Architectural Overview This chapter introduces the OpenIDM architecture, and describes the modules and services that make up the OpenIDM product. In this chapter you will learn: How OpenIDM uses the OSGi framework as a basis for its modular architecture How the infrastructure modules provide the features required for OpenIDM’s core services What those core services are and how they fit in to the overall architecture How OpenIDM provides access to the resources it manages OpenIDM Modular Framework OpenIDM implements infrastructure modules that run in an OSGi framework. It exposes core services through RESTful APIs to client applications. The following figure provides an overview of the OpenIDM architecture, which is covered in more detail in subsequent sections of this chapter. The OpenIDM framework is based on OSGi: OSGi OSGi is a module system and service platform for the Java programming language that implements a complete and dynamic component model. For a good introduction to OSGi, see the OSGi site. OpenIDM currently runs in Apache Felix, an implementation of the OSGi Framework and Service Platform. Servlet The Servlet layer provides RESTful HTTP access to the managed objects and services. OpenIDM embeds the Jetty Servlet Container, which can be configured for either HTTP or HTTPS access. Infrastructure Modules OpenIDM infrastructure modules provide the underlying features needed for core services: BPMN 2.0 Workflow Engine OpenIDM provides an embedded workflow and business process engine based on Activiti and the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) 2.0 standard. For more information, see "Integrating Business Processes and Workflows". Task Scanner OpenIDM provides a task-scanning mechanism that performs a batch scan for a specified property in OpenIDM data, on a scheduled interval. The task scanner then executes a task when the value of that property matches a specified value. For more information, see "Scanning Data to Trigger Tasks". Scheduler The scheduler provides a cron-like scheduling component implemented using the Quartz library. Use the scheduler, for example, to enable regular synchronizations and reconciliations. For more information, see "Scheduling Tasks and Events". Script Engine The script engine is a pluggable module that provides the triggers and plugin points for OpenIDM. OpenIDM currently supports JavaScript and Groovy. Policy Service OpenIDM provides an extensible policy service that applies validation requirements to objects and properties, when they are created or updated. For more information, see "Using Policies to Validate Data". Audit Logging Auditing logs all relevant system activity to the configured log stores. This includes the data from reconciliation as a basis for reporting, as well as detailed activity logs to capture operations on the internal (managed) and external (system) objects. For more information, see "Using Audit Logs". Repository The repository provides a common abstraction for a pluggable persistence layer. OpenIDM 6.2 supports reconciliation and synchronization with several major external repositories in production, including relational databases, LDAP servers, and even flat CSV and XML files. The repository API uses a JSON-based object model with RESTful principles consistent with the other OpenIDM services. To facilitate testing, OpenIDM includes an embedded instance of OrientDB, a NoSQL database. You can then incorporate a supported internal repository, as described in "Installing a Repository For Production" in the Installation Guide. Core Services The core services are the heart of the OpenIDM resource-oriented unified object model and architecture: Object Model Artifacts handled by OpenIDM are Java object representations of the JavaScript object model as defined by JSON. The object model supports interoperability and potential integration with many applications, services, and programming languages. OpenIDM can serialize and deserialize these structures to and from JSON as required. OpenIDM also exposes a set of triggers and functions that system administrators can define, in either JavaScript or Groovy, which can natively read and modify these JSON-based object model structures. Managed Objects A managed object is an object that represents the identity-related data managed by OpenIDM. Managed objects are configurable, JSON-based data structures that OpenIDM stores in its pluggable repository. The default managed object configuration includes users and roles, but you can define any kind of managed object, for example, groups or devices. You can access managed objects over the REST interface with a query similar to the following: $ curl \ --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \ --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \ --request GET \ "http://localhost:8080/openidm/managed/..." System Objects System objects are pluggable representations of objects on external systems. For example, a user entry that is stored in an external LDAP directory is represented as a system object in OpenIDM. System objects follow the same RESTful resource-based design principles as managed objects. They can be accessed over the REST interface with a query similar to the following: $ curl \ --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \ --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \ --request GET \ "http://localhost:8080/openidm/system/..." There is a default implementation for the OpenICF framework, that allows any connector object to be represented as a system object. Mappings Mappings define policies between source and target objects and their attributes during synchronization and reconciliation. Mappings can also define triggers for validation, customization, filtering, and transformation of source and target objects. For more information, see "Synchronizing Data Between Resources". Synchronization and Reconciliation + Reconciliation enables on-demand and scheduled resource comparisons between the OpenIDM managed object repository and source or target systems. Comparisons can result in different actions, depending on the mappings defined between the systems. + Synchronization enables creating, updating, and deleting resources from a source to a target system, either on demand or according to a schedule. For more information, see "Synchronizing Data Between Resources". Secure Commons REST Commands Representational State Transfer (REST) is a software architecture style for exposing resources, using the technologies and protocols of the World Wide Web. For more information on the Open Identity Platform REST API, see "REST API Reference". REST interfaces are commonly tested with a curl command. Many of these commands are used in this document. They work with the standard ports associated with Java EE communications, 8080 and 8443. To run curl over the secure port, 8443, you must include either the --insecure option, or follow the instructions shown in "Restrict REST Access to the HTTPS Port". You can use those instructions with the self-signed certificate generated when OpenIDM starts, or with a *.crt file provided by a certificate authority. In many examples in this guide, curl commands to the secure port are shown with a --cacert self-signed.crt option. Instructions for creating that self-signed.crt file are shown in "Restrict REST Access to the HTTPS Port". Access Layer The access layer provides the user interfaces and public APIs for accessing and managing the OpenIDM repository and its functions: RESTful Interfaces OpenIDM provides REST APIs for CRUD operations, for invoking synchronization and reconciliation, and to access several other services. For more information, see "REST API Reference". User Interfaces User interfaces provide access to most of the functionality available over the REST API. Preface Starting and Stopping OpenIDM