Filters Filter objects intercept requests and responses during processing. AssignmentFilter — conditionally assign values to expressions Description Conditionally assigns values to expressions before the request and after the response is handled. Usage { "name": string, "type": "AssignmentFilter", "config": { "onRequest": [ { "condition": expression, "target": lvalue-expression, "value": expression }, ... ], "onResponse": [ { "condition": expression, "target": lvalue-expression, "value": expression }, ... ] } } Properties "onRequest": array of objects, optional Defines a list of assignment bindings to evaluate before the request is handled. "onResponse": array of objects, optional Defines a list of assignment bindings to evaluate after the response is handled. "condition": expression, optional Expression to evaluate to determine if an assignment should occur. Omitting the condition makes the assignment unconditional. See also Expressions(5). "target": lvalue-expression, required Expression that yields the target object whose value is to be set. See also Expressions(5). "value": expression, optional Expression that yields the value to be set in the target. See also Expressions(5). Example This is an example of how you would capture credentials and store them in the OpenIG session during a login request. Notice the credentials are captured on the request, but not marked as valid until the response returns a positive 302. The credentials would then be used to login a user to a different application: { "name": "PortalLoginCaptureFilter", "type": "AssignmentFilter", "config": { "onRequest": [ { "target": "${session.authUsername}", "value": "${request.form['username'][0]}", }, { "target": "${session.authPassword}", "value": "${request.form['password'][0]}", }, { "comment": "Authentication has not yet been confirmed.", "target": "${session.authConfirmed}", "value": "${false}", } ], "onResponse": [ { "condition": "${response.status.code == 302}", "target": "${session.authConfirmed}", "value": "${true}", } ] } } Javadoc org.forgerock.openig.filter.AssignmentFilter ConditionEnforcementFilter — verify a condition to continue the chain of execution Description Verifies that a specified condition is met. If the condition is met, the request continues to be executed. Otherwise, the request is referred to a failure handler, or OpenIG returns 403 Forbidden and the request is stopped. Usage { "type": "ConditionEnforcementFilter", "config": { "condition": boolean expression, "failureHandler": handler reference } } Properties "condition": boolean expression, required Expression that evaluates to true or false, to determine whether a request should continue to be executed. See also Expressions. "failureHandler": handler reference, optional Handler to treat the request if the condition expression evaluates as false. Provide an inline handler configuration object, or the name of a handler object that is defined in the heap. See also Handlers. Default: HTTP 403 Forbidden, the request stops being executed. Example The following example tests whether a request contains a session username. If it does, the request continues to be executed. Otherwise, the request is dispatched to the ConditionFailedHandler failure handler. { "name": "UsernameEnforcementFilter", "type": "ConditionEnforcementFilter", "config": { "condition": "${not empty (session.username)}", "failureHandler": "ConditionFailedHandler" } } Javadoc org.forgerock.openig.filter.ConditionEnforcementFilter CookieFilter — manage, suppress, relay cookies Description Manages, suppresses and relays cookies. Managed cookies are intercepted by the cookie filter itself and stored in the gateway session; managed cookies are not transmitted to the user agent. Suppressed cookies are removed from both request and response. Relayed cookies are transmitted freely between user agent and remote server and vice-versa. If a cookie does not appear in one of the three action parameters, then the default action is performed, controlled by setting the defaultAction parameter. If unspecified, the default action is to manage all cookies. In the event a cookie appears in more than one configuration parameter, then it will be selected in the order of precedence: managed, suppressed, relayed. Usage { "name": string, "type": "CookieFilter", "config": { "managed": [ string, ... ], "suppressed": [ string, ... ], "relayed": [ string, ... ], "defaultAction": string } } Properties "managed": array of strings, optional A list of the names of cookies to be managed. "suppressed": array of strings, optional A list of the names of cookies to be suppressed. "relayed": array of strings, optional A list of the names of cookies to be relayed. "defaultAction": string, optional Action to perform for cookies that do not match an action set. Must be one of: "MANAGE", "RELAY", "SUPPRESS". Default: "MANAGE". Javadoc org.forgerock.openig.filter.CookieFilter CryptoHeaderFilter — encrypt, decrypt headers Description Encrypts or decrypts headers in a request or response. Usage { "name": string, "type": "CryptoHeaderFilter", "config": { "messageType": string, "operation": string, "key": expression, "algorithm": string, "keyType": string, "headers": [ string, ... ] } } Properties "messageType": string, required Indicates the type of message whose headers to encrypt or decrypt. Must be one of: "REQUEST", "RESPONSE". "operation": string, required Indicates whether to encrypt or decrypt. Must be one of: "ENCRYPT", "DECRYPT". "key": expression, required Base64 encoded key value. See also Expressions(5). "algorithm": string, optional Algorithm used for encryption and decryption. Default: AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding "keyType": string, optional Algorithm name for the secret key. Default: AES "headers": array of strings, optional The names of header fields to encrypt or decrypt. Default: Do not encrypt or decrypt any headers Example { "name": "DecryptReplayPasswordFilter", "type": "CryptoHeaderFilter", "config": { "messageType": "REQUEST", "operation": "DECRYPT", "algorithm": "DES/ECB/NoPadding", "keyType": "DES", "key": "oqdP3DJdE1Q=", "headers": [ "replaypassword" ] } } Javadoc org.forgerock.openig.filter.CryptoHeaderFilter EntityExtractFilter — extract pattern from message entity Description Extracts regular expression patterns from a message entity. The extraction results are stored in a "target" object. For a given matched pattern, as described in Patterns(5), the value stored in the object is either the result of applying its associated pattern template (if specified) or the match result itself otherwise. Usage { "name": string, "type": "EntityExtractFilter", "config": { "messageType": string, "charset": string, "target": lvalue-expression, "bindings": [ { "key": string, "pattern": pattern, "template": pattern-template }, ... ] } } Properties "messageType": string, required The message type to extract patterns from. Must be one of: REQUEST, RESPONSE. "charset": string, optional Overrides the character set encoding specified in message. Default: the message encoding is used. "target": lvalue-expression, required Expression that yields the target object that contains the extraction results. The bindings determine what type of object is stored in the target location. The object stored in the target location is a Map<String, String>. You can then access its content with ${target.key} or ${target['key']}. See also Expressions(5). "key": string, required Name of element in target object to contain an extraction result. "pattern": pattern, required The regular expression pattern to find in the entity. See also Patterns(5). "template": pattern-template, optional The template to apply to the pattern and store in the named target element. Default: store the match result itself. See also Patterns(5). Examples Extracts a nonce from the response, which is typically a login page, and sets its value in the attributes context to be used by the downstream filter posting the login form. The nonce value would be accessed using the following expression: ${attributes.extract.wpLoginToken}. The pattern finds all matches in the HTTP body of the form wpLogintoken value="abc". Setting the template to $1 assigns the value abc to attributes.extract.wpLoginToken: { "name": "WikiNoncePageExtract", "type": "EntityExtractFilter", "config": { "messageType": "response", "target": "${attributes.extract}", "bindings": [ { "key": "wpLoginToken", "pattern": "wpLoginToken\"\s.