OpenIG Reference

Reference documentation for OpenIG. OpenIG provides a high-performance reverse proxy server with specialized session management and credential replay functionality.


This reference covers OpenIG configuration.

1. Who Should Use this Reference

This references is written for access management designers, developers, and administrators using OpenIG. For API specifications, see the appropriate Javadoc.

2. Formatting Conventions

Most examples in the documentation are created in GNU/Linux or Mac OS X operating environments. If distinctions are necessary between operating environments, examples are labeled with the operating environment name in parentheses. To avoid repetition file system directory names are often given only in UNIX format as in /path/to/server, even if the text applies to C:\path\to\server as well.

Absolute path names usually begin with the placeholder /path/to/. This path might translate to /opt/, C:\Program Files\, or somewhere else on your system.

Command line, terminal sessions are formatted as follows:

$ echo $JAVA_HOME

Command output is sometimes formatted for narrower, more readable output even though formatting parameters are not shown in the command. In the following example, the query string parameter _prettyPrint=true is omitted and some of the output is replaced with an ellipsis (...):

$ curl
  "_rev" : "000000005b337348",
  "_id" : "newuser",

Program listings are formatted as follows:

class Test {
    public static void main(String [] args)  {
        System.out.println("This is a program listing.");

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The review process helps to ensure that documentation published for a Open Identity Platform release is technically accurate and complete.

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Required Configuration

You must specify at least the entry point for incoming requests, the OpenIG Servlet, and the heap objects that configure and initialize objects, with dependency injection.


Gateway Servlet — entry point for all incoming requests


The gateway servlet is the entry point for all incoming requests. It is responsible for initializing a heap of objects, and dispatching all requests to a configured servlet (which is itself a heap object). The configuration of the gateway servlet is loaded from a JSON-encoded configuration file, typically located at ~/.ForgeRock/OpenIG/config.json.


     "heap": { heap-configuration object },
     "servletObject": string


"heap": object, required

The heap object configuration.

"servletObject": string, required

The name of the servlet heap object to dispatch all requests to.


Heap Objects — configure and initialize objects, with dependency injection


A heap is a collection of associated objects, initialized from declarative configuration artifacts. All configurable objects in the gateway are heap objects. Heap objects are created and initialized by associated "heaplets", which retrieve any objects an object depends on from the heap. The heap configuration is included as an object in the gateway servlet configuration, and has the following format.


     "objects": [
             "name": string,
             "type": string,
             "config": { object-specific configuration }
         }, ...


"name": string, required

The unique name to give the heap object in the heap. This name is used to resolve the heap object, for example when another heap object names a heap object dependency.

"type": string, required

The class name of the object to be created. Example: "HandlerServlet". To determine the type name, see the specific object documentation in this reference.

"config": object, required

The configuration that is specific to the heap object being created. For an example, see the HandlerServlet reference.

Automatically Created Objects

When a heap is first created, it is automatically populated with some objects, without required configuration. An automatically created object can be overridden by creating a heap object with the same name.


The default object to use for writing all audit and performance logging. Default: a ConsoleLogSink object with default values.


The default object to use for managing temporary buffers. Default: a TemporaryStorage object with default values.

Implicit Properties

Every heap object has a set of implicit properties, which can be overridden on an object-by-object basis:

"logSink": string

Specifies the heap object that should be used for audit and performance logging. Default: "LogSink".

"temporaryStorage": string

Specifies the heap object that should be used for temporary buffer storage. Default: "TemporaryStorage".


The gateway includes objects that can create, initialize and dispatch to Java Enterprise Edition Servlets and Servlet filters.


DispatchServlet — dispatch request based on extra path information


Dispatches requests to mapped filters and servlets based on request’s extra path information. The extra path information is the path that follows the path of the dispatch servlet itself, but precedes the query string. It is guaranteed to be a value that always begins with a "/" character.

All filters that match the pattern are invoked in the order they are expressed in the "bindings" list until a matching servlet is encountered. The first matching servlet object in the bindings list is invoked, and terminates any further processing of the request. If no matching servlet is found, an exception is thrown. To avoid this, a final "catch-all" servlet binding with a pattern of ".*" is recommended.


     "name": string,
     "type": "DispatchServlet",
     "config": {
         "bindings": [
                 "pattern": pattern,
                 "object": string,
             }, ...


"bindings": array of objects, required

A list of bindings of patterns and associated servlets/filters to dispatch to.

"pattern": pattern, required

The regular expression pattern to match against the incoming request extra path information.

"object": string, required

The name of the HTTP servlet or servlet filter heap object to dispatch to if the regular expression pattern matches.


