of datastore. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values e.g. sunIdRepoClass=com.sun.identity.idm.plugins.files.FilesRepo. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values data. ssoadm create-identity Create identity in a realm Usage: ssoadm create-identity --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --idname, -i Name of identity. --idtype, -t Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values e.g. sunIdentityServerDeviceStatus=Active. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values data. ssoadm create-metadata-templ Create new metadata template. Usage: ssoadm create-metadata-templ --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --entityid, -y Entity ID --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--affiecertalias, -K] Affiliation encryption certificate alias [--affiliation, -F] Specify metaAlias for hosted affiliation. to be created. The format must be <realm name>/<identifier> [--affimembers, -M] Affiliation members [--affiownerid, -N] Affiliation Owner ID [--affiscertalias, -J] Affiliation signing certificate alias [--attraecertalias, -G] Attribute authority encryption certificate alias. [--attrascertalias, -B] Attribute authority signing certificate alias [--attrauthority, -I] Specify metaAlias for hosted attribute authority to be created. The format must be <realm name>/<identifier>. [--attrqecertalias, -R] Attribute query provider encryption certificate alias [--attrqscertalias, -A] Attribute query provider signing certificate alias [--attrqueryprovider, -S] Specify metaAlias for hosted attribute query provider to be created. The format must be <realm name>/<identifier>. [--authnaecertalias, -E] Authentication authority encryption certificate alias. [--authnascertalias, -D] Authentication authority signing certificate alias [--authnauthority, -C] Specify metaAlias for hosted authentication authority to be created. The format must be <realm name>/<identifier>. [--extended-data-file, -x] Specify file name for the extended metadata to be created. XML will be displayed on terminal if this file name is not provided. [--identityprovider, -i] Specify metaAlias for hosted identity provider to be created. The format must be <realm name>/<identifier>. [--idpecertalias, -g] Identity provider encryption certificate alias. [--idpscertalias, -b] Identity provider signing certificate alias [--meta-data-file, -m] Specify file name for the standard metadata to be created. XML will be displayed on terminal if this file name is not provided. [--serviceprovider, -s] Specify metaAlias for hosted service provider to be created. The format must be <realm name>/<identifier>. [--specertalias, -r] Service provider encryption certificate alias [--spec, -c] Specify metadata specification, either wsfed, idff or saml2, defaults to saml2 [--spscertalias, -a] Service provider signing certificate alias [--xacmlpdpecertalias, -j] Policy decision point encryption certificate alias [--xacmlpdpscertalias, -t] Policy decision point signing certificate alias [--xacmlpdp, -p] Specify metaAlias for policy decision point to be created. The format must be <realm name>/<identifier>. [--xacmlpepecertalias, -z] Policy enforcement point encryption certificate alias [--xacmlpepscertalias, -k] Policy enforcement point signing certificate alias [--xacmlpep, -e] Specify metaAlias for policy enforcement point to be created. The format must be <realm name>/<identifier>. ssoadm create-realm Create realm. Usage: ssoadm create-realm --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm to be created. ssoadm create-server Create a server instance. Usage: ssoadm create-server --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --serverconfigxml, -X Server Configuration XML file name. --servername, -s Server name, e.g. [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values e.g. homeaddress=here. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values data. ssoadm create-site Create a site. Usage: ssoadm create-site --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --sitename, -s Site name, e.g. mysite --siteurl, -i Site’s primary URL, e.g. [--secondaryurls, -a] Secondary URLs ssoadm create-sub-cfg Create a new sub configuration. Long content for an attribute can be supplied in a file by appending '-file' to the attribute name, and giving the filename as the value. Usage: ssoadm create-sub-cfg --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --servicename, -s Name of service. --subconfigname, -g Sub-schema name of (or path to) the type of sub-configuration being added. [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values e.g. homeaddress=here. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values data. [--priority, -p] Priority of the sub configuration. [--realm, -e] Name of realm (Sub Configuration shall be added to global configuration if this option is not provided). [--subconfigid, -b] User-specfieid ID of (or path to) the sub-configuration. ssoadm create-svc Create a new service in server. Usage: ssoadm create-svc --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --xmlfile, -X XML file(s) that contains schema. [--continue, -c] Continue adding service if one or more previous service cannot be added. ssoadm create-svrcfg-xml Create serverconfig.xml file. No options are required for flat file configuration data store. Usage: ssoadm create-svrcfg-xml --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--basedn, -b] Directory Server base distinguished name. [--dsadmin, -a] Directory Server administrator distinguished name [--dshost, -t] Directory Server host name [--dspassword-file, -x] File that contains Directory Server administrator password [--dsport, -p] Directory Server port number [--outfile, -o] File name where serverconfig XML is written. ssoadm create-xacml Create policies in a realm with XACML input. Usage: ssoadm create-xacml --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. --xmlfile, -X File that contains the policy XACML definition. In the console, paste the XML into the text field instead. [--dryrun, -n] Provide a summary of the policies which would be updated, and those which would be added, as a result of the create-xacml command without the 'dryrun' option specified. Nothing will be updated or added when using this option. [--outfile, -o] Filename where the output of a 'dryrun' command will be sent to. If no 'dryrun' command is specified, the outfile will not be used for anything. ssoadm delete-agent-grps Delete agent groups. Usage: ssoadm delete-agent-grps --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--agentgroupnames, -s] Separate multiple agent group names with spaces. [--file, -D] File containing agent group names, with multiple group names separated by spaces. ssoadm delete-agents Delete agent configurations. Usage: ssoadm delete-agents --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--agentnames, -s] Separate multiple agent names with spaces. [--file, -D] File containing agent names, with multiple agent names separated by spaces. ssoadm delete-appl-types Delete application types. Usage: ssoadm delete-appl-types --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --names, -m Application Type names --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. ssoadm delete-appls Delete policy sets. Usage: ssoadm delete-appls --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --names, -m Policy set names --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Realm name ssoadm delete-attr Delete attribute schemas from a service Usage: ssoadm delete-attr --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --attributeschema, -a Name of attribute schema to be removed. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --schematype, -t Type of schema. --servicename, -s Name of service. [--subschemaname, -c] Name of sub schema. ssoadm delete-attr-def-values Delete attribute schema default values. Usage: ssoadm delete-attr-def-values --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --attributeschema, -a Name of attribute schema --defaultvalues, -e Default value(s) to be deleted --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --schematype, -t Type of schema. --servicename, -s Name of service. [--subschemaname, -c] Name of sub schema. ssoadm delete-auth-cfgs Delete authentication configurations Usage: ssoadm delete-auth-cfgs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --names, -m Name of authentication configurations. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm delete-auth-instances Delete authentication instances Usage: ssoadm delete-auth-instances --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --names, -m Name of authentication instances. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm delete-cot Delete circle of trust. Usage: ssoadm delete-cot --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --cot, -t Circle of Trust --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--realm, -e] Realm where circle of trust resides ssoadm delete-datastores Delete data stores under a realm Usage: ssoadm delete-datastores --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --names, -m Names of datastore. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm delete-entity Delete entity. Usage: ssoadm delete-entity --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --entityid, -y Entity ID --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--extendedonly, -x] Set to flag to delete only extended data. [--realm, -e] Realm where data resides [--spec, -c] Specify metadata specification, either wsfed, idff or saml2, defaults to saml2 ssoadm delete-identities Delete identities in a realm Usage: ssoadm delete-identities --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --idtype, -t Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--file, -D] Name of file that contains the identity names to be deleted. [--idnames, -i] Names of identites. ssoadm delete-realm Delete realm. Usage: ssoadm delete-realm --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm to be deleted. [--recursive, -r] Delete descendent realms recursively. ssoadm delete-realm-attr Delete attribute from a realm. Usage: ssoadm delete-realm-attr --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --attributename, -a Name of attribute to be removed. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. --servicename, -s Name of service. ssoadm delete-server Delete a server instance. Usage: ssoadm delete-server --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --servername, -s Server name, e.g. ssoadm delete-site Delete a site. Usage: ssoadm delete-site --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --sitename, -s Site name, e.g. mysite ssoadm delete-sub-cfg Remove Sub Configuration. Usage: ssoadm delete-sub-cfg --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --servicename, -s Name of service. --subconfigname, -g Name of sub configuration. [--realm, -e] Name of realm (Sub Configuration shall be deleted from the global configuration if this option is not provided). ssoadm delete-svc Delete service from the server. Usage: ssoadm delete-svc --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --servicename, -s Service Name(s). [--continue, -c] Continue deleting service if one or more previous services cannot be deleted. [--deletepolicyrule, -r] Delete policy rule. ssoadm delete-xacml Delete XACML policies from a realm. Usage: ssoadm delete-xacml --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--file, -D] Name of file that contains the policy names to be deleted. [--policynames, -p] Names of policy to be deleted. ssoadm do-batch Do multiple requests in one command. Usage: ssoadm do-batch --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --batchfile, -Z Name of file that contains commands and options. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--batchstatus, -b] Name of status file. [--continue, -c] Continue processing the rest of the request when preceeding request was erroneous. ssoadm do-bulk-federation Perform bulk federation. Usage: ssoadm do-bulk-federation --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --metaalias, -m Specify metaAlias for local provider. --nameidmapping, -e Name of file that will be created by this sub command. It contains remote user Id to name identifier. It shall be used by remote provider to update user profile. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --remoteentityid, -r Remote entity Id --useridmapping, -g File name of local to remote user Id mapping. Format <local-user-id>|<remote-user-id> [--spec, -c] Specify metadata specification, either idff or saml2, defaults to saml2 ssoadm do-migration70 Migrate organization to realm. Usage: ssoadm do-migration70 --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --entrydn, -e Distinguished name of organization to be migrated. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. ssoadm embedded-status Status of embedded store. Usage: ssoadm embedded-status --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --port, -p Embedded store port [--password, -w] Embedded store password ssoadm export-entity Export entity. Usage: ssoadm export-entity --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --entityid, -y Entity ID --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--extended-data-file, -x] Extended data [--meta-data-file, -m] Metadata [--realm, -e] Realm where data resides [--sign, -g] Set this flag to sign the metadata [--spec, -c] Specify metadata specification, either wsfed, idff or saml2, defaults to saml2 ssoadm export-server Export a server instance. Usage: ssoadm export-server --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --servername, -s Server name [--outfile, -o] Filename where configuration was written. ssoadm export-svc-cfg Export service configuration. In production environments, you should back up the service configuration using file system utilities or the export-ldif command. Note that export-ldif/import-ldif commands must be on the same deployment where the encryption keys are located. Usage: ssoadm export-svc-cfg --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --encryptsecret, -e Secret key for encrypting password. Any arbitrary value can be specified. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--outfile, -o] Filename where configuration was written. ssoadm get-attr-choicevals Get choice values of attribute schema. Usage: ssoadm get-attr-choicevals --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --attributename, -a Name of attribute. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --schematype, -t Type of schema. --servicename, -s Name of service. [--subschemaname, -c] Name of sub schema. ssoadm get-attr-defs Get default attribute values in schema. Usage: ssoadm get-attr-defs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --schematype, -t Type of schema. One of dynamic, global, or organization (meaning realm). --servicename, -s Name of service. [--attributenames, -a] Attribute name(s). [--subschemaname, -c] Name of sub schema. ssoadm get-auth-cfg-entr Get authentication configuration entries Usage: ssoadm get-auth-cfg-entr --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --name, -m Name of authentication configuration. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm get-auth-instance Get authentication instance values Usage: ssoadm get-auth-instance --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --name, -m Name of authentication instance. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm get-identity Get identity property values Usage: ssoadm get-identity --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --idname, -i Name of identity. --idtype, -t Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--attributenames, -a] Attribute name(s). All attribute values shall be returned if the option is not provided. ssoadm get-identity-svcs Get the service in an identity Usage: ssoadm get-identity-svcs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --idname, -i Name of identity. --idtype, -t Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm get-realm Get realm property values. Usage: ssoadm get-realm --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. --servicename, -s Name of service. ssoadm get-realm-svc-attrs Get realm’s service attribute values. Usage: ssoadm get-realm-svc-attrs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. --servicename, -s Name of service. ssoadm get-recording-status Get the status of recording operations. Usage: ssoadm get-recording-status --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --servername, -s Server name, e.g. ssoadm get-revision-number Get service schema revision number. Usage: ssoadm get-revision-number --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --servicename, -s Name of service. ssoadm get-sub-cfg Get sub configuration. Usage: ssoadm get-sub-cfg --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --servicename, -s Name of service. --subconfigname, -g Name of sub configuration. [--realm, -e] Name of realm (Sub Configuration shall be retrieved from the global configuration if this option is not provided). ssoadm get-svrcfg-xml Get server configuration XML from centralized data store Usage: ssoadm get-svrcfg-xml --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --servername, -s Server name, e.g. [--outfile, -o] File name where serverconfig XML is written. ssoadm import-bulk-fed-data Import bulk federation data which is generated by 'do-bulk-federation' sub command. Usage: ssoadm import-bulk-fed-data --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --bulk-data-file, -g File name of bulk federation data which is generated by 'do-bulk-federation' sub command. --metaalias, -m Specify metaAlias for local provider. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--spec, -c] Specify metadata specification, either idff or saml2, defaults to saml2 ssoadm import-entity Import entity. Usage: ssoadm import-entity --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--cot, -t] Specify name of the Circle of Trust this entity belongs. [--extended-data-file, -x] Specify file name for the extended entity configuration to be imported.<web>Extended entity configuration to be imported. [--meta-data-file, -m] Specify file name for the standard metadata to be imported.<web>Standard metadata to be imported. [--realm, -e] Realm where entity resides. [--spec, -c] Specify metadata specification, either wsfed, idff or saml2, defaults to saml2 ssoadm import-server Import a server instance. Usage: ssoadm import-server --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --servername, -s Server name --xmlfile, -X XML file that contains configuration. ssoadm import-svc-cfg Import service configuration. In production environments, you should restore the service configuration using file system utilities or the import-ldif command. Note that import-ldif/export-ldif commands must be on the same deployment where the encryption keys are located. Usage: ssoadm import-svc-cfg --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --encryptsecret, -e Secret key for decrypting password. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --xmlfile, -X XML file that contains configuration data. ssoadm list-agent-grp-members List agents in agent group. Usage: ssoadm list-agent-grp-members --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --agentgroupname, -b Name of agent group. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--filter, -x] Filter (Pattern). ssoadm list-agent-grps List agent groups. Usage: ssoadm list-agent-grps --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--agenttype, -t] Type of agent. e.g. J2EEAgent, WebAgent [--filter, -x] Filter (Pattern). ssoadm list-agents List agent configurations. Usage: ssoadm list-agents --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--agenttype, -t] Type of agent. e.g. J2EEAgent, WebAgent [--filter, -x] Filter (Pattern). ssoadm list-app-privs List policy set privileges in a realm. Usage: ssoadm list-app-privs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Realm name ssoadm list-appl-types List application types. Usage: ssoadm list-appl-types --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. ssoadm list-appls List policy set in a realm. Usage: ssoadm list-appls --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Realm name ssoadm list-auth-cfgs List authentication configurations Usage: ssoadm list-auth-cfgs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm list-auth-instances List authentication instances Usage: ssoadm list-auth-instances --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm list-cot-members List the members in a circle of trust. Usage: ssoadm list-cot-members --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --cot, -t Circle of Trust --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--realm, -e] Realm where circle of trust resides [--spec, -c] Specify metadata specification, either wsfed, idff or saml2, defaults to saml2 ssoadm list-cots List circles of trust. Usage: ssoadm list-cots --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--realm, -e] Realm where circle of trusts reside ssoadm list-datastore-types List the supported data store types Usage: ssoadm list-datastore-types --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. ssoadm list-datastores List data stores under a realm Usage: ssoadm list-datastores --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm list-entities List entities under a realm. Usage: ssoadm list-entities --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--realm, -e] Realm where entities reside. [--spec, -c] Specify metadata specification, either wsfed, idff or saml2, defaults to saml2 ssoadm list-identities List identities in a realm Usage: ssoadm list-identities --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --filter, -x Filter (Pattern). --idtype, -t Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm list-identity-assignable-svcs List the assignable service to an identity Usage: ssoadm list-identity-assignable-svcs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --idname, -i Name of identity. --idtype, -t Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm list-realm-assignable-svcs List the assignable services to a realm. Usage: ssoadm list-realm-assignable-svcs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm list-realms List realms by name. Usage: ssoadm list-realms --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm where search begins. [--filter, -x] Filter (Pattern). [--recursive, -r] Search recursively ssoadm list-res-bundle List resource bundle in data store. Usage: ssoadm list-res-bundle --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --bundlename, -b Resource Bundle Name. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--bundlelocale, -o] Locale of the resource bundle. ssoadm list-server-cfg List server configuration. Usage: ssoadm list-server-cfg --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --servername, -s Server name, e.g. or enter default to list default server configuration. [--withdefaults, -w] Set this flag to get default configuration. ssoadm list-servers List all server instances. Usage: ssoadm list-servers --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. ssoadm list-sessions List stateful sessions. Usage: ssoadm list-sessions --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --host, -t Host Name. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--filter, -x] Filter (Pattern). [--quiet, -q] Do not prompt for session invalidation. ssoadm list-sites List all sites. Usage: ssoadm list-sites --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. ssoadm list-xacml Export policies in realm as XACML. Usage: ssoadm list-xacml --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--namesonly, -n] Returns only names of matching policies. Policies are not returned. [--outfile, -o] Filename where policy definition will be printed to. Definition will be printed in standard output if this option is not provided. [--policynames, -p] Names of policy. This can be a wildcard. All policy definition in the realm will be returned if this option is not provided. ssoadm policy-export Export policy configuration for a given realm Usage: ssoadm policy-export --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --jsonfile, -J JSON file for which to write the policy model to. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Realm name --servername, -s Server name, e.g. ssoadm policy-import Import policy model into a given realm Usage: ssoadm policy-import --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --jsonfile, -J JSON file containing the policy model to be imported. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Realm name --servername, -s Server name, e.g. ssoadm register-auth-module Registers authentication module. Usage: ssoadm register-auth-module --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --authmodule, -a Java class name of authentication module. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. ssoadm remove-agent-from-grp Remove agents from a agent group. Usage: ssoadm remove-agent-from-grp --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --agentgroupname, -b Name of agent group. --agentnames, -s Names of agents. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm remove-app-priv-resources Remove policy set privilege resources. Usage: ssoadm remove-app-priv-resources --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --application, -t Policy set name --name, -m Name for the this delegation --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Realm name [--resources, -r] Resources to removed, All resources in the policy set will be removed if this option is absent. ssoadm remove-app-priv-subjects Remove policy set privilege subjects. Usage: ssoadm remove-app-priv-subjects --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --name, -m Name for the this delegation --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Realm name --subjects, -s Subject name --subjecttype, -b Possible values are User or Group ssoadm remove-app-privs Remove policy set privileges. Usage: ssoadm remove-app-privs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --names, -m Names of policy set privileges to be removed --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Realm name ssoadm remove-attr-choicevals Remove choice values from attribute schema. Usage: ssoadm remove-attr-choicevals --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --attributename, -a Name of attribute. --choicevalues, -k Choice values e.g. Inactive --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --schematype, -t Type of