Salesforce Sample - Salesforce With the Salesforce Connector OpenIDM 6.2 provides a Salesforce Connector that enables provisioning, reconciliation, and synchronization with a Salesforce organization. The Salesforce Connector is not an OpenICF connector, but a separate OpenIDM module, based on the Open Identity Platform Common Resource API. The Salesforce Connector, and this corresponding sample, are provided only with the OpenIDM Enterprise build, available on the GitHub. This sample demonstrates the creation and update of users from OpenIDM to Salesforce, and from Salesforce to OpenIDM. You can use either the Admin UI, or the command line to run this sample. Both methods are outlined in the sections that follow. Before you Start This sample requires that you have a Salesforce account, and a Connected App with OAuth enabled. For more information about Connected Apps, see the Connected Apps Overview in the Salesforce documentation. To set up a Connected App for OpenIDM, follow these steps: Log in to with your Salesforce credentials. Click Setup in the top right corner. In the left hand menu, under Build, expand the Create item and click Apps. On the right hand panel, scroll down to Connected Apps and click New. In the New Connected App panel, enter the following Basic Information: Connected App Name. Enter a name that you will recognize as the OpenIDM App, for example, OpenIDM. API Name. This field defaults to the Connected App Name, but you can change it. Note that the Application API Name can only contain underscores and alphanumeric characters. The name must be unique, begin with a letter, not include spaces, not end with an underscore, and not contain two consecutive underscores. Contact Email. Enter the email address of the person responsible for this Connected App within your organization. Select Enable OAuth Settings and enter the following information: Callback URL. Enter the OpenIDM URL, to which the requested OAuth token will be sent, for example https://localhost:8443/admin/oauth.html. Selected OAuth Scopes. Click the Add button to add the following Available Auth Scopes to the Selected OAuth Scopes column: Access and manage your data Access your basic information Perform requests on your behalf at any time + You can leave the remaining fields blank. Click Save to create the new Connected App. The next window displays your new Connected App. Under the API (Enable OAuth Settings) item, the Consumer Key and a link to the Consumer Secret are displayed. Click the link to reveal the Consumer Secret. OpenIDM requires the Consumer Key and Secret to obtain an access token and a refresh token for access to Copy and paste both the key and the secret into a file for use when you set up the sample. To demonstrate the reconciliation of users from Salesforce to OpenIDM, your Salesforce organization should contain at least a few users. Add these users now if your Salesforce organization is empty. Install the Sample Prepare OpenIDM as described in "Preparing OpenIDM", then start OpenIDM with the configuration for the Salesforce sample. $ cd /path/to/openidm $ ./ -p samples/salesforce-connector Running the Sample by Using the Admin UI The Admin UI is the recommended way to test this sample. Log in to the Admin UI at the URL https://localhost:8443/admin as the default administrative user (openidm-admin) with password openidm-admin. To protect your deployment in production, change the default administrative password. To do so, navigate to the Self-Service UI at https://localhost:8443/ and click Change Password. The Resources tab shows the Salesforce connector, which is currently disabled. Enable the Salesforce connector by completing the authentication details as follows. You will need the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret that you obtained in the previous section. Click on the Salesforce connector and click Edit to open the Edit Connector dialog. Select True from the Enabled list. Select Salesforce Connector from the Connector Type list. Under Basic Connector Details select the Sandbox URL (for the purposes of testing the sample) and enter the Connector Key and Secret that you obtained in the previous section. You can leave the default LiveSync details for now. Click Update to update the connector configuration. On the permission request screen click Allow, to enable OpenIDM to access your Salesforce Connected App. In the current OpenIDM release, an issue is occasionally seen where the system appears to time out while retrieving the refresh token from Salesforce, at this stage. If this happens, refresh your browser and attempt the connector setup again. On the Resources tab, your Salesforce Connector should now be Active. To test the reconciliation process, select the Mappings tab. This tab shows two configured mappings, one from Salesforce to the OpenIDM repository (managed/user) and one from the OpenIDM repository