Sample from a federation configuration. Federation is implemented as its own servlet which will be dispatched-to based on the incoming URI starting with "/saml". All other requests will go through the HandlerServlet.

     "name": "Dispatcher",
     "type": "DispatchServlet",
     "config": {
         "bindings": [


HandlerServlet — translate and marshal request to a handler


Services a servlet request by translating it and marshaling to a handler.


     "name": string,
     "type": "HandlerServlet",
     "config": {
         "handler": string,
         "baseURI": string


"handler": string, required

The name of the handler heap object to dispatch the exchange to.

"baseURI": string, optional

Overrides request URLs constructed by container, making requests relative to a new base URI. Only scheme, host and port are used in the supplied URI. Default: use container URL.


HttpServlet — create stock servlet in heap environment


Creates and initializes a stock servlet in a heap environment.


     "name": string,
     "type": "javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet",
     "config": {
         "initParams": {
             name: string, ...


"initParams": object of name-value pairs

Initialization parameters to supply to servlet. The name is a string containing the name of the initialization parameter.


ServletFilter — create stock servlet filter in heap environment


Creates and initializes a stock servlet filter in a heap environment.


     "name": string,
     "type": "javax.servlet.Filter",
     "config": {
         "initParams": {
             name: string, ...


"initParams": object of name-value pairs

Initialization parameters to supply to servlet filter. The name is a string containing the name of the initialization parameter.


Handler objects process an HTTP exchange request by producing an associated response.


Chain — dispatch exchange to ordered list of filters


A chain is responsible for dispatching an exchange to an ordered list of filters, and finally a handler.


     "name": string,
     "type": "Chain",
     "config": {
         "filters": [ string, ... ],
         "handler": string


"filters": array of strings, required

The names of the filter heap objects to dispatch the exchange to, in order.

"handler": string, required

The name of the handler object to dispatch to once the exchange has traversed all of the specified filters.


     "name": "LoginChain",
     "type": "Chain",
     "config": {
         "filters": [ "LoginFilter" ],
         "handler": "ClientHandler" 


ClientHandler — submit exchange requests to remote servers


Submits exchange requests to remote servers.


This handler does not verify hostnames for outgoing SSL connections. This is because the gateway usually accesses the SSL endpoint using a raw IP address rather than a fully-qualified hostname.


     "name": string,
     "type": "ClientHandler",
     "config": {
         "connections": number


"connections": number, optional

The maximum number of concurrent connections to open. Default: 64


DispatchHandler — dispatch to one of a list of handlers


Dispatches to one of a list of handlers. When an exchange is handled, each handler's condition is evaluated. If a condition expression yields true, then the exchange is dispatched to the associated handler with no further processing.


     "name": string,
     "type": "DispatchHandler",
     "config": {
         "bindings": [
                 "condition": expression,
                 "handler": string,
                 "baseURI": string,
             }, ...


"bindings": array of objects, required

A list of bindings of conditions and associated handlers to dispatch to.

"condition": expression, optional

Condition to evaluate to determine if associated handler should be dispatched to. If omitted, then dispatch is unconditional.

"handler": string, required

The name of the handler heap object to dispatch to if the associated condition yields true.

"baseURI": string, optional

Overrides the existing request URI, making requests relative to a new base URI. Only scheme, host and port are used in the supplied URI. Default: leave URI untouched.


     "name": "Dispatcher",
     "type": "DispatchHandler",
     "config": {
         "bindings": [ 
                 "condition": "${exchange.request.uri.path == '/login.php'}",
                 "handler": "LoginChain",
                 "condition": "${exchange.request.uri.path == '/logout.php'}",
                 "handler": "LogoutChain",
                 "handler": "ClientHandler",


SequenceHandler — process exchange through sequence of handlers


Processes an exchange through a sequence of handlers. This allows multi-request processing such as retrieving a form, extracting form content (for example, nonce) and submitting in a subsequent request. Each handler in the bindings is dispatched to in order; the binding postcondition determines if the sequence should continue.


     "name": string,
     "type": "SequenceHandler",
     "config": {
         "bindings": [
                 "handler": string,
                 "postcondition": expression


"bindings": array of objects, required

A list of bindings of handler and postcondition to determine that sequence continues.

"handler": string, required

The name of the handler heap object to dispatch to.

"postcondition": expression, optional

Evaluated to determine if the sequence continues. Default: unconditional.


StaticResponseHandler — create static response in HTTP exchange


Creates a static response in an HTTP exchange.


     "name": string,
     "type": "StaticResponseHandler",
     "config": {
         "status": number,
         "reason": string,
         "version": string,
         "headers": {
             name: [ expression, ... ], ...
         "entity": string


"status": number, required

The response status code (for example, 200).

