OpenIDM Integrator's Guide

Guide to configurating and integrating OpenIDM into identity management solutions. The OpenIDM project offers flexible, open source services for automating management of the identity life cycle.


This guide shows you how to integrate OpenIDM as part of a complete identity management solution.

1. Who Should Use this Guide

This guide is written for systems integrators building identity management solutions based on OpenIDM services. This guide describes OpenIDM, and shows you how to set up OpenIDM as part of your identity management solution.

You do not need to be an OpenIDM wizard to learn something from this guide, though a background in identity management and building identity management solutions can help.

2. Formatting Conventions

Most examples in the documentation are created in GNU/Linux or Mac OS X operating environments. If distinctions are necessary between operating environments, examples are labeled with the operating environment name in parentheses. To avoid repetition file system directory names are often given only in UNIX format as in /path/to/server, even if the text applies to C:\path\to\server as well.

Absolute path names usually begin with the placeholder /path/to/. This path might translate to /opt/, C:\Program Files\, or somewhere else on your system.

Command line, terminal sessions are formatted as follows:

$ echo $JAVA_HOME

Command output is sometimes formatted for narrower, more readable output even though formatting parameters are not shown in the command. In the following example, the query string parameter _prettyPrint=true is omitted and some of the output is replaced with an ellipsis (...):

$ curl
  "_rev" : "000000005b337348",
  "_id" : "newuser",

Program listings are formatted as follows:

class Test {
    public static void main(String [] args)  {
        System.out.println("This is a program listing.");

3. Accessing Documentation Online

Open Identity Platform core documentation, such as this document, aims to be technically accurate and complete with respect to the software documented.

Core documentation therefore follows a three-phase review process designed to eliminate errors:

  • Product managers and software architects review project documentation design with respect to the readers' software lifecycle needs.

  • Subject matter experts review proposed documentation changes for technical accuracy and completeness with respect to the corresponding software.

  • Quality experts validate implemented documentation changes for technical accuracy, completeness in scope, and usability for the readership.

The review process helps to ensure that documentation published for a Open Identity Platform release is technically accurate and complete.

Fully reviewed, published core documentation is available at Use this documentation when working with a Open Identity Platform release.

You can find pre-release draft documentation at the online community resource center. Use this documentation when trying a nightly build.

4. Joining the Open Identity Platform Community

Visit the community resource center where you can find information about each project, download nightly builds, browse the resource catalog, ask and answer questions on the forums, find community events near you, and of course get the source code as well.

Chapter 1. Architectural Overview

The following figure provides an overview of the OpenIDM architecture, which is covered in more detail in subsequent sections of this chapter.

OpenIDM architecture

1.1. OpenIDM Modular Framework

The OpenIDM framework is based on OSGi.


OSGi is a module system and service platform for the Java programming language that implements a complete and dynamic component model. For a good introduction, see the OSGi site. While OpenIDM services are designed to run in any OSGi container, OpenIDM currently runs in Apache Felix.


The optional Servlet layer provides RESTful HTTP access to the managed objects and services. While the Servlet layer can be provided by many different engines, OpenIDM embeds Jetty by default.

1.2. Infrastructure Modules

OpenIDM infrastructure modules provide the underlying features needed for core services.

BPMN 2.0 Workflow Engine

OpenIDM provides an embedded workflow and business process engine based on Activiti and the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) 2.0 standard.

For more information, see Integrating Business Processes and Workflows.

Task Scanner

OpenIDM provides a task scanning mechanism that enables you to perform a batch scan for a specified date in OpenIDM data, on a scheduled interval, and then to execute a task when this date is reached.

For more information, see Scanning Data to Trigger Tasks.


The scheduler provides a cron-like scheduling component implemented using the Quartz library. Use the scheduler, for example, to enable regular synchronizations and reconciliations.

See the Scheduling Synchronization chapter for details.

Script Engine

The script engine is a pluggable module that provides the triggers and plugin points for OpenIDM. OpenIDM currently implements a JavaScript engine.

Policy Service

OpenIDM provides an extensible policy service that enables you to apply specific validation requirements to various components and properties.

For more information, see Using Policies to Validate Data.

Audit Logging

Auditing logs all relevant system activity to the configured log stores. This includes the data from reconciliation as a basis for reporting, as well as detailed activity logs to capture operations on the internal (managed) and external (system) objects.

See the Using Audit Logs chapter for details.


The repository provides a common abstraction for a pluggable persistence layer. OpenIDM supports use of MySQL to back the repository. Yet, plugin repositories can include NoSQL and relational databases, LDAP, and even flat files. The repository API operates using a JSON-based object model with RESTful principles consistent with the other OpenIDM services. The default, embedded implementation for the repository is the NoSQL database OrientDB, making it easy to evaluate OpenIDM out of the box before using MySQL in your production environment.

1.3. Core Services

The core services are the heart of the OpenIDM resource oriented unified object model and architecture.

Object Model

Artifacts handled by OpenIDM are Java object representations of the JavaScript object model as defined by JSON. The object model supports interoperability and potential integration with many applications, services and programming languages. As OpenIDM is a Java-based product, these representations are instances of classes: Map, List, String, Number, Boolean, and null.

OpenIDM can serialize and deserialize these structures to and from JSON as required. OpenIDM also exposes a set of triggers and functions that system administrators can define in JavaScript which can natively read and modify these JSON-based object model structures. OpenIDM is designed to support other scripting and programming languages.

Managed Objects

A managed object is an object that represents the identity-related data managed by OpenIDM. Managed objects are configurable, JSON-based data structures that OpenIDM stores in its pluggable repository. The default configuration of a managed object is that of a user, but you can define any kind of managed object, for example, groups or roles.

You can access managed objects over the REST interface with a query similar to the following:

       $ curl
         --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
         --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
         --request GET
System Objects

System objects are pluggable representations of objects on external systems. For example, a user entry that is stored in an external LDAP directory is represented as a system object in OpenIDM.

System objects follow the same RESTful resource-based design principles as managed objects. They can be accessed over the REST interface with a query similar to the following:

       $ curl
         --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
         --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
         --request GET

There is a default implementation for the OpenICF framework, that allows any connector object to be represented as a system object.


Mappings define policies between source and target objects and their attributes during synchronization and reconciliation. Mappings can also define triggers for validation, customization, filtering, and transformation of source and target objects.

See the Configuring Synchronization chapter for details.

Synchronization & Reconciliation

Reconciliation provides for on-demand and scheduled resource comparisons between the OpenIDM managed object repository and source or target systems. Comparisons can result in different actions depending on the mappings defined between the systems.

Synchronization provides for creating, updating, and deleting resources from a source to a target system either on demand or according to a schedule.

See the Configuring Synchronization chapter for details.

1.4. Access Layer

The access layer provides the user interfaces and public APIs for accessing and managing the OpenIDM repository and its functions.

RESTful Interfaces

OpenIDM provides REST APIs for CRUD operations and invoking synchronization and reconciliation for both HTTP and Java.

See the REST API Reference appendix for details.

User Interfaces

User interfaces provide password management, registration, self-service, and workflow services.

Chapter 2. Starting and Stopping OpenIDM

This chapter covers the scripts provided for starting and stopping OpenIDM, and describes how to verify the health of a system, that is, that all requirements are met for a successful system startup.

2.1. To Start and Stop OpenIDM

By default you start and stop OpenIDM in interactive mode.

To start OpenIDM interactively, open a terminal or command window, change to the openidm directory, and run the startup script:

  • (UNIX)

  • startup.bat (Windows)

The startup script starts OpenIDM, and opens an OSGi console with a -> prompt where you can issue console commands.

To stop OpenIDM interactively in the OSGi console, enter the shutdown command.

-> shutdown

You can also start OpenIDM as a background process on UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS X. Follow these steps before starting OpenIDM for the first time.

  1. If you have already started OpenIDM, then shut down OpenIDM and remove the Felix cache files under openidm/felix-cache/.

    -> shutdown
    $ rm -rf felix-cache/*
  2. Disable ConsoleHandler logging before starting OpenIDM by editing openidm/conf/ to set java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = OFF, and to comment out other references to ConsoleHandler, as shown in the following excerpt.

    # ConsoleHandler: A simple handler for writing formatted records to System.err
    #handlers=java.util.logging.FileHandler, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
    # --- ConsoleHandler ---
    # Default: java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = INFO
    java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = OFF
    #java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = ...
  3. Remove the text-based OSGi console bundle, bundle/

  4. Start OpenIDM in the background.

    $ ./ &

    Alternatively, use the nohup command to keep OpenIDM running after you log out.

    $ nohup ./ &
    [2] 394
    $ appending output to nohup.out

To stop OpenIDM running as a background process, use the script.

$ ./
Stopping OpenIDM (454)

2.2. Specifying the OpenIDM Startup Configuration

By default, OpenIDM starts up with the configuration and script files that are located in the openidm/conf and openidm/script directories, and with the binaries that are in the default install location. You can launch OpenIDM with a different configuration and set of script files, and even with a different set of binaries, in order to test a new configuration, managed multiple different OpenIDM projects, or to run one of the included samples.

The script enables you to specify the following elements of a running OpenIDM instance.

  • project location (-p)

    The project location specifies the configuration and default scripts with which OpenIDM will run.

    If you specify the project location, OpenIDM does not try to locate configuration objects in the default location. All configuration objects and any artifacts that are not in the bundled defaults (such as custom scripts) must be provided in the project location. This includes everything that is in the default openidm/conf and openidm/script directories.

    The following command starts OpenIDM with the configuration of sample 1:

    $ ./ -p /path/to/openidm/samples/sample1

    If an absolute path is not provided, the path is relative to the system property, user.dir. If no project location is specified, OpenIDM is launched with the default configuration in /path/to/openidm/conf.

  • working location (-w)

    The working location specifies the directory to which OpenIDM writes its cache. Specifying a working location separates the project from the cached data that the system needs to store. The working location includes everything that is in the default openidm/db and openidm/audit, openidm/felix-cache, and openidm/logs directories.

    The following command specifies that OpenIDM writes its cached data to /Users/admin/openidm/storage:

    $ ./ -w /Users/admin/openidm/storage

    If an absolute path is not provided, the path is relative to the system property, user.dir. If no working location is specified, OpenIDM writes its cached data to openidm/db and openidm/logs.

  • startup configuration file (-c)

    A customizable startup configuration file (named launcher.json) enables you to specify how the OSGi Framework is started.

    If no configuration file is specified, the default configuration (defined in /path/to/openidm/bin/launcher.json) is used. The following command starts OpenIDM with an alternative startup configuration file:

    $ ./ -c /Users/admin/openidm/bin/launcher.json

    You can modify the default startup configuration file to specify a different startup configuration.

    The customizable properties of the default startup configuration file are as follows:

    • "location" : "bundle" - resolves to the install location. You can also load OpenIDM from a specified zip file ("location" : "") or you can install a single jar file ("location" : "openidm-system-2.1.jar").

    • "includes" : "**/openidm-system-*.jar" - the specified folder is scanned for jar files relating to the system startup. If the value of "includes" is *.jar, you must specifically exclude any jars in the bundle that you do not want to install, by setting the "excludes" property.

    • "start-level" : 1 - specifies a start level for the jar files identified previously.

    • "action" : "install.start" - a period-separated list of actions to be taken on the jar files. Values can be one or more of "install.start.update.uninstall".

    • "" - takes either a path to a configuration file (relative to the project location) or a list of configuration properties and their values. The list must be in the format "string":"string", for example:

                 "" :
       	               "property" : "value"
    • "" - takes either a path to a file (relative to the project location) or a list of system properties and their values. The list must be in the format "string":"string", for example:

                 "" :
       	               "property" : "value"
    • "" - takes either a path to a file (relative to the project location) or a list of boot properties and their values.The list must be in the format "string":object, for example:

                 "" :
       	               "property" : true

By default, properties files are loaded in the following order, and property values are resolved in the reverse order:




If both system and boot properties define the same attribute, the property substitution process locates the attribute in and does not attempt to locate the property in

You can use variable substitution in any .json configuration file with the install, working and project locations described previously. The following properties can be substituted:


Property substitution takes the following syntax:


For example, to specify the location of the OrientDB database, you can set the dbUrl property in repo.orientdb.json as follows:

"dbUrl" : "local:&{launcher.working.location}/db/openidm",

The database location is then relative to a working location defined in the startup configuration.

2.3. Obtaining Information About an OpenIDM Instance

OpenIDM includes a customizable information service that provides detailed information about a running OpenIDM instance. The information can be accessed over the REST interface, under the context http://localhost:8080/openidm/info.

By default, OpenIDM provides the following information:

  • Basic information about the health of the system.

    This information can be accessed over REST at http://localhost:8080/openidm/info/ping. For example:

    $ curl
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
     --request GET
     {"state":"ACTIVE_READY","shortDesc":"OpenIDM ready"}

    The information is provided by the script openidm/bin/defaults/script/info/ping.js.

  • Information about the current OpenIDM session.

    This information can be accessed over REST at http://localhost:8080/openidm/info/login. For example:

    $ curl
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
     --request GET

    The information is provided by the script openidm/bin/defaults/script/info/login.js.

You can extend or override the default information that is provided by creating your own script file and its corresponding configuration file in openidm/conf/info-name.json. Custom script files can be located anywhere, although a best practice is to place them in openidm/script/info. A sample customized script file for extending the default ping service is provided in openidm/samples/infoservice/script/info/customping.js. The corresponding configuration file is provided in openidm/samples/infoservice/conf/info-customping.json.

The configuration file has the following syntax:

    "infocontext" : "ping",
    "type" : "text/javascript",
    "file" : "script/info/customping.js"

The parameters in the configuration file are as follows:

  • "infocontext" specifies the relative name of the info endpoint under the info context. The information can be accessed over REST at this endpoint, for example, setting "infocontext" to "mycontext/myendpoint" would make the information accessible over REST at http://localhost:8080/openidm/info/mycontext/myendpoint.

  • "type" specifies the type of the information source. Currently, only Javascript is supported, so the type must be "text/javascript".

  • "file" specifies the path to the Javascript file, if you do not provide a "source" parameter.

  • "source" specifies the actual Javascript, if you have not provided a "file" parameter.

Additional properties can be passed to the script in this configuration file ( openidm/samples/infoservice/conf/info-name.json).

Script files in openidm/samples/infoservice/script/info/ have access to the following objects:

  • request - the request details, including the method called and any parameters passed.

  • healthinfo - the current health status of the system.

  • openidm - access to the JSON resource API.

  • Any additional properties that are defined in the configuration file ( openidm/samples/infoservice/conf/info-name.json.)

2.4. Verifying the Health of an OpenIDM System

Due to the highly modular, configurable nature of OpenIDM, it is often difficult to assess whether a system has started up successfully, or whether the system is ready and stable after dynamic configuration changes have been made.

OpenIDM provides a configurable health check service that verifies that the required modules and services for an operational system are up and running. During system startup, OpenIDM checks that these modules and services are available and reports on whether any requirements for an operational system have not been met. If dynamic configuration changes are made, OpenIDM rechecks that the required modules and services are functioning so that system operation is monitored on an ongoing basis.

The health check service reports on the state of the OpenIDM system and outputs this state to the console and to the log files. The system can be in one of the following states:

STARTING - OpenIDM is starting up
ACTIVE_READY - all of the specified requirements have been met to consider the OpenIDM system ready
ACTIVE_NOT_READY - one or more of the specified requirements have not been met and the OpenIDM system is not considered ready
STOPPING - OpenIDM is shutting down

By default, OpenIDM checks the following modules and services:

Required Modules


Required Services


You can replace this list, or add to it, by adding the following lines to the openidm/conf/boot/ file:

"openidm.healthservice.reqbundles" - overrides the default required bundles. Bundles are specified as a list of symbolic names, separated by commas.
"openidm.healthservice.reqservices" - overrides the default required services. Services are specified as a list of symolic names, separated by commas.
"openidm.healthservice.additionalreqbundles" - specifies required bundles (in addition to the default list). Bundles are specified as a list of symbolic names, separated by commas.
"openidm.healthservice.additionalreqservices" - specifies required services (in addition to the default list). Services are specified as a list of symbolic names, separated by commas.

By default, OpenIDM gives the system ten seconds to start up all the required bundles and services, before the system readiness is assessed. Note that this is not the total start time, but the time required to complete the service startup after the framework has started. You can change this default by setting the value of the servicestartmax property (in miliseconds) in the openidm/conf/boot/ file. This example sets the startup time to five seconds.


The health check service works in tandem with the scriptable information service. For more information see Section 2.3, “Obtaining Information About an OpenIDM Instance”.

2.5. Displaying Information About Installed Modules

On a running OpenIDM instance, you can list the installed modules and their states by typing the following command in the Felix administration console:

-> scr list
   Id   State          Name
[  12] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.endpoint
[  13] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.endpoint
[  14] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.endpoint
[  15] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.endpoint
[  16] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.endpoint
[  17] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.endpoint
[  23] [unsatisfied  ]
[  27] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider
[  35] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.ui.simple
[  29] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.restlet
[   3] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.repo.orientdb
[   7] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.scope
[   5] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.audit
[  32] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.schedule
[   2] [unsatisfied  ] org.forgerock.openidm.repo.jdbc
[  31] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.workflow
[   9] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.managed
[  28] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.openicf
[  22] [active       ]
[  26] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner
[   0] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.config.starter
[  34] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.taskscanner
[  20] [active       ]
[   6] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.router
[  33] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.scheduler
[  19] [unsatisfied  ]
[  11] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.sync
[  25] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.policy
[   8] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.script
[  10] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.recon
[   4] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.http.contextregistrator
[   1] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.config
[  18] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.endpointservice
[  30] [unsatisfied  ] org.forgerock.openidm.servletfilter
[  24] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.infoservice
[  21] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.authentication

To display additional information about a particular module or service, run the following command, substituting the Id of that module from the preceding list.

-> scr info Id

The following example displays additional information about the router service:

-> scr info 6
ID: 6
Name: org.forgerock.openidm.router
Bundle: org.forgerock.openidm.core (41)
State: active
Default State: enabled
Activation: immediate
Configuration Policy: optional
Activate Method: activate (declared in the descriptor)
Deactivate Method: deactivate (declared in the descriptor)
Modified Method: modified
Services: org.forgerock.json.resource.JsonResource
Service Type: service
Reference: ref_JsonResourceRouterService_ScopeFactory
    Satisfied: satisfied
    Service Name: org.forgerock.openidm.scope.ScopeFactory
    Multiple: single
    Optional: mandatory
    Policy: dynamic
Properties: = 6 = org.forgerock.openidm.router
    felix.fileinstall.filename = file:/openidm/samples/sample1/conf/router.json
    jsonconfig = {
    "filters" : [
            "onRequest" : {
                "type" : "text/javascript",
                "file" : "bin/defaults/script/router-authz.js"
            "onRequest" : {
                "type" : "text/javascript",
                "file" : "bin/defaults/script/policyFilter.js"
            "methods" : [
    openidm.restlet.path = /
    service.description = OpenIDM internal JSON resource router = org.forgerock.openidm.router
    service.vendor = ForgeRock AS

2.6. Starting OpenIDM in Debug Mode

To debug custom libraries, you can start OpenIDM with the option to use the Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA).

  • Start OpenIDM with the jpda option:

    $ cd /path/to/openidm
    $ ./ jpda
    Using OPENIDM_HOME:   /Users/lana/openidm
    Using OPENIDM_OPTS:   -Xmx1024m -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xnoagent -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=5005,server=y,suspend=n
    Using LOGGING_CONFIG: -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/Users/lana/openidm/conf/
    Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005
    Using boot properties at /Users/lana/openidm/conf/boot/
    OpenIDM version "2.1.0-SNAPSHOT" (revision: 2144)
    -> OpenIDM ready

    The relevant JPDA options are outlined in the startup script (

  • In your IDE, attach a Java debugger to the JVM via socket, on port 5005.


This interface is internal and subject to change. If you depend on this interface, contact ForgeRock support.

Chapter 3. OpenIDM Command-Line Interface

OpenIDM includes a basic command-line interface that provides a number of utilities for managing the OpenIDM instance.

All of the utilities are subcommands of the (UNIX) or cli.bat (Windows) scripts. To use the utilities, you can either run them as subcommands, or launch the cli script first, and then run the utility. For example, to run the encrypt utility on a UNIX system:

$ cd /path/to/openidm
$ ./
Using boot properties at /openidm/conf/boot/
openidm# encrypt ....


$ cd /path/to/openidm
$ ./ encrypt ...

By default, the command-line utilities run with the properties defined in /path/to/openidm/conf/boot/

The startup and shutdown scripts are not discussed in this chapter. For information about these scripts, see Starting and Stopping OpenIDM.

The following sections describe the subcommands and their use. Examples assume that you are running the commands on a UNIX system. For Windows systems, use cli.bat instead of

3.1. configexport

The configexport subcommand exports all configuration objects to a specified location, enabling you to reuse a system configuration in another environment. For example, you can test a configuration in a development environment, then export it and import it into a production environment. This subcommand also enables you to inspect the active configuration of an OpenIDM instance.

OpenIDM must be running when you execute this command.

Usage is as follows:

$ ./ configexport /export-location

For example:

$ ./ configexport /tmp/conf

Configuration objects are exported, as .json files, to the specified directory. Configuration files that are present in this directory are renamed as backup files, with a timestamp, for example, audit.json.2012-12-19T12-00-28.bkp, and are not overwritten. The following configuration objects are exported:

  • The internal repository configuration (repo.orientdb.json or repo.jdbc.json)

  • The log configuration (audit.json)

  • The authentication configuration (authentication.json )

  • The managed object configuration (managed.json)

  • The connector configuration (provisioner.openicf-*.json )

  • The router service configuration (router.json)

  • The scheduler service configuration (scheduler.json)

  • Any configured schedules (schedule-*.json)

  • The synchronization mapping configuration (sync.json )

  • If workflows are defined, the configuration of the workflow engine (workflow.json) and the workflow access configuration (process-access.json)

  • Any configuration files related to the user interface (ui-*.json)

  • The configuration of any custom endpoints (endpoint-*.json)

  • The policy configuration (policy.json)

3.2. configimport

The configimport subcommand imports configuration objects from the specified directory, enabling you to reuse a system configuration from another environment. For example, you can test a configuration in a development environment, then export it and import it into a production environment.

The command updates the existing configuration from the import-location over the OpenIDM REST interface. By default, if configuration objects are present in the import-location and not in the existing configuration, these objects are added. If configuration objects are present in the existing location but not in the import-location, these objects are left untouched in the existing configuration.

If you include the --replaceAll parameter, the command wipes out the existing configuration and replaces it with the configuration in the import-location. Objects in the existing configuration that are not present in the import-location are deleted.

Usage is as follows:

$ ./ configimport [--replaceAll] /import-location

For example:

$ ./ configimport --replaceAll /tmp/conf

Configuration objects are imported, as .json files, from the specified directory to the conf directory. The configuration objects that are imported are outlined in the corresponding export command, described in the previous section.

3.3. configureconnector

The configureconnector subcommand generates a configuration for an OpenICF connector.

Usage is as follows:

$ ./ configureconnector connector-name

Select the type of connector that you want to configure. The following example configures a new XML connector.

$ ./ configureconnector myXmlConnector
Using boot properties at /openidm/conf/boot/
Dec 11, 2012 10:35:37 AM org.restlet.ext.httpclient.HttpClientHelper start
INFO: Starting the HTTP client
0. CSV File Connector version 
1. LDAP Connector version 
2. org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.scriptedsql.ScriptedSQLConnector version 
3. XML Connector version 
4. Exit
Select [0..4]: 3
Edit the configuration file and run the command again. The configuration was 
  saved to /openidm/temp/provisioner.openicf-myXmlConnector.json

The basic configuration is saved in a file named /openidm/temp/provisioner.openicf-connector-name.json. Edit the configurationProperties parameter in this file to complete the connector configuration. For an XML connector, you can use the schema definitions in sample 0 for an example configuration.

  "configurationProperties" : {
    "xmlFilePath" : "samples/sample0/data/resource-schema-1.xsd",
    "createFileIfNotExists" : false,
    "xsdFilePath" : "samples/sample0/data/resource-schema-extension.xsd",
    "xsdIcfFilePath" : "samples/sample0/data/xmlConnectorData.xml"

For more information about the connector configuration properties, see Configuring Connectors.

When you have modified the file, run the configureconnector command again so that OpenIDM can pick up the new connector configuration.

$ ./ configureconnector myXmlConnector
Using boot properties at /openidm/conf/boot/
Configuration was found and picked up from:
Dec 11, 2012 10:55:28 AM org.restlet.ext.httpclient.HttpClientHelper start
INFO: Starting the HTTP client

You can also configure connectors over the REST interface. For more information, see Creating Default Connector Configurations.

3.4. encrypt

The encrypt subcommand encrypts an input string, or JSON object, provided at the command line. This subcommand can be used to encrypt passwords, or other sensitive data, to be stored in the OpenIDM repository. The encrypted value is output to standard output and provides details of the cryptography key that is used to encrypt the data.

Usage is as follows:

$ ./ encrypt [-j] string

The -j option specifies that the string to be encrypted is a JSON object. If you do not enter the string as part of the command, the command prompts for the string to be encrypted. If you enter the string as part of the command, any special characters, for example quotation marks, must be escaped.

The following example encrypts a normal string value:

$ ./ encrypt mypassword
Using boot properties at /openidm/conf/boot/
Oct 23, 2012 2:00:03 PM org.forgerock.openidm.crypto.impl.CryptoServiceImpl activate
INFO: Activating cryptography service of type: JCEKS provider:
      location: security/keystore.jceks
Oct 23, 2012 2:00:03 PM org.forgerock.openidm.crypto.impl.CryptoServiceImpl activate
INFO: Available cryptography key: openidm-sym-default
Oct 23, 2012 2:00:03 PM org.forgerock.openidm.crypto.impl.CryptoServiceImpl activate
INFO: Available cryptography key: openidm-localhost
Oct 23, 2012 2:00:03 PM org.forgerock.openidm.crypto.impl.CryptoServiceImpl activate
INFO: Available cryptography key: openidm-local-openidm-forgerock-org
Oct 23, 2012 2:00:03 PM org.forgerock.openidm.crypto.impl.CryptoServiceImpl activate
INFO: CryptoService is initialized with 3 keys.
  "$crypto" : {
    "value" : {
      "iv" : "M2913T5ZADlC2ip2imeOyg==",
      "data" : "DZAAAM1nKjQM1qpLwh3BgA==",
      "cipher" : "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding",
      "key" : "openidm-sym-default"
    "type" : "x-simple-encryption"

The following example encrypts a JSON object. The input string must be a valid JSON object.

$ ./ encrypt -j {\"password\":\"myPassw0rd\"}
Using boot properties at /openidm/conf/boot/
Oct 23, 2012 2:00:03 PM org.forgerock.openidm.crypto.impl.CryptoServiceImpl activate
INFO: Activating cryptography service of type: JCEKS provider:
      location: security/keystore.jceks
Oct 23, 2012 2:00:03 PM org.forgerock.openidm.crypto.impl.CryptoServiceImpl activate
INFO: Available cryptography key: openidm-sym-default
Oct 23, 2012 2:00:03 PM org.forgerock.openidm.crypto.impl.CryptoServiceImpl activate
INFO: Available cryptography key: openidm-localhost
Oct 23, 2012 2:00:03 PM org.forgerock.openidm.crypto.impl.CryptoServiceImpl activate
INFO: Available cryptography key: openidm-local-openidm-forgerock-org
Oct 23, 2012 2:00:03 PM org.forgerock.openidm.crypto.impl.CryptoServiceImpl activate
INFO: CryptoService is initialized with 3 keys.
  "$crypto" : {
    "value" : {
      "iv" : "M2913T5ZADlC2ip2imeOyg==",
      "data" : "DZAAAM1nKjQM1qpLwh3BgA==",
      "cipher" : "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding",
      "key" : "openidm-sym-default"
    "type" : "x-simple-encryption"

The following example prompts for a JSON object to be encrypted. In this case, you need not escape the special characters.

$ ./ encrypt -j 
Using boot properties at /openidm/conf/boot/
Enter the Json value

> Press ctrl-D to finish input
Start data input:
Oct 23, 2012 2:37:56 PM org.forgerock.openidm.crypto.impl.CryptoServiceImpl activate
INFO: Activating cryptography service of type: JCEKS provider:
      location: security/keystore.jceks
Oct 23, 2012 2:37:56 PM org.forgerock.openidm.crypto.impl.CryptoServiceImpl activate
INFO: Available cryptography key: openidm-sym-default
Oct 23, 2012 2:37:56 PM org.forgerock.openidm.crypto.impl.CryptoServiceImpl activate
INFO: Available cryptography key: openidm-localhost
Oct 23, 2012 2:37:56 PM org.forgerock.openidm.crypto.impl.CryptoServiceImpl activate
INFO: Available cryptography key: openidm-local-openidm-forgerock-org
Oct 23, 2012 2:37:56 PM org.forgerock.openidm.crypto.impl.CryptoServiceImpl activate
INFO: CryptoService is initialized with 3 keys.
  "$crypto" : {
    "value" : {
      "iv" : "6e0RK8/4F1EK5FzSZHwNYQ==",
      "data" : "gwHSdDTmzmUXeD6Gtfn6JFC8cAUiksiAGfvzTsdnAqQ=",
      "cipher" : "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding",
      "key" : "openidm-sym-default"
    "type" : "x-simple-encryption"

3.5. keytool

The keytool subcommand exports or imports private key values.

The Java keytool command enables you to export and import public keys and certificates, but not private keys. The OpenIDM keytool subcommand provides this functionality.

Usage is as follows:

./ keytool [--export, --import] alias

For example, to export the default OpenIDM symmetric key, run the following command:

$ ./ keytool --export openidm-sym-default
Using boot properties at /openidm/conf/boot/
Use KeyStore from: /openidm/security/keystore.jceks
Please enter the password: 
[OK] Secret key entry with algorithm AES

The default keystore password is changeit. You should change this password after installation.

To import a new secret key named my-new-key, run the following command:

$ ./ keytool --import my-new-key
Using boot properties at /openidm/conf/boot/
Use KeyStore from: /openidm/security/keystore.jceks
Please enter the password: 
Enter the key: 

If a secret key of that name already exists, OpenIDM returns the following error:

"KeyStore contains a key with this alias"

3.6. validate

The validate subcommand validates all .json configuration files in the openidm/conf/ directory.

Usage is as follows:

$ ./ validate
Using boot properties at /openidm/conf/boot/
[Validating] Load JSON configuration files from:
[Validating] 	/openidm/conf
[Validating] audit.json .................................. SUCCESS
[Validating] authentication.json ......................... SUCCESS
[Validating] endpoint-getavailableuserstoassign.json ..... SUCCESS
[Validating] endpoint-getprocessesforuser.json ........... SUCCESS
[Validating] endpoint-gettasksview.json .................. SUCCESS
[Validating] endpoint-securityQA.json .................... SUCCESS
[Validating] endpoint-siteIdentification.json ............ SUCCESS
[Validating] endpoint-usernotifications.json ............. SUCCESS
[Validating] managed.json ................................ SUCCESS
[Validating] policy.json ................................. SUCCESS
[Validating] process-access.json ......................... SUCCESS
[Validating] provisioner.openicf-ldap.json ............... SUCCESS
[Validating] provisioner.openicf-xml.json ................ SUCCESS
[Validating] repo.orientdb.json .......................... SUCCESS
[Validating] router.json ................................. SUCCESS
[Validating] schedule-recon.json ......................... SUCCESS
[Validating] schedule-reconcile_systemXmlAccounts_managedUser.json  SUCCESS
[Validating] scheduler.json .............................. SUCCESS
[Validating] sync.json ................................... SUCCESS
[Validating] ui-configuration.json ....................... SUCCESS
[Validating] ui-countries.json ........................... SUCCESS
[Validating] ui-secquestions.json ........................ SUCCESS
[Validating] workflow.json ............................... SUCCESS

Chapter 4. OpenIDM User Interface

OpenIDM provides a customizable, browser-based user interface. The default user interface enables administrative users to create, modify and delete user accounts. It provides role-based access to tasks based on BPMN2 workflows, and allows users to manage certain aspects of their own accounts, including configurable self-service registration.

4.1. Overview of the Default User Interface

The default user interface is provided as a reference implementation that demonstrates the capabilities of the REST API. You can modify certain aspects of the default user interface according to the requirements of your deployment. Note, however, that the default user interface is still evolving and is not guaranteed to be compatible with the next OpenIDM release.

To access the user interface, install and start OpenIDM, then point your browser to http://localhost:8080/openidmui.

Log in as the default administrative user (Login: openidm-admin, Password: openidm-admin) or as an existing user in the repository. The display differs, depending on the role of the user that has logged in.

For an administrative user (role openidm-admin), two tabs are displayed - Dashboard and Users. The Dashboard tab lists any tasks assigned to the user, processes available to be invoked, and any notifications for that user. The Users tab provides an interface to manage user entries (OpenIDM managed objects under managed/user).

OpenIDM UI Administrator View

The Profile link enables the user to modify elements of his user data. The Change Security Data link enables the user to change his password and, optionally, to select a new security question.

For a regular user (role openidm-authorized), the Users tab is not displayed - so regular users cannot manage user accounts, except for certain aspects of their own accounts.

4.2. Configuring the Default User Interface

The following sections outline the configurable aspects of the default user interface.

4.2.1. Enabling Self-Registration

Self-registration (the ability for new users to create their own accounts) is disabled by default. To enable self-registration, set "selfRegistration" to true in the conf/ui-configuration.json file.

    "configuration" : {
        "selfRegistration" : true,

With "selfRegistration" : true, the following capabilities are provided on the right-hand pane of the user interface:

Register my account
Reset my password

User objects created using self-registration automatically have the role openidm-authorized.

4.2.2. Configuring Security Questions

Security questions are disabled by default. To guard against unauthorized access, you can specify that users be prompted with security questions if they request a password reset. A default set of questions is provided, but you can add to these, or overwrite them. To enable security questions, set "securityQuestions" to true in the conf/ui-configuration.json file.

    "configuration" : {
        "securityQuestions" : true,

Specify the list of questions to be asked in the conf/ui-secquestions.json file.

Refresh your browser after this configuration change for the change to be picked up by the UI.

4.2.3. Enabling Site Identification

To ensure that users are entering their details onto the correct site, you can enable site identification. Site identification provides a preventative measure against phishing.

With site identification enabled, users are presented with a range of images from which they can select. To enable site identification, set "siteIdentification" to true in the conf/ui-configuration.json file.

    "configuration" : {
        "siteIdentification" : true,

Refresh your browser after this configuration change for the change to be picked up by the UI.

A default list of four images is presented for site identification. The images are defined in the siteImages property in the conf/ui-configuration.json file:

"siteImages" : [

The user selects one of these images, which is displayed on login. In addition, the user enters a Site Phrase, which is displayed beneath the site image on login. If either the site image, or site phrase is incorrect or absent when the user logs in, the user is aware that he is not logging in to the correct site.

You can change the default images, and include additional images, by placing image files in the ui/extension/images folder and modifying the siteImages property in the ui-configuration.json file to point to the new images. The following example assumes a file named my-new-image.jpg, located in ui/extension/images.

"siteImages" : [

Note that the default image files are located in ui/default/admin/public/images/passphrase.

4.2.4. Configuring the Country List

The default user profile includes the ability to specify the user's country and state or province. To specify the countries that appear in this drop down list, and their associated states or provinces, edit the conf/ui-countries.json file. For example, to add Norway to the list of countries, you would add the following to the conf/ui-countries.json file:

            "key" : "norway",
            "value" : "Norway",
            "states" : [
                    "key" : "akershus",
                    "value" : "Akershus"
                    "key" : "aust-agder",
                    "value" : "Aust-Agder"
                    "key" : "buskerud",
                    "value" : "Buskerud"

Refresh your browser after this configuration change for the change to be picked up by the UI.

4.3. Managing User Accounts With the User Interface

Only administrative users (with the role openidm-admin) can add, modify, and delete user accounts. Regular users can modify certain aspects of their own accounts.

Procedure 4.1. To Add a User Account
  1. Log into the user interface as an administrative user.

  2. Select the Users tab.

  3. Click Add User.

  4. Complete the fields on the Create new account page.

    Most of these fields are self-explanatory. Be aware that the user interface is subject to policy validation, as described in Using Policies to Validate Data. So, for example, the Email address must be of valid email address format, and the Password must comply with the password validation settings that are indicated in the panel to the right.

    The Admin Role field reflects the roles that are defined in the ui-configuration.json file. The roles are mapped as follows:

    "roles" : {
        "openidm-admin" : "Administrator",
        "openidm-authorized" : "User",
        "tasks-manager" : "Tasks Manager"

    By default, a user can be assigned more than one role. Only users with the tasks-manager role can assign tasks to any candidate user for that task.

Procedure 4.2. To Update a User Account
  1. Log into the user interface as an administrative user.

  2. Select the Users tab.

  3. Click the Username of the user that you want to update.

  4. On the user's profile page, modify the fields you want to change and click Update.

    The user account is updated in the internal repository.

Procedure 4.3. To Reset a User's Password

Users can change their own passwords by following the Change Security Data link in their profiles. This process requires that users know their existing passwords.

In a situation where a user forgets his password, an administrator can reset the password of that user without knowing the user's existing password.

  1. Follow steps 1-3 in Procedure 4.2, “To Update a User Account”.

  2. On the user's profile page, click Change password.

  3. Enter a new password that conforms to the password policy and click Update.

    The user password is updated in the repository.

Procedure 4.4. To Delete a User Account
  1. Log into the user interface as an administrative user.

  2. Select the Users tab.

  3. Click the Username of the user that you want to delete.

  4. On the user's profile page, click Delete.

  5. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

    The user is deleted from the internal repository.

4.4. Managing Workflows From the User Interface

The user interface is integrated with the embedded Activiti worfklow engine, enabling users to interact with workflows. Available workflows are displayed under the Processes item on the Dashboard. In order for a workflow to be displayed here, the workflow definition file must be present in the openidm/workflow directory.

A sample workflow integration with the user interface is provided in openidm/samples/workflow, and documented in Sample Workflow - Provisioning User Accounts. Follow the steps in that sample for an understanding of how the workflow integration works.

Access to workflows is based on OpenIDM roles, and is configured in the file conf/process-access.json. By default all users with the role openidm-authorized or openidm-admin can invoke any available workflow. The default process-access.json file is as follows:

    "workflowAccess" : [
            "propertiesCheck" : {
                "property" : "_id",
                "matches" : ".*",
                "requiresRole" : "openidm-authorized"
            "propertiesCheck" : {
                "property" : "_id",
                "matches" : ".*",
                "requiresRole" : "openidm-admin"

4.5. Changing the UI Theme

You can customize the theme of the default user interface to apply your own branding. Note that at this stage, the default user interface is still evolving. Customizations that you make to the functionality of the UI, are therefore not guaranteed to work in the next OpenIDM release.

By default the user interface reads the stylesheets and images from the openidm/ui/default directory. Modifications to the default theme should be made in the openidm/ui/extension directory. If you modify the files in the default directory, there is no guarantee that your changes will not be overwritten in the next OpenIDM release. The UI searches the extension directory first and applies any styles or images located in this directory.

4.5.1. Changing the Default Stylesheet

The default stylesheets are located in the openidm/ui/default/admin/public/css directory. To customize the stylesheets, copy them to openidm/ui/extension/css, and edit them according to your requirements.

The following example changes the background color of the input forms to green.

  1. Copy the default stylesheets to openidm/ui/extension/css:

    $ cd /path/to/openidm/ui/default/admin/public/
    $ cp -r css ../../../extension/
  2. Edit the openidm/ui/extension/css/user/config.less file as follows:

    @content-background: #99CC66;
  3. Refresh your browser window for the change to appear.

4.5.3. Changing the Language of the UI

Currently, the UI is provided only in US English. You can translate the UI and specify that your own locale is used. The following example shows how to translate the UI into French.

  1. Copy the default locale to openidm/ui/extension/locales:

    $ cd /path/to/openidm/ui/default/admin/public/
    $ cp -r locales ../../../extension/

    The extension/locales folder now contains one locale, en-US.

  2. Create a copy of the en-US locale, in a new folder named fr-FR.

    $ cd /path/to/openidm/ui/extension/locales
    $ cp -r en-US fr-FR 
  3. Translate the values of the properties in the fr-FR/translate.json file. Do not translate the property names. For example:

    "user" : {
        "user" : "Utilisateur"
        "login" : "Login",
        "profile" : "Profil",
  4. Change the UI configuration to use the new locale by setting the value of the language property in the openidm/conf/ui-configuration.json file, as follows:

    "language" : "fr-FR",
  5. Refresh your browser window for the modification to be applied.

4.5.4. Creating a Project-Specific UI Theme

You can create specific UI themes for different projects and then point a particular UI instance to use a defined theme on startup. To create a complete custom theme, follow these steps:

  1. Shut down the OpenIDM instance, if it is running. In the Felix administration console, type:

  2. Clear the felix-cache directory.

    $ rm -rf felix-cache
  3. Copy the entire default UI theme to an accessible location. For example:

    $ cd /path/to/openidm/ui
    $ cp -r default ../new-project-theme
  4. In the copied theme, modify the required elements, as described in the previous sections. Note that nothing is copied to the extension folder in this case - changes are made in the copied theme.

  5. In the openidm/conf/boot/ file, add the following line, specifying the location of the new theme. The path is relative to the installation root of the OpenIDM instance.

  6. Restart OpenIDM.

    $ cd /path/to/openidm
    $ ./
  7. Relaunch the UI in your browser. The UI is displayed with the new custom theme.

4.6. Using an External System for Password Reset

By default, the password reset mechanism is handled internally, in OpenIDM. You can reroute password reset in the event that a user has forgotten his password, by specifying an external URL to which password reset requests are sent. Note that this URL applies to the password reset link on the login page only, not to the security data change facility that is available after a user has logged in.

To set an external URL to handle password reset, set the passwordResetLink parameter in the conf/ui-configuration.json file. The following example sets the passwordResetLink to

passwordResetLink: ""

The passwordResetLink parameter takes either an empty string as a value (which indicates that no external link is used) or a full URL to the external system that handles password reset requests.


External password reset and security questions for internal password reset are mutually exclusive. Therefore, if you set a value for the passwordResetLink parameter, users will not be prompted with any security questions, regardless of the setting of the securityQuestions parameter.

4.7. Providing a Logout URL to External Applications

By default, a UI session is invalidated when a user clicks on the Log out link. In certain situations your external applications might require a distinct logout URL to which users can be routed, to terminate their UI session.

The logout URL is #logout, appended to the UI URL, for example, http://localhost:8080/openidmui/index.html#logout/.

The logout URL effectively performs the same action as clicking on the Log out link of the UI.

4.8. Changing the UI Path

By default, the UI is registered at a specific URL (base-context/openidmui). To override the default URL and specify your own path, edit the openidm/conf/ui.context-enduser.json file, setting the urlContextRoot property to the new URL. For example, to change the path to base-context/exampleui, edit the file as follows:

"urlContextRoot" : "/exampleui",

4.9. Disabling the UI

The UI is packaged as a separate bundle that can be disabled in the configuration before server startup. To disable the registration of the UI servlet, edit the openidm/conf/ui.context-enduser.json file, setting the enabled property to false:

"enabled" : false,

Chapter 5. Configuring OpenIDM

OpenIDM configuration is split between .properties and container configuration files, and also dynamic configuration objects. The majority of OpenIDM configuration files are stored under openidm/conf/, as described in the appendix listing the File Layout.

OpenIDM stores configuration objects in its internal repository. You can manage the configuration by using either the REST access to the configuration objects, or by using the JSON file based views.

5.1. OpenIDM Configuration Objects

OpenIDM exposes internal configuration objects in JSON format. Configuration elements can be either single instance or multiple instance for an OpenIDM installation.

Single Instance Configuration Objects

Single instance configuration objects correspond to services that have at most one instance per installation.

JSON file views of these configuration objects are named object-name.json.

  • The audit configuration specifies how audit events are logged.

  • The authentication configuration controls REST access.

  • The endpoint configuration controls any custom REST endpoints.

  • The managed configuration defines managed objects and their schemas.

  • The policy configuration defines the policy validation service.

  • The process access configuration defines access to any configured workflows.

  • The repo.repo-type configuration such as repo.orientdb or repo.jdbc configures the internal repository.

  • The router configuration specifies filters to apply for specific operations.

  • The sync configuration defines the mappings that OpenIDM uses when synchronizing and reconciling managed objects.

  • The ui configuration defines the configurable aspects of the default user interface.

  • The workflow configuration defines the configuration of the workflow engine.

Multiple Instance Configuration Objects

Multiple instance configuration objects correspond to services that can have many instances per installation. Configuration objects are named objectname/instancename, for example, provisioner.openicf/xml.

JSON file views of these configuration objects are named objectname-instancename.json, for example, provisioner.openicf-xml.json.

  • Multiple schedule configurations can run reconciliations and other tasks on different schedules.

  • Multiple provisioner.openicf configurations correspond to the resources connected to OpenIDM.

5.2. Changing the Default Configuration

When you change OpenIDM's configuration objects, take the following points into account.

  • OpenIDM's authoritative configuration source is the internal repository. JSON files provide a view of the configuration objects, but do not represent the authoritative source.

    OpenIDM updates JSON files after making configuration changes, whether those changes are made through REST access to configuration objects, or through edits to the JSON files.

  • OpenIDM recognizes changes to JSON files when it is running. OpenIDM must be running when you delete configuration objects, even if you do so by editing the JSON files.

  • Avoid editing configuration objects directly in the internal repository. Rather edit the configuration over the REST API, or in the configuration JSON files to ensure consistent behavior and that operations are logged.

  • OpenIDM stores its configuration in the internal database by default. If you remove an OpenIDM instance and do not specifically drop the repository, the configuration remains in effect for a new OpenIDM instance that uses that repository. For testing or evaluation purposes, you can disable this persistent configuration in the conf/ file by uncommenting the following line:

    # openidm.config.repo.enabled=false

    Disabling persistent configuration means that OpenIDM will store its configuration in memory only. You should not disable persistent configuration in a production environment.

5.3. Configuring an OpenIDM System for Production

Out of the box, OpenIDM is configured to make it easy to install and evaluate. Specific configuration changes are required before you deploy OpenIDM in a production environment.

5.3.1. Configuring a Production Repository

By default, OpenIDM uses OrientDB for its internal repository so that you do not have to install a database in order to evaluate OpenIDM. Before you use OpenIDM in production, you must replace OrientDB with a supported repository.

For more information, see Installing a Repository for Production in the Installation Guide.

5.3.2. Disabling Automatic Configuration Updates

By default, OpenIDM polls the JSON files in the conf directory periodically for any changes to the configuration. In a production system, it is recommended that you disable automatic polling for updates to prevent untested configuration changes from disrupting your identity service.

To disable automatic polling for configuration changes, edit the conf/ file by uncommenting the following line:

# openidm.fileinstall.enabled=false

Before you disable automatic polling, you must have started the OpenIDM instance at least once to ensure that the configuration has been loaded into the database.

Note that scripts are loaded each time the configuration calls the script. Modifications to scripts are therefore not applied dynamically. If you modify a script, you must either modify the configuration that calls the script, or restart the component that uses the modified script. You do not need to restart OpenIDM for script modifications to take effect.

5.3.3. Disabling the File-Based Configuration View

To control configuration changes to the OpenIDM system, you disable the file-based configuration view and have OpenIDM read its configuration only from the repository. To disable the file-based configuration view, edit the conf/ file to uncomment the following line: # openidm.fileinstall.enabled=false.

5.4. Configuring OpenIDM Over REST

OpenIDM exposes configuration objects under the /openidm/config context.

You can list the configuration on the local host by performing a GET http://localhost:8080/openidm/config. The following example shows the default configuration for an OpenIDM instance started with Sample 1.

$ curl --request GET 
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"

    "configurations": [
            "_id": "endpoint/getprocessesforuser",
            "pid": "endpoint.788f364e-d870-4f46-982a-793525fff6f0",
            "factoryPid": "endpoint"
            "_id": "provisioner.openicf/xml",
            "pid": "provisioner.openicf.90b18af9-fe27-45a2-a4ae-1056c04a4d31",
            "factoryPid": "provisioner.openicf"
            "_id": "ui/configuration",
            "pid": "ui.36bb2bf4-8e19-43d2-9df2-a0553ffac590",
            "factoryPid": "ui"
            "_id": "managed",
            "pid": "managed",
            "factoryPid": null
            "_id": "sync",
            "pid": "sync",
            "factoryPid": null
            "_id": "router",
            "pid": "router",
            "factoryPid": null
            "_id": "process/access",
            "pid": "process.44743c97-a01b-4562-85ad-8a2c9b89155a",
            "factoryPid": "process"
            "_id": "endpoint/siteIdentification",
            "pid": "endpoint.ef05a7f3-a420-4fbb-998c-02d283cae4d1",
            "factoryPid": "endpoint"
            "_id": "endpoint/securityQA",
            "pid": "endpoint.e2d87637-c918-4056-99a1-20f25c897066",
            "factoryPid": "endpoint"
            "_id": "scheduler",
            "pid": "scheduler",
            "factoryPid": null
            "_id": "ui/countries",
            "pid": "ui.acde0f4c-808f-45fb-9627-d7d2ca702e7c",
            "factoryPid": "ui"
            "_id": "org.apache.felix.fileinstall/openidm",
            "pid": "org.apache.felix.fileinstall.2dedea63-4592-4074-a709-ffa70f1e841d",
            "factoryPid": "org.apache.felix.fileinstall"
            "_id": "schedule/reconcile_systemXmlAccounts_managedUser",
            "pid": "schedule.f53b235a-862e-4e18-a3cf-10ae3cbabc1e",
            "factoryPid": "schedule"
            "_id": "workflow",
            "pid": "workflow",
            "factoryPid": null
            "_id": "endpoint/getavailableuserstoassign",
            "pid": "endpoint.d19da94f-bae3-4101-922c-fe47ea8616d2",
            "factoryPid": "endpoint"
            "_id": "repo.orientdb",
            "pid": "repo.orientdb",
            "factoryPid": null
            "_id": "audit",
            "pid": "audit",
            "factoryPid": null
            "_id": "endpoint/gettasksview",
            "pid": "endpoint.edcc1ff8-a7ba-4c46-8258-bf5216e85192",
            "factoryPid": "endpoint"
            "_id": "ui/secquestions",
            "pid": "ui.649e2c65-0cc7-4a0d-a6b1-95f4c5168bdc",
            "factoryPid": "ui"
            "_id": "org.apache.felix.fileinstall/activiti",
            "pid": "org.apache.felix.fileinstall.a0ba2f7d-bdb9-43b5-b84e-0e8feee6be72",
            "factoryPid": "org.apache.felix.fileinstall"
            "_id": "policy",
            "pid": "policy",
            "factoryPid": null
            "_id": "endpoint/usernotifications",
            "pid": "endpoint.e96d5319-6260-41db-af76-bd4e692b792d",
            "factoryPid": "endpoint"
            "_id": "org.apache.felix.fileinstall/ui",
            "pid": "org.apache.felix.fileinstall.89f8c6dd-f54e-46a4-bfda-1e76ac044c33",
            "factoryPid": "org.apache.felix.fileinstall"
            "_id": "authentication",
            "pid": "authentication",
            "factoryPid": null

Single instance configuration objects are located under openidm/config/object-name. The following example shows the default audit configuration.

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"

    "eventTypes": {
        "activity": {
            "filter": {
                "actions": [
        "recon": {}
    "logTo": [
            "logType": "csv",
            "location": "audit",
            "recordDelimiter": ";"
            "logType": "repository"

Multiple instance configuration objects are found under openidm/config/object-name/instance-name. The following example shows the configuration for the XML connector provisioner.

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"

    "name": "xmlfile",
    "connectorRef": {
        "bundleVersion": "",
        "connectorName": "com.forgerock.openicf.xml.XMLConnector"
    "producerBufferSize": 100,
    "connectorPoolingSupported": true,
    "poolConfigOption": {
        "maxObjects": 10,
        "maxIdle": 10,
        "maxWait": 150000,
        "minEvictableIdleTimeMillis": 120000,
        "minIdle": 1
    "operationTimeout": {
        "CREATE": -1,
        "TEST": -1,
        "AUTHENTICATE": -1,
        "SEARCH": -1,
        "VALIDATE": -1,
        "GET": -1,
        "UPDATE": -1,
        "DELETE": -1,
        "SCRIPT_ON_CONNECTOR": -1,
        "SCRIPT_ON_RESOURCE": -1,
        "SYNC": -1,
        "SCHEMA": -1
    "configurationProperties": {
        "xsdIcfFilePath": "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-1.xsd",
        "xsdFilePath": "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-extension.xsd",
        "xmlFilePath": "samples/sample1/data/xmlConnectorData.xml"
    "objectTypes": {
        "account": {
            "$schema": "",
            "id": "__ACCOUNT__",
            "type": "object",
            "nativeType": "__ACCOUNT__",
            "properties": {
                "description": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "nativeName": "__DESCRIPTION__",
                    "nativeType": "string"
                "firstname": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "nativeName": "firstname",
                    "nativeType": "string"
                "email": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "nativeName": "email",
                    "nativeType": "string"
                "__UID__": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "nativeName": "__UID__"
                "password": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "required": false,
                    "nativeName": "__PASSWORD__",
                    "nativeType": "JAVA_TYPE_GUARDEDSTRING",
                    "flags": [
                "name": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "required": true,
                    "nativeName": "__NAME__",
                    "nativeType": "string"
                "lastname": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "required": true,
                    "nativeName": "lastname",
                    "nativeType": "string"
    "operationOptions": {}

You can change the configuration over REST by using an HTTP PUT request to modify the required configuration object. The following example modifies the router.json file to remove all filters, effectively bypassing any policy validation.

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request PUT
 --data '{
          "filters" : [
                "onRequest" : {
                   "type" : "text/javascript",
                   "file" : "bin/defaults/script/router-authz.js"

See the REST API Reference appendix for additional details and examples using REST access to update and patch objects.

5.5. Using Property Value Substitution in the Configuration

In an environment where you have more than one OpenIDM instance, you might require a configuration that is similar, but not identical, across the different OpenIDM hosts. OpenIDM supports variable replacement in its configuration which means that you can modify the effective configuration according to the requirements of a specific environment or OpenIDM instance.

Property substitution enables you to achieve the following:

  • Define a configuration that is specific to a single OpenIDM instance, for example, setting the location of the keystore on a particular host.

  • Define a configuration whose parameters vary between different environments, for example, the URLs and passwords for test, development, and production environments.

  • Disable certain capabilities on specific nodes. For example, you might want to disable the workflow engine on specific instances.

When OpenIDM starts up, it combines the system configuration, which might contain specific environment variables, with the defined OpenIDM configuration properties. This combination makes up the effective configuration for that OpenIDM instance. By varying the environment properties, you can change specific configuration items that vary between OpenIDM instances or environments.

Property references are contained within the construct &{ }. When such references are found, OpenIDM replaces them with the appropriate property value, defined in the file.

Example 5.1. 

The following example defines two separate OpenIDM environments - a development environment and a production environment. You can specify the environment at startup time and, depending on the environment, the database URL is set accordingly.

The environments are defined by adding the following lines to the conf/ file:


The database URL is then specified as follows in the repo.orientdb.json file:

    "dbUrl" : "local:./db/&{&{environment}.location}-openidm",
    "user" : "admin",
    "poolMinSize" : 5,
    "poolMaxSize" : 20,

The effective database URL is determined by setting the OPENIDM_OPTS environment variable when you start OpenIDM. To use the production environment, start OpenIDM as follows:

   $ export OPENIDM_OPTS="-Xmx1024m -Denvironment=PROD"
   $ ./

To use the development environment, start OpenIDM as follows:

   $ export OPENIDM_OPTS="-Xmx1024m -Denvironment=DEV"
   $ ./

5.5.1. Using Property Value Substitution With System Properties

You can use property value substitution in conjunction with the system properties, to modify the configuration according to the system on which the OpenIDM instance runs.

Example 5.2. 

The following example modifies the audit.json file so that the log file is written to the user's directory. The user.home property is a default Java System property.

    "logTo" : [
            "logType" : "csv",
            "location" : "&{user.home}/audit",
            "recordDelimiter" : ";"

You can define nested properties (that is a property definition within another property definition) and you can combine system properties and boot properties.

Example 5.3. 

The following example uses the property, a default Java System property. The example defines specific LDAP ports, depending on the country (identified by the country code) in the file. The value of the LDAP port (set in the provisioner.openicf-ldap.json file) depends on the value of the System property.

The port numbers are defined in the file as follows:


The following extract from the provisioner.openicf-ldap.json file shows how the value of the LDAP port is eventually determined, based on the System property:

   "configurationProperties" :
      "credentials" : "Passw0rd",
      "port" : "&{openidm.&{}.ldap.port}",
      "principal" : "cn=Directory Manager",
      "baseContexts" :
      "host" : "localhost"

5.5.2. Limitations of Property Value Substitution

Note the following limitations when you use property value substitution:

  • You cannot reference complex objects or properties with syntaxes other than String. Property values are resolved from the file or from the System properties and the value of these properties is always in String format.

    Property substitution of boolean values is currently only supported in stringified format, that is, resulting in "true" or "false".

  • Substitution of encrypted property values is currently not supported.

5.6. Adding Custom Endpoints

You can customize OpenIDM to meet the specific requirements of your deployment by adding your own RESTful endpoints. Endpoints are configured in files named conf/endpoint-name.json, where name generally describes the purpose of the endpoint.

A sample custom endpoint configuration is provided at openidm/samples/customendpoint. The sample includes two files:

conf/endpoint-echo.json, which provides the configuration for the endpoint.
script/echo.js, which is launched when the endpoint is accessed.

The structure of an endpoint configuration file is as follows:

  "context" : "endpoint/echo", 
  "type" : "text/javascript", 
  "file" : "script/echo.js" 

The URL context under which the endpoint is registered. Currently this must be under endpoint/. An endpoint registered under the context endpoint/echo is addressable over REST at http://localhost:8080/openidm/endpoint/echo and with the internal resource API, for example"endpoint/echo").


The type of implementation. Currently only "text/javascript" is supported.

"source" or "file

The actual script, inline, or a pointer to the file that contains the script. The sample script, (samples/customendpoint/script/echo.js) simply returns the HTTP request when a request is made on that endpoint.

The endpoint script has a request variable available in its scope. The request structure carries all the information about the request, and includes the following properties:


The local ID, without the endpoint/ prefix, for example, echo.


The requested operation, that is, create, read, update, delete, patch, query or action.


The parameters that are passed in. For example, for an HTTP GET with ?param=x, the request contains "params":{"param":"x"}.


Provides the context for the invocation, including headers and security.

Note that the interface for this context is still evolving and may change in a future release.

A script implementation should check and reject requests for methods that it does not support. For example, the following implementation supports only the read method:

if (request.method == "read") {
} else {
    throw "Unsupported operation: " + request.method;

The final statement in the script is the return value. Unlike for functions, at this global scope there is no return keyword. In the following example, the value of the last statement (x) is returned.

var x = "Sample return"

The following example uses the sample provided in openidm/samples/customendpoint and shows the complete request structure, which is returned by the query.

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET
  "type": "resource",
  "uuid": "21c5ddc6-a66e-464e-9fa4-9b777505799e",
  "params": {
    "param": "x"
  "method": "query",
  "parent": {
    "path": "/openidm/endpoint/echo",
    "headers": {
      "Accept": "*/*",
      "User-Agent": "curl/7.21.4 ... OpenSSL/0.9.8r zlib/1.2.5",
      "Authorization": "Basic b3BlbmlkbS1hZG1pbjpvcGVuaWRtLWFkbWlu",
      "Host": "localhost:8080"
    "query": {
      "param": "x"
    "method": "GET",
    "parent": {
      "uuid": "bec97cbf-8618-42f8-a841-9f5f112538e9",
      "parent": null,
      "type": "root"
    "type": "http",
    "uuid": "7fb3e0d9-5f56-4b15-b710-28f2147cf4b4",
    "security": {
      "openidm-roles": [
      "username": "openidm-admin",
      "userid": {
        "component": "internal/user",
        "id": "openidm-admin"
  "id": "echo"

You must protect access to any custom endpoints by configuring the appropriate authorization for those contexts. For more information, see the Authorization section.

Chapter 6. Accessing Data Objects

OpenIDM supports a variety of objects that can be addressed via a URL or URI. You can access data objects by using scripts (through the Resource API) or by using direct HTTP calls (through the REST API).

The following sections describe these two methods of accessing data objects, and provide information on constructing and calling data queries.

6.1. Accessing Data Objects by Using Scripts

OpenIDM's uniform programming model means that all objects are queried and manipulated in the same way, using the Resource API. The URL or URI that is used to identify the target object for an operation depends on the object type. For an explanation of object types, see the Data Models and Objects Reference. For more information about scripts and the objects available to scripts, see the Scripting Reference.

You can use the Resource API to obtain managed objects, configuration objects, and repository objects, as follows:

val ="managed/organization/mysampleorg")
val ="config/custom/mylookuptable")
val ="repo/custom/mylookuptable")

For information about constructing an object ID, see URI Scheme in the REST API Reference.

You can update entire objects with the update() function, as follows.

openidm.update("managed/organization/mysampleorg", mymap)
openidm.update("config/custom/mylookuptable", mymap)
openidm.update("repo/custom/mylookuptable", mymap)

For managed objects, you can partially update an object with the patch() function.

openidm.patch("managed/organization/mysampleorg", rev, value)

The create(), delete(), and query() functions work the same way.

6.2. Accessing Data Objects by Using the REST API

OpenIDM provides RESTful access to data objects via a REST API. To access objects over REST, you can use a browser-based REST client, such as the Simple REST Client for Chrome, or RESTClient for Firefox. Alternatively you can use the curl command-line utility.

For a comprehensive overview of the REST API, see the REST API Reference appendix.

To obtain a managed object through the REST API, depending on your security settings and authentication configuration, perform an HTTP GET on the corresponding URL, for example https://localhost:8443/openidm/managed/organization/mysampleorg.

By default, the HTTP GET returns a JSON representation of the object.

6.3. Defining and Calling Queries

OpenIDM supports an advanced query model that enables you to define queries, and to call them over the REST or Resource API.

6.3.1. Parameterized Queries

Managed objects in the supported OpenIDM repositories can be accessed using a parameterized query mechanism. Parameterized queries on repositories are defined in the repository configuration (repo.*.json) and are called by their _queryId.

Parameterized queries provide security and portability for the query call signature, regardless of the back-end implementation. Queries that are exposed over the REST interface must be parameterized queries to guard against injection attacks and other misuse. Queries on the officially supported repositories have been reviewed and hardened against injection attacks.

For system objects, support for parameterized queries is restricted to _queryId=query-all-ids. There is currently no support for user-defined parameterized queries on system objects. Typically, parameterized queries on system objects are not called directly over the REST interface, but are issued from internal calls, such as correlation queries.

A typical query definition is as follows:

"query-all-ids" : "select _openidm_id from ${unquoted:_resource}"

To call this query, you would reference its ID, as follows:


The following example calls query-all-ids over the REST interface:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"

6.3.2. Native Query Expressions

Native query expressions are supported for all managed objects and system objects, and can be called directly over the REST interface, rather than being defined in the repository configuration.

Native queries are intended specifically for internal callers, such as custom scripts, in situations where the parameterized query facility is insufficient. For example, native queries are useful if the query needs to be generated dynamically.

The query expression is specific to the target resource. For repositories, queries use the native language of the underlying data store. For system objects that are backed by OpenICF connectors, queries use the applicable query language of the system resource.

Native queries on the repository are made using the _queryExpression keyword. For example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"

Unlike parameterized queries, native queries are not portable and do not guard against injection attacks. Such query expressions should therefore not be used or made accessible over the REST interface or over HTTP, other than for development, and should be used only via the internal Resource API. For more information, see the section on Protecting Sensitive REST Interface URLs.

If you really need to expose native queries over HTTP, in a selective manner, you can design a custom endpoint to wrap such access.

6.3.3. Constructing Queries

The openidm.query function enables you to query OpenIDM resource objects for reconciliation processes and workflows. Query syntax is openidm.query(id, params), where id specifies the object on which the query should be performed and params provides the parameters that are passed to the query. For example:

var params = {
    'query' : {
        'Equals': {
            'field' : 'uid',
            'values' : [
var results = openidm.query("system/ScriptedSQL/account", params)

OpenIDM supports nine query filters and a range of keywords that can be applied to these filters. Each filter takes a field and a list as value. The following filters are supported:

Attribute Operations

Equals Filter

Determines whether the resource contains an attribute that matches a specific attribute value.

Returns true if the object satisfies all selection criteria of the filter, otherwise returns false.

For example:

ContainsAllValues Filter

Determines whether the external resource contains an attribute that has the same name as, and contains all of the values of, the attribute placed into the filter.

Returns true if the object satisfies all the selection criteria of the filter, otherwise returns false.

Comparable Attribute Operations

Compares single-value attributes to a given filter.

GreaterThan Filter

Determines whether the attribute value of the resource object is greater than the one provided in the filter.

Returns true if the object value is greater, otherwise returns false.

GreaterThanOrEqual Filter

Determines whether the attribute value of the resource object is greater than or equal to the one provided in the filter.

Returns true if the object value is greater than or equal, otherwise returns false.

LessThan Filter

Determines whether the attribute value of the resource object is less than the one provided in the filter.

Returns true if the object value is less, otherwise returns false.

LessThanOrEqual Filter

Determines whether the attribute value of the resource object is less than or equal to the one provided in the filter.

Returns true if the object value is less than or equal, otherwise returns false.

String Attribute Operations

Compares string values to a given filter.

StartsWith Filter

Returns attributes whose value starts with the string specified in the filter.

Contains Filter

Returns attributes whose value contains the string specified in the filter.

EndsWith Filter

Returns attributes whose value ends with the string specified in the filter.

Filter Operations

Filter operations are used to construct more complex filters by comparing two filters from the preceding section or negating filters defined in the previous section.

AND Filter

A filter that matches entries using the AND boolean operator on two filters.


OR Filter

A filter that matches entries using the OR boolean operator on two filters.


NOT Filter

A filter that filters out matched entries by negating another filter.



Chapter 7. Using Policies to Validate Data

OpenIDM provides an extensible policy service that enables you to apply specific validation requirements to various components and properties. The policy service provides a REST interface for reading policy requirements and validating the properties of components against configured policies. Objects and properties are validated automatically when they are created, updated, or patched. Policies can be applied to user passwords, but also to any kind of managed object.

The policy service enables you to do the following:

  • Read the configured policy requirements of a specific component.

  • Read the configured policy requirements of all components.

  • Validate a component object against the configured policies.

  • Validate the properties of a component against the configured policies.

A default policy applies to all managed objects. You can configure the default policy to suit your requirements, or you can extend the policy service by supplying your own scripted policies.

7.1. Configuring the Default Policy

The default policy is configured in two files:

  • A policy script file (openidm/bin/defaults/script/policy.js) which defines each policy and specifies how policy validation is performed.

  • A policy configuration file (openidm/conf/policy.json) which specifies which policies are applicable to each resource.

7.1.1. Policy Script File

The policy script file defines policy configuration in two parts:

  • A policy configuration object, which defines each element of the policy.

  • A policy implementation function, which describes the requirements that are enforced by that policy.

Together, the configuration object and the implementation function determine whether an object is valid in terms of the policy. The following extract from the policy script file configures a policy that specifies that the value of a property must contain a certain number of capital letters.

            {   "policyId" : "at-least-X-capitals",
                "clientValidation": true,
                "policyExec" : "atLeastXCapitalLetters", 
                "policyRequirements" : ["AT_LEAST_X_CAPITAL_LETTERS"]

function atLeastXCapitalLetters(fullObject, value, params, property) {
    var reg = /[(A-Z)]/g;
    if (typeof value !== "string" || !value.length || value.match(reg) 
        === null || value.match(reg).length < params.numCaps) {
        return [ { 
                   "policyRequirement" : "AT_LEAST_X_CAPITAL_LETTERS", 
                   "params" : {
                     "numCaps": params.numCaps
    return [];

To enforce user passwords that contain at least one capital letter, the previous policy ID is applied to the appropriate resource and the required number of capital letters is defined in the policy configuration file, as described in Section 7.1.2, “Policy Configuration File”. Policy Configuration Object

Each element of the policy is defined in a policy configuration object. The structure of a policy configuration object is as follows:

{   "policyId" : "minimum-length",
    "clientValidation": true,
    "policyExec" : "propertyMinLength",
    "policyRequirements" : ["MIN_LENGTH"]
"policyId" - a unique ID that enables the policy to be referenced by component objects.
"clientValidation" - indicates whether the policy decision can be made on the client. When "clientValidation": true, the source code for the policy decision function is returned when the client requests the requirements for a property.
"policyExec" - the name of the function that contains the policy implementation. For more information, see Section, “Policy Implementation Function”.
"policyRequirements" - an array containing the policy requirement ID of each requirement that is associated with the policy. Typically, a policy will validate only one requirement, but it can validate more than one. Policy Implementation Function

Each policy ID has a corresponding policy implementation function that performs the validation. Functions take the following form:

function <name>(fullObject, value, params, propName) {	
fullObject is the full resource object that is supplied with the request.
value is the value of the property that is being validated.
params refers to the "params" array that is specified in the property's policy configuration.
propName is the name of the property that is being validated.

The following example shows the implementation function for the "required" policy.

function required(fullObject, value, params, propName) {
    if (value === undefined) {
        return [ { "policyRequirement" : "REQUIRED" } ];
    return [];

7.1.2. Policy Configuration File

The policy configuration file includes a pointer to the policy script, and the configured policies for each component resource. The following extract of the default policy configuration file shows how the at-least-X-capitals policy is applied to user passwords, with a default value of 1.

    "type" : "text/javascript",
    "file" : "bin/defaults/script/policy.js",
    "resources" : [
            "resource" : "managed/user/*",
            "properties" : [
                    "name" : "password",
                    "policies" : [
                            "policyId" : "required"
                            "policyId" : "not-empty"
                            "policyId" : "at-least-X-capitals",
                            "params" : {
                                "numCaps" : 1

The configuration file includes the following properties:

  • "type" - specifies the type of policy service. Currently, only "text/javascript" is supported.

  • "file" - provides the path to the policy script file, relative to the OpenIDM installation directory.

  • "resources" provides an array of resource objects, in JSON format, that are subject to the policy service. Resource objects are identified by the "resource" parameter, which indicates the URI and supports wildcard syntax. For example, "managed/user/*" indicates that the policy applies to all objects under /managed/user. Each resource has the following properties:

    "name" - the name of the property to which the policy is applied.
    "policyID" - the ID of the policy that is applied to that property.
    "params" - any specific parameters that apply to that policy ID.

You can specify that a particular policy does not apply to users with specific OpenIDM roles by setting the "exceptRoles" parameter of the policy ID. For example, the following extract from policy.json specifies that the reauthorization required policy definition does not apply to users with roles openidm-admin, or opendim-reg.

        "policyId" : "re-auth-required",
        "params" : {
            "exceptRoles" : [

7.2. Extending the Policy Service

You can extend the policy service by adding your own scripted policies in openidm/script and referencing them in the policy configuration file (conf/policy.json). Avoid manipulating the default policy script file (in bin/defaults/script) as doing so might result in interoperability issues in a future release. To reference additional policy scripts, set the "additionalFiles" property in conf/policy.json.

The following example creates a custom policy that rejects properties with null values. The policy is defined in a script named mypolicy.js.

var policy = {   "policyId" : "notNull",
       "policyExec" : "notNull",  
       "policyRequirements" : ["NOT_NULL"]


function notNull(fullObject, value, params, property) {
   if (value == null) {
       return [ {"policyRequirement": "NOT_NULL"}];
   return [];

The policy is referenced in the policy configuration file as follows:

    "type" : "text/javascript",
    "file" : "bin/defaults/script/policy.js",
    "additionalFiles" : ["script/mypolicy.js"],
    "resources" : [

You can also configure policies for managed object properties as part of the property definition in the conf/managed.json file. For example, the following extract of a managed.json file shows a policy configuration for the password property.

"properties" : [
        "name" : "password",
        "encryption" : {
            "key" : "openidm-sym-default"
        "scope" : "private"
        "policies" : [
                "policyId" : "required"
                "policyId" : "not-empty"
                "policyId" : "at-least-X-capitals",
                "params" : {
                "numCaps" : 1

7.3. Disabling Policy Enforcement

Policy enforcement refers to the automatic validation of data in the repository when it is created, updated, or patched. In certain situations you might want to disable policy enforcement temporarily. You might, for example, want to import existing data that does not meet the validation requirements with the intention of cleaning up this data at a later stage.

You can disable policy enforcement by setting openidm.policy.enforcement.enabled to false in the conf/boot/ file. This setting disables policy enforcement in the back-end only, and has no impact on direct policy validation calls to the Policy Service (which the user interface makes to validate input fields). So, with policy enforcement disabled, data added directly over REST is not subject to validation, but data added with the UI is still subject to validation.

Disabling policy enforcement permanently in a production system is not recommended.

7.4. Managing Policies Over REST

You can manage the policy service over the REST interface, by calling the REST endpoint http://localhost:8080/openidm/policy, as shown in the following examples.

7.4.1. Listing the Defined Policies

The following REST call displays a list of all the defined policies:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET

The policy objects are returned in JSON format, with one object for each defined policy ID, for example:

  "resources": [
      "resource": "managed/user/*",
      "properties": [
        "policies": [
            "policyId": "required",
            "policyFunction": "function required(fullObject, value, params, propName) {
              if (value === undefined) {
              return [{"policyRequirement":"REQUIRED"}];
              return [];
            "policyRequirements": [

To display the policies that apply to a specific component, include the component name in the URL. For example, the following REST call displays the policies that apply to managed users.

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET
    "resource": "managed/user/*",
    "properties": [
            "policies": [
                    "policyId": "required",
                    "policyFunction": "
                        \nfunction required(fullObject, value, params, propName) {
                            \n    if (value === undefined) {
                            \n        return [{\"policyRequirement\":\"REQUIRED\"}];
                            \n    }
                            \n    return [];
                    "policyRequirements": [
                    "policyId": "not-empty",
                    "policyFunction": "
                    \nfunction notEmpty(fullObject, value, params, property) {
                    \n    if (typeof (value) !== \"string\" || !value.length) {
                    \n        return [{\"policyRequirement\":\"REQUIRED\"}];
                    \n    } else {
                    \n        return [];
                    \n    }
                    "policyRequirements": [
                    "policyId": "unique",
                    "policyRequirements": [

7.4.2. Validating Objects and Properties Over REST

Use the validateObject action to verify that an object adheres to the requirements of a policy.

The following example verifies that a new managed user object is acceptable in terms of the policy requirements.

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request POST      
 --data '{"familyName":"Jones",


The result (false) indicates that the object is not valid. The unfulfilled policy requirements are provided as part of the response - in this case, the user password does not meet the validation requirements.

Use the validateProperty action to verify that a specific property adheres to the requirements of a policy.

The following example checks whether Barbara Jensen's new password (12345) is acceptable.

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request POST
 --data '{ "password" : "12345" }' 
    "result": false,
    "failedPolicyRequirements": [
            "policyRequirements": [
                    "policyRequirement": "AT_LEAST_X_CAPITAL_LETTERS",
                    "params": {
                        "numCaps": 1
                    "policyRequirement": "MIN_LENGTH",
                    "params": {
                        "minLength": 8
            "property": "password"

The result (false) indicates that the password is not valid. The unfulfilled policy requirements are provided as part of the response - in this case, the minimum length and the minimum number of capital letters.

Validating a property that does fulfil the policy requirements returns a true result, for example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request POST
 --data '{ "password" : "1NewPassword" }' 
    "result": true,
    "failedPolicyRequirements": []

Chapter 8. Configuring Server Logs

This chapter briefly describes server logging. For audit information, see the chapter on Using Audit Logs.

You can configure logging by editing the openidm/conf/ file in OpenIDM.

The default configuration writes log messages in simple format to openidm/logs/openidm*.log files, rotating files when the size reaches 5 MB, and retaining up to 5 files. Also by default, OpenIDM writes all system and custom log messages to the files.

You can update the configuration to attach loggers to individual packages, setting the log level to one of the following values.

SEVERE (highest value)
FINEST (lowest value)

If you use logger functions in your scripts, then you can set the log level for the scripts:


You can override the log level settings per script by using org.forgerock.openidm.script.javascript.JavaScript.script-name.level.

Chapter 9. Connecting to External Resources

This chapter describes how to connect to external resources such as LDAP, Active Directory, flat files, and others. Configurations shown here are simplified to show essential aspects. Not all resources support all OpenIDM operations, however the resources shown here support most of the CRUD operations, and also reconciliation and LiveSync.

In OpenIDM, resources are external systems, databases, directory servers, and other sources of identity data to be managed and audited by the identity management system. OpenIDM connects to resources through the identity connector framework, OpenICF. OpenICF aims to avoid the need to install agents to access resources, instead using the resources' native protocols. For example, OpenICF connects to database resources using the database's Java connection libraries or JDBC driver. It connects to directory servers over JNDI. It connects to UNIX systems by using ssh.

Connectors are configured through files named openidm/conf/provisioner.openicf-name where name corresponds to the name of the connector. Do not include dash characters ( - ) in the connector name. A number of sample connectors are available in the openidm/samples/provisioners directory. To use these connectors, edit the configuration files as required, and copy them to the openidm/conf directory.

9.1. About OpenIDM & OpenICF

The following figure shows how OpenIDM can connect to resources through an OpenICF server. In most cases, the OpenICF server runs as part of OpenIDM.

OpenICF architecture

OpenICF provides a common service provider interface to allow identity services access to the resources that contain user information. OpenICF uses a connection server that can run as a local connector server inside OpenIDM, or as a remote connector server that is a standalone process.

A remote connector server is required when access libraries that cannot be included as part of the OpenIDM process are needed. If a resource, such as Microsoft ADSI, does not provide a connection library that can be included inside the Java Virtual Machine, then OpenICF can use the native .dll with a remote .NET connector server. (OpenICF connects to ADSI through a remote connector server implemented as a .NET service.)


Not only .NET connector servers but also Java connector servers can be run as standalone, remote services. Run them as remote services for scalability, or to have the service run in the cloud.

By default, and for convenience, OpenIDM includes a Java connector server that runs as a "#LOCAL" service.

9.2. Accessing Remote Connectors

When you configure remote connectors, you must use the connector info provider service to connect through remote connector servers. The configuration is stored in the configuration file, openidm/conf/provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json. A sample can be found under openidm/samples/provisioners/. To use the file, edit it as required, and then copy it to the openidm/conf directory.

The connector info provider service takes the following configuration:

  "connectorsLocation"     : string,
  "remoteConnectorServers" : [remoteConnectorServer objects]
Connector Info Provider Properties

string, optional

Specifies the directory where the OpenICF connectors are located. The default location is openidm/connectors.


array of RemoteConnectorServer objects, optional

A list of remote connector servers managed by this service.

Remote Connector Server Properties

The following example shows a remoteConnectorServer object configuration.

  "name"               : "testServer",
  "host"               : "",
  "port"               : 8759,
  "heartbeatInterval"  : 60,
  "useSSL"             : false,
  "timeout"            : 0,
  "key"                : "changeit",
  "trustManagers"      :

OpenIDM supports the following remote connector server object properties.


string, required

The name of the remote connector server object. Used to identify the remote connector server in connector reference objects.


string, required

Remote host to connect to.


string, optional

Remote port to connect to. Default value: 8759


integer, optional

Specifies the interval, in seconds, at which heartbeat packets are transmitted. If the connector server is unreachable, based on this heartbeat interval, all services that use the connector server are made unavailable until the connector server can be reached again. Default value: 60


boolean, optional

Specifies whether or not to use SSL to connect. Default value: false


integer, optional

Specifies the timeout (in milliseconds) to use for the connection. Default value: 0


string, required

The secret key to use to authenticate to the remote connector server.


not specified

Not implemented yet. The service uses the default JVM TrustManager.

9.3. Configuring Connectors

Connectors are configured through the OpenICF provisioner service. Each connector configuration is stored in a file in the openidm/conf/ folder or under the same URL respectively. Configuration files are named openidm/conf/provisioner.openicf-name where name corresponds to the name of the connector. Do not include dash characters ( - ) in the connector name. A number of sample connectors are available in the openidm/samples/provisioners directory. To use these connectors, edit the configuration files as required, and copy them to the openidm/conf directory.

The following example shows an OpenICF provisioner service configuration for an XML file resource.

 "name"                    : "xml",
 "connectorRef"            : connector-ref-object,
 "poolConfigOption"        : pool-config-option-object,
 "operationTimeout"        : operation-timeout-object,
 "configurationProperties" : configuration-properties-object,
 "objectTypes"             : object-types-object,
 "operationOptions"        : operation-options-object
Connector Reference

The following example shows a connector reference object.

  "bundleName"       : "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.file.xml",
  "bundleVersion"    : "",
  "connectorName"    : "com.forgerock.openicf.xml.XMLConnector",
  "connectorHostRef" : "host"

string, required

The ConnectorBundle-Name of the OpenICF connector.


string, required

The ConnectorBundle-Version of the OpenICF connector.


string, required

The Connector implementation class name.


string, optional

The name of the RemoteConnectorServer object.

  • If the connector server is local and the connector .jar is installed in openidm/bundle/ (currently not recommended), then the value must be "osgi:service/org.forgerock.openicf.framework.api.osgi.ConnectorManager".

  • If the connector server is local and the connector .jar is installed in openidm/connectors/, then the value must be "#LOCAL". This is currently the default location.

Pool Configuration Option

The following example shows a pool configuration option object for the connection pool between OpenIDM and the OpenICF connector server.

  "maxObjects"                 : 10,
  "maxIdle"                    : 10,
  "maxWait"                    : 150000,
  "minEvictableIdleTimeMillis" : 120000,
  "minIdle"                    : 1

Maximum number of idle and active objects.


Maximum number of idle objects


The maximum time in milliseconds which the pool waits for an object before timing out. Zero means never time out.


Maximum time in milliseconds an object can be idle before it is removed. Zero means never time out.


The minimum number of idle objects.

Operation Timeout

This configuration sets the timeout per operation type.

  "CREATE"              : -1,
  "TEST"                : -1,
  "AUTHENTICATE"        : -1,
  "SEARCH"              : -1,
  "VALIDATE"            : -1,
  "GET"                 : -1,
  "UPDATE"              : -1,
  "DELETE"              : -1,
  "SYNC"                : -1,
  "SCHEMA"              : -1

Timeout in milliseconds

A value of -1 disables the timeout.

Configuration Properties

This object contains the configuration for the connection between the connection server and the resource, and is therefore resource specific.

The following example shows a configuration properties object for the default XML sample resource connector.

  "xsdIcfFilePath": "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-1.xsd",
  "xsdFilePath": "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-extension.xsd",
  "xmlFilePath": "samples/sample1/data/xmlConnectorData.xml"

Individual properties depend on the type of connector.

Object Types

This configuration object specifies the supported object types. The property name defines the objectType used in the URI: system/$systemName/$objectType

The configuration is based on JSON Schema with extensions described below.

Attribute names which start and/or end with __ are resource type specific attributes used by OpenICF for particular purposes, such as __NAME__ as the naming attribute for objects on a resource.

  "account" :
    "$schema" : "",
    "id" : "__ACCOUNT__",
    "type" : "object",
    "nativeType" : "__ACCOUNT__",
    "properties" :
      "name" :
        "type" : "string",
        "nativeName" : "__NAME__",
        "nativeType" : "JAVA_TYPE_PRIMITIVE_LONG",
        "flags" :
      "groups" :
        "type" : "array",
        "items" :
          "type" : "string",
          "nativeType" : "string"
        "nativeName" : "__GROUPS__",
        "nativeType" : "string",
        "flags" :
      "givenName" : {
         "type" : "string",
         "nativeName" : "givenName",
         "nativeType" : "string"
Object Level Extensions

string, optional

The native OpenICF object type.

Property Level Extensions

string, optional

The native OpenICF attribute type.


string, optional

The native OpenICF attribute name.


string, optional

The native OpenICF attribute flags. The required and multivalued flags are defined by the JSON schema.

required = "required" : true
multivalued = "type" : "array"


Avoid using the dash character ( - ) in property names, like last-name, as dashes in names make JavaScript syntax more complex. If you cannot avoid the dash, then write source['last-name'] instead of source.last-name in the java script scripts.

Operation Options

Operation options define how to act on specified operations. You can for example deny operations on specific resources to avoid OpenIDM accidentally updating a read-only resource during a synchronization operation.

  "SYNC" :
    "denied" : true,
    "onDeny" : "DO_NOTHING",
    "objectFeatures" :
      "__ACCOUNT__" :
        "denied" : true,
        "onDeny" : "THROW_EXCEPTION",
        "operationOptionInfo" :
          "$schema" : "",
          "id" : "FIX_ME",
          "type" : "object",
          "properties" :
            "_OperationOption-float" :
               "type" : "number",
               "nativeType" : "JAVA_TYPE_PRIMITIVE_FLOAT"
      "__GROUP__" :
        "denied" : false,
        "onDeny" : "DO_NOTHING"

The list of operations is as follows.


boolean, optional

This property prevents operation execution if the value is true.


string, optional

If denied is true, then the service uses this value. Default value: DO_NOTHING.

  • DO_NOTHING: On operation the service does nothing.

  • THROW_EXCEPTION: On operation the service throws a ForbiddenException exception.

9.4. Connector Configuration Examples

This section explains provisioner configurations for common connectors. Also see Section 9.5, “Creating Default Connector Configurations” for instructions on interactively building connector configurations.

9.4.1. XML File Connector

The following example shows an excerpt of the provisioner configuration for an XML file connector.

    "connectorRef": {
        "connectorHostRef": "#LOCAL",
        "bundleVersion": "",
        "connectorName": "com.forgerock.openicf.xml.XMLConnector"

The connectorHostRef is optional if the connector server is local.

The configuration properties for the XML file connector set the relative path to the file containing the identity data, and also the paths to the XML schemas required.

    "configurationProperties": {
        "xsdIcfFilePath": "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-1.xsd",
        "xsdFilePath": "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-extension.xsd",
        "xmlFilePath": "samples/sample1/data/xmlConnectorData.xml"

References the XML file containing account entries


References the XSD file defining schema common to all XML file resources. Do not change the schema defined in this file.


References custom schema defining attributes specific to your project

9.4.2. Generic LDAP Connector

The following excerpt shows the connectorRef configuration property for connection to an LDAP server. When using the connect .jar provided in openidm/connectors, and when using a local connector server, the connectorHostRef property is optional.

    "connectorRef": {
        "connectorHostRef": "#LOCAL",
        "connectorName": "org.identityconnectors.ldap.LdapConnector",
        "bundleVersion": ""

The following excerpt shows settings for many connector configuration properties.

    "accountSynchronizationFilter": null,
    "passwordAttributeToSynchronize": null,
    "synchronizePasswords": false,
    "removeLogEntryObjectClassFromFilter": true,
    "modifiersNamesToFilterOut": [],
    "passwordDecryptionKey": null,
    "credentials": "Passw0rd",
    "changeLogBlockSize": 100,
    "baseContextsToSynchronize": [
    "attributesToSynchronize": [
    "changeNumberAttribute": "changeNumber",
    "passwordDecryptionInitializationVector": null,
    "filterWithOrInsteadOfAnd": false,
    "objectClassesToSynchronize": [
    "port": 1389,
    "vlvSortAttribute": "uid",
    "passwordAttribute": "userPassword",
    "useBlocks": true,
    "maintainPosixGroupMembership": false,
    "failover": [],
    "ssl": false,
    "principal": "cn=Directory Manager",
    "baseContexts": [
    "readSchema": true,
    "accountObjectClasses": [
    "accountUserNameAttributes": [
    "host": "localhost",
    "groupMemberAttribute": "uniqueMember",
    "accountSearchFilter": null,
    "passwordHashAlgorithm": null,
    "usePagedResultControl": false,
    "blockSize": 100,
    "uidAttribute": "entryUUID",
    "maintainLdapGroupMembership": false,
    "respectResourcePasswordPolicyChangeAfterReset": false

Used during synchronization actions to filter out LDAP accounts


The object classes used when creating new LDAP user objects. When specifying more than one object class, add each object class as its own property. For object classes that inherit from parents other than top, such as inetOrgPerson, specify all object classes in the class hierarchy.


Search filter that accounts must match


Attributes holding the account's user name. Used during authentication to find the LDAP entry matching the user name.


List of attributes used during object synchronization. OpenIDM ignores change log updates that do not include any of the specified attributes. If empty, OpenIDM considers all changes.


Base DNs for operations on the LDAP server


Base DNs for entries taken into account during synchronization


Block size for simple paged results and VLV index searches, reflecting the maximum number of accounts retrieved at any one time


Block size used when fetching change log entries


Change log attribute containing the last change number


Password to connect to the LDAP server


LDAP URLs specifying alternative LDAP servers to connect to if OpenIDM cannot connect to the primary LDAP server specified in the host and port properties


In most cases, the filter to fetch change log entries is AND-based. If this property is set, the filter ORs the required change numbers instead.


LDAP attribute holding members for non-POSIX static groups


Primary LDAP server host name


If true, OpenIDM modifies group membership when entries are renamed or deleted.

In the sample LDAP connector configuration file provided with OpenIDM, this property is set to false. This means that LDAP group membership is not modified when entries are renamed or deleted in OpenIDM. To ensure that entries are removed from LDAP groups when the entries are deleted, set this property to true or enable referential integrity on the LDAP server. For OpenDJ, see Configuring Referential Integrity for more information.


If true, OpenIDM modifies POSIX group membership when entries are renamed or deleted.


Use to avoid loops caused by OpenIDM's own changes


OpenIDM synchronizes only entries having these object classes.


Attribute to which OpenIDM writes the predefined PASSWORD attribute


OpenIDM synchronizes password values on this attribute.


Initialization vector used to decrypt passwords when performing password synchronization


Key used to decrypt passwords when performing password synchronization


Hash password values with the specified algorithm if the LDAP server stores them in clear text


Primary LDAP server port number


Bind DN used to connect to the LDAP server


If true, read LDAP schema from the LDAP server.


If true, the filter to fetch change log entries does not contain the changeLogEntry object class, and OpenIDM expects no entries with other object types in the change log. Default: true


If true, bind with the Password Expired and Password Policy controls, and throw PasswordExpiredException and other exceptions appropriately.


If true, the specified port listens for LDAPS connections.


If true, synchronize passwords.


OpenIDM maps uid to the specified attribute.


If true, use block-based LDAP controls like simple paged results and virtual list view.


If true, use simple paged results rather than virtual list view when both are available.


Attribute used as the sort key for virtual list view

If you use the LDAP connector over SSL, you must set the ssl property to true in the provisioner configuration file. You must also specify the path to a truststore in the file. A truststore is provided by default at openidm/security/truststore. Add the following line to the file, substituting the path to your own truststore if you do not want to use the default.

# Set the truststore

9.4.3. Active Directory Connector

In contrast to most other connectors, the Active Directory connector is written not in Java, but instead in .NET. OpenICF should connect to Active Directory over ADSI, the native connection protocol for Active Directory. The connector therefore requires a connector server that has access to the ADSI .dll files. Installing and Configuring a .NET Connector

A .NET connector server is useful when an application is written in Java, but a connector bundle is written using C#. Because a Java application (for example, a J2EE application) cannot load C# classes, it is necessary to deploy the C# bundles under a .NET connector server. The Java application can communicate with the C# connector server over the network, and the C# connector server acts as a proxy to provide access to the C# bundles that are deployed within the C# connector server, to any authenticated application.


  • The .NET connector server requires version 4.0.30319 of the .NET framework.

  • By default, the connector server outputs log messages to C:> . If you do not have permission to write to the root of the hard drive, an error is generated. To change the location of the log file, set the initializeData parameter in the trace settings of the configuration file.

Procedure 9.1. Installing the .NET Connector Server
  1. Download the OPENICF .NET Connector Server from the OpenIDM download page under the ForgeRock Open Stack download page.

  2. Execute ServiceInstall--dotnet.msi.

  3. Complete the wizard.

When the wizard has run, the Connector Server is installed as a Windows Service.

Procedure 9.2. Running the .NET Connector Server

The .NET Connector Server can be started one of two ways.

  1. In the Microsoft Service Console, go to Start, type Services, Services.


  2. In the command prompt, go to Start, type cmd, then cmd again.

  3. Change the directory to the location where the Connector Server was installed. The default location is Program Files/Identity Connectors/Connector Server.

  4. Enter cd Program Files (x86)/Identity Connectors/Connector Server.

  5. Start the server with the following command:



Procedure 9.3. Configuring the .NET Connector Server

After starting the Microsoft Services Console, follow these steps to configure the .NET Connector Server.

  1. Check to see if the Connector Server is currently running. If so, stop it. All configuration changes require that the Connector Server be stopped and restarted after the changes are saved.

  2. At the command prompt (click Start, Run, then type cmd, set the key for the Connector Server by changing to the directory where the Connector Server was installed and executing the following command, using a string value for newkey:

    ConnectorServer.exe /setkey <newkey>

    This key is used by clients connecting to the Connector Server.

  3. Review the ConnectorServer.exe.config file to verify additional configuration, including the port, address, and SSL settings in the AppSettings.

    <add key="connectorserver.port" value="8759" />
    <add key="connectorserver.usessl" value="false" />
    <add key="connectorserver.certificatestorename" value="ConnectorServerSSLCertificate" />
    <add key="connectorserver.ipaddress" value="" />

    The port can be set by changing the value of connectorserver.port. The listening socket can be bound to a particular address, or can be left as

    To configure the server to use SSL, set the value of connectorserver.usessl to true and set the value of connectorserver.certifacatestorename to the certificate store name.

  4. Trace settings are also in the configuration file.

    <trace autoflush="true" indentsize="4">
    <remove name="Default" />
    <add name="myListener" type="System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener" 
    initializeData="c:\connectorserver2.log" traceOutputOptions="DateTime">
    <filter type="System.Diagnostics.EventTypeFilter" initializeData="Information" />

    The Connector Server uses the standard .NET trace mechanism. For more information about the tracing options, see Microsoft's .NET documentation for System.Diagnostics.


    The default settings are a good starting point, but for less tracing, you can change the EventTypeFilter's initializeData to "Warning" or "Error". For very verbose logging you can set the value to "Verbose" or "All". The amount of logging performed has a direct effect on the performance of the Connector Servers, so be careful of the setting.

  5. Download the AD Connector from the OpenIDM download page under the ForgeRock Open Stack download page.

  6. Unzip the directory in the Connector Server folder.

  7. Start the Connector Server service.

Procedure 9.4. Configuring the .NET Connector Server with OpenIDM

When you configure remote connectors, you must use the connector info provider service to connect through remote connector servers. The configuration is stored in the configuration file, openidm/conf/provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json. A sample can be found under openidm/samples/provisioners/.

  1. Make sure that OpenIDM is running and copy the provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json to /path/to/openidm/conf and edit it as needed.

    $ cd path/to/openidm
    $ cp samples/provisioners/provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json conf/
  2. Create the connector file provisioner.openicf-ad.json in conf/ directory. The following is an example of what the name, bundleVersion, and a few other configuration properties will look like.

    "name" : "ad",
    "connectorRef" : {
    "connectorHostRef" : "dotnet",
    "connectorName" : "Org.IdentityConnectors.ActiveDirectory.ActiveDirectoryConnector",
    "bundleName" : "ActiveDirectory.Connector",
    "bundleVersion" : ""
    "poolConfigOption" : {
    "maxObjects" : 10,
    "maxIdle" : 10,
    "maxWait" : 150000,
    "minEvictableIdleTimeMillis" : 120000,
    "minIdle" : 1
    "operationTimeout" : {
    "SYNC" : -1,
    "TEST" : -1,
    "SEARCH" : -1,
    "VALIDATE" : -1,
    "DELETE" : -1,
    "UPDATE" : -1,
    "AUTHENTICATE" : -1,
    "CREATE" : -1,
    "GET" : -1,
    "SCHEMA" : -1
    "configurationProperties" : {
    "DirectoryAdminName" : "EXAMPLE\\Administrator",
    "DirectoryAdminPassword" : {
    "$crypto" : {
    "value" : {
    "iv" : "QJctjWJi9w2uPLsO2Pucfw==",
    "data" : "Akqzk1PW0m9QP5cfOMIuYw==",
    "cipher" : "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding",
    "key" : "openidm-sym-default"
    "type" : "x-simple-encryption"
    "ObjectClass" : "User",
    "Container" : "dc=example,dc=com",
    "CreateHomeDirectory" : true,
    "LDAPHostName" : "",
    "SearchChildDomains" : false,
    "DomainName" : "example",
    "SyncGlobalCatalogServer" : null,
    "SyncDomainController" : null,
    "SearchContext" : ""
  3. Edit the configurationProperties according to your setup and make sure that the bundleVersion is the same version as ActiveDirectory.Connector.dll in the Windows Connector Server folder. (Right click on the dll, properties, tab details, and Product version.)

  4. Make sure the connector was installed properly using the following command:

    scr list

    This should return all of the installed modules, including the following:

    [  24] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.openicf


    The number may differ. Make sure to note the number returned.

    Review the content of the connector using the following command, using the number returned from the previous step:

    scr info <your number>
  5. Create the sync.json file where you define mappings of various attributes and behaviors during reconciliation. The following is a simple example of a sync.json.

    "mappings" : [ 
    "name" : "systemADAccounts_managedUser", 
    "source" : "system/ad/account", 
    "target" : "managed/user", 
    "properties" : [ 
       "source" : "sAMAccountName", 
        "target" : "userName" 
        "source" : "sn", 
        "target" : "lastname" 
        "source" : "givenName", 
        "target" : "firstname" 
  6. Run the reconciliation with the following command.

    $ curl --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: 
    openidm-admin" --request POST  "http://localhost:8080/openidm/recon?

    This will return a reconciliation id similar to the following:

  7. Check the internal repository (OrientDB or MySQL) to make sure that the users were reconciled. For information about connecting to OrientDB, see Before You Begin in the Installation Guide. For information about using MySQL as a repository, see Installing a Repository For Production in the Installation Guide. Installing a Standalone Java Connector Server

It may be necessary to set up a remote Java Connector Server (JSC). This section provides directions for setting up the standalone connecter on Unix/Linux and Windows.

Procedure 9.5. Installing a Standalone Connector Server for Unix/Linux
  1. Download the OPENICF JAVA Connector Server from the OpenIDM download page under the ForgeRock Open Stack download page.

  2. Run the terminal and unpack it. The following command will unzip the file in the current folder, so make sure to move to the appropriate location prior to running the command.

  3. Change the directory to OpenICF using the following command:

    $ cd path/to/openicf
  4. If needed, secure the communication between OpenIDM and JCS. The JCS uses a property called secret key to authenticate the connection. The default secret key value is changeit. To change the value of the secret key enter the following, replacing newkey with the your own string value:

    java - cp "./lib/framework/*" org.identityconnectors.framework.server.Main 
           -setKey -key <newkey> -properties ./conf/

  5. Review the in the /conf directory, and make changes as necessary. The file contains setting information, including things like ports, the allowance of one/all IP addresses, and SSL. The file provides the required information to update these settings.

  6. Run the JCS.

    java -cp "./lib/framework/*"
    org.identityconnectors.framework.server.Main -run -properties 
  7. If necessary, you can stop the JCS by pressing ^C.

Procedure 9.6. Installing a Standalone Connector Server for Windows
  1. Download the OPENICF JAVA Connector Server from the OpenIDM download page under the ForgeRock Open Stack download page.

  2. Unpack the zip file in the desired location, for example C:\openicf.

  3. Run the command line (Start, type cmd, and cmd) and change the working directory to openicf\bin cd c:\openicf\bin

  4. Change the directory to OpenICF using the following command:

    $ cd path/to/openicf
  5. If needed, secure the communication between OpenIDM and JCS. The JCS uses a property called secret key to authenticate the connection. The default secret key value is changeit.

    To change the value of the secret key enter the following, replacing newkey with the your own string value:

    /ConnectorServer.bat /setkey <newkey>

  6. Review the in the /conf directory, and make changes as necessary. The file contains setting information, including things like ports, the allowance of one/all IP addresses, and SSL. The file provides the required information to update these settings.

  7. If you would like the JCS to run as a Windows service, enter the following command.

    ./ConnecorServer.bat /install (for uninstalling use /uninstall )


    If you install JCS as a Windows service you can start/stop it by Microsoft's Service Console (Start, type Service, and Service). The JCS service is called: OpenICFConnectorServerJava.


    If you would like to run the JCS from command line, enter the following command:

    .\ConnectorServer.bat /run
  8. If necessary, stop the JCS by pressing ^C.

You can view the log files in the openicf/logs directory.

MySQL Database Example to Reconcile JCS Users

This sample demonstrates using reconciliation of users stored in a MySQL database on a remote machine. The JCS runs on the same machine as the MySQL database and mediates the connection between OpenIDM and MySQL database.

Procedure 9.7. Configuring JCS
  1. Download MySQL JDBC Driver.

  2. Unpack the MySQL JDBC Driver and copy the mysql-connector-java-5.1.22-bin.jar to the openicf/lib directory.

  3. Go to the /tools directory. The groovy scripts in the folder run on the JCS side. Copy them from path/to/openidm/sample/sample3/tools folder to openicf/.

Procedure 9.8. Configuring OpenIDM for the MySQL Database Example
  1. Start OpenIDM. You can ignore errors like cannot connect to database and cannot find jdbc driver. These errors will be fixed once OpenIDM is configured and restarted.

  2. Go to the provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json to see information about your remote connector servers. Copy this file from openidm/samples/provisioners to openidm/conf.

    For Unix/Linux, enter the following in Terminal.

    $ cd path/to/openidm
    $ cp samples/provisioners/provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json ./conf

    For Windows, enter the following on the command line.

    c:\> cd path/to/openidm
    .\> copy .\samples\provisioners\provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json .\conf
  3. Edit the provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json to meet your needs. The following is an example.

    	    "connectorsLocation" : "connectors", 
    	    "remoteConnectorServers" : [ 
    	            "name" : "mysql", 
    	            "host" : "", 
    	            "port" : 8759, 
    	            "useSSL" : false, 
    	            "timeout" : 0, 
    	            "key" : "password" 
  4. Copy all of the files from openidm/samples/sample3/conf to openidm/conf.

    For Unix/Linux, enter the following in Terminal.

    $ cp -r ./samples/sample3/conf ./conf

    For Window, enter the following on the command line.

    .\> copy .\samples\sample3\conf\ .\conf\
  5. Edit the provisioner.openicf-scriptedsql.json to read like the following.

    	    "name" : "hrdb", 
    	    "connectorRef" : { 
    	        "connectorHostRef" : "mysql", 
    	        "bundleName" : "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.db.openicf-scriptedsql
    	        "bundleVersion" : "",
    	        "connectorName" : "org.forgerock.openicf.scriptedsql.ScriptedSQLConnector" 
    	    "producerBufferSize" : 100, 
    	    "connectorPoolingSupported" : true, 
    	    "poolConfigOption" : { 
    	        "maxObjects" : 10, 
    	        "maxIdle" : 10, 
    	        "maxWait" : 150000, 
    	        "minEvictableIdleTimeMillis" : 120000, 
    	        "minIdle" : 1 
    	    "operationTimeout" : { 
             "CREATE" : -1, 
    	        "TEST" : -1, 
    	        "AUTHENTICATE" : -1, 
    	        "SEARCH" : -1, 
    	        "VALIDATE" : -1, 
    	        "GET" : -1, 
    	        "UPDATE" : -1, 
    	        "DELETE" : -1, 
    	        "SCRIPT_ON_CONNECTOR" : -1, 
    	        "SCRIPT_ON_RESOURCE" : -1, 
    	        "SYNC" : -1, 
    	        "SCHEMA" : -1 
    	    "configurationProperties" : { 
    	        "host" : "", 
    	        "port" : "3306", 
    	        "user" : "root", 
    	        "password" : { 
    	            "$crypto" : { 
    	                "value" : { 
    	                    "iv" : "dsrEhCU45UakY6Uh9Jxfww==", 
    	                    "data" : "X1+77+0I7Yog/6ZirsFSyg==", 
    	                    "cipher" : "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding", 
    	                    "key" : "openidm-sym-default" 
    	                "type" : "x-simple-encryption" 
    	        "database" : "HRDB", 
    	        "autoCommit" : true, 
    	        "reloadScriptOnExecution" : false, 
    	        "keyColumn" : "uid", 
    	        "jdbcDriver" : "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", 
    	        "jdbcConnectionUrl" : "jdbc:mysql://", 
    	        "jdbcUrlTemplate" : "jdbc:mysql://%h:%p/%d", 
    	        "createScriptFileName" : "/home/tester/openicf/tools/CreateScript.groovy", 
    	        "testScriptFileName" : "/home/tester/openicf/tools/TestScript.groovy", 
    	        "searchScriptFileName" : "/home/tester/openicf/tools/SearchScript.groovy", 
    	        "deleteScriptFileName" : "/home/tester/openicf/tools/DeleteScript.groovy", 
    	        "updateScriptFileName" : "/home/tester/openicf/tools/UpdateScript.groovy", 
    	        "syncScriptFileName" : "/home/tester/openicf/tools/SyncScript.groovy" 
    	    "objectTypes" : { 
    	        "group" : { 
    	            "$schema" : "", 
    	            "id" : "__GROUP__", 
    	            "type" : "object", 
    	            "nativeType" : "__GROUP__", 
    	            "properties" : { 
    	                "name" : { 
    	                    "type" : "string", 
    	                    "required" : true, 
    	                    "nativeName" : "__NAME__", 
    	                    "nativeType" : "string" 
    	                "gid" : { 
    	                    "type" : "string", 
    	                    "required" : true, 
    	                    "nativeName" : "gid", 
    	                    "nativeType" : "string" 
    	                "description" : { 
    	                    "type" : "string", 
    	                    "required" : false, 
    	                    "nativeName" : "description", 
    	                    "nativeType" : "string" 
    	        "organization" : { 
    	            "$schema" : "", 
    	            "id" : "organization", 
    	            "type" : "object", 
    	            "nativeType" : "organization", 
    	            "properties" : { 
    	                "name" : { 
    	                    "type" : "string", 
    	                    "required" : true, 
    	                    "nativeName" : "__NAME__", 
    	                    "nativeType" : "string" 
    	                "description" : { 
    	                    "type" : "string", 
    	                    "required" : false, 
    	                    "nativeName" : "description", 
    	                    "nativeType" : "string" 
    	        "account" : { 
    	            "$schema" : "", 
    	            "id" : "__ACCOUNT__", 
    	            "type" : "object", 
    	            "nativeType" : "__ACCOUNT__", 
    	            "properties" : { 
    	                "firstName" : { 
    	                    "type" : "string", 
    	                    "nativeName" : "firstname", 
    	                    "nativeType" : "string", 
    	                    "required" : true 
    	                "email" : { 
    	                    "type" : "array", 
    	                    "items" : { 
    	                        "type" : "string", 
    	                        "nativeType" : "string" 
    	                    "nativeName" : "email", 
    	                    "nativeType" : "string" 
    	                "__PASSWORD__" : { 
    	                    "type" : "string", 
    	                    "nativeName" : "password", 
    	                    "nativeType" : "JAVA_TYPE_GUARDEDSTRING", 
    	                    "flags" : [ 
    	                "uid" : { 
    	                    "type" : "string", 
    	                    "nativeName" : "__NAME__", 
    	                    "required" : true, 
    	                    "nativeType" : "string" 
    	                "fullName" : { 
    	                    "type" : "string", 
    	                    "nativeName" : "fullname", 
    	                    "nativeType" : "string" 
    	                "lastName" : { 
    	                    "type" : "string", 
    	                    "required" : true, 
    	                    "nativeName" : "lastname", 
    	                    "nativeType" : "string" 
    	                "organization" : { 
    	                    "type" : "string", 
    	                    "required" : true, 
    	                    "nativeName" : "organization", 
    	                    "nativeType" : "string" 
    	    "operationOptions" : { } 
  6. Verify that the following settings are correct.

    • The value of connectorHostRef : mysql points to the property name of provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json. This indicates which connectorinfoprovider to use.

    • The bundleVersion : must be exactly the same as openicf-scriptedsql-connector-.jar. on JCS /bundles. Unpack the .jar file, open META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, and search for the Bundle-Version property.

    • The path to groovy scripts should be createScriptFileName : /home/tester/openicf/tools/CreateScript.groovy.

      For Windows, the path will follow Unix notation. For example the path could be Program Files (x86)/openicf/tools/CreateScript.groovy, which in Windows notation would be C:\Program Files (x86)\openicf\tools\CreateScript.groovy.

    • All instances of the connection setting must be properly set, for example, jdbcConnectionUrl : jdbc:mysql://

  7. Restart OpenIDM to verify that all of the configuration changes have occurred. There should be no error message when OpenIDM is restarted. To check run the following.

    src list

    This returns a list of installed modules, including the following:

    [  17] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.openicf


    The number may differ. Make sure to note the number returned.

    When you have installed more connectors, there will be more OpenICF modules. If the state of the module is active, the module is installed properly. If the state is unsatisfied, then you have not configured it correctly and you must check your configuration. You can also check the content of installed module (which could be handy if you have unsatisfied state and you want to see if the content is the same as in *.json – to verify that the configuration you just set was picked up). To list the content of the module use the following with the number returned from the previous step:

    scr info 17 <your number>


    You can also check the provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider

  8. Run reconciliation with the following command:

    $ curl --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"  
    --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"  --request POST 

    This will return a reconciliation id similar to the following:

  9. Check the internal repository (OrientDB or MySQL) to make sure that the users were reconciled. For information about connecting to OrientDB, see Before You Begin in the Installation Guide. For information about using MySQL as a repository, see Installing a Repository For Production in the Installation Guide. XML Example to Reconcile JCS Users

This sample demonstrates using reconciliation of users created in an XML folder on a remote machine. The JCS provides a way for OpenIDM to pick up and synchronize the OpenIDM repository with the remote XML user repository.

Procedure 9.9. Configuring JCS
  • Copy the openidm/samples/sample1/data directory to a location on the JCS machine.

Procedure 9.10. Configuring OpenIDM for the XML Example
  1. Start OpenIDM. You can ignore errors like cannot connect to database and cannot find jdbc driver. These errors will be fixed once OpenIDM has been configured and restarted.

  2. Copy the openidm/samples/sample1/conf directory to openidm/conf. Overwrite any existing files.

    For Unix/Linux, enter the following in a terminal window.

    $ cd path/to/openidm
    $ cp -r ./samples/sample1/conf ./conf

    For Windows, enter the following on the command line.

    c:\> cd path\to\openidm
    .\> copy .\samples\sample1\conf .\conf
  3. Copy the openidm/samples/provisioners/provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.jso to openidm/conf.

    $ cp . samples/provisioners/provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json ./conf
  4. Edit the provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json to match your network setup. The following is an example of how it could look.

    	    "connectorsLocation" : "connectors", 
    	    "remoteConnectorServers" : [ 
    	            "name" : "xml", 
    	            "host" : "", 
    	            "port" : 8759, 
    	            "useSSL" : false, 
    	            "timeout" : 0, 
    	            "key" : "password" 
  5. Edit the provisioner.openicf-xml.json in the /conf directory to read like the following.

        "name" : "xmlfile", 
        "connectorRef" : { 
            "connectorHostRef" : "xml", 
            "bundleName" : "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.file.openicf-xml-connector", 
            "bundleVersion" : "",
            "connectorName" : "com.forgerock.openicf.xml.XMLConnector" 
        "producerBufferSize" : 100, 
        "connectorPoolingSupported" : true, 
        "poolConfigOption" : { 
            "maxObjects" : 10, 
            "maxIdle" : 10, 
            "maxWait" : 150000, 
            "minEvictableIdleTimeMillis" : 120000, 
            "minIdle" : 1 
        "operationTimeout" : { 
            "CREATE" : -1, 
            "TEST" : -1, 
            "AUTHENTICATE" : -1, 
            "SEARCH" : -1, 
            "VALIDATE" : -1, 
            "GET" : -1, 
            "UPDATE" : -1, 
            "DELETE" : -1, 
            "SCRIPT_ON_CONNECTOR" : -1, 
            "SCRIPT_ON_RESOURCE" : -1, 
            "SYNC" : -1, 
            "SCHEMA" : -1 
        "configurationProperties" : { 
            "xsdIcfFilePath" : "/Program files (x86)/openicf/data/
            "xsdFilePath" : "/Program Files (x86)/openicf/data/
            "xmlFilePath" : "/Program Files (x86)/openicf/data/xmlConnectorData.xml" 
        "objectTypes" : { 
            "account" : { 
                "$schema" : "", 
                "id" : "__ACCOUNT__", 
                "type" : "object", 
                "nativeType" : "__ACCOUNT__", 
                "properties" : { 
                    "description" : { 
                        "type" : "string", 
                        "nativeName" : "__DESCRIPTION__", 
                        "nativeType" : "string" 
                    "firstname" : { 
                        "type" : "string", 
                        "nativeName" : "firstname", 
                        "nativeType" : "string" 
                    "email" : { 
                        "type" : "array", 
                        "items" : { 
                            "type" : "string", 
                            "nativeType" : "string" 
                        "nativeName" : "email", 
                        "nativeType" : "string" 
                    "__UID__" : { 
                        "type" : "string", 
                        "nativeName" : "__UID__" 
                    "password" : { 
                        "type" : "string", 
                        "required" : false, 
                        "nativeName" : "__PASSWORD__", 
                        "nativeType" : "JAVA_TYPE_GUARDEDSTRING", 
                        "flags" : [ 
                    "name" : { 
                        "type" : "string", 
                        "required" : true, 
                        "nativeName" : "__NAME__", 
                        "nativeType" : "string" 
                    "lastname" : { 
                        "type" : "string", 
                        "required" : true, 
                        "nativeName" : "lastname", 
                        "nativeType" : "string" 
        "operationOptions" : { } 
  6. Verify that the following settings are correct.

    • The value of connectorHostRef : xml points to the property name of provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json. This indicates which connectorinfoprovider to use.

    • The bundleVersion : must be exactly the same as openicf-scriptedsql-connector-.jar. on JCS /bundles.

    • The path to xsdIcfFilePath : /Program files (x86)/openicf/data/resource-schema-1.xs

  7. Restart OpenIDM to verify that all of the configuration changes have occurred. There should be no error message when OpenIDM is restarted. To check, run the following command:

    src list

    This returns a list of installed modules, including the following:

    [  17] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.openicf 


    The number may differ. Make sure to note the number returned.

    When you have installed more connectors, there will be more OpenIFC modules. If the state of the module is active, the module is installed properly. If the state is unsatisfied, then you have not configured it correctly and you must check your configuration. You can also check the content of installed modules. This can be useful if you have an unsatisfied state and you want to check that the content is the same as in the *.json file, to verify that the configuration change you made was picked up. To list the content of the module run the following command, with the number returned from the previous step:

    scr info 17 <your number>


    You can also check the provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider

  8. Run reconciliation with the following command.

    $ curl --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" 
    --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" --request POST 

    This will return a reconciliation id similar to the following:

  9. Check the internal repository (OrientDB or MySQL) to make sure that the users were reconciled. For information about connecting to OrientDB, see Before You Begin in the Installation Guide. For information about using MySQL as a repository, see Installing a Repository For Production in the Installation Guide. Configuring the Active Directory Connector

A sample Active Directory Connector configuration file is provided in opendim/samples/provisioners/provisioner.openicf-ad.json. The following excerpt shows the configuration for the connector.

    "connectorHostRef": "dotnet",
    "bundleName": "ActiveDirectory.Connector",
    "bundleVersion": ""

The connectorHostRef must point by name to an existing connector info provider configuration, that you store in openidm/conf/provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json. The connectorHostRef property is required as the Active Directory connector must be installed on a .NET connector server, which is always "remote" relative to OpenIDM.

The following excerpt shows the configuration for the connector info provider.

    "connectorsLocation": "connectors",
    "remoteConnectorServers": [
            "name": "dotnet",
            "host": "",
            "port": 8759,
            "useSSL": false,
            "timeout": 0,
            "key": "Passw0rd"

The following excerpt shows typical configuration properties.

    "DirectoryAdminName": "EXAMPLE\\Administrator",
    "DirectoryAdminPassword": "passw0rd",
    "ObjectClass": "User",
    "Container": "dc=example,dc=com",
    "CreateHomeDirectory": true,
    "LDAPHostName": "",
    "SearchChildDomains": false,
    "DomainName": "example",
    "SyncGlobalCatalogServer": null,
    "SyncDomainController": null,
    "SearchContext": "dc=example,dc=com"

Account used to authenticate. This can be a domainname\user combination, or simply the user name.


Password used to authenticate


Object class for user objects


Base context for all searches


When true, create a home directory for new users.


Use to enforce connection to a particular Active Directory server.


When set to true or false, apply SyncGlobalCatalogServer and SyncDomainController settings


Windows domain name


Global catalog server to use when searching child domains


Domain controller to use during synchronization when not searching child domains


Reserved for future use Using PowerShell Scripts With the Active Directory Connector

The Active Directory connector supports PowerShell scripting. The following example shows a simple PowerShell script that is referenced in the connector configuration and can be called over the REST interface.

This PowerShell script creates a new MS SQL user with a username that is specified when the script is called. The script sets the user's password to Passw0rd and, optionally, gives the user a role. Save this script as openidm/script/createUser.ps1.

    if ($loginName -ne $NULL) {
	[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO') | Out-Null
	$sqlSrv = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') ('WIN-C2MSQ8G1TCA')
	$login = New-Object -TypeName ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Login') ($sqlSrv, $loginName)
	$login.LoginType = 'SqlLogin'
	$login.PasswordExpirationEnabled = $false
	#  The next two lines are optional, and to give the new login a server role, optional
} else {
	$Error_Message = [string]"Required variables 'loginName' is missing!"
    Write-Error $Error_Message
    throw $Error_Message

Now edit the Active Directory connector configuration to reference the script. Add the following section to the connector configuration file (opendim/conf/provisioner.openicf-ad.json).

"systemActions" : [   
        "_scriptId" : "ConnectorScriptName",
        "actions" : [
                "systemType" : ".*ActiveDirectoryConnector",
                "actionType" : "Shell",
                "actionSource" : "@echo off \r\n echo %loginName%\r\n"
                "systemType" : ".*ActiveDirectoryConnector",
                "actionType" : "PowerShell",
                "actionFile" : "script/createUser.ps1"

To call the PowerShell script over the REST interface, use the following request, specifying the userName as input:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request POST

9.4.4. CSV File Connector

The CSV file connector often serves when importing users, either for initial provisioning or for ongoing updates. When used continuously in production, a CSV file serves as a change log, often containing only user records that changed.

The following example shows an excerpt of the provisioner configuration. The default connector-jar location is openidm/connectors. Therefore the connectorHostRef must point to "#LOCAL".

  "connectorRef": {
    "connectorHostRef": "#LOCAL",
    "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.csvfile.CSVFileConnector",
    "bundleVersion": ""

The following excerpt shows required configuration properties.

    "configurationProperties": {
        "filePath": "data/hr.csv",
        "uniqueAttribute": "uid"

The CSV file connector also supports a number of optional configuration properties, in addition to the required properties.

encoding (optional)

Default: "utf-8"

fieldDelimiter (optional)

Default: ","

filePath (required)

References the CSV file containing account entries

multivalueDelimiter (optional)

Used with multi-valued attributes. Default: ";"

passwordAttribute (optional)

Attribute containing the password. Use when password-based authentication is required.

uniqueAttribute (required)

Primary key used for the CSV file

usingMultivalue (optional)

Whether attributes can have multiple values. Default: false

9.4.5. Scripted SQL Connector

The Scripted SQL Connector uses customizable Groovy scripts to interact with the database.

The connector uses one script for each of the following actions on the external database.

  • Create

  • Delete

  • Search

  • Sync

  • Test

  • Update

See the openidm/samples/sample3/tools/ directory for example scripts.

The scripted SQL connector runs with autocommit mode enabled by default. As soon as a statement is executed that modifies a table, the update is stored on disk and the change cannot be rolled back. This setting applies to all database actions (search, create, delete, test, synch, and update). You can disable autocommit in the connector configuration file (conf/provisioner.openicf-scriptedsql.json) by adding the autocommit property and setting it to false, for example:

  "configurationProperties" : {
        "host" : "localhost",
        "port" : "3306",
        "database" : "HRDB",
        "autoCommit" : false,
        "reloadScriptOnExecution" : true,
        "createScriptFileName" : "/path/to/openidm/tools/CreateScript.groovy",

If you require a traditional transaction with a manual commit for a specific script, you can disable autocommit mode in the script or scripts for each action that requires a manual commit.

9.5. Creating Default Connector Configurations

Rather than creating provisioner files by hand, use the service that OpenIDM exposes through the REST interface to create basic connector configuration files named provisioner-openicf-Connector Name.json file.

You create a new connector configuration file in three stages.

  1. List available connectors.

  2. Generate the core configuration.

  3. Connect to the target system and generate the final configuration.

List available connectors using the following command.

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request POST "http://localhost:8080/openidm/system?_action=CREATECONFIGURATION"

Available connectors are installed in openidm/connectors. OpenIDM bundles the following connectors.

  • csvfile

  • ldap

  • scriptedsql

  • xml

The command above therefore should return the following output (formatted here with lines folded to make it easier to read.)

  "connectorRef": [
      "connectorName": "org.identityconnectors.ldap.LdapConnector",
      "bundleVersion": ""
      "connectorName": "com.forgerock.openicf.xml.XMLConnector",
      "bundleVersion": ""
      "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.scriptedsql.ScriptedSQLConnector",
      "bundleVersion": ""
      "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.csvfile.CSVFileConnector",
      "bundleVersion": ""

To generate the core configuration, choose one of the available connectors by copying JSON objects from the list into the body of the REST command, as shown below for the XML connector.

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 -d '{"connectorRef":
 --request POST "http://localhost:8080/openidm/system?_action=CREATECONFIGURATION"

The command returns a core connector configuration. The core connector configuration returned is not yet functional. It does not contain system specific "configurationProperties" such as the host name and port for web based connectors, or the "xmlFilePath" for the XML file based connectors as can be seen below. In addition, the configuration returned does not include complete "objectTypes" and "operationOptions" parts.

    "connectorRef": {
        "connectorName": "com.forgerock.openicf.xml.XMLConnector",
        "bundleVersion": ""
    "poolConfigOption": {
        "maxObjects": 10,
        "maxIdle": 10,
        "maxWait": 150000,
        "minEvictableIdleTimeMillis": 120000,
        "minIdle": 1
    "resultsHandlerConfig": {
        "enableNormalizingResultsHandler": true,
        "enableFilteredResultsHandler": true,
        "enableCaseInsensitiveFilter": false,
        "enableAttributesToGetSearchResultsHandler": true
    "operationTimeout": {
        "CREATE": -1,
        "UPDATE": -1,
        "DELETE": -1,
        "TEST": -1,
        "SCRIPT_ON_CONNECTOR": -1,
        "SCRIPT_ON_RESOURCE": -1,
        "GET": -1,
        "RESOLVEUSERNAME": -1,
        "AUTHENTICATE": -1,
        "SEARCH": -1,
        "VALIDATE": -1,
        "SYNC": -1,
        "SCHEMA": -1
    "configurationProperties": {
        "xmlFilePath": null,
        "xsdFilePath": null,
        "xsdIcfFilePath": null

To generate the final configuration, add the missing "configurationProperties" to the core configuration, and use the updated core configuration as the body for the next command.

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --data '{
   "connectorRef" :
         "connectorName" : "com.forgerock.openicf.xml.XMLConnector",
         "bundleName" :
         "bundleVersion" : ""
   "poolConfigOption" :
         "maxObjects" : 10,
         "maxIdle" : 10,
         "maxWait" : 150000,
         "minEvictableIdleTimeMillis" : 120000,
         "minIdle" : 1
   "resultsHandlerConfig" :
         "enableNormalizingResultsHandler" : true,
         "enableFilteredResultsHandler" : true,
         "enableCaseInsensitiveFilter" : false,
         "enableAttributesToGetSearchResultsHandler" : true
   "operationTimeout" :
         "CREATE" : -1,
         "UPDATE" : -1,
         "DELETE" : -1,
         "TEST" : -1,
         "SCRIPT_ON_CONNECTOR" : -1,
         "SCRIPT_ON_RESOURCE" : -1,
         "GET" : -1,
         "RESOLVEUSERNAME" : -1,
         "AUTHENTICATE" : -1,
         "SEARCH" : -1,
         "VALIDATE" : -1,
         "SYNC" : -1,
         "SCHEMA" : -1
   "configurationProperties" :
         "xsdIcfFilePath" : "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-1.xsd",
         "xsdFilePath" : "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-extension.xsd",
         "xmlFilePath" : "samples/sample1/data/xmlConnectorData.xml"
 --request POST "http://localhost:8080/openidm/system?_action=CREATECONFIGURATION"


Notice the single quotes around the argument to the --data option in the command above. For most UNIX shells, single quotes around a string prevent the shell from executing the command when encountering a newline in the content. You can therefore pass the --data '...' option on a single line or including line feeds.