to Salesforce. Click anywhere on the first mapping and click Reconcile Now. The reconciliation operation creates the users that were present in your Salesforce organization in the OpenIDM repository. Retrieve the users in the repository. In the upper-right of the screen, click the openidm-admin link. In the pop-up menu that appears, click the Data Management View link. This link opens the Self-Service UI. If you did not change your password in the first step, you are prompted to change your password again. You can bypass this by clicking X to close the password prompt window. Select the Users tab. The users from the Salesforce organization have been reconciled to the OpenIDM repository. If the reconciliation was successful, the list of users displayed here should reflect what was in your Salesforce organization. To retrieve the details of a specific user, click that username on the Users tab. The following image shows the details of user bjensen. Scroll down. Note the Linked Systems panel that shows the corresponding user record in Salesforce. To test the second mapping (from OpenIDM to Salesforce), update any user in the OpenIDM repository. For example, update Babs Jensen’s username. By default, implicit synchronization is enabled for mappings from the managed/user repository to any external resource. This means that when you update a managed object, any mappings defined in the sync.json file that have the managed object as the source are automatically executed to update the target system. For more information, see "Mapping Source Objects to Target Objects" in the Integrator’s Guide. To test that the implicit synchronization has been successful, look at Babs Jensen’s record in the Self-Service UI. At the bottom of the user profile, the Linked Systems panel indicates Babs Jensen’s record in the Salesforce data store. Note the changed Username. Alternatively, check the updated user record in Salesforce. Running the Sample by Using the Command Line Running the sample by using the command line is a little more complex. This section breaks the sample into two tasks - configuring the connector, and then testing the configuration by running reconciliation operations between the two systems. To Set Up the Salesforce Connector Before you start, you will need the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret that you obtained in the previous section. Obtain the refresh token from by pointing your browser to the following URL. Substitute your Consumer Key for CLIENT_ID. If OpenIDM is not running on the localhost, substitute the appropriate hostname and port number in the value of the redirect_uri parameter. You are redirected to Salesforce, and prompted to give this application access to your Salesforce account. When you have given consent, you should receive a response URL that looks similar to the following: https://localhost:8443/admin/index.html#connectors/edit//&code=aPrxJZTK7Rs03PU634VK8Jn9o_U3ZY1ERxM7IiklF... The &code part of this URL is an authorization code, that you need for the following step. Note that this authorization code expires after 10 minutes. If you do not complete the OAuth flow within that time, you will need to start this process again. Copy the authorization code from the response URL and use it as the value of the "code" parameter in the following REST call. You will also need to supply your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret in this call. $ curl \ --verbose \ --data "grant_type=authorization_code" \ --data "client_id=consumer-key" \ --data "client_secret=consumer-secret" \ --data "redirect_uri=https://localhost:8443/admin/oauth.html" \ --data "code=access-token-code" \ "" { "access_token": "00DS0000003K4fU!AQMAQOzEU.8tCjg8Wk79yKPKCtrtaszX5jrHtoT4NBpJ8x2NFZGjg3PNuc0TWq0EgiGS_mVkfg5f4pVN5...", "signature": "2uREX1lseXdg3Vng/2+Hrlo/KHOWYoim+poj74wKFtw=", "refresh_token": "5Aep861KIwKdekr90I4iHdtDgWwRoG7O_6uHrgJ.yVtMS0UaGxRqE6WFM77W7wCV4muVMgdqKjuWI2i5S6sjN2X", "token_type": "Bearer", "instance_url": "", "scope": "id api refresh_token", "issued_at": "1417182949781", "id": "" } The output includes an access_token and a refresh_token. You will need the refresh_token in the following step. Edit the configurationProperties in your Salesforce connector configuration file (openidm/samples/salesforce-connector/conf/provisioner.salesforce-salesforce.json) to include your Consumer Key (clientID), Consumer Secret (clientSecret), and refresh token. In addition, set the "instanceUrl" to the value returned in the previous step, and set the "enabled" property to true. The relevant excerpts of the provisioner.salesforce-salesforce.json file are as follows: { "name" : "salesforce", "enabled" : true, "connectorRef" : { ... "configurationProperties" : { "connectTimeout" : 120000, "loginUrl" : null, "idleCheckInterval" : 10000, "refreshToken" : "5Aep861KIwKdekr90I4iHdtDgWwRoG7O_6uHrgJ.yVtMS0UaGxRqE6WFM77W7wCV4muVMgdqKjuWI2i5S6sjN2X", "clientSecret" : "4850xxxxxxxxxxxxx425", "clientId" : "3MVG98dostKihXN7Is8Q0g5q1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPdB5f5ATwmaMuWxl", "instanceUrl" : "", "version" : 29 } ... Check that your connector configuration is correct by testing the status of the connector, over REST. $ curl \ --cacert self-signed.crt \ --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \ --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \ --request POST \ "https://localhost:8443/openidm/system?