"reason": string, optional

The response status reason (for example, "OK").

"version": string, optional

Protocol version. Default: "HTTP/1.1".

"headers": array of objects, required

Header fields to set in the response. The name specifies the header name, with an associated array of expressions to evaluate as values.

"entity": string, optional

The message entity to write in the response. Conforms to the set Content-Type header and sets Content-Length.


     "name": "ErrorHandler",
     "config": {
        "status": 500,
        "reason": "Error",
        "entity":"<html><h2>Epic #FAIL</h2></html>" 


Filter objects perform filtering of the request and response of an HTTP exchange.


AssignmentFilter — conditionally assign values to expressions


Conditionally assigns values to expressions before and after the exchange is handled.


     "name": string,
     "type": "AssignmentFilter",
     "config": {
         "onRequest": [
                 "condition": expression,
                 "target": lvalue-expression,
                 "value": expression
             }, ...
         "onResponse": [
                 "condition": expression,
                 "target": lvalue-expression,
                 "value": expression
             }, ...


"onRequest": array of objects, optional

Defines a list of assignment bindings to evaluate before the exchange is handled.

"onResponse": array of objects, optional

Defines a list of assignment bindings to evaluate after the exchange is handled.

"condition": expression, optional

Expression to evaluate to determine if an assignment should occur. Omitting the condition makes the assignment unconditional.

"target": lvalue-expression, required

Expression that yields the target object whose value is to be set.

"value": expression, optional

Expression that yields the value to be set in the target.


This is an example of how you would capture credentials and store them in the Gateway session during a login request. Notice the credentials are captured on the request, but not marked as valid until the response returns a positive 302. The credentials would then be used to login a user to a different application.

  "name": "PortalLoginCaptureFilter",
  "type": "AssignmentFilter",
  "config": {
      "onRequest": [
              "target": "${exchange.session.authUsername}",
              "value": "${exchange.request.form['username'][0]}",
              "target": "${exchange.session.authPassword}",
              "value": "${exchange.request.form['password'][0]}",
              "comment": "Indicates authentication has not yet been confirmed.",
              "target": "${exchange.session.authConfirmed}",
              "value": "${false}",
      "onResponse": [
              "condition": "${exchange.response.status == 302}",
              "target": "${exchange.session.authConfirmed}",
              "value": "${true}",


CaptureFilter — capture request and response messages


Captures request and response messages for further analysis.


     "name": string,
     "type": "CaptureFilter",
     "config": {
         "file": string,
         "charset": string,
         "condition": expression,
         "captureEntity": boolean


"file": string, required

The path of the file where captured output should be written.

"charset": string, optional

The character set to encode captured output with. Default: "UTF-8".

"condition": expression, optional

The condition to evaluate to determine whether to capture an exchange. Default: unconditional.

"captureEntity": boolean, optional

Indicates that message entity should be captured. Default: true.


Log the entire request and response:

     "name": "LogToTemporaryFile",
     "type": "CaptureFilter",
     "config": {
         "file": "/tmp/gateway.log",

Log the request and response. Do not log the entity:

     "name": "LogToTemporaryFile",
     "type": "CaptureFilter",
     "config": {
         "file": "/tmp/gateway.log" 
         "captureEntity": false,

Normal usage of the CaptureFilter is to create an OutgoingChain. This enables you to call filters like the CaptureFilter, before sending out the request:

     "name": "OutgoingChain",
     "type": "Chain",
     "config": {
         "filters": [ "LogToTemporaryFile" ],
         "handler": "ClientHandler" 
     "name": "LogToTemporaryFile",
     "type": "CaptureFilter",
     "config": {
         "captureEntity": false,
         "file": "/tmp/gateway.log",


CookieFilter — manage, suppress, relay cookies


Manages, suppresses and relays cookies. Managed cookies are intercepted by the cookie filter itself and stored in the gateway session; managed cookies are not transmitted to the user agent. Suppressed cookies are removed from both request and response. Relayed cookies are transmitted freely between user agent and remote server and vice-versa.

If a cookie does not appear in one of the three action parameters, then the default action is performed, controlled by setting the defaultAction parameter. If unspecified, the default action is to manage all cookies. In the event a cookie appears in more than one configuration parameter, then it will be selected in the order of precedence: managed, suppressed, relayed.


     "name": string,
     "type": "CookieFilter",
     "config": {
         "managed": [ string, ... ],
         "suppressed": [ string, ... ],
         "relayed": [ string, ... ],
         "defaultAction": string


"managed": array of strings, optional

A list of the names of cookies to be managed.