schema. --servicename, -s Name of service. [--subschemaname, -c] Name of sub schema. ssoadm remove-attr-defs Remove default attribute values in schema. Usage: ssoadm remove-attr-defs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --attributenames, -a Attribute name(s). --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --schematype, -t Type of schema. --servicename, -s Name of service. [--subschemaname, -c] Name of sub schema. ssoadm remove-cot-member Remove a member from a circle of trust. Usage: ssoadm remove-cot-member --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --cot, -t Circle of Trust --entityid, -y Entity ID --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--realm, -e] Realm where circle of trust resides [--spec, -c] Specify metadata specification, either wsfed, idff or saml2, defaults to saml2 ssoadm remove-member Remove membership of identity from another identity Usage: ssoadm remove-member --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --idname, -i Name of identity. --idtype, -t Type of Identity --memberidname, -m Name of identity that is member. --memberidtype, -y Type of Identity of member such as User, Role and Group. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm remove-plugin-schema Add Plug-in interface to service. Usage: ssoadm remove-plugin-schema --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --interfacename, -i Name of interface. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --pluginname, -g Name of Plug-in. --servicename, -s Name of service. ssoadm remove-privileges Remove privileges from an identity Usage: ssoadm remove-privileges --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --idname, -i Name of identity. --idtype, -t Type of Identity such as Role and Group. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --privileges, -g Name of privileges to be removed. Privilege names are AgentAdmin, ApplicationModifyAccess, ApplicationReadAccess, ApplicationTypesReadAccess, ConditionTypesReadAccess, DecisionCombinersReadAccess, EntitlementRestAccess, FederationAdmin, LogAdmin, LogRead, LogWrite, PolicyAdmin, PrivilegeRestAccess, PrivilegeRestReadAccess, RealmAdmin, RealmReadAccess, ResourceTypeModifyAccess, ResourceTypeReadAccess, SubjectAttributesReadAccess, and SubjectTypesReadAccess. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm remove-res-bundle Remove resource bundle from data store. Usage: ssoadm remove-res-bundle --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --bundlename, -b Resource Bundle Name. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--bundlelocale, -o] Locale of the resource bundle. ssoadm remove-server-cfg Remove server configuration. Usage: ssoadm remove-server-cfg --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --propertynames, -a Name of properties to be removed. --servername, -s Server name, e.g. or enter default to remove default server configuration. ssoadm remove-site-members Remove members from a site. Usage: ssoadm remove-site-members --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --servernames, -e Server names, e.g. --sitename, -s Site name, e.g. mysite ssoadm remove-site-sec-urls Remove Site Secondary URLs. Usage: ssoadm remove-site-sec-urls --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --secondaryurls, -a Secondary URLs --sitename, -s Site name, e.g. mysite ssoadm remove-sub-schema Remove sub schema. Usage: ssoadm remove-sub-schema --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --schematype, -t Type of schema. --servicename, -s Name of service. --subschemanames, -a Name(s) of sub schema to be removed. [--subschemaname, -c] Name of parent sub schema. ssoadm remove-svc-attrs Remove service attribute values in a realm. Usage: ssoadm remove-svc-attrs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. --servicename, -s Name of service. [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values to be removed e.g. homeaddress=here. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values to be removed. ssoadm remove-svc-identity Remove Service from an identity Usage: ssoadm remove-svc-identity --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --idname, -i Name of identity. --idtype, -t Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. --servicename, -s Name of service. ssoadm remove-svc-realm Remove service from a realm. Usage: ssoadm remove-svc-realm --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. --servicename, -s Name of service to be removed. ssoadm set-appl Set policy set attributes. Usage: ssoadm set-appl --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --name, -m Policy set name --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Realm name [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values e.g. applicationType=iPlanetAMWebAgentService. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values data. Possible attributes are resources, subjects, conditions, actions, searchIndexImpl, saveIndexImpl, resourceComparator, subjectAttributeNames and entitlementCombiner. ssoadm set-attr-any Set any member of attribute schema. Usage: ssoadm set-attr-any --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --any, -y Attribute Schema Any value --attributeschema, -a Name of attribute schema --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --schematype, -t Type of schema. --servicename, -s Name of service. [--subschemaname, -c] Name of sub schema. ssoadm set-attr-bool-values Set boolean values of attribute schema. Usage: ssoadm set-attr-bool-values --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --attributename, -a Name of attribute. --falsei18nkey, -j Internationalization key for false value. --falsevalue, -z Value for false. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --schematype, -t Type of schema. --servicename, -s Name of service. --truei18nkey, -k Internationalization key for true value. --truevalue, -e Value for true. [--subschemaname, -c] Name of sub schema. ssoadm set-attr-choicevals Set choice values of attribute schema. Usage: ssoadm set-attr-choicevals --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --attributename, -a Name of attribute. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --schematype, -t Type of schema. --servicename, -s Name of service. [--add, -p] Set this flag to append the choice values to existing ones. [--choicevalues, -k] Choice value e.g. o102=Inactive. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values data. [--subschemaname, -c] Name of sub schema. ssoadm set-attr-defs Set default attribute values in schema. Usage: ssoadm set-attr-defs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --schematype, -t Type of schema. --servicename, -s Name of service. [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values e.g. homeaddress=here. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values data. [--subschemaname, -c] Name of sub schema. ssoadm set-attr-end-range Set attribute schema end range. Usage: ssoadm set-attr-end-range --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --attributeschema, -a Name of attribute schema --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --range, -r End range --schematype, -t Type of schema. --servicename, -s Name of service. [--subschemaname, -c] Name of sub schema. ssoadm set-attr-i18n-key Set i18nKey member of attribute schema. Usage: ssoadm set-attr-i18n-key --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --attributeschema, -a Name of attribute schema --i18nkey, -k Attribute Schema I18n Key --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --schematype, -t Type of schema. --servicename, -s Name of service. [--subschemaname, -c] Name of sub schema. ssoadm set-attr-start-range Set attribute schema start range. Usage: ssoadm set-attr-start-range --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --attributeschema, -a Name of attribute schema --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --range, -r Start range --schematype, -t Type of schema. --servicename, -s Name of service. [--subschemaname, -c] Name of sub schema. ssoadm set-attr-syntax Set syntax member of attribute schema. Usage: ssoadm set-attr-syntax --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --attributeschema, -a Name of attribute schema --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --schematype, -t Type of schema. --servicename, -s Name of service. --syntax, -x Attribute Schema Syntax [--subschemaname, -c] Name of sub schema. ssoadm set-attr-type Set type member of attribute schema. Usage: ssoadm set-attr-type --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --attributeschema, -a Name of attribute schema --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --schematype, -t Type of schema. --servicename, -s Name of service. --type, -p Attribute Schema Type [--subschemaname, -c] Name of sub schema. ssoadm set-attr-ui-type Set UI type member of attribute schema. Usage: ssoadm set-attr-ui-type --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --attributeschema, -a Name of attribute schema --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --schematype, -t Type of schema. --servicename, -s Name of service. --uitype, -p Attribute Schema UI Type [--subschemaname, -c] Name of sub schema. ssoadm set-attr-validator Set attribute schema validator. Usage: ssoadm set-attr-validator --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --attributeschema, -a Name of attribute schema --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --schematype, -t Type of schema. --servicename, -s Name of service. --validator, -r validator class name [--subschemaname, -c] Name of sub schema. ssoadm set-attr-view-bean-url Set properties view bean URL member of attribute schema. Usage: ssoadm set-attr-view-bean-url --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --attributeschema, -a Name of attribute schema --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --schematype, -t Type of schema. --servicename, -s Name of service. --url, -r Attribute Schema Properties View Bean URL [--subschemaname, -c] Name of sub schema. ssoadm set-entitlement-conf Set entitlements service configuration Usage: ssoadm set-entitlement-conf --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values e.g. evalThreadSize=4. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values data. Possible attributes are evalThreadSize, searchThreadSize, policyCacheSize and indexCacheSize. ssoadm set-identity-attrs Set attribute values of an identity Usage: ssoadm set-identity-attrs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --idname, -i Name of identity. --idtype, -t Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values e.g. homeaddress=here. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values data. ssoadm set-identity-svc-attrs Set service attribute values of an identity Usage: ssoadm set-identity-svc-attrs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --idname, -i Name of identity. --idtype, -t Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. --servicename, -s Name of service. [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values e.g. homeaddress=here. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values data. ssoadm set-inheritance Set Inheritance value of Sub Schema. Usage: ssoadm set-inheritance --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --inheritance, -r Value of Inheritance. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --schematype, -t Type of schema. --servicename, -s Name of service. --subschemaname, -c Name of sub schema. ssoadm set-plugin-viewbean-url Set properties view bean URL of plug-in schema. Usage: ssoadm set-plugin-viewbean-url --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --interfacename, -i Name of interface. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --pluginname, -g Name of Plug-in. --servicename, -s Name of service. --url, -r Properties view bean URL. ssoadm set-realm-attrs Set attribute values of a realm. Usage: ssoadm set-realm-attrs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. --servicename, -s Name of service. [--append, -p] Set this flag to append the values to existing ones. [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values e.g. homeaddress=here. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values data. ssoadm set-realm-svc-attrs Set attribute values of a service that is assigned to a realm. Long content for an attribute can be supplied in a file by appending '-file' to the attribute name, and giving the filename as the value. Usage: ssoadm set-realm-svc-attrs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. --servicename, -s Name of service. [--append, -p] Set this flag to append the values to existing ones. [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values e.g. homeaddress=here. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values data. ssoadm set-revision-number Set service schema revision number. Usage: ssoadm set-revision-number --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --revisionnumber, -r Revision Number --servicename, -s Name of service. ssoadm set-site-id Set the ID of a site. Usage: ssoadm set-site-id --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --siteid, -i Site’s ID, e.g. 10 --sitename, -s Site name, e.g. mysite ssoadm set-site-pri-url Set the primary URL of a site. Usage: ssoadm set-site-pri-url --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --sitename, -s Site name, e.g. mysite --siteurl, -i Site’s primary URL, e.g. ssoadm set-site-sec-urls Set Site Secondary URLs. Usage: ssoadm set-site-sec-urls --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --secondaryurls, -a Secondary URLs --sitename, -s Site name, e.g. mysite ssoadm set-sub-cfg Set sub configuration. Long content for an attribute can be supplied in a file by appending '-file' to the attribute name, and giving the filename as the value. Usage: ssoadm set-sub-cfg --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --operation, -o Operation (either add/set/delete) to be performed on the sub configuration. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --servicename, -s Name of service. --subconfigname, -g Name of sub configuration. [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values e.g. homeaddress=here. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values data. [--realm, -e] Name of realm (Sub Configuration shall be set to global configuration if this option is not provided). ssoadm set-svc-attrs Set service attribute values in a realm. Long content for an attribute can be supplied in a file by appending '-file' to the attribute name, and giving the filename as the value. Usage: ssoadm set-svc-attrs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. --servicename, -s Name of service. [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values e.g. homeaddress=here. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values data. ssoadm set-svc-i18n-key Set service schema i18n key. Usage: ssoadm set-svc-i18n-key --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --i18nkey, -k I18n Key. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --servicename, -s Name of service. ssoadm set-svc-view-bean-url Set service schema properties view bean URL. Usage: ssoadm set-svc-view-bean-url --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --servicename, -s Name of service. --url, -r Service Schema Properties View Bean URL ssoadm set-svrcfg-xml Set server configuration XML to centralized data store Usage: ssoadm set-svrcfg-xml --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --servername, -s Server name, e.g. --xmlfile, -X XML file that contains configuration. ssoadm show-agent Show agent profile. Usage: ssoadm show-agent --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --agentname, -b Name of agent. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--includepassword, -p] Include the hashed password in the export. [--inherit, -i] Set this to inherit properties from parent group. [--outfile, -o] Filename where configuration is written to. ssoadm show-agent-grp Show agent group profile. Usage: ssoadm show-agent-grp --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --agentgroupname, -b Name of agent group. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--outfile, -o] Filename where configuration is written to. ssoadm show-agent-membership List agent’s membership. Usage: ssoadm show-agent-membership --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --agentname, -b Name of agent. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm show-agent-types Show agent types. Usage: ssoadm show-agent-types --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. ssoadm show-app-priv Show policy set privilege. Usage: ssoadm show-app-priv --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --name, -m Name of policy set privilege --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Realm name ssoadm show-appl Show policy set attributes. Usage: ssoadm show-appl --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --name, -m Policy set name --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Realm name ssoadm show-appl-type Show application type details. Usage: ssoadm show-appl-type --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --name, -m Application Type name --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. ssoadm show-auth-modules Show the supported authentication modules in the system. Usage: ssoadm show-auth-modules --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. ssoadm show-data-types Show the supported data type in the system. Usage: ssoadm show-data-types --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. ssoadm show-datastore Show data store profile. Usage: ssoadm show-datastore --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --name, -m Name of datastore. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm show-entitlement-conf Display entitlements service configuration Usage: ssoadm show-entitlement-conf --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. ssoadm show-identity-ops Show the allowed operations of an identity a realm Usage: ssoadm show-identity-ops --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --idtype, -t Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm show-identity-svc-attrs Show the service attribute values of an identity Usage: ssoadm show-identity-svc-attrs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --idname, -i Name of identity. --idtype, -t Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. --servicename, -s Name of service. ssoadm show-identity-types Show the supported identity type in a realm Usage: ssoadm show-identity-types --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm show-members Show the members of an identity. For example show the members of a role Usage: ssoadm show-members --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --idname, -i Name of identity. --idtype, -t Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group. --membershipidtype, -m Membership identity type. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm show-memberships Show the memberships of an identity. For sample show the memberships of an user. Usage: ssoadm show-memberships --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --idname, -i Name of identity. --idtype, -t Type of Identity such as User, Role and Group. --membershipidtype, -m Membership identity type. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm show-privileges Show privileges assigned to an identity Usage: ssoadm show-privileges --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --idname, -i Name of identity. --idtype, -t Type of Identity such Role and Group. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. ssoadm show-realm-svcs Show services in a realm. Usage: ssoadm show-realm-svcs --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--mandatory, -y] Include Mandatory services. ssoadm show-site Show site profile. Usage: ssoadm show-site --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --sitename, -s Site name, e.g. mysite ssoadm show-site-members Display members of a site. Usage: ssoadm show-site-members --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --sitename, -s Site name, e.g. mysite ssoadm start-recording Start recording a bundle that contains troubleshooting information, including debug logs, thread dumps, and environment information. Usage: ssoadm start-recording --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --jsonfile, -J JSON control file for a recording operation. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --servername, -s Server name, e.g. ssoadm stop-recording Stop an active recording operation. Usage: ssoadm stop-recording --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --servername, -s Server name, e.g. ssoadm unregister-auth-module Unregisters authentication module. Usage: ssoadm unregister-auth-module --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --authmodule, -a Java class name of authentication module. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. ssoadm update-agent Update agent configuration. Usage: ssoadm update-agent --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --agentname, -b Name of agent. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--attributevalues, -a] Properties e.g. homeaddress=here. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains properties. [--set, -s] Set this flag to overwrite properties values. ssoadm update-agent-grp Update agent group configuration. Usage: ssoadm update-agent-grp --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --agentgroupname, -b Name of agent group. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--attributevalues, -a] Properties e.g. homeaddress=here. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains properties. [--set, -s] Set this flag to overwrite properties values. ssoadm update-app-priv Update a policy set privilege. Usage: ssoadm update-app-priv --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --name, -m Name for the this delegation --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Realm name [--actions, -a] Possible values are READ, MODIFY, DELEGATE, ALL [--description, -p] Description for the this delegation. ssoadm update-app-priv-resources Set policy set privilege resources. Usage: ssoadm update-app-priv-resources --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --application, -t Policy set name --name, -m Name for the this delegation --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Realm name [--add, -p] Resources are added to this policy set if this option is set. Otherwise, resources in the current policy set privilege will be overwritten. [--resources, -r] Resources to delegate, All resources in the policy set will be delegated if this option is absent. ssoadm update-app-priv-subjects Set policy set privilege subjects. Usage: ssoadm update-app-priv-subjects --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --name, -m Name for the this delegation --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Realm name --subjects, -s Subject name --subjecttype, -b Possible values are User or Group [--add, -p] Subjects are added to this policy set if this option is set. Otherwise, subjects in the current policy set privilege will be overwritten. ssoadm update-auth-cfg-entr Set authentication configuration entries Usage: ssoadm update-auth-cfg-entr --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --name, -m Name of authentication configuration. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains formatted authentication configuration entries in this format name|flag|options. option can be REQUIRED, OPTIONAL, SUFFICIENT, REQUISITE. e.g. myauthmodule|REQUIRED|my options. [--entries, -a] formatted authentication configuration entries in this format name|flag|options. option can be REQUIRED, OPTIONAL, SUFFICIENT, REQUISITE. e.g. myauthmodule|REQUIRED|my options. ssoadm update-auth-cfg-props Set authentication configuration properties Usage: ssoadm update-auth-cfg-props --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --name, -m Name of authentication configuration. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--attributevalues, -a] authentication configuration properties, valid configuration keys are: iplanet-am-auth-login-failure-url, iplanet-am-auth-login-success-url and iplanet-am-auth-post-login-process-class. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains authentication configuration properties. ssoadm update-auth-instance Update authentication instance values Usage: ssoadm update-auth-instance --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --name, -m Name of authentication instance. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values e.g. homeaddress=here. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values data. ssoadm update-datastore Update data store profile. Usage: ssoadm update-datastore --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --name, -m Name of datastore. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --realm, -e Name of realm. [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values e.g. sunIdRepoClass=com.sun.identity.idm.plugins.files.FilesRepo. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values data. ssoadm update-entity-keyinfo Update XML signing and encryption key information in hosted entity metadata. Usage: ssoadm update-entity-keyinfo --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --entityid, -y Entity ID --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. [--idpecertalias, -g] Identity provider encryption certificate aliases. [--idpscertalias, -b] Identity provider signing certificate aliases [--realm, -e] Realm where entity resides. [--specertalias, -r] Service provider encryption certificate aliases [--spec, -c] Specify metadata specification, either wsfed, idff or saml2, defaults to saml2 [--spscertalias, -a] Service provider signing certificate aliases ssoadm update-server-cfg Update server configuration. Usage: ssoadm update-server-cfg --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --servername, -s Server name, e.g. or enter default to update default server configuration. [--attributevalues, -a] Attribute values e.g. homeaddress=here. [--datafile, -D] Name of file that contains attribute values data. ssoadm update-svc Update service. Usage: ssoadm update-svc --options [--global-options] .Options --adminid, -u Administrator ID of running the command. --password-file, -f File name that contains password of administrator. --xmlfile, -X XML file(s) that contains schema. [--continue, -c] Continue updating service if one or more previous services cannot be updated. Preface Configuration Reference