*value=\"(.*)\"", "template": "$1" } ] } } The following example reads the response looking for the OpenAM login page. When found, it sets isLoginPage = true to be used in a SwitchFilter to post the login credentials: { "name": "FindLoginPage", "type": "EntityExtractFilter", "config": { "messageType": "response", "target": "${attributes.extract}", "bindings": [ { "key": "isLoginPage", "pattern": "OpenAM\s\(Login\)", "template": "true" } ] } } Javadoc org.forgerock.openig.filter.EntityExtractFilter FileAttributesFilter — retrieve record from a file Description Retrieves and exposes a record from a delimiter-separated file. Lookup of the record is performed using a specified key, whose value is derived from an expression. The resulting record is exposed in an object whose location is specified by the target expression. If a matching record cannot be found, then the resulting object is empty. The retrieval of the record is performed lazily; it does not occur until the first attempt to access a value in the target. This defers the overhead of file operations and text processing until a value is first required. This also means that the value expression is not evaluated until the object is first accessed. Usage { "name": string, "type": "FileAttributesFilter", "config": { "file": expression, "charset": string, "separator": string, "header": boolean, "fields": [ string, ... ], "target": lvalue-expression, "key": string, "value": expression } } For an example see Log in With Credentials From a File in the Gateway Guide. Properties "file": expression, required The file containing the record to be read. See also Expressions(5). "charset": string, optional The character set in which the file is encoded. Default: "UTF-8". "separator": separator identifier string, optional The separator character, which is one of the following: COLON Unix-style colon-separated values, with backslash as the escape character. COMMA Comma-separated values, with support for quoted literal strings. TAB Tab separated values, with support for quoted literal strings. + Default: COMMA "header": boolean, optional The setting to treat or not treat the first row of the file as a header row. When the first row of the file is treated as a header row, the data in that row is disregarded and cannot be returned by a lookup operation. Default: true. "fields": array of strings, optional A list of keys in the order they appear in a record. If fields is not set, the keys are assigned automatically by the column numbers of the file. "target": lvalue-expression, required Expression that yields the target object to contain the record. The target object is a Map<String, String>, where the fields are the keys. For example, if the target is ${attributes.file} and the record has a username field and a password field mentioned in the fields list, Then you can access the user name as ${attributes.file.username} and the password as ${attributes.file.password}. See also Expressions(5). "key": string, required The key used for the lookup operation. "value": expression, required Expression that yields the value to be looked-up within the file. See also Expressions(5). Javadoc org.forgerock.openig.filter.FileAttributesFilter HeaderFilter — remove and add headers Description Removes headers from and adds headers to a message. Headers are added to any existing headers in the message. To replace, remove the header and add it. Usage { "name": string, "type": "HeaderFilter", "config": { "messageType": string, "remove": [ string, ... ], "add": { name: [ string, ... ], ... } } } Properties "messageType": string, required Indicates the type of message to filter headers for. Must be one of: "REQUEST", "RESPONSE". "remove": array of strings, optional The names of header fields to remove from the message. "add": object, optional Header fields to add to the message. The name specifies the header name, with an associated array of string values. Examples Replace the host header on the incoming request with { "name": "ReplaceHostFilter", "type": "HeaderFilter", "config": { "messageType": "REQUEST", "remove": [ "host" ], "add": { "host": [ "" ] } } } Add a Set-Cookie header in the response: { "name": "SetCookieFilter", "type": "HeaderFilter", "config": { "messageType": "RESPONSE", "add": { "Set-Cookie": [ "mysession=12345" ] } } } Add headers custom1 and custom2 to the request: { "name": "SetCustomHeaders", "type": "HeaderFilter", "config": { "messageType": "REQUEST", "add": { "custom1": [ "12345", "6789" ], "custom2": [ "abcd" ] } } } Javadoc org.forgerock.openig.filter.HeaderFilter HttpBasicAuthFilter — perform HTTP Basic authentication Description Performs authentication through the HTTP Basic authentication scheme. For more information, see RFC 2617. If challenged for authentication via a 401 Unauthorized status code by the server, this filter retries the request with credentials attached. Once an HTTP authentication challenge is issued from the remote server, all subsequent requests to that remote server that pass through the filter include the user credentials. If authentication fails (including the case of no credentials yielded from expressions), then processing is diverted to the specified authentication failure handler. Usage { "name": string, "type": "HttpBasicAuthFilter", "config": { "username": expression, "password": expression, "failureHandler": Handler reference, "cacheHeader": boolean } } Properties "username": expression, required Expression that yields the username to supply during authentication. See also Expressions(5). "password": expression, required Expression that yields the password to supply during authentication. See also Expressions(5). "failureHandler": Handler reference, required Dispatch to this Handler if authentication fails. Provide either the name of a Handler object defined in the heap, or an inline Handler configuration object. See also Handlers. "cacheHeader": boolean, optional Whether to cache credentials in the session after the first successful authentication, and then replay those credentials for subsequent authentications in the same session. With "cacheHeader": false, the filter generates the header for each request. This is useful, for example, when users change their passwords during a browser session. Default: true Example { "name": "TomcatAuthenticator", "type": "HttpBasicAuthFilter", "config": { "username": "tomcat", "password": "tomcat", "failureHandler": "TomcatAuthFailureHandler", "cacheHeader": false } } Javadoc org.forgerock.openig.filter.HttpBasicAuthFilter LocationHeaderFilter — rewrites Location headers Description Rewrites Location headers on responses that generate a redirect that would take the user directly to the application being proxied rather than taking the user through OpenIG. For example, if OpenIG listens on and the application it protects listens on, then you can configure this filter to rewrite redirects that would take the user to locations under to go instead to locations under Usage { "name": string, "type": "LocationHeaderFilter", "config": { "baseURI": expression } } An alternative value for type is RedirectFilter. Properties "baseURI": expression, optional The base URI of the OpenIG instance. This is used to rewrite the Location header on the response. Default: Redirect to the original URI specified in the request. See also Expressions(5). Example { "name": "LocationRewriter", "type": "LocationHeaderFilter", "config": { "baseURI": "" } } Javadoc org.forgerock.openig.filter.LocationHeaderFilter OAuth2ClientFilter — Authenticate an end user with OAuth 2.0 delegated authorization Description An OAuth2ClientFilter is a filter that authenticates an end user using OAuth 2.0 delegated authorization. The filter can act as an OpenID Connect relying party as well as an OAuth 2.0 client. The client filter does not include information about identity providers, or information about static registration with identity providers. For information about an identity provider, see Issuer(5). For information about registration with an identity provider, see ClientRegistration(5). In the case where all users share the same identity provider, you can configure the filter as a client of a single provider by referencing a single client registration name for the filter. You can also configure the filter to work with multiple providers, taking the user to a login handler page—often full of provider logos, and known as a Nascar page. The name comes from Nascar race cars, some of which are covered with sponsors' logos—to choose a provider. What an OAuth2ClientFilter does depends on the incoming request URI. In the following list clientEndpoint represents the value of the clientEndpoint in the filter configuration: clientEndpoint/login/?discovery=user-input&goto=url Using the user-input value, discover and register dynamically with the end user’s OpenID Provider or with the client registration endpoint as described in RFC 7591. Upon successful registration, redirect the end user to the provider for authentication and authorization consent before redirecting the user-agent back to the callback client endpoint. clientEndpoint/login?registration=registrationName&goto=url Redirect the end user for authorization with the specified registration, which is the name of a ClientRegistration configuration as described in ClientRegistration(5). The provider corresponding to the registration then authenticates the end user and obtains authorization consent before redirecting the user-agent back to the callback client endpoint. Ultimately if the entire process is successful, the filter saves the authorization state in the context and redirects the user-agent to the specified URL. clientEndpoint/logout?goto=url Remove the authorization state for the end user and redirect to the specified URL. clientEndpoint/callback Handle the callback from the OAuth 2.0 authorization server that occurs as part of the authorization process. If the callback is handled successfully, the filter saves the authorization state in the context at the specified target location and redirects to the URL during login. Other request URIs Restore authorization state in the specified target location and call the next filter or handler in the chain. Usage { "name": string, "type": "OAuth2ClientFilter", "config": { "clientEndpoint": expression, "failureHandler": Handler reference, "discoveryHandler": Handler reference, "loginHandler": Handler reference, "registrations": [ ClientRegistration reference(s) ], "metadata": dynamic registration client metadata object, "cacheExpiration": duration string, "executor": executor, "target": expression, "defaultLoginGoto": expression, "defaultLogoutGoto": expression, "requireHttps": boolean, "requireLogin": boolean } } Properties "clientEndpoint": expression, required Base URI for the filter. For example, if you set "clientEndpoint": "/openid", then the service URIs for this filter on your OpenIG server are /openid/login, /openid/logout, and /openid/callback. See also Expressions(5). "failureHandler": Handler reference, required Provide an inline handler configuration object, or the name of a handler object that is defined in the heap. If this handler is invoked, then the target in the context can be populated with information such as the exception, client registration, and error. The failure object in the target is a simple map, similar to the following example: { "client_registration": "ClientRegistration name string", "error": { "realm": "optional string", "scope": [ "optional required scope string", ... ], "error": "optional string", "error_description": "optional string", "error_uri": "optional string" }, "access_token": "string", "id_token": "string", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": "number", "scope": [ "optional scope string", ... ], "client_endpoint": "URL string", "exception": exception } In the failure object, the following fields are not always present. Their presence depends on when the failure occurs: "access_token" "id_token" "token_type" "expires_in" "scope" "client_endpoint" See also Handlers. "discoveryHandler": Handler reference, optional Invoke this HTTP client handler to communicate with the OpenID Provider for OpenID Connect Discovery. Provide either the name of a Handler object defined in the heap, or an inline Handler configuration object. Usually set this to the name of a ClientHandler configured in the heap, or a chain that ends in a ClientHandler. Default: OpenIG uses the default ClientHandler. See also Handlers, ClientHandler(5). "loginHandler": Handler reference, required if there are zero or multiple client registrations, optional if there is one client registration Use this Handler when the user must choose an identity provider. When registrations contains only one client registration, this Handler is optional but is displayed if specified. Provide either the name of a Handler object defined in the heap, or an inline Handler configuration object. For an example of a login handler where no client registrations are defined, see Preparing OpenIG for Discovery and Dynamic Registration in the Gateway Guide. The following example shows a login handler that allows the user to choose from two client registrations: openam and google: { "name": "NascarPage", "type": "StaticResponseHandler", "config": { "status": 200, "entity": "<html><p><a href='/openid/login?registration=openam&goto=${urlEncodeQueryParameterNameOrValue(contexts.router.originalUri)}' >OpenAM Login</a></p> <p><a href='/openid/login?registration=google&goto=${contexts.router.originalUri}' >Google Login</a></p> </html>" } } See also Handlers. "registrations": Array of ClientRegistration references or inline ClientRegistration declarations, optional List of client registrations that authenticate OpenIG to the identity providers. The list must contain all client registrations that are to be used by the client filter. The value represents a static client registration with an identity provider as described in ClientRegistration(5). "metadata": client metadata object, required for dynamic client registration and ignored otherwise This object holds client metadata as described in OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0, and optionally a list of scopes. See that document for additional details and a full list of fields. This object can also hold client metadata as described in RFC 7591, OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol. See that RFC for additional details. The following partial list of metadata fields is not exhaustive, but includes metadata that is useful with OpenAM as OpenID Provider: "redirect_uris": array of URI strings, required The array of redirection URIs to use when dynamically registering this