Logging Events in OpenIG

OpenIG provides the following mechanisms to log events and record log messages:

  • ConsoleLogSink to write log messages to the standard error stream.

  • FileLogSink to write log messages to a file, using the UTF-8 character set.

  • Slf4jLogSink to delegate the writing of log messages to SLF4J.

For information about how to configure these logging mechanisms, see Logging Framework in the Configuration Reference. This chapter describes the default logging behavior in OpenIG, and how to separate logging for routes and third-party dependencies.

Default Logging Behaviour

By default, OpenIG declares a ConsoleLogSink named LogSink, with level INFO, and every heap object logs in a sink named LogSink.

When no other logging is configured, all log messages are sent to the default ConsoleLogSink provided by OpenIG, and messages with level INFO are displayed on the console. Routes can use the ConsoleLogSink without explicitly defining it.

To override the default logging for all heap objects, change the default values for the ConsoleLogSink object in config.json. The following example from config.json writes all log messages to file instead of to console, using a FileLogSink named LogSink.

  "name": "LogSink",
  "type": "FileLogSink",
  "config": {
    "file": "${system['log'] ? system['log'] : '/tmp/proxy.log'}",
    "level": "DEBUG"

To override the default logging for specific heap objects only, create a ConsoleLogSink or FileLogSink heap object in a route, using a unique name. Bind the new sink to the object through the logSink configuration attribute. The following example creates a ConsoleLogSink with a non-default logging level to be used by the client filter.

  "name": "MyLogSink",
  "type": "ConsoleLogSink",
  "config": {
    "level": "DEBUG"
  "name": "MyClientFilter",
  "type": "OAuth2ClientFilter",
  "config": {
     "logSink": "MyLogSink"

Log messages from third-party dependencies, such as the Open Identity Platform common audit framework, are managed by SLF4J. Messages with level INFO are displayed on the console and written to $HOME/.openig/logs/route-system.log.

The default configuration of SLF4J log messages is defined in OpenIG. Log messages are highlighted with a color related to their logging level. Exception titles and the top line of the stack trace are displayed.

Configuring Logback

To create separate logging behavior for routes and third-party dependencies, use an Slf4jLogSink and create a file $HOME/.openig/config/logback.xml to override the default configuration for Logback.

The Logback configuration is very flexible. For a full description of its parameters, see the Logback website. The following elements are used in the default configuration of OpenIG or in the example:

  • *Root logger

  • to set the overall logging level for log messages from OpenIG, third-party dependencies, and associated appenders.

  • *Loggers

  • to identify routes and third-party dependencies for which to separate logging.

    Logger names follow a hierarchical naming rule. The logger name must match or be a descendant of the base parameter of Slf4jLogSink. The logging is separated according to a key defined in the sifting appender. For more information, see Slf4jLogSink(5) in the Configuration Reference.

  • *Appenders

  • to define the output destination and format of the log messages. More than one appender can be attached to a logger or root logger. The example in this section uses the following appenders:

    • ConsoleAppender to display log messages to the console.

    • SiftingAppender to separate logging according to a key.

    • RollingFileAppender to roll log files when conditions are met.

Separating Logs for Different Routes

This section describes how to create a separate log file to monitor access to OpenIG from a specific route.

To Create Separate Log File for Requests From a Specific Route

Before you start, prepare OpenIG and the minimal HTTP server as shown in Getting Started.

  1. Add the following route to the OpenIG configuration as $HOME/.openig/config/routes/40-logging.json.

    On Windows, add the route as %appdata%\OpenIG\config\routes\40-logging.json.

      "heap": [
          "name": "LogSink",
          "type": "Slf4jLogSink",
          "config": {
            "base": "com.example.app"
      "handler": "ClientHandler",
      "capture": "all",
      "condition": "${matches(request.uri.path, '^/logging')}"

    This route defines an Slf4jLogSink with the base com.example.app. When a request matches /logging, it is handled by a client handler, and the request and response messages are captured.

  2. Add the following file to the OpenIG configuration as $HOME/.openig/config/logback.xml.

    On Windows, add the route as %appdata%\OpenIG\config\logback.xml.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><configuration scan="true" scanPeriod="5 seconds">
     <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
       <pattern>%nopex[%thread] %highlight(%-5level) %boldWhite(%logger{35}) -
     <appender name="SIFT" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.sift.SiftingAppender">
       <!-- Create a separate log file for each <key> -->
       <appender name="FILE-${routeId}" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
        <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
         <!-- Rotate files daily -->
         <!-- Keep files for 30 days -->
         <!-- Cap total log size at 3GB -->
         <pattern>%-4relative [%thread] %-5level %logger{35} - %msg%n</pattern>
     <logger name="com.example.app" level="DEBUG"/>
     <root level="INFO">
      <appender-ref ref="SIFT"/>
      <appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>

    This file defines the following configuration items:

    • A root logger to set the overall log level to INFO.

    • A logger with the name com.example.app, which matches the base parameter defined in the Slf4jLogSink. This logger logs to the STDOUT and SIFT appenders defined in the ascendant root logger.

      Because of cumulative logging, if a logger and its ascendant logger are configured with the same appenders, logging is duplicated. To disable cumulative logging, use additivity="false" in the logger. For more information, see the Logback website.

    • A ConsoleAppender to define the format of log messages on the console.

    • A SiftingAppender to separate logging according to the parameter routeId. This appender delegates log writing to the nested RollingFileAppender.

    • The RollingFileAppender to create one log file for each route, named with the route ID. The rolling policy defines the name of rotated files, how often they are rotated, their maximum size, and how long they are kept.

    • The configuration scan="true" requires the file to be scanned for changes. The file is scanned after both of the following criteria are met:

      • The specified number of logging operations have occurred, where the default is 16.

      • The scan period has elapsed, where the example specifies 5 seconds.

  3. Access the route on http://openig.example.com:8080/logging.

    The home page of the minimal HTTP server should be displayed and the following files should be created:

    • $HOME/.openig/logs/route-system.log, containing INFO log messages for all requests to OpenIG.

      617 [openig.example.com-startStop-1]INFO o.f.o.http.GatewayHttpApplication-OpenIG base directory : /openig_base
      642 [openig.example.com-startStop-1]INFO o.f.o.http.GatewayHttpApplication-Reading config from /openig_base/config/config.json
    • $HOME/.openig/logs/route-40-logging.log, containing DEBUG log messages for requests to OpenIG, accessed through the route 40-logging.json.

      14380 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] INFO  c.e.app.capturetop-level-handler -
      --- (request) id:c383f337-6cd4-4f62-b2a2-fe75b0d9754c-1 --->
      GET http://app.example.com:8081/logging HTTP/1.1
      accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
      accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
      accept-language: en-US;q=1,en;q=0.9
      connection: keep-alive
      dnt: 1
      host: openig.example.com:8080
      user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.11; rv:46.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/46.0
      14443 [I/O dispatcher 1] INFO  c.e.app.capturetop-level-handler -
      --- (response) id:c383f337-6cd4-4f62-b2a2-fe75b0d9754c-1 ---
      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      Content-Length: 1809
      Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
      . . .

    If logback.xml contains errors, messages like these are displayed on the console but the log files are not created:


    14:38:59,667 |-ERROR in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.Interpreter@20:72 ...
    14:38:59,690 |-ERROR in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderRefAction ...