Managing Users, Groups, Roles and Relationships

OpenIDM provides a default schema for typical managed object types, such as users and roles, but does not control the structure of objects that you store in the OpenIDM repository. You can modify or extend the schema for the default object types, and you can set up a new managed object type for any item that can be collected in a data set. For example, with the right schema, you can set up any device associated with the Internet of Things (IoT).

Managed objects and their properties are defined in your project’s conf/managed.json file. Note that the schema defined in this file is not a comprehensive list of all the properties that can be stored in the managed object repository. If you use a generic object mapping, you can create a managed object with any arbitrary property, and that property will be stored in the repository. For more information about explicit and generic object mappings, see "Using Explicit or Generic Object Mapping With a JDBC Repository".

This chapter describes how to work with the default managed object types and how to create new object types as required by your deployment. For more information about the OpenIDM object model, see "Data Models and Objects Reference".

Creating and Modifying Managed Object Types

If the managed object types provided in the default configuration are not sufficient for your deployment, you can create any number of new managed object types.

The easiest way to create a new managed object type is to use the Admin UI, as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Admin UI URL (https://localhost:8443/admin) then select Configure > Managed Objects > New Managed Object.

  2. Enter a name for the new managed object and, optionally, an icon that will be displayed for that object type in the UI.

    Click Save.

  3. Select the Scripts tab and specify any scripts that should be applied on various events associated with that object type, for example, when an object of that type is created, updated or deleted.

  4. Specify the schema for the object type, that is, the properties that make up the object, and any policies or restrictions that must be applied to the property values.

Click the JSON button on the Schema tab to display the properties in JSON format. You can also create a new managed object type by adding its configuration, in JSON, to your project’s conf/managed.json file. The following excerpt of the managed.json file shows the configuration of a "Phone" object, that was created through the UI.

    "name": "Phone",
    "schema": {
        "$schema": "",
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "brand": {
                "description": "The supplier of the mobile phone",
                "title": "Brand",
                "viewable": true,
                "searchable": true,
                "userEditable": false,
                "policies": [],
                "returnByDefault": false,
                "minLength": "",
                "pattern": "",
                "isVirtual": false,
                "type": "string"
            "assetNumber": {
                "description": "The asset tag number of the mobile device",
                "title": "Asset Number",
                "viewable": true,
                "searchable": true,
                "userEditable": false,
                "policies": [],
                "returnByDefault": false,
                "minLength": "",
                "pattern": "",
                "isVirtual": false,
                "type": "string"
            "model": {
                "description": "The model number of the mobile device, such as 6 plus, Galaxy S4",
                "title": "Model",
                "viewable": true,
                "searchable": false,
                "userEditable": false,
                "policies": [],
                "returnByDefault": false,
                "minLength": "",
                "pattern": "",
                "isVirtual": false,
                "type": "string"
        "required": [],
        "order": [

You can add any arbitrary properties to the schema of a new managed object type. A property definition typically includes the following fields:

  • name - the name of the property

  • title - the name of the property, in human-readable language, used to display the property in the UI

  • description - a description of the property

  • viewable - specifies whether this property is viewable in the object’s profile in the UI). Boolean, true or false (true by default).

  • searchable - specifies whether this property can be searched in the UI. A searchable property is visible within the Managed Object data grid in the Self-Service UI. Note that for a property to be searchable in the UI, it must be indexed in the repository configuration. For information on indexing properties in a repository, see "Using Explicit or Generic Object Mapping With a JDBC Repository".

    Boolean, true or false (false by default).

  • userEditable - specifies whether users can edit the property value in the UI. This property applies in the context of the self-service UI, where users are able to edit certain properties of their own accounts. Boolean, true or false (false by default).

  • minLength - the minimum number of characters that the value of this property must have.

  • pattern - any specific pattern to which the value of the property must adhere. For example, a property whose value is a date might require a specific date format.

  • policies - any policy validation that must be applied to the property. For more information on managed object policies, see "Configuring the Default Policy for Managed Objects".

  • required - specifies whether the property must be supplied when an object of this type is created. Boolean, true or false.

  • type - the data type for the property value; can be String, Array, Boolean, Integer, Number, Object, or Resource Collection.

  • isVirtual - specifies whether the property takes a static value, or whether its value is calculated "on the fly" as the result of a script. Boolean, true or false.

  • returnByDefault - for non-core attributes (virtual attributes and relationship fields), specifies whether the property will be returned in the results of a query on an object of this type if it is not explicitly requested. Virtual attributes and relationship fields are not returned by default. When configured in an array within a relationship, always set to false Boolean, true or false.

Working with Managed Users

User objects that are stored in OpenIDM’s repository are referred to as managed users. For a JDBC repository, OpenIDM stores managed users in the managedobjects table. A second table, managedobjectproperties, serves as the index table. For an OrientDB repository, managed users are stored in the managed_user table.

OpenIDM provides RESTful access to managed users, at the context path /openidm/managed/user. For more information, see "Getting Started With the OpenIDM REST Interface" in the Installation Guide.

Working With Managed Groups

OpenIDM provides support for a managed group object. For a JDBC repository, OpenIDM stores managed groups with all other managed objects, in the managedobjects table, and uses the managedobjectproperties for indexing. For an OrientDB repository, managed groups are stored in the managed_group table.

The managed group object is not provided by default. To use managed groups, add an object similar to the following to your conf/managed.json file:

   "name" : "group"

With this addition, OpenIDM provides RESTful access to managed groups, at the context path /openidm/managed/group.

For an example of a deployment that uses managed groups, see "Sample 2d - Synchronizing LDAP Groups" in the Samples Guide.

Working With Managed Roles

OpenIDM supports two types of roles:

  • Provisioning roles - used to specify how objects are provisioned to an external system.

  • Authorization roles - used to specify the authorization rights of a managed object internally, within OpenIDM.

Provisioning roles are always created as managed roles, at the context path openidm/managed/role/role-name. Provisioning roles are granted to managed users as values of the user’s roles property.

Authorization roles can be created either as managed roles (at the context path openidm/managed/role/role-name) or as internal roles (at the context path openidm/repo/internal/role/role-name). Authorization roles are granted to managed users as values of the user’s authzRoles property.

Both provisioning roles and authorization roles use the relationships mechanism to link the role to the managed object to which it applies. For more information about relationships between objects, see "Managing Relationships Between Objects".

This section describes how to create and use managed roles, either managed provisioning roles, or managed authorization roles. For more information about authorization roles, and how OpenIDM controls authorization to its own endpoints, see "Authorization".

Managed roles are defined like any other managed object, and are granted to users through the relationships mechanism.

