Extending OpenIDM Functionality By Using Scripts

Scripting enables you to customize various aspects of OpenIDM functionality, for example, by providing custom logic between source and target mappings, defining correlation rules, filters, and triggers, and so on.

OpenIDM 4.5 supports scripts written in JavaScript and Groovy. Script options, and the locations in which OpenIDM expects to find scripts, are configured in the conf/script.json file for your project. For more information, see "Setting the Script Configuration".

OpenIDM includes several default scripts in the following directory install-dir/bin/defaults/script/. Do not modify or remove any of the scripts in this directory. OpenIDM needs these scripts to run specific services. Scripts in this folder are not guaranteed to remain constant between product releases.

If you develop custom scripts, copy them to the script/ directory for your project, for example, path/to/openidm/samples/sample2/script/.

Validating Scripts Over REST

OpenIDM exposes a script endpoint over which scripts can be validated, by specifying the script parameters as part of the JSON payload. This functionality enables you to test how a script will operate in your deployment, with complete control over the inputs and outputs. Testing scripts in this way can be useful in debugging.

In addition, the script registry service supports calls to other scripts. For example, you might have logic written in JavaScript, but also some code available in Groovy. Ordinarily, it would be challenging to interoperate between these two environments, but this script service enables you to call one from the other on the OpenIDM router.

The script endpoint supports two actions - eval and compile.

The eval action evaluates a script, by taking any actions referenced in the script, such as router calls to affect the state of an object. For JavaScript scripts, the last statement that is executed is the value produced by the script, and the expected result of the REST call.

The following REST call attempts to evaluate the autoPurgeAuditRecon.js script (provided in openidm/bin/defaults/script/audit), but provides an incorrect purge type ("purgeByNumOfRecordsToKeep" instead of "purgeByNumOfReconsToKeep"). The error is picked up in the evaluation. The example assumes that the script exists in the directory reserved for custom scripts (openidm/script).

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --request POST \
 --data '{
   "type": "text/javascript",
   "file": "script/autoPurgeAuditRecon.js",
   "globals": {
     "input": {
       "mappings": ["%"],
       "purgeType": "purgeByNumOfRecordsToKeep",
       "numOfRecons": 1
 }' \

"Must choose to either purge by expired or number of recons to keep"

The variables passed into this script are namespaced with the "globals" map. It is preferable to namespace variables passed into scripts in this way, to avoid collisions with the top-level reserved words for script maps, such as file, source, and type.

The compile action compiles a script, but does not execute it. This action is used primarily by the UI, to validate scripts that are entered in the UI. A successful compilation returns true. An unsuccessful compilation returns the reason for the failure.

The following REST call tests whether a transformation script will compile.

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --request POST \
 --data '{
   "source":"source.mail ? source.mail.toLowerCase() : null"
 }' \

If the script is not valid, the action returns an indication of the error, for example:

$ curl \
   --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
   --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
   --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
   --request POST \
   --data '{
       "source":"source.mail ? source.mail.toLowerCase()"
   }' \
    "code": 400,
    "reason": "Bad Request",
    "message": "missing : in conditional expression
        in 3864142CB836831FAB8EAB662F566139CDC22BF2
        at line number 1 at column number 39"

Creating Custom Endpoints to Launch Scripts

Custom endpoints enable you to run arbitrary scripts through the OpenIDM REST URI.

Custom endpoints are configured in files named conf/endpoint-name.json, where name generally describes the purpose of the endpoint. The endpoint configuration file includes an inline script or a reference to a script file, in either JavaScript or Groovy. The referenced script provides the endpoint functionality.

A sample custom endpoint configuration is provided in the openidm/samples/customendpoint directory. The sample includes three files:


Provides the configuration for the endpoint.


Provides the endpoint functionality in JavaScript.


Provides the endpoint functionality in Groovy.

This sample endpoint is described in detail in "Custom Endpoint Sample" in the Samples Guide.

Endpoint configuration files and scripts are discussed further in the following sections.

Creating a Custom Endpoint Configuration File

An endpoint configuration file includes the following elements:

    "context" : "endpoint/linkedView/*",
    "type" : "text/javascript",
    "source" : "require('linkedView').fetch(request.resourcePath);"

string, optional

The context path under which the custom endpoint is registered, in other words, the route to the endpoint. An endpoint with the context endpoint/test is addressable over REST at the URL http://localhost:8080/openidm/endpoint/test or by using a script such as openidm.read("endpoint/test").

