
When things are not working check this chapter for tips and answers.

OpenIDM Stopped in Background

When you start OpenIDM in the background without having disabled the text console, the job can stop immediately after startup.

$ ./ &
[2] 346
$ ./
Using OPENIDM_HOME:   /path/to/openidm
Using OPENIDM_OPTS:   -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m
Using boot properties at /path/to/openidm/conf/boot/

[2]+  Stopped                 ./

To resolve this problem, make sure you remove openidm/bundle/ before starting OpenIDM, and also remove Felix cache files in openidm/felix-cache/.

The scr list Command Shows Sync Service As Unsatisfied

You might encounter this message in the logs.

WARNING: Loading configuration file /path/to/openidm/conf/sync.json failed
 Configuration for org.forgerock.openidm.sync could not be parsed and may not
     be valid JSON : Unexpected character ('}' (code 125)): expected a value
     at [Source:; line: 24, column: 6]
 at org.forgerock.openidm.config.crypto.ConfigCrypto.parse...
 at org.forgerock.openidm.config.crypto.ConfigCrypto.encrypt...
 at org.forgerock.openidm.config.installer.JSONConfigInstaller.setConfig...

This indicates a syntax error in openidm/conf/sync.json. After fixing your configuration, change to the /path/to/openidm/ directory, and use the validate command to check that your configuration files are valid.

$ cd /path/to/openidm ; ./ validate
Using boot properties at /path/to/openidm/conf/boot/
[Validating] Load JSON configuration files from:
[Validating]  /path/to/openidm/conf
[Validating] audit.json .................................. SUCCESS
[Validating] authentication.json ......................... SUCCESS
[Validating] managed.json ................................ SUCCESS
[Validating] provisioner.openicf-xml.json ................ SUCCESS
[Validating] repo.orientdb.json .......................... SUCCESS
[Validating] router.json ................................. SUCCESS
[Validating] scheduler-reconcile_systemXmlAccounts_managedUser.json  SUCCESS
[Validating] sync.json ................................... SUCCESS

JSON Parsing Error

You might encounter this error message in the logs.

"Configuration for org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.openicf could not be
 parsed and may not be valid JSON : Unexpected character ('}' (code 125)):
 was expecting double-quote to start field name"

The error message usually indicates the precise point where the JSON file has the syntax problem. The error above was caused by an extra comma in the JSON file, {"attributeName":{},{},}. The second comma is redundant.

The situation usually results in the service that the specific JSON file configures being left in the unsatisfied state.

After fixing your configuration, change to the /path/to/openidm/ directory, and use the validate command to check that your configuration files are valid.

System Not Available

OpenIDM throws the following error as a result of a reconciliation where the source systems configuration can not be found.

    "error": "Conflict",
    "description": "Internal Server Error:
        System: system/HR/account is not available.:
        System: system/HR/account is not available.:
        System: system/HR/account is not available."

This error occurs when the "name" property value in provisioner.resource.json is changed from HR to something else.

The same error occurs when a provisioner configuration fails to load due to misconfiguration, or when the path to the data file for a CSV or XML connector is incorrectly set.

Bad Connector Host Reference in Provisioner Configuration

You might see the following error when a provisioner configuration loads.

Wait for meta data for config org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.openicf-scriptedsql

In this case the configuration fails to load because information is missing. One possible cause is an incorrect value for connectorHostRef in the provisioner configuration file. For local Java connector servers, the following rules apply.

  • If the connector .jar is installed as a bundle under openidm/bundle, then the value must be "connectorHostRef" : "osgi:service/org.forgerock.openicf.framework.api.osgi.ConnectorManager",.

  • If the connector .jar is installed as a connector under openidm/connectors, then the value must be "connectorHostRef" : "#LOCAL",.

Missing Name Attribute

In this case, the situation in the audit recon log shows "NULL".

A missing name attribute error, followed by an IllegalArgumentException, points to misconfiguration of the correlation rule, with the correlation query pointing to the external system. Such queries usually reference the "name" field which, if empty, leads to the error below.

Jan 20, 2012 1:59:58 PM
 org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.openicf.commons.AttributeInfoHelper build
SEVERE: Failed to build name attribute out of [null]
Jan 20, 2012 1:59:58 PM
 org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.openicf.impl.OpenICFProvisionerService query
SEVERE: Operation [query, system/ad/account] failed with Exception on system
 object: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Attribute value must be an
 instance of String.
Jan 20, 2012 1:59:58 PM org.forgerock.openidm.router.JsonResourceRouterService
WARNING: JSON resource exception
org.forgerock.json.resource.JsonResourceException: IllegalArgumentException
 at org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner....OpenICFProvisionerService.query...
 at org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.....OpenICFProvisionerService.handle...
 at org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.impl.SystemObjectSetService.handle...
 at org.forgerock.json.resource.JsonResourceRouter.handle...

Check your correlationQuery. Another symptom of a broken correlation query is that the audit recon log shows a situation of "NULL", and no onCreate, onUpdate or similar scripts are executed.