SAML 2.0 and Multiple Applications

OpenIG As a SAML 2.0 Service Provider describes how to set up OpenIG as a SAML 2.0 service provider for a single application, using OpenAM as the identity provider. This chapter describes how to set up OpenIG as a SAML 2.0 service provider for two applications, still using OpenAM as the identity provider.

Before you try the samples described here, familiarize yourself with OpenIG SAML 2.0 support by reading and working through the examples in OpenIG As a SAML 2.0 Service Provider. Before you start, you should have OpenIG protecting the sample application as a SAML 2.0 service provider, with OpenAM working as identity provider configured as described in that tutorial.

Installation Overview

In this chapter you use the Fedlet configuration from OpenIG As a SAML 2.0 Service Provider to create a configuration for each new protected application. You then import the new configurations as SAML 2.0 entities in OpenAM. If you subsequently edit a configuration, import it again.

In the following examples, the first application has entity ID sp1 and runs on the host, the second application has entity ID sp2 and runs on the host To prevent unwanted behavior, the applications must have different values.

Tasks for Configuring SAML 2.0 SSO and Federation
Task See Section(s)

Prepare the network.

Prepare the configuration for two OpenIG service providers.

Import the service provider configurations into OpenAM.

Add OpenIG routes.

Preparing the Network

Configure the network so that browser traffic to the application hosts is proxied through OpenIG.

Add the following addresses to your hosts file: and    localhost

Configuring the Circle of Trust

Edit the $HOME/.openig/SAML/fedlet.cot file you created in OpenIG As a SAML 2.0 Service Provider to include the entity IDs sp1 and sp2, as in the following example:

cot-name=Circle of Trust

Configuring the Service Provider for Application One

To configure the service provider for application one, you can use the example files Configuration File for Application One and Extended Configuration File for Application One, saving them as sp1.xml and sp1-extended.xml. Alternatively, follow the steps below to use the files you created in OpenIG As a SAML 2.0 Service Provider.

To Configure the Service Provider for Application One By Using Files Created In Chapter 7, "OpenIG As a SAML 2.0 Service Provider"
  1. Copy the SAML configuration files sp.xml and sp-extended.xml you created in OpenIG As a SAML 2.0 Service Provider, and save them as $HOME/.openig/SAML/sp1.xml and $HOME/.openig/SAML/sp1-extended.xml.

  2. Make the following changes in sp1.xml:

    • For entityID, change sp to sp1. The entityID must match the application.

    • On each line that starts with Location or ResponseLocation, change to, and add /metaAlias/sp1 at the end of the line.

    For an example of how this file should be, see Configuration File for Application One.

  3. Make the following changes in sp1-extended.xml:

    • For entityID, change sp to sp1.

    • For SPSSOConfig metaAlias, change sp to sp1.

    • For appLogoutUrl, change sp to sp1.

    • For hosted=, make sure that the value is 1.

    For an example of how this file should be, see Extended Configuration File for Application One.

Configuration File for Application One
  - sp1-xml.txt
  - Set the entityID
  - Set metaAlias/<sp-name> at the end of each of the following lines:
     - Location
     - ResponseLocation
  - Note that AssertionConsumerService Location attributes include the metaAlias.
Extended Configuration File for Application One
  - sp1-extended.xml
  - Set the entityID.
  - Set the SPSSOConfig metaAlias attribute.
  - Set the value of appLogoutUrl.
  - Set the value of hosted to 1.
<EntityConfig xmlns="urn:sun:fm:SAML:2.0:entityconfig"