A managed role can be granted manually, as a static value of the user’s roles or authzRoles attribute, or dynamically, as a result of a condition or script. For example, a user might be granted a role such as sales-role dynamically, if that user is in the sales organization.

A managed user’s roles and authzRoles attributes take an array of references as a value, where the references point to the managed roles. For example, if user bjensen has been granted two provisioning roles (employee and supervisor), the value of bjensen’s roles attribute would look something like the following:

"roles": [
      "_ref": "managed/role/employee",
      "_refProperties": {
        "_id": "c090818d-57fd-435c-b1b1-bb23f47eaf09",
        "_rev": "1"
      "_ref": "managed/role/supervisor",
      "_refProperties": {
        "_id": "4961912a-e2df-411a-8c0f-8e63b62dbef6",
        "_rev": "1"

The _ref property points to the ID of the managed role that has been granted to the user. This particular example uses a client-assigned ID that is the same as the role name, to make the example easier to understand. All other examples in this chapter use system-assigned IDs. In production, you should use system-assigned IDs for role objects.

The following sections describe how to create, read, update, and delete managed roles, and how to grant roles to users. For information about how roles are used to provision users to external systems, see "Working With Role Assignments". For a sample that demonstrates the basic CRUD operations on roles, see "Roles Samples - Demonstrating the OpenIDM Roles Implementation" in the Samples Guide.

Creating a Role

The easiest way to create a new role is by using the Admin UI. Select Manage > Role and click New Role on the Role List page. Enter a name and description for the new role and click Save.

Optionally, select Enable Condition to define a query filter that will allow this role to be granted to members dynamically. For more information, see "Granting Roles Dynamically".

To create a managed role over REST, send a PUT or POST request to the /openidm/managed/role context path. The following example creates a managed role named employee:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --request POST \
 --data '{
     "name" : "employee",
     "description" : "Role granted to workers on the company payroll"
 }' \
  "_id": "cedadaed-5774-4d65-b4a2-41d455ed524a",
  "_rev": "1",
  "name": "employee",
  "description": "Role granted to workers on the company payroll"

At this stage, the employee role has no corresponding assignments. Assignments are what enables the provisioning logic to the external system. Assignments are created and maintained as separate managed objects, and are referred to within role definitions. For more information about assignments, see "Working With Role Assignments".

Listing Existing Roles

You can display a list of all configured managed roles over REST or by using the Admin UI.

To list the managed roles in the Admin UI, select Manage > Role.

To list the managed roles over REST, query the openidm/managed/role endpoint. The following example shows the employee role that you created in the previous section:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request GET \
  "result": [
      "_id": "cedadaed-5774-4d65-b4a2-41d455ed524a",
      "_rev": "1",
      "name": "employee",
      "description": "Role granted to workers on the company payroll"

Granting a Role to a User

Roles are granted to users through the relationship mechanism. Relationships are essentially references from one managed object to another, in this case from a user object to a role object. For more information about relationships, see "Managing Relationships Between Objects".

Roles can be granted manually or dynamically. To grant a role manually, you must do one of the following:

  • Update the value of the user’s roles property (if the role is a provisioning role) or authzRoles property (if the role is an authorization role) to reference the role.

  • Update the value of the role’s members property to reference the user.

Manual role grants are described further in "Granting Roles Manually".

Dynamic role grants use the result of a condition or script to update a user’s list of roles. Dynamic role grants are described in detail in "Granting Roles Dynamically".

Granting Roles Manually

To grant a role to a user manually, use the Admin UI or the REST interface as follows:

Using the Admin UI

Use one of the following UI methods to grant a role to a user:

  • Update the user entry:

    1. Select Manage > User and click on the user to whom you want to grant the role.

    2. Select the Provisioning Roles tab and click Add Provisioning Roles.

    3. Select the role from the dropdown list and click Add.

  • Update the role entry:

    1. Select Manage > Role and click on the role that you want to grant.

    2. Select the Role Members tab and click Add Role Members.

    3. Select the user from the dropdown list and click Add.

Over the REST interface

Use one of the following methods to grant a role to a user over REST:

  • Update the user to refer to the role.

    The following sample command grants the employee role (with ID cedadaed-5774-4d65-b4a2-41d455ed524a) to user scarter:

    $ curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --request PATCH \
     --data '[
           "operation": "add",
           "field": "/roles/-",
           "value": {"_ref" : "managed/role/cedadaed-5774-4d65-b4a2-41d455ed524a"}
     ]' \
      "_id": "scarter",
      "_rev": "2",
      "mail": "",
      "givenName": "Steven",
      "sn": "Carter",
      "description": "Created By XML1",
      "userName": "",
      "telephoneNumber": "1234567",
      "accountStatus": "active",
      "effectiveRoles": [
          "_ref": "managed/role/cedadaed-5774-4d65-b4a2-41d455ed524a"
      "effectiveAssignments": []

    Note that scarter’s effectiveRoles attribute has been updated with a reference to the new role. For more information about effective roles and effective assignments, see "Understanding Effective Roles and Effective Assignments".

  • Update the role to refer to the user.

    The following sample command makes scarter a member of the employee role:

    $ curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --request PATCH \
     --data '[
           "operation": "add",
           "field": "/members/-",
           "value": {"_ref" : "managed/user/scarter"}
     ]' \
      "_id": "cedadaed-5774-4d65-b4a2-41d455ed524a",
      "_rev": "2",
      "name": "employee",
      "description": "Role granted to workers on the company payroll"

    Note that the members attribute of a role is not returned by default in the output. To show all members of a role, you must specifically request the relationship properties (*_ref) in your query. The following sample command lists the members of the employee role (currently only scarter):

    $ curl \
      --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
      --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
      --request GET \
      "_id": "cedadaed-5774-4d65-b4a2-41d455ed524a",
      "_rev": "1",
      "name": "employee",
      "members": [
          "_ref": "managed/user/scarter",
          "_refProperties": {
            "_id": "98d22d75-7090-47f8-9608-01ff92b447a4",
            "_rev": "1"
      "authzMembers": [],
      "assignments": []
  • You can replace an existing role grant with a new one by using the replace operation in your patch request. The following command

    The following command replaces scarter’s entire roles entry (that is, overwrites any existing roles) with a single entry, the reference to the employee role (ID cedadaed-5774-4d65-b4a2-41d455ed524a):

    $ curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --request PATCH \
     --data '[
         "operation": "replace",
     ]' \

Granting Roles Dynamically

The previous section showed how to grant roles to a user manually, by listing a reference to the role as a value of the user’s roles attribute. OpenIDM also supports the following methods of granting a role dynamically:

  • Granting a role based on a condition, where that condition is expressed in a query filter in the role definition. If the condition is true for a particular member, that member is granted the role.