_action=test" [ { "ok": true, "connectorRef": { "bundleVersion": "", "systemType": "provisioner.salesforce", "displayName": "Salesforce Connector", "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openidm.salesforce", "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openidm.salesforce.Salesforce" }, "objectTypes": [ "User", "PermissionSet", "PermissionSetAssignment", "Profile", "PermissionSetLicenseAssign", "Organization", "PermissionSetLicense", "Group", "GroupMember" ], "config": "config/provisioner.salesforce/salesforce", "enabled": true, "name": "salesforce" } ] Run Reconciliation by Using the Command Line The mapping configuration file (sync.json) for this sample includes two mappings, sourceSalesforceUser_managedUser, which synchronizes users from the Salesforce with the OpenIDM repository, and managedUser_sourceSalesforceUser, which synchronizes changes from the OpenIDM repository to Salesforce. Reconcile the repository over the REST interface by running the following command: $ curl \ --cacert self-signed.crt \ --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \ --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \ --request POST \ "https://localhost:8443/openidm/recon?_action=recon&mapping=sourceSalesforceUser_managedUser&waitForCompletion=true" { "state": "SUCCESS", "_id": "8a6281ef-6faf-43dd-af5c-3a842b38c468" } The reconciliation operation returns a reconciliation run ID and the status of the operation. Reconciliation creates user objects from LDAP in the OpenIDM repository, assigning the new objects random unique IDs. View the recon entry over REST for an indication of the actions that were taken on the OpenIDM repository. $ curl \ --cacert self-signed.crt \ --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \ --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \ --request GET \ "https://localhost:8443/openidm/recon/8a6281ef-6faf-43dd-af5c-3a842b38c468" { "duration": 6447, "ended": "2014-11-28T15:01:38.399Z", "started": "2014-11-28T15:01:31.952Z", "parameters": { "null": false, "boolean": false, "number": false, "list": false, "object": { "targetQuery": { "_queryId": "query-all-ids", "resourceName": "managed/user" }, "sourceQuery": { "_queryId": "query-all-ids", "resourceName": "system/salesforce/User" } }, "pointer": { "empty": true }, "transformers": [], "set": false, "map": true, "string": false, "collection": false, "wrappedObject": { "targetQuery": { "resourceName": "managed/user", "_queryId": "query-all-ids" }, "sourceQuery": { "_queryId": "query-all-ids", "resourceName": "system/salesforce/User" } } }, "_id": "8a6281ef-6faf-43dd-af5c-3a842b38c468", "mapping": "sourceSalesforceUser_managedUser", "state": "SUCCESS", "stage": "COMPLETED_SUCCESS", "stageDescription": "reconciliation completed.", "progress": { "links": { "created": 8, "existing": { "total": "0", "processed": 0 } }, "target": { "created": 8, "existing": { "total": "0", "processed": 0 } }, "source": { "existing": { "total": "9", "processed": 9 } } }, "situationSummary": { "FOUND_ALREADY_LINKED": 0, "UNASSIGNED": 0, "TARGET_IGNORED": 0, "SOURCE_IGNORED": 0, "MISSING": 0, "FOUND": 0, "AMBIGUOUS": 0, "UNQUALIFIED": 0, "CONFIRMED": 0, "SOURCE_MISSING": 0, "ABSENT": 9 }, "statusSummary": { "SUCCESS": 8, "FAILURE": 1 } } The output shows that eight entries were created on the target (managed/user). You can display those users by querying the IDs in the managed/user repository. $ curl \ --cacert self-signed.crt \ --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \ --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \ --request GET \ "https://localhost:8443/openidm/managed/user?_queryId=query-all-ids" { "remainingPagedResults": -1, "pagedResultsCookie": null, "resultCount": 8, "result": [ { "_rev": "0", "_id": "f15322f2-5873-4e5f-a4e5-2d4bc03dd190" }, { "_rev": "0", "_id": "85879c60-afa1-4425-8c7a-5cccbbaff587" }, { "_rev": "0", "_id": "ed3fe655-29a6-4016-b6bc-4b2356911fd1" }, { "_rev": "0", "_id": "34678464-c080-41b1-8da6-d5fde9d35aeb" }, { "_rev": "0", "_id": "02d5da29-8349-4f35-affc-5f6c331307ef" }, { "_rev": "0", "_id": "f91d6fce-bf27-4379-9411-fd626f8a9528" }, { "_rev": "0", "_id": "6ace9220-59e7-4d97-8683-e03362a9150c" }, { "_rev": "0", "_id": "56863eea-35d7-4aeb-a017-74ef28fd3116" } ] Google Sample - Connecting to Google With the Google Apps Connector Scripted Kerberos Connector Sample