client. "client_name": string, optional Name of the client to present to the end user. "scopes": array of strings, optional Array of scope strings to request of the OpenID Provider. "cacheExpiration": duration string, optional Duration for which to cache user-info resources. OpenIG lazily fetches user info from the OpenID provider. In other words, OpenIG only fetches the information when a downstream Filter or Handler uses the user info. Caching allows OpenIG to avoid repeated calls to OpenID providers when reusing the information over a short period. A duration is a lapse of time expressed in English, such as 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds. Durations are not case sensitive. Negative durations are not supported. The following units can be used in durations: indefinite, infinity, undefined, unlimited: unlimited duration zero, disabled: zero-length duration days, day, d: days hours, hour, h: hours minutes, minute, min, m: minutes seconds, second, sec, s: seconds milliseconds, millisecond, millisec, millis, milli, ms: milliseconds microseconds, microsecond, microsec, micros, micro, us: microseconds nanoseconds, nanosecond, nanosec, nanos, nano, ns: nanoseconds Default: 20 seconds Set this to disabled or zero to disable caching. When caching is disabled, user info is still lazily fetched. "executor": executor, optional An executor service to schedule the execution of tasks, such as the eviction of entries in the OpenID Connect user information cache. Default: ScheduledExecutorService See also ScheduledExecutorService(5). "target": expression, optional Expression that yields the target object whose value is to be set, such as ${attributes.openid}. Default: ${attributes.openid} See also Expressions(5). "defaultLoginGoto": expression, optional The URI to redirect to after successful authentication and authorization. Default: return an empty page. See also Expressions(5). "defaultLogoutGoto": expression, optional The URI to redirect to after successful logout. Default: return an empty page. See also Expressions(5). "requireHttps": boolean, optional Whether to require that requests use the HTTPS scheme. Default: true. "requireLogin": boolean, optional Whether to require authentication for all incoming requests. Default: true. Example The following example configures an OAuth 2.0 client filter. The base client endpoint is /openid. The filter uses well-known configuration endpoints to obtain configuration information for OpenAM and for Google as providers. The client credentials are not shown. When a incoming request is made to /openid/login, this filter takes the user to a NascarPage to choose an identity provider. It then handles negotiation for authorization with the provider. If the authorization process completes successfully, then the filter injects the authorization state data into attributes.openid. At the end of the interaction, the aim of this configuration is simply to dump the data obtained back in the response: { "name": "OpenIDConnectClient", "type": "OAuth2ClientFilter", "config": { "target" : "${attributes.openid}", "clientEndpoint" : "/openid", "loginHandler" : "NascarPage", "registrations" : [ "openam", "google" ], "failureHandler" : "Dump", "defaultLoginGoto" : "/dump", "defaultLogoutGoto" : "/unprotected", "requireHttps" : false, "requireLogin" : true } } For details regarding configuration of providers, see Issuer(5) and ClientRegistration(5). Notice that this configuration is for development and testing purposes only, and is not secure ("requireHttps": false). Make sure you do require HTTPS in production environments. Javadoc org.forgerock.openig.filter.oauth2.client.OAuth2ClientFilter See Also Issuer(5), ClientRegistration(5) The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token Usage OpenID Connect site, in particular the list of standard OpenID Connect 1.0 scope values OAuth2ResourceServerFilter — validate a request containing an OAuth 2.0 access token Description An OAuth2ResourceServerFilter is a filter that validates a request containing an OAuth 2.0 access token. The filter expects an OAuth 2.0 token from the HTTP Authorization header of the request, such as the following example header, where the OAuth 2.0 access token is 1fc0e143-f248-4e50-9c13-1d710360cec9: Authorization: Bearer 1fc0e143-f248-4e50-9c13-1d710360cec9 The filter extracts the access token, and then validates it against the configured tokenInfoEndpoint URL. On successful validation, the filter creates a new context for the authorization server response, at ${contexts.oauth2}. The context is named oauth2 and can be reached at contexts.oauth2 or contexts['oauth2']. The context contains data such as the access token, which can be reached at contexts.oauth2.accessToken or contexts['oauth2'].accessToken. Regarding errors, if the filter configuration and access token together result in an invalid request to the authorization server, the filter returns an HTTP 400 Bad Request response to the user-agent. If the access token is missing from the request, the filter returns an HTTP 401 Unauthorized response to the user-agent: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="OpenIG" If the access token is not valid, for example, because it has expired, the filter also returns an HTTP 401 Unauthorized response to the user-agent. If the scopes for the access token do not match the specified required scopes, the filter returns an HTTP 403 Forbidden response to the user-agent. Usage { "name": string, "type": "OAuth2ResourceServerFilter", "config": { "providerHandler": Handler reference, "scopes": [ expression, ... ], "tokenInfoEndpoint": URL string, "cacheExpiration": duration string, "executor": executor, "requireHttps": boolean, "realm": string } } An alternative value for type is OAuth2RSFilter. Properties "providerHandler": Handler reference, optional Invoke this HTTP client handler to send token info requests. Provide either the name of a Handler object defined in the heap, or an inline Handler configuration object. Default: OpenIG uses the default ClientHandler. See also Handlers, ClientHandler(5). "scopes": array of expressions, required The list of required OAuth 2.0 scopes for this protected resource. See also Expressions(5). "tokenInfoEndpoint": URL string, required The URL to the token info endpoint of the OAuth 2.0 authorization server. "cacheExpiration": duration string, optional Duration for which to cache OAuth 2.0 access tokens. Caching allows OpenIG to avoid repeated requests for token info when reusing the information over a short period. A duration is a lapse of time expressed in English, such as 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds. Durations are not case sensitive. Negative durations are not supported. The following units can be used in durations: indefinite, infinity, undefined, unlimited: unlimited duration zero, disabled: zero-length duration days, day, d: days hours, hour, h: hours minutes, minute, min, m: minutes seconds, second, sec, s: seconds milliseconds, millisecond, millisec, millis, milli, ms: milliseconds microseconds, microsecond, microsec, micros, micro, us: microseconds nanoseconds, nanosecond, nanosec, nanos, nano, ns: nanoseconds Default: 1 minute Set this to disabled or zero to disable caching. When caching is disabled, each request triggers a new request to the authorization server to verify the access token. "executor": executor, optional An executor service to schedule the execution of tasks, such as the eviction of entries in the access token cache. Default: ScheduledExecutorService See also ScheduledExecutorService(5). "requireHttps": boolean, optional Whether to require that requests use the HTTPS scheme. Default: true "realm": string, optional HTTP authentication realm to