  • Using a custom script to define a more complex role granting strategy.

Granting Roles Based on a Condition

A role that is granted based on a defined condition is called a conditional role. To create a conditional role, include a query filter in the role definition.

To create a conditional role by using the Admin UI, select Condition on the role Details page, then define the query filter that will be used to assess the condition. In the following example, the role fr-employee will be granted only to those users who live in France (whose country property is set to FR):

conditional role

To create a conditional role over REST, include the query filter as a value of the condition property in the role definition. The following command creates a role similar to the one created in the previous screen shot:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --request POST \
 --data '{
    "name": "fr-employee",
    "description": "Role granted to employees resident in France",
    "condition": "/country eq \"FR\""
 }' \
  "_id": "4b0a3e42-e5be-461b-a995-3e66c74551c1",
  "_rev": "1",
  "name": "fr-employee",
  "description": "Role granted to employees resident in France",
  "condition": "/country eq \"FR\""

When a conditional role is created or updated, OpenIDM automatically assesses all managed users, and recalculates the value of their roles property, if they qualify for that role. When a condition is removed from a role, that is, when the role becomes an unconditional role, all conditional grants removed. So, users who were granted the role based on the condition have that role removed from their roles property.

When a conditional role is defined in an existing data set, every user entry (including the mapped entries on remote systems) must be updated with the assignments implied by that conditional role. The time that it takes to create a new conditional role is impacted by the following items:

  • The number of managed users affected by the condition

  • The number of assignments related to the conditional role

  • The average time required to provision updates to all remote systems affected by those assignments

In a data set with a very large number of users, creating a new conditional role can therefore incur a significant performance cost at the time of creation. Ideally, you should set up your conditional roles at the beginning of your deployment to avoid performance issues later.

Granting Roles By Using Custom Scripts

The easiest way to grant roles dynamically is to use conditional roles, as described in "Granting Roles Based on a Condition". If your deployment requires complex conditional logic that cannot be achieved with a query filter, you can create a custom script to grant the role, as follows:

  1. Create a roles directory in your project’s script directory and copy the default effective roles script to that new directory:

    $ mkdir project-dir/script/roles/
    $ cp /path/to/openidm/bin/defaults/script/roles/effectiveRoles.js \

    The new script will override the default effective roles script.

  2. Modify the script to reference additional roles that have not been granted manually, or as the result of a conditional grant. The effective roles script calculates the grants that are in effect when the user is retrieved.

    For example, the following addition to the effectiveRoles.js script grants the roles dynamic-role1 and dynamic-role2 to all active users (managed user objects whose accountStatus value is active). This example assumes that you have already created the managed roles, dynamic-role1 (with ID d2e29d5f-0d74-4d04-bcfe-b1daf508ad7c) and dynamic-role2 (with ID 709fed03-897b-4ff0-8a59-6faaa34e3af6, and their corresponding assignments:

    // This is the location to expand to dynamic roles,
    // project role script return values can then be added via
    // effectiveRoles = effectiveRoles.concat(dynamicRolesArray);
    if (object.accountStatus === 'active') {
        effectiveRoles = effectiveRoles.concat([
          {"_ref": "managed/role/d2e29d5f-0d74-4d04-bcfe-b1daf508ad7c"},
          {"_ref": "managed/role/709fed03-897b-4ff0-8a59-6faaa34e3af6"}

For conditional roles, the user’s roles property is updated if the user meets the condition. For custom scripted roles, the user’s effectiveRoles property is calculated when the user is retrieved and includes the dynamic roles according to the custom script.

If you make any of the following changes to a scripted role grant, you must perform a manual reconciliation of all affected users before assignment changes will take effect on an external system:

  • If you create a new scripted role grant.

  • If you change the definition of an existing scripted role grant.

  • If you change any of the assignment rules for a role that is granted by a custom script.

Using Temporal Constraints to Restrict Effective Roles

To restrict the period during which a role is effective, you can set a temporal constraint on the role itself, or on the role grant. A temporal constraint that is set on a role definition applies to all grants of that role. A temporal constraint that is set on a role grant enables you to specify the period that the role is valid per user.

For example, you might want a role definition such as contractors-2016 to apply to all contract employees only for the year 2016. Or you might want a contractors role to apply to an individual user only during the duration of his contract of employment.

The following sections describe how to set temporal constraints on role definitions, and on individual role grants.

Adding a Temporal Constraint to a Role Definition

When you create a role, you can include a temporal constraint in the role definition, which restricts the validity of the entire role, regardless of how that role is granted. Temporal constraints are expressed as a duration in ISO 8601 date and time format. For more information on this format, see

To restrict the period during which a role is valid by using the Admin UI, select Temporal Constraint on the role Details page, then select the timezone and start and end dates for the required period.

In the following example, the role contractor is effective from January 1st, 2016 to January 1st, 2017:

temporal role

The following example adds a similar contractor role, over the REST interface:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --request POST \
 --data '{
     "name" : "contractor",
     "description" : "Role granted to contract workers for 2016",
     "temporalConstraints" : [
            "duration" :  "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z/2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
 }' \
  "_id": "071283a8-0237-40a2-a31e-ceaa4d93c93d",
  "_rev": "1",
  "name": "contractor",
  "description": "Role granted to contract workers for 2016",
  "temporalConstraints": [
      "duration": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z/2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"

The preceding example specifies the time zone as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) by appending Z to the time. If no time zone information is provided, the time zone is assumed to be local time. To specify a different time zone, include an offset (from UTC) in the format ±hh:mm. For example, a duration of 2016-01-01T00:00:00.000+04:00/2017-01-01T00:00:00.000+04:00 specifies a time zone that is four hours ahead of UTC.

When the period defined by the constraint has ended, the role object remains in the repository but the effective roles script will not include the role in the list of effective roles for any user.

The following example assumes that user scarter has been granted a role contractor-april. A temporal constraint has been included in the contractor-april definition that specifies that the role should be applicable only during the month of April 2016. At the end of this period, a query on scarter’s entry shows that his roles property still includes the contractor-april role (with ID 3eb67be6-205b-483d-b36d-562b43a04ff8), but his effectiveRoles property does not:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request GET \
  "_id": "scarter",
  "_rev": "1",
  "userName": "",
  "roles": [
      "_ref": "managed/role/3eb67be6-205b-483d-b36d-562b43a04ff8",
      "_refProperties": {
        "temporalConstraints": [],
        "_grantType": "",
        "_id": "257099f5-56e5-4ce0-8580-f0f4d4b93d93",
        "_rev": "1"
  "effectiveRoles": []

In other words, the role is still in place but is no longer effective.

