Sending Email

This chapter shows you how to configure the outbound email service, so that you can send email through OpenIDM, either by script or through the REST API.

You can also configure the outbound email service in the Admin UI, by clicking Configure > System Preferences > Email. The fields on that screen correspond to what is described in the following sections.

To Set Up Outbound Email

The outbound email service relies on a configuration object to identify the email account that is used to send messages. A sample configuration is provided in openidm/samples/misc/ To set up the external email service, follow these steps.

  1. You do not have to shut down OpenIDM.

    If you are setting up outbound email through the UI, start configuring an outbound email server directly from the noted UI screen.

  2. Copy the sample email configuration to the conf directory of your project. For example:

    $ cd /path/to/openidm/
    $ cp samples/misc/ conf/
  3. Edit to reflect the account that is used to send messages, for example:

        "host" : "",
        "port" : 587,
        "debug" : false,
        "auth" : {
            "enable" : true,
            "username" : "admin",
            "password" : "Passw0rd"
        "from" : "",
        "timeout" : 300000,
        "writetimeout" : 300000,
        "connectiontimeout" : 300000,
        "starttls" : {
            "enable" : true
        "ssl" : {
            "enable" : false
        "smtpProperties" : [
        "threadPoolSize" : 20

    OpenIDM encrypts the password when you restart the server (or if you configure outgoing email through the Admin UI).

    You can specify the following outbound email configuration properties:


    The host name or IP address of the SMTP server. This can be the localhost, if the mail server is on the same system as OpenIDM.


    SMTP server port number, such as 25, 465, or 587.

    Many SMTP servers require the use of a secure port such as 465 or 587. Many ISPs flag email from port 25 as spam.


    When set to true, this option outputs diagnostic messages from the JavaMail library. Debug mode can be useful if you are having difficulty configuring the external email endpoint with your mail server.


    The authentication details for the mail account from which emails will be sent.

    • enable—indicates whether you need login credentials to connect to the SMTP server.

      If "enable" : false, you can leave the entries for "username" and "password" empty:

      "enable" : false,
      "username" : "",
      "password" : ""
    • username—the account used to connect to the SMTP server.

    • password—the password used to connect to the SMTP server.


    If "enable" : true, enables the use of the STARTTLS command (if supported by the server) to switch the connection to a TLS-protected connection before issuing any login commands. If the server does not support STARTTLS, the connection continues without the use of TLS.


    (Optional) Specifies a default From: address, that users see when they receive emails from OpenIDM.


    Set "enable" : true to use SSL to connect, and to use the SSL port by default.


    Specifies the SSL protocols that will be enabled for SSL connections. Protocols are specified as a whitespace-separated list. The default protocol is TLSv1.2.


    (Optional) Emails are sent in separate threads managed by a thread pool. This property sets the number of concurrent emails that can be handled at a specific time. The default thread pool size (if none is specified) is 20.

    connectiontimeout (integer, optional)

    The socket connection timeout, in milliseconds. The default connection timeout (if none is specified) is 300000 milliseconds, or 5 minutes. A setting of 0 disables this timeout.

    timeout (integer, optional)

    The socket read timeout, in milliseconds. The default read timeout (if none is specified) is 300000 milliseconds, or 5 minutes. A setting of 0 disables this timeout.

    writetimeout (integer, optional)

    The socket write timeout, in milliseconds. The default write timeout (if none is specified) is 300000 milliseconds, or 5 minutes. A setting of 0 disables this timeout.

  4. Start OpenIDM if it is not running.

  5. Check that the email service is enabled and active:

    -> scr list
     [ 130]  enabled
        [  21] [active      ]

Sending Mail Over REST

Although you are more likely to send mail from a script in production, you can send email using the REST API by sending an HTTP POST to /openidm/external/email, to test that your configuration works. You pass the message parameters as part of the POST payload, URL encoding the content as necessary.

The following example sends a test email using the REST API.

$ curl \
 --cacert self-signed.crt \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
 --request POST \
 --data '{
   "body":"Test"}' \
 "status": "OK"

Sending Mail From a Script

You can send email by using the resource API functions, with the external/email context. For more information about these functions, see "Function Reference". In the following example, params is an object that contains the POST parameters.

var params =  new Object();
params.from = ""; = ""; = ",";
params.subject = "OpenIDM recon report";
params.type = "text/html";
params.body = "<html><body><p>Recon report follows...</p></body></html>";

openidm.action("external/email", "send", params);

OpenIDM supports the following POST parameters.


Sender mail address


Comma-separated list of recipient mail addresses


Optional comma-separated list of copy recipient mail addresses


Optional comma-separated list of blind copy recipient mail addresses


Email subject


Email body text


Optional MIME type. One of "text/plain", "text/html", or "text/xml".