Audit Framework

OpenIG uses the ForgeRock common audit framework to log system boundary events using an implementation that is common across the ForgeRock platform.

AuditService — enable common audit service for a route


This object serves to configure the audit service for a route. The audit service uses the ForgeRock common audit event framework.

The route is decorated with an auditService field whose value references the configuration, either inline or from the heap.


     "name": string,
     "type": "AuditService",
     "config": {
         "config": object,
         "event-handlers": array


"config": object, required

This object configures the audit service itself, rather than event handlers. If the configuration uses only default settings, you can omit the field instead of including an empty object as the field value.

The configuration object has the following fields:

"handlerForQueries": string, optional

This references the name of the event handler to use when querying audit event messages over REST.

"availableAuditEventHandlers": array of strings, optional

This lists fully qualified event handler class names for event handlers available to the audit service.

"filterPolicies": object, optional

These policies indicate what fields and values to include and to exclude from audit event messages.

The filter policies object has these fields:

"field": object, optional

Audit event fields use JSON pointer notation, and are taken from the JSON schema for the audit event content.

Default: Include all fields.

The field object specifies which fields to include and to exclude:

"excludeIf": array of strings, optional

This holds a list of audit event fields to exclude.

"includeIf": array of strings, optional

This holds a list of audit event fields to include.

"value": object, optional

Default: Include all messages.

The value object specifies field values based on which messages are included and excluded:

"excludeIf": array of strings, optional

This holds a list of audit event field values.

When a value matches, the message is excluded.

"includeIf": array of strings, optional

This holds a list of audit event field values.

When a value matches, the message is included.

"event-handlers": array of configuration objects, required

This array of audit event handler configuration objects defines the event handlers that deal with audit events.

Each event handler configuration depends on type of the event handler.

OpenIG supports the following audit event handlers:


The following example configures an audit service to log access event messages in a comma-separated variable file, named /path/to/audit/logs/access.csv:

    "name": "AuditService",
    "type": "AuditService",
    "config": {
        "config": {},
        "event-handlers": [
                "class": "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.csv.CsvAuditEventHandler",
                "config": {
                    "name": "csv",
                    "logDirectory": "/path/to/audit/logs",
                    "topics": [

The following example route uses the audit service:

    "handler": "ClientHandler",
    "auditService": "AuditService"

CsvAuditEventHandler — log audit events to CSV format files


An audit event handler that responds to events by logging messages to files in comma-separated variable (CSV) format.

The configuration is declared in an audit service configuration. For details, see AuditService(5).


    "class": "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.csv.CsvAuditEventHandler",
    "config": {
        "name": string,
        "logDirectory": string,
        "topics": array,
        "enabled": boolean,
        "formatting": {
            "quoteChar": single-character string,
            "delimiterChar": single-character string,
            "endOfLineSymbols": string
        "buffering": {
            "enabled": boolean,
            "autoFlush": boolean
        "security": {
            "enabled": boolean,
            "filename": string,
            "password": string,
            "signatureInterval": duration
        "fileRetention": {
            "maxDiskSpaceToUse": number,
            "maxNumberOfHistoryFiles": number,
            "minFreeSpaceRequired": number
        "fileRotation": {
            "rotationEnabled": boolean,
            "maxFileSize": number,
            "rotationFilePrefix": string,
            "rotationFileSuffix": string,
            "rotationInterval": duration,
            "rotationTimes": array
        "rotationRetentionCheckInterval": duration

The values in this configuration object can use expressions as long as they resolve to the correct types for each field. For details about expressions, see Expressions(5).


The "config" object has the following properties:

"name": string, required

The name of the event handler.

"logDirectory": string, required

The file system directory where log files are written.

"topics": array of strings, required

The topics that this event handler intercepts.

OpenIG handles access events that occur at the system boundary, such as arrival of the initial request and departure of the final response.

Set this to "topics": [ "access" ].

"enabled": boolean, optional

Whether this event handler is active.

Default: true.

"formatting": object, optional

Formatting settings for CSV log files.

The formatting object has the following fields:

"quoteChar": single-character string, optional

The character used to quote CSV entries.

Default: ".

"delimiterChar": single-character string, optional

The character used to delimit CSV entries.

Default: ,.

"endOfLineSymbols": string, optional

The character or characters that separate a line.

Default: system-dependent line separator defined for the JVM.

"buffering": object, optional

Buffering settings for writing CSV log files. The default is for messages to be written to the log file for each event.