"suppressed": array of strings, optional

A list of the names of cookies to be suppressed.

"relayed": array of strings, optional

A list of the names of cookies to be relayed.

"defaultAction": string, optional

Action to perform for cookies that do not match an action set. Must be one of: "MANAGE", "RELAY", "SUPPRESS". Default: "MANAGE".


EntityExtractFilter — extract pattern from message entity


Extracts regular expression patterns from a message entity. The extraction results are stored in a target object. For a given matched pattern, the value stored in the object is either the result of applying its associated pattern template (if specified) or the match result itself otherwise.


     "name": string,
     "type": "EntityExtractFilter",
     "config": {
         "messageType": string,
         "charset": string,
         "target": lvalue-expression,
         "bindings": [
                 "key": string,
                 "pattern": regex-pattern,
                 "template": pattern-template
             }, ...


"messageType": string, required

The message type in the exchange to extract patterns from. Must be one of: "REQUEST", "RESPONSE".

"charset": string, optional

Overrides the character set encoding specified in message. Default: the message encoding is used.

"target": lvalue-expression, required

Expression that yields the target object that contains the extraction results.

"key": string, required

Name of element in target object to contain an extraction result.

"pattern": pattern, required

The regular expression pattern to find in the entity.

"template": pattern-template, optional

The template to apply to the pattern and store in the named target element. Default: store the match result itself.


Extracts a nonce from the response, which is typically a login page, and sets its value in the exchange to be used by the downstream filter posting the login form. The nonce value would be accessed using the following expression ${exchange.wikiNonce.wpLoginToken}. The pattern is finding all matches in the HTTP body of the form wpLogintoken value="abc". Setting the template to $1 assigns the value abc to exchange.wikiNonce.wpLoginToken:

    "name": "WikiNoncePageExtract",
    "type": "EntityExtractFilter",
    "config": {
        "messageType": "response",
        "target": "${exchange.wikiNonce}",
        "bindings": [
                "key": "wpLoginToken",
                "pattern": "wpLoginToken\"\s.*value=\"(.*)\"",
                "template": "$1" 

Reads the response looking for the OpenAM login page. When found it sets loginPage.found = true to be used in a SwitchFilter to post the login credentials:

    "name": "FindLoginPage",
    "type": "EntityExtractFilter",
    "config": {
        "messageType": "response",
        "target": "${exchange.isLoginPage}",
        "bindings": [
                 "key": "found",
                 "pattern": "OpenAM\s\(Login\)",
                 "template": "true"


ExceptionFilter — catch exceptions when handling request


Catches any exceptions thrown during handling of a request. This allows friendlier error pages to be displayed than would otherwise be displayed by the container. Caught exceptions are logged with a log level of WARNING and the exchange is diverted to the specified exception handler.


     "name": string,
     "type": "ExceptionFilter",
     "config": {
         "handler": string,


"handler": string, required

The name of the handler heap object to dispatch to in the event of caught exceptions.


FileAttributesFilter — retrieve record from a file


Retrieves and exposes a record from a delimiter-separated file. Lookup of the record is performed using a specified key, whose value is derived from an exchange-scoped expression. The resulting record is exposed in an object whose location is specified by the target expression. If a matching record cannot be found, then the resulting object is empty.

The retrieval of the record is performed lazily; it does not occur until the first attempt to access a value in the target. This defers the overhead of file operations and text processing until a value is first required. This also means that the value expression is not evaluated until the object is first accessed.


     "name": string,
     "type": "FileAttributesFilter",
     "config": {
         "file": string,
         "charset": string,
         "separator": string,
         "header": boolean,
         "fields": [ string, ... ],
         "target": lvalue-expression,
         "key": string,
         "value": expression


"file": string, required

The file containing the record to be read.

"charset": string, optional

The character set the file is encoded in. Default: "UTF-8".

"header": boolean, optional

Indicates the first line of the file contains the set of defined field keys. Default: true.

"fields": array of strings, optional

Explicit field keys in the order they appear in a record, overriding any existing field header. Default: use field header.

"target": lvalue-expression, required

Expression that yields the target object that will contain the record.

"key": string, required

The name of the field in the file to perform the lookup on.

"value": expression, required

The name of the handler heap object to dispatch to in the event of caught exceptions.


HeaderFilter — remove and add headers


Removes headers from and adds headers to a message. Headers are added to any existing headers in the message. To replace, remove the header and add it.


     "name": string,
     "type": "HeaderFilter",
     "config": {
         "messageType": string,
         "remove": [ string, ... ],
         "add": {
            name: [ string, ... ], ...


"messageType": string, required

Indicates the type of message in the exchange to filter headers for. Must be one of: "REQUEST", "RESPONSE".

"remove": array of strings, optional

The names of header fields to remove from the message.

"add": object, optional

Header fields to add to the message. The name specifies the header name, with an associated array of string values.


Replace the host header on the incoming request with

     "name": "ReplaceHostFilter",
     "type": "HeaderFilter",
     "config": {
         "messageType": "REQUEST",
         "remove": [ "host" ],
         "add": {
             "host": [ "" ]

Add a Set-Cookie header in the response:

     "name": "SetCookieFilter",
     "type": "HeaderFilter",
     "config": {
         "messageType": "RESPONSE",
         "add": {
             "Set-Cookie": [ "mysession=12345" ]

Add headers custom1 and custom2 to the request:

     "name": "SetCustomHeaders",
     "type": "HeaderFilter",
     "config": {
         "messageType": "RESQUEST",
         "add": {
             "custom1": [ "12345", "6789" ],
             "custom2": [ "abcd" ]


CryptoHeaderFilter — encrypt, decrypt headers


Encrypts or decrypts headers in a request or response.


     "name": string,
     "type": "CryptoHeaderFilter",
     "config": {
         "messageType": string,
         "operation": string,
         "algorithm": string,
         "key": string,
         "keyType": string,
         "headers": [ string, ... ]


"messageType": string, required

Indicates the type of message in the exchange to encrypt or decrypt headers, form parameters or cookies. Must be one of: "REQUEST", "RESPONSE".

"operation": string, required

Indicates whether to encrypt or decrypt. Must be one of: "ENCRYPT", "DECRYPT".

"algorithm": string, required

Algorithm used for encryption and decryption. Defaults to DES/ECB/NoPadding.

"key": string, required

Base64 encoded key value.

"headers": array of strings, optional

The names of header fields to encrypt or decrypt.


     "name": "DecryptReplayPasswordFilter",
     "type": "CryptoHeaderFilter",
     "config": {
         "messageType": "REQUEST",
         "operation": "DECRYPT",
         "algorithm": "DES/ECB/NoPadding",
         "keyType": "DES",
         "key": "oqdP3DJdE1Q=",
         "headers": [ "replaypassword" ]


HttpBasicAuthFilter — perform HTTP Basic authentication


Performs authentication through the HTTP Basic authentication scheme. For more information, see RFC 2617.

If challenged for authentication via a 401 Unauthorized status code by the server, this filter retries the request with credentials attached. Once an HTTP authentication challenge is issued from the remote server, all subsequent requests to that remote server that pass through the filter includes the user credentials.

If authentication fails (including the case of no credentials yielded from expressions), then the exchange is diverted to the specified authentication failure handler.


     "name": string,
     "type": "HttpBasicAuthFilter",
     "config": {
         "username": expression,
         "password": expression,
         "failureHandler": string


"username": expression, required

Expression that yields the username to supply during authentication.

"password": expression, required

Expression that yields the password to supply during authentication.

"failureHandler": string, required

The name of the handler heap object to dispatch to if authentication fails.


     "name": "TomcatAuthenticator",
     "type": "HttpBasicAuthFilter",
     "config": {
         "username": "tomcat",
         "password": "tomcat",
         "failureHandler": "TomcatAuthFailureHandler" 


SqlAttributesFilter — execute SQL query


Executes a SQL query through a prepared statement and exposes its first result. Parameters in the prepared statement are derived from exchange-scoped expressions. The query result is exposed in an object whose location is specified by the target expression. If the query yields no result, then the resulting object is empty.

The execution of the query is performed lazily; it does not occur until the first attempt to access a value in the target. This defers the overhead of connection pool, network and database query processing until a value is first required. This also means that the parameters expressions is not evaluated until the object is first accessed.


     "name": string,
     "type": "SqlAttributesFilter",
     "config": {
         "dataSource": string,
         "preparedStatement": string,
         "parameters": [ expression, ... ],
         "target": lvalue-expression


"dataSource": string, required

The JNDI name of the factory for connections to the physical data source.

"preparedStatement": string, required

The parameterized SQL query to execute, with ? parameter placeholders.

"parameters": array of expressions, required

The parameters to evaluate and include in the execution of the prepared statement.

"target": lvalue-expression, required

Expression that yields the target object that will contain the query results.