Adding a Temporal Constraint to a Role Grant

To restrict the validity of a role for individual users, you can apply a temporal constraint at the grant level, rather than as part of the role definition. In this case, the temporal constraint is taken into account per user, when the user’s effective roles are calculated. Temporal constraints that are defined at the grant level can be different for each user who is a member of that role.

To restrict the period during which a role grant is valid by using the Admin UI, set a temporal constraint when you add the member to the role.

For example, to specify that bjensen be added to a Contractor role only for the duration of her employment contract, select Manage > Role, click the Contractor role, and click Add Role Members. On the Add Role Members screen, select bjensen from the list, then enable the Temporal Constraint and specify the start and end date of her contract.

To apply a temporal constraint to a grant over the REST interface, include the constraint as one of the _refProperties of the relationship between the user and the role. The following example assumes a contractor role, with ID 9321fd67-30d1-4104-934d-cfd0a22e8182. The command adds user bjensen as a member of that role, with a temporal constraint that specifies that she be a member of the role only for one year, from January 1st, 2016 to January 1st, 2017:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --request PATCH \
 --data '[
     "operation": "add",
     "field": "/members/-",
     "value": {
      "_ref" : "managed/user/bjensen",
      "_refProperties": {
       "temporalConstraints": [{"duration": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z/2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"}]
 ]' \
  "_id": "9321fd67-30d1-4104-934d-cfd0a22e8182",
  "_rev": "2",
  "name": "contractor",
  "description": "Role for contract workers"

A query on bjensen’s roles property shows that the temporal constraint has been applied to this grant:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request GET \
  "result": [
      "_ref": "managed/role/9321fd67-30d1-4104-934d-cfd0a22e8182",
      "_refProperties": {
        "temporalConstraints": [
            "duration": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z/2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
        "_id": "84f5342c-cebe-4f0b-96c9-0267bf68a095",
        "_rev": "1"

Querying a User’s Manual and Conditional Roles

The easiest way to check what roles have been granted to a user, either manually, or as the result of a condition, is to look at the user’s entry in the Admin UI. Select Manage > User, click on the user whose roles you want to see, and select the Provisioning Roles tab.

To obtain a similar list over the REST interface, you can query the user’s roles property. The following sample query shows that scarter has been granted two roles - an employee role (with ID 6bf4701a-7579-43c4-8bb4-7fd6cac552a1) and an fr-employee role (with ID 00561df0-1e7d-4c8a-9c1e-3b1096116903). specifies :

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request GET \
  "result": [
      "_ref": "managed/role/6bf4701a-7579-43c4-8bb4-7fd6cac552a1",
      "_refProperties": {
        "temporalConstraints": [],
        "_grantType": "",
        "_id": "8417106e-c3ef-4f59-a482-4c92dbf00308",
        "_rev": "2"
      "name": "employee"
      "_ref": "managed/role/00561df0-1e7d-4c8a-9c1e-3b1096116903",
      "_refProperties": {
        "_grantType": "conditional",
        "_id": "e59ce7c3-46ce-492a-ba01-be27af731435",
        "_rev": "1"
      "name": "fr-employee"

Note that the fr-employee role has an additional reference property, _grantType. This property indicates how the role was granted to the user. If there is no _grantType, the role was granted manually.

Querying a user’s roles in this way does not return any roles that would be in effect as a result of a custom script, or of any temporal constraint applied to the role. To return a complete list of all the roles in effect at a specific time, you need to query the user’s effectiveRoles property, as follows:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request GET \

Deleting a User’s Roles

Roles that have been granted manually can be removed from a user’s entry in two ways:

  • Update the value of the user’s roles property (if the role is a provisioning role) or authzRoles property (if the role is an authorization role) to remove the reference to the role.

  • Update the value of the role’s members property to remove the reference to that user.

Both of these actions can be achieved by using the Admin UI, or over REST.

Using the Admin UI

Use one of the following methods to remove a user’s roles:

  • Select Manage > User and click on the user whose role or roles you want to remove.

    Select the Provisioning Roles tab, select the role that you want to remove, and click Remove Selected Provisioning Roles.

  • Select Manage > Role and click on the role whose members you want to remove.

    Select the Role Members tab, select the member or members that that you want to remove, and click Remove Selected Role Members.

Over the REST interface

Use one of the following methods to remove a role grant from a user:

  • Delete the role from the user’s roles property, including the reference ID (the ID of the relationship between the user and the role) in the delete request:

    The following sample command removes the employee role (with ID 6bf4701a-7579-43c4-8bb4-7fd6cac552a1) from user scarter:

    $ curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
     --request DELETE \
      "_ref": "managed/role/6bf4701a-7579-43c4-8bb4-7fd6cac552a1",
      "_refProperties": {
        "temporalConstraints": [],
        "_grantType": "",
        "_id": "8417106e-c3ef-4f59-a482-4c92dbf00308",
        "_rev": "2"
  • PATCH the user entry to remove the role from the array of roles, specifying the value of the role object in the JSON payload.

    When you remove a role in this way, you must include the entire object in the value, as shown in the following example:

    $ curl \
     --header "Content-type: application/json" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
     --request PATCH \
     --data '[
          "operation" : "remove",
          "field" : "/roles",
          "value" :     {
           "_ref": "managed/role/6bf4701a-7579-43c4-8bb4-7fd6cac552a1",
           "_refProperties": {
             "temporalConstraints": [],
             "_grantType": "",
             "_id": "8417106e-c3ef-4f59-a482-4c92dbf00308",
             "_rev": "1"
      ]' \
      "_id": "scarter",
      "_rev": "3",
      "mail": "",
      "givenName": "Steven",
      "sn": "Carter",
      "description": "Created By XML1",
      "userName": "",
      "telephoneNumber": "1234567",
      "accountStatus": "active",
      "effectiveRoles": [],
      "effectiveAssignments": []
  • Delete the user from the role’s members property, including the reference ID (the ID of the relationship between the user and the role) in the delete request.

    The following example first queries the members of the employee role, to obtain the ID of the relationship, then removes bjensen’s membership from that role:

    $ url \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
     --request GET \
      "result": [
          "_ref": "managed/user/bjensen",
          "_refProperties": {
            "temporalConstraints": [],
            "_grantType": "",
            "_id": "3c047f39-a9a3-4030-8d0c-bcd1fadb1d3d",
            "_rev": "3"
    $ curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
     --request DELETE \
      "_ref": "managed/user/bjensen",
      "_refProperties": {
        "temporalConstraints": [],
        "_grantType": "",
        "_id": "3c047f39-a9a3-4030-8d0c-bcd1fadb1d3d",
        "_rev": "3"

Roles that have been granted as the result of a condition can only be removed when the condition is changed or removed, or when the role itself is deleted.