OpenIDM attempts to read the schema, if available, from the external resource in order to generate output. OpenIDM then iterates through schema objects and attributes, creating JSON representations for "objectTypes" and "operationOptions" for supported objects and operations.

    "connectorRef": {
        "connectorHostRef": "#LOCAL",
        "connectorName": "com.forgerock.openicf.xml.XMLConnector",
        "bundleVersion": "-EA"
    "poolConfigOption": {
        "maxObjects": 10,
        "maxIdle": 10,
        "maxWait": 150000,
        "minEvictableIdleTimeMillis": 120000,
        "minIdle": 1
    "resultsHandlerConfig": {
        "enableNormalizingResultsHandler": true,
        "enableFilteredResultsHandler": true,
        "enableCaseInsensitiveFilter": false,
        "enableAttributesToGetSearchResultsHandler": true
    "operationTimeout": {
        "CREATE": -1,
        "UPDATE": -1,
        "DELETE": -1,
        "TEST": -1,
        "SCRIPT_ON_CONNECTOR": -1,
        "SCRIPT_ON_RESOURCE": -1,
        "GET": -1,
        "RESOLVEUSERNAME": -1,
        "AUTHENTICATE": -1,
        "SEARCH": -1,
        "VALIDATE": -1,
        "SYNC": -1,
        "SCHEMA": -1
    "configurationProperties": {
        "xmlFilePath": "samples/sample1/data/xmlConnectorData.xml",
        "xsdFilePath": "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-extension.xsd",
        "xsdIcfFilePath": "samples/sample1/data/resource-schema-1.xsd"
    "objectTypes": {
        "OrganizationUnit": {
            "...": "..."
        "__GROUP__": {
            "$schema": "",
            "id": "__GROUP__",
            "type": "object",
            "nativeType": "__GROUP__",
            "properties": {
                "__DESCRIPTION__": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "required": true,
                    "nativeName": "__DESCRIPTION__",
                    "nativeType": "string"
                "__NAME__": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "required": true,
                    "nativeName": "__NAME__",
                    "nativeType": "string"
        "__ACCOUNT__": {
            "$schema": "",
            "id": "__ACCOUNT__",
            "type": "object",
            "nativeType": "__ACCOUNT__",
            "properties": {
                "firstname": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "nativeName": "firstname",
                    "nativeType": "string"
                "__DESCRIPTION__": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "nativeName": "__DESCRIPTION__",
                    "nativeType": "string"
                "__UID__": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "nativeName": "__UID__",
                    "nativeType": "string"
                "__NAME__": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "required": true,
                    "nativeName": "__NAME__",
                    "nativeType": "string"
    "operationOptions": {
        "CREATE": {
            "objectFeatures": {
                "OrganizationUnit": {
                    "...": "..."
                "__GROUP__": {
                    "...": "..."
                "__ACCOUNT__": {
                    "denied": false,
                    "onDeny": "DO_NOTHING",
                    "operationOptionInfo": {
                        "$schema": "",
                        "id": "FIX_ME",
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "...": "..."
        "UPDATE": {
            "objectFeatures": {
                "__ACCOUNT__": {
                    "denied": false,
                    "onDeny": "DO_NOTHING",
                    "operationOptionInfo": {
                        "$schema": "",
                        "id": "FIX_ME",
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "...": "..."

As OpenIDM produces a full property set for all attributes and all object types in the schema from the external resource, the resulting configuration can be large. For an LDAP server, OpenIDM can generate a configuration containing several tens of thousands of lines, for example. You might therefore want to reduce the schema to a minimum on the external resource before you run the final command.

Chapter 10. Configuring Synchronization

One of the core services of OpenIDM is synchronizing identity data from different resources. This chapter explains what you must know to get started configuring OpenIDM's flexible synchronization mechanism, and illustrates the concepts with examples.

10.1. Types of Synchronization

Synchronization happens either when OpenIDM receives a change directly, or when OpenIDM discovers a change on an external resource.

For direct changes to OpenIDM, OpenIDM immediately pushes updates to all external resources configured to receive the updates. A direct change can originate not only as a write request through the REST interface, but also as an update resulting from reconciliation with another resource.

OpenIDM discovers changes on external resources through reconciliation and through LiveSync.


In identity management, reconciliation is the process of bidirectional synchronization of objects between different data stores. Reconciliation applies mainly to user objects, although OpenIDM can reconcile any objects, including groups and roles.

To perform reconciliation, OpenIDM analyzes both source and target systems to uncover the differences that it must reconcile. Reconciliation can therefore be a heavyweight process. When working with large data sets, finding all changes can be more work than processing the changes.

Reconciliation is, however, thorough. It recognizes system error conditions and catches changes that might be missed by the more lightweight LiveSync mechanism. Reconciliation therefore serves as the basis for compliance and reporting functionality.


LiveSync performs the same job as reconciliation. LiveSync relies on a change log on the external resource to determine which objects have changed.

LiveSync is intended to react quickly to changes as they happen. LiveSync is however a best effort mechanism that, in some cases, can miss changes.

Furthermore, not all resources provide the change log mechanism that LiveSync requires. The change log provides OpenIDM with a list of objects that have changed since the last request, so that OpenIDM does not need to scan all objects for changes. OpenDJ and Active Directory both provide the change log required for LiveSync.

To determine what to synchronize, and how to carry out synchronization, OpenIDM relies on mappings that you configure. LiveSync relies on the set of mappings that you configure once per OpenIDM server. Reconciliation allows you to configure specific mappings for a particular reconciliation job.

You must trigger OpenIDM to poll for changes on external resources, usually by scheduling reconciliation or LiveSync, as described in Scheduling Tasks and Events. Alternatively, you can manage reconciliation and LiveSync over the REST interface, as described in the following sections.

10.2. Managing Reconciliation Over REST

You can trigger, cancel, and monitor reconciliation operations over REST, using the REST endpoint http://localhost:8080/openidm/recon.

10.2.1. Triggering a Reconciliation Run

The following example triggers a reconciliation operation based on the systemLdapAccounts_managedUser mapping. The mapping is defined in the file conf/sync.json.

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request POST

By default, an assigned reconciliation run ID is returned immediately when the reconciliation operation is initiated. Clients can make subsequent calls to the reconciliation service, using this reconciliation run ID to query its state and to call operations on it.

For example, the reconciliation run initiated previously would return something similar to the following:


To have the entire reconciliation run complete before the reconciliation run ID is returned, set the waitForCompletion property to true when the reconciliation is initiated. For example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request POST

10.2.2. Canceling a Reconciliation Run

You can cancel a reconciliation run by sending a REST call with the cancel action, specifying the reconciliation run ID. For example, the following call cancels the reconciliation run initiated in the previous section:

 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request POST

The output for a reconciliation cancelation request is similar to the following:


If you specified that the call should wait for completion before the ID is returned, you can obtain the reconciliation run ID from the list of active reconciliations, as described in the following section.

10.2.3. Listing Reconciliation Runs

You can display a list of reconciliation processes that have completed, and those that are in progress, by running a RESTful GET on "http://localhost:8080/openidm/recon". The following example displays all reconciliation runs.

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET

The output of such a request is similar to the following, with one item for each reconciliation run.

 "stageDescription":"reconciliation completed.",

Each reconciliation run has the following properties:


The ID of the reconciliation run.


The name of the mapping, defined in the conf/sync.json file.


The high level state of the reconciliation run. Values can be as follows:


    The reconciliation run is in progress.


    The reconciliation run was successfully canceled.


    The reconciliation run was terminated because of failure.


    The reconciliation run completed successfully.


The current stage of the reconciliation run's progress. Values can be as follows:


    The initial stage, when a reconciliation run is first created.


    Querying the source, target and possibly link sets to reconcile.


    Reconciling the set of IDs retrieved from the mapping source.


    Reconciling any remaining entries from the set of IDs retrieved from the mapping target, that were not matched or processed during the source phase.


    Checking whether any links are now unused and should be cleaned up.


    Post-processing of reconciliation results.


    Attempting to abort a reconciliation run in progress.


    Successfully completed processing the reconciliation run.


    Completed processing because the reconciliation run was aborted.


    Completed processing because of a failure.


A description of the stages described previously.


The progress object has the following structure (annotated here with comments):

      "source":{             // Progress on the set of existing entries in the mapping source
            "total":"1001"   // Total number of entries in source set, if known, “?” otherwise
      "target":{             // Progress on the set of existing entries in the mapping target
            "total":"1001"   // Total number of entries in target set, if known, “?” otherwise
         "created":0         // New entries that were created
      "links":{              // Progress on the set of existing links between source and target
            "total":"1001"   // Total number of existing links, if known, “?” otherwise
         "created":0         // Denotes new links that were created

10.2.4. Querying the Reconciliation Audit Log

Reconciliation operations are logged in the file /path/to/openidm/audit/recon.csv and in the repository. You can read and query the reconciliation audit logs over the REST interface as outlined in the following examples.

By default all audit/recon query responses are formatted based on the entryType of the entry. Fields that are not required for the specific entry type are stripped away from the response. For example, a summary entry would not need to include a null targetObjectId field, as this field would not make sense in the context of a summary. You can specify that this auto-formatting be disabled and return the full entry for all entry types. To disable entry formatting, include formatted=false as a query parameter in the request.

To return all reconciliation operations logged in the audit log, run a RESTful GET on the audit/recon endpoint. For example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET

The following code sample shows an extract of the audit log after the first reconciliation operation in Sample 1.

  "entries": [
      "rootActionId": "d0578abf-f38e-4ede-a7dc-5ee9eaa8ce53",
      "messageDetail": null,
      "message": "Reconciliation initiated by openidm-admin",
      "timestamp": "2013-05-08T07:58:33.296Z",
      "reconId": "5cf09dfa-e85c-4d52-ab6c-8ba7c2e3d34f",
      "entryType": "start",
      "_id": "11381e20-3679-469d-a71c-c557c2bd091e",
      "status": "SUCCESS",
      "exception": "",
      "mapping": "systemXmlfileAccounts_managedUser"
      "messageDetail": null,
      "rootActionId": "d0578abf-f38e-4ede-a7dc-5ee9eaa8ce53",
      "situation": "ABSENT",
      "actionId": "86995423-8a43-4fc7-9c3c-9e450e0234cb",
      "targetObjectId": "managed/user/scarter",
      "action": "CREATE",
      "entryType": "",
      "_id": "9f59bb8a-31c6-41af-8f27-02094391ba0c",
      "reconId": "5cf09dfa-e85c-4d52-ab6c-8ba7c2e3d34f",
      "status": "SUCCESS",
      "exception": "",
      "reconciling": "source",
      "ambiguousTargetObjectIds": "",
      "timestamp": "2013-05-08T07:58:33.791Z",
      "message": null,
      "sourceObjectId": "system/xmlfile/account/scarter"
      "messageDetail": null,
      "rootActionId": "d0578abf-f38e-4ede-a7dc-5ee9eaa8ce53",
      "situation": "ABSENT",
      "actionId": "dea9b5c5-7a75-4cab-b8e4-176bea0a94a6",
      "targetObjectId": "managed/user/bjensen",
      "action": "CREATE",
      "entryType": "",
      "_id": "4fd285ef-a409-4875-abd0-5d70965fe172",
      "reconId": "5cf09dfa-e85c-4d52-ab6c-8ba7c2e3d34f",
      "status": "SUCCESS",
      "exception": "",
      "reconciling": "source",
      "ambiguousTargetObjectIds": "",
      "timestamp": "2013-05-08T07:58:33.793Z",
      "message": null,
      "sourceObjectId": "system/xmlfile/account/bjensen"
        "rootActionId": "d0578abf-f38e-4ede-a7dc-5ee9eaa8ce53",
        "messageDetail": {
          "ended": "2013-05-08T07:58:33.813Z",
          "started": "2013-05-08T07:58:33.294Z",
          "situationSummary": {
            "SOURCE_MISSING": 0,
            "FOUND": 0,
            "SOURCE_IGNORED": 0,
            "UNQUALIFIED": 0,
            "UNASSIGNED": 0,
            "TARGET_IGNORED": 0,
            "CONFIRMED": 0,
            "AMBIGUOUS": 0,
            "ABSENT": 2,
            "MISSING": 0
          "progress": {
            "links": {
              "created": 2,
              "existing": {
                "total": "0",
                "processed": 0
            "target": {
              "created": 2,
              "existing": {
                "total": "0",
                "processed": 0
            "source": {
              "existing": {
                "total": "2",
                "processed": 2
          "stageDescription": "reconciling target entries",
          "stage": "ACTIVE_RECONCILING_TARGET",
          "state": "ACTIVE",
          "mapping": "systemXmlfileAccounts_managedUser"
        "timestamp": "2013-05-08T07:58:33.813Z",
        "reconId": "5cf09dfa-e85c-4d52-ab6c-8ba7c2e3d34f",
        "entryType": "summary",
        "_id": "a8a81f9f-fa8f-49f4-a0d6-c88b5fc4be2a",
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "exception": "",
        "mapping": "systemXmlfileAccounts_managedUser"

Most of the fields in this audit log are self-explanatory. Each distinct reconciliation operation is identified by its reconId. Each entry in the log is identified by a unique _id. The first log entry indicates the status for the complete reconciliation operation. Successive entries indicate the status for each record affected by the reconciliation.

To obtain information on a specific audit log entry, include its entry _id in the endpoint. For example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET

The following sample output shows the results of a read operation on a specific reconciliation audit entry.

 "messageDetail": null,
 "rootActionId": "d0578abf-f38e-4ede-a7dc-5ee9eaa8ce53",
 "situation": "ABSENT",
 "actionId": "86995423-8a43-4fc7-9c3c-9e450e0234cb",
 "targetObjectId": "managed/user/scarter",
 "action": "CREATE",
 "entryType": "",
 "_id": "9f59bb8a-31c6-41af-8f27-02094391ba0c",
 "reconId": "5cf09dfa-e85c-4d52-ab6c-8ba7c2e3d34f",
 "status": "SUCCESS",
 "exception": "",
 "reconciling": "source",
 "ambiguousTargetObjectIds": "",
 "timestamp": "2013-05-08T07:58:33.791Z",
 "message": null,
 "sourceObjectId": "system/xmlfile/account/scarter"

To query the audit log for a particular reconciliation operation, use the audit-by-recon-id keyword, specifying the reconciliation ID, as follows:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET

Output similar to the following is returned, for the specified reconciliation operation:

  "start": {
    "rootActionId": "3c098d6f-a5e5-483c-a8ce-82911a10b0a9",
    "messageDetail": null,
    "message": "Reconciliation initiated by openidm-admin",
    "timestamp": "2013-05-14T08:20:41.343Z",
    "reconId": "1ef8e7b6-33dc-4f92-810a-b51913508a68",
    "entryType": "start",
    "_id": "ce58ef39-425d-4711-94b9-a9c77df23001",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "exception": "",
    "mapping": "systemXmlfileAccounts_managedUser"
  "result": [
      "messageDetail": null,
      "rootActionId": "3c098d6f-a5e5-483c-a8ce-82911a10b0a9",
      "situation": "ABSENT",
      "actionId": "1a391fe8-201b-4f59-ad05-92ee804488a8",
      "targetObjectId": "managed/user/scarter",
      "action": "CREATE",
      "entryType": "",
      "_id": "6dc0a18a-826d-487d-a29f-5cd8d2f55465",
      "reconId": "1ef8e7b6-33dc-4f92-810a-b51913508a68",
      "status": "SUCCESS",
      "exception": "",
      "reconciling": "source",
      "ambiguousTargetObjectIds": "",
      "timestamp": "2013-05-14T08:20:41.763Z",
      "message": null,
      "sourceObjectId": "system/xmlfile/account/scarter"
      "messageDetail": null,
      "rootActionId": "3c098d6f-a5e5-483c-a8ce-82911a10b0a9",
      "situation": "ABSENT",
      "actionId": "0aaba292-1dd3-4e98-a0e2-04bec9ae5209",
      "targetObjectId": "managed/user/bjensen",
      "action": "CREATE",
      "entryType": "",
      "_id": "1cda457e-54e2-451b-8a40-ef93dec7e60c",
      "reconId": "1ef8e7b6-33dc-4f92-810a-b51913508a68",
      "status": "SUCCESS",
      "exception": "",
      "reconciling": "source",
      "ambiguousTargetObjectIds": "",
      "timestamp": "2013-05-14T08:20:41.760Z",
      "message": null,
      "sourceObjectId": "system/xmlfile/account/bjensen"
  "summary": {
    "rootActionId": "3c098d6f-a5e5-483c-a8ce-82911a10b0a9",
    "messageDetail": {
      "ended": "2013-05-14T08:20:41.783Z",
      "started": "2013-05-14T08:20:41.342Z",
      "situationSummary": {
        "SOURCE_MISSING": 0,
        "FOUND": 0,
        "SOURCE_IGNORED": 0,
        "UNQUALIFIED": 0,
        "UNASSIGNED": 0,
        "TARGET_IGNORED": 0,
        "CONFIRMED": 0,
        "AMBIGUOUS": 0,
        "ABSENT": 2,
        "MISSING": 0
      "progress": {
        "links": {
          "created": 2,
          "existing": {
            "total": "0",
            "processed": 0
        "target": {
          "created": 2,
          "existing": {
            "total": "0",
            "processed": 0
        "source": {
          "existing": {
            "total": "2",
            "processed": 2
      "stageDescription": "reconciling target entries",
      "state": "ACTIVE",
      "mapping": "systemXmlfileAccounts_managedUser"
    "timestamp": "2013-05-14T08:20:41.783Z",
    "reconId": "1ef8e7b6-33dc-4f92-810a-b51913508a68",
    "entryType": "summary",
    "_id": "94c5893c-4ea8-4464-aff2-5533d6369722",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "exception": "",
    "mapping": "systemXmlfileAccounts_managedUser"

Note that the response structure of a read request on audit/recon differs from the response structure of a query by recon-id. The read response contains a flat list of entries. The query response separates the summary and start event type entries. Other entries are listed under the result entry.

To query the audit log for a specific reconciliation situation, use the audit-by-recon-id-situation keyword, specifying the reconciliation ID and the situation that you want to query. For example, the following query returns all ABSENT records found during the specified reconciliation operation:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET

Output similar to the following is returned, with one entry for each record that matches the situation queried:

  "result": [
      "messageDetail": null,
      "rootActionId": "3c098d6f-a5e5-483c-a8ce-82911a10b0a9",
      "situation": "ABSENT",
      "actionId": "1a391fe8-201b-4f59-ad05-92ee804488a8",
      "targetObjectId": "managed/user/scarter",
      "action": "CREATE",
      "entryType": "",
      "_id": "6dc0a18a-826d-487d-a29f-5cd8d2f55465",
      "reconId": "1ef8e7b6-33dc-4f92-810a-b51913508a68",
      "status": "SUCCESS",
      "exception": "",
      "reconciling": "source",
      "ambiguousTargetObjectIds": "",
      "timestamp": "2013-05-14T08:20:41.763Z",
      "message": null,
      "sourceObjectId": "system/xmlfile/account/scarter"
      "messageDetail": null,
      "rootActionId": "3c098d6f-a5e5-483c-a8ce-82911a10b0a9",
      "situation": "ABSENT",
      "actionId": "0aaba292-1dd3-4e98-a0e2-04bec9ae5209",
      "targetObjectId": "managed/user/bjensen",
      "action": "CREATE",
      "entryType": "",
      "_id": "1cda457e-54e2-451b-8a40-ef93dec7e60c",
      "reconId": "1ef8e7b6-33dc-4f92-810a-b51913508a68",
      "status": "SUCCESS",
      "exception": "",
      "reconciling": "source",
      "ambiguousTargetObjectIds": "",
      "timestamp": "2013-05-14T08:20:41.760Z",
      "message": null,
      "sourceObjectId": "system/xmlfile/account/bjensen"

The activity logs track all operations on internal (managed) and external (system) objects. Entries in the activity log contain identifiers for the reconciliation or synchronization action that triggered the activity, and for the original caller and the relationships between related actions.

You can access the activity logs over REST with the following call:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET

The following extract of the activity log shows the last entry in the log, which was a password change for user bjensen.

  "entries": [
      "rootActionId": "3c098d6f-a5e5-483c-a8ce-82911a10b0a9",
      "action": "create",
      "objectId": "managed/user/bjensen",
      "_rev": "0",
      "_id": "22ef6d20-bd84-4267-9db8-745825a46ad1",
      "timestamp": "2013-05-14T08:20:41.712Z",
      "message": null,
      "activityId": "aa964020-b343-4d23-8e00-745ed4b79f50",
      "parentActionId": "0aaba292-1dd3-4e98-a0e2-04bec9ae5209",
      "requester": "openidm-admin",
      "rev": "0",
      "passwordChanged": true,
      "status": "SUCCESS",
      "before": null,
      "changedFields": [
      "after": {
        "securityAnswer": {
          "$crypto": {
            "type": "x-simple-encryption",
            "value": {
              "key": "openidm-sym-default",
              "iv": "c6gZKz4sSL2YNTBwwFXIzw==",
              "cipher": "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding",
              "data": "7FATEBtuLlLfMXGokfLrtJ2rXPEsE1YTIXSoGQCum4w="

To return activity information for a specific action, include the _id of the action in the endpoint, for example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET

Results similar to the following are returned:

  "rootActionId": "3c098d6f-a5e5-483c-a8ce-82911a10b0a9",
  "action": "create",
  "objectId": "managed/user/bjensen",
  "timestamp": "2013-05-14T08:20:41.712Z",
  "message": null,
  "activityId": "aa964020-b343-4d23-8e00-745ed4b79f50",
  "after": {
    "securityAnswer": {
      "$crypto": {
        "type": "x-simple-encryption",
        "value": {
          "key": "openidm-sym-default",
          "iv": "c6gZKz4sSL2YNTBwwFXIzw==",
          "cipher": "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding",
          "data": "7FATEBtuLlLfMXGokfLrtJ2rXPEsE1YTIXSoGQCum4w="
    "stateProvince": "",
    "userName": "",
    "roles": "openidm-authorized",
    "description": "Created By XML1",
    "accountStatus": "active",
    "password": {
      "$crypto": {
        "type": "x-simple-encryption",
        "value": {
          "key": "openidm-sym-default",
          "iv": "bqhRyLW1lI+KZROcpgyukg==",
          "cipher": "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding",
          "data": "qO8A76GqNqftVVwOlasyPw=="
    "securityQuestion": "1",
    "givenName": "Barbara",
    "address2": "",
    "lastPasswordAttempt": "Tue May 14 2013 10:20:41 GMT+0200 (SAST)",
    "address1": "",
    "familyName": "Jensen",
    "passwordAttempts": "0",
    "country": "",
    "city": "",
    "_rev": "0",
    "lastPasswordSet": "",
    "postalCode": "",
    "phoneNumber": "1234567",
    "_id": "bjensen",
    "email": ""
  "changedFields": [
  "_id": "22ef6d20-bd84-4267-9db8-745825a46ad1",
  "_rev": "0",
  "parentActionId": "0aaba292-1dd3-4e98-a0e2-04bec9ae5209",
  "requester": "openidm-admin",
  "rev": "0",
  "passwordChanged": true,
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "before": null

Each action in the activity log has a rootActionId and a parentActionId. The rootActionId is the ID that was assigned to the incoming or initiating request. The parentActionId is the ID that is associated with the overall action. So, for example, if an HTTP request invokes a script that changes a user's password, the HTTP request is assigned the rootActionId and the action taken by the script is assigned the parentActionId. You can query the activity log for the details of a specific action by including the parentActionId in the query. For example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET

The following sample output shows the result of a query that requests details of the password change for bjensen.

  "result": [
      "rootActionId": "3c098d6f-a5e5-483c-a8ce-82911a10b0a9",
      "action": "create",
      "objectId": "managed/user/bjensen",
      "_rev": "0",
      "_id": "22ef6d20-bd84-4267-9db8-745825a46ad1",
      "timestamp": "2013-05-14T08:20:41.712Z",
      "message": null,
      "activityId": "aa964020-b343-4d23-8e00-745ed4b79f50",
      "parentActionId": "0aaba292-1dd3-4e98-a0e2-04bec9ae5209",
      "requester": "openidm-admin",
      "rev": "0",
      "passwordChanged": true,
      "status": "SUCCESS",
      "before": null,
      "changedFields": [
      "after": {
        "securityAnswer": {
          "$crypto": {
            "type": "x-simple-encryption",
            "value": {
              "key": "openidm-sym-default",
              "iv": "c6gZKz4sSL2YNTBwwFXIzw==",
              "cipher": "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding",
              "data": "7FATEBtuLlLfMXGokfLrtJ2rXPEsE1YTIXSoGQCum4w="
        "stateProvince": "",
        "userName": "",
        "roles": "openidm-authorized",
        "description": "Created By XML1",
        "accountStatus": "active",
        "password": {
          "$crypto": {
            "type": "x-simple-encryption",
            "value": {
              "key": "openidm-sym-default",
              "iv": "bqhRyLW1lI+KZROcpgyukg==",
              "cipher": "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding",
              "data": "qO8A76GqNqftVVwOlasyPw=="
        "securityQuestion": "1",
        "givenName": "Barbara",
        "address2": "",
        "lastPasswordAttempt": "Tue May 14 2013 10:20:41 GMT+0200 (SAST)",
        "address1": "",
        "familyName": "Jensen",
        "passwordAttempts": "0",
        "country": "",
        "city": "",
        "_rev": "0",
        "lastPasswordSet": "",
        "postalCode": "",
        "phoneNumber": "1234567",
        "_id": "bjensen",
        "email": ""


For audit logs in the repository, you can define custom queries using the parameterized query mechanism. For more information, see the section on Parameterized Queries

For more information about the entries in these logs, see the chapter that covers Using Audit Logs.

10.3. Triggering LiveSync Over REST

The ability to trigger LiveSync operations over REST, or by using the resource API, enables you to use an external scheduler to trigger a LiveSync operation, rather than using the OpenIDM scheduling mechanism.

There are two ways in which to trigger a LiveSync operation over REST.

  • Use the _action=liveSync parameter directly on the resource. This is the recommended method. The following example calls a LiveSync operation on the user accounts in an external LDAP system.

    $ curl
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
     --request POST
  • Target the system endpoint and supply a source parameter to identify the object that should be synchronized. This method matches the scheduler configuration and can therefore be used to test schedules before they are implemented.

    The following example calls the same LiveSync operation as the previous example.

    $ curl
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
     --request POST

A successful LiveSync operation returns the following response:

    "_rev": "0",
    "connectorData": {
        "syncToken": 1,
        "nativeType": "integer"

You should not run two identical LiveSync operations simultaneously - you must ensure that the first operation has completed before a second similar operation is launched.

To troubleshoot a LiveSync operation that has not succeeded, you can include an optional parameter (detailedFailure) to return additional information. For example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request POST


The first time that a LiveSync operation is called, no synchronization token exists in the database to establish which changes have already been processed. The default LiveSync behavior is to locate the last existing entry in the change log, and to store that entry in the database as the current starting position from which changes should be applied. This behavior prevents LiveSync from processing changes that might already have been processed during an initial data load. Subsequent LiveSync operations will pick up and process any new changes.

Typically, in setting up LiveSync on a new system, you would load the data initially (by using reconciliation, for example) and then enable LiveSync, starting from that base point.

10.4. Flexible Data Model

Identity management software tends to favor either a meta-directory data model, where all data are mirrored in a central repository, or a virtual data model, where only a minimum set of attributes are stored centrally, and most are loaded on demand from the external resources in which they are stored. The meta-directory model offers fast access at the risk of getting out-of-date data. The virtual model guarantees fresh data, but pays for that guarantee in terms of performance.

OpenIDM leaves the data model choice up to you. You determine the right trade offs for a particular deployment. OpenIDM does not hard code any particular schema or set of attributes stored in the repository. Instead, you define how external system objects map onto managed objects, and OpenIDM dynamically updates the repository to store the managed object attributes that you configure.

You can, for example, choose to follow the data model defined in the Simple Cloud Identity Management (SCIM) specification. The following object represents a SCIM user.

    "userName": "james1",
    "familyName": "Berg",
    "givenName": "James",
    "email": [
    "description": "Created by OpenIDM REST.",
    "password": "asdfkj23",
    "displayName": "James Berg",
    "phoneNumber": "12345",
    "employeeNumber": "12345",
    "userType": "Contractor",
    "title": "Vice President",
    "active": true


Avoid using the dash character ( - ) in property names, like last-name, as dashes in names make JavaScript syntax more complex. If you cannot avoid the dash, then write source['last-name'] instead of source.last-name in java script.

10.5. Basic Data Flow Configuration

Data flow for synchronization involves the following elements:

  • Connector configuration files (conf/provisioner-*.json), with one file per external resource.

  • Synchronization mappings file (conf/sync.json), with one file per OpenIDM instance.

  • A links table that OpenIDM maintains in its repository.

  • The scripts required to check objects and manipulate attributes.

10.5.1. Connector Configuration Files

Connector configuration files map external resource objects to OpenIDM objects, and are described in detail in the chapter on Connecting to External Resources. Connector configuration files are named openidm/conf/provisioner.resource-name.json, where resource-name reflects the connector technology and external resource, such as openicf-xml.

An excerpt from an example connector configuration follows. The example shows the name for the connector and two attributes of an account object type. In the attribute mapping definitions, the attribute name is mapped from the nativeName, the attribute name used on the external resource, to the attribute name used in OpenIDM. Thus the example shows that the sn attribute in LDAP is mapped to lastName in OpenIDM. The homePhone attribute can have multiple values.

    "name": "MyLDAP",
    "objectTypes": {
        "account": {
            "lastName": {
                "type": "string",
                "required": true,
                "nativeName": "sn",
                "nativeType": "string"
            "homePhone": {
                "type": "array",
                "items": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "nativeType": "string"
                "nativeName": "homePhone",
                "nativeType": "string"

In order for OpenIDM to access external resource objects and attributes, the object and its attributes must match the connector configuration. Note that the connector file only maps external resource objects to OpenIDM objects. To construct attributes and to manipulate their values, you use the synchronization mappings file.

10.5.2. Synchronization Mappings File

The synchronization mappings file (openidm/conf/sync.json) represents the core configuration for OpenIDM synchronization.

The sync.json file describes a set of mappings. Each mapping specifies how attributes from source objects correspond to attributes on target objects. The source and target indicate the direction for the data flow, so you must define a separate mapping for each data flow. For example, if you want data flows from an LDAP server to the repository and also from the repository to the LDAP server, you must define two separate mappings.

You identify external resource sources and targets as system/name/object-type, where name is the name used in the connector configuration file, and object-type is the object defined in the connector configuration file list of object types. For objects in OpenIDM's internal repository, you use managed/object-type, where object-type is defined in openidm/conf/managed.json. The name for the mapping by convention is set to a string of the form source_target, as shown in the following example.

    "mappings": [
            "name": "systemLdapAccounts_managedUser",
            "source": "system/MyLDAP/account",
            "target": "managed/user",
            "properties": [
                    "target": "familyName",
                    "source": "lastName"
                    "target": "homePhone",
                    "source": "homePhone"
                    "target": "phoneExtension",
                    "default": "0047"
                    "target": "mail",
                    "comment": "Set mail if non-empty.",
                    "source": "email",
                    "condition": {
                        "type": "text/javascript",
                        "source": "( != null)"
                    "target": "displayName",
                    "source": "",
                    "transform": {
                        "type": "text/javascript",
                        "source": "source.lastName +', ' + source.firstName;"

In this example, the source is the external resource, MyLDAP, and the target is OpenIDM's repository, specifically the managed user objects. The properties reflect OpenIDM attribute names. For example, the mapping has the attribute lastName defined in the MyLDAP connector configuration file mapped to familyName in the OpenIDM managed user object. Notice that the attribute names come from the connector configuration, rather than the external resource itself.

You can create attributes on the target as part of the mapping. In the preceding example, a phoneExtension attribute with a default value of 0047 is created on the target. The "default" property can also be used to specify the value to assign to the target property if the "source" property and the "transform" script yield a null value. If no value is specified, the default value is null.

You can also set up conditions under which OpenIDM maps attributes as shown for the email attribute in the example. By default, OpenIDM synchronizes all attributes. In the example, the mail attribute is set only if the script for the condition returns true.

OpenIDM also enables you to transform attributes. In the example, the value of the displayName attribute is set using a combination of the lastName and firstName attribute values from the source. For transformations, the source property is optional. However, the source object is only available when you specify the source property. Therefore, in order to use source.lastName and source.firstName to calculate the displayName, the example specifies "source" : "".

To add a flow from the repository to MyLDAP, you would define a mapping with source managed/user and target system/MyLDAP/account, named for example managedUser_systemLdapAccounts.

The following image shows the paths to objects in the OpenIDM namespace.

OpenIDM namespace and object paths

OpenIDM stores managed objects in the repository, and exposes them under /openidm/managed. System objects on external resources are exposed under /openidm/system.

By default, OpenIDM synchronizes all objects that match those defined in the connector configuration for the resource. Many connectors allow you to limit the scope of objects that the connector accesses. For example, the LDAP connector allows you to specify base DNs and LDAP filters so that you do not need to access every entry in the directory. OpenIDM also allows you to filter what is considered a valid source or valid target for synchronization by using JavaScript code. To apply these filters, use the validSource, and validTarget properties in your mapping.


A script that determines if a source object is valid to be mapped. The script yields a boolean value: true indicates that the source object is valid; false can be used to defer mapping until some condition is met. In the root scope, the source object is provided in the "source" property. If the script is not specified, then all source objects are considered valid.

    "validSource": {
        "type": "text/javascript",
        "source": "source.ldapPassword != null"

A script, used during reconciliation's second phase, that determines if a target object is valid to be mapped. The script yields a boolean value: true indicates that the target object is valid; false indicates that the target object should not be included in reconciliation. In the root scope, the source object is provided in the "target" property. If the script is not specified, then all target objects are considered valid for mapping.

    "validTarget": {
        "type": "text/javascript",
        "source": "target.employeeType == 'internal'"

During synchronization, your scripts always have access to a source object and a target object. Examples already shown in this section use source.attributeName to retrieve attributes from the source objects. Your scripts can also write to target attributes using target.attributeName syntax.

    "onUpdate": {
        "type": "text/javascript",
        "source": "if ( != null) {target.mail =;}"

See the Scripting Reference appendix for more on scripting.

By default, all mappings participate in automatic synchronization operations. You can prevent a specific mapping from participating in automatic synchronization by setting the "enableSync" property of that mapping to false. In the following example, automatic synchronization is disabled. This means that changes to objects in the internal repository are not automatically propagated to the LDAP directory. To propagate changes to the LDAP directory, reconciliation must be launched manually.

    "mappings" : [
            "name" : "managedUser_systemLdapAccounts",
            "source" : "managed/user",
            "target" : "system/ldap/account",
            "enableSync" : false,

10.5.3. Using Encrypted Values

OpenIDM supports reversible encryption of attribute values for managed objects. Attribute values to encrypt include passwords, authentication questions, credit card numbers, and social security numbers. If passwords are already encrypted on the external resource, they are generally excluded from the synchronization process. For more information, see Managing Passwords.

You configure encryption in the managed object configuration (in the openidm/conf/managed.json file). The following example shows a managed object configuration that encrypts and decrypts securityAnswer, ssn, and password attributes using the default symmetric key, and additional scripts for extra passwords.

    "objects": [
            "name": "user",
            "properties": [
                    "name": "securityAnswer",
                    "encryption": {
                        "key": "openidm-sym-default"
                    "name": "ssn",
                    "encryption": {
                        "key": "openidm-sym-default"
                    "name": "password",
                    "encryption": {
                        "key": "openidm-sym-default"
            "onStore": {
                "type": "text/javascript",
                "file": "script/encryptExtraPassword.js"
            "onRetrieve": {
                "type": "text/javascript",
                "file": "script/decryptExtraPassword.js"

Do not use the default symmetric key, openidm-sym-default, in production. See the chapter on Securing and Hardening OpenIDM for instructions on adding your own symmetric key.

10.5.4. Restricting HTTP Access to Sensitive Data

You can protect specific sensitive data stored in the repository by marking the corresponding properties as "private". Private data, whether it is encrypted or not, is not accessible over the REST interface. Properties that are marked as private are removed from an object when that object is retrieved over REST.

To mark a property as private, set its "scope" to "private" in the conf/managed.json file.

The following extract of the managed.json file shows how HTTP access is prevented on the password and securityAnswer properties.

       "properties" : [
               "name" : "securityAnswer",
               "encryption" : {
                   "key" : "openidm-sym-default"
               "scope" : "private"
               "name" : "password",
               "encryption" : {
                   "key" : "openidm-sym-default"
               "scope" : "private"

A potential caveat with using private properties is that such properties are removed if an object is updated by using an HTTP PUT request. A PUT request replaces the entire object in the repository. Because properties that are marked as private are ignored in HTTP requests, these properties are effectively removed from the object when the update is done. To work around this limitation, do not use PUT requests if you have configured private properties. Instead, use a PATCH request to update only those properties that need to be changed.

For example, to update the familyName of user joe, replace only the familyName and not the entire user object, as follows:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --header "Content-Type: application/json"
 --request POST
 --data '[{"replace":"familyName","value": "Brown"}]'


The filtering of private data applies only to direct HTTP read and query calls on managed objects. No automatic filtering is done for internal callers, and the data that these callers choose to expose.

10.5.5. Constructing and Manipulating Attributes

OpenIDM enables you to construct and manipulate attributes using scripts that are triggered when an object is created (onCreate), updated (onUpdate), or deleted (onDelete), or when a link is created (onLink), or removed (onUnlink).

The following example derives a DN for an LDAP entry when the entry is created in the internal repository.

    "onCreate": {
        "type": "text/javascript",
            "target.dn = 'uid=' + source.uid + ',ou=people,dc=example,dc=com'"

10.6. Synchronization Situations and Actions

During synchronization, OpenIDM categorizes objects by situation. Situations are characterized by whether an object exists on a source or target system, whether OpenIDM has registered a link between the source object and the target object, and whether the object is considered valid. OpenIDM takes action depending on the situation.

You can define actions for particular situations in the policies section of a synchronization mapping, as shown in the following excerpt.

    "policies": [
            "situation": "CONFIRMED",
            "action": "UPDATE"
            "situation": "FOUND",
            "action": "IGNORE"
            "situation": "ABSENT",
            "action": "CREATE"
            "situation": "AMBIGUOUS",
            "action": "IGNORE"
            "situation": "MISSING",
            "action": "IGNORE"
            "situation": "UNQUALIFIED",
            "action": "IGNORE"
            "situation": "UNASSIGNED",
            "action": "IGNORE"

If you do not define a policy for a particular situation, OpenIDM takes the default action for the situation.

The situations and their corresponding actions are described in the following sections.

10.6.1. Synchronization Situations

OpenIDM performs a reconciliation action in two phases:

  1. Source reconciliation, where OpenIDM accounts for source objects and associated links based on the configured mapping.

  2. Target reconciliation, where OpenIDM iterates over the target objects that were not processed in the first phase.

During reconciliation OpenIDM builds three lists, assigning values to the objects to reconcile.

  1. All valid objects from the source

    OpenIDM assigns valid source objects qualifies=1. Invalid objects, including those not found in the source system, and those filtered out by the script specified validSource property, are assigned qualifies=0.

  2. All records from the appropriate link table

    Objects with corresponding links in the link table of the repository are assigned link=1. Objects without corresponding links are assigned link=0.

  3. All valid objects on the target system

    Objects found in the target system are assigned target=1. Objects that are not found in the target system are assigned target=0.

Based on the values assigned to objects during source reconciliation, OpenIDM assigns situations, listed here with their default actions.

"CONFIRMED" (qualifies=1, link=1, target=1)

The mapping qualifies for a target object, and a link to an existing target object was found. Detected during change events and reconciliation. Default action: "UPDATE".

"FOUND" (qualifies=1, link=0, target=1)

The mapping qualifies for a target object, there is no link to a target object, and there is a single target object, correlated by the logic found in the correlationQuery. Detected during change events and reconciliation. Default action: "UPDATE".

"ABSENT" (qualifies=1, link=0, target=0)

The mapping qualifies for a target object, there is no link to a target object, and there is no correlated target object found. Detected during change events and reconciliation. Default action: "CREATE".

"AMBIGUOUS" (qualifies=1, link=0, target>1)

The mapping qualifies for a target object, there is no link to a target object, but there is more than one correlated target object. Detected during source object changes and reconciliation. Default action: "EXCEPTION".

"MISSING" (qualifies=1, link=1, target=0)

The mapping qualifies for a target object, and there is a qualified link to a target object, but the target object is missing. Only detected during reconciliation and source object changes in synchronous mappings. Default action: "EXCEPTION".

"UNQUALIFIED" (qualifies=0, link=0 or 1, target=1 or >1)

The mapping is not qualified for a source object. One or more targets are found through the correlation logic. Detected during change events and reconciliation. Default action: "DELETE".

"TARGET_IGNORED" (qualifies=0, link=0 or 1, target=1)

The mapping is not qualified for a source object. One or more targets are found through the correlation logic. Detected only during source object changes. Default action: "IGNORE".

"SOURCE_IGNORED" (qualifies=0, link=0, target=0)

The source object is unqualified (by validSource), no link, no target is found. Detected during source object changes and reconciliation. Default action: "IGNORE".

"LINK_ONLY" (qualifies=n/a, link=1, target=0)

The source may or may not be qualified, a link is found, but no target object is found. Detected only during source object changes. Default action: "EXCEPTION".

"ALL_GONE" (qualifies=n/a, link=0, no previous object available)

The source may or may not be qualified, no link is found, and the server is unable to correlate, as the source cannot supply the deleted object. Detected only during source object changes. Default action: "IGNORE".

Based on the values assigned to objects during target reconciliation, OpenIDM assigns situations, listed here with their default actions.

"TARGET_IGNORED" (qualifies=0)

During target reconciliation the target becomes unqualified by the "validTarget" script. Only detected during reconciliation. Default action: "IGNORE"

"UNASSIGNED" (qualifies=1, link=0)

A target object exists for which there is no link. Only detected during reconciliation. Default action: "EXCEPTION".

"CONFIRMED" (qualifies=1, link=1, source=1)

The mapping qualifies for a target object, and a link to a source object exists. Detected only during reconciliation. Default action: "UPDATE".

"UNQUALIFIED" (qualifies=0, link=1, source=1, but source does not qualify)

The mapping is not qualified (by validTarget) for a target object, and there is a link from an existing source object where the source exists. Detected during change events and reconciliation. Default action: "DELETE".

SOURCE_MISSING (qualifies=1, link=1, source=0)

The target qualifies and a link is found. But the source object is missing. Detected during change events and reconciliation. Default action: "DELETE".

The following sections reiterate in detail how OpenIDM assigns situations during each of the two synchronization phases.

10.6.2. Source Reconciliation

OpenIDM starts reconciliation and LiveSync by reading a list of objects from the resource. For reconciliation, the list includes all objects available through the connector. For LiveSync, the list contains only changed objects. The connector can filter objects out of the list, too. You can filter objects out of the list by using the validSource property.

OpenIDM then iterates over the list, checking each entry against the validSource filter, classifying objects according to their situations as described in Section 10.6.1, “Synchronization Situations”. OpenIDM uses the list of links for the current mapping to classify objects. Finally, OpenIDM executes the action configured for the situation.

The following table shows how OpenIDM assigns the appropriate situation during source reconciliation, depending on whether a valid source exists (Source Qualifies), whether a link with the appropriate type exists in the repository (Link Exists), and how many target objects are found, either based on links or correlation results.

Table 10.1. Resolving Source Reconciliation Situations
Source Qualifies?Link Exists?Target Objects Found[a]Situation
YesNoYesNo01> 1

[a] If no link exists for the source object, then OpenIDM executes a correlation query. If no previous object is available, OpenIDM cannot correlate.

10.6.3. Target Reconciliation

During source reconciliation, OpenIDM cannot detect situations where no source object exists, such as the UNASSIGNED situation. When no source object exists, OpenIDM detects the situation during the second reconciliation phase, target reconciliation. During target reconciliation, OpenIDM iterates over all target objects that do not have a representation on the source, checking each object against the validTarget filter, determining the appropriate situation, and executing the action configured for the situation.

The following table shows how OpenIDM assigns the appropriate situation during target reconciliation, depending on whether a valid target exists (Target Qualifies), whether a link with an appropriate type exists in the repository (Link Exists), whether a source object exists (Source Exists), and whether the source object qualifies (Source Qualifies). Not all situations assigned during source reconciliation are assigned during target reconciliation.

Table 10.2. Resolving Target Reconciliation Situations
Target Qualifies?Link Exists?Source Exists?Source Qualifies?Situation

10.6.4. Situations Specific to Automatic Synchronization and LiveSync

Certain situations occur only during automatic synchronization (when OpenIDM pushes changes made in the repository out to external systems) and LiveSync (when OpenIDM polls external system change logs for changes and updates the repository).

The following table shows the situations that pertain only to automatic sync and LiveSync, when records are deleted from the source or target resource.

Table 10.3. Resolving Automatic Sync and LiveSync Delete Situations
Source Qualifies?Link Exists?Target Objects Found[a]Situation
YesNoYesNo01> 1

[a] If no link exists for the source object, then OpenIDM executes a correlation query. If no previous object is available, OpenIDM cannot correlate.

10.6.5. Synchronization Actions

Once OpenIDM has assigned a situation to an object, OpenIDM takes the actions configured in the mapping. If no action is configured, then OpenIDM takes the default action for the situation. OpenIDM supports the following actions.


Create and link a target object.


Link and update a target object.


Delete and unlink the target object.


Link the correlated target object.


Unlink the linked target object.


Flag the link situation as an exception.

Do not use this action for LiveSync mappings.


Do not change the link or target object state.

10.6.6. Providing a Script as an Action

In addition to the static synchronization actions described in the previous section, you can provide a script that is run in specific synchronization situations. The following extract of a sample sync.json file specifies that when a synchronization operation assesses an entry as ABSENT, the workflow named managedUserApproval is invoked. The parameters for the workflow are passed in as properties of the action parameter.

    "situation" : "ABSENT",
    "action" : {
        "workflowName" : "managedUserApproval",
        "type" : "text/javascript",
        "file" : "bin/defaults/script/workflow/workflow.js"

The variables available to these scripts are described in Variables Available in Scripts in the Scripting Appendix.

10.7. Asynchronous Reconciliation

Reconciliation can work in tandem with workflows to provide additional business logic to the reconciliation process. You can define scripts to determine the action that should be taken for a particular reconciliation situation. A reconciliation process can launch a workflow after it has assessed a situation, and then perform the reconciliation, or some other action.

For example, you might want a reconciliation process to assess new user accounts that need to be created on a target resource. However, new user account creation might require some kind of approval from a manager before the accounts are actually created. The initial reconciliation process can assess the accounts that need to be created, launch a workflow to request management approval for those accounts, and then relaunch the reconciliation process to create the accounts, once the management approval has been received.

In this scenario, the defined script returns IGNORE for new accounts and the reconciliation engine does not continue processing the given object. The script then initiates an asynchronous process which calls back and completes the reconciliation process at a later stage.

A sample configuration for this scenario is available in openidm/samples/sample9, and described in Sample 9 - Asynchronous Reconciliation Using Workflows in the Installation Guide.

Configuring asynchronous reconciliation involves the following steps:

  1. Create the workflow definition file (.bar file) and place it in the openidm/workflow directory. For more information about creating workflows, see Integrating Business Processes and Workflows.

  2. Modify the conf/sync.json file for the situation or situations that should call the workflow. Reference the workflow name in the configuration for that situation.

    For example, the following sync.json extract calls the managedUserApproval workflow if the situation is assessed as ABSENT:

                        "situation" : "ABSENT",
                        "action" : {
                            "workflowName" : "managedUserApproval",
                            "type" : "text/javascript",
                            "file" : "bin/defaults/script/workflow/workflow.js"
  3. In the sample configuration, the workflow calls a second, asynchronous reconciliation process as a final step.

10.8. Configuring Case Sensitivity for Data Stores

By default, OpenIDM is case-sensitive, which means that case is taken into account when comparing IDs during reconciliation. For data stores that are case-insensitive, such as OpenDJ, IDs and links that are created by a reconciliation process may be stored with a different case to the way in which they are stored in the OpenIDM repository. Such a situation can cause problems during a reconciliation operation, as the links for these IDs may not match.

For such data stores, you can configure OpenIDM to ignore case during reconciliation operations. With case sensitivity turned off in OpenIDM, for those specific mappings, comparisons are done without regard to case.

To specify that data stores are not case-sensitive, set the "sourceIdsCaseSensitive" or "targetIdsCaseSensitive" property to false in the mapping for those links. For example, if the LDAP data store is case-insensitive, set the mapping from the LDAP store to the managed user repository as follows:

"mappings" : [
"name" : "systemLdapAccounts_managedUser",
"source" : "system/ldap/account",
"sourceIdsCaseSensitive" : false,
"target" : "managed/user",
"properties" : [

If a mapping inherits links by using the "links" property, it is not necessary to set case sensitivity, because the mapping uses the setting of the referred links.

Note that configuring OpenIDM to be case-insensitive when comparing links does not make the OpenICF provisioner case-insensitive when it requests data. For example, if a user entry is stored with the ID testuser and you make a request for http://localhost:8080/openidm/managed/TESTuser, most provisioners will filter out the match because of the difference in case, and will indicate that the record is not found. To prevent the provisioner from performing this secondary filtering, set the enableFilteredResultsHandler property to false in the provisioner configuration. For example:

"resultsHandlerConfig" :


Do not disable the filtered results handler for the CSV file connector. The CSV file connector does not perform filtering so if you disable the filtered results handler for this connector, the full CSV file will be returned for every request.

10.9. Reconciliation Optimization

By default, reconciliation is configured to function in an optimized way. Some of these optimizations might, however, be unsuitable for your environment. The following sections describe the optimizations and how they can be configured.

10.9.1. Correlating Empty Target Sets

To optimize a reconciliation operation, the reconciliation process does not attempt to correlate source objects to target objects if the set of target objects is empty when the correlation is started. This considerably speeds up the process the first time the reconciliation is run. You can change this behavior for a specific mapping by adding the correlateEmptyTargetSet property to the mapping definition and setting it to true. For example:

    "mappings": [
            "name"                     : "systemMyLDAPAccounts_managedUser",
            "source"                   : "system/MyLDAP/account",
            "target"                   : "managed/user",
            "correlateEmptyTargetSet"  : true

Be aware that this setting will have a performance impact on the reconciliation process.

10.9.3. Parallel Reconciliation Threads

By default, reconciliation is executed in a multi-threaded manner, that is, numerous threads are dedicated to the same reconciliation run. Multithreading generally improves reconciliation run performance. The default number of threads for a single reconciliation run is ten (plus the main reconciliation thread). Under normal circumstances, you should not need to change this number, however the default might not be appropriate in the following situations:

  • The hardware has many cores and supports more concurrent threads. As a rule of thumb for performance tuning, start with setting the thread number to two times the number of cores.

  • The source or target is an external system with high latency or slow response times. Threads may then spend considerable time waiting for a response from the external system. Increasing the available threads enables the system to prepare or continue with additional objects.

To change the number of threads, set the taskThreads property in the conf/sync.json file, for example:

    "mappings" : [
            "name" : "systemXmlfileAccounts_managedUser",
            "source" : "system/xmlfile/account",
            "target" : "managed/user",
            "taskThreads" : 20

A value of 0 specifies that reconciliation is run on the main reconciliation thread, that is, in a serial manner.

10.10. Correlation Queries

Every time OpenIDM creates an object through synchronization, it creates a link between the source and target objects. OpenIDM then uses the link to determine the object's situation during later synchronization operations.

Initial, bulk synchronization operations can involve correlating many objects that exist both on source and target systems. In this case, OpenIDM uses correlation queries to find target objects that already exist, and that correspond to source objects. For the target objects that match a correlation query, OpenIDM needs only to create a link, rather than a new target object.

Correlation queries run against target resources. The query syntax therefore depends on the target system, and is either specific to the data store underlying the OpenIDM repository, or to OpenICF query capabilities.

10.10.1. Managed Object as Correlation Query Target

Queries on managed objects in the repository must be defined in the configuration file for the repository, which is either openidm/conf/repo.orientdb.json, or openidm/conf/repo.jdbc.json.

The following example shows a correlation query defined in openidm/conf/repo.orientdb.json.

"for-userName" : "SELECT * FROM ${unquoted:_resource} WHERE userName = ${uid}"

By default, a ${value} token replacement is assumed to be a quoted string. If the value is not a quoted string, use the unquoted: prefix, as shown above.

The following correlation query example shows the JavaScript to call the query defined for OrientDB. The _queryId property value matches the name of the query specified in openidm/conf/repo.orientdb.json, for-userName. The value replaces ${uid} in the query. OpenIDM replaces ${unquoted:_resource} in the query with the name of the table that holds managed objects.

  "correlationQuery": {
    "type": "text/javascript",
      "var query = {'_queryId' : 'for-userName', 'uid' :}; query;"

The query can return zero or more objects, so the situation OpenIDM assigns to the source object depends on the number of target objects returned.

With a JDBC-based repository, the query defined in openidm/conf/repo.jdbc.json is more complex due to how the tables are indexed. The correlation query you define in openidm/conf/sync.json is the same, however.

10.10.2. System Object as Correlation Query Target

Correlation queries on system objects access the connector. The connector then executes the query on the external resource.

Your correlation query JavaScript must return a map holding a generic query with the following elements.

  • A condition such as "Equals"

  • The naming attribute to compare on the system object. In the example that follows, the naming attribute is uid.

  • The value from the source object to use in the search filter. You set this as the value of the value property, which takes an array. In the example that follows, the value to use in the search filter is source.userName.

varmap={"query": {"Equals": {"field": "uid", "values": [ source.userName ]}}};

10.11. Advanced Data Flow Configuration

Section 10.5, “Basic Data Flow Configuration” shows how to trigger scripts when objects are created and updated. Other situations require you to trigger scripts in response to other synchronization actions. For example, you might not want OpenIDM to delete a managed user directly when an external account is deleted, but instead unlink the objects and deactivate the user in another resource. (Alternatively, you might delete the object in OpenIDM but nevertheless execute a script.) The following example shows a more advanced mapping configuration.

    "mappings": [
            "name": "systemLdapAccount_managedUser",
            "source": "system/ldap/account",
            "target": "managed/user",
            "validSource": {
                "type": "text/javascript",
                "file": "script/isValid.js"
            "correlationQuery": {
                "type": "text/javascript",
                "file": "script/ldapCorrelationQuery.js"
            "properties": [
                    "source": "uid",
                    "transform": {
                        "type": "text/javascript",
                        "source": "source.toLowerCase()"
                    "target": "userName"
                    "source": "",
                    "transform": {
                        "type": "text/javascript",
                        "source": "if (source.myGivenName)
                            {source.myGivenName;} else {source.givenName;}"
                    "target": "givenName"
                    "source": "",
                    "transform": {
                        "type": "text/javascript",
                        "source": "if (source.mySn)
                            {source.mySn;} else {;}"
                    "target": "familyName"
                    "source": "cn",
                    "target": "fullname"
                    "comment": "Multi-valued in LDAP, single-valued in AD.
                        Retrieve first non-empty value.",
                    "source": "title",
                    "transform": {
                        "type": "text/javascript",
                        "file": "script/getFirstNonEmpty.js"
                    "target": "title"
                    "condition": {
                        "type": "text/javascript",
                        "source": "var clearObj = openidm.decrypt(object);
                            ((clearObj.password != null) &&
                            (clearObj.ldapPassword != clearObj.password))"
                    "transform": {
                        "type": "text/javascript",
                        "source": "source.password"
                    "target": "__PASSWORD__"
            "onCreate": {
                "type": "text/javascript",
                "source": "target.ldapPassword = null;
                    target.adPassword = null;
                    target.password = null;
                    target.ldapStatus = 'New Account'"
            "onUpdate": {
                "type": "text/javascript",
                "source": "target.ldapStatus = 'OLD'"
            "onUnlink": {
                "type": "text/javascript",
                "file": "script/triggerAdDisable.js"
            "policies": [
                    "situation": "CONFIRMED",
                    "action": "UPDATE"
                    "situation": "FOUND",
                    "action": "UPDATE"
                    "situation": "ABSENT",
                    "action": "CREATE"
                    "situation": "AMBIGUOUS",
                    "action": "EXCEPTION"
                    "situation": "MISSING",
                    "action": "EXCEPTION"
                    "situation": "UNQUALIFIED",
                    "action": "UNLINK"
                    "situation": "UNASSIGNED",
                    "action": "EXCEPTION"

The following list shows all the properties that you can use as hooks in mapping configurations to call scripts.

Triggered by Situation

onCreate, onUpdate, onDelete, onLink, onUnlink

Object Filter

vaildSource, validTarget

Correlating Objects


Triggered on Reconciliation


Scripts Inside Properties

condition, transform

Your scripts can get data from any connected system at any time by using the function, where id is the identifier of the object to read.

The following example reads a managed user object from the repository.

repoUser ="managed/user/ddoe);

The following example reads an account from an external LDAP resource.

externalAccount ="system/ldap/account/uid=ddoe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com");

Note that the query targets a DN rather than a UID, as it did in the previous example. The attribute that is used for the _id is defined in the connector configuration file and, in this example, is set to "uidAttribute" : "dn". Although it is possible to use a DN (or any unique attribute) for the _id, as a best practice, you should use an attribute that is both unique and immutable.

10.12. Scheduling Synchronization

You can schedule synchronization operations, such as LiveSync and reconciliation, using cron-like syntax.

This section describes scheduling for reconciliation and LiveSync, however, you can also use OpenIDM's scheduler service to schedule any other event by supplying a link to a script file, in which that event is defined. For information about scheduling other events, and for a deeper understanding of the OpenIDM scheduler service, see Scheduling Tasks and Events.

10.12.1. Configuring Scheduled Synchronization

Each scheduled reconciliation and LiveSync task requires a schedule configuration file in opendidm/conf. By convention, files are named openidm/conf/schedule-schedule-name .json, where schedule-name is a logical name for the scheduled synchronization operation, such as reconcile_systemXmlAccounts_managedUser.

Schedule configuration files have the following format:

 "enabled"       : true,
 "persisted"     : false,
 "type"          : "cron",
 "startTime"     : "(optional) time",
 "endTime"       : "(optional) time",
 "schedule"      : "cron expression",
 "misfirePolicy" : "optional, string",
 "timeZone"      : "(optional) time zone",
 "invokeService" : "service identifier",
 "invokeContext" : "service specific context info"

For an explanation of each of these properties, see Scheduling Tasks and Events.

To schedule a reconciliation or LiveSync task, set the invokeService property to either "sync" (for reconciliation) or "provisioner" for LiveSync.

The value of the invokeContext property depends on the type of scheduled event. For reconciliation, the properties are set as follows:

    "invokeService": "sync",
    "invokeContext": {
        "action": "reconcile",
        "mapping": "systemLdapAccount_managedUser"

The "mapping" is either referenced by its name in the openidm/conf/sync.json file, or defined inline by using the "mapping" property, as shown in the example in Alternative Mappings.

For LiveSync, the properties are set as follows:

    "invokeService": "provisioner",
    "invokeContext": {
        "action": "liveSync",
        "source": "system/OpenDJ/__ACCOUNT__"

The "source" property follows OpenIDM's convention for a pointer to an external resource object and takes the form system/resource-name/ object-type.

10.12.2. Alternative Mappings

Mappings for synchronization are usually stored in openidm/conf/sync.json for reconciliation, LiveSync, and for pushing changes made to managed objects to external resources. You can, however, provide alternative mappings for scheduled reconciliation by adding the mapping to the schedule configuration instead of referencing a mapping in sync.json.

    "enabled": true,
    "type": "cron",
    "schedule": "0 08 16 * * ?",
    "invokeService": "sync",
    "invokeContext": {
        "action": "reconcile",
        "mapping": {
            "name": "CSV_XML",
            "source": "system/Ldap/account",
            "target": "managed/user",
            "properties": [
                    "source": "firstname",
                    "target": "firstname"
            "policies": [...]

Chapter 11. Scheduling Tasks and Events

OpenIDM enables you to schedule reconciliation and synchronization tasks. You can also use scheduling to trigger scripts, collect and run reports, trigger workflows, perform custom logging, and so forth.

OpenIDM supports cron-like syntax to schedule events and tasks, based on expressions supported by the Quartz Scheduler (bundled with OpenIDM).

If you use configuration files to schedule tasks and events, you must place the schedule files in the openidm/conf directory. By convention, OpenIDM uses file names of the form schedule-schedule-name.json, where schedule-name is a logical name for the scheduled operation, for example, schedule-reconcile_systemXmlAccounts_managedUser.json. There are several example schedule configuration files in the openidm/samples/schedules directory.

You can configure OpenIDM to pick up changes to scheduled tasks and events dynamically, during initialization and also at runtime. For more information, see Changing the Configuration.

In addition to the fine-grained scheduling facility, you can perform a scheduled batch scan for a specified date in OpenIDM data, and then automatically execute a task when this date is reached. For more information, see Section 11.5, “Scanning Data to Trigger Tasks”.

11.1. Scheduler Configuration

Schedules are configured through JSON objects. The schedule configuration involves two types of files:

  • The openidm/conf/scheduler.json file, that configures the overall scheduler service

  • One openidm/conf/schedule-schedule-name.json file for each configured schedule

The scheduler service configuration file (openidm/conf/scheduler.json) governs the configuration for a specific scheduler instance, and has the following format:

 "threadPool" : {
     "threadCount" : "10"
 "scheduler" : {
     "instanceId" : "scheduler-example",
     "executePersistentSchedules" : "true",
     "instanceTimeout" : "60000",
     "instanceRecoveryTimeout" : "60000",
     "instanceCheckInInterval" : "10000",
     "instanceCheckInOffset" : "0"
 "advancedProperties" : {
     "org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName" : "OpenIDMScheduler"

Some of the optional properties are not in the default configuration file and are used specifically in the context of clustered OpenIDM instances.

The properties in the scheduler.json file relate to the configuration of the Quartz Scheduler.

  • threadCount specifies the maximum number of threads that are available for the concurrent execution of scheduled tasks.

  • instanceID can be any string, but must be unique for all schedulers working as if they are the same 'logical' Scheduler within a cluster.

  • instanceTimeout specifies the number of milliseconds that must elapse with no check-ins from a scheduler instance before it is considered to have timed out or failed. Default: 60000 (60 seconds). When this timeout is reached, the instance is considered to be in a "recovery" state.

  • instanceRecoveryTimeout specifies the number of milliseconds that must elapse while an instance is in the "recovery" state (meaning that it has failed and another instance is now attempting to recover its acquired triggers) before the scheduler instance recovery is considered to have failed. Default: 60000 (60 seconds).

  • instanceCheckInInterval Specifies the period (in milliseconds) after which an instance checks in to indicate that it has not timed out or failed. Default: 10000 (10 seconds).

  • instanceCheckInOffset An offset (in milliseconds) that can be used to shift the checkin events of instances to prevent all instances from accessing the repository simultaneously (if the instances are started simultaneously and have the same check-in intervals). This offset can help to minimize MVCC warnings from multiple instances simultaneously trying to recover the same failed instance. Default: 0.

  • executePersistentSchedules allows you to disable persistent schedule execution for a specific node. If this parameter is set to false, the Scheduler Service will support the management of persistent schedules (CRUD operations) but it will not execute any persistent schedules. The value of this property can be a string or boolean and is true by default.

  • advancedProperties (optional) enables you to configure additional properties for the Quartz Scheduler.

For details of all the configurable properties for the Quartz Scheduler, see the Quartz Scheduler Configuration Reference.

Each schedule configuration file, openidm/conf/schedule- schedule-name.json has the following format:

 "enabled"             : true,
 "persisted"           : false,
 "concurrentExecution" : false,
 "type"                : "cron",
 "startTime"           : "(optional) time",
 "endTime"             : "(optional) time",
 "schedule"            : "cron expression",
 "misfirePolicy"       : "optional, string",
 "timeZone"            : "(optional) time zone",
 "invokeService"       : "service identifier",
 "invokeContext"       : "service specific context info",
 "invokeLogLevel"      : "(optional) debug"

The schedule configuration properties are defined as follows:


Set to true to enable the schedule. When this property is set to false, OpenIDM considers the schedule configuration dormant, and does not allow it to be triggered or executed.

If you want to retain a schedule configuration, but do not want it used, set enabled to false for task and event schedulers, instead of changing the configuration or cron expressions.

persisted (optional)

Specifies whether the schedule state should be persisted or stored in RAM. Boolean (true or false), false by default. For more information, see Section 11.2, “Configuring Persistent Schedules”.


Specifies whether multiple instances of the same schedule can run concurrently. Boolean (true or false), false by default. Multiple instances of the same schedule cannot run concurrently by default. This setting prevents a new scheduled task from being launched before the same previously launched task has completed. For example, under normal circumstances you would want a liveSync operation to complete its execution before the same operation was launched again. To enable concurrent execution of multiple schedules, set this parameter to true. The behavior of "missed" scheduled tasks is governed by the misfirePolicy.


Currently OpenIDM supports only cron.

startTime (optional)

Used to start the schedule at some time in the future. If this parameter is omitted, empty, or set to a time in the past, the task or event is scheduled to start immediately.

Use ISO 8601 format to specify times and dates ( YYYY-MM-DD Thh:mm :ss).

endTime (optional)

Used to plan the end of scheduling.


Takes cron expression syntax. For more information, see the CronTrigger Tutorial and Lesson 6: CronTrigger.


For persistent schedules, this optional parameter specifies the behavior if the scheduled task is missed, for some reason. Possible values are as follows:

  • fireAndProceed. The first execution of a missed schedule is immediately executed when the server is back online. Subsequent executions are discarded. After this, the normal schedule is resumed.

  • doNothing, all missed schedules are discarded and the normal schedule is resumed when the server is back online.

timeZone (optional)

If not set, OpenIDM uses the system time zone.


Defines the type of scheduled event or action. The value of this parameter can be one of the following:

  • "sync" for reconciliation

  • "provisioner" for LiveSync

  • "script" to call some other scheduled operation defined in a script


Specifies contextual information, depending on the type of scheduled event (the value of the invokeService parameter).

The following example invokes reconciliation.

    "invokeService": "sync",
    "invokeContext": {
        "action": "reconcile",
        "mapping": "systemLdapAccount_managedUser"

For a scheduled reconciliation task, you can define the mapping in one of two ways:

  • Reference a mapping by its name in sync.json, as shown in the previous example. The mapping must exist in the openidm/conf/sync.json file.

  • Add the mapping definition inline by using the "mapping" property, as shown in the example in Alternative Mappings.

The following example invokes a LiveSync action.

    "invokeService": "provisioner",
    "invokeContext": {
        "action": "liveSync",
        "source": "system/OpenDJ/__ACCOUNT__"

For scheduled LiveSync tasks, the "source" property follows OpenIDM's convention for a pointer to an external resource object and takes the form system/resource-name /object-type.

The following example invokes a script, which prints the string Hello World to the OpenIDM log (/openidm/logs/openidm0.log.X) each minute.

    "invokeService": "script",
    "invokeContext": {
        "script": {
            "type": "text/javascript",
            "source": "java.lang.System.out.println('Hello World’);"

Note that these are sample configurations only. Your own schedule configuration will differ according to your specific requirements.

invokelogLevel (optional)

Specifies the level at which the invocation will be logged. Particularly for schedules that run very frequently, such as LiveSync, the scheduled task can generate significant output to the log file, and the log level should be adjusted accordingly. The default schedule log level is info. The value can be set to any one of the SLF4J log levels:

  • "trace"

  • "debug"

  • "info"

  • "warn"

  • "error"

  • "fatal"

11.2. Configuring Persistent Schedules

By default, scheduling information, such as schedule state and details of the schedule execution, is stored in RAM. This means that such information is lost when OpenIDM is rebooted. The schedule configuration itself (defined in the openidm/conf/schedule- schedule-name.json file) is not lost when OpenIDM is shut down, and normal scheduling continues when the server is restarted. However, there are no details of missed schedule executions that should have occurred during the period the server was unavailable.

You can configure schedules to be persistent, which means that the scheduling information is stored in the internal repository rather than in RAM. With persistent schedules, scheduling information is retained when OpenIDM is shut down. Any previously scheduled jobs can be rescheduled automatically when OpenIDM is restarted.

Persistent schedules also enable you to manage scheduling across a cluster (multiple OpenIDM instances). When scheduling is persistent, a particular schedule will be executed only once across the cluster, rather than once on every OpenIDM instance. For example, if your deployment includes a cluster of OpenIDM nodes for high availability, you can use persistent scheduling to start a reconciliation action on only one node in the cluster, instead of starting several competing reconciliation actions on each node.

You can use persistent schedules with the default OrientDB repository, or with the MySQL repository (see Installing a Repository For Production).

To configure persistent schedules, set the "persisted" property to true in the schedule configuration file (schedule-schedule-name.json).

If OpenIDM is down when a scheduled task was set to occur, one or more executions of that schedule might be missed. To specify what action should be taken if schedules are missed, set the misfirePolicy in the schedule configuration file. The misfirePolicy determines what OpenIDM should do if scheduled tasks are missed. Possible values are as follows:

  • fireAndProceed. The first execution of a missed schedule is immediately executed when the server is back online. Subsequent executions are discarded. After this, the normal schedule is resumed.

  • doNothing. All missed schedules are discarded and the normal schedule is resumed when the server is back online.

11.3. Schedule Examples

The following example shows a schedule for reconciliation that is not enabled. When enabled ("enabled" : true,), reconciliation runs every 30 minutes, starting on the hour.

    "enabled": false,
    "persisted": false,
    "type": "cron",
    "schedule": "0 0/30 * * * ?",
    "invokeService": "sync",
    "invokeContext": {
        "action": "reconcile",
        "mapping": "systemLdapAccounts_managedUser"

The following example shows a schedule for LiveSync enabled to run every 15 seconds, starting at the beginning of the minute. The schedule is persisted, that is, stored in the internal repository rather than in memory. If one or more LiveSync executions are missed, as a result of OpenIDM being unavailable, the first execution of the LiveSync action is executed when the server is back online. Subsequent executions are discarded. After this, the normal schedule is resumed.

    "enabled": false,
    "persisted": true,
    "misfirePolicy" : "fireAndProceed",
    "type": "cron",
    "schedule": "0/15 * * * * ?",
    "invokeService": "provisioner",
    "invokeContext": {
        "action": "liveSync",
        "source": "system/ldap/account"

11.4. Service Implementer Notes

Services that can be scheduled implement ScheduledService. The service PID is used as a basis for the service identifier in schedule definitions.

11.5. Scanning Data to Trigger Tasks

In addition to the fine-grained scheduling facility described previously, OpenIDM provides a task scanning mechanism. The task scanner enables you to perform a batch scan for a specified date in OpenIDM data, on a scheduled interval, and then to execute a task when this date is reached. When the task scanner identifies a condition that should trigger the task, it can invoke a script created specifically to handle the task.

For example, the task scanner can scan all managed/user objects for a "sunset date" and can invoke a script that executes a sunset task on the user object when this date is reached.

11.5.1. Configuring the Task Scanner

The task scanner is essentially a scheduled task that queries a span of managed users. The task scanner is configured in the same way as a regular scheduled task, in a schedule configuration file named (schedule-task-name.json), with the "invokeService" parameter set to "taskscanner. The "invokeContext" parameter defines the details of the scan, and the task that should be executed when the specified condition is triggered.

The following example defines a scheduled scanning task that triggers a sunset script. This sample configuration file is provided in the OpenIDM delivery as openidm/samples/taskscanner/conf/schedule-taskscan_sunset.json. To use this sample file, you must copy it to the openidm/conf directory.

    "enabled" : true,
    "type" : "cron",
    "schedule" : "0 0 * * * ?",
    "invokeService" : "taskscanner",
    "invokeContext" : {
        "waitForCompletion" : false,
        "maxRecords" : 2000,
        "numberOfThreads" : 5,
        "scan" : {
            "object" : "managed/user",
            "_queryId" : "scan-tasks",
            "property" : "sunset/date",
            "condition" : {
                "before" : "${}"
            "taskState" : {
                "started" : "sunset/task-started",
                "completed" : "sunset/task-completed"
            "recovery" : {
                "timeout" : "10m"
        "task" : {
            "script" : {
                "type" : "text/javascript",
                "file" : "script/sunset.js"

The "invokeContext" parameter takes the following properties:

"waitForCompletion" (optional)

This property specifies whether the task should be performed synchronously. Tasks are performed asynchronously by default (with waitForCompletion set to false). A task ID (such as {"_id":"354ec41f-c781-4b61-85ac-93c28c180e46"}) is returned immediately. If this property is set to true, tasks are performed synchronously and the ID is not returned until all tasks have completed.

"maxRecords" (optional)

The maximum number of records that can be processed. This property is not set by default so the number of records is unlimited. If a maximum number of records is specified, that number will be spread evenly over the number of threads.

"numberOfThreads" (optional)

By default, the task scanner runs in a multi-threaded manner, that is, numerous threads are dedicated to the same scanning task run. Multithreading generally improves the performance of the task scanner. The default number of threads for a single scanning task is ten. To change this default, set the "numberOfThreads" property.


Defines the details of the scan. The following properties are defined:


Defines the object type against which the query should be performed.


Specifies the query that is performed. The queries that can be set here are defined in the database configuration file (either conf/repo.orientdb.json or conf/repo.jdbc.json).


Defines the object property against which the range query is performed.

"condition" (optional)

Indicates the conditions that must be matched for the defined property.

In the previous example, the scanner scans for users for whom the property sunset/date is set to a value prior to the current timestamp at the time the script is executed.

You can use these fields to define any condition. For example, if you wanted to limit the scanned objects to a specified location, say, London, you could formulate a query to compare against object locations and then set the condition to be:

            "condition" : {
                "location" : "London"

For time-based conditions, the "condition" property supports macro syntax, based on the object (which fetches the current time). You can specify any date/time in relation to the current time, using the + or - operator, and a duration modifier. For example: "before": "${ + 1d}" would return all user objects whose sunset/date is before tomorrow (current time plus one day). You must include space characters around the operator (+ or -). The duration modifier supports the following unit specifiers:

s - second
m - minute
h - hour
d - day
M - month
y - year

Indicates the fields that are used to track the status of the task.

"started" specifies the field that stores the timestamp for when the task begins.
"completed” specifies the field that stores the timestamp for when the task completes its operation.
"recovery" (optional)

Specifies a configurable timeout, after which the task scanner process ends. In a scenario with clustered OpenIDM instances, there might be more than one task scanner running at a time. A task cannot be executed by two task scanners at the same time. When one task scanner "claims" a task, it indicates that the task has been started. That task is then unavailable to be claimed by another task scanner and remains unavailable until the end of the task is indicated. In the event that the first task scanner does not complete the task by the specified timeout, for whatever reason, a second task scanner can pick up the task.


Provides details of the task that is performed. Usually, the task is invoked by a script, whose details are defined in the "script" property:

"type" - the type of script. Currently, only JavaScript is supported.
"file" - the path to the script file. The script file takes at least two objects (in addition to the default objects that are provided to all OpenIDM scripts): "input" which is the individual object that is retrieved from the query (in the example, this is the individual user object) and "objectID" which is a string that contains the full identifier of the object. The objectID is useful for performing updates with the script as it allows you to target the object directly, for example: openidm.update(objectID, input['_rev'], input);. A sample script file is provided in openidm/samples/taskscanner/script/sunset.js. To use this sample file, you must copy it to the openidm/script directory. The sample script marks all user objects that match the specified conditions as "inactive". You can use this sample script to trigger a specific workflow, or any other task associated with the sunset process. For more information about using scripts in OpenIDM, see the Scripting Reference.

11.5.2. Managing Scanning Tasks Over REST

You can trigger, cancel, and monitor scanning tasks over the REST interface, using the REST endpoint http://localhost:8080/openidm/taskscanner. Triggering a Scanning Task

The following REST command executes a task named "taskscan_sunrise". The task itself is defined in a file named openidm/conf/schedule-taskscan_sunset.json.

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request POST

By default, a scanning task ID is returned immediately when the task is initiated. Clients can make subsequent calls to the task scanner service, using this task ID to query its state and to call operations on it.

For example, the scanning task initiated previously would return something similar to the following, as soon as it was initiated:


To have the scanning task complete before the ID is returned, set the waitForCompletion property to true in the task definition file (schedule-taskscan_sunset.json). You can also set the property directly over the REST interface when the task is initiated. For example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request POST
 "http://localhost:8080/openidm/taskscanner?_action=execute&name=schedule/taskscan_sunset&waitForCompletion=true" Canceling a Scanning Task

You can cancel a scanning task by sending a REST call with the cancel action, specifying the task ID. For example, the following call cancels the scanning task initiated in the previous section.

 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request POST

The output for a scanning task cancelation request is similar to the following, but on a single line:

     "status":"SUCCESS"} Listing Scanning Tasks

You can display a list of scanning tasks that have completed, and those that are in progress, by running a RESTful GET on "http://localhost:8080/openidm/taskscanner". The following example displays all scanning tasks.

 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET

The output of such a request is similar to the following, with one item for each scanning task. The output appears on a single line, but has been indented here, for legibility.

{"tasks": [
      "_id": "edfaf59c-aad1-442a-adf6-3620b24f8385",
      "progress": {
        "state": "COMPLETED",
        "processed": 2400,
        "total": 2400,
        "successes": 2400,
        "failures": 0
      "started": 1352455546149,
      "ended": 1352455546182

Each scanning task has the following properties:


The ID of the scanning task.


The progress of the scanning task, summarised in the following fields:

state - the overall state of the task, INITIALIZED, ACTIVE, COMPLETED, CANCELLED, or ERROR
processed - the number of processed records
total - the total number of records
successes - the number of records processed successfully
failures - the number of records not able to be processed

The time at which the scanning task started, .


The time at which the scanning task ended.

The number of processed tasks whose details are retained is governed by the "openidm.taskscanner.maxcompletedruns" property in the conf/ file. By default, the last one hundred completed tasks are retained.

Chapter 12. Managing Passwords

OpenIDM provides password management features that help you enforce password policies, limit the number of passwords users must remember, and let users reset and change their passwords.

12.1. Enforcing Password Policy

A password policy is a set of rules defining what sequence of characters constitutes an acceptable password. Acceptable passwords generally are too complex for users or automated programs to generate or guess.

Password policies set requirements for password length, character sets that passwords must contain, dictionary words and other values that passwords must not contain. Password policies also require that users not reuse old passwords, and that users change their passwords on a regular basis.

OpenIDM enforces password policy rules as part of the general policy service. For more information about the policy service, see Using Policies to Validate Data. The default password policy applies the following rules to passwords as they are created and updated:

  • A password property is required for any user object.

  • The value of a password cannot be empty.

  • The password must include at least one capital letter.

  • The password must include at least one number.

  • The minimum length of a password is 8 characters.

  • The password cannot contain the user name, given name, or family name.

You can remove these validation requirements, or include additional requirements, by configuring the policy for passwords. For more information, see Configuring the Default Policy.

The password validation mechanism can apply in many situations.

Password change and password reset

Password change involves changing a user or account password in accordance with password policy. Password reset involves setting a new user or account password on behalf of a user.

By default, OpenIDM controls password values as they are provisioned.

To change the default administrative user password, openidm-admin, see the procedure, To Replace the Default User and Password, for instructions.

Password recovery

Password recovery involves recovering a password or setting a new password when the password has been forgotten.

OpenIDM provides a self-service end user interface for password changes, password recovery, and password reset. For more information, see Managing Passwords With the UI.

Password comparisons with dictionary words

You can add dictionary lookups to prevent use of password values that match dictionary words.

Password history

You can add checks to prevent reuse of previous password values

Password expiration

You can configure OpenIDM to call a workflow that ensures users are able to change expiring or to reset expired passwords.

12.2. Password Synchronization

Password synchronization intercepts user password changes, and ensures uniform password changes across resources that store the password. Following password synchronization, the user authenticates using the same password on each resource. No centralized directory or authentication server is required for performing authentication. Password synchronization reduces the number of passwords users need to remember, so they can use fewer, stronger passwords.

OpenIDM can propagate passwords to the resources storing a user's password. OpenIDM can intercept and synchronize passwords changed natively on OpenDJ and Active Directory. See the example in samples/misc/managed.json where you installed OpenIDM for a sample password synchronization configuration.

Before using the sample, you must set up OpenDJ and Active Directory, and adjust the password attributes, set in the sample as ldapPassword for OpenDJ, adPassword for Active Directory, and password for the internal OpenIDM password. Also, either set up password policy enforcement on OpenDJ or Active Directory rather than OpenIDM, or ensure that all password policies enforced are identical to prevent password updates on one resource from being rejected by OpenIDM or by another resource.

Also set up password synchronization plugins for OpenDJ and for Active Directory. The password synchronization plugins help by intercepting password changes on the resource before the passwords are stored in encrypted form. The plugins then send intercepted password values to OpenIDM over an encrypted channel.

Procedure 12.1. To Install the OpenDJ Password Synchronization Plugin

Before you start, make sure you configure OpenDJ to communicate over LDAPS as described in the OpenDJ documentation.

The following steps install the plugin in OpenDJ directory server running on the same host as OpenIDM. If you run OpenDJ on a different host use the fully qualified domain name rather than localhost, and use your certificates rather than the example.

  1. Import the self-signed OpenIDM certificate into the trust store for OpenDJ.

    $ cd /path/to/OpenDJ/config
    $ keytool
     -alias openidm-localhost
     -keystore truststore
     -storepass `cat`
     -file /path/to/openidm/samples/security/openidm-localhost-cert.txt
    Owner: CN=localhost, O=OpenIDM Self-Signed Certificate
    Issuer: CN=localhost, O=OpenIDM Self-Signed Certificate
    Serial number: 4e4bc38e
    Valid from: Wed Aug 17 15:35:10 CEST 2011 until: Tue Aug 17 15:35:10 CEST 2021
    Certificate fingerprints:
      MD5:  B8:B3:B4:4C:F3:22:89:19:C6:55:98:C5:DF:47:DF:06
      SHA1: DB:BB:F1:14:55:A0:53:80:9D:62:E7:39:FB:83:15:DA:60:63:79:D1
      Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
      Version: 3
    Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
    Certificate was added to keystore
  2. Download the OpenDJ password synchronization plugin, OPENIDM AGENTS-OPENDJ, from the OpenIDM download page under the ForgeRock Open Stack download page.

  3. Unzip the module delivery.

    $ unzip ~/Downloads/
       creating: opendj/
       creating: opendj/config/
       creating: opendj/config/schema/
  4. Copy files to the directory where OpenDJ is installed.

    $ cd opendj
    $ cp -r * /path/to/OpenDJ/
  5. Restart OpenDJ to load the additional schema from the module.

    $ cd /path/to/OpenDJ/bin
    $ ./stop-ds --restart
  6. Add the configuration provided to OpenDJ's configuration.

    $ ./ldapmodify
     --port 1389
     --hostname `hostname`
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword "password"
     --filename ../config/openidm-pwsync-plugin-config.ldif
    Processing ADD request for cn=OpenIDM Notification Handler,
     cn=Account Status Notification Handlers,cn=config
    ADD operation successful for DN cn=OpenIDM Notification Handler
     ,cn=Account Status Notification Handlers,cn=config
  7. Restart OpenDJ.

    $ ./stop-ds --restart
    [16/Jan/2012:15:55:47 +0100] category=EXTENSIONS severity=INFORMATION
     msgID=1049147 msg=Loaded extension from file '/path/to/OpenDJ/lib/extensions
     /opendj-accountchange-handler-.jar' (build <unknown>,
     revision <unknown>)
    [16/Jan/2012:15:55:51 +0100] category=CORE severity=NOTICE msgID=458891 msg=The
     Directory Server has sent an alert notification generated by class
     org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer (alert type
     org.opends.server.DirectoryServerStarted, alert ID 458887):
     The Directory Server has started successfully
  8. Enable the plugin for the appropriate password policy.

    The following command enables the plugin for the default password policy.

    $ ./dsconfig
     --port 4444
     --hostname `hostname`
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
     --bindPassword password
     --policy-name "Default Password Policy"
     --set account-status-notification-handler:"OpenIDM Notification Handler"
     --trustStorePath ../config/admin-truststore
Procedure 12.2. To Install the Active Directory Password Synchronization Plugin

Use the Active Directory password synchronization plugin to synchronize passwords between OpenIDM and Active Directory (on systems running at least Microsoft Windows 2008).

Install the plugin on Active Directory primary domain controllers (PDCs) to intercept password changes, and send the password values to OpenIDM over an encrypted channel. You must have Administrator privileges to install the plugin. In a clustered Active Directory environment, you must also install the plugin on all PDCs.

  1. Download the Active Directory password synchronization plugin, AD CONNECTOR, from the OpenIDM download page under the ForgeRock Open Stack download page.

  2. Unzip the plugin, and double-click setup.exe to launch the installation wizard.

  3. Complete the installation with the help of the following hints.

    CDDL license agreement

    You must accept the agreement to proceed with the installation.

    OpenIDM URL

    URL where OpenIDM is deployed such as for SSL mutual authentication

    Private Key alias

    Alias used for the OpenIDM certificate also stored in the keystore.jceks file, such as openidm-localhost used for evaluation

    Private Key password

    Password to access the PFX keystore file, such as changeit for evaluation. PFX files contain encrypted private keys, certificates used for authentication and encryption.

    Directory poll interval (seconds)

    Number of seconds between calls to check that Active Directory is available, such as 60

    Query ID parameter

    Query identifier configured in OpenIDM the openidm/conf/repo.*.json file. Use for-userName for evaluation.

    OpenIDM user password attribute

    Password attribute for the managed/user object to which OpenIDM applies password changes

    OpenIDM user search attribute

    The sAMAccountName value holder attribute name in the query definition. For example, "SELECT * FROM ${unquoted:_resource} WHERE userName = ${uid}". Use uid for the evaluation.

    Select Certificate File

    The PKCS 12 format PFX file containing the certificate used to encrypt communications with OpenIDM. Use openidm/samples/security/openidm-localhost.p12 for evaluation.

    Select Output Directory

    Select a secure directory where the password changes are queued. The queue contains the encrypted passwords. Yet, the server has to prevent access to this folder except access by the Password Sync service. The path name cannot include spaces.

    Select Log Directory

    The plugin stores logs in the location you select. The path name cannot include spaces.

    Select Destination Location

    Setup installs the plugin in the location you select, by default C:\Program Files\OpenIDM Password Sync.

  4. After running the installation wizard, restart the computer.

  5. If you must change any settings after installation, access settings using the Registry Editor under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > ForgeRock > OpenIDM > PasswordSync.

Procedure 12.3. To Set Up OpenIDM to Handle Password Changes

Follow these steps to configure OpenIDM to access password changes from the directory server.

  1. Add the directory server certificate to the OpenIDM trust store so that OpenIDM knows to trust the directory server during mutual authentication.

    The following commands show how to do this with the default OpenDJ and OpenIDM settings.

    $ cd /path/to/OpenDJ/config/
    $ keytool
     -keystore keystore
     -storepass `cat`
     -alias server-cert
     > /tmp/opendj.crt
    $ cd /path/to/openidm/security/
    $ keytool
     -alias opendj-server-cert
     -file /tmp/opendj.crt
     -keystore truststore
     -storepass changeit
    Owner: CN=localhost.localdomain, O=OpenDJ Self-Signed Certificate
    Issuer: CN=localhost.localdomain, O=OpenDJ Self-Signed Certificate
    Serial number: 4f143976
    Valid from: Mon Jan 16 15:51:34 CET 2012 until: Wed Jan 15 15:51:34 CET 2014
    Certificate fingerprints:
       MD5:  7B:7A:75:FC:5A:F0:65:E5:84:43:6D:10:B9:EA:CC:F0
       SHA1: D1:C6:C9:8A:EA:09:FD:1E:48:BB:B2:F5:95:41:50:2C:AB:4D:0F:C9
       Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
       Version: 3
    Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
    Certificate was added to keystore
  2. Add the configuration to managed objects to handle password synchronization.

    You can find an example for synchronization with both OpenDJ and Active Directory in samples/misc/managed.json, JavaScript lines folded for readability:

        "objects": [
                "name": "user",
                "properties": [
                        "name": "ldapPassword",
                        "encryption": {
                            "key": "openidm-sym-default"
                        "name": "adPassword",
                        "encryption": {
                            "key": "openidm-sym-default"
                        "name": "password",
                        "encryption": {
                            "key": "openidm-sym-default"
                "onUpdate": {
                    "type": "text/javascript",
                     "if (newObject.ldapPassword != oldObject.ldapPassword) {
                         newObject.password = newObject.ldapPassword
                      } else if (newObject.adPassword != oldObject.adPassword) {
                          newObject.password = newObject.adPassword

    This sample assumes you define the password as ldapPassword for OpenDJ, and adPassword for Active Directory.

  3. When you change a password in OpenDJ, you will notice that the value changes in OpenIDM.

    $ tail -f openidm/audit/activity.csv | grep bjensen
    ...userName=bjensen, ... password={$crypto={
    ...userName=bjensen, ... password={$crypto={

    Be aware that the plugin is patching the password value of the managed user in OpenIDM. The target password property must exist for the patch to work. After the password has been updated in OpenIDM, automatic synchronization is launched and the password is updated in Active Directory.

Chapter 13. Managing Authentication, Authorization and RBAC

OpenIDM provides a simple, yet flexible authentication and authorization mechanism based on REST interface URLs and on roles stored in the repository.

13.1. OpenIDM Users

OpenIDM distinguishes between internal users and managed users.

13.1.1. Internal Users

Two internal users are created by default - anonymous and openidm-admin. These accounts are separated from other user accounts to protect them from any reconciliation or synchronization processes.

OpenIDM stores internal users and their role membership in a table in the repository called internaluser when implemented in MySQL, and in the internal_user table for an OrientDB repository. You can add or remove internal users over the REST interface (at http://localhost:8080/openidm/repo/internal/user) or directly in the repository.


This user serves to access OpenIDM anonymously, for users who do not have their own accounts. The anonymous user is primarily intended to allow self-registration.

OpenIDM stores the anonymous user's password, anonymous, in clear text in the repository internal user table. The password is not considered to be secret.


This user serves as the super administrator. After installation, the openidm-admin user has full access, and provides a fallback mechanism in case other users are locked out. Do not use openidm-admin for normal tasks. Under normal circumstances, no real user is associated with the openidm-admin user account, so audit log records that pertain to openidm-admin do not reflect the actions of any real person.

OpenIDM encrypts the password, openidm-admin, by default. Change the password immediately after installation. For instructions, see To Replace the Default User and Password.

13.1.2. Managed Users

External users that OpenIDM manages are referred to as managed users. When implemented in MySQL, OpenIDM stores managed users in the managed objects table of the repository, named managedobjects. A second MySQL table, managedobjectproperties, serves as the index table. When implemented in OrientDB, managed objects are stored in the table managed_user.

By default, the attribute names for managed user login and password are userName and password, respectively.

13.2. Authentication

OpenIDM does not allow access to the REST interface unless you authenticate. If a project requires anonymous access, to allow users to self-register for example, then allow access by user anonymous, password anonymous, as described in Section 13.1.1, “Internal Users”. In production, only applications are expected to access the REST interface.

OpenIDM supports an improved authentication mechanism on the REST interface. Unlike basic authentication or form-based authentication, the OpenIDM authentication mechanism is compatible with the AJAX framework.

OpenIDM authentication with standard header fields
$ curl --user userName:password

This authentication is compatible with standard basic authentication, except that it will not prompt for credentials if they are missing in the request.

OpenIDM authentication with OpenIDM header fields
$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"

For more information about the OpenIDM authentication mechanism, see Use Message Level Security.

You can change the attributes that OpenIDM uses to store user login and password values. The attribute names are shown in a database query that is defined in openidm/conf/repo.repo-type.json.

Two queries are defined by default.


Uses the _openidm_id attribute for login


Uses the userName attribute for login

The openidm/conf/authentication.json file defines the currently active query as the value of the queryId property. In the following example, credential-query is active.

    "queryId" : "credential-query",
    "queryOnResource" : "managed/user",
    "defaultUserRoles" : [ ]

You can explicitly define the properties that constitute passwords or roles by setting the propertyMapping object in the conf/authentication.json file. By default, the property mapping is configured as follows:

    "propertyMapping" : {
        "userId" : "_id",
        "userCredential" : "password",
        "userRoles" : "roles"

13.3. Roles

OpenIDM sets up the following roles by default:


Role for users accessing OpenIDM with the default anonymous account


OpenIDM administrator role


Default role for any user authenticated with a user name and password


Default role for any user authenticated with mutual SSL authentication

A user's roles are fetched after authentication. If no roles are defined in the user profile, the defaultUserRoles are applied. You can configure the default roles that are assigned to successfully authenticated users by setting the defaultUserRoles property in openidm/conf/authentication.json, which takes a list. The default value is openidm-authorized.

    "queryId": "credential-query",
    "queryOnResource": "managed/user",
    "defaultUserRoles": [

A managed user who does not have a role of openidm-authorized can authenticate but is unable to access certain system resources, according to the access control configured in the access.js file. Requests on a resource for which access is denied return a 403 error. For more information, see the following section covering Section 13.4, “Authorization”.

13.4. Authorization

OpenIDM provides role-based authorization that restricts direct HTTP access to REST interface URLs. The default authorization configuration grants different access rights to users that are assigned the roles "openidm-admin", "openidm-cert", "openidm-authorized", and "openidm-reg".

Note that this access control applies to direct HTTP calls only. Access for internal calls (for example, calls from scripts) is not affected by this mechanism.

Authorization is configured in two script files:

  • openidm/bin/defaults/script/router-authz.js

  • openidm/script/access.js

OpenIDM calls these scripts for each request, via the onRequest hook that is defined in the default router.json file. The scripts either throw the string Access denied, or nothing. If Access denied is thrown, OpenIDM denies the request.

13.4.1. router-authz.js

This file provides the functions that enforce access rules. For example, the following function controls whether users with a certain role can start a specified process.

function isAllowedToStartProcess() {
var processDefinitionId = request.value._processDefinitionId;
return isProcessOnUsersList(processDefinitionId);

There are certain functions in router-authz.js that should not be altered. These are indicated in the file itself.

13.4.2. access.js

This file defines the access configuration for HTTP requests and references the methods defined in router-authz.js. Each entry in the configuration contains a pattern to match against the incoming request ID, and the associated roles, methods, and actions that are allowed for requests on that pattern.

The following sample configuration entry indicates the configurable parameters and their purpose.

            "pattern"   : "*",
            "roles"     : "openidm-admin",
            "methods"   : "*", // default to all methods allowed
            "actions"   : "*", // default to all actions allowed
            "customAuthz" : "disallowQueryExpression()",
            "excludePatterns": "system/*"

The overall intention of this entry is to allow users with the role openidm-admin HTTP access to everything except the system endpoints. The parameters are as follows:

  • "pattern" - the REST endpoint to which access is being controlled. "*" indicates access to all endpoints. "managed/user/*" would indicate access to all managed user objects.

  • "roles" - a comma-separated list of the roles to which this access configuration applies.

  • "methods" - a comma separated list of the methods to which access is being granted. The method can be one or more of create, read, update, delete, patch, action, query. A value of "*" indicates that all methods are allowed. A value of "" indicates that no methods are allowed.

  • "actions" - a comma separated list of the allowed actions. The possible values depend on the service (URL) that is being exposed. The following list indicates the possible actions for each service.

    openidm/managed - patch
    openidm/recon - recon, cancel
    openidm/sync - onCreate, onUpdate, onDelete, recon, performAction
    openidm/external/email - (no action parameter applies)
    openidm/external/rest - (no action parameter applies)
    openidm/authentication - reauthenticate
    openidm/system - createconfiguration
    openidm/system/* - script
    openidm/taskscanner - execute, cancel
    openidm/workflow/processinstance - (no action parameter applies)
    openidm/workflow/taskinstance - claim,complete

    A value of "*" indicates that all actions exposed for that service are allowed. A value of "" indicates that no actions are allowed.

  • "customAuthz" - an optional parameter that enables you to specify a custom function for additional authorization checks. These functions are defined in router-authz.js .

    The allowedPropertiesForManagedUser variable, declared at the beginning of the file, enables you to create a white list of attributes that users may modify on their own accounts.

  • "excludePatterns" - an optional parameter that enables you to specify particular endpoints to which access should not be given.

13.4.3. Extending the Authorization Mechanism

You can extend the default authorization mechanism by defining additional functions in router-authz.js and by creating new access control configuration definitions in access.js.

Chapter 14. Securing & Hardening OpenIDM

After following the guidance in this chapter, make sure that you test your installation to verify that it behaves as expected before putting it into production.

Out of the box, OpenIDM is set up for ease of development and deployment. When deploying OpenIDM in production, take the following precautions.

14.1. Use SSL and HTTPS

Disable plain HTTP access, included for development convenience, as described in the section titled Secure Jetty.

Use TLS/SSL to access OpenIDM, ideally with mutual authentication so that only trusted systems can invoke each other. TLS/SSL protects data on the wire. Mutual authentication with certificates imported into the applications' trust and key stores provides some confidence for trusting application access.

Augment this protection with message level security where appropriate.

14.2. Restrict REST Access to the HTTPS Port

Use certificates to secure REST access, over HTTPS. The following procedure shows how to generate a self-signed certificate to secure REST calls, over HTTPS. Note that in production systems, it is recommended that you use a key that has been signed by a certificate authority.

  1. Extract the certificate that is installed with OpenIDM.

    $ openssl s_client -showcerts -connect localhost:8443 </dev/null

    This command outputs the entire certificate to the terminal.

  2. Using any text editor, create a file named server.crt. Copy the portion of the certificate from ­­­­­BEGIN CERTIFICATE­­­­­ to ­­­­­END CERTIFICATE­­­­­ and paste it into the server.crt file. Your server.crt file should now contain something like the following:

    $ more server.crt
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  3. Generate a private, self-signed key as follows:

    1. Generate an encrypted 1024-bit RSA key, and save it to a file named localhost.key. Enter a pass phrase for the key as requested.

      $ openssl genrsa -des3 -out localhost.key 1024
      Generating RSA private key, 1024 bit long modulus
      e is 65537 (0x10001)
      Enter pass phrase for localhost.key:
      Verifying - Enter pass phrase for localhost.key:
    2. Generate a certificate request using the key you created in the previous step, and save it to a file named localhost.csr. Enter any required information to create the DN for the request.

      $ openssl req -new -key localhost.key -out localhost.csr

      This step creates a file, localhost.csr, that contains the details of the certificate request.

    3. Sign the certificate with the key you created in the previous step, and generate a certificate that is valid for one year in a file named localhost.crt. The x509 subcommand enables you to retrieve the information that is stored in the SSL certificate. Output will depend on the details that you entered in the certificate request.

      $ openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in localhost.csr -signkey localhost.key -out localhost.crt
      Signature ok
      Getting Private key
      Enter pass phrase for localhost.key:

      The contents of localhost.crt should now be something like this:

      $ more localhost.crt
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  4. Combine the contents of server.crt and localhost.crt to create a Privacy Enhanced Mail Certificate (.pem) file named CA.pem.

    $ cat server.crt localhost.crt > CA.pem

    The contents of CA.pem should be something like the following (a concatenation of server.crt and localhost.crt).

    $ more CA.pem
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  5. Test REST access on the HTTPS port, using the certificate that you created in the previous step. For example:

    $ curl
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username:openidm-admin"
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password:openidm-admin"
     --cacert CA.pem
     --request GET
        "conversion-time-ms": 0,
        "result": [
                "_rev": "0",
                "_id": "8afd44a7-13be-449e-9c47-7a310e675c00"
        "query-time-ms": 1


    If you receive the response curl: (52) Empty reply from server, check that you have, in fact, used https and not http in the URL.

14.3. Encrypt Data Internally & Externally

Beyond relying on end-to-end availability of TLS/SSL to protect data, OpenIDM also supports explicit encryption of data that goes on the wire. This can be important if the TLS/SSL termination happens prior to the final end point.

OpenIDM also supports encryption of data stored in the repository, using a symmetric key. This protects against some attacks on the data store. Explicit table mapping is supported for encrypted string values.

OpenIDM automatically encrypts sensitive data in configuration files, such as passwords. OpenIDM replaces clear text values when the system first reads the configuration file. Take care with configuration files having clear text values that OpenIDM has not yet read and updated.

14.4. Use Message Level Security

OpenIDM supports message level security, forcing authentication before granting access. Authentication works by means of a filter-based mechanism that lets you use either an HTTP Basic like mechanism or OpenIDM-specific headers, setting a cookie in the response that you can use for subsequent authentication. If you attempt to access OpenIDM URLs without the appropriate headers or session cookie, OpenIDM returns HTTP 401 Unauthorized, or HTTP 403 Forbidden, depending on the situation. If you use a session cookie, you must include an additional header that indicates the origin of the request.

The following examples show successful authentications.

$ curl
 --dump-header /dev/stdout
 --user openidm-admin:openidm-admin

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=2l0zobpuk6st1b2m7gvhg5zas;Path=/
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 10:36:19 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Server: Restlet-Framework/2.0.9
Transfer-Encoding: chunked


$ curl
 --dump-header /dev/stdout
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=ixnekr105coj11ji67xcluux8;Path=/
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 10:36:40 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Server: Restlet-Framework/2.0.9
Transfer-Encoding: chunked


$ curl
 --dump-header /dev/stdout
 --header "Cookie: JSESSIONID=ixnekr105coj11ji67xcluux8"
 --header "X-Requested-With: OpenIDM Plugin"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 10:37:20 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Server: Restlet-Framework/2.0.9
Transfer-Encoding: chunked


Notice that the last example uses the cookie OpenIDM set in the response to the previous request, and includes the X-Requested-With header to indicate the origin of the request. The value of the header can be any string, but should be informative for logging purposes. If you do not include the X-Requested-With header, OpenIDM returns HTTP 403 Forbidden.

You can also request one-time authentication without a session.

$ curl
 --dump-header /dev/stdout
 --header "X-OpenIDM-NoSession: true"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 10:52:27 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Server: Restlet-Framework/2.0.9
Transfer-Encoding: chunked


To log out and destroy the session, send the specific OpenIDM header.

$ curl
 --dump-header /dev/stdout
 --header "Cookie: JSESSIONID=ixnekr105coj11ji67xcluux8"
 --header "X-Requested-With: OpenIDM Plugin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Logout: true"

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

OpenIDM creates the openidm-admin user with password openidm-admin by default. This internal user is stored in OpenIDM's repository.

mysql> select objectid,roles from internaluser;
| objectid      | roles                            |
| anonymous     | openidm-reg                      |
| openidm-admin | openidm-admin,openidm-authorized |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

OpenIDM uses the internal table for authentication, and also to set the roles for RBAC authorization of an authenticated user. The router service, described in the Router Service Reference appendix, enables you to apply filters as shown in openidm/conf/router.json and the associated script, openidm/script/router-authz.js. See the chapter on Managing Authentication, Authorization & RBAC for details.

14.5. Replace Default Security Settings

The default security settings are adequate for evaluation purposes. For production, change the default encryption key, and then replace the default user password.

Procedure 14.1. To Change Default Encryption Keys

By default, OpenIDM uses an symmetric encryption key with alias openidm-sym-default. Change this default key before deploying OpenIDM in production.

  1. Add the new key to the key store.

    $ cd /path/to/openidm/
    $ keytool
     -alias new-sym-key
     -keyalg AES
     -keysize 128
     -keystore security/keystore.jceks
     -storetype JCEKS
    Enter keystore password:
    Enter key password for <new-sym-key>
      (RETURN if same as keystore password):
    Re-enter new password:

    Also see openidm/samples/security/keystore_readme.txt.

  2. Change the alias used in openidm/conf/boot/

Procedure 14.2. To Replace the Default User & Password

After changing the default encryption key, change at least the default user password.

  1. Use the encrypt command to obtain the encrypted version of the new password.

    $ cd /path/to/openidm/
    $ encrypt newpwd
      "$crypto" : {
        "value" : {
          "iv" : "TCoC/YrmiRmINw6jCPB5LQ==",
          "data" : "nCFvBIApIQ7C6k+UPzosaA==",
          "cipher" : "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding",
          "key" : "openidm-sym-default"
        "type" : "x-simple-encryption"
    ------END ENCRYPTED VALUE------
  2. Replace the user object in the openidm/db/scripts/mysql/openidm.sql script before setting up MySQL as a repository for OpenIDM.

    Alternatively, replace the user in the internal user table.

14.6. Secure Jetty

Before running OpenIDM in production, edit the openidm/conf/jetty.xml configuration to avoid clear text HTTP. Opt instead for HTTPS, either with or without mutual authentication. To disable plain HTTP access, comment out the section in openidm/conf/jetty.xml that enables HTTP on port 8080.

    <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector">
        <Set name="host"><Property name="" /></Set>
        <Set name="port">8080</Set>
        <Set name="maxIdleTime">300000</Set>
        <Set name="Acceptors">2</Set>
        <Set name="statsOn">false</Set>
        <Set name="confidentialPort">8443</Set>
        <Set name="lowResourcesConnections">20000</Set>
        <Set name="lowResourcesMaxIdleTime">5000</Set>

14.7. Protect Sensitive REST Interface URLs

Although the repository is accessible directly by default, since anything attached to the router is accessible with the default policy, avoid direct HTTP access in production. If you do not need such access, deny it in the authorization policy to reduce the attack surface.

Similarly deny direct HTTP access to system objects in production, particularly access to action. As a rule of thumb, do not expose anything that is not used in production. The main public interfaces over HTTP are /openidm/managed/ and /openidm/config/. Other URIs are triggered indirectly, or are for internal consumption.

OpenIDM supports native query expressions on the JDBC repository and it is possible to enable these over HTTP, for example:

 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"

By default, direct HTTP access to native queries is disallowed, and should remain so in production systems. To enable native queries on the JDBC repository over HTTP, specifically for testing or development purposes, remove the custom authorization call from the router authorization script (openidm/script/router-authz.js).

"customAuthz" : "disallowQueryExpression()"

Remember to remove the comma at the end of the preceding line as well.

See the chapter on Managing Authentication, Authorization & RBAC for an example showing how to protect sensitive URLs.

14.8. Protect Sensitive Files & Directories

Protect OpenIDM files from access by unauthorized users.

In particular, prevent other users from reading files in at least the openidm/conf/boot/ and openidm/security/ directories.

14.9. Obfuscate Bootstrap Information

OpenIDM uses the information in conf/boot/, including the key store password, to start up. You can set an obfuscated version in the file, or prompt for the password at start up time.

To use an obfuscated password, follow these steps:

  1. Generate an obfuscated version of the password, by using the crypto bundle provided with OpenIDM:

    $ java -jar /path/to/openidm/bundle/openidm-crypto-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
    This utility helps obfuscate passwords to prevent casual observation.
    It is not securely encrypted and needs further measures to prevent disclosure.
    Please enter the password:
  2. Paste the obfuscated password into the conf/boot/ file. Comment out the regular keystore password and remove the comment tag from the line that contains the obfuscated password:

    $ more conf/boot/
       # Keystore password, adjust to match your keystore and protect this file
       # openidm.keystore.password=changeit
       # optionally use the cli encrypt to obfuscate the password and set
  3. Restart OpenIDM.

    $ ./

14.10. Remove or Protect Development & Debug Tools

Before deploying OpenIDM in production, remove or protect development and debug tools, including the OSGi console exposed under /system/console. Authentication for this console is not integrated with authentication for OpenIDM.

To remove the OSGi console, remove the web console bundle, org.apache.felix.webconsole-version.jar.

If you cannot remove the OSGi console, then protect it by overriding the default admin:admin credentials. Create a file called openidm/conf/org.apache.felix.webconsole.internal.servlet.OsgiManager.cfg containing the user name and password to access the console in Java properties file format.


14.11. Protect the OpenIDM Repository

Use the JDBC repository. OrientDB is not yet supported for production use.

Use a strong password for the JDBC connection. Do not rely on default passwords.

Use a case sensitive database, particularly if you work with systems with different identifiers that match except for case. Otherwise correlation queries can pick up identifiers that should not be considered the same.

14.12. Adjust Log Levels

Leave log levels at INFO in production to ensure that you capture enough information to help diagnose issues. See the chapter on Configuring Server Logs for more information.

At start up and shut down, INFO can produce many messages. Yet, during stable operation, INFO generally results in log messages only when coarse-grain operations such as scheduled reconciliation start or stop.

14.13. Set Up Restart At System Boot

You can run OpenIDM in the background as a service (daemon), and add startup and shutdown scripts to manage the service at system boot and shutdown. For more information, see Starting and Stopping OpenIDM.

See your operating system documentation for details on adding a service such as OpenIDM to be started at boot and shut down at system shutdown.

Chapter 15. Integrating Business Processes and Workflows

Key to any identity management solution is the ability to provide workflow-driven provisioning activities, whether for self-service actions such as requests for entitlements, roles or resources, running sunrise or sunset processes, handling approvals with escalations, or performing maintenance.

OpenIDM provides an embedded workflow and business process engine based on Activiti and the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) 2.0 standard.

More information about Activiti and the Activiti project can be found at

15.1. BPMN 2.0 and the Activiti Tools

Business Process Model and Notation 2.0 is the result of consensus among Business Process Management (BPM) system vendors. The Object Management Group (OMG) has developed and maintained the BPMN standard since 2004.

The first version of the BPMN specification focused only on graphical notation, and quickly became popular with the business analyst audience. BPMN 1.x defines how constructs such as human tasks, executable scripts, and automated decisions are visualized in a vendor-neutral, standard way. The second version of BPMN extends that focus to include execution semantics, and a common exchange format. Thus, BPMN 2.0 process definition models can be exchanged not only between different graphical editors, but can also be executed as is on any BPMN 2.0-compliant engine, such as the engine embedded in OpenIDM.

Using BPMN 2.0, you can add artifacts describing workflow and business process behavior to OpenIDM for provisioning and other purposes. For example, you can craft the actual artifacts defining business processes and workflow in a text editor, or using a special Eclipse plugin. The Eclipse plugin provides visual design capabilities, simplifying packaging and deployment of the artifact to OpenIDM. See the Activiti BPMN 2.0 Eclipse Plugin documentation for instructions on installing Activiti Eclipse BPMN 2.0 Designer.

Also, read the Activiti User Guide section covering BPMN 2.0 Constructs, which describes in detail the graphical notations and XML representations for events, flows, gateways, tasks, and process constructs.

15.2. Setting Up Activiti Integration With OpenIDM

There are two modes of integrating Activiti with OpenIDM:

  • Local integration, where an embedded Activiti Process Engine is started in the OpenIDM OSGi container.

  • Remote integration, where OpenIDM and Activiti run as separate instances and the integration is done using a REST API.

15.2.1. Setting Up Local Integration

The embedded workflow and business process engine is provided as part of the standard OpenIDM build.

Install the OpenIDM build, as described in the Installation Guide. Start OpenIDM, and run the scr list command at the console to check that the workflow bundle is active.

-> scr list
[  14] [active       ] org.forgerock.openidm.workflow

To verify the workflow integration you need at least one workflow definition in the /path/to/openidm/workflow directory. A sample workflow (example.bpmn20.xml) is provided in the /path/to/openidm/samples/misc directory. Copy this workflow to the /path/to/openidm/workflow directory to test the workflow integration.

$ cd /path/to/openidm
$ cp samples/misc/example.bpmn20.xml workflow/

You can verify the workflow integration by using the REST API. The following REST call lists the defined workflows:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET

The sample workflow definition that you copied in the previous step is named osgiProcess. The result of the preceding REST call is therefore something like:

      "name":"Osgi process"

The osgiProcess definition calls OpenIDM, queries the available workflow definitions from Activiti, then prints the list of workflow definitions to the OpenIDM logs. Invoke the osgiProcess workflow with the following REST call to OpenIDM:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request POST
 --data '{"_key":"osgiProcess"}'

The workflow prints the list of workflow definitions to the OpenIDM console. With the default sample, you should see something like this on the console:

script task using resolver: [
    [_id:osgiProcess:1:3, name:Osgi process]
script task using expression resolver: [
    [_id:osgiProcess:1:3, name:Osgi process]

15.2.2. Setting Up Remote Integration

You can set up integration with a remote Activiti engine, as described in the following steps.

  1. Download and install OpenIDM, as described in the Installation Guide.

  2. Download and unzip the Activiti zip file ( from Activiti Downloads page.

  3. Edit the Activiti configuration file to avoid a port conflict with OpenIDM. OpenIDM runs on port 8080 by default. Edit the file so that Activiti Explorer runs on port 9090 (by replacing each instance of 8080 with 9090). The following example uses sed on a UNIX system to replace all instances of 8080 with 9090.

    $ cd /path/to/activiti/setup/
    $ sed -i.bak 's/8080/9090/g' build.xml


    There is currently a bug in the Activiti demo which might mean that all port replacements are not made. If you cannot access Activiti Explorer (in the next step) after making this change, also edit the following file to find and replace each instance of 8080 with 9090: /path/to/activiti/apps/apache-tomcat-6.0.32/conf/server.xml.

  4. Set up the default Activiti demo.

    $ cd /path/to/activiti/setup/
    $ ant demo.start
  5. In a browser, check that Activiti Explorer is running (on localhost:9090/activiti-explorer). Log in with the default userid kermit and password kermit. If all is well, log out.

  6. Configure Tomcat to operate with OpenIDM.

    1. Stop Tomcat.

      $ cd /path/to/activiti/setup/
      $ ant tomcat.stop 
    2. Copy the OpenIDM remote workflow WAR file to the Tomcat webapps folder.

      $ cd /path/to/openidm/bin/workflow
      $ cp openidm-workflow-remote-.war \
    3. Copy the OpenIDM workflow Activiti demo jar file to the Tomcat Activiti Explorer library.

      $ cd /path/to/openidm/bin/workflow/
      $ cp openidm-workflow-activiti--jar-with-dependencies.jar \
    4. Edit the Activiti Explorer configuration file to be able to use the OpenIDM extensions.

      $ cd /path/to/activiti/
      $ vi apps/apache-tomcat-6.0.32/webapps/activiti-explorer/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml

      Replace the processEngineConfiguration with the OpenIDM extended configuration. So remove this section:

             <bean id="processEngineConfiguration" class="org.activiti.spring.SpringProcessEngineConfiguration">
              <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
              <property name="transactionManager" ref="transactionManager" />
              <property name="databaseSchemaUpdate" value="true" />
              <property name="jobExecutorActivate" value="true" />
              <property name="customFormTypes">
                <ref bean="userFormType"/>

      and replace it with this section:

            <bean id="processEngineConfiguration" class="org.activiti.spring.SpringProcessEngineConfiguration">
             <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
             <property name="transactionManager" ref="transactionManager" />
             <property name="databaseSchemaUpdate" value="true" />
             <property name="jobExecutorActivate" value="true" />
             <property name="customFormTypes">
                <ref bean="userFormType"/>
            <property name="customSessionFactories">
                <bean class="org.forgerock.openidm.workflow.activiti.impl.session.OpenIDMSessionFactory">
                  <property name="url" value="http://localhost:8080/openidm/"/>
                  <property name="user" value="openidm-admin"/>
                  <property name="password" value="openidm-admin"/>
            <property name="resolverFactories">
                <bean class="org.forgerock.openidm.workflow.activiti.impl.OpenIDMResolverFactory"></bean>
                <bean class="org.activiti.engine.impl.scripting.VariableScopeResolverFactory"></bean>
                <bean class="org.activiti.engine.impl.scripting.BeansResolverFactory"></bean>
            <property name="expressionManager">
              <bean class="org.forgerock.openidm.workflow.activiti.impl.OpenIDMExpressionManager"> </bean>
    5. Restart Tomcat.

      $ cd /path/to/activiti/setup/
      $ ant tomcat.start 
    6. Check that Activiti Explorer is running on localhost:9090/activiti-explorer, as you did in the previous section.

  7. Configure OpenIDM to use the remote Activiti engine instead of the local, bundled Activiti engine.

    1. Copy the workflow.json configuration file to the OpenIDM configuration directory.

      $ cd /path/to/openidm/
      $ cp samples/misc/workflow.json conf/
    2. Edit the workflow configuration file to specify the remote Activiti engine.

      $ vi conf/workflow.json

      Ensure that the url, username, and password fields contain the values that correspond to your remote Activiti engine.

         "enabled" : true,
         "location" : "remote",
         "engine" : {
             "url" : "http://localhost:9090/openidm-workflow-remote-2.1.0/",
             "username" : "youractivitiuser",
             "password" : "youractivitipassword"
  8. Start up OpenIDM.

    $ cd /path/to/openidm/
    $ ./
  9. Test the integration by sending the following CURL request to list the available workflows:

    $ curl
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
     --request GET 
  10. Log in to the Activiti Explorer of the remote Activiti engine (with the default username (kermit) and password (kermit).

  11. Install the sample workflow (example.bpmn20.xml).

    1. In Activiti Explorer, click Manage.

    2. From the Deployments menu, select Upload New.

    3. Navigate to the sample workflow (/path/to/openidm/samples /misc/example.bpmn20.xml)

  12. Verify the integration by sending the following CURL request:

    $ curl
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
     --request POST
     --data '{"_key":"osgiProcess"}'

    The request should return a process ID, similar to the following:


    This request starts the osgiProcess and writes the list of installed workflows to the Tomcat server log file (/path/to/activiti/apps/ apache-tomcat-6.0.32/logs/catalina.out).

  13. Test the integration with Activiti Explorer.

    1. Click Processes and select Osgi Process from the list of process definitions.

    2. Click Start Process.

    3. Check the output in the Tomcat server log file ( /path/to/activiti/apps/apache-tomcat-6.0.32/logs/catalina.out. The list of installed workflows is written to the log file.

15.2.3. Configuring the Activiti Engine

Whether you use the embedded Activiti engine, or a remote Activiti engine, you configure the OpenIDM Activiti module in a file named /path/to/openidm/conf/workflow.json. If this file is absent from the configuration, the workflow module is unavailable for use. In the default OpenIDM installation, the workflow.json file assumes an embedded Activiti engine, and has the following configuration:

   "enabled"  : "true"

You can disable the workflow module by setting the "enabled" property in this file to "false".

A sample workflow.json file, with all configurable properties, is provided in /path/to/openidm/samples/misc. To configure an Activiti engine beyond the default configuration that is provided, edit this file as required and copy it to the /path/to/openidm/conf directory.

The sample workflow.json file contains the following configuration:

    "enabled"  : "true",
    "location" : "remote",
    "engine" : {
        "url" : "http://localhost:9090/openidm-workflow-remote-",
        "username" : "youractivitiuser",
        "password" : "youractivitipassword"
    "mail" : {
        "host" : "",
        "port" : 587,
        "username" : "yourusername",
        "password" : "yourpassword",
        "starttls" : true
    "history" : "audit"

These fields have the following meaning:

  • enabled. Indicates whether the Activiti module is enabled for use. Possible values are true or false. The default value is true.

  • location. Indicates whether the Activiti engine is embedded with OpenIDM, or remote. Possible values are embedded or remote. If remote, you must provide details for the engine property, below.

  • engine. Specifies the details of the remote Activiti engine. The following fields must be defined:

    • url. The URL of the remote engine, including the host name and port number.

    • username. A user name for the remote Activiti engine.

    • password. The password for the user specified above.

  • mail. Specifies the details of the mail server that Activiti will use to send email notifications. By default, Activiti uses the mail server localhost:25. To specify a different mail server, enter the details of the mail server here.

    • host. The host of the mail server.

    • port. The port number of the mail server.

    • username. The user name of the account that connects to the mail server.

    • password. The password for the user specified above.

    • startTLS. Whether startTLS should be used to secure the connection.

  • history. Determines the history level that should be used for the Activiti engine. For more information, see Configuring the Activiti History Level. Configuring the Activiti History Level

The Activiti history level determines how much historical information is retained when workflows are executed. You can configure the history level by setting the history property in the workflow.json file, for example:

"history" : "audit"

The following history levels can be configured:

  • none. No history archiving is done. This level results in the best performance for workflow execution, but no historical information is available.

  • activity. Archives all process instances and activity instances. No details are archived.

  • audit. This is the default level. All process instances, activity instances and submitted form properties are archived so that all user interaction through forms is traceable and can be audited.

  • full. This is the highest level of history archiving and has the greatest performance impact. This history level stores all information as in the audit level as well as any process variable updates.

15.2.4. Defining Activiti Workflows

The following section outlines the process to follow when you create an Activiti workflow for OpenIDM. Before you start creating workflows, you must configure the Activiti engine, as described in Configuring the Activiti Engine.

  1. Define your workflow in a text file, either using an editor, such as Activiti Eclipse BPMN 2.0 Designer, or a simple text editor.

  2. Package the workflow definition file as a .bar file (Business Archive File). If you are using Eclipse to define the workflow, a .bar file is created when you select "Create deployment artifacts". Essentially, a .bar file is the same as a .zip file, but with the .bar extension.

  3. Copy the .bar file to the openidm/workflow directory.

  4. Invoke the workflow using a script (in openidm/script/) or directly using the REST interface. For more information, see Invoking Activiti Workflows.

  5. You can also schedule the workflow to be invoked repeatedly, or at a future time. For more information, see the Scheduler Reference

15.2.5. Invoking Activiti Workflows

You can invoke workflows and business processes from any trigger point within OpenIDM, including reacting to situations discovered during reconciliation. Workflows can be invoked from script files, using the openidm.action() function, or directly from the REST interface.

The following sample script extract shows how to invoke a workflow from a script file:

 * Calling 'myWorkflow' workflow

var params = {
 "foo" : "bar",
 "_key": "myWorkflow"

openidm.action('workflow/processinstance', {"_action" : "createProcessInstance"}, params);

You can invoke the same workflow from the REST interface by sending the following REST call to OpenIDM:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request POST
 --data '{"_key":"myWorkflow", "foo":"bar"}'

There are two ways in which you can specify the workflow definition that is used when a new workflow instance is started.

  • _key specifies the id attribute of the workflow process definition, for example:

    <process id="sendNotificationProcess" name="Send Notification Process">

    If there is more than more than one workflow definition with the same _key parameter, the latest deployed version of the workflow definition is invoked.

  • _processDefinitionId specifies the ID that is generated by the Activiti Process Engine when a workflow definition is deployed, for example:


    You can obtain the processDefinitionId by querying the available workflows, for example:

      "result": [
          "name": "Process Start Auto Generated Task Auto Generated",
          "_id": "ProcessSAGTAG:1:728"
          "name": "Process Start Auto Generated Task Empty",
          "_id": "ProcessSAGTE:1:725"

    If you specify a _key and a _processDefinitionId, the _processDefinitionId is used because it is more precise.

You can use the optional _businessKey parameter to add specific business logic information to the workflow when it is invoked. For example, the following workflow invocation assigns the workflow a business key of "newOrder". This business key can later be used to query "newOrder" processes.

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request POST
 --data '{"_key":"myWorkflow", "_businessKey":"newOrder"}'

15.2.6. Querying Activiti Workflows

The Activiti implementation supports filtered queries that enable you to query the running process instances and tasks, based on specific query parameters. For example, the following query returns all process instances with the business key "newOrder", as invoked in the previous section.

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request POST

You can query process instances based on the value of any process instance variable by prefixing the variable name with _var-. For example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request POST

The standard Activiti properties can be queried using the Activiti notation, for example, processDefinitionId=managedUserApproval:1:6405. The query syntax applies to all queries with _queryId=filtered-query.

15.3. Managing Workflows Over the REST Interface

In addition to the queries described previously, the following examples show the endpoints that are exposed for managing workflows over the REST interface. The example output is based on the sample workflow that is provided in openidm/samples/workflow.


List the available workflow definitions, for example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET       
  "result": [
      "name": "Managed User Approval Workflow",
      "_id": "managedUserApproval:1:3"

List the workflows, based on certain filter criteria, for example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET       
  "result": [
      "name": "Managed User Approval Workflow",
      "_id": "managedUserApproval:1:3"

Obtain detailed information for a process definition, based on the ID. (The ID can be determined by querying all available process definitions). For example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET       
  "key": "managedUserApproval",
  "_rev": "0",
  "formProperties": [],
  "category": "Examples",
  "_id": "managedUserApproval:1:3",
  "processDiagramResourceName": null,
  "description": null,
  "name": "Managed User Approval Workflow",
  "deploymentId": "1"

Obtain the list of running workflows (process instances). The query returns a list of IDs. For example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET

  "result": [
      "processDefinitionId": "contractorOnboarding:1:3",
      "_id": "4"

Obtain the list of running workflows based on specific filter criteria. For example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET

Start a workflow process instance. For example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --data {"_key":"contractorOnboarding"}
 --request POST

Obtain the details of the specified process instance. For example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET

  "deleteReason": null,
  "processDefinitionId": "contractorOnboarding:1:3",
  "_rev": "0",
  "startTime": "2012-12-18T22:04:50.549+02:00",
  "startUserId": "user1",
  "_id": "4",
  "businessKey": null,
  "durationInMillis": null,
  "endTime": null,
  "superProcessInstanceId": null

Stop the specified process instance. For example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request DELETE

Query a task definition based on the process definition ID and the task name (taskDefinitionKey). For example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET       
  "dueDate": null,
  "taskCandidateGroup": [
      "expressionText": "manager"
  "formProperties": [
      "type": {
        "values": {
          "accept": "Accept",
          "reject": "Reject"

Query all running task instances. For example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET       
  "result": [
      "name": "Contractor Approval",
      "_id": "70"

Query task instances based on candidate users or candidate groups. For example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET       


$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET       

Note that you can include both users and groups in the same query.


Obtain detailed information for a running task, based on the task ID. For example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request GET       
  "dueDate": null,
  "processDefinitionId": "contractorOnboarding:1:3",
  "owner": null,
  "taskDefinitionKey": "decideApprovalTask",
  "name": "Contractor Approval",

Update task-related data stored in the Activiti workflow engine. For example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --header "If-Match : *"
 --request PUT       
 --data '{"description":"updated description"}'

Complete the specified task. The variables required by the task are provided in the request body. For example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request POST       
 --data '{"requestApproved":"true"}'

Claim the specified task. The ID of the user who claims the task is provided in the request body. For example:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request POST       
 --data '{"userId":"manager1"}'

15.4. Example Activiti Workflows With OpenIDM

This section describes two example workflows - an email notification workflow, and a workflow that demonstrates provisioning, using the browser-based user interface.

15.4.1. Example Email Notification Workflow

This example uses the Activiti Eclipse BPMN 2.0 Designer to set up an email notification business process. The example relies on an SMTP server listening on localhost, port 25.

The example sets up a workflow that can accept parameters used to specify the sender and recipient of the mail.


Used to specify the sender


Used to specify the recipient

Once you have defined the workflow, drag and drop components to create the workflow. This simple example uses only a StartEvent, MailTask, and EndEvent.

Email notification process

After creating the workflow, adjust the generated XML source code to use the variables inside the <serviceTask> tag shown in the following listing.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <process id="EmailNotification" name="emailNotification">
   <documentation>Simple Email Notification Task</documentation>
   <startEvent id="startevent1" name="Start"></startEvent>
   <sequenceFlow id="flow1" name="" sourceRef="startevent1"
   <endEvent id="endevent1" name="End"></endEvent>
   <sequenceFlow id="flow2" name="" sourceRef="mailtask1"
   <serviceTask id="mailtask1" name="Email Notification"
       <activiti:field name="to" expression="${toEmail}"
       <activiti:field name="from" expression="${fromSender}"
       <activiti:field name="subject" expression="Simple Email Notification"
       <activiti:field name="text">
         <activiti:expression><![CDATA[Here is a simple Email Notification
         from ${fromSender}.]]></activiti:expression>
 <bpmndi:BPMNDiagram id="BPMNDiagram_EmailNotification">
   <bpmndi:BPMNPlane bpmnElement="EmailNotification"
     <bpmndi:BPMNShape bpmnElement="startevent1" id="BPMNShape_startevent1">
       <omgdc:Bounds height="35" width="35" x="170" y="250"></omgdc:Bounds>
     <bpmndi:BPMNShape bpmnElement="endevent1" id="BPMNShape_endevent1">
       <omgdc:Bounds height="35" width="35" x="410" y="250"></omgdc:Bounds>
     <bpmndi:BPMNShape bpmnElement="mailtask1" id="BPMNShape_mailtask1">
       <omgdc:Bounds height="55" width="105" x="250" y="240"></omgdc:Bounds>
     <bpmndi:BPMNEdge bpmnElement="flow1" id="BPMNEdge_flow1">
       <omgdi:waypoint x="205" y="267"></omgdi:waypoint>
       <omgdi:waypoint x="250" y="267"></omgdi:waypoint>
     <bpmndi:BPMNEdge bpmnElement="flow2" id="BPMNEdge_flow2">
       <omgdi:waypoint x="355" y="267"></omgdi:waypoint>
       <omgdi:waypoint x="410" y="267"></omgdi:waypoint>

In Eclipse, select the project, then right click and select Create deployment artifacts to generate the components and package them in a .bar file for deployment in the openidm/workflow directory.

After you deploy the .bar, create a script named openidm/script/triggerEmailNotification.js. The script invokes the workflow.

 * Calling 'EmailNotification' workflow

var params = {
 "_key" : "EmailNotification",
 "fromSender" : "noreply@openidm",
 "toEmail" : ""

openidm.action('workflow/processinstance', {"_action" : "createProcessInstance"}, params);

You can also invoke the workflow over the REST interface with the following REST command:

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" 
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --data '{"_key":"EmailNotification", "fromSender":"noreply@openidm", "toEmail":""}'
 --request POST 

To schedule the workflow to be invoked regularly, create a schedule configuration object named openidm/conf/schedule-EmailNotification.json. The following schedule invokes the workflow once per minute.

   "enabled" : true,
   "type" : "cron",
   "schedule" : "0 0/1 * * * ?",
   "invokeService" : "script",
   "invokeContext" : {
       "script" : {
           "type" : "text/javascript",
           "file" : "script/triggerEmailNotification.js"

15.4.2. Sample Workflow - Provisioning User Accounts

This example, provided in openidm/samples/workflow, uses workflows to provision user accounts. The example demonstrates the use of the browser-based user interface to manage workflows. Overview of the Sample

The sample starts with a reconciliation process that loads user accounts from an XML file into the managed users repository. The reconciliation creates two users, with UIDs user1 and manager1. Both users have the same password (Welcome1).

The sample adds two new business roles to the configuration - employee (assigned to user1) and manager (assigned to manager1).

As part of the provisioning, employees are required to initiate a "Contract Onboarding" process. This process is a request to add a contractor to the managed users repository, with an option to include the contractor in the original data source (the XML file).

When the employee has completed the required form, the request is sent to the manager for approval. Any user with the role "manager" can claim the approval task. If the request is approved, the user is created in the managed users repository. If a request was made to add the user to the original data source (the XML file) this is done in a subsequent step.

The workflow uses embedded templates to build a more sophisticated input form. The form is validated with the server-side policy rules, described in Using Policies to Validate Data. Running the Sample

  1. Start OpenIDM with the configuration for the workflow sample.

    $ cd /path/to/openidm
    $ ./ -p samples/workflow
  2. Run reconciliation over the REST interface.

    $ curl
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
     --request POST

    Successful reconciliation returns an "_id" object, such as the following:


    The two users are added to the repository. You can test this with the following REST query, which shows the two users, manager1 and user1.

    $ curl 
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
     --request GET 
      "conversion-time-ms": 0,
      "result": [
          "_rev": "0",
          "_id": "manager1"
          "_rev": "0",
          "_id": "user1"
      "query-time-ms": 1
  3. Log in to the user interface as user1, with password Welcome1. For information about logging in to the user interface, see Overview of the Default User Interface.

  4. Under "Processes" click "Contractor onboarding process".

  5. Complete the details of the new user, then click Start.

    Contractor onboarding process form
  6. Log out of the UI.

  7. Log in to the UI as manager1, with password Welcome1.

  8. Under "Tasks that are in my group's queue" click "Contractor Approval".

  9. From the drop-down list, select "Assign to me".

    Note that the "Contractor Approval" task has now moved under "My tasks".

  10. Under "My tasks" click "Contractor Approval".

  11. Under Actions, click Details.

    The form containing the details of the contractor is displayed.

  12. At the bottom of the form, select a decision from the drop-down list (either "Accept" or "Reject"), then click Complete.

    If you Accept the new contractor details, the user account is created in the repository. You can check the new account by running the following REST command:

    $ curl 
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
     --request GET 
      "conversion-time-ms": 0,
      "result": [
          "_rev": "0",
          "_id": "manager1"
          "_rev": "0",
          "_id": "user1"
          "_rev": "0",
          "_id": "51afe0f8-94c3-45c5-8c69-319e6ef5981f"
      "query-time-ms": 1

    Display the details of the new user, by running a REST query on the user ID, as follows:

    $ curl
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
     --request GET     
      "city": "",
      "country": "",
      "address2": "",
      "address1": "",
      "lastPasswordAttempt": "Fri Dec 14 2012 13:54:02 GMT+0200 (SAST)",
      "passwordAttempts": "0",
      "stateProvince": "",
      "postalCode": "",
      "lastPasswordSet": "",
      "jobTitle": "Accountant",
      "department": "Finance",
      "manager": "user1",
      "familyName": "Doe",
      "givenName": "John",
      "userName": "johnd",
      "_rev": "0",
      "_id": "51afe0f8-94c3-45c5-8c69-319e6ef5981f",
      "phoneNumber": "123456789",
      "email": "",
      "startDate": "12/12/2012",
      "endDate": "12/12/2012",
      "description": "Contract accountant",
      "provisionToXML": "1",
      "accountStatus": "active",
      "roles": "openidm-authorized"

    You can now log in to the UI as the new user (with the details that you specified in Step 5). Under "Notifications" you will see a welcome message indicating the working dates of the new user. If you log in as user1 you are notified of the result of the manager's decision.

    If you specified that the new user should be added to the original data source, you will see that the account was added to the XML file:

    $ cd /path/to/openidm
    $ cat samples/workflow/data/xmlConnectorData.xml
          >icf:__DESCRIPTION__<Contract accountant>/icf:__DESCRIPTION__<

    If you declined the approval request, the user will not be created in either data source.

You can see the details of the workflow definition in samples/workflow/workflow/contractorOnboarding.bpmn20.xml.

Chapter 16. Using Audit Logs

OpenIDM auditing can publish and log all relevant system activity to the targets you specify. Auditing can include data from reconciliation as a basis for reporting, access details, and activity logs that capture operations on internal (managed) objects and external (system) objects. Auditing provides the data for all the relevant reports, including orphan account reports.

The auditing interface allows you to push auditing data to files and to the OpenIDM repository.

16.1. Audit Log Types

This section describes the types of audit log OpenIDM provides.

Access Log

OpenIDM writes messages concerning access to the REST API in this log.

Default file: openidm/audit/access.csv

Activity Log

OpenIDM logs operations on internal (managed) and external (system) objects to this log type.

Entries in the activity log contain identifiers both for the reconciliation or synchronization action that triggered the activity, and also for the original caller and the relationships between related actions.

Default file: openidm/audit/activity.csv

Reconciliation Log

OpenIDM logs the results of a reconciliation run, including situations and the resulting actions taken to this log type. The activity log contains details about the actions, where log entries display parent activity identifiers, recon/reconID.

Default file: openidm/audit/recon.csv

Where an action happens in the context of a higher level business function, the log entry points to a parent activity for the context. The relationships are hierarchical. For example, a synchronization operation could result from scheduled reconciliation for an object type. OpenIDM also logs the top level root activity with each entry, making it possible to query related activities.

16.2. Audit Log File Formats

This section describes the audit log file formats to help you map these to the reports you generate.

Access Log Fields

Access messages are split into the following fields.


UUID for the message object, such as "0419d364-1b3d-4e4f-b769-555c3ca098b0"


Action requested, such as "authenticate"


IP address of the client. For access from the local host, this can appear for example as "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%0".


Principal requesting the operation, such as "openidm-admin"


Roles associated with the principal, such as "[openidm-admin, openidm-authorized]"


Result of the operation, such as "SUCCESS"


Time when OpenIDM logged the message, in UTC format, for example "2012-11-18T08:48:00.160Z"

Activity Log Fields

Activity messages are split into the following fields.


UUID for the message object, such as "0419d364-1b3d-4e4f-b769-555c3ca098b0"


Action performed, such as "create". See the section on Event Types for a list.


UUID for the activity corresponding to the UUID of the resource context


JSON representation of the object resulting from the activity


JSON representation of the object prior to the activity


Human readable text about the activity


Object identifier such as "managed/user/DDOE1"


UUID of the action leading to the activity


Principal requesting the operation


Object revision number


UUID of the root cause for the activity. This matches a corresponding "rootActionId" in a reconciliation message.


Result of the operation, such as "SUCCESS"


Time when OpenIDM logged the message, in UTC format, for example "2012-11-18T08:48:00.160Z"

Reconciliation Log Fields

Reconciliation messages are split into the following fields.


UUID for the message object, such as "0419d364-1b3d-4e4f-b769-555c3ca098b0"


Synchronization action, such as "CREATE". See the section on Actions for a list.


When the situation is AMBIGUOUS or UNQUALIFIED and OpenIDM cannot distinguish between more than one target object, OpenIDM logs the identifiers of the objects in this field in comma-separated format. This makes it possible to figure out what was ambiguous afterwards.


Kind of reconciliation log entry, such as "start", or "summary".


Human readable text about the reconciliation action


What OpenIDM is reconciling, "source" for the first phase, "target" for the second phase


UUID for the reconciliation operation, which is the same for all entries pertaining to the reconciliation run.


UUID of the root cause for the activity. This matches a corresponding "rootActionId" in an activity message.


The situation encountered. See the section describing synchronization situations for a list.


UUID for the source object.


Result of the operation, such as "SUCCESS"


UUID for the target object


Time when OpenIDM logged the message, in UTC format, for example "2012-11-18T08:48:00.160Z"

16.3. Audit Configuration

OpenIDM exposes the audit logging configuration under http://localhost:8080/openidm/config/audit for the REST API, and in the file conf/audit.json where you installed OpenIDM. The default conf/audit.json file contains the following object.

    "eventTypes" : {
        "activity" : {
            "filter" : {
                "actions" : [
            "watchedFields" : [ ],
            "passwordFields" : [ "password" ]
        "recon" : { }
    "logTo" : [
            "logType" : "csv",
            "location" : "audit",
            "recordDelimiter" : ";"
            "logType" : "repository",
            "useForQueries" : true
    "exceptionFormatter" : {
        "type" : "text/javascript",
        "file" : "bin/defaults/script/audit/stacktraceFormatter.js"

16.3.1. Event Types

The eventTypes configuration specifies what events OpenIDM writes to audit logs. OpenIDM supports two eventTypes: activity for the activity log, and recon for the reconciliation log. The filter for actions under activity logging shows the actions on managed or system objects for which OpenIDM writes to the activity log.

The filter actions list enables you to configure the conditions that result in actions being written to the activity log.


When an object is read by using its identifier.


When an object is created.


When an object is updated.


When an object is deleted.


When an object is partially modified.


When a query is performed on an object.


When an action is performed on an object.

You can optionally add a filter triggers list that specifies the actions that are logged for a particular trigger. For example, the following addition to the audit.json file specifies that only create and update actions are logged for an activity that was triggered by a recon.

            "filter" : {
                "actions" : [
                "triggers" : {
                    "recon" : [
            "watchedFields" : [ ],   

If a trigger is provided, but no actions are specified, nothing is logged for that trigger. If a trigger is omitted, all actions are logged for that trigger. In the current OpenIDM release, only the recon trigger is implemented. For a list of reconciliation actions that can be logged, see Synchronization Actions.

The watchedFields parameter enables you to specify a list of fields that should be "watched" for changes. When the value of one of the fields in this list changes, the change is logged in the audit log, under the column "changedFields". Fields are listed in comma-separated format, for example:

"watchedFields" : [ "email", "address" ]

The passwordFields parameter enables you to specify a list of fields that are considered passwords. This parameter functions much like the watchedFields parameter in that changes to these field values are logged in the audit log, under the column "changedFields". In addition, when a password field is changed, the boolean "passwordChanged" flag is set to true in the audit log. Fields are listed in comma-separated format, for example:

"passwordFields" : [ "password", "username" ]

16.3.2. Log To List

The logTo list enables you to specify the format of the log, where it is written, and various parameters for each log type.


The format of the audit log. The log type can be one of the following:

  • csv - write to a comma-separated variable format file.

    The "location" property indicates the name of the directory in which the file should be written, relative to the directory in which you installed OpenIDM.

    Audit file names are fixed, access.csv, activity.csv, and recon.csv.

    The "recordDelimiter" property enables you to specify the separator between each record.

  • repository - write to the OpenIDM database repository.

    OpenIDM stores entries under the /openidm/repo/audit/ context. Such entries appear as audit/access/_id, audit/activity/_id, and audit/recon/_id, where the _id is the UUID of the entry, such as 0419d364-1b3d-4e4f-b769-555c3ca098b0.

    In the OrientDB repository, OpenIDM stores log records in the audit_access, audit_activity, and audit_recon tables.

    In a JDBC repository, OpenIDM stores records in the auditaccess, auditactivity, and auditrecon tables.

    The "useForQueries" boolean property indicates whether the repository logger should be used to service reads and query requests. The value is true by default. If "useForQueries" is set to false, the CSV file is used to service read and query requests.

16.3.3. Exception Formatter

The exceptionFormatter property specifies the name and type of file that handles the formatting and display of exceptions thrown by the audit logger. Currently, "text/javascript" is the only supported type.

The "file" property provides the path to the script file that performs the formatting. The default exception formatter is "bin/defaults/script/audit/stacktraceFormatter.js".

16.4. Generating Reports

When generating reports from audit logs, you can correlate information from activity and reconciliation logs by matching the "rootActionId" on entries in both logs.

The following MySQL query shows a join of the audit activity and audit reconciliation tables using root action ID values.

mysql> select distinct auditrecon.activity,auditrecon.sourceobjectid,
 from auditactivity inner join auditrecon
 where auditrecon.activity is not null group by auditrecon.sourceobjectid;
| activity | sourceobjectid           | targetobjectid       | activitydate        | status  |
| CREATE   | system/xmlfile/account/1 | managed/user/juser   | 2012-01-17T07:59:12 | SUCCESS |
| CREATE   | system/xmlfile/account/2 | managed/user/ajensen | 2012-01-17T07:59:12 | SUCCESS |
| CREATE   | system/xmlfile/account/3 | managed/user/bjensen | 2012-01-17T07:59:12 | SUCCESS |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Chapter 17. Sending Email

This chapter shows you how to configure the outbound email service, so that you can send email through OpenIDM either by script or through the REST API.

Procedure 17.1. To Set Up Outbound Email

The outbound email service relies on a configuration object to identify the email account used to send messages.

  1. Shut down OpenIDM.

  2. Copy the sample configuration to openidm/conf.

    $ cd /path/to/openidm/
    $ cp samples/misc/ conf/
  3. Edit to reflect the account used to send messages.

            "host" : "",
            "port" : "25",
            "username" : "openidm",
            "password" : "secret12",
            "mail.smtp.auth" : "true",
            "mail.smtp.starttls.enable" : "true"

    OpenIDM encrypts the password you provide.

    Follow these hints when editing the configuration.


    SMTP server host name or IP address. This can be "localhost" if the server is on the same system as OpenIDM.


    SMTP server port number such as 25, or 587


    Mail account user name needed when "mail.smtp.auth" : "true"


    Mail account user password needed when "mail.smtp.auth" : "true"


    If "true", use SMTP authentication


    If "true", use TLS


    Optional default From: address

  4. Start up OpenIDM.

  5. Check that the email service is active.

    -> scr list
    [   6] [active       ]

17.1. Sending Mail Over REST

Although you are more likely to send mail from a script in production, you can send email using the REST API by sending an HTTP POST to /openidm/external/email in order to test that your configuration works. You pass the message parameters as POST parameters, URL encoding the content as necessary.

The following example sends a test email using the REST API.

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request POST

17.2. Sending Mail From a Script

You can send email from using the resource API functions with the external/email context, as in the following example, where params is an object containing the POST parameters.

var params =  new Object();
params._from = "";
params._to = "";
params._cc = ",";
params._subject = "OpenIDM recon report";
params._type = "text/html";
params._body = "<html><body><p>Recon report follows...</p></body></html>";

openidm.action("external/email", params);

OpenIDM supports the following POST parameters.


Sender mail address


Comma-separated list of recipient mail addresses


Optional comma-separated list of copy recipient mail addresses


Optional comma-separated list of blind copy recipient mail addresses


Email subject


Email body text


Optional MIME type. One of "text/plain", "text/html", or "text/xml".

Chapter 18. OpenIDM Project Best Practices

This chapter lists points to check when implementing an identity management solution with OpenIDM.

18.1. Implementation Phases

Any identity management project should follow a set of well defined phases, where each phase defines discrete deliverables. The phases take the project from initiation to finally going live with a tested solution.

18.1.1. Initiation

The project's initiation phase involves identifying and gathering project background, requirements, and goals at a high level. The deliverable for this phase is a statement of work or a mission statement.

18.1.2. Definition

In the definition phase, you gather more detailed information on existing systems, determine how to integrate, describe account schemas, procedures, and other information relevant to the OpenIDM deployment. The deliverable for this phase is one or more documents that define detailed requirements for the project, and that cover project definition, the business case, use cases to solve, and functional specifications.

The definition phase should capture at least the following.

User Administration and Management

Procedures for managing users and accounts, who manages users, what processes look like for joiners, movers and leavers, and what is required of OpenIDM to manage users

Password Management and Password Synchronization

Procedures for managing account passwords, password policies, who manages passwords, and what is required of OpenIDM to manage passwords

Security Policy

What security policies defines for users, accounts, passwords, and access control

Target Systems

Target systems and resources with which OpenIDM must integrate. Information such as schema, attribute mappings and attribute transformation flow, credentials and other integration specific information.

Entitlement Management

Procedures to manage user access to resources, individual entitlements, grouping provisioning activities into encapsulated concepts such as roles and groups

Synchronization and Data Flow

Detailed outlines showing how identity information flows from authoritative sources to target systems, attribute transformations required


How to secure the REST, user and file-based interfaces, and to secure the communication protocols involved

Auditing and Reporting

Procedures for auditing and reporting, including who takes responsibility for auditing and reporting, and what information is aggregated and reported. Characteristics of reporting engines provided, or definition of the reporting engine to be integrated.

Technical Requirements

Other technical requirements for the solution such as how to maintain the solution in terms of monitoring, patch management, availability, backup, restore and recovery process. This includes any other components leveraged such as a ConnectorServer and plug-ins for password synchronization on Active Directory, or OpenDJ.

18.1.3. Design

This phase focuses on solution design including on OpenIDM and other components. The deliverables for this phase are the architecture and design documents, and also success criteria with detailed descriptions and test cases to verify when project goals have been met.

18.1.4. Build

This phase builds and tests the solution prior to moving the solution into production.

18.1.5. Production

This phase deploys the solution into production until an application steady state is reached and maintenance routines and procedures can be applied.

Chapter 19. Troubleshooting

When things are not working check this chapter for tips and answers.

19.1. OpenIDM Stopped in Background

When you start OpenIDM in the background without having disabled the text console, the job can stop immediately after startup.

$ ./ &
[2] 346
$ ./
Using OPENIDM_HOME:   /path/to/openidm
Using OPENIDM_OPTS:   -Xmx1024m
Using boot properties at /path/to/openidm/conf/boot/

[2]+  Stopped                 ./

To resolve this problem, make sure you remove openidm/bundle/ before starting OpenIDM, and also remove Felix cache files in openidm/felix-cache/.

19.2. Internal Server Error During Reconciliation or Synchronization

You might see an error message such as the following returned from reconciliation or synchronization.

    "error": "Conflict",
    "description": "Internal Server Error:
        Cowardly refusing to perform reconciliation with an
        empty source object set: Cowardly refusing to perform
        reconciliation with an empty source object set"

This error can be misleading. This usually means the connector is not able to communicate with the target source.

Check the settings for your connector. For example, with the XML connector you get this error if the filename for the source is invalid. With the LDAP connector, you can get this error if your connector cannot contact the target LDAP server.

19.3. The scr list Command Shows Sync Service As Unsatisfied

You might encounter this message in the logs.

WARNING: Loading configuration file /path/to/openidm/conf/sync.json failed
 Configuration for org.forgerock.openidm.sync could not be parsed and may not
     be valid JSON : Unexpected character ('}' (code 125)): expected a value
     at [Source:; line: 24, column: 6]
 at org.forgerock.openidm.config.crypto.ConfigCrypto.parse...
 at org.forgerock.openidm.config.crypto.ConfigCrypto.encrypt...
 at org.forgerock.openidm.config.installer.JSONConfigInstaller.setConfig...

This indicates a syntax error in openidm/conf/sync.json. After fixing your configuration, change to the /path/to/openidm/ directory, and use the validate command to check that your configuration files are valid.

$ cd /path/to/openidm ; ./ validate
Using boot properties at /path/to/openidm/conf/boot/
[Validating] Load JSON configuration files from:
[Validating]  /path/to/openidm/conf
[Validating] audit.json .................................. SUCCESS
[Validating] authentication.json ......................... SUCCESS
[Validating] managed.json ................................ SUCCESS
[Validating] provisioner.openicf-xml.json ................ SUCCESS
[Validating] repo.orientdb.json .......................... SUCCESS
[Validating] router.json ................................. SUCCESS
[Validating] scheduler-reconcile_systemXmlAccounts_managedUser.json  SUCCESS
[Validating] sync.json ................................... SUCCESS

19.4. JSON Parsing Error

You might encounter this error message in the logs.

"Configuration for org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.openicf could not be
 parsed and may not be valid JSON : Unexpected character ('}' (code 125)): 
 was expecting double-quote to start field name"

The error message usually points precisely to the point where the JSON file has the syntax problem. The error above was caused by a excess comma in the JSON file, {"attributeName":{},{},}. The second comma is too much.

The situation usually results in the service the JSON file configures being left in the unsatisfied state.

After fixing your configuration, change to the /path/to/openidm/ directory, and use the validate command to check that your configuration files are valid.

19.5. System Not Available

OpenIDM throws the following error as a result of a reconciliation where the source systems configuration can not be found.

    "error": "Conflict",
    "description": "Internal Server Error:
        System: system/HR/account is not available.:
        System: system/HR/account is not available.:
        System: system/HR/account is not available."

This error occurs when the "name" property value in provisioner.resource.json is changed from HR to something else.

The same error also occurs when a provisioner configuration fails to load due to misconfiguration, or when the path to the data file for a CSV or XML connector is incorrectly set.

19.6. Bad Connector Host Reference in Provisioner Configuration

You might see the following error when a provision configuration loads.

Wait for meta data for config org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.openicf-scriptedsql

In this case the configuration fails to load because some information is missing. One possible cause is a wrong value for connectorHostRef in the provisioner configuration file.

For local Java connector servers, the following rules apply.

  • If the connector .jar is installed as a bundle under openidm/bundle, then the value must be "connectorHostRef" : "osgi:service/org.forgerock.openicf.framework.api.osgi.ConnectorManager",.

  • If the connector .jar is installed as a connector under openidm/connectors, then the value must be "connectorHostRef" : "#LOCAL",.

19.7. Missing Name Attribute

In this case, the situation in the audit recon log shows "NULL".

A missing name attribute error, followed by an IllegalArgumentException, points to misconfiguration of the correlation rule, with the correlation query pointing to the external system. Such queries usually reference the "name" field which, if empty, leads to the error below.

Jan 20, 2012 1:59:58 PM
 org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.openicf.commons.AttributeInfoHelper build
SEVERE: Failed to build name attribute out of [null]
Jan 20, 2012 1:59:58 PM
 org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.openicf.impl.OpenICFProvisionerService query
SEVERE: Operation [query, system/ad/account] failed with Exception on system
 object: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Attribute value must be an
 instance of String.
Jan 20, 2012 1:59:58 PM org.forgerock.openidm.router.JsonResourceRouterService
WARNING: JSON resource exception
org.forgerock.json.resource.JsonResourceException: IllegalArgumentException
 at org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner....OpenICFProvisionerService.query...
 at org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.....OpenICFProvisionerService.handle...
 at org.forgerock.openidm.provisioner.impl.SystemObjectSetService.handle...
 at org.forgerock.json.resource.JsonResourceRouter.handle...

Check your correlationQuery. Another symptom of a broken correlationQuery is that the audit recon log shows a situation of "NULL", and no onCreate, onUpdate or similar scripts are executed.

Appendix A. File Layout

When you unpack and start OpenIDM , you create the following files and directories. Note that the precise paths will depend on the install, project, and working directories that you have selected during startup. For more information, see Specifying the OpenIDM Startup Configuration.


OpenIDM audit log directory default location, created at run time, as configured in openidm/conf/audit.json


Default OpenIDM access audit log


Default OpenIDM activity audit log


Default OpenIDM reconciliation audit log


OpenIDM core libraries and scripts


Script to create an openidmlog log rotation scheduler for inclusion under /etc/logrotate.d/


Script to create an openidm resource definition file for inclusion under /etc/init.d/


Default scripts required to run specific services. In general, you should not modify these scripts. Instead, add customized scripts to the openidm/script folder.


Provides information about the current OpenIDM session.


Provides basic information about the health of an OpenIDM system


Defines each policy and specifies how policy validation is performed


Enforces policy validation


Provides the functions that enforce access rules


Scripts required by the UI


Default workflow scripts

openidm/bin/felix.jar, openidm/bin/openidm.jar, openidm/bin/org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime-0.10.0.jar, openidm/bin/

Files relating to the Apache Felix OSGi framework

openidm/bin/launcher.bat, openidm/bin/launcher.jar, openidm/bin/launcher.json

Files relating to the startup configuration

openidm/bin/LICENSE.TXT, openidm/bin/NOTICE.TXT

Files relating to the Apache Software License

openidm/bin/MonitorService.bat, openidm/bin/prunmgr.exe, openidm/bin/amd64/prunsrv.exe, openidm/bin/i386/prunsrv.exe, openidm/bin/ia64/prunsrv.exe

Files required by the user interface to monitor and configure installed services

openidm/bin/startup/, openidm/bin/startup/OS X - Run OpenIDM In Background.command, openidm/bin/startup/OS X - Run OpenIDM In Terminal Window.command, openidm/bin/startup/OS X - Stop OpenIDM.command

Clickable commands for Mac OS X


Files related to the Activiti workflow engine


OSGi bundles and modules required by OpenIDM. Upgrade can install new and upgraded bundles here.

openidm/cli.bat, openidm/

Management commands for operations such as validating configuration files


OpenIDM configuration files, including .properties files and JSON files. You can also access JSON views through the REST interface.


Audit event publisher configuration file


Authentication configuration file for access to the REST API


OpenIDM bootstrap properties


Felix and OSGi bundle configuration properties


Endpoint configuration files required by the UI for the default workflows


Jetty configuration controlling access to the REST interface


Experimental log configuration


OpenIDM log configuration properties


Managed object configuration file


Default policy configuration


Workflow access configuration


OrientDB internal repository configuration file


Router service configuration file


Scheduler service configuration


System configuration properties used when starting OpenIDM services


Main configuration file for the browser-based user interface


Configurable list of countries available when registering users in the user interface


Configurable list of security questions available when registering users in the user interface


Configuration of the Activiti workflow engine


OpenICF connector libraries. OSGi enabled connector libraries can also be stored in openidm/bundle/.


Internal repository files, including both OrientDB files and data definition language scripts for JDBC based repositories such as MySQL


Bundle cache directory created when the Felix framework is started


OpenIDM service log directory


OpenIDM service log files as configured in openidm/conf/


OpenIDM sample configurations


Sample custom endpoint configuration. For more information, see Adding Custom Endpoints.


Sample that shows how to use the configurable information service. For more information, see Obtaining Information About an OpenIDM Instance.


Sample configuration files


Sample that shows how to protect OpenIDM with OpenAM


Sample connector configuration files


XML file connector sample


OpenDJ connector sample with no back link


OpenDJ connector sample with back link


OpenDJ connector sample synchronizing users' LDAP group membership


OpenDJ connector sample synchronizing LDAP groups


Scripted SQL connector sample for MySQL


CSV connector sample


LDAP to OpenIDM to Active Directory attribute flow sample using XML resources rather than actual directories


LiveSync sample for use with one or two LDAP servers


Sample exposing identities with a SCIM-line schema


Sample demonstrating logging in scripts


Sample showing asynchronous reconciliation with workflows


Sample schedule configuration files


Sample key store, trust store, and certificates


Sample sunset scanning task. For more information, see Scanning Data to Trigger Tasks.


Typical use case of a workflow for provisioning


OpenIDM location for JavaScript files referenced in the configuration


Default authorization policy script


OpenIDM security configuration, key store, and trust store


Script to shutdown OpenIDM services based on the process identifier


Script to start OpenIDM services on Windows


Script to start OpenIDM services on UNIX


OpenIDM graphical UI files


OpenIDM location for BPMN 2.0 workflows and .bar files

Appendix B. Ports Used

By default, OpenIDM listens on the following ports (specified in /path/to/openidm/conf/boot/


HTTP access to the REST API, requiring OpenIDM authentication. This port is not secure, exposing clear text passwords and all data that is not encrypted. This port is therefore not suitable for production use.


HTTPS access to the REST API, requiring OpenIDM authentication


HTTPS access to the REST API, requiring SSL mutual authentication. Clients presenting certificates found in the trust store under openidm/security/ are granted access to the system.

The Jetty configuration (in openidm/conf/jetty.xml) references the ports that are specified in the file.

Appendix C. Data Models and Objects Reference

OpenIDM allows you to customize a variety of objects that can be addressed via a URL or URI, and that have a common set of functions that OpenIDM can perform on them such as CRUD, query, and action.

Depending on how you intend to use them, different objects are appropriate.

Table C.1. OpenIDM Objects
Object TypeIntended UseSpecial Functionality
Managed objectsServe as targets and sources for synchronization, and to build virtual identities.Provide appropriate auditing, script hooks, declarative mappings and so forth in addition to the REST interface.
Configuration objectsIdeal for look-up tables or other custom configuration, which can be configured externally like any other system configuration.Adds file view, REST interface, and so forth
Repository objectsThe equivalent of arbitrary database table access. Appropriate for managing data purely through the underlying data store or repository API.Persistence and API access
System objectsRepresentation of target resource objects, such as accounts, but also resource objects such as groups. 
Audit objectsHouses audit data in the OpenIDM internal repository. 
LinksDefines a relation between two objects. 

C.1. Managed Objects

A managed object in OpenIDM is an object which represents the identity-related data managed by OpenIDM. Managed objects are stored by OpenIDM in its data store. All managed objects are JSON-based data structures.

C.1.1. Managed Object Schema

Managed objects have an associated schema to enforce a specific data structure. Schema is specified using the JSON Schema specification. This is currently an Internet-Draft, with implementations in multiple programming languages.

C.1.1.1. Managed Object Reserved Properties

Top-level properties in a managed object that begin with an underscore ( _ ) are reserved by OpenIDM for internal use, and are not explicitly part of its schema. Internal properties are read-only, and are ignored when provided by the REST API client.

The following properties exist for all managed objects in OpenIDM.



The unique identifier for the object. This value forms a part of the managed object's URI.



The revision of the object. This is the same value that is exposed as the object's ETag through the REST API. The content of this attribute is not defined. No consumer should make any assumptions of its content beyond equivalence comparison. This attribute may be provided by the underlying data store.



The a reference to the schema object that the managed object is associated with.



The revision of the schema that was used for validation when the object was last stored.

C.1.1.2. Managed Object Schema Validation

Schema validation is performed unequivocally whenever an object is stored, and conditionally whenever an object is retrieved from the data store and exhibits a _schema_rev value that differs from the _rev of the schema that the OpenIDM instance currently has for that managed object type. Whenever schema validation is performed, the _schema_rev of the object is updated to contain the _rev value of the current schema.

C.1.1.3. Managed Object Derived Properties

Properties can be defined to be strictly derived from other properties within the object. This allows computed and composite values to be created in the object. Whenever an object undergoes a change, all derived properties are recomputed. The values of derived properties are stored in the data store, and are not recomputed upon retrieval.

C.1.2. Data Consistency

Single-object operations shall be consistent within the scope of the operation performed, limited by capabilities of the underlying data store. Bulk operations shall not have any consistency guarantees. OpenIDM does not expose any transactional semantics in the managed object access API.

All access through the REST API uses the ETag and associated conditional headers: If-Match, If-None-Match. In operations that modify model objects, conditional headers are mandatory.

C.1.3. Managed Object Triggers

Triggers are user-definable functions that validate or modify object or property state.

C.1.3.1. State Triggers

Managed objects are resource-oriented. A set of triggers is defined to intercept the supported request methods on managed objects. Such triggers are intended to perform authorization, redact, or modify objects before the action is performed. The object being operated on is in scope for each trigger, meaning that the object is retrieved by the data store before the trigger is fired.

If retrieval of the object fails, the failure occurs before any trigger is called. Triggers are executed before any optimistic concurrency mechanisms are invoked. The reason for this is to prevent a potential attacker from getting information about an object (including its presence in the data store) before authorization is applied.


Called upon a request to create a new object. Throwing an exception causes the create to fail.


Called upon a request to retrieve a whole object or portion of an object. Throwing an exception causes the object to not be included in the result. This method is also called when lists of objects are retrieved via requests to its container object; in this case, only the requested properties are included in the object. Allows for uniform access control for retrieval of objects, regardless of the method in which they were requested.


Called upon a request to store an object. The "old" and "new" objects are in-scope for the trigger. The "old" object represents a complete object as retrieved from the data store. The trigger can elect to change "new" object properties. If as a result of the trigger the object's "old" and "new" values are identical (that is, update is reverted), the update ends prematurely, though successfully. Throwing an exception causes the update to fail.


Called upon a request to delete an object. Throwing an exception causes the deletion to fail.

C.1.3.2. Object Storage Triggers

An object-scoped trigger applies to an entire object. Unless otherwise specified, the object itself is in scope for the trigger.


Validates an object prior to its storage in the data store. Throws an exception in the event of a validation failure.


Called when an object is retrieved from the data store. Typically used to transform an object after it has been retrieved (for example decryption, JIT data conversion).


Called just prior to when an object is stored in the data store. Typically used to transform an object just prior to its storage (for example, encryption).

C.1.3.3. Property Storage Triggers

A property-scoped trigger applies to a specific property within an object. Only the property itself is in scope for the trigger. No other properties in the object should be accessed during execution of the trigger. Unless otherwise specified, the order of execution of property-scoped triggers is intentionally left undefined.


Validates a given property value after its retrieval from and prior to its storage in the data store. Throws an exception in the event of a validation failure.


Called after an object is retrieved from the data store. Typically used to transform a given property after its object's retrieval.


Called prior to when an object is stored in the data store. Typically used to transform a given property prior to its object's storage.

C.1.3.4. Storage Trigger Sequences

Triggers are executed in the following order:

Object Retrieval Sequence
  1. Retrieve the raw object from the data store

  2. Call object onRetrieve trigger

  3. Per-property within the object:

    • Call property onRetrieve trigger

    • Perform schema validation if _schema_rev does not match (see the Schema Validation section)

Object Storage Sequence
  1. Per-property within the object:

    • Call property onValidate trigger

    • Call object onValidate trigger

  2. Per-property trigger within the object:

    • Call property onStore trigger

    • Call object onStore trigger

    • Store the object with any resulting changes to the data store

C.1.4. Managed Object Encryption

Sensitive object properties can be encrypted prior to storage, typically through the property onStore trigger. The trigger has access to configuration data, which can include arbitrary attributes that you define, such as a symmetric encryption key. Such attributes can be decrypted during retrieval from the data store through the property onRetrieve trigger.

C.1.5. Managed Object Configuration

Configuration of managed objects is provided through an array of managed object configuration objects.

  "objects": [ managed-object-config object, ... ]

array of managed-object-config objects, required

Specifies the objects that the managed object service manages.

Managed-Object-Config Object Properties

Specifies the configuration of each managed object.

  "name"      : string,
  "schema"    : json-schema object,
  "onCreate"  : script object,
  "onRead"    : script object,
  "onUpdate"  : script object,
  "onDelete"  : script object,
  "onValidate": script object,
  "onRetrieve": script object,
  "onStore"   : script object,
  "properties": [ property-configuration object, ... ]

string, required

The name of the managed object. Used to identify the managed object in URIs and identifiers.


json-schema object, optional

The schema to use to validate the structure and content of the managed object. The schema-object format is specified by the JSON Schema specification.


script object, optional

A script object to trigger when the creation of an object is being requested. The object to be created is provided in the root scope as an object property. The script may change the object. If an exception is thrown, the create aborts with an exception.


script object, optional

A script object to trigger when the read of an object is being requested. The object being read is provided in the root scope as an object property. The script may change the object. If an exception is thrown, the read aborts with an exception.


script object, optional

A script object to trigger when an update to an object is requested. The old value of the object being updated is provided in the root scope as an oldObject property. The new value of the object being updated is provided in the root scope as a newObject property. The script may change the newObject. If an exception is thrown, the update aborts with an exception.


script object, optional

A script object to trigger when the deletion of an object is being requested. The object being deleted is provided in the root scope as an object property. If an exception is thrown, the deletion aborts with an exception.


script object, optional

A script object to trigger when the object requires validation. The object to be validated is provided in the root scope as an object property. If an exception is thrown, the validation fails.


script object, optional

A script object to trigger once an object is retrieved from the repository. The object that was retrieved is provided in the root scope as an object property. The script may change the object. If an exception is thrown, then object retrieval fails.


script object, optional

A script object to trigger when an object is about to be stored in the repository. The object to be stored is provided in the root scope as an object property. The script may change the object. If an exception is thrown, then object storage fails.


array of property-config objects, optional

A list of property specifications.

Script Object Properties
  "type"  : "text/javascript",
  "source": string

string, required

Specifies the type of script to be executed. Currently, only "text/javascript" is supported.

source, file

string, required (only one, source or file is required)

Specifies the source code of the script to be executed (if the keyword is "source"), or a pointer to the file that contains the script (if the keyword is "file").

Property Config Properties
  "name"      : string,
  "onValidate": script object,
  "onRetrieve": script object,
  "onStore"   : script object,
  "encryption": property-encryption object

string, required

The name of the property being configured.


script object, optional

A script object to trigger when the property requires validation. The property to be validated is provided in the root scope as the property property. If an exception is thrown, the validation fails.


script object, optional

A script object to trigger once a property is retrieved from the repository. The property that was retrieved is provided in the root scope as the property property. The script may change the property value. If an exception is thrown, then object retrieval fails.


script object, optional

A script object to trigger when a property is about to be stored in the repository. The property to be stored is provided in the root scope as the property property. The script may change the property value. If an exception is thrown, then object storage fails.


property-encryption object, optional

Specifies the configuration for encryption of the property in the repository. If omitted or null, the property is not encrypted.

Property Encryption Object
  "cipher": string,
  "key"   : string

string, optional

The cipher transformation used to encrypt the property. If omitted or null, the default cipher of "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding" is used.


string, required

The alias of the key in the OpenIDM cryptography service keystore used to encrypt the property.

C.1.6. Custom Managed Objects

Managed objects in OpenIDM are inherently fully user definable and customizable. Like all OpenIDM objects, managed objects can maintain relationships to each other in the form of links. Managed objects are intended for use as targets and sources for synchronization operations to represent domain objects, and to build up virtual identities. The name comes from the intention that OpenIDM stores and manages these objects, as opposed to system objects that are present in external systems.

OpenIDM can synchronize and map directly between external systems (system objects), without storing intermediate managed objects. Managed objects are appropriate, however, as a way to cache the data—for example, when mapping to multiple target systems, or when decoupling the availability of systems—to more fully report and audit on all object changes during reconciliation, and to build up views that are different from the original source, such transformed and combined or virtual views. Managed objects can also be allowed to act as an authoritative source if no other appropriate source is available.

Other object types exist for other settings that should be available to a script, such as configuration or look-up tables that do not need audit logging.

C.1.6.1. Setting Up a Managed Object Type

To set up a managed object, you declare the object in the conf/managed.json file where OpenIDM is installed. The following example adds a simple foobar object declaration after the user object type.

    "objects": [
            "name": "user"
            "name": "foobar"

C.1.6.2. Manipulating Managed Objects Declaratively

By mapping an object to another object, either an external system object or another internal managed object, you automatically tie the object life cycle and property settings to the other object. See the chapter on Configuring Synchronization for details.

C.1.6.3. Manipulating Managed Objects Programmatically

You can address managed objects as resources using URLs or URIs with the managed/ prefix. This works whether you address the managed object internally as a script running in OpenIDM or externally through the REST interface.

You can use all resource API functions in script objects for create, read, update, delete operations, and also for arbitrary queries on the object set, but not currently for arbitrary actions. See the Scripting Reference appendix for details.

OpenIDM supports concurrency through a multi version concurrency control (MVCC) mechanism. In other words, each time an object changes, OpenIDM assigns it a new revision.

Objects can be arbitrarily complex as long as they use supported types, such as maps, lists, numbers, strings, and booleans as defined in JSON.

Creating Objects

The following script example creates an object type.

openidm.create("managed/foobar/myidentifier", mymap)
Updating Objects

The following script example updates an object type.

var expectedRev = origMap._rev
openidm.update("managed/foobar/myidentifier", expectedRev, mymap)

The MVCC mechanism requires that expectedRev be set to the expected revision of the object to update. You obtain the revision from the object's _rev property. If something else changes the object concurrently, OpenIDM rejects the update, and you must either retry or inspect the concurrent modification.

Patching Objects

You can partially update a managed object using the patch method, which changes only the specified properties of the object. OpenIDM implements the JSON patch media type version 02, described at

The following script example updates an object type.

openidm.patch("managed/foobar/myidentifier", rev, value)

The patch method supports a revision of "null", which effectively disables the MVCC mechanism, that is, changes are applied, regardless of revision. In the REST interface, this matches the If-Match: "*" condition supported by patch.

The API supports patch by query, so the caller does not need to know the identifier of the object to change.

$ curl
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin"
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin"
 --request POST -d '[{"replace":"/password","value": "Passw0rd"}]' 

For the syntax on how to formulate the query _queryId=for-userName&uid=DDOE see the section called “Querying Object Sets”.

Deleting Objects

The following script example deletes an object type.

var expectedRev = origMap._rev
openidm.delete("managed/foobar/myidentifier", expectedRev)

The MVCC mechanism requires that expectedRev be set to the expected revision of the object to update. You obtain the revision from the object's _rev property. If something else changes the object concurrently, OpenIDM rejects deletion, and you must either retry or inspect the concurrent modification.

Reading Objects

The following script example reads an object type.

val ="managed/foobar/myidentifier")
Querying Object Sets

The following script example queries object type instances.

var params = {
    "_queryId": "my-custom-query-id",
    "mycustomtoken": "samplevalue"
val = openidm.query("managed/foobar", params);

The example sets up a query with ID my-custom-query-id. The query definition (not shown) is found in the repository configuration. The query definition includes the parameter mycustomtoken for token substitution.

An example for a query can be found in chapter Managed Object as Correlation Query Target .

C.1.7. Accessing Managed Objects Through the REST API

OpenIDM exposes all managed object functionality through the REST API unless you configure a policy to prevent such access. In addition to the common REST functionality of create, read, update, delete, patch, and query, the REST API also supports patch by query. See the REST API Reference appendix for details.

OpenIDM requires authentication to access the REST API. Authentication configuration is shown in openidm/conf/authentication.json. The default authorization filter script is openidm/script/router-authz.js.

C.2. Configuration Objects

OpenIDM provides an extensible configuration to allow you to leverage regular configuration mechanisms.

Unlike native OpenIDM configuration, which OpenIDM interprets automatically and can start new services, OpenIDM stores custom configuration objects and makes them available to your code through the API.

See the chapter on Configuration Options for an introduction to standard configuration objects.

C.2.1. When To Use Custom Configuration Objects

Configuration objects are ideal for metadata and settings that need not be included in the data to reconcile. In other words, use configuration objects for data that does not require audit log, and does not serve directly as a target or source for mappings.

Although you can set and manipulate configuration objects both programmatically and also manually, configuration objects are expected to change slowly, perhaps through a mix of both manual file updates and also programmatic updates. To store temporary values that can change frequently and that you do not expect to be updated by configuration file changes, custom repository objects can be more appropriate.

C.2.2. Custom Configuration Object Naming Conventions

By convention custom configuration objects are added under the reserved context, config/custom.

You can choose any name under config/context. Be sure, however, to choose a value for context that does not clash with future OpenIDM configuration names.

C.2.3. Mapping Configuration Objects To Configuration Files

If you have not disabled the file based view for configuration, you can view and edit all configuration including custom configuration in openidm/conf/*.json files. The configuration maps to a file named context-config-name.json, where context for custom configuration objects is custom by convention, and config-name is the configuration object name. A configuration object named escalation thus maps to a file named conf/custom-escalation.json.

OpenIDM detects and automatically picks up changes to the file.

OpenIDM also applies changes made through APIs to the file.

By default, OpenIDM stores configuration objects in the repository. The file view is an added convenience aimed to help you in the development phase of your project.

C.2.4. Configuration Objects File & REST Payload Formats

By default, OpenIDM maps configuration objects to JSON representations.

OpenIDM represents objects internally in plain, native types like maps, lists, strings, numbers, booleans, null. OpenIDM constrains the object model to simple types so that mapping objects to external representations is trivial.

The following example shows a representation of a configuration object with a look-up map.

    "CODE123" : "ALERT",
    "CODE889" : "IGNORE"

In the JSON representation, maps are represented with braces ({ }), and lists are represented with brackets ([ ]). Objects can be arbitrarily complex, as in the following example.

    "CODE123" : {
        "email" : ["", ""],
        "sms" : ["555666777"]
    "CODE889" : "IGNORE"

C.2.5. Accessing Configuration Objects Through the REST API

You can list all available configuration objects, including system and custom configurations, using an HTTP GET on /openidm/config.

The _id property in the configuration object provides the link to the configuration details with an HTTP GET on /openidm/config/id-value. By convention, the id-value for a custom configuration object called escalation is custom/escalation.

OpenIDM supports REST mappings for create, read, update, and delete of configuration objects. Currently OpenIDM does not support patch and custom query operations for configuration objects.

C.2.6. Accessing Configuration Objects Programmatically

You can address configuration objects as resources using the URL or URI config/ prefix both internally and also through the REST interface. The resource API provides script object functions for create, read, update, and delete operations.

OpenIDM supports concurrency through a multi version concurrency control mechanism. In other words, each time an object changes, OpenIDM assigns it a new revision.

Objects can be arbitrarily complex as long as they use supported types, such as maps, lists, numbers, strings, and booleans.

C.2.7. Creating Objects

The following script example creates an object type.

openidm.create("config/custom/myconfig", mymap)

C.2.8. Updating Objects

The following script example updates a custom configuration object type.

openidm.update("config/custom/myconfig", mymap)

C.2.9. Deleting Objects

The following script example deletes a custom configuration object type.


C.2.10. Reading Objects

The following script example reads an object type.

val ="config/custom/myconfig")

C.3. System Objects

System objects are pluggable representations of objects on external systems. They follow the same RESTful resource based design principles as managed objects. There is a default implementation for the OpenICF framework, which allows any connector object to be represented as a system object.

C.4. Audit Objects

Audit objects house audit data selected for local storage in the OpenIDM repository. For details, see the chapter on Using Audit Logs.

Appendix D. Synchronization Reference

The synchronization engine is one of the core services of OpenIDM. You configure the synchronization service through a mappings property that specifies mappings between objects that are managed by the synchronization engine.

  "mappings": [ object-mapping object, ... ]

D.1. Object-Mapping Objects

An object-mapping object specifies the configuration for a mapping of source objects to target objects.

  "name"            : string,
  "source"          : string,
  "target"          : string,
  "links"           : string,
  "validSource"     : script object,
  "validTarget"     : script object,
  "correlationQuery": script object,
  "properties"      : [ property object, ... ],
  "policies"        : [ policy object, ... ],
  "onCreate"        : script object,
  "onUpdate"        : script object,
  "onLink"          : script object,
  "onUnlink"        : script object
Mapping Object Properties

string, required

Uniquely names the object mapping. Used in the link object identifier.


string, required

Specifies the path of the source object set. Example: "managed/user".


string, required

Specifies the path of the target object set. Example: "system/ldap/account".


string, optional

Enables reuse of the links created in another mapping. Example: "systemLdapAccounts_managedUser" reuses the links created by a previous mapping whose name is "systemLdapAccounts_managedUser".


script object, optional

A script that determines if a source object is valid to be mapped. The script yields a boolean value: true indicates the source object is valid; false can be used to defer mapping until some condition is met. In the root scope, the source object is provided in the "source" property. If the script is not specified, then all source objects are considered valid.


script object, optional

A script used during the target phase of reconciliation that determines if a target object is valid to be mapped. The script yields a boolean value: true indicates that the target object is valid; false indicates that the target object should not be included in reconciliation. In the root scope, the target object is provided in the "target" property. If the script is not specified, then all target objects are considered valid for mapping.


script object, optional

A script that yields a query object to query the target object set when a source object has no linked target. The syntax for writing the query depends on the target system of the correlation. See the section on Correlation Queries for examples of some common targets. The source object is provided in the "source" property in the script scope.


array of property-mapping objects, optional

Specifies mappings between source object properties and target object properties, with optional transformation scripts.


array of policy objects, optional

Specifies a set of link conditions and associated actions to take in response.


script object, optional

A script to execute when a target object is to be created, after property mappings have been applied. In the root scope, the source object is provided in the "source" property, projected target object in the "target" property and the link situation that led to the create operation in "situation". The _id property in the target object can be modified, allowing the mapping to select an identifier; if not set then the identifier is expected to be set by the target object set. If the script throws an exception, then target object creation is aborted.


script object, optional

A script to execute when a target object is to be updated, after property mappings have been applied. In the root scope, the source object is provided in the "source" property, projected target object in the "target" property, link situation that led to the update operation in "situation". If the script throws an exception, then target object update is aborted.


script object, optional

A script to execute when a source object is to be linked to a target object, after property mappings have been applied. In the root scope, the source object is provided in the "source" property, projected target object in the "target" property. If the script throws an exception, then target object linking is aborted.


script object, optional

A script to execute when a source and a target object are to be unlinked, after property mappings have been applied. In the root scope, the source object is provided in the "source" property, projected target object in the "target" property. If the script throws an exception, then target object unlinking is aborted.


script object, optional

A script to execute on each mapping event, independent of the nature of the operation. In the root scope, the source object is provided in the "source" property, projected target object in the "target" property. If the script throws an exception, then target object unlinking is aborted.

The "result" script is executed only during reconciliation operations!

D.1.1. Property Objects

A property object specifies how the value of a target property is determined.

  "target" : string,
  "source" : string,
  "transform" : script object,
  "condition" : script object,
  "default": value
Property Object Properties

string, required

Specifies the path of the property in the target object to map to.


string, optional

Specifies the path of the property in the source object to map from. If not specified, then the target property value is derived from the script or default value.


script object, optional

A script to determine the target property value. The root scope contains the value of the source in the "source" property, if specified. If the "source" property has a value of "", then the entire source object of the mapping is contained in the root scope. The resulting value yielded by the script is stored in the target property.


script object, optional

A script to determine whether the mapping should be executed or not. The condition has an "object" property available in root scope, which (if specified) contains the full source object. For example "source": "( != null)". The script is considered to return a boolean value.


any value, optional

Specifies the value to assign to the target property if a non-null value is not established by "source" or "transform". If not specified, the default value is null.

D.1.2. Policy Objects

A policy object specifies a link condition and the associated actions to take in response.

  "situation"  : string,
  "action"     : string or script object
  "postAction" : optional, script object
Policy Object Properties

string, required

Specifies the situation for which an associated action is to be defined.


string or script object, required

Specifies the action to perform. If a script is specified, the script is executed and is expected to yield a string containing the action to perform.


script object, optional

Specifies the action to perform after the previously specified action has completed.

D.1.2.1. Script Object

Script objects take the following form.

  "type"  : "text/javascript",
  "source": string

string, required

Specifies the type of script to be executed. Currently, OpenIDM supports only "text/javascript".


string, required

Specifies the source code of the script to be executed.

D.3. Queries

OpenIDM performs the following queries on a link object set.

  1. Find link(s) for a given firstId object identifier.

    SELECT * FROM links WHERE linkType
         = value AND firstId = value

    Although a single result makes sense, this query is intended to allow multiple results so that this scenario can be handled as an exception.

  2. Select link(s) for a given second object identifier.

    SELECT * FROM links  WHERE linkType 
        = value AND secondId = value

    Although a single result makes sense, this query is intended to allow multiple results so that this scenario can be handled as an exception.

D.4. Reconciliation

OpenIDM performs reconciliation on a per-mapping basis. The process of reconciliation for a given mapping includes these stages.

  1. Iterate through all objects for the object set specified as "source". For each source object, carry out the following steps.

    1. Look for a link to a target object in the link object set, and perform a correlation query (if defined).

    2. Determine the link condition, as well as whether a target object can be found.

    3. Determine the action to perform based on the policy defined for the condition.

    4. Perform the action.

    5. Keep track of the target objects for which a condition and action has already been determined.

    6. Write the results.

  2. Iterate through all object identifiers for the object set specified as "target". For each identifier, carry out the following steps.

    1. Find the target in the link object set.

      Determine if the target object was handled in the first phase.

    2. Determine the action to perform based on the policy defined for the condition.

    3. Perform the action.

    4. Write the results.

  3. Iterate through all link objects, carrying out the following steps.

    1. If the reconId is "my", then skip the object.

      If the reconId is not recognized, then the source or the target is missing.

    2. Determine the action to perform based on the policy.

    3. Perform the action.

    4. Store the reconId identifer in the mapping to indicate that it was processed in this run.


To optimize a reconciliation operation, the reconciliation process does not attempt to correlate source objects to target objects if the set of target objects is empty when the correlation is started. For information on changing this default behaviour, see Reconciliation Optimization.


External synchronized objects expose an API to request immediate synchronization. This API includes the following requests and responses.



POST /openidm/system/xml/account/jsmith?action=sync HTTP/1.1
Response (success)


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Response (synchronization failure)


HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
[JSON representation of error]

Appendix E. REST API Reference

OpenIDM provides a RESTful API for accessing managed objects.

E.1. URI Scheme

The URI scheme for accessing a managed object follows this convention, assuming the OpenIDM web application was deployed at /openidm.


E.2. Object Identifiers

Each managed object has an identifier (expressed as id in the URI scheme) which is used to address the object through the REST API. The REST API allows for the client-generated and server-generated identifiers, through PUT and POST methods. The default server-generated identifier type is a UUID. Object identifiers that begin with underscore ( _ ) are reserved for future use.

E.3. Content Negotiation

The REST API fully supports negotiation of content representation through the Accept HTTP header. Currently, the supported content type is JSON; omitting content-negotiation is equivalent to including the following header:

Accept: application/json

E.4. Conditional Operations

The REST API fully supports conditional operations through the use of the ETag, If-Match and If-None-Match HTTP headers. The use of HTTP conditional operations is the basis of OpenIDM's optimistic concurrency control system. Clients should make requests conditional in order to prevent inadvertent modification of the wrong version of an object.

E.5. Supported Methods

The managed object API uses standard HTTP methods to access managed objects.


Retrieves a managed object in OpenIDM.

Example Request

GET /openidm/managed/user/bdd793f8 HTTP/1.1

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 123
ETag: "0"

[JSON representation of the managed object]

Returns metainformation about a managed object in OpenIDM.

Example Request

HEAD /openidm/managed/user/bdd793f8 HTTP/1.1

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 123
ETag: "0"

Creates or updates a managed object. PUT is the preferred method of creating managed objects.

Example Request: Creating a new object

PUT /openidm/managed/user/5752c0fd9509 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 123
If-None-Match: *

[JSON representation of the managed object to create]

Example Response: Creating a new object

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 45
ETag: "0"

[JSON representation containing metadata (underscore-prefixed) properties]

Example Request: Updating an existing object

PUT /openidm/managed/user/5752c0fd9509 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 123
If-Match: "0"

[JSON representation of managed object to update]

Example Response: Updating an existing object (success)

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 45
ETag: "0"

This return code may change in a future release.

Example Response: Updating an existing object when no version is supplied (version conflict)

HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 89

[JSON representation of error]

Example Response: Updating an existing object when an invalid version is supplied (version conflict)

HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Required
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 89

[JSON representation of error]

The POST method allows arbitrary actions to be performed on managed objects. The _action query parameter defines the action to be performed.

The create action is used to create a managed object. Because POST is neither safe nor idempotent, PUT is the preferred method of creating managed objects, and should be used if the client knows what identifier it wants to assign the object. The response contains the server-generated _id of the newly created managed object.

The POST method create optionally accepts an _id query parameter to specify the identifier to give the newly created object. If an _id is not provided, the server selects its own identifier.

The patch action is used to update one or more attributes of a managed object, without replacing the entire object.

Example Create Request

POST /openidm/managed/user?_action=create HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 123

[JSON representation of the managed object to create]

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 45
ETag: "0"

[JSON representation containing metadata (underscore-prefixed) properties]

Example Patch Request

POST /openidm/managed/user?_action=patch HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 123

[JSON representation of the managed object to create]

Example Response (success)

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
ETag: "1"

Deletes a managed object.

Example Request

DELETE /openidm/managed/user/c3471805b60f
If-Match: "0"

Example Response (success)

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Deleting an existing object when no version is supplied (version conflict)

HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 89

[JSON representation of error]

Example Response: Deleting an existing object when an invalid version is supplied (version conflict)

HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Required
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 89

[JSON representation of error]

Performs a partial modification of a managed object.

See the JSON Patch Internet-Draft for details.

Example Request

PATCH /openidm/managed/user/5752c0fd9509 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/patch+json
Content-Length: 456
If-Match: "0"

[JSON representation of patch document to apply]

Example Response (success)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=1kke440cyv1vivbrid6ljso7b;Path=/
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
ETag: "1"

Updating an existing object when no version is supplied (version conflict)

HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 89

[JSON representation of error]

Example Response: Updating an existing object when an invalid version is supplied (version conflict)

HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Required
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 89

[JSON representation of error]

Appendix F. Scripting Reference

Scripting allows you to customize various aspects of OpenIDM functionality, for example, by providing custom logic between source and target mappings, defining correlation rules, filters, and triggers, and so on.

F.1. Scripting Configuration

You define scripts using script objects, which can either include the code directly in the configuration, or call an external file that contains the script.

Custom scripts should be placed in the script/ folder for your project, for example path/to/openidm/script/. Do not modify or remove the script files located in path/to/openidm/bin/defaults/script/. This folder contains the default scripts that are required to run specific services. Scripts in this folder are not guaranteed to remain constant between product releases.

  "type" : "text/javascript",
  "source": string


  "type" : "text/javascript",
  "file" : file location

string, required

Specifies the type of script to be executed. Currently, OpenIDM supports only"text/javascript".


string, required if file is not specified

Specifies the source code of the script to be executed.


string, required if source is not specified

Specifies the file containing the source code of the script to execute.

F.2. Examples

The following example (included in the sync.json file) returns true if the employeeType is equal to external, otherwise returns false. This script can be useful during reconciliation to establish whether the source object should be a part of the reconciliation, or ignored.

"validTarget": {
   "type" : "text/javascript",
   "source": "target.employeeType == 'external'"

The following example (included in the sync.json file) sets the __PASSWORD__ attribute to defaultpwd when OpenIDM creates a target object.

"onCreate" : {
  "type" : "text/javascript",
  "source": "target.__PASSWORD__ = 'defaultpwd'"

The following example (included in the router.json file) shows a trigger to create Solaris home directories using a script. The script is located in a file, /path/to/openidm/script/createUnixHomeDir.js.

  "filters" : [ {
    "pattern" : "^system/solaris/account$",
    "methods" : [ "create" ],
    "onResponse" : {
      "type" : "text/javascript",
      "file" : "script/createUnixHomeDir.js"
  } ]

F.3. Function Reference

Functions (access to managed objects, system objects, and configuration objects) within OpenIDM are accessible to scripts via the openidm object, which is included in the top-level scope provided to each script.

OpenIDM also provides a logger object to access SLF4J facilities. The following code shows an example:"Parameters passed in: {} {} {}", param1, param2, param3);

To set the log level, use org.forgerock.openidm.script.javascript.JavaScript.level in openidm/conf/

F.3.1. openidm.create(id, value)

This function creates a new resource object.



The identifier of the object to be created.



The value of the object to be created.

  • The created OpenIDM resource object.

  • An exception is thrown if the object could not be created.

F.3.2. openidm.patch(id, rev, value)

This function performs a partial modification of a managed object. Unlike the update function, only the modified attributes are provided, not the entire object.



The identifier of the object to be updated.



The revision of the object to be updated, or null if the object is not subject to revision control.



The value of the modifications to be applied to the object.

  • The modified OpenIDM resource object.

  • An exception is thrown if the object could not be updated.


This function reads and returns an OpenIDM resource object.



The identifier of the object to be read.

  • The read OpenIDM resource object, or null if not found.

F.3.4. openidm.update(id, rev, value)

This function updates a resource object.



The identifier of the resource object to be updated.



The revision of the object to be updated, or null if the object is not subject to revision control.



The value of the object to be updated.

  • The modified OpenIDM resource object.

  • An exception is thrown if the object could not be updated.

F.3.5. openidm.delete(id, rev)

This function deletes a resource object.



The identifier of the object to be deleted.



The revision of the object to be deleted, or null if the object is not subject to revision control.

  • A null value if successful.

  • An exception is thrown if the object could not be deleted.

Note that delete is a reserved word in JavaScript and this function can therefore not be called in the usual manner. To call delete from a JavaScript, you must specify the call as shown in the following example:

openidm['delete']('managed/user/'+ user._id, user._rev)

Calling openidm.delete() directly from a JavaScript results in an error similar to the following:

                org.forgerock.openidm.script.ScriptException: missing name after . operator

F.3.6. openidm.query(id, params)

This function performs a query on the specified OpenIDM resource object.



The identifier of the object to perform the query on.



An object containing the query ID and its parameters.

  • The result of the query. A query result includes the following parameters:


    The time, in milliseconds, that OpenIDM took to process the query.


    (For an OrientDB repository only) the time, in milliseconds, taken to convert the data to a JSON object.


    The list of entries retrieved by the query. The result includes the revision ("_rev") of the entry and any other properties that were requested in the query.

    The following example shows the result of a custom query that requests the ID, user name, and email address of managed users in the repository. For an OrientDB repository, the query would be something like select _openidm_id, userName, email from managed_user,.

      "conversion-time-ms": 0,
      "result": [
          "email": "",
          "userName": "bjensen",
          "_rev": "0",
          "_id": "36bbb745-517f-4695-93d0-998e1e7065cf"
          "email": "",
          "userName": "scarter",
          "_rev": "0",
          "_id": "cc3bf6f0-949e-4699-9b8e-8c78ce04a287"
      "query-time-ms": 1
  • An exception is thrown if the given query could not be processed.

F.3.7. openidm.action(id, params, value)

This function performs an action on the specified OpenIDM resource object.



The identifier of the object on which the action should be performed.



An object containing the parameters to pass to the action.



A value that can be provided to the action for processing.

  • The result of the action. May be null if no result is provided.

  • An exception is thrown if the given action could not be executed for any reason.

F.3.8. openidm.encrypt(value, cipher, alias)

This function encrypts a value.



The value to be encrypted.



The cipher with which to encrypt the value, using the form "algorithm/mode/padding" or just "algorithm". Example: AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding.



The key alias in the key store with which to encrypt the node.

  • The value, encrypted with the specified cipher and key.

  • An exception is thrown if the object could not be encrypted for any reason.

F.3.9. openidm.decrypt(value)

This function decrypts a value.



The value to be decrypted.

  • A deep copy of the value, with any encrypted value decrypted.

  • An exception is thrown if the object could not be decrypted for any reason.

F.3.10. logger.debug(string message, object... params)

Logs a message at DEBUG level.



The message format to log. Params replace {} in your message.



Arguments to include in the message.

  • A null value if successful.

  • An exception is thrown if the message could not be logged.

F.3.11. logger.error(string message, object... params)

Logs a message at ERROR level.



The message format to log. Params replace {} in your message.



Arguments to include in the message.

  • A null value if successful.

  • An exception is thrown if the message could not be logged.

F.3.12. message, object... params)

Logs a message at INFO level.



The message format to log. Params replace {} in your message.



Arguments to include in the message.

  • A null value if successful.

  • An exception is thrown if the message could not be logged.

F.3.13. logger.trace(string message, object... params)

Logs a message at TRACE level.



The message format to log. Params replace {} in your message.



Arguments to include in the message.

  • A null value if successful.

  • An exception is thrown if the message could not be logged.

F.3.14. logger.warn(string message, object... params)

Logs a message at WARN level.



The message format to log. Params replace {} in your message.



Arguments to include in the message.

  • A null value if successful.

  • An exception is thrown if the message could not be logged.

F.4. Places to Trigger Scripts

Scripts can be triggered at different places, by different events.

In openidm/conf/sync.json
Triggered by situation

onCreate, onUpdate, onDelete, onLink, onUnlink

Object filter

vaildSource, validTarget

Correlating objects


Triggered on any reconciliation


Scripts inside properties

condition, transform

sync.json supports only one script per hook. If multiple scripts are defined for the same hook, only the last one is kept.

In openidm/conf/managed.json

onCreate, onRead, onUpdate, onDelete, onValidate, onRetrieve and onStore

managed.json supports only one script per hook. If multiple scripts are defined for the same hook, only the last one is kept.

In openidm/conf/router.json

onRequest, onResponse, onFailure

router.json supports multiple scripts per hook.

F.5. Variables Available in Scripts

The variables that are available to scripts depend on the triggers that launch the script. The following section outlines the available variables, per trigger.





Custom endpoint scripts



object, source, target




source, target




object, property


object, property


source, target


oldObject, newObject


object, property


source, target

synchronization situation scripts

recon.actionParam - the details of the synchronization operation in progress. This variable can be used for asynchronous callbacks to execute the action at a later stage.

sourceAction - a boolean that indicates whether the situation was assessed during the source phase

source (if found)

target (if found)

The properties from the configured script object.


input, objectID







F.6. Debugging OpenIDM Scripts

OpenIDM includes Eclipse JSDT libraries so you can use Eclipse to debug your OpenIDM scripts during development.

Procedure F.1. To Enable Debugging

Follow these steps to enable debugging using Eclipse.

  1. Install the environment to support JavaScript development in either of the following ways.

  2. Create an empty JavaScript project called External JavaScript Source in Eclipse.

    Eclipse then uses the External JavaScript Source directory in the default workspace location to store sources that it downloads from OpenIDM.

  3. Stop OpenIDM.

  4. Edit openidm/conf/boot/ to enable debugging.

    1. Uncomment and edit the following line.


      Here suspend=y prevents OpenIDM from starting until the remote JavaScript debugger has connected. You might therefore choose to set this to suspend=n.

    2. Uncomment and edit the following line.

      #openidm.script.javascript.sources=/Eclipse/workspace/External JavaScript Source/

      Adjust /Eclipse/workspace/External JavaScript Source/ to match the absolute path to this folder including the trailing / character. On Windows, also use forward slashes, such asC:/Eclipse/workspace/External JavaScript Source/.

      Each time OpenIDM loads a new script, it then creates or overwrites the file in the External JavaScript Source directory. Before toggling breakpoints, be sure to refresh the source manually in Eclipse so you have the latest version.

  5. Prepare the Eclipse debugger to allow you to set breakpoints.

    In the Eclipse Debug perspective, select the Breakpoints tab, and then click the Add Script Load Breakpoint icon to open the list of scripts.

    In the Add Script Load Breakpoint window, select your scripts, and then click OK.

  6. Start OpenIDM, and connect the debugger.

    To create a new debug, configuration click Run > Debug Configurations... > Remote JavaScript > New button, and then set the port to 9888 as shown above.

Appendix G. Router Service Reference

The OpenIDM router service provides the uniform interface to all objects in OpenIDM: managed objects, system objects, configuration objects, and so on.

G.1. Configuration

The router object as shown in conf/router.json defines an array of filter objects.

  "filters": [ filter object, ... ]

The required filters array defines a list of filters to be processed on each router request. Filters are processed in the order in which they are specified in this array.

G.1.1. Filter Objects

Filter objects are defined as follows.

  "pattern": string,
  "methods": [ string, ... ],
  "condition": script object,
  "onRequest": script object,
  "onResponse": script object,
  "onFailure": script object

string, optional

Specifies a regular expression pattern matching the JSON pointer of the object to trigger scripts. If not specified, all identifiers (including null) match.


array of strings, optional

One or more methods for which the script(s) should be triggered. Supported methods are: "create", "read", "update", "delete", "patch", "query", "action". If not specified, all methods are matched.


script object, optional

Specifies a script that is called first to determine if the script should be triggered. If the condition yields "true", the other script(s) are executed. If no condition is specified, the script(s) are called unconditionally.


script object, optional

Specifies a script to execute before the request is dispatched to the resource. If the script throws an exception, the method is not performed, and a client error response is provided.


script object, optional

Specifies a script to execute after the request is successfully dispatched to the resource and a response is returned. Throwing an exception from this script does not undo the method already performed.


script object, optional

Specifies a script to execute if the request resulted in an exception being thrown. Throwing an exception from this script does not undo the method already performed.

G.1.2. Script Execution Sequence

All "onRequest" and "onResponse" scripts are executed in sequence. First, the "onRequest" scripts are executed from the top down, then the "onResponse" scripts are executed from the bottom up.

client -> filter 1 onRequest -> filter 2 onRequest -> resource
client <- filter 1 onResponse <- filter 2 onResponse <- resource

The following sample router.json file shows the order in which the scripts would be executed:

    "filters" : [
            "onRequest" : {
                "type" : "text/javascript",
                "file" : "script/router-authz.js"
            "pattern" : "^managed/user/.*",
            "methods" : [
            "onRequest" : {
                "type" : "text/javascript",
                "source" : "java.lang.System.out.println('requestFilter 1');"
            "pattern" : "^managed/user/.*",
            "methods" : [
            "onResponse" : {
                "type" : "text/javascript",
                "source" : "java.lang.System.out.println('responseFilter 1');"
            "pattern" : "^managed/user/.*",
            "methods" : [
            "onRequest" : {
                "type" : "text/javascript",
                "source" : "java.lang.System.out.println('requestFilter 2');"
            "pattern" : "^managed/user/.*",
            "methods" : [
            "onResponse" : {
                "type" : "text/javascript",
                "source" : "java.lang.System.out.println('responseFilter 2');"

Will produce a log like:

requestFilter 1
requestFilter 2
responseFilter 2
responseFilter 1    

G.1.3. Script Scope

Scripts are provided with the following scope.

  "openidm": openidm-functions object,
  "request": resource-request object,
  "response": resource-response object,
  "exception": exception object

openidm-functions object

Provides access to OpenIDM resources.


resource-request object

The resource-request context, which has one or more parent contexts. Provided in the scope of "condition", "onRequest", "onResponse" and "onFailure" scripts.


openidm-functions object

The response to the resource-request. Only provided in the scope of the "onResponse" script.


exception object

The exception value that was thrown as a result of processing the request. Only provided in the scope of the "onFailure" script.

An exception object is defined as follows.

  "error": integer,
  "reason": string,
  "message": string,
  "detail": string


The numeric code of the exception.



The short reason phrase of the exception.



A brief message describing the exception.


(optional), string

A detailed description of the exception, in structured JSON format, suitable for programmatic evaluation.

G.2. Example

The following example executes a script after a managed user object is created or updated.

    "filters": [
            "pattern": "^managed/user/.*",
            "methods": [
            "onResponse": {
                "type": "text/javascript",
                "file": "scripts/afterUpdateUser.js"

Appendix H. Embedded Jetty Configuration

OpenIDM includes an embedded Jetty web server.

To configure the embedded Jetty server, edit openidm/conf/jetty.xml. OpenIDM delegates most of the connector configuration to jetty.xml. OSGi and PAX web specific settings for connector configuration therefore do not have an effect. This lets you take advantage of all Jetty capabilities, as the web server is not configured through an abstraction that might limit some of the options.

The Jetty configuration can reference configuration properties (such as port numbers and key store details) from OpenIDM's configuration file.

H.1. Using OpenIDM Configuration Properties in the Jetty Configuration

OpenIDM exposes a Param class that you can use in jetty.xml to include OpenIDM configuration. The Param class exposes Bean properties for common Jetty settings and generic property access for other, arbitrary settings.

H.1.1. Accessing Explicit Bean Properties

To retrieve an explicit Bean property, use the following syntax in jetty.xml.

<Get class="org.forgerock.openidm.jetty.Param" name="<bean property name>"/>

For example, to set a Jetty property for keystore password:

<Set name="password">
    <Get class="org.forgerock.openidm.jetty.Param" name="keystorePassword"/>

Also see the bundled jetty.xml for further examples.

The following explicit Bean properties are available.


Maps to openidm.port.http


Maps to openidm.port.https


Maps to openidm.port.mutualauth


Maps to openidm.keystore.type


Maps to openidm.keystore.provider


Maps to openidm.keystore.location


Maps to openidm.keystore.password


Maps to openidm.keystore.key.password, or the key store password if not set


Maps to openidm.truststore.location, or the key store location if not set


Maps to openidm.truststore.password, or the key store password if not set

H.1.2. Accessing Generic Properties

<Call class="org.forgerock.openidm.jetty.Param" name="getProperty">

H.2. Jetty Default Settings

By default the embedded Jetty server uses the following settings.

  • The HTTP, SSL, and Mutual Authentication ports defined in OpenIDM

  • Same key store/trust store settings as OpenIDM

  • Trivial sample realm, openidm/security/ to add users

The default settings are intended for evaluation only. Adjust them according to your production requirements.

H.3. Registering Additional Servlet Filters

You can register generic servlet filters in the embedded Jetty server to perform additional filtering tasks on requests to or responses from OpenIDM. For example, you might want to use a servlet filter to protect access to OpenIDM with an access management product such, as OpenAM. Servlet filters are configured in files named openidm/conf/servletfilter-name.json. These servlet filter configuration files define the filter class, required libraries, and other settings.

A sample servlet filter configuration is provided in openidm/samples/openam. The sample configuration includes the servlet filter configuration file (conf/servletfilter-openam.json) and the extension script that implements the filter (script/security/populateContext.js).

The sample servlet filter configuration file is shown below:

    "classPathURLs" : [
    "systemProperties" : {
        "openam.agents.bootstrap.dir" : "/jetty_v61_agent/Agent_001/config"
    "requestAttributes" : {
        "openidm.authinvoked" : "servletfilter-openam"
    "scriptExtensions" : {
        "augmentSecurityContext" : {
            "type" : "text/javascript",
            "file" : "script/security/populateContext.js"
    "filterClass" : "com.sun.identity.agents.filter.AmAgentFilter"

The sample configuration includes the following properties:


The URLs to any required classes or libraries that should be added to the classpath used by the servlet filter class


Any additional Java system properties required by the filter


The HTTP Servlet request attributes that will be set by OpenIDM when the filter is invoked. OpenIDM expects certain request attributes to be set by any module that protects access to it, so this helps in setting these expected settings.


Optional script extensions to OpenIDM. Currently only "augmentSecurityContext" is supported. A script that is defined in augmentSecurityContext is executed by OpenIDM after a successful authentication request. The script helps to populate the expected security context in OpenIDM. For example, the login module (servlet filter) might select to supply only the authenticated user name, while the associated roles and user ID can be augmented by the script.

Only JavaScript is supported ("type":"text/javascript"). The script can be provided inline ("source":script source) or in a file ("file":filename). The sample filter extends the filter interface with the functionality in the script script/security/populateContext.js.


The servlet filter that is being registered

The following additional properties can be configured for the filter:


The HTTP context under which the filter should be registered. The default is "openidm".


A list of servlet names to which the filter should apply. The default is "OpenIDM REST".


A list of URL patterns to which the filter applies. The default is ["/openidm/*", "/openidmui/*"].


Filter configuration initialization parameters that are passed to the servlet filter init method. For more information, see

When a servlet filter is used to integrate an access management product, the specific servlet filter that is used, and the configuration that is associated with that filter, is product-specific. The sample configuration in openidm/samples/openam is specific to OpenAM. For a detailed description of the OpenAM implementation, see Protecting OpenIDM With OpenAM.

Appendix I. Release Levels & Interface Stability

This appendix includes ForgeRock definitions for product release levels and interface stability.

I.1. Open Identity Platform Product Release Levels

Open Identity Platform defines Major, Minor, and Maintenance product release levels. The release level is reflected in the version number. The release level tells you what sort of compatibility changes to expect.

Major (version: x[.0.0], trailing 0s are optional)

Major releases bring big new features. Major releases can include changes even to Stable interfaces. Major releases can remove previously Deprecated functionality, and in rare cases remove Evolving functionality that has not been explicitly Deprecated. Major releases also include the changes present in previous Minor and Maintenance releases.

Minor (version: x.y[.0], trailing 0s are optional)

Minor releases might include new features, backwards-compatible changes to Stable interfaces in the same Major release, and incompatible changes to Evolving interfaces. Minor releases can remove previously Deprecated functionality. Minor releases also include the changes present in Maintenance releases.

Maintenance (version: x.y.z)

Maintenance releases can include bug fixes. Maintenance releases are intended to be fully compatible with previous versions from the same Minor release.

I.2. Open Identity Platform Product Interface Stability

Open Identity Platform products support many protocols, APIs, GUIs, and command-line interfaces. Some of these interfaces are standard and very stable. Others offer new functionality that is continuing to evolve.

We realize that you invest in these interfaces, and therefore must know when and how Open Identity Platform Community expects them to change. For that reason, Open Identity Platform Community defines interface stability labels and uses these definitions in Open Identity Platform products.


This documented interface is expected to undergo only backwards-compatible changes between major releases. Changes are announced at least one minor release before they take effect.


This documented interface is continuing to evolve and so is expected to change, potentially in backwards-incompatible ways even in a minor release. Changes are documented at the time of product release.

While new protocols and APIs are still in the process of standardization, they are Evolving. This applies for example to recent Internet-Draft implementations, and also to newly developed functionality.


This interface is deprecated and likely to be removed in a future release. For previously stable interfaces, the change was likely announced in a previous release. Deprecated interfaces will be removed from Open Identity Platform products.


This interface was deprecated in a previous release and has now been removed from the product.


Internal and undocumented interfaces can change without notice. If you depend on one of these interfaces, contact Open Identity Platform support to discuss your needs.

OpenIDM Glossary


JavaScript Object Notation, a lightweight data interchange format based on a subset of JavaScript syntax. For more information, see the JSON site.

managed object

An object that represents the identity-related data managed by OpenIDM. Managed objects are configurable, JSON-based data structures that OpenIDM stores in its pluggable repository. The default configuration of a managed object is that of a user, but you can define any kind of managed object, for example, groups or roles.


A policy that is defined between a source object and a target object during reconciliation or synchronization. A mapping can also define a trigger for validation, customization, filtering, and transformation of source and target objects.


A module system and service platform for the Java programming language that implements a complete and dynamic component model. For a good introduction, see the OSGi site. OpenIDM services are designed to run in any OSGi container, but OpenIDM currently runs in Apache Felix.


During reconciliation, comparisons are made between managed objects and objects on source or target systems. Reconciliation can result in one or more specified actions, including, but not limited to, synchronization.


An external system, database, directory server, or other source of identity data to be managed and audited by the identity management system.


Representational State Transfer. A software architecture style for exposing resources, using the technologies and protocols of the World Wide Web. REST describes how distributed data objects, or resources, can be defined and addressed.

source object

In the context of reconciliation, a source object is a data object on the source system, that OpenIDM scans before attempting to find a corresponding object on the target system. Depending on the defined mapping, OpenIDM then adjusts the object on the target system (target object).


The synchronization process creates, updates, or deletes objects on a target system, based on the defined mappings from the source system. Synchronization can be scheduled or on demand.

system object

A pluggable representation of an object on an external system. For example, a user entry that is stored in an external LDAP directory is represented as a system object in OpenIDM for the period during which OpenIDM requires access to that entry.System objects follow the same RESTful resource-based design principles as managed objects.

target object

In the context of reconciliation, a target object is a data object on the target system, that OpenIDM scans after locating its corresponding object on the source system. Depending on the defined mapping, OpenIDM then adjusts the target object to match the corresponding source object.



accessing, Accessing Data Objects


File layout, File Layout


Keytool, keytool


Troubleshooting, Troubleshooting