The buffering object has the following fields:

"enabled": boolean, optional

Whether log buffering is enabled.

Default: false.

"autoFlush": boolean, optional

Whether events are automatically flushed after being written.

Default: true.

"security": object, optional

Security settings for CSV log files. These settings govern tamper-evident logging, whereby messages are signed. By default tamper-evident logging is not enabled.

The security object has the following fields:

"enabled": boolean, optional

Whether tamper-evident logging is enabled.

Default: false.

Tamper-evident logging depends on a specially prepared keystore. For details, see "Preparing a Keystore for Tamper-Evident Logs".

"filename": string, required

File system path to the keystore containing the private key for tamper-evident logging.

The keystore must be a keystore of type JCEKS. For details, see "Preparing a Keystore for Tamper-Evident Logs".

"password": string, required

The password for the keystore for tamper-evident logging.

This password is used for the keystore and for private keys. For details, see "Preparing a Keystore for Tamper-Evident Logs".

"signatureInterval": duration, required

The time interval after which to insert a signature in the CSV file. This duration must not be zero, and must not be unlimited.

A duration is a lapse of time expressed in English, such as 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds.

Durations are not case sensitive.

Negative durations are not supported.

The following units can be used in durations:

  • indefinite, infinity, undefined, unlimited: unlimited duration

  • zero, disabled: zero-length duration

  • days, day, d: days

  • hours, hour, h: hours

  • minutes, minute, min, m: minutes

  • seconds, second, sec, s: seconds

  • milliseconds, millisecond, millisec, millis, milli, ms: milliseconds

  • microseconds, microsecond, microsec, micros, micro, us: microseconds

  • nanoseconds, nanosecond, nanosec, nanos, nano, ns: nanoseconds

"fileRetention": object, optional

File retention settings for CSV log files.

The file retention object has the following fields:

"maxDiskSpaceToUse": number, optional

The maximum disk space in bytes the audit logs can occupy. A setting of 0 or less indicates that the policy is disabled.

Default: 0.

"maxNumberOfHistoryFiles": number, optional

The maximum number of historical log files to retain. A setting of -1 disables pruning of old history files.

Default: 0.

"minFreeSpaceRequired": number, optional

The minimum free space in bytes that the system must contain for logs to be written. A setting of 0 or less indicates that the policy is disabled.

Default: 0.

"fileRotation": object, optional

File rotation settings for CSV log files.

The file rotation object has the following fields:

"rotationEnabled": boolean, optional

Whether file rotation is enabled for CSV log files.

Default: false.

"maxFileSize": number, optional

The maximum file size of an audit log file in bytes. A setting of 0 or less indicates that the policy is disabled.

Default: 0.

"rotationFilePrefix": string, optional

The prefix to add to a log file on rotation.

This has an effect when time-based file rotation is enabled.

"rotationFileSuffix": string, optional

The suffix to add to a log file on rotation, possibly expressed in SimpleDateFormat.

This has an effect when time-based file rotation is enabled.

Default:, where yyyy characters are replaced with the year, MM characters are replaced with the month, dd characters are replaced with the day, HH characters are replaced with the hour (00-23), mm characters are replaced with the minute (00-60), and ss characters are replaced with the second (00-60).

"rotationInterval": duration, optional

The time interval after which to rotate log files. This duration must not be zero.

This has the effect of enabling time-based file rotation.

A duration is a lapse of time expressed in English, such as 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds.

Durations are not case sensitive.

Negative durations are not supported.

The following units can be used in durations:

  • indefinite, infinity, undefined, unlimited: unlimited duration

  • zero, disabled: zero-length duration

  • days, day, d: days

  • hours, hour, h: hours

  • minutes, minute, min, m: minutes

  • seconds, second, sec, s: seconds

  • milliseconds, millisecond, millisec, millis, milli, ms: milliseconds

  • microseconds, microsecond, microsec, micros, micro, us: microseconds

  • nanoseconds, nanosecond, nanosec, nanos, nano, ns: nanoseconds

    "rotationTimes": array of durations, optional

    The durations, counting from midnight, after which to rotate files.

    The following example schedules rotation six and twelve hours after midnight:


    "rotationTimes": [ "6 hours", "12 hours" ]

    + This has the effect of enabling time-based file rotation.

    + A duration is a lapse of time expressed in English, such as 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds.

Durations are not case sensitive.