Deleting a Role Definition

You can delete a managed provisioning or authorization role by using the Admin UI, or over the REST interface.

To delete a role by using the Admin UI, select Manage > Role, select the role you want to remove, and click Delete.

To delete a role over the REST interface, simply delete that managed object. The following command deletes the employee role created in the previous section:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request DELETE \
  "_id": "6bf4701a-7579-43c4-8bb4-7fd6cac552a1",
  "_rev": "1",
  "name": "employee",
  "description": "Role granted to workers on the company payroll"

You cannot delete a role if it is currently granted to one or more users. If you attempt to delete a role that is granted to a user (either over the REST interface, or by using the Admin UI), OpenIDM returns an error. The following command indicates an attempt to remove the employee role while it is still granted to user scarter:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request DELETE \
    "message":"Cannot delete a role that is currently granted"

Working With Role Assignments

Authorization roles control access to OpenIDM itself. Provisioning roles define rules for how attribute values are updated on external systems. These rules are configured through assignments that are attached to a provisioning role definition. The purpose of an assignment is to provision an attribute or set of attributes, based on an object’s role membership.

The synchronization mapping configuration between two resources (defined in the sync.json file) provides the basic account provisioning logic (how an account is mapped from a source to a target system). Role assignments provide additional provisioning logic that is not covered in the basic mapping configuration. The attributes and values that are updated by using assignments might include group membership, access to specific external resources, and so on. A group of assignments can collectively represent a role.

Assignment objects are created, updated and deleted like any other managed object, and are attached to a role by using the relationships mechanism, in much the same way as a role is granted to a user. Assignment are stored in the repository and are accessible at the context path /openidm/managed/assignment.

This section describes how to manipulate managed assignments over the REST interface, and by using the Admin UI. When you have created an assignment, and attached it to a role definition, all user objects that reference that role definition will, as a result, reference the corresponding assignment in their effectiveAssignments attribute.

Creating an Assignment

The easiest way to create an assignment is by using the Admin UI, as follows:

  1. Select Manage > Assignment and click New Assignment on the Assignment List page.

  2. Enter a name and description for the new assignment, and select the mapping to which the assignment should apply. The mapping indicates the target resource, that is, the resource on which the attributes specified in the assignment will be adjusted.

  3. Click Add Assignment.

  4. Select the Attributes tab and select the attribute or attributes whose values will be adjusted by this assignment.

    • If a regular text field appears, specify what the value of the attribute should be, when this assignment is applied.

    • If an Item button appears, you can specify a managed object type, such as an object, relationship, or string.

    • If a Properties button appears, you can specify additional information such as an array of role references, as described in "Working With Managed Roles".

  5. Select the assignment operation from the dropdown list:

    • Merge With Target - the attribute value will be added to any existing values for that attribute. This operation merges the existing value of the target object attribute with the value(s) from the assignment. If duplicate values are found (for attributes that take a list as a value), each value is included only once in the resulting target. This assignment operation is used only with complex attribute values like arrays and objects, and does not work with strings or numbers. (Property: mergeWithTarget.)

    • Replace Target - the attribute value will overwrite any existing values for that attribute. The value from the assignment becomes the authoritative source for the attribute. (Property: replaceTarget.)

    Select the unassignment operation from the dropdown list. You can set the unassignment operation to one of the following:

    • Remove From Target - the attribute value is removed from the system object when the user is no longer a member of the role, or when the assignment itself is removed from the role definition. (Property: removeFromTarget.)

    • No Operation - removing the assignment from the user’s effectiveAssignments has no effect on the current state of the attribute in the system object. (Property: noOp.)

  6. Optionally, click the Events tab to specify any scriptable events associated with this assignment.

    The assignment and unassignment operations described in the previous step operate at the attribute level. That is, you specify what should happen with each attribute affected by the assignment when the assignment is applied to a user, or removed from a user.

    The scriptable On assignment and On unassignment events operate at the assignment level, rather than the attribute level. You define scripts here to apply additional logic or operations that should be performed when a user (or other object) receives or loses an entire assignment. This logic can be anything that is not restricted to an operation on a single attribute.

  7. Click the Roles tab to attach this assignment to an existing role definition.

To create a new assignment over REST, send a PUT or POST request to the /openidm/managed/assignment context path.

The following example creates a new managed assignment named employee. The JSON payload in this example shows the following:

  • The assignment is applied for the mapping managedUser_systemLdapAccounts, so attributes will be updated on the external LDAP system specified in this mapping.

  • The name of the attribute on the external system whose value will be set is employeeType and its value will be set to Employee.

  • When the assignment is applied during a sync operation, the attribute value Employee will be added to any existing values for that attribute. When the assignment is removed (if the role is deleted, or if the managed user is no longer a member of that role), the attribute value Employee will be removed from the values of that attribute.

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --request POST \
 --data '{
   "name" : "employee",
   "description": "Assignment for employees.",
   "mapping" : "managedUser_systemLdapAccounts",
   "attributes": [
           "name": "employeeType",
           "value": "Employee",
           "assignmentOperation" : "mergeWithTarget",
           "unassignmentOperation" : "removeFromTarget"
 }' \
  "_id": "2fb3aa12-109f-431c-bdb7-e42213747700",
  "_rev": "1",
  "name": "employee",
  "description": "Assignment for employees.",
  "mapping": "managedUser_systemLdapAccounts",
  "attributes": [
      "name": "employeeType",
      "value": "Employee",
      "assignmentOperation": "mergeWithTarget",
      "unassignmentOperation": "removeFromTarget"

Note that at this stage, the assignment is not linked to any role, so no user can make use of the assignment. You must add the assignment to a role, as described in the following section.

Adding an Assignment to a Role

When you have created a managed role, and a managed assignment, you reference the assignment from the role, in much the same way as a user references a role.

You can update a role definition to include one or more assignments, either by using the Admin UI, or over the REST interface.

Using the Admin UI
  1. Select Manage > Role and click on the role to which you want to add an assignment.