include in the WWW-Authenticate response header field when returning an HTTP 401 Unauthorized status to a user-agent that need to authenticate. Default: OpenIG Example The following example configures an OAuth 2.0 protected resource filter that expects scopes email and profile (and returns an HTTP 403 Forbidden status if the scopes are not present), and validates access tokens against the OpenAM token info endpoint. It caches access tokens for up to 2 minutes: { "name": "ProtectedResourceFilter", "type": "OAuth2ResourceServerFilter", "config": { "providerHandler": "ClientHandler", "scopes": [ "email", "profile" ], "tokenInfoEndpoint": "", "cacheExpiration": "2 minutes" } } Javadoc org.forgerock.openig.filter.oauth2.OAuth2ResourceServerFilterHeaplet See Also The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token Usage PasswordReplayFilter — replay credentials with a single filter Description Replays credentials in a single composite filter for the following cases: When the request is for a login page When the response contains a login page When the response contains a login page, a PasswordReplayFilter can extract values from the response entity and reuse the values when replaying credentials. A PasswordReplayFilter does not retry failed authentication attempts. Usage { "name": string, "type": "PasswordReplayFilter", "config": { "request": request configuration object, "loginPage": expression, "loginPageContentMarker": pattern, "credentials": Filter reference, "headerDecryption": crypto configuration object, "loginPageExtractions": [ extract configuration object, ... ] } } Properties "request": request configuration object, required The request that replays the credentials. The request configuration object has the following fields: "method": string, required The HTTP method to be performed on the resource such as GET or POST. "uri": string, required The fully qualified URI of the resource to access such as "entity": expression, optional The entity body to include in the request. This setting is mutually exclusive with the form setting when the method is set to POST. See also Expressions(5). "form": object, optional A form to include in the request. The param specifies the form parameter name. Its value is an array of expressions to evaluate as form field values. This setting is mutually exclusive with the entity setting when the method is set to POST. "headers": object, optional Header fields to set in the request. The name specifies the header name. Its value is an array of expressions to evaluate as header values. "version": string, optional The HTTP protocol version. Default: "HTTP/1.1". The implementation uses a StaticRequestFilter. The fields are the same as those described in StaticRequestFilter(5). "loginPage": expression, required unless loginPageContentMarker is defined An expression that is true when a login page is requested, false otherwise. For example, the following expression specifies that an HTTP GET to the path /login is a request for a login page: ${matches(request.uri.path, '/login') and (request.method == 'GET')} OpenIG only evaluates the expression for the request, not for the response. See also Expressions(5). "loginPageContentMarker": pattern, required unless loginPage is defined A pattern that matches when a response entity is that of a login page. See also Patterns(5). "credentials": Filter reference, optional Filter that injects credentials, making them available for replay. Consider using a FileAttributesFilter or a SqlAttributesFilter. When this is not specified, credentials must be made available to the request by other means. See also Filters. "headerDecryption": crypto configuration object, optional Object to decrypt request headers that contain credentials to replay. The crypto configuration object has the following fields: "key": expression, required Base64 encoded key value. See also Expressions(5). "algorithm": string, optional Algorithm used for decryption. Default: AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding "keyType": string, optional Algorithm name for the secret key. Default: AES "headers": array of strings, optional The names of header fields to decrypt. Default: Do not decrypt any headers. "loginPageExtractions": extract configuration array, optional Object to extract values from the login page entity. The extract configuration array is a series of configuration objects. To extract multiple values, use multiple extract configuration objects. Each object has the following fields: "name": string, required Name of the field where the extracted value is put. The names are mapped into attributes.extracted. For example, if the name is nonce, the value can be obtained with the expression ${attributes.extracted.nonce}. The name isLoginPage is reserved to hold a boolean that indicates whether the response entity is a login page. "pattern": pattern, required The regular expression pattern to find in the entity. The pattern must contain one capturing group. (If it contains more than one, only the value matching the first group is placed into attributes.extracted.) For example, suppose the login page entity contains a nonce required to authenticate, and the nonce in the page looks like nonce='n-0S6_WzA2Mj'. To extract n-0S6_WzA2Mj, set "pattern": " nonce='(.*)'". See also Patterns(5). Examples The following example route authenticates requests using static credentials whenever the request is for /login. This PasswordReplayFilter example does not include any mechanism for remembering when authentication has already been successful. It simply replays the authentication every time that the request is for /login: { "handler": { "type": "Chain", "config": { "filters": [ { "type": "PasswordReplayFilter", "config": { "loginPage": "${request.uri.path == '/login'}", "request": { "method": "POST", "uri": "", "form": { "username": [ "MY_USERNAME" ], "password": [ "MY_PASSWORD" ] } } } } ], "handler": "ClientHandler" } } } For additional examples, see Configuration Templates in the Gateway Guide, and the Javadoc for the PasswordReplayFilter class. Javadoc org.forgerock.openig.filter.PasswordReplayFilterHeaplet PolicyEnforcementFilter — enforce policy decisions from OpenAM Description This filter requests policy decisions from OpenAM, which allows or denies the request based on the request context, the request URI, and the OpenAM policies. If the request is allowed, processing continues. If the request is denied, OpenIG returns 403 Forbidden. If an error occurs during the process, OpenIG returns 500 Internal Server Error. This filter allows you to specify the subject by SSO token, JWT, or JWT claims. This filter can add contextual attributes (accessible through ${attributes}), and some elements returned by the policy decision, such as attributes and advices. In the OpenAM policy, remember to configure the Resources parameter with the URI of the protected application. The request URI from OpenIG must match the Resources parameter defined in the OpenAM policy. If the URI of the incoming request is changed before it enters the policy filter (for example, by rebasing or scripting), remember to change the Resources parameter in OpenAM policy accordingly. Usage { "name": string, "type": "PolicyEnforcementFilter", "config": { "openamUrl": URI expression, "pepUsername": expression, "pepPassword": expression, "pepRealm": string, "ssoTokenSubject": expression, "jwtSubject": expression, "claimsSubject": map or expression, "amHandler": Handler reference, "realm": string, "ssoTokenHeader": string, "application": string, "cacheMaxExpiration": duration string, "target": lvalue-expression, "environment": map or expression, "executor": executor } } Properties "openamUrl": URI expression, required The