Negative durations are not supported.

The following units can be used in durations:

  • indefinite, infinity, undefined, unlimited: unlimited duration

  • zero, disabled: zero-length duration

  • days, day, d: days

  • hours, hour, h: hours

  • minutes, minute, min, m: minutes

  • seconds, second, sec, s: seconds

  • milliseconds, millisecond, millisec, millis, milli, ms: milliseconds

  • microseconds, microsecond, microsec, micros, micro, us: microseconds

  • nanoseconds, nanosecond, nanosec, nanos, nano, ns: nanoseconds

"rotationRetentionCheckInterval": duration, optional

The time interval after which to check file rotation and retention policies for updates.

Default: 5 seconds

A duration is a lapse of time expressed in English, such as 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds.

Durations are not case sensitive.

Negative durations are not supported.

The following units can be used in durations:

  • indefinite, infinity, undefined, unlimited: unlimited duration

  • zero, disabled: zero-length duration

  • days, day, d: days

  • hours, hour, h: hours

  • minutes, minute, min, m: minutes

  • seconds, second, sec, s: seconds

  • milliseconds, millisecond, millisec, millis, milli, ms: milliseconds

  • microseconds, microsecond, microsec, micros, micro, us: microseconds

  • nanoseconds, nanosecond, nanosec, nanos, nano, ns: nanoseconds

Preparing a Keystore for Tamper-Evident Logs

Tamper-evident logging depends on a public key/private key pair and on a secret key that are stored together in a JCEKS keystore. Follow these steps to prepare the keystore:

  1. Generate a key pair in the keystore.

    The CSV event handler expects a JCEKS-type keystore with a key alias of Signature for the signing key, where the key is generated with the RSA key algorithm and the SHA256withRSA signature algorithm:

    $ keytool \
     -genkeypair \
     -keyalg RSA \
     -sigalg SHA256withRSA \
     -alias "Signature" \
     -dname ",O=Example Corp,C=FR" \
     -keystore /path/to/audit-keystore \
     -storetype JCEKS \
     -storepass password \
     -keypass password
  2. Generate a secret key in the keystore.

    The CSV event handler expects a JCEKS-type keystore with a key alias of Password for the symmetric key, where the key is generated with the HmacSHA256 key algorithm and 256-bit key size:

    $ keytool \
     -genseckey \
     -keyalg HmacSHA256 \
     -keysize 256 \
     -alias "Password" \
     -keystore /path/to/audit-keystore \
     -storetype JCEKS \
     -storepass password \
     -keypass password
  3. Verify the content of the keystore:

    $ keytool \
     -list \
     -keystore /path/to/audit-keystore \
     -storetype JCEKS \
     -storepass password
    Keystore type: JCEKS
    Keystore provider: SunJCE
    Your keystore contains 2 entries
    signature, Nov 27, 2015, PrivateKeyEntry,
    Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): 4D:CF:CC:29:...:8B:6E:68:D1
    password, Nov 27, 2015, SecretKeyEntry,


For instructions on recording audit events in a CSV file, see To Record Audit Events In a CSV File in the Gateway Guide.

The following example configures a CSV audit event handler to write a log file, /path/to/audit/logs/access.csv, that is signed every 10 seconds to make it tamper-evident:

    "name": "csv",
    "topics": [
    "logDirectory": "/path/to/audit/logs/",
    "security": {
        "enabled": "true",
        "filename": "/path/to/audit-keystore",
        "password": "password",
        "signatureInterval": "10 seconds"

JdbcAuditEventHandler — log audit events to relational database


An audit event handler that responds to events by logging messages to an appropriately configured relational database table.

The configuration is declared in an audit service configuration. For details, see AuditService(5).


    "class": "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.jdbc.JdbcAuditEventHandler",
    "config": {
        "name": string,
        "topics": array,
        "databaseType": string,
        "enabled": boolean,
        "buffering": {
            "enabled": boolean,
            "writeInterval": duration,
            "autoFlush": boolean,
            "maxBatchedEvents": number,
            "maxSize": number,
            "writerThreads": number
        "connectionPool": {
            "dataSourceClassName": string,
            "jdbcUrl": string,
            "username": string,
            "password": string,
            "autoCommit": boolean,
            "connectionTimeout": number,
            "idleTimeout": number,
            "maxLifetime": number,
            "minIdle": number,
            "maxPoolSize": number,
            "poolName": string
        "tableMappings": [
                "event": string,
                "table": string,
                "fieldToColumn": {
                    "event-field": "database-column"

The values in this configuration object can use expressions as long as they resolve to the correct types for each field. For details about expressions, see Expressions(5).


The "config" object has the following properties:

"name": string, required

The name of the event handler.

"topics": array of strings, required

The topics that this event handler intercepts.

OpenIG handles access events that occur at the system boundary, such as arrival of the initial request and departure of the final response.

Set this to "topics": [ "access" ].

"databaseType": string, required

The database type name.

Built-in support is provided for oracle, mysql, and h2. Unrecognized database types rely on a GenericDatabaseStatementProvider.

"enabled": boolean, optional

Whether this event handler is active.

Default: true.

"buffering": object, optional

Buffering settings for sending messages to the database. The default is for messages to be written to the log file for each event.

The buffering object has the following fields:

"enabled": boolean, optional

Whether log buffering is enabled.

Default: false.

"writeInterval": duration, required

The interval at which to send buffered event messages to the database.

This interval must be greater than 0 if buffering is enabled.

A duration is a lapse of time expressed in English, such as 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds.

Durations are not case sensitive.

Negative durations are not supported.

The following units can be used in durations:

  • indefinite, infinity, undefined, unlimited: unlimited duration

  • zero, disabled: zero-length duration

  • days, day, d: days

  • hours, hour, h: hours

  • minutes, minute, min, m: minutes

  • seconds, second, sec, s: seconds

  • milliseconds, millisecond, millisec, millis, milli, ms: milliseconds

  • microseconds, microsecond, microsec, micros, micro, us: microseconds

  • nanoseconds, nanosecond, nanosec, nanos, nano, ns: nanoseconds

    "autoFlush": boolean, optional

    Whether the events are automatically flushed after being written.

    Default: true.

    "maxBatchedEvents": number, optional

    The maximum number of event messages batched into a PreparedStatement.

    Default: 100.

    "maxSize": number, optional

    The maximum size of the queue of buffered event messages.

    Default: 5000.

    "writerThreads": number, optional

    The number of threads to write buffered event messages to the database.

    Default: 1.

"connectionPool": object, required

Connection pool settings for sending messages to the database.

The connection pool object has the following fields:

"dataSourceClassName": string, optional

The class name of the data source for the database.

"jdbcUrl": string, required

The JDBC URL to connect to the database.

"username": string, required

The username identifier for the database user with access to write the messages.

"password": number, optional

The password for the database user with access to write the messages.

"autoCommit": boolean, optional

Whether to commit transactions automatically when writing messages.

Default: true.

"connectionTimeout": number, optional

The number of milliseconds to wait for a connection from the pool before timing out.

Default: 30000.

"idleTimeout": number, optional

The number of milliseconds to allow a database connection to remain idle before timing out.

Default: 600000.

"maxLifetime": number, optional

The number of milliseconds to allow a database connection to remain in the pool.

Default: 1800000.

"minIdle": number, optional

The minimum number of idle connections in the pool.

Default: 10.

"maxPoolSize": number, optional

The maximum number of connections in the pool.

Default: 10.

"poolName": string, optional

The name of the connection pool.

"tableMappings": array of objects, required

Table mappings for directing event content to database table columns.

A table mappings object has the following fields:

"event": string, required

The audit event that the table mapping is for.

Set this to access.

"table": string, required

The name of the database table that corresponds to the mapping.

"fieldToColumn": object, required

This object maps the names of audit event fields to database columns, where the keys and values are both strings.

Audit event fields use JSON pointer notation, and are taken from the JSON schema for the audit event content.


The following example configures a JDBC audit event handler using a local MySQL database, writing to a table named auditaccess:

    "class": "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.jdbc.JdbcAuditEventHandler",
    "config": {
        "databaseType": "mysql",
        "name": "jdbc",
        "topics": [
        "connectionPool": {
            "jdbcUrl": "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/audit?allowMultiQueries=true&characterEncoding=utf8",
            "username": "audit",
            "password": "audit"
        "tableMappings": [
                "event": "access",
                "table": "auditaccess",
                "fieldToColumn": {
                    "_id": "id",
                    "timestamp": "timestamp_",
                    "eventName": "eventname",
                    "transactionId": "transactionid",
                    "userId": "userid",
                    "trackingIds": "trackingids",
                    "server/ip": "server_ip",
                    "server/port": "server_port",
                    "client/host": "client_host",
                    "client/ip": "client_ip",
                    "client/port": "client_port",
                    "request/protocol": "request_protocol",
                    "request/operation": "request_operation",
                    "request/detail": "request_detail",
                    "http/request/secure": "http_request_secure",
                    "http/request/method": "http_request_method",
                    "http/request/path": "http_request_path",
                    "http/request/queryParameters": "http_request_queryparameters",
                    "http/request/headers": "http_request_headers",
                    "http/request/cookies": "http_request_cookies",
                    "http/response/headers": "http_response_headers",
                    "response/status": "response_status",
                    "response/statusCode": "response_statuscode",
                    "response/elapsedTime": "response_elapsedtime",
                    "response/elapsedTimeUnits": "response_elapsedtimeunits"

Examples including statements to create tables are provided in the JDBC handler library, forgerock-audit-handler-jdbc-version.jar, that is built into the OpenIG .war file. Unpack the library, then find the examples under the db/ folder.

SyslogAuditEventHandler — log audit events to the system log


An audit event handler that responds to events by logging messages to the UNIX system log as governed by RFC 5424, The Syslog Protocol.

The configuration is declared in an audit service configuration. For details, see AuditService(5).


    "class": "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.syslog.SyslogAuditEventHandler",
    "config": {
        "name": string,
        "topics": array,
        "protocol": string,
        "host": string,
        "port": number,
        "connectTimeout": number,
        "facility": "string",
        "buffering": {
            "enabled": boolean,
            "maxSize": number
        "severityFieldMappings": [
                "topic": string,
                "field": string,
                "valueMappings": {
                    "field-value": "syslog-severity"

The values in this configuration object can use expressions as long as they resolve to the correct types for each field. For details about expressions, see Expressions(5).


The "config" object has the following properties:

"name": string, required

The name of the event handler.

"topics": array of strings, required

The topics that this event handler intercepts.

OpenIG handles access events that occur at the system boundary, such as arrival of the initial request and departure of the final response.

Set this to "topics": [ "access" ].

"protocol": string, required

The transport protocol used to send event messages to the Syslog daemon.

Set this to TCP for Transmission Control Protocol, or to UDP for User Datagram Protocol.

"host": string, required

The hostname of the Syslog daemon to which to send event messages. The hostname must resolve to an IP address.

"port": number, required

The port of the Syslog daemon to which to send event messages.

The value must be between 0 and 65535.

"connectTimeout": number, required when using TCP

The number of milliseconds to wait for a connection before timing out.

"facility": string, required

The Syslog facility to use for event messages.

Set this to one of the following values:


Kernel messages


User-level messages


Mail system


System daemons


Security/authorization messages


Messages generated internally by syslogd


Line printer subsystem


Network news subsystem


UUCP subsystem


Clock daemon


Security/authorization messages


FTP daemon


NTP subsystem


Log audit


Log alert


Clock daemon


Local use 0


Local use 1


Local use 2


Local use 3


Local use 4


Local use 5


Local use 6


Local use 7

"buffering": object, optional

Buffering settings for writing to the system log facility. The default is for messages to be written to the log for each event.

The buffering object has the following fields:

"enabled": boolean, optional

Whether log buffering is enabled.

Default: false.

"maxSize": number, optional

The maximum number of buffered event messages.

Default: 5000.

"severityFieldMappings": object, optional

Severity field mappings set the correspondence between audit event fields and Syslog severity values.

The severity field mappings object has the following fields:

"topic": string, required

The audit event topic to which the mapping applies.

Set this to access.

"field": string, required

The audit event field to which the mapping applies.

Audit event fields use JSON pointer notation, and are taken from the JSON schema for the audit event content.

"valueMappings": object, required

The map of audit event values to Syslog severities, where both the keys and the values are strings.

Syslog severities are one of the following values:


System is unusable.


Action must be taken immediately.


Critical conditions.


Error conditions.


Warning conditions.


Normal but significant condition.


Informational messages.


Debug-level messages.


The following example configures a Syslog audit event handler that writes to the system log daemon on, port 6514 over TCP with a timeout of 30 seconds. The facility is the first one for local use, and response status is mapped to Syslog informational messages:

    "class": "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.syslog.SyslogAuditEventHandler",
    "config": {
        "protocol": "TCP",
        "host": "",
        "port": 6514,
        "connectTimeout": 30000,
        "facility": "local0",
        "severityFieldMappings": [
                "topic": "access",
                "field": "response/status",
                "valueMappings": {
                    "FAILED": "INFORMATIONAL",
                    "SUCCESSFUL": "INFORMATIONAL"

ElasticsearchAuditEventHandler — log audit events in the Elasticsearch search and analytics engine


An audit event handler that responds to events by logging messages in the Elasticsearch search and analytics engine.