  2. Select the Managed Assignments tab and click Add Managed Assignments.

  3. Select the assignment that you want to add to the role and click Add.

Over the REST interface

Update the role definition to include a reference to the ID of the assignment in the assignments property of the role. The following sample command adds the employee assignment (with ID 2fb3aa12-109f-431c-bdb7-e42213747700) to an existing employee role (whose ID is 59a8cc01-bac3-4bae-8012-f639d002ad8c):

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --request PATCH \
 --data '[
       "operation" : "add",
       "field" : "/assignments/-",
       "value" : { "_ref": "managed/assignment/2fb3aa12-109f-431c-bdb7-e42213747700" }
 ]' \
  "_id": "59a8cc01-bac3-4bae-8012-f639d002ad8c",
  "_rev": "3",
  "name": "employee",
  "description": "Role granted to workers on the company payroll"

To check that the assignment was added successfully, you can query the assignments property of the role:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request GET \

  "result": [
      "_ref": "managed/assignment/2fb3aa12-109f-431c-bdb7-e42213747700",
      "_refProperties": {
        "_id": "686b328a-e2bd-4e48-be25-4a4e12f3b431",
        "_rev": "4"
      "name": "employee"

Note that the role’s assignments property now references the assignment that you created in the previous step.

To remove an assignment from a role definition, remove the reference to the assignment from the role’s assignments property.

Deleting an Assignment

You can delete an assignment by using the Admin UI, or over the REST interface.

To delete an assignment by using the Admin UI, select Manage > Assignment, select the assignment you want to remove, and click Delete.

To delete an assignment over the REST interface, simply delete that object. The following command deletes the employee assignment created in the previous section:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request DELETE \
  "_id": "2fb3aa12-109f-431c-bdb7-e42213747700",
  "_rev": "1",
  "name": "employee",
  "description": "Assignment for employees.",
  "mapping": "managedUser_systemLdapAccounts",
  "attributes": [
      "name": "employeeType",
      "value": "Employee",
      "assignmentOperation": "mergeWithTarget",
      "unassignmentOperation": "removeFromTarget"

You can delete an assignment, even if it is referenced by a managed role. When the assignment is removed, any users to whom the corresponding roles were granted will no longer have that assignment in their list of effectiveAssignments. For more information about effective roles and effective assignments, see "Understanding Effective Roles and Effective Assignments".

Understanding Effective Roles and Effective Assignments

Effective roles and effective assignments are virtual properties of a user object. Their values are calculated on the fly by the openidm/bin/defaults/script/roles/effectiveRoles.js and openidm/bin/defaults/script/roles/effectiveAssignments.js scripts. These scripts are triggered when a managed user is retrieved.

The following excerpt of a managed.json file shows how these two virtual properties are constructed for each managed user object:

"effectiveRoles" : {
    "type" : "array",
    "title" : "Effective Roles",
    "viewable" : false,
    "returnByDefault" : true,
    "isVirtual" : true,
    "onRetrieve" : {
        "type" : "text/javascript",
         "source" : "require('roles/effectiveRoles').calculateEffectiveRoles(object, 'roles');"
    "items" : {
        "type" : "object"
"effectiveAssignments" : {
    "type" : "array",
    "title" : "Effective Assignments",
    "viewable" : false,
    "returnByDefault" : true,
    "isVirtual" : true,
    "onRetrieve" : {
        "type" : "text/javascript",
        "file" : "roles/effectiveAssignments.js",
        "effectiveRolesPropName" : "effectiveRoles"
    "items" : {
        "type" : "object"

When a role references an assignment, and a user references the role, that user automatically references the assignment in its list of effective assignments.

The effectiveRoles.js script uses the roles attribute of a user entry to calculate the grants (manual or conditional) that are currently in effect at the time of retrieval, based on temporal constraints or other custom scripted logic.

The effectiveAssignments.js script uses the virtual effectiveRoles attribute to calculate that user’s effective assignments. The synchronization engine reads the calculated value of the effectiveAssignments attribute when it processes the user. The target system is updated according to the configured assignmentOperation for each assignment.

Do not change the default effectiveRoles.js and effectiveAssignments.js scripts. If you need to change the logic that calculates effectiveRoles and effectiveAssignments, create your own custom script and include a reference to it in your project’s conf/managed.json file. For more information about using custom scripts, see "Scripting Reference".

When a user entry is retrieved, OpenIDM calculates the effectiveRoles and effectiveAssignments for that user based on the current value of the user’s roles property, and on any roles that might be granted dynamically through a custom script. The previous set of examples showed the creation of a role employee that referenced an assignment employee and was granted to user bjensen. Querying that user entry would show the following effective roles and effective assignments:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"  \
 --request GET \
  "_id": "bjensen",
  "_rev": "2",
  "userName": "",
  "roles": [
      "_ref": "managed/role/59a8cc01-bac3-4bae-8012-f639d002ad8c",
      "_refProperties": {
        "temporalConstraints": [],
        "_grantType": "",
        "_id": "881f0b96-06e9-4af4-b86b-aba4ee15e4ef",
        "_rev": "2"
  "effectiveRoles": [
      "_ref": "managed/role/59a8cc01-bac3-4bae-8012-f639d002ad8c"
  "effectiveAssignments": [
      "name": "employee",
      "description": "Assignment for employees.",
      "mapping": "managedUser_systemLdapAccounts",
      "attributes": [
          "name": "employeeType",
          "value": "Employee",
          "assignmentOperation": "mergeWithTarget",
          "unassignmentOperation": "removeFromTarget"
      "_id": "4606245c-9412-4f1f-af0c-2b06852dedb8",
      "_rev": "2"

In this example, synchronizing the managed/user repository with the external LDAP system defined in the mapping should populate user bjensen’s employeeType attribute in LDAP with the value employee.

Managed Role Script Hooks

Like any other managed object, a role has script hooks that enable you to configure role behavior. The default role definition in conf/managed.json includes the following script hooks:

    "name" : "role",
    "onDelete" : {
        "type" : "text/javascript",
        "file" : "roles/onDelete-roles.js"
    "onSync" : {
        "type" : "text/javascript",
        "source" : "require('roles/onSync-roles').syncUsersOfRoles(resourceName, oldObject, newObject, ['members']);"
    "onCreate" : {
        "type" : "text/javascript",
        "source" : "require('roles/conditionalRoles').roleCreate(object);"
    "onUpdate" : {
        "type" : "text/javascript",
        "source" : "require('roles/conditionalRoles').roleUpdate(oldObject, object);"
    "postCreate" : {
        "type" : "text/javascript",
        "file" : "roles/postOperation-roles.js"
    "postUpdate" : {
        "type" : "text/javascript",
        "file" : "roles/postOperation-roles.js"
    "postDelete" : {
        "type" : "text/javascript",
        "file" : "roles/postOperation-roles.js"

When a role is deleted, the onDelete script hook calls the bin/default/script/roles/onDelete-roles.js script.

When a role is synchronized, the onSync hook causes a synchronization operation on all managed objects that reference the role.

When a conditional role is created or updated, the onCreate and onUpdate script hooks force an update on all managed users affected by the conditional role.

Directly after a role is created, updated or deleted, the postCreate, postUpdate, and postDelete hooks call the bin/default/script/roles/postOperation-roles.js script. Depending on when this script is called, it either creates or removes the scheduled jobs required to manage temporal constraints on roles.

Managing Relationships Between Objects

OpenIDM enables you to define relationships between two managed objects. Managed roles are implemented using relationship objects, but you can create a variety of relationship objects, as required by your deployment.

Defining a Relationship Type

Relationships are defined in your project’s managed object configuration file (conf/managed.json). By default, OpenIDM provides a relationship named manager, that enables you to configure a management relationship between two managed users. The manager relationship is a good example from which to understand how relationships work.

The default manager relationship is configured as follows:

"manager" : {
    "type" : "relationship",
    "returnByDefault" : false,
    "description" : "",
    "title" : "Manager",
    "viewable" : true,
    "searchable" : false,
    "properties" : {
        "_ref" : { "type" : "string" },
        "_refProperties": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "_id": { "type": "string" }

All relationships have the following configurable properties:

type (string)

The object type. Must be relationship for a relationship object.

returnByDefault (boolean true, false)

Specifies whether the relationship should be returned in the result of a read or search query on the managed object that has the relationship. If included in an array, always set this property to false. By default, relationships are not returned, unless explicitly requested.

description (string, optional)

An optional string that provides additional information about the relationship object.

title (string)

Used by the UI to refer to the relationship.

viewable (boolean, true, false)

Specifies whether the relationship is visible as a field in the UI. The default value is true.

searchable (boolean, true, false)

Specifies whether values of the relationship can be searched, in the UI. For example, if you set this property to true for the manager relationship, a user will be able to search for managed user entries using the manager field as a filter.

_ref (JSON object)

Specifies how the relationship between two managed objects is referenced.

In the relationship definition, the value of this property is { "type" : "string" }. In a managed user entry, the value of the _ref property is the reference to the other resource. The _ref property is described in more detail in "Establishing a Relationship Between Two Objects".

_refProperties (JSON object)

Specifies any required properties from the relationship that should be included in the managed object. The _refProperties field includes a unique ID (_id) and the revision (_rev) of the object. _refProperties can also contain arbitrary fields to support metadata within the relationship.

Establishing a Relationship Between Two Objects

When you have defined a relationship type, (such as the manager relationship, described in the previous section), you can reference that relationship from a managed user, using the _ref property.

For example, imagine that you are creating a new user, psmith, and that psmith’s manager will be bjensen. You would add psmith’s user entry, and reference bjensen’s entry with the _ref property, as follows:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --header "If-None-Match: *" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --request PUT \
 --data '{
    "displayName":"Patti Smith",
    "description" : "psmith - new user",
    "mail" : "",
    "phoneNumber" : "0831245986",
    "password" : "Passw0rd",
    "manager" : {"_ref" : "managed/user/bjensen"}
  }' \
  "_id": "psmith",
  "_rev": "1",
  "sn": "Smith",
  "userName": "psmith",
  "givenName": "Patricia",
  "displayName": "Patti Smith",
  "description": "psmith - new user",
  "mail": "",
  "phoneNumber": "0831245986",
  "accountStatus": "active",
  "effectiveRoles": null,
  "effectiveAssignments": [],
  "roles": []

Note that the relationship information is not returned by default in the command-line output.

Any change to a relationship triggers a synchronization operation on any other managed objects that are referenced by the relationship. For example, OpenIDM maintains referential integrity by deleting the relationship reference, if the object referred to by that relationship is deleted. In our example, if bjensen’s user entry is deleted, the corresponding reference in psmith’s manager property is removed.

Validating Relationships Between Objects

Optionally, you can specify that a relationship between two objects must be validated when the relationship is created. For example, you can indicate that a user cannot reference a role, if that role does not exist.

When you create a new relationship type, validation is disabled by default as it entails a query to the relationship that can be expensive, if it is not required. To configure validation of a referenced relationship, set "validate": true in the object configuration (in managed.json). The managed.json files provided with OpenIDM enable validation for the following relationships:

  • For user objects ‒ roles, managers, and reports

  • For role objects ‒ members and assignments

  • For assignment objects ‒ roles

The following configuration of the manager relationship enables validation, and prevents a user from referencing a manager that has not already been created:

"manager" : {
    "type" : "relationship",
    "validate" : true,

Working With Bi-Directional Relationships

In some cases, it is useful to define a relationship between two objects in both directions. For example, a relationship between a user and his manager might indicate a reverse relationship between the manager and her direct report. Reverse relationships are particularly useful in querying. For example, you might want to query jdoe’s user entry to discover who his manager is, or query bjensen’s user entry to discover all the users who report to bjensen.

A reverse relationship is declared in the managed object configuration (conf/managed.json). Consider the following sample excerpt of the default managed object configuration:

"roles" : {
    "description" : "",
    "title" : "Provisioning Roles",
    "type" : "array",
    "items" : {
        "type" : "relationship",
        "validate": false,
        "reverseRelationship" : true,
        "reversePropertyName" : "members",

The roles property is a relationship. So, you can refer to a managed user’s roles by referencing the role definition. However, the roles property is also a reverse relationship ("reverseRelationship" : true) which means that you can list all users that reference that role. In other words, you can list all members of the role. The members property is therefore the reversePropertyName.

Viewing Relationships Over REST

By default, information about relationships is not returned as the result of a GET request on a managed object. You must explicitly include the relationship property in the request, for example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request GET \
  "_id": "psmith",
  "_rev": "1",
  "manager": {
    "_ref": "managed/user/bjensen",
    "_refProperties": {
      "_id": "e15779ad-be54-4a1c-b643-133dd9bb2e99",
      "_rev": "1"

To obtain more information about the referenced object (psmith’s manager, in this case), you can include additional fields from the referenced object in the query, using the syntax object/property (for a simple string value) or object/*/property (for an array of values).

The following example returns the email address and contact number for psmith’s manager:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request GET \
  "_id": "psmith",
  "_rev": "1",
  "phoneNumber": "1234567",
  "manager": {
    "_ref": "managed/user/bjensen",
    "_refProperties": {
      "_id": "e15779ad-be54-4a1c-b643-133dd9bb2e99",
      "_rev": "1"
    "mail": "",
    "phoneNumber": "1234567"

You can query all the relationships associated with a managed object by querying the reference (*_ref) property of the object. For example, the following query shows all the objects that are referenced by psmith’s entry:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request GET \
  "_id": "psmith",
  "_rev": "1",
  "roles": [],
  "authzRoles": [
      "_ref": "repo/internal/role/openidm-authorized",
      "_refProperties": {
        "_id": "8e7b2c97-dfa8-4eec-a95b-b40b710d443d",
        "_rev": "1"
  "manager": {
    "_ref": "managed/user/bjensen",
    "_refProperties": {
      "_id": "3a246327-a972-4576-b6a6-7126df780029",
      "_rev": "1"

Viewing Relationships in Graph Form

OpenIDM provides a relationship graph widget that gives a visual display of the relationships between objects.