URL to an OpenAM service, such as See also Expressions(5). "pepUsername": expression, required The OpenAM username of the user with permission to request policy decisions. See also Expressions(5). "pepPassword": expression, required The OpenAM password of the user with permission to request policy decisions. See also Expressions(5). "pepRealm": string, optional The realm of the user with permission to request policy decisions. Default: The value used by realm. "ssoTokenSubject": expression, required if neither of the following properties are present: "jwtSubject", "claimsSubject" An expression evaluating to the OpenAM SSO token ID string for the subject making the request to the protected resource. See also Expressions(5). "jwtSubject": expression, required if neither of the following properties are present: "ssoTokenSubject", "claimsSubject" An expression evaluating to the JWT string for the subject making the request to the protected resource. To use the raw id_token (base64, not decoded) returned by the OpenID Connect Provider during authentication, place an OAuth2ClientFilter filter before the PEP filter, and then use ${attributes.openid.id_token} as the expression value. See also OAuth2ClientFilter(5) and Expressions(5). "claimsSubject": map or expression, required if neither of the following properties are present: "jwtSubject", "ssoTokenSubject" A representation of JWT claims for the subject. The subject must be specified, but the JWT claims can contain other information such as the token issuer, expiration, and so on. If this property is a map, the structure must have the format Map<String, Object>. The value is evaluated as an expression. "claimsSubject": { "sub": "${attributes.subject_identifier}", "iss": "" } If this property is an expression, its evaluation must give an object of type Map<String, Object>. "claimsSubject": "${attributes.openid.id_token_claims}" See also Expressions(5). "amHandler": Handler reference, optional The handler to use when requesting policy decisions from OpenAM. In production, use a ClientHandler that is capable of making an HTTPS connection to OpenAM. Default: OpenIG uses the ForgeRockClientHandler. See also Handlers. "realm": string, optional The OpenAM realm to use when requesting policy decisions. Default: / (Top Level Realm) "ssoTokenHeader": string, optional The name of the HTTP header to use when supplying the SSO token ID for the user making a policy decision request. Default: iPlanetDirectoryPro "application": string, optional The OpenAM application to use when requesting policy decisions. Default: OpenIG does not specify an application when making a policy decision request. As a result, the application is iPlanetAMWebAgentService, which is the default for OpenAM. "cacheMaxExpiration": duration string, optional Maximum duration for which to cache policy decision responses. If the time-to-live value in the policy decision response is shorter, then OpenIG expires the decision according to the shorter lifetime. This setting prevents OpenIG from having to issue a new request for every policy decision, including even repeated requests by the same subject for the same resource. Cached policy decisions remain in the OpenIG cache even after a user logs out of OpenAM and the OpenAM session becomes invalid. A duration is a lapse of time expressed in English, such as 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds. Durations are not case sensitive. Negative durations are not supported. The following units can be used in durations: indefinite, infinity, undefined, unlimited: unlimited duration zero, disabled: zero-length duration days, day, d: days hours, hour, h: hours minutes, minute, min, m: minutes seconds, second, sec, s: seconds milliseconds, millisecond, millisec, millis, milli, ms: milliseconds microseconds, microsecond, microsec, micros, micro, us: microseconds nanoseconds, nanosecond, nanosec, nanos, nano, ns: nanoseconds Default: 1 minute "target": lvalue-expression, optional A map in the attributes context where the "attributes" and "advices" map fields from the policy decision are saved. Example: ${attributes.policy.attributes} and ${attributes.policy.advices} Default: ${attributes.policy} "environment": map or expression, optional Environment conditions can be defined in an OpenAM policy to set the circumstances under which the policy applies. For example, environment conditions can specify that the policy applies only during working hours or only when accessing from a specific IP address. If this property is a map, the structure must have the format Map<String, List<Object>>. "environment": { "IP": [ "${contexts.client.remoteAddress}" ] } If this property is an expression, its evaluation must give an object of type Map<String, List<Object>>. "environment": "${attributes.my_environment}" "executor": executor, optional An executor service to schedule the execution of tasks, such as the eviction of entries in the policy decision cache. Default: ScheduledExecutorService See also ScheduledExecutorService(5). Example The following example requests a policy decision from OpenAM before allowing a request to continue. The policyAdmin user is an OpenAM subject with permission to request policy decisions. The user making the request to the protected resource is identified by an SSO token ID string. The realm defaults to OpenAM’s top-level realm: { "handler": { "type": "Chain", "config": { "filters": [ { "type": "PolicyEnforcementFilter", "config": { "openamUrl": "", "pepUsername": "policyAdmin", "pepPassword": "${env['POLICY_ADMIN_PWD']}", "ssoTokenSubject": "${attributes.SSOCurrentUser}", "claimsSubject": "${attributes.openid.id_token_claims}", "target": "${attributes.currentPolicy}", "environment": { "IP": [ "${contexts.client.remoteAddress}" ] } } } ], "handler": "ClientHandler" } } } Javadoc org.forgerock.openig.openam.PolicyEnforcementFilter See Also Requesting Policy Decisions ScriptableFilter — process requests and responses by using a script Description Processes requests and responses by using a script. The script must return either a Promise<Response or a Response. When you are writing scripts or Java extensions, never use a Promise blocking method, such as get(), getOrThrow(), or getOrThrowUninterruptibly(), to obtain the response. A promise represents the result of an asynchronous operation. Therefore, using a blocking method to wait for the result can cause deadlocks and/or race issues. Classes The following classes are imported automatically for Groovy scripts: org.forgerock.http.Client org.forgerock.http.Filter org.forgerock.http.Handler org.forgerock.http.filter.throttling.ThrottlingRate org.forgerock.http.util.Uris org.forgerock.util.AsyncFunction org.forgerock.util.Function org.forgerock.util.promise.NeverThrowsException org.forgerock.util.promise.Promise org.forgerock.http.protocol.* Objects The script has access to the following global objects: Any parameters passed as args You can use the configuration to pass parameters to the script by specifying an args object. Take care when naming keys in the args object. If you reuse the name of another global object, cause the script to fail and OpenIG to return a response with HTTP status code 500 Internal Server Error. attributes The attributes object provides access to a context map of arbitrary attributes, which is a mechanism for transferring transient state between components when processing a single request. Use session for maintaining state between successive requests from the same logical client. context The processing context. This context is the leaf of a chain of contexts. It provides access to other Context types, such as SessionContext, AttributesContext, and ClientContext, through the context.asContext(ContextClass.class) method. request The HTTP request. globals This object is a Map that holds variables that persist across successive invocations. http An embedded client for making outbound HTTP requests, which is an org.forgerock.http.Client. If a "clientHandler" is set in the configuration, then that Handler is used. Otherwise, the default ClientHandler configuration is used. For details, see Handlers. ldap The ldap object provides an embedded LDAP client. Use this client to perform outbound LDAP requests, such as LDAP authentication. logger The logger object provides access to the server log sink. next The next object refers to the next handler in the filter chain. session The session object provides access to the session context, which is a mechanism for maintaining state when processing a successive requests from the same logical client or end-user. Use attributes for transferring transient state between components when processing a single request. When you have finished processing the request, execute return next.handle(context, request) to call the next filter or handler in the current chain and return the value from the call. Actions on the response must be performed in the Promise’s callback methods. Usage { "name": string, "type": "ScriptableFilter", "config": { "type": string, "file": expression, // Use either "file" "source": string, // or "source", but not both. "args": object, "clientHandler": Handler reference } } Properties "type": string, required The Internet media type (formerly MIME type) of the script, "application/x-groovy" for Groovy "file": expression Path to the file containing the script; mutually exclusive with "source" Relative paths in the file field are relative to the base location for scripts. The base location depends on the configuration. For details, see Installing OpenIG in the Gateway Guide. The base location for Groovy scripts is on the classpath when the scripts are executed. If therefore some Groovy scripts are not in the default package, but instead have their own package names, they belong in the directory corresponding to their package name. For example, a script in package com.example.groovy belongs under openig-base/scripts/groovy/com/example/groovy/. "source": string The script as a string; mutually exclusive with "file" "args": object, optional Parameters passed from the configuration to the script. The configuration object is a map whose values can be scalars, arrays, objects and so forth, as in the following example: { "args": { "title": "Coffee time", "status": 418, "reason": [ "Not Acceptable", "I'm a teapot", "Acceptable" ], "names": { "1": "koffie", "2": "kafe", "3": "cafe", "4": "kafo" } } } The script can then access the args parameters in the same way as other global objects. The following example sets the response status to I’m a teapot: response.status = Status.valueOf(418, reason[1]) For details regarding this status code see RFC 7168, Section 2.3.3 418 I’m a Teapot. Args parameters can reference objects defined in the heap using expressions. For example, the following excerpt shows the heap that defines SampleFilter: { "heap": [ { "name": "SampleFilter", "type": "SampleFilter", "config": { "name": "X-Greeting", "value": "Hello world" } } ] } SampleFilter is a customized filter implemented as an extension of OpenIG. For information about sample filter, see Implementing a Customized Sample Filter in the Gateway Guide. To pass SampleFilter to the script, the following example uses an expression in the args parameters: { "args": { "filter": "${heap['SampleFilter']}" } } The script can then reference SampleFilter as filter. For details about the heap, see Heap Objects(5). "clientHandler", ClientHandler reference, optional A Handler for making outbound HTTP requests. Default: Use the default ClientHandler. For details, see Handlers. Javadoc org.forgerock.openig.filter.ScriptableFilter SqlAttributesFilter — execute SQL query Description Executes a SQL query through a prepared statement and exposes its first result. Parameters in the prepared statement are derived from expressions. The query result is exposed in an object whose location is specified by the target expression. If the query yields no result, then the resulting object is empty. The execution of the query is performed lazily; it does not occur until the first attempt to access a value in the target. This defers the overhead of connection pool, network and database query processing until a value is first required. This also means that the parameters expressions is not evaluated until the object is first accessed. Usage { "name": string, "type": "SqlAttributesFilter", "config": { "dataSource": string, "preparedStatement": string, "parameters": [ expression, ... ], "target": lvalue-expression } } Properties "dataSource": string, required The JNDI name of the factory for connections to the physical data source. "preparedStatement": string, required The parameterized SQL query to execute, with ? parameter placeholders. "parameters": array of expressions, optional The parameters to evaluate and include in the execution of the prepared statement. See also Expressions(5). "target": lvalue-expression, required Expression that yields the target object that will contain the query results. See also Expressions(5). Example Using the user’s session ID from a cookie, query the database to find the user logged in and set the profile attributes in the attributes context: { "name": "SqlAttributesFilter", "type": "SqlAttributesFilter", "config": { "target": "${attributes.sql}", "dataSource": "java:comp/env/jdbc/mysql", "preparedStatement": "SELECT f.value AS 'first', l.value AS 'last', u.mail AS 'email', GROUP_CONCAT(CAST(r.rid AS CHAR)) AS 'roles' FROM sessions s INNER JOIN users u ON ( u.uid = s.uid AND u.status = 1 ) LEFT OUTER JOIN profile_values f ON ( f.uid = u.uid AND f.fid = 1 ) LEFT OUTER JOIN profile_values l ON ( l.uid = u.uid AND l.fid = 2 ) LEFT OUTER JOIN users_roles r ON ( r.uid = u.uid ) WHERE (s.sid = ? AND s.uid <> 0) GROUP BY s.sid;", "parameters": [ "${request.cookies [keyMatch(request.cookies,'JSESSION1234')] [0].value}" ] } } Lines are folded for readability in this example. In your JSON, keep the values for "preparedStatement" and "parameters" on one line. Javadoc org.forgerock.openig.filter.SqlAttributesFilter StaticRequestFilter — create new request Description Creates a new request, replacing any existing request. The request can include an entity specified in the entity parameter. Alternatively, the request can include a form, specified in the form parameter, which is included in an entity encoded in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format if request method is POST, or otherwise as (additional) query parameters in the URI. The form and entity parameters cannot be used together when the method is set to POST. Usage { "name": string, "type": "StaticRequestFilter", "config": { "method": string, "uri": string, "version": string, "headers": { name: [ expression, ... ], ... }, "form": { param: [ expression, ... ], ... }, "entity": expression } } Properties "method": string, required The HTTP method to be performed on the resource (for example, "GET"). "uri": string, required The fully-qualified URI of the resource to access (for example, ""). "version": string, optional Protocol version. Default: "HTTP/1.1". "headers": object, optional Header fields to set in the request. The name specifies the header name. Its value is an array of expressions to evaluate as header values. "form": object, optional A form to include in the request. The param specifies the form parameter name. Its value is an array of expressions to evaluate as form field values. This setting is mutually exclusive with