The configuration is declared in an audit service configuration. For information, see AuditService(5).

For Elasticsearch downloads and installation instructions, see the Elasticsearch Getting Started document.

A special client handler called ElasticsearchClientHandler can be defined to send audit events to Elasticsearch. You can use this client handler to capture the exchange between the audit service and Elasticsearch, or to wrap the search with a filter, for example, the OAuth2ClientFilter.

To define an ElasticsearchClientHandler, create the following object in the heap for the Elasticsearch audit event handler

  "name": "ElasticsearchClientHandler",
  "type": "ClientHandler",
  "config": {},


  "class": "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchAuditEventHandler",
  "config": {
    "connection" : {
      "host" : string,
      "port" : number,
      "useSSL" : boolean,
      "username" : string,
      "password" : string
    "indexMapping" : {
      "indexName" : string
    "buffering" : {
      "enabled" : boolean,
      "writeInterval" : duration,
      "maxSize" : number,
      "maxBatchedEvents" : number
    "topics" : [ string, ... ]

The values in this configuration object can use expressions if they resolve to the correct types for each field. For information about expressions, see Expressions(5).


The "config" object has the following properties:

"connection": object, optional

Connection settings for sending messages to Elasticsearch. If this object is not configured, it takes default values for its fields. This object has the following fields:

"host": string, optional

Hostname or IP address of Elasticsearch. The hostname must resolve to an IP address.

Default: localhost

"port": number, optional

The port used by Elasticsearch. The value must be between 0 and 65535.

Default: 9200

"useSSL": boolean, optional

Setting to use or not use SSL/TLS to connect to Elasticsearch.

Default: false

"username": string, optional

Username when Basic Authentication is enabled through Elasticsearch Shield.

"password": string, optional

Password when Basic Authentication is enabled through Elasticsearch Shield.

"indexMapping": object, optional

Defines how an audit event and its fields are stored and indexed.

"indexName": string, optional

The index name. Set this parameter if the default name audit conflicts with an existing Elasticsearch index.

Default: audit.

"buffering": object, optional

Settings for buffering events and batch writes.

"enabled": boolean, optional

Setting to use or not use log buffering.

Default: false.

"writeInterval": duration, required if buffering is enabled

The interval at which to send buffered event messages to Elasticsearch. If buffering is enabled, this interval must be greater than 0.

Default: 1 second

A duration is a lapse of time expressed in English, such as 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds.

Durations are not case sensitive.

Negative durations are not supported.

The following units can be used in durations:

  • indefinite, infinity, undefined, unlimited: unlimited duration

  • zero, disabled: zero-length duration

  • days, day, d: days

  • hours, hour, h: hours

  • minutes, minute, min, m: minutes

  • seconds, second, sec, s: seconds

  • milliseconds, millisecond, millisec, millis, milli, ms: milliseconds

  • microseconds, microsecond, microsec, micros, micro, us: microseconds

  • nanoseconds, nanosecond, nanosec, nanos, nano, ns: nanoseconds

    "maxBatchedEvents": number, optional

    The maximum number of event messages in a batch write to Elasticsearch for each writeInterval.

    Default: 500

    "maxSize": number, optional

    The maximum number of event messages in the queue of buffered event messages.

    Default: 10000

"topics": array of strings, required

The topics that this event handler intercepts.

OpenIG handles access events that occur at the system boundary, such as arrival of the initial request and departure of the final response.

Set this to "topics": [ "access" ].


For instructions on recording audit events in Elasticsearch, see To Record Audit Events In Elasticsearch in the Gateway Guide.

The following example configures an Elasticsearch audit event handler:

  "class" : "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchAuditEventHandler",
  "config" : {
    "connection" : {
      "useSSL" : false,
      "host" : "localhost",
      "port" : "9200"
    "indexMapping" : {
      "indexName" : "audit"
    "buffering" : {
      "enabled" : false,
      "maxSize" : 20000,
      "writeInterval" : "1 second",
      "maxBatchedEvents" : "500"
    "topics" : [