Using the users sessionid from a cookie, query the database to find the user logged in and set the profile attributes in the exchange:

        "name": "SqlAttributesFilter",
        "type": "SqlAttributesFilter",
        "config": {
              "target": "${exchange.sql}",
              "dataSource": "java:comp/env/jdbc/mysql",
              "preparedStatement": "SELECT f.value AS 'first', l.value AS
                'last', u.mail AS 'email', GROUP_CONCAT(CAST(r.rid AS CHAR)) AS
                FROM sessions s
                INNER JOIN users u
                ON ( u.uid = s.uid AND u.status = 1 )
                LEFT OUTER JOIN profile_values f
                ON ( f.uid = u.uid AND f.fid = 1 )
                LEFT OUTER JOIN profile_values l
                ON ( l.uid = u.uid AND l.fid = 2 )
                LEFT OUTER JOIN users_roles r
                ON ( r.uid = u.uid )
                WHERE (s.sid = ? AND s.uid <> 0) GROUP BY s.sid;",
              "parameters": [ "${exchange.request.cookies
                [0].value}" ]

Lines are folded for readability in this example. In your JSON, keep the values for "preparedStatement" and "parameters" on one line.


StaticRequestFilter — create new request within exchange object


Creates a new request within the exchange object. It replaces any request that may already be present in the exchange. The request can include a form, specified in the form parameter, which is included in an entity encoded in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format if request method is POST, or otherwise as (additional) query parameters in the URI.


     "name": string,
     "type": "StaticRequestFilter",
     "config": {
         "method": string,
         "uri": string,
         "version": string,
         "headers": {
             name: [ expression, ... ], ...
         "form": {
             field: [ expression, ... ], ...


"method": string, required

The HTTP method to be performed on the resource (for example, "GET").

"uri": string, required

The fully-qualified URI of the resource to access (for example, "").

"version": string, optional

Protocol version. Default: "HTTP/1.1".

"headers": array of objects, required

Header fields to set in the request. The name specifies the header name, with an associated array of expressions to evaluate as values.

"form": array of objects, required

A form to include in the request. The field specifies the field name, with an associated array of expressions to evaluate as values.


     "name": "LoginRequestFilter",
     "type": "StaticRequestFilter",
     "config": {
         "method": "POST",
         "uri": "",
         "form": {
             "log": [ "george" ],
             "pwd": [ "bosco" ],
             "rememberme": [ "forever" ],
             "redirect_to": [ "" ],
             "testcookie": [ "1" ]


SwitchFilter — divert exchange to other handler


Conditionally diverts the exchange to another handler. If a condition evaluates to true, then the exchange is dispatched to the associated handler with no further processing by the switch filter.


     "name": string,
     "type": "SwitchFilter",
     "config": {
         "onRequest": [
                 "condition": expression,
                 "handler": string,
             }, ...
         "onResponse": [
                 "condition": expression,
                 "handler": string,
             }, ...


"onRequest": array of objects, optional

Conditions to test (and handler to dispatch to, if true) before the exchange is handled.

"onResponse": array of objects, optional

Conditions to test (and handler to dispatch to, if true) after the exchange is handled.

"condition": expression, optional

Condition to evaluate to determine if exchange should be dispatched to handler. Default: unconditional dispatch to handler.

"handler": string, required

The name of the handler heap object to dispatch to if condition yields true.


This example intercepts the response if it is equal to 200 and executes the LoginRequestHandler. This filter might be used in a login flow where the request for the login page must go through to the target, but the response should be intercepted in order to send the login form to the application. This is typical for scenarios where there is a hidden value or cookie returned in the login page which must be sent in the login form:

     "name": "SwitchFilter",
     "type": "SwitchFilter",
     "config": {
         "onResponse": [
                 "condition": "${exchange.response.status == 200}",
                 "handler": "LoginRequestHandler" 

Miscellaneous Heap Objects


ConsoleLogSink — log to standard error


A log sink that writes log entries to the standard error stream.


     "name": string,
     "type": "ConsoleLogSink",
     "config": {
         "level": string


"level": string, optional

The level of log entries to display in the console. Must be one of: OFF, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, STAT, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL. Default: INFO.


     "name": "LogSink",
     "comment": "Default sink for logging information.",
     "type": "ConsoleLogSink",
     "config": {
         "level": "DEBUG" 


TemporaryStorage — cache streamed content


Allocates temporary buffers for caching streamed content during request processing. Initially uses memory; when the memory limit is exceeded, switches to a temporary file.


     "name": string,
     "type": "TemporaryStorage",
     "config": {
         "initialLength": number,
         "memoryLimit": number,
         "fileLimit": number,
         "directory": string


"initialLength": number, optional

The initial length of memory buffer byte array. Default: 8192 (8 KiB).