    <SPSSOConfig metaAlias="/sp1">
        <Attribute name="description">
        <Attribute name="signingCertAlias">
        <Attribute name="encryptionCertAlias">
        <Attribute name="basicAuthOn">
        <Attribute name="basicAuthUser">
        <Attribute name="basicAuthPassword">
        <Attribute name="autofedEnabled">
        <Attribute name="autofedAttribute">
        <Attribute name="transientUser">
        <Attribute name="spAdapter">
        <Attribute name="spAdapterEnv">
        <Attribute name="fedletAdapter">
        <Attribute name="fedletAdapterEnv">
        <Attribute name="spAccountMapper">
        <Attribute name="useNameIDAsSPUserID">
        <Attribute name="spAttributeMapper">
        <Attribute name="spAuthncontextMapper">
        <Attribute name="spAuthncontextClassrefMapping">
        <Attribute name="spAuthncontextComparisonType">
        <Attribute name="attributeMap">
        <Attribute name="saml2AuthModuleName">
       <Attribute name="localAuthURL">
       <Attribute name="intermediateUrl">
       <Attribute name="defaultRelayState">
       <Attribute name="appLogoutUrl">
       <Attribute name="assertionTimeSkew">
       <Attribute name="wantAttributeEncrypted">
       <Attribute name="wantAssertionEncrypted">
       <Attribute name="wantNameIDEncrypted">
       <Attribute name="wantPOSTResponseSigned">
       <Attribute name="wantArtifactResponseSigned">
       <Attribute name="wantLogoutRequestSigned">
       <Attribute name="wantLogoutResponseSigned">
       <Attribute name="wantMNIRequestSigned">
       <Attribute name="wantMNIResponseSigned">
       <Attribute name="responseArtifactMessageEncoding">
       <Attribute name="cotlist">
       <Value>Circle of Trust</Value></Attribute>
       <Attribute name="saeAppSecretList">
       <Attribute name="saeSPUrl">
       <Attribute name="saeSPLogoutUrl">
       <Attribute name="ECPRequestIDPListFinderImpl">
       <Attribute name="ECPRequestIDPList">
       <Attribute name="ECPRequestIDPListGetComplete">
       <Attribute name="enableIDPProxy">
       <Attribute name="idpProxyList">
       <Attribute name="idpProxyCount">
       <Attribute name="useIntroductionForIDPProxy">
       <Attribute name="spSessionSyncEnabled">
        <Attribute name="relayStateUrlList">
    <AttributeQueryConfig metaAlias="/attrQuery">
        <Attribute name="signingCertAlias">
        <Attribute name="encryptionCertAlias">
        <Attribute name="wantNameIDEncrypted">
        <Attribute name="cotlist">
            <Value>Circle of Trust</Value>
    <XACMLAuthzDecisionQueryConfig metaAlias="/pep">
        <Attribute name="signingCertAlias">
        <Attribute name="encryptionCertAlias">
        <Attribute name="basicAuthOn">
        <Attribute name="basicAuthUser">
        <Attribute name="basicAuthPassword">
        <Attribute name="wantXACMLAuthzDecisionResponseSigned">
        <Attribute name="wantAssertionEncrypted">
        <Attribute name="cotlist">
            <Value>Circle of Trust</Value>

Configuring the Service Provider for Application Two

To Configure the Service Provider for Application Two
  1. Copy the SAML configuration files sp1.xml and sp1-extended.xml you created in Configuring the Service Provider for Application One, and save them as $HOME/.openig/SAML/sp2.xml and $HOME/.openig/SAML/sp2-extended.xml.

  2. In both files, replace all incidences of sp1 with sp2. To prevent unwanted behavior. application two must have different values to application one.

Importing Service Provider Configurations Into OpenAM

For each new protected application, import a SAML 2.0 entity into OpenAM. If you subsequently edit a service provider configuration, import it again.

To Import the Service Provider Configurations Into OpenAM
  1. Log in to OpenAM console as administrator.

  2. On the Federation tab, select the Entity Providers table and click Import Entity.

    The Import Entity Provider page is displayed.

  3. For the metadata file, select File and upload sp1.xml. For the extended data file, select File and upload sp1-extended.xml.

  4. Repeat the previous step to upload sp2.xml and sp2-extended.xml for sp2.

  5. Log out of the OpenAM console.

Preparing OpenIG Configurations

For each new protected application, prepare an OpenIG configuration. The configurations in this section follow the example in OpenIG As a SAML 2.0 Service Provider.

Preparing the Base Configuration File

Edit the base configuration file, $HOME/.openig/config/routes/config.json, so that it does not rebase incoming URLs. The following example file differs from that used in earlier tutorials:

    "handler": {
        "type": "Router"
    "heap": [
            "name": "LogSink",
            "type": "ConsoleLogSink",
            "config": {
                "level": "DEBUG"
            "name": "capture",
            "type": "CaptureDecorator",
            "config": {
                "captureEntity": true,
                "captureContext": true

Restart OpenIG to put the configuration changes into effect.

Preparing Routes for Application One

Set up the following routes for application one:

  • $HOME/.openig/config/routes/05-federate-sp1.json, to redirect the request for SAML authentication. After authentication, this route logs the user in to the application.

  • $HOME/.openig/config/routes/05-saml-sp1.json, to map attributes from the SAML assertion into the context, and then redirect the request back to the first route.

To prevent unspecified behavior, the keys for session-stored values in the routes for application one, for example, session.sp1Username, must not be the same as those for application two.

    "handler": {
        "type": "DispatchHandler",
        "config": {
            "bindings": [
                    "condition": "${empty session.sp1Username}",
                    "handler": {
                        "type": "StaticResponseHandler",
                        "config": {
                            "status": 302,
                            "reason": "Found",
                            "headers": {
                                "Location": [
                    "handler": {
                        "type": "Chain",
                        "config": {
                            "filters": [
                                    "type": "StaticRequestFilter",
                                    "config": {
                                        "method": "POST",
                                        "uri": "",
                                        "form": {
                                            "username": [
                                            "password": [
                            "handler": "ClientHandler"
    "condition": "${matches(, '') and not matches(request.uri.path, '^/saml')}"
    "handler": {
        "type": "SamlFederationHandler",
        "config": {
            "comment": "Use unique session properties for this SP.",
            "assertionMapping": {
                "sp1Username": "mail",
                "sp1Password": "employeenumber"
            "authnContext": "sp1AuthnContext",
            "sessionIndexMapping": "sp1SessionIndex",
            "subjectMapping": "sp1SubjectName",
            "redirectURI": "/sp1"
    "condition": "${matches(, '') and matches(request.uri.path, '^/saml')}"

Preparing Routes for Application Two

Set up the following routes for application two:

  • $HOME/.openig/config/routes/05-federate-sp2.json, to redirect the request for SAML authentication. After authentication, this route logs the user in to the application.

  • $HOME/.openig/config/routes/05-saml-sp2.json, to map attributes from the SAML assertion into the context, and then redirect the request back to the first route.

To prevent unspecified behavior, the keys for session-stored values in the routes for application two, for example, session.sp2Username, must not be the same as those for application one.

    "handler": {
        "type": "DispatchHandler",
        "config": {
            "bindings": [
                    "condition": "${empty session.sp2Username}",
                    "handler": {
                        "type": "StaticResponseHandler",
                        "config": {
                            "status": 302,
                            "reason": "Found",
                            "headers": {
                                "Location": [
                    "handler": {
                        "type": "Chain",
                        "config": {
                            "filters": [
                                    "type": "StaticRequestFilter",
                                    "config": {
                                        "method": "POST",
                                        "uri": "",
                                        "form": {
                                            "username": [
                                            "password": [
                            "handler": "ClientHandler"
    "condition": "${matches(, '') and not matches(request.uri.path, '^/saml')}"
    "handler": {
        "type": "SamlFederationHandler",
        "config": {
            "comment": "Use unique session properties for this SP.",
            "assertionMapping": {
                "sp2Username": "mail",
                "sp2Password": "employeenumber"
            "authnContext": "sp2AuthnContext",
            "sessionIndexMapping": "sp2SessionIndex",
            "subjectMapping": "sp2SubjectName",
            "redirectURI": "/sp2"
    "condition": "${matches(, '') and matches(request.uri.path, '^/saml')}"

Test the Configuration

If you use the example configurations described in this chapter, try the SAML 2.0 web single sign-on profile with application one by selecting either of the following links and logging in to OpenAM with username george and password costanza:

Similarly, try the SAML 2.0 web single sign-on profile with application two by selecting either of the following links and logging in to OpenAM with username george and password costanza:

If you have not configured the examples exactly as shown in this guide, then adapt the SSO links accordingly.