Google Apps Connector OpenICF includes a Google Apps connector, along with a sample connector configuration. The Google Apps Connector enables you to interact with Google’s web applications. Configuring the Google Apps Connector To use this connector, you need a Google Apps account. If you have OpenIDM Enterprise, you can view a sample Google Apps connector configuration file in samples/provisioners/provisioner.openicf-google.json The following is an excerpt of the provisioner configuration file. This example shows an excerpt of the provisioner configuration. The default location of the connector .jar is openidm/connectors. Therefore the value of the connectorHostRef property must be "#LOCAL": { "connectorHostRef": "#LOCAL", "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.googleapps.GoogleAppsConnector", "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.googleapps-connector", "bundleVersion": "[," }, The following excerpt shows the required configuration properties: "configurationProperties": { "domain": "", "clientId": "", "clientSecret": null, "refreshToken": null }, These configuration properties are fairly straightforward: domain Set to the domain name for OAuth 2-based authorization. clientId A client identifier, as issued by the OAuth 2 authorization server. For more information, see the following section of RFC 6749: Client Identifier. clientSecret Sometimes also known as the client password. OAuth 2 authorization servers can support the use of clientId and clientSecret credentials, as noted in the following section of RFC 6749: Client Password. refreshToken A client can use an OAuth 2 refresh token to continue accessing resources. For more information, see the following section of RFC 6749: Refresh Tokens. For a sample Google Apps configuration that includes OAuth 2-based entries for configurationProperties, see "Google Sample - Connecting to Google With the Google Apps Connector" in the Samples Guide. Scripted SSH Connector Scripted Kerberos Connector