"memoryLimit": number, optional

The length limit of the memory buffer. Exceeding this limit results in promotion from memory to file. Default: 65536 (64 KiB).

"fileLimit": number, optional

The length limit of the file buffer. Exceeding this limit results in a thrown exception. Default: 1048576 (1 MiB).

"directory": string, optional

The directory where temporary files are created. If omitted, then the system-dependent default temporary directory is used (typically "/tmp" on Unix systems). Default: use system-dependent default.


Many configuration parameters support dynamic expressions.


Expressions — expression configuration parameter values


Expressions are specified as configuration parameter values for a number of built-in objects. Such expressions conform to the Universal Expression Language as specified in JSR-245.

General Syntax

All expressions follow standard Universal Expression Language syntax: ${expression}. The expression can be a simple reference to a value, a function call, and/or arbitrarily complex arithmetic, logical, relational and conditional operations. When supplied within a configuration parameter, an expression is always a string enclosed in quotation marks, for example: "${exchange.request.method}".

Value Expressions

A value expression references a value relative to the scope supplied to the expression. In the current version of the gateway, the supplied scope is always the HTTP exchange object. For example "${exchange.request.method}" references the method of an incoming HTTP request in the exchange scope. A lvalue-expression is a specific type of value expression, which references a value to be written. For example, "${exchange.session.gotoURL}" specifies a session attribute named gotoURL to write a value to. Attempts to write values to read-only values are ignored.

Indexed Properties

Properties of values are accessed using the . and [] operators, and can be nested arbitrarily. The value expressions "${exchange.request}" and "${exchange['request']}" are equivalent. In the case of arrays, the index of an element in the array is expressed as a number in brackets, for example "${exchange.request.headers['Content-Type'][0]}" references the first Content-Type header value in a request. If a property does not exist, then the index reference yields a null (empty) value.


Universal Expression Language supports arbitrarily complex arithmetic, logical, relational and conditional operations. They are, in order of precedence:

  • Index property value: [], .

  • Change precedence of operation: ()

  • Unary negative: -

  • Logical operations: not, !, empty

  • Arithmetic operations: *, /, div, %, mod

  • Binary arithmetic operations: +, -

  • Relational operations: <, >, <=, >=, lt, gt, le, ge, ==, !=, eq, ne

  • Logical operations: &&, and, ||, or

  • Conditional operations: ?, :


A number of built-in functions can be called within an expression. Syntax is ${function(param, ...)}, where zero or more parameters are supplied to the function. For example, "${toLowerCase(exchange.request.method)}" yields the method of the request, converted to lower case. Functions can be operands for operations, and can yield parameters for other function calls.


Lines are folded for readability in these example. In your JSON, keep the values on one line.

"${exchange.request.uri.path == '/wordpress/wp-login.php' and
 exchange.request.form['action'][0] != 'logout'}"

"${ ''}"




"${exchange.request.method 'POST' and exchange.request.uri.path

"${exchange.request.method 'GET'}"


"${exchange.request.uri.scheme 'http'}"

"${not (exchange.response.status 302 and not empty exchange.session.gotoURL)}"




Functions — built-in functions to call within expressions


A set of built-in functions that can be called from within expressions.


contains(object, value)

Returns true if the object contains the specified value. If the object is a string, a substring is searched for the value. If the object is a collection or array, its elements are searched for the value.


the object to be searched for the presence of.


the value to be searched for.


if the object contains the specified value.


indexOf(string, substring)

Returns the index within a string of the first occurrence of a specified substring.


the string to be searched.


the value to search for within the string.


the index of the first instance of substring, or -1 if not found.


join(strings, separator)

Joins an array of strings into a single string value, with a specified separator.


the separator to place between joined elements.


the array of strings to be joined.


the string containing the joined strings.


keyMatch(map, pattern)

Returns the first key found in a map that matches the specified regular expression pattern, or null if no such match is found.


the map whose keys are to be searched.


a string containing the regular expression pattern to match.


the first matching key, or null if no match found.



Returns the number of items in a collection, or the number of characters in a string.


the object whose length is to be determined.


the length of the object, or 0 if length could not be determined.


matches(string, pattern)

Returns an array of matching groups for a regular expression pattern against a string, or null if no such match is found. The first element of the array is the entire match, and each subsequent element correlates to any capture group specified within the regular expression.


the string to be searched.


a string containing the regular expression pattern to match.


an array of matching groups, or null if no such match is found.


split(string, pattern)

Splits a string into an array of substrings around matches of the given regular expression pattern.


the string to be split.


the regular expression to split substrings around.


the resulting array of split substrings.



Converts all of the characters in a string to lower case.


the string whose characters are to be converted.


the string with characters converted to lower case.



Returns the string value of an aribtrary object.


the object whose string value is to be returned.


the string value of the object.



Converts all of the characters in a string to upper case.


the string whose characters are to be converted.


the string with characters converted to upper case.



Returns a copy of a string with leading and trailing whitespace omitted.


the string whose white space is to be omitted.


the string with leading and trailing white space omitted.


Patterns — regular expression patterns


Patterns in configuration parameters and expressions use the standard Java regular expression Pattern class. For more information on regular expressions, see Oracle's tutorial on Regular Expressions.

Pattern Templates

A regular expression pattern template expresses a transformation to be applied for a matching regular expression pattern. It may contain references to capturing groups within the match result. Each occurrence of $g (where g is an integer value) is substituted by the indexed capturing group in a match result. Capturing group zero "$0" denotes the entire pattern match. A dollar sign or numeral literal immediately following a capture group reference can be included as a literal in the template by preceding it with a backslash ( \ ). Backslash itself must be also escaped in this manner.

Exchange Object Model

Expressions are evaluated within an exchange object model scope.


Exchange — HTTP exchange of request and response


The root object for the exchange object model: an HTTP exchange of request and response. The exchange object model parallels the document object model, exposing elements of the exchange. It supports this by exposing a set of fixed properties and allowing arbitrary properties to be added.


"exchange": object

Self-referential property to make this the root object in the exchange object model.

"request": object

The request portion of the HTTP exchange.

"response": object

The response portion of the HTTP exchange.

"principal": object

The principal associated with the request, or null if unknown.

"session": object

Session context associated with the remote client. Exposes session attributes as name-value pairs, where both name and value are strings.


Request — HTTP exchange request


An HTTP request message in an exchange object model.


"method": string

The method to be performed on the resource. Example: "GET".

"uri": object

The fully-qualified URI of the resource being accessed. Example: "".

"version": string

Protocol version. Example: "HTTP/1.1".

"headers": object

Exposes message header fields as name-value pairs, where name is header name and value is an array of header values.

"cookies": object

Exposes incoming request cookies as name-value pairs, where name is cookie name and value is an array of string cookie values.

"form": object

Exposes query parameters and/or application/x-www-form-urlencoded entity as name-value pairs, where name is the field name and value is an array of string values.

"entity": object

The message entity body (no accessible properties).


Principal — user principal in HTTP exchange


Represents a user principal in an exchange object model, containing the name of the current authenticated user.


"name": string

The name of the principal, or null if principal is undefined (user has not been authenticated).


Response — HTTP exchange response


An HTTP response message in an exchange object model.


"status": number

The response status code. Example: 200.

"reason": string

The response status reason. Example: "OK".

"version": string

Protocol version. Example: "HTTP/1.1".

"headers": object

Exposes message header fields as name-value pairs, where name is header name and value is an array of header values.

"entity": object

The message entity body (no accessible properties).


URI — Uniform Resource Identifier in HTTP exchange


Represents a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) reference in an exchange object model. URI properties are read-only.


"scheme": string

The scheme component of the URI, or null if the scheme is undefined.

"schemeSpecificPart": string

The decoded scheme-specific part of the URI, never null.

"authority": string

The decoded authority component of the URI, or null if the authority is undefined.

"userInfo": string

The decoded user-information component of the URI, or null if the user information is undefined.

"host": string

The host component of the URI, or null if the host is undefined.

"port": number

The port component of the URI, or null if the port is undefined.

"path": string

The decoded path component of the URI, or null if the path is undefined.

"query": string

The decoded query component of the URI, or null if the query is undefined.

"fragment": string

The decoded fragment component of the URI, or null if the fragment is undefined.



Exchange Object Model
Exchange, Description
Principal, Description
Request, Description
Response, Description
URI, Description
Expressions, Description
Functions, Description
Patterns, Description


AssignmentFilter, Description
CaptureFilter, Description
CookieFilter, Description
CryptoHeaderFilter, Description
EntityExtractFilter, Description
ExceptionFilter, Description
FileAttributesFilter, Description
HeaderFilter, Description
HttpBasicAuthFilter, Description
SqlAttributesFilter, Description
StaticRequestFilter, Description
SwitchFilter, Description


Chain, Description
ClientHandler, Description
DispatchHandler, Description
SequenceHandler, Description
StaticResponseHandler, Description


Miscellaneous Heap Objects
ConsoleLogSink, Description
TemporaryStorage, Description


Required configuration
Gateway servlet, Description
Heap objects, Description


DispatchServlet, Description
HandlerServlet, Description
Servlet, Description
ServletFilter, Description