the entity setting when the method is set to POST. "entity": expression, optional The entity body to include in the request. This setting is mutually exclusive with the form setting when the method is set to POST. See also Expressions(5). Example { "name": "LoginRequestFilter", "type": "StaticRequestFilter", "config": { "method": "POST", "uri": "", "form": { "log": [ "george" ], "pwd": [ "bosco" ], "rememberme": [ "forever" ], "redirect_to": [ "" ], "testcookie": [ "1" ] } } } Javadoc org.forgerock.openig.filter.StaticRequestFilter SwitchFilter — divert requests to another handler Description Conditionally diverts requests to another handler. If a condition evaluates to true, then the request is dispatched to the associated handler with no further processing by the switch filter. Usage { "name": string, "type": "SwitchFilter", "config": { "onRequest": [ { "condition": expression, "handler": Handler reference, }, ... ], "onResponse": [ { "condition": expression, "handler": Handler reference, }, ... ] } } Properties "onRequest": array of objects, optional Conditions to test (and handler to dispatch to, if true) before the request is handled. "onResponse": array of objects, optional Conditions to test (and handler to dispatch to, if true) after the response is handled. "condition": expression, optional Condition to evaluate to determine if the request or response should be dispatched to the handler. Default: unconditional dispatch to the handler. See also Expressions(5). "handler": Handler reference, required Dispatch to this handler if the condition yields true. Provide either the name of a Handler object defined in the heap, or an inline Handler configuration object. See also Handlers. Example This example intercepts the response if it is equal to 200 and executes the LoginRequestHandler. This filter might be used in a login flow where the request for the login page must go through to the target, but the response should be intercepted in order to send the login form to the application. This is typical for scenarios where there is a hidden value or cookie returned in the login page, which must be sent in the login form: { "name": "SwitchFilter", "type": "SwitchFilter", "config": { "onResponse": [ { "condition": "${response.status.code == 200}", "handler": "LoginRequestHandler" } ] } } Javadoc org.forgerock.openig.filter.SwitchFilter TokenTransformationFilter — transform a token issued by OpenAM to another type Description This filter transforms a token issued by OpenAM to another token type. The current implementation uses the REST Security Token Service (STS) APIs. It supports transforming an OpenID Connect ID Token (id_token) into a SAML 2.0 assertion where the subject confirmation method is Bearer, as described in Profiles for the OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) V2.0. The configuration for this filter references a REST STS instance that must be set up in OpenAM before this filter can be used. The REST STS instance exposes a pre-configured transformation under a specific REST endpoint. See the OpenAM documentation for details about setting up a REST STS instance. Any errors that occur during the token transformation cause a error response to be returned to the client and an error message to be logged for the OpenIG administrator. Usage { "name": "string", "type": "TokenTransformationFilter", "config": { "openamUri": URL string, "realm": OpenAM realm name string, "username": "${attributes.username}", "password": "${attributes.password}", "idToken": "${attributes.id_token}", "target": "${attributes.saml_assertions}", "instance": "oidc-to-saml", "amHandler": Handler reference, "ssoTokenHeader": string } } Properties "openamUri": URL string, required The base URL to an OpenAM service, such as Authentication and REST STS requests are made to this service. "realm": string, optional The OpenAM realm containing both the OpenAM user who can make the REST STS request and whose credentials are the username and password, and the STS instance described by the instance field. Default: / (Top Level Realm) "username": expression, required The username for authenticating OpenIG as an OpenAM REST STS client. See also Expressions(5). "password": expression, required The password for authenticating OpenIG as an OpenAM REST STS client. See also Expressions(5). "idToken": expression, required An expression evaluating to OpenID Connect ID token. The expected value is a string that is the JWT encoded id_token. See also Expressions(5). "target": expression, required An expression evaluating to the location where the SAML 2.0 assertion is injected following successful transformation. The value of the SAML 2.0 assertion is a string. See also Expressions(5). "instance": expression, required An expression evaluating to name of the REST STS instance. This expression is evaluated when the route is initialized, so the expression cannot refer to request or contexts. See also Expressions(5). "amHandler": Handler reference, optional The handler to use for authentication and STS requests to OpenAM. In production, use a ClientHandler that is capable of making an HTTPS connection to OpenAM. Default: OpenIG uses the ForgeRockClientHandler. See also Handlers. "ssoTokenHeader": string, optional The name of the HTTP header to use when supplying the SSO token ID for the REST STS client subject. Default: iPlanetDirectoryPro Example For an example of how to set up and test the token transformation filter, see Transforming OpenID Connect ID Tokens Into SAML Assertions in the Gateway Guide. The following example uses the REST STS instance oidc-to-saml to request transformation of an OpenID Connect ID token into a SAML 2.0 assertion. Both the subject authenticating to access the REST endpoint, and the REST STS instance are in the realm /sts. The subject credentials for authentication to OpenAM are provided in the attributes context at sts.username and sts.password. The ID token to transform is provided in the attributes context at sts.id_token. The resulting SAML 2.0 assertion is injected as a string in the attribute context at sts.saml_assertions: { "type": "TokenTransformationFilter", "config": { "openamUri": "", "realm": "/sts", "username": "${attributes.sts.username}", "password": "${attributes.sts.password}", "idToken": "${attributes.sts.id_token}", "target": "${attributes.sts.saml_assertions}", "instance": "oidc-to-saml", "amHandler": "ClientHandler" } } Javadoc org.forgerock.openig.openam.TokenTransformationFilter UmaFilter — protect access as an UMA resource server Description This filter acts as a policy enforcement point, protecting access as a User-Managed Access (UMA) resource server. Specifically, this filter ensures that a request for protected resources includes a valid requesting party token with appropriate scopes before allowing the response to flow back to the requesting party. Usage { "type": "UmaFilter", "config": { "protectionApiHandler": Handler reference, "umaService": UmaService reference, "realm": string } } Properties "protectionApiHandler": Handler reference, required The handler to use when interacting with the UMA authorization server for token introspection and permission requests, such as a ClientHandler capable of making an HTTPS connection to the server. For details, see Handlers. "umaService": UmaService reference, required The UmaService to use when protecting resources. For details, see UmaService(5). "realm": string, optional The UMA realm set in the response to a request for a protected resource that does not include a requesting party token enabling access to the resource. Default: uma See Also User-Managed Access (UMA) Profile of OAuth 2.0 org.forgerock.openig.uma.UmaResourceServerFilter Handlers Decorators