The relationship graph widget is not displayed on any dashboard by default. You can add it as follows:

  1. Log into the Admin UI.

  2. Select Dashboards, and choose the dashboard to which you want to add the widget.

    For more information about managing dashboards in the UI, see "Creating and Modifying Dashboards".

  3. Select Add Widgets. In the Add Widgets window, scroll to the Identity Relationships widget, and click Add.

  4. Select Close to exit the Add Widgets window.

  5. On the dashboard, scroll down to the Identity Relationships widget. Select the vertical ellipses > Settings to configure the widget.

  6. Choose the Widget Size, then enter the object for which you want to display relationships such as user and the search property for that object, such as userName.

    If you want to include an additional level of relationships in the graph, select Display sub-relationships. In a traditional organization, this option will display a user’s manager, along with all users with that same manager.

  7. Click Save.

When you have configured the Identity Relationships widget, enter the user whose relationships you want to search.

The following graph shows all of bjensen’s relationships. The graph shows bjensen’s manager (emacheke) and all other users who are direct reports of emacheke.

relationships graph

Select or deselect the Data Types on the left of the screen to control how much information is displayed.

Select and move the graph for a better view. Double-click on any user in the graph to view that user’s profile.

Running Scripts on Managed Objects

OpenIDM provides a number of hooks that enable you to manipulate managed objects using scripts. These scripts can be triggered during various stages of the lifecycle of the managed object, and are defined in the managed objects configuration file (managed.json).

The scripts can be triggered when a managed object is created (onCreate), updated (onUpdate), retrieved (onRetrieve), deleted (onDelete), validated (onValidate), or stored in the repository (onStore). A script can also be triggered when a change to a managed object triggers an implicit synchronization operation (onSync).

In addition, OpenIDM supports the use of post-action scripts for managed objects, including after the creation of an object is complete (postCreate), after the update of an object is complete (postUpdate), and after the deletion of an object (postDelete).

The following sample extract of a managed.json file runs a script to calculate the effective assignments of a managed object, whenever that object is retrieved from the repository:

"effectiveAssignments" : {
    "type" : "array",
    "title" : "Effective Assignments",
    "viewable" : false,
    "returnByDefault" : true,
    "isVirtual" : true,
    "onRetrieve" : {
        "type" : "text/javascript",
        "file" : "roles/effectiveAssignments.js",
        "effectiveRolesPropName" : "effectiveRoles"
    "items" : {
        "type" : "object"

Encoding Attribute Values

OpenIDM supports two methods of encoding attribute values for managed objects - reversible encryption and the use of salted hashing algorithms. Attribute values that might be encoded include passwords, authentication questions, credit card numbers, and social security numbers. If passwords are already encoded on the external resource, they are generally excluded from the synchronization process. For more information, see "Managing Passwords".

You configure attribute value encoding, per schema property, in the managed object configuration (in your project’s conf/managed.json file). The following sections show how to use reversible encryption and salted hash algorithms to encode attribute values.

Encoding Attribute Values With Reversible Encryption

The following excerpt of a managed.json file shows a managed object configuration that encrypts and decrypts the password attribute using the default symmetric key:

    "objects" : [
            "name" : "user",
            "schema" : {
                "properties" : {
                    "password" : {
                        "title" : "Password",
                        "encryption" : {
                            "key" : "openidm-sym-default"
                        "scope" : "private",

To configure encryption of properties by using the Admin UI:

  1. Select Configure > Managed Objects, and click on the object type whose property values you want to encrypt (for example User).

  2. On the Properties tab, select the property whose value should be encrypted and select the Encrypt checkbox.

For information about encrypting attribute values from the command-line, see "Using the encrypt Subcommand".

Encoding Attribute Values by Using Salted Hash Algorithms

To encode attribute values with salted hash algorithms, add the secureHash property to the attribute definition, and specify the algorithm that should be used to hash the value. OpenIDM supports the following hash algorithms:

  • MD5

  • SHA-1

  • SHA-256

  • SHA-384

  • SHA-512 The following excerpt of a managed.json file shows a managed object configuration that hashes the values of the password attribute using the SHA-1 algorithm:

    "objects" : [
            "name" : "user",
            "schema" : {
                "properties" : {
                    "password" : {
                        "title" : "Password",
                        "secureHash" : {
                            "algorithm" : "SHA-1"
                        "scope" : "private",

To configure hashing of properties by using the Admin UI:

  1. Select Configure > Managed Objects, and click on the object type whose property values you want to hash (for example User).

  2. On the Properties tab, select the property whose value must be hashed and select the Hash checkbox.

  3. Select the algorithm that should be used to hash the property value.

    OpenIDM supports the following hash algorithms:

    • MD5

    • SHA-1

    • SHA-256

    • SHA-384

    • SHA-512

For information about hashing attribute values from the command-line, see "Using the secureHash Subcommand".

Restricting HTTP Access to Sensitive Data

You can protect specific sensitive managed data by marking the corresponding properties as private. Private data, whether it is encrypted or not, is not accessible over the REST interface. Properties that are marked as private are removed from an object when that object is retrieved over REST.

To mark a property as private, set its scope to private in the conf/managed.json file.

The following extract of the managed.json file shows how HTTP access is prevented on the password and securityAnswer properties:

    "objects": [
            "name": "user",
            "schema": {
                "id" : "",
                "title" : "User",
                "properties": {
                        "name": "securityAnswer",
                        "encryption": {
                            "key": "openidm-sym-default"
                        "scope" : "private"
                        "name": "password",
                        "encryption": {
                            "key": "openidm-sym-default"
                        "scope" : "private"

To configure private properties by using the Admin UI:

  1. Select Configure > Managed Objects, and click on the object type whose property values you want to make private (for example User).

  2. On the Properties tab, select the property that must be private and select the Private checkbox.

A potential caveat with using private properties is that private properties are removed if an object is updated by using an HTTP PUT request. A PUT request replaces the entire object in the repository. Because properties that are marked as private are ignored in HTTP requests, these properties are effectively removed from the object when the update is done. To work around this limitation, do not use PUT requests if you have configured private properties. Instead, use a PATCH request to update only those properties that need to be changed.

For example, to update the givenName of user jdoe, you could run the following command:

$ curl \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '[
]' \

The filtering of private data applies only to direct HTTP read and query calls on managed objects. No automatic filtering is done for internal callers, and the data that these callers choose to expose.