Endpoint contexts support wild cards, as shown in the preceding example. The endpoint/linkedview/* route matches the following patterns:


The context parameter is not mandatory in the endpoint configuration file. If you do not include a context, the route to the endpoint is identified by the name of the file. For example, in the sample endpoint configuration provided in openidm/samples/customendpoint/conf/endpoint-echo.json, the route to the endpoint is endpoint/echo.

Note that this context path is not the same as the context chain of the request. For information about the request context chain, see "Understanding the Request Context Chain".


string, required

The type of script to be executed, either text/javascript or groovy.

file or source

The path to the script file, or the script itself, inline.

For example:

"file" : "workflow/gettasksview.js"


"source" : "require('linkedView').fetch(request.resourcePath);"

You must set authorization appropriately for any custom endpoints that you add, for example, by restricting the appropriate methods to the appropriate roles. For more information, see "Authorization".

Writing Custom Endpoint Scripts

The custom endpoint script files in the samples/customendpoint/script directory demonstrate all the HTTP operations that can be called by a script. Each HTTP operation is associated with a method - create, read, update, delete, patch, action or query. Requests sent to the custom endpoint return a list of the variables available to each method.

All scripts are invoked with a global request variable in their scope. This request structure carries all the information about the request.

Read requests on custom endpoints must not modify the state of the resource, either on the client or the server, as this can make them susceptible to CSRF exploits.

The standard OpenIDM READ endpoints are safe from Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) exploits because they are inherently read-only. That is consistent with the Guidelines for Implementation of REST, from the US National Security Agency, as "…​ CSRF protections need only be applied to endpoints that will modify information in some way."

Custom endpoint scripts must return a JSON object. The structure of the return object depends on the method in the request.

The following example shows the create method in the echo.js file:

if (request.method === "create") {
   return {
       method: "create",
       resourceName: request.resourcePath,
       newResourceId: request.newResourceId,
       parameters: request.additionalParameters,
       content: request.content,
       context: context.current

The following example shows the query method in the echo.groovy file:

else if (request instanceof QueryRequest) {
    // query results must be returned as a list of maps
    return [
            method: "query",
            resourceName: request.resourcePath,
            pagedResultsCookie: request.pagedResultsCookie,
            pagedResultsOffset: request.pagedResultsOffset,
            pageSize: request.pageSize,
            queryExpression: request.queryExpression,
            queryId: request.queryId,
            queryFilter: request.queryFilter.toString(),
            parameters: request.additionalParameters,
            context: context.toJsonValue().getObject()

Depending on the method, the variables available to the script can include the following:


The name of the resource, without the endpoint/ prefix, such as echo.


The identifier of the new object, available as the results of a create request.


The revision of the object.


Any additional parameters provided in the request. The sample code returns request parameters from an HTTP GET with ?param=x, as "parameters":{"param":"x"}.


Content based on the latest revision of the object, using getObject.


The context of the request, including headers and security. For more information, see "Understanding the Request Context Chain".

Paging parameters

The pagedResultsCookie, pagedResultsOffset and pageSize parameters are specific to query methods. For more information see "Paging and Counting Query Results".

Query parameters

The queryExpression, queryId and queryFilter parameters are specific to query methods. For more information see "Constructing Queries".

Setting Up Exceptions in Scripts

When you create a custom endpoint script, you might need to build exception-handling logic. To return meaningful messages in REST responses and in logs, you must comply with the language-specific method of throwing errors.

A script written in JavaScript should comply with the following exception format:

throw {
    "code": 400, // any valid HTTP error code
    "message": "custom error message",
    "detail" : {
        "var": parameter1,
        "complexDetailObject" : [

Any exceptions will include the specified HTTP error code, the corresponding HTTP error message, such as Bad Request, a custom error message that can help you diagnose the error, and any additional detail that you think might be helpful.

A script written in Groovy should comply with the following exception format:

import org.forgerock.json.resource.ResourceException
import org.forgerock.json.JsonValue

throw new ResourceException(404, "Your error message").setDetail(new JsonValue([
    "var": "parameter1",